irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030717

00:00.01*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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00:07.01captain_protonTypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
00:07.11captain_protondef __init__(self, viewport, scene=None):
00:20.23CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/ (5 files in 2 dirs): separate anaglyph into a view and a gameview
00:22.38*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
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01:53.45scanline <-- I'm going to have to show this to MrApathyCream :)
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02:00.34fiberchunkslo all
02:00.52fiberchunkswe won! :)
02:02.31scanlinecaptain_proton: cute
02:03.01scanlineI think we need a commaned line doodad that knows more about different views than just how to initialize them though
02:03.06scanlineer, command line
02:03.33scanlinethe tricky part about that is the supported command line options would change depending on which UI you select
02:03.56scanlineso.. you might have to do things like "./ -u 3D --help"
02:07.18captain_protonwould also be nice for it to be able to automatically select a view like it does a gameview
02:14.01scanlinehooray for "from __future__ import division"
02:14.21captain_protonwhats __future__ ?
02:14.32scanlineit's how python gradually introduces features
02:15.05scanlinethey want to change the / operator so that 1/2 == 0.5, so that it makes sense to math people and normal people rather than just C people
02:15.18scanlinethere will be a new // operator that does floor division
02:15.28*** join/#bzflag Michaelh (
02:15.33scanlineso in python 2.2, you can optionally use the new / operator with that import
02:15.56scanlinein python 2.3, it will still be optional, but IIRC there will be a warning any time you use it on two integers
02:16.01scanlinethen in 3.0 they'll change it for good
02:16.33MichaelhI'm thinking of implementing a server side silence command/option.......
02:16.51captain_protonwhats wrong with the client-side?
02:17.17MichaelhI just think it would be perfect for some loud mouths -- completely stop them from communicating with anyone...
02:17.40Michaelhpeople that bug everyone, more or less
02:17.43captain_protoni think its fine to have it up to the individual players
02:18.40Michaelhfood for thought ..
02:23.58CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs): New PeriodicFunction, SineFunction, and RampFunction classes for Animated. Use RampFunction for a cleaner implementation of AnimatedTexture.
02:29.48CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Change the calling signature of Animated.Value and Animated.Vector to give the initial value a default of zero
02:33.25CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Make the spinny-widget a spinny-springy-widget
02:37.05*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
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02:44.33captain_protoni wonder if i'm doing stereo wrong
02:46.29scanlineoh no!
02:47.36CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Convert viewport and font code to top-left origin
02:48.42captain_protoni decided to look at some anaglyph images on the web
02:48.52captain_protonand it looks like they're all focused to inifinity
02:49.10scanlineah.. they just translate the scene without angling the eye?
02:51.57Michaelhthe answer is ....
02:52.15scanlineah.. they just translate the scene without angling the eye?
02:52.52CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI ( Fix radar for recent display list and viewport changes
02:54.04CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI ( Unbreak HUD
02:54.25*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
02:54.38CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/doc (TODO): Remove completed items
02:56.10Michaelhsince we are doing python how about a little java ? :)
02:56.19scanlinehow is python anything like java?
02:56.34Michaelhoohhh ouchy!
02:56.36JBDiGrizjython! ;-)
02:56.40scanlineJBDiGriz: :)
02:56.53scanlinehmm.. wonder if pyopengl works in jython? :)
02:57.19JBDiGrizI haven't investigated it at all. It might be interesting, and then Michaelh will contribute! ;-)
02:58.01MichaelhI have contributed some things -- a little busy lately
02:58.25MichaelhI was thinking perhaps of some applet that you could stick on a webpage..
02:58.52scanlinethat's a pretty innovative use for an applet
02:59.02JBDiGriz~seen quol
02:59.07quol is currently on #bzflag (3h 39m 6s)
02:59.07Michaelhsticking it on a webpage ?
02:59.17scanlinewhat would it do?
02:59.36scanlineyou can't connect to bzflag servers from an applet unless they're on the same host
02:59.38MichaelhI don't know, I suppose it could log into a server and show the field..... you've done something like right?
02:59.56Michaelhit needs to be signed..... doesn't it?
03:00.11scanlineyou tell me
03:00.17JBDiGrizscanline: You can connect to bzflag servers, you just need to get explicit permission
03:00.33Michaelhneeds to be signed .. then you get the "Ok to install?" msg
03:01.00scanline <-- any of those views can attach to a bzflag client
03:01.03Michaelhjust a thought
03:01.16scanlineso yes.. if you could use jython, we do have code for an observer client
03:01.40Michaelhso does that basically create a python interpreter?
03:02.00scanlinethat's what jython is.. an implementation of python in java
03:02.24Michaelhor better yet... how about an activeX control :)
03:02.25scanlinepython is just a langauge spec and a collection of standard libraries.. there are a couple implementations, like CPython and Jython.. maybe others
03:02.42Michaelhnice and cross platform :)
03:03.05scanlineI think it's something that would better be done server-side though...
03:03.30scanlineseems like something I'd never use if I had to make java work, and I would use if I could just load up a webpage and see a long list of battlefield thumbnails
03:03.45Michaelhso has work on the c++ code suddenly ground to a halt?
03:04.04scanlineif by ground to a halt you mean captain_proton hasn't worked on it in the last couple days, then yes
03:04.25Michaelhwhat were the latest plans for changes there?
03:04.42MichaelhI mean
03:04.46scanlinelots of messing around with the protocol still
03:04.50scanlinebugfixes in the server...
03:05.04Michaelhnot quite my cup of tea
03:05.31MichaelhI'd need a network wouldn't I to really test network things ?
03:05.41scanlineyou're talking to me now, you have a network
03:05.42Michaelhoutside of dialup that is
03:06.10scanlineyou could optimize the protocol for dialup connections :)
03:06.10Michaelhoh well never mind.....
03:06.24Michaelhslow everyone down to 56k :)
03:06.38Michaelhwe don't need more than 40k/s :)
03:06.46scanlinenah.. just add timestamps to the packets so the client can correct for lag more than it does now
03:07.16scanlinewell what do you want to work on? enhancing the graphics? fixing bugs? working on something new and fresh and crazy?
03:07.24bryjendidn't somebody try that?
03:08.05MichaelhI do misc. improvements, that's what I do
03:08.38MichaelhI'm a feature creep
03:09.24MichaelhI would have to say that the graphics could use a little work
03:09.44MichaelhBeen staring at the same grass and fake end of world walls for quite some time.....
03:10.07MichaelhI suppose the walls make more sense when you can't jump
03:10.34MichaelhPerhaps they shouldn't be 1 dimensional?
03:10.38bryjenooooo shiny
03:11.02MichaelhI'm no graphics expert.....
03:11.03scanlineI think the walls should just be replaced with a force field that glows and crackles when you touch it
03:11.16scanlinethe walls aren't 1D, they're 2D
03:11.24Michaelhwell they look 1D :)
03:11.38bryjenheight & width. no depth
03:11.43MichaelhMaybe if they were textured and had some depth
03:11.48Michaelhlook a little better
03:12.01Michaelhpicky huh?
03:12.12scanlinethe walls are textured
03:12.20MichaelhI suppose it's buried somewhere in the code.....
03:12.33scanlineit's just that the textures suck
03:12.38*** join/#bzflag learner2 (
03:13.14Michaelhand how do we know you are the real learner?
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03:13.49Michaelhwould learned "please stand up now"
03:13.57*** part/#bzflag Quol (
03:14.16Michaelhthe first lesson of how not to be seen is *not* to stand up!
03:16.49Michaelhhas anyone made real controls for open gl like drop down boxes, etc?
03:17.23scanlineMichaelh: why?
03:17.47Michaelhwouldn't that be a little niftier?
03:17.54scanlineI know of two widget sets that can render to OpenGL
03:18.17MichaelhI know we all love tab and all
03:18.40Michaelh-- not quite saying I could do it...
03:18.47Patlabor221pico and what other?
03:19.14Patlabor221I saw one made in delphi once :)
03:19.35scanlinewell, I guess I'm just talking about toolkits that aren't primarily for OpenGL but can do OpenGL
03:19.51scanlineI haven't looked much at the ones only for OpenGL, because they generally haven't had nearly enough thought put into them
03:20.22Patlabor221probably not enought for a general gui, no
03:20.27captain_protonscanline: see if you can figure out the camera configuration in this image:
03:21.09scanlinearbitrary? :)P
03:21.11scanlineer, :)
03:21.36captain_protonbecause that image is working a lot better than ours
03:22.16scanlineit just looks wrong though..
03:22.21scanlinewithout the glasses, that is
03:22.32captain_protonthats why i'm getting confused
03:22.51Michaelhso to do 3d you just move the camera over a bit, right?
03:23.12Michaelhstereo stuff I mean
03:24.50*** join/#bzflag SGI (
03:25.03captain_protonits not quite so simple
03:25.06captain_protonbut something like that
03:25.39SGIwow ...
03:25.43CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files): Stick a 'Hello World' on the HUD
03:28.54Patlabor221helllloooooo nurse
03:29.07Patlabor221your UV maps are wrong
03:29.36scanlineer, coughs
03:29.40scanline*my* UV maps?
03:32.14captain_protonthats because those are all for the old texture
03:32.43Patlabor221it's not supost to do that on the top
03:32.46Patlabor221even in the old texture
03:33.28Patlabor221looks like your using my new texture, it was made to use the same UVs as the BZ TP ( well as crapy as they were ).
03:34.30Patlabor221the UVs used by BZedit are as good a they can get for that model
03:38.26captain_protoni don't care so much at this point
03:40.38CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (3 files): Fix HUD.Text
03:47.16*** part/#bzflag fiberchunks (
03:51.11captain_protonhmm, ok
03:51.31captain_protonso against a white background, red actually appears in the -blue- eye
03:51.39captain_protonbut against black, it appears in the red
04:10.30learnerpat or cap, is there a file that has a list of the registration commands somewhere?
04:11.01learnerone of you pointed me to one at some point in the past
04:12.22*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
04:12.37learnerheh, nobody's answering :)
04:13.21JBDiGrizUse the source, luke!
04:19.55*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
04:20.40bryjen isn't very helpful
04:21.08Patlabor221somone blew it out
04:21.36bryjenI thought there used to be something there...
04:22.33bzgirlhi Chiko
04:22.40captain_protonlearner: man page :P
04:22.41bryjenfreckles, eh
04:22.48bryjenman bzfs
04:23.18Chikoritahi bzgirl
04:23.20JBDiGrizThat's what rtfm means, read the freckles manual!
04:24.10fiberchunksah that's where it is...muchos gracias senor labor
04:24.37*** part/#bzflag SGI (
04:24.50learneryay, helpful answers :)
04:24.56learnerhi, chika :)
04:25.13ChikoritaHi learner :) :)
04:25.15learnerthanks, luke :) heheh
04:25.41Chikoritai could use a friend right now ..
04:26.03JBDiGrizThere are several around here, but virtual hugs only.
04:26.36fiberchunkswe're all friends here
04:26.50Chikoritai'd take a virtual hug least it sumtin
04:27.17bzgirlwhats wrong?
04:27.27JBDiGrizConsider yourself the recipient of at least 15, since everyone here would join in.
04:27.48Chikoritaaww thank ums :)
04:28.20Chikoritagroup huginz :) :)
04:28.26Patlabor221fibers only allowd if your over 18, or then the restraining order kicks in
04:28.39fiberchunkshey! don't tell anyone about that ;)
04:29.04learnerha ha
04:29.09JBDiGrizI don't think the restraining order covered computer activities in his case.
04:29.28fiberchunkspr0n0 r0x0rz ;)
04:29.47JBDiGrizdyslexics untie!
04:30.21CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI ( fix it a little
04:30.41Chikorita~dict customizable
04:30.44Patlabor221I found the RPG mod we need, but we'll never get it
04:30.49Chikoritac i knew it
04:30.57fiberchunkswhat mod is that, and for what board?
04:31.19Patlabor221thing presently have over 600 people on line
04:31.46Patlabor221I'm presently browsing there image archive in an atempt to get enough money for new pants
04:32.18fiberchunksyou and capt_p
04:32.35Patlabor221full parametric avatar creation
04:32.56fiberchunksman, that's powered by phpbb -- I'm sure it's out there somewhere
04:33.20Patlabor221guy had posted on the phpbb forums
04:33.31Patlabor221worked it out for over 6motths
04:33.57Patlabor221wonder if I could buy it off im
04:34.08fiberchunksI dig the movable avatars and little text box thingies
04:34.46Patlabor221register, and make an avatar
04:34.50Patlabor221then go to the store
04:35.00Patlabor221you get to buy stuff for your little dude
04:35.22scanlinecan you trade avatars on ebay yet?
04:35.33Patlabor221only in everquest
04:36.20Patlabor221had to be a hella lota work
04:39.47fiberchunksyes it did, just some of the 'simple' mods that board has (registration, and other things) are involved
04:40.34captain_protonhmm scanline
04:40.43captain_protonits looking like a couple pixels is easily enough for anaglyph
04:41.20fiberchunksthey need a beefier server
04:41.31captain_protonin general, the separation doesn't need to be too pronounced to make it work
04:41.49Patlabor221yeah, well with 600+ connects it may get a bit bogged :)
04:42.12captain_protoni got it looking ok
04:42.34scanlinePatlabor221: ugh.. if you make/use an RPG-doodad for phpbb, at least don't allow those enormouse images as sigs :)
04:42.53captain_protoni'd like to get some shutter glasses, because tweaking stereo with those would be much easier than with anaglyph
04:42.55fiberchunksno, we won't
04:42.55scanlinear.. can't type today
04:43.21Patlabor221I have a thery, the size of your sig image is inversly porporional to how much you actualy contribute to any give project
04:43.48captain_protonPatlabor221: where might someone find a pair cheapish?
04:44.06Patlabor221like the ones I got?
04:44.09Patlabor221we sell them
04:44.13captain_protonyou do?
04:44.14Patlabor221they are like $20
04:44.21captain_protonwhats the interface?
04:44.40Patlabor221little card that goes in as a VGA loop thru
04:44.47Patlabor221then it works with the nvidia drivers
04:44.54captain_protonOS support?
04:45.07Patlabor221It was part of my drivers from nvidia
04:45.16Patlabor221the glasses don't come with any drivers of there own
04:45.18Patlabor221it's all them
04:45.24captain_protondo you know the brand?
04:45.42Patlabor221nvidia may have hooked them up in there linux drivers
04:46.09fiberchunksPatlabor221> you realize that everytime you click on the left or right arrows in the shop your gold increments?
04:46.29Patlabor221it does for every click
04:46.40captain_protonwhat connector do the glasses have?
04:46.55Patlabor2211/8 inch mini sterio
04:47.05Patlabor221or just see if there is driver support for your freakin OS
04:47.08scanlineuh.. sound card?
04:47.24captain_protonscanline: hm, true, dunno if it can source that much current
04:47.50scanlineyou can't output DC with a sound card
04:47.52scanlineit has high pass filters
04:48.16scanlinebesides that you'd have to be really careful about calibrating the voltage...
04:48.20captain_protonPatlabor221: i don't -want- driver support
04:48.40Patlabor221damn they don't show in our catalouge any more
04:48.42captain_protoni guess i can run it off a serial port with a gizmo
04:48.43scanlineyou could maybe generate the signal out of a sound card, but you'd need an external power supply and schmitt trigger
04:48.57Patlabor221well then just find out what they do in the driver to triger them
04:49.49Patlabor221those are them
04:50.35captain_protonhmm, it looks like the card works completely off of the video sync
04:50.41captain_protoni wonder how it knows which frame
04:51.00Patlabor221I think it sends it a little signal to get it going
04:51.06Patlabor221to sync it up
04:51.26Patlabor221if you want just the glasses, you can save $5
04:56.06captain_protonit uses the DDC line on the monitor cable
04:56.27Patlabor221so can you triger that?
04:57.20captain_protonno, thats for the passthrough card
04:57.49Patlabor221how does the computer triger it tho?
04:58.10captain_protonthe glasses get a pulse every time the vertical refresh signal comes
04:58.23captain_protonthen it uses a line called DDC to tell them which eye to display
05:00.10Patlabor221is this a good thing, a bad thing, or just a thing?
05:00.31fiberchunkswhat in the hell is a liberty-spike?
05:00.38fiberchunks~dict liberty-spike
05:00.52captain_protonwell its how they work with the drivers
05:01.08captain_protonin my case, i want to do the eyeball-matrix stuff myself, not let the driver do it
05:02.07Patlabor221make some custom USB hardware then :)
05:02.13fiberchunksah, liberty-spike:
05:02.14CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Scrolly-text
05:02.39captain_protonhmm, AC 26Vpp
05:03.35captain_protonit bothers me that they're using a banana plug for power
05:07.40CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files): Font and HUD tweaks
05:10.26captain_protonscanline: cute
05:10.48scanlinecaptain_proton: still not sure why the font in the scrolling box looks so bad
05:11.30captain_protonthe editor needs a python editor like jetstream's
05:11.40captain_protonso you can quickly write a python script to modify the current world
05:12.52scanlinethat would be sweet
05:16.08captain_protonnext thurs i'll ask about the active stereo interfaces on the rest of their equipment
05:16.21captain_protonit might be possible to put shutter glasses on the onyx in the DLC
05:17.15CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files): A few more font tweaks. Looks like this will need gamma correction for white-on-black text to look correct.
05:19.24scanlinethat actually looks a good bit better on my LCD than on my CRT
05:21.21captain_proton'night scanline
05:22.39Chikoritaok i go 2 sleep 2
05:22.46Chikoritagnite all
05:23.03orchidcu Chikorita
05:45.19*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
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05:49.01*** join/#bzflag captain_proton ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:51.55captain_protonhaha, that is damn funny
05:52.00*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_proton] by ChanServ
05:52.19learnerheh, I one man split
05:54.05*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
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05:57.46CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/include (PlayerState.h): It would appear Chestal forgot to checkin some files, till then revert his change
05:57.53*** join/#bzflag DB7654321 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:58.42learnerwow, irc problems tonight
05:58.47*** join/#bzflag tommie (
06:02.23CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/include (global.h): MaxMessageLen no longer used
06:14.16MrApathyCreamwhat 'module' exactly is it?
06:14.28MrApathyCreamya, but i mean what 'module' is it?
06:14.33MrApathyCreammodule infers 'part-of'
06:14.38captain_protonits part-of bzflag cvs
06:14.47captain_protonas in 'cvs module'
06:14.54MrApathyCreamah. ok.
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06:19.10MrApathyCreamIs BZDB eventually going to hold things like TinyFactor?
06:19.46captain_protonfeel free to do the conversion
06:20.04MrApathyCreambut they are downloaded from the server, no?
06:20.12captain_protonalthough before that happens it may be worth it to implement the whole lazy-caching thing for expression evaluation
06:20.22captain_protonwell - in 1.8 they are
06:20.26captain_protoni did it in two stages
06:20.29captain_protonfirst, add them into the client
06:20.36captain_protonsecond, add a new message for the server setting a variable
06:20.56captain_protonnote that all of the game variables should be the "Locked" permission
06:21.40*** join/#bzflag prot-work (~jupiter@
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06:40.26learnercap has a gf??
06:40.41captain_protonlearner: he's talking about pybzflag :P
06:40.47learnerah heheh :)
06:41.15learneroh.. btw
06:41.16learnerPlayerState.cxx:25: prototype for `void* PlayerState::pack(void*) const' does
06:41.16learner../../include/PlayerState.h:33: candidate is: void* PlayerState::pack(void*)
06:41.18learnermake[2]: *** [PlayerState.o] Error 1
06:41.36learneryou bork it, you fix it :)
06:42.03captain_protonwhom are you speaking to?
06:42.16learnerit wasn't long ago
06:42.28captain_protoni think it was Chestal
06:42.38learner40 min ago
06:42.54captain_protonthen it was MrApathyCream
06:43.52MrApathyCreamwas me
06:43.58MrApathyCreamthe way it was, didn't build on vc
06:44.11MrApathyCreamPlayerState.cxx, pack should NOT be const
06:44.16MrApathyCreamis it?
06:46.31learneroh me? hold on
06:50.31learnerwas making it const what fixed it to build in vc??
06:50.36learnershouldn't have been
06:50.49learnerthe problem is that the .h and .cxx don't match
06:50.56learnerone says const the other doesn't
06:51.34*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
06:51.47learnerdid you catch that MAC?
06:53.30MrApathyCreamah, no
06:53.49CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/common (PlayerState.cxx): removed const to match header and fix build
06:54.12learnerwell, I fixed it on my end.. :)
06:54.14MrApathyCreamweird.. mine doesn't have const
06:54.22MrApathyCreammaybe i didn't check it in :)
06:54.41learnermust have either missed the .h or the .cxx
06:55.02learnerprobably the latter
06:57.10learneris there a convenient way to trim the left half of an std::string?
06:57.54learnerwere it a char *, I'd just increment the pointer N positions.. grr
06:58.49learnerI imagine doing string = string.c_str() + x is rather non-optimal
06:59.05learnerlikewise string = string.substr(blah blah blah);
07:02.29learneraha.. erase
07:19.38*** join/#bzflag MrAC (
07:21.43fiberchunkstoo late :)
07:22.14captain_protonits too late for MrApathyCream but not for MrAC
07:34.08fiberchunksalrighty then -- gnite all
07:52.05MrApathyCreamwhen you delete a file from cvs, does it get deleted or just left in the there marked as 'deleted'?
07:52.17captain_protonit gets deleted
07:52.27captain_protoncvs can't version file deletes
07:52.39MrApathyCreamah bummer
07:52.59MrApathyCreami guess i shouldn't have deleted playing.cxx
07:53.47CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (18 files in 5 dirs): Thief Flag
07:55.52CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/data (thief.png): Thief png file
07:55.53MrApathyCreamneed to find a thief sound
07:56.02MrApathyCreamor convert the ogg, to wav
07:59.29CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (ChangeLog): changes they keep a commin'
08:03.24captain_protonMrApathyCream: remember to update the FlagList wiki
08:11.39CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): TH should be able to kill robots
08:11.40MrApathyCreamthat should be 'shouldn't'
08:11.40CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (ShotStrategy.cxx): fix warnings, because debug uses -Werror
08:11.57MrApathyCreamlearner you here?
08:14.37MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: got a server?
08:16.22CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/Flag ( add theif
08:16.25captain_protonlooks like xmission has it
08:26.33*** join/#bzflag strayer (
08:26.48strayergood morning :)
09:02.24CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (TODO): todos
09:05.55*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
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14:14.16*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
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14:20.49*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
14:35.05TimRikerno more flags till everything else works again.
14:36.20dheckamanThe mighty Tim has spoken
14:37.35Chestalthis playerstate change seems to be incomplete
14:37.44ChestalI suspect that MAC forgot to commit his most recent version
14:38.53learnerhe didn't commit PlayerState.cxx altogether, iirc
14:39.19*** join/#bzflag david_v (
14:39.20learnerthen irc effectively "crashed" last night
14:40.02learnerdang european router mess :)
14:40.37david_vhm, i've had big problems with the Net today...
15:01.21dheckamanuh huh
15:01.25dheckamanfrom lilo:
15:01.26*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
15:02.47dheckamancept xchat cant copy and past
15:02.59captain_protonits irritating
15:03.11captain_protoncisco's web site needs javascript to get to the update >:P
15:04.46*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
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15:07.04learnerw0000t! w00t! b00y@h!
15:07.14terrycAnyone help me with flash MX?
15:07.29terrycfinshed what?
15:09.27learnernew filter
15:14.08learnernot quite
15:19.31CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): New bin hashing now works; per word stepping in aggressive; fixed array indexing nastyness
15:36.56*** join/#bzflag wm-guru (
15:37.17wm-gurui see an infobot, can someone help with mine?
15:37.48captain_protonibot is a blootbot, not an infobot
15:37.49captain_proton: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
15:38.15wm-gurucaptain_proton do you know how to set the nick in infobot though?
15:38.24captain_protoniirc its in the config file
15:38.42wm-guruit still errors with [   37] No nickname given
15:41.01*** part/#bzflag wm-guru (
15:51.07*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
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16:06.07*** join/#bzflag tea|tree (
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17:37.26patlabor221noodleman live?
17:37.35Noodlemanyes, Noodleman lives!
17:37.44patlabor221is there a map contest on stats?
17:37.50Noodlemanyes there is
17:38.00Noodlemanon shell shock
17:38.06patlabor221as I thought
17:38.14patlabor221Merry was insisting that it's on stats
17:38.32Noodlemanthe house sold, and we should get the check today
17:39.00patlabor221fun with movin now?
17:39.14Noodlemanwe invaded my aunt's house
17:39.18patlabor221I see
17:39.58Noodlemani set up my network over here, hope she doesn't mind too much :-)
17:40.05*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
17:40.23patlabor221what do you have for a net connect?
17:40.32patlabor221not horible
17:40.52Noodlemancable is what most people can get out here
17:41.07Noodlemanthey can get dsl on the westside and downtown tho
17:41.57Noodlemani'm hoping i can get dsl when i move
17:42.05Noodlemancable is laggy
17:42.07patlabor221where are you going to now?
17:42.30patlabor221ahhh thats' were spiff is
17:42.49Bagheerawhat part of Indy?
17:43.10Noodlemanevansville, SW indiana
17:43.41Bagheeragotcha, have relatives just south of indy-apolis
17:43.54Bagheeravery flat out there
17:44.17Noodlemanwe will be rich in just a few hours :-)
17:44.25Noodleman$200,000 is what we would make in 15 years
17:44.41Bagheeracya  all..........just trying out chat zilla, have fun
17:44.51patlabor221how much is the new house gonna cost?
17:45.08Noodlemanprobably about 20-40 grand
17:45.12Noodlemannot bad, eh?
17:45.20Noodlemanfor a 5 bedroom
17:45.22patlabor221200 gets you a condo here
17:45.32patlabor221my parents house is going for 1/5 a mill
17:45.37JBDiGrizThere was an article in the paper yesterday about housing prices around here.
17:45.38patlabor221sorry 1/2
17:47.05JBDiGrizThe cheapest houses increased in value by 20% over the past year! :-(
17:51.20fiberchunksinteresting how real estate gets hard in a down economy -- which is bs, imho
17:52.15fiberchunksNoodleman> where on earth did you get a deal like that?
17:52.46Noodlemanthe house we sold is in oregon
17:53.37fiberchunkswow, good deal :)
17:53.46CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/ (4 files in 2 dirs): model viewing in stereo
18:08.52CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): tweaking the stereo view a bit
18:46.14*** join/#bzflag Quol_AtWork (~ianf@
18:56.01prot-workscanline: POKE POKE!
18:57.25tea|treeoh boy
18:57.30tea|treelost my sKill :o((
18:59.18tea|treedmp homepage is ?
19:13.21Quol_AtWorkhey Tea - how's it going, long time no speak :)
19:21.28*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~peacemkrr@
19:21.48learnerAtWorknormin' chika :)
19:21.52Chikoritahi everybody !
19:22.09Chikoritanormin' learner :P
19:22.28Chikoritayes im normin taday
19:22.41Chikoritathnx 4 cheerin mee up last nite
19:23.32Chikoritaeverybodyy EvEryBoDYYyyy eVerBodyyy eVerBoDyyyyyyyy
19:24.06Chikorita<<<singin da Homestarr Runner theme
19:25.05Chikoritahow iz everyone?
19:25.20patlabor221full of crap
19:26.15Quol_AtWorknot bad - and you Chikorita?
19:26.40Chikoritaim in a good mood ums taday :)
19:26.59Chikoritaitz really nice outside
19:27.02learnerAtWorksounds like pat needs a bowel movement ;)
19:27.03patlabor221well better then last ngiht, that's good :)
19:27.07Chikoritaisnt it learner?
19:27.14patlabor221no thanks, had one this AM, I'm good.
19:27.18learnerAtWorkbeautiful day
19:27.21Chikoritai had a picnic lunch wif my friends
19:27.23learnerAtWorklol, pat
19:27.54Chikoritacoffee makes mee poop
19:28.08*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (~tuckerm@
19:28.50Chikoritahmm unknows on ducati
19:29.29learnerAtWorkgo give the newbies a beating :)
19:29.45Chikoritaheehe i did already
19:29.54Chikoritai jus came from there
19:30.26Chikoritai blowed up so many i forgot their namez
19:30.59Chikoritao yea one was called Pepicek
19:31.16Chikoritai remember him cuz his name reminds mee of Pepsi
19:31.33Chikoritahaha learner
19:31.52learnerAtWorkmmmm.. food perdiem is $50, sweet
19:32.19Chikoritamy name iz chikorita ...mess wif mee an i'll beat ya ...i'll beat ya an beat ya ... an den im gonna eat ya!
19:32.27Chikoritaheehe dats my cheer^^^^
19:33.31Chikoritathere alot of good eatz in san diego , JB knows...
19:33.41Chikoritaesp. around da marina area
19:38.06*** join/#bzflag david_v (
19:39.20sussichika want apractise? :P
19:41.53sussiany1 wants a practise match?
19:45.27*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
19:46.52Chikoritahi david!
19:47.02Chikoritahi sussi!
19:47.05david_vhallo :)
19:47.25ChikoritaooH iz Fortix challenging us BzRians ? ;)
19:47.36learnerAtWorksussi != sussudio ?
19:47.47david_vChikorita :)
19:47.52*** join/#bzflag nikt (
19:47.57david_vChikorita: but just practise
19:48.10Chikoritai tink sussudio was makin fun of sussi wen he made dat name..
19:48.20david_voh, possible
19:48.57sussihis name is elder
19:49.03david_vnever mind, are you up for it Chiko? Mayhem is on 5156
19:49.09david_v(or was on ducati anyway)
19:49.44sussimayhem is on 5156
19:50.01Chikoritao okies a practice  :)
19:50.10Chikorita<<<going to ducati
19:50.12david_v59999 if empty
19:50.14Chikoritac u all dere
19:50.31Chikoritanbye learner bye everyboddyy bbl
19:50.37learnerAtWorkbye, chika
19:52.18*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
19:53.16*** join/#bzflag Nicole (
20:15.54scanlinehey cool
20:16.06scanlinewhen I try to connect to xmission I get that flag error message I wrote
20:18.57*** part/#bzflag Nicole (
20:24.13*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
20:31.32CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files in 2 dirs): Disable z-buffer writes for blended surfaces. It's not z-sorting, but it's better than nothing.
20:37.38*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
20:42.50*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~peacemkrr@
20:43.08david_voh i thought you were already in the channel heh
20:43.10Chikorita<<<not da snail dis time ;)
20:43.18*** join/#bzflag Mayhem (
20:43.31Chikoritahiya Mayhem :)
20:43.41*** join/#bzflag sussi (
20:43.42david_vChikorita: download for WIndows?
20:43.43Chikoritasussi iz da rotten egg
20:43.51sussihe he
20:43.51Chikoritaheehe hes last here
20:43.55Chikoritahi sussi
20:44.00sussihi all
20:44.06Chikoritaya download 4 windows
20:44.15Chikoritaweb addy is..?
20:44.28david_vMayhem: btw have you had any problems with the Internet? read about the Cisco updates etc, supposedly that's related (reboots of major servers etc)
20:44.31Chikorita<<runnin windowsXP now
20:44.46prot-workits just router reboots
20:44.47prot-worknot servers
20:45.10david_vrouters yes, sorry
20:45.26Chikoritao okies
20:45.34Mayhemdavid_v: I read about the cisco problem, but haven't noticed any problems yet.
20:45.48david_vMayhem: have had major problems there. our ISP didn't know though...
20:46.18Mayhempower went out for 2mins earlier, only bad thing happened today :)
20:46.48david_vi'll just check their site to see any possible info, then i'll come play :)
20:46.56david_vsussi: are you interested in the game?
20:47.57Mayhemgod I hate these gaming sites that force you to log in before you can download something.
20:48.21david_von the other hand, they're serving an extreme amount of downloads
20:49.21Mayhemyeah, but so does something like the debian mirror network.
20:49.42Mayhemif they need to bombard you with ads (which they do) to cover their costs fine
20:49.52david_vDebian get paid (some), and they have a reputation to think of :)
20:49.55CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/ (
20:49.56CIAwelp, commit this bit. can't actually commit the code that makes it work
20:49.56CIAuntil licensing issues with VRCO are worked out
20:50.11david_vDebian, ads?
20:50.14Mayhembut why should you have to give away some personal info to some 3rd party side just to download a freely distributable file
20:50.24Mayhemdebian don't get paid, or use ads
20:50.36Mayhempeople volunteer bandwidth for debian mirrors
20:50.36david_vwith "paid" i mean the symbolic donations
20:50.42Chikoritai dunno if i should download Tukati proggy buh i did anywayz cuz it sed i had too
20:50.55david_vbut that was the side issue. the main thing was the reputation :)
20:50.57Mayhem? whats that?
20:51.10david_vnever heard of, i think
20:51.22Chikoritai dunno itz sumting dats suppose to help mee d/l ET
20:51.34david_vis the site requiring you to download it?
20:51.35Chikoritafrom the USA site
20:51.37david_vdon't download it...
20:51.45Chikorita2 late
20:51.51Chikoritai dunno wut it 4
20:51.52david_vwell, don't install it?
20:52.00david_vtry to stop it
20:52.27*** join/#bzflag Svartalf (
20:52.47ChikoritaET@ 21%
20:52.49david_vChikorita: go back to the same page, but choose the Indiana link
20:52.55Chikoritao okies
20:54.17*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
20:54.35Chikoritai dunt like da idea of sumtin or sumbody managing my downloads
20:54.45Chikoritai dunt understand it
20:54.53SvartalfChikorita: Then don't let it...  :->
20:55.04Chikoritai try
20:56.48*** part/#bzflag Svartalf (
20:57.48david_vMayhem: what servers did you suggest again :)
20:58.13Mayhemdavid_v: the usual 3, in largest to smallest order ;)
20:58.50david_vxs4all, uber, gaming?
20:59.00david_vxs4all, gaming, uber? i forgot the sizes :)
21:00.25Mayhemdavid_v: you were right the second time
21:02.00david_vready to go Chiko?
21:02.04david_vMayhem: what CD?
21:02.14Mayhemoops, I meant *burner*
21:02.33david_v:D i hoped so. a new burned CD doesn't sound too fascinating :)
21:03.04Mayhemheh :) I remember I was *very* excited the first time I burnt a CD (many years ago)
21:04.36sussimikey want a match?
21:04.45sussimikey want a match!
21:05.34*** part/#bzflag drinian (
21:07.51CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/extra_media (2 files): A monkey and a bigger pawn
21:08.26Chikoritadownload assembling..
21:09.26Chikoritamy puter duz everything for mee , heehe itz so kewl i wish it could do my laundry an dishes too
21:09.30Chikoritaan vacuum
21:10.56Chikoritao i hafta leave so it can install...
21:11.06Chikoritait sez close all i'll brb
21:11.11david_vif you think so... try running it and come back later
21:11.34david_v"close all programs"... tssss :)
21:11.46david_vi hate that idea behind Windows programs, heh
21:11.49bzgirlare there tanks in that game?
21:11.58fiberchunkswhat game is this?
21:12.05Mayhemyes, there are tanks it in :)
21:12.08david_vbzgirl: well yes :)
21:12.17Mayhemyou get to ride on them and fire the mounted machine gun
21:12.22david_vwolfenstein, enemy territory
21:12.40Mayhemwolf'n'stein, its a variation of frankenstein :)
21:13.18Mayhemstory about two blokes who go out drinking together and get up to all sorts...
21:15.18bzgirlthink ive heard that story before :)
21:15.22dheckamanI saw you in ET :)
21:15.28dheckamanI was under bzdoug
21:15.35Mayhemdheckaman: thats very possible :)
21:15.36dheckamanaka doughecka
21:15.49david_vdidn't know the connection with the third nick
21:15.58david_vexplains why i didn't see mr doug that often lol
21:15.59Mayhemomg we are starting a bz->et exodus...
21:16.13david_vhuh? :)
21:16.32*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~peacemkrr@
21:16.42david_vwb Chiko... we have a party here :)
21:16.47Chikoritahaha i went to #bzfalg room by accident
21:16.55david_voh? heh
21:17.03Chikoritai was like , "where da hell iz everyone?"
21:17.04MayhemAs long as you avoid #bzfag its ok
21:17.13ChikoritaLoL Mayhem
21:17.18scanlinepatlabor221: captain_proton tells me you might have the bzflag tank in some kind of blender-readable format?
21:17.38Chikoritaone time i went to bdsm room an i was freaked out
21:17.45david_vscanline: that sounds nice :)
21:17.49patlabor221I have it as an obj
21:17.53Chikoritai didnt kno wut bsdm was buh now i do :P icky!
21:17.56patlabor221and can convert it to any format you want
21:18.06scanlineI can use .obj
21:18.17scanlineblender can import those, and I can tweak then export to VRML
21:18.28david_vscanline: BTW, have you seen the Blender video?
21:18.36patlabor221let me find it
21:18.37scanlinewhich blender video?
21:18.40prot-workMONKEY MONKEY!
21:18.42david_von their site
21:18.43Chikoritawel anywayz im ready :) it looks kinda skeery . like too violent game
21:18.44prot-workdamn thats cool
21:19.00Chikoritabuh ii try it out
21:19.00david_vi think it's listed on the homepage
21:19.06david_vvery impressive
21:19.10david_veven for monkeys
21:19.51Chikoritai dunt like monkeys
21:19.51Chikoritadey remind mee of people too much
21:20.02bryjenthe upside-down pyramids on xmission 1.9  still look out of place.  and I can't pickup flags :(
21:20.11Chikoritamonkeys at da zoo dey throw poo at u
21:20.28Chikoritaanywayz imma try an play ET now
21:20.33Chikoritar u guyz there?
21:20.37scanlineChikorita: this monkey doesn't really do much except lurk around in Blender and catch on fire
21:20.42Chikoritao i c
21:21.07Chikoritamonkey on fire LoL dat would be funny lookin
21:21.18MayhemChikorita: there are lots of servers so you aren't likely to find us unless we all go to the same one
21:21.19bryjenflaming monkeys?  the smell of burnt fur... ewww
21:21.20david_vscanline: they seem to have hidden it somewhere... trying to localize it
21:21.33scanlinedavid_v: haha
21:21.39Chikoritait says page cannot b displayed
21:21.42scanlinepatlabor221: thanks
21:21.48patlabor221no problem
21:22.04scanlinesaved me from having to write a little script to convert the source to obj :)
21:22.20david_vthey have added some new ones. but check the 1st
21:22.46scanlineaww.. 404
21:22.46Chikoritamindfields looks neat
21:22.51david_vMayhem, Chikorita: are we ready?
21:22.54Chikoritaan da space ship one too
21:22.58Chikoritai ready
21:23.01david_vand remember it's all made in Blender :)
21:23.18Chikoritaso which server den?
21:23.18prot-workscanline: i should make the rotation/panning controlled via the motion-tracked glasses
21:23.27david_vthere we go. Mayhem?
21:23.39Mayhemdavid_v: yes, ready. where should we go?
21:23.46david_vas we agreed to
21:23.47scanlineooh.. motion-glasses
21:23.57Chikoritahey umm lets all team up k?
21:24.05Chikoritadunt shoot each otha
21:24.11Chikoritashoot da other peeps
21:24.12CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/extra_media (tank.obj): Hooray, a bzflag tank
21:24.16Chikoritacuz imma newbie
21:24.20MayhemChikorita: its a team game, so we will try to be on the same team
21:24.50Chikoritabbl again
21:24.53scanlineoh, pah...
21:24.56MayhemChikorita: from the list of server, find xs4all
21:25.05scanlinethis isn't the type of .obj that blender can use, it's the other one
21:25.35scanlinepatlabor221: it also has a lot of duplicated vertices :)
21:25.44learnerAtWorkyes it does..
21:40.34patlabor221yeah the model was made from the GL calls
21:40.38patlabor221so it's not perfect
21:40.50scanlinewell, I'm writing a script to clean it up a bit and output it to.. something..
21:40.51patlabor221just glvertex calls and such
21:54.11*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
21:54.12*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
21:58.45CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/extra_media ( Wrote a simple converter from a wavefront .obj to several videoscape .obj files
21:59.19scanlinewhee, it's a bzflag tank, in blender!
22:02.33CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/extra_media (2 files): Hooray, it's a bzflag tank, now available in .blend and .wrl
22:02.40scanlineprot-work: the tank looks kind of interesting with the VRML loader's automatic normals
22:03.22learnerAtWorkscreentshot time :)
22:03.36learnerAtWorkscanline .. make a raytrace rendering too :)
22:05.45scanlineI don't have a raytracer handy, but blender's renderer should be good enough
22:07.14learnerAtWorkseeing it in blender is pretty cool :)
22:08.05learnerAtWorktry a 35-25 azimuth-elevation shot from front left for the raytrace :)
22:08.09learnerAtWorkthat should look cool
22:08.32scanlinethis will need something resembling lighting and a material too
22:08.42learnerAtWorki.e. similar to your modelviewer shot
22:09.47*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~peacemkrr@
22:09.47*** join/#bzflag david_v ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:09.47*** join/#bzflag eddienull ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:09.47*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:09.47*** join/#bzflag prot-work (~jupiter@
22:09.47*** join/#bzflag trepan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:09.47david_vwhat error, do you know?
22:09.55Chikoritayall skeered mee again
22:10.06learnerAtWorkdid you rock their tanks chika?
22:10.36Chikoritah/o lemme try again an c wut it sez
22:10.50bzgirlwhat server?
22:11.23Chikorita"error could not load open GL subsystem" ?
22:11.38Chikoritawut dat mean?
22:12.37Chikoritai gues it means i cant play :(
22:13.04Mayhemdoes it start at all, or just does that straight away?
22:13.09david_vwhat OS do you run, Chiko?
22:13.12david_vWindows 98, XP?
22:13.14learnerAtWorkonly on one server, or all of them?
22:13.58Chikoritait duz dat right away like has dis window diagnostic thingie dat checks stuff on my puter an den it sez open GL subsystem error
22:14.07Chikoritasumtin like dat..
22:14.24Chikoritaiz dat wuts suppose to happen?
22:14.55david_vif you call the error message a game :)
22:15.08Chikoritao yea dats da ET console
22:15.14Chikoritalol david
22:15.23Chikoritayea lottsa fun :\
22:15.24david_vi'm going to try ET in XP later on, tomorrow
22:15.41learnerAtWorkoh.. are you talking about wolfenstein again??
22:16.09Chikoritait sez GLW_StartOpen GL-could not load OpenGL subsystem
22:16.15Chikoritayea Learner
22:16.35Chikoritao wel
22:16.35learnerAtWorkbah!  I thought you had a bzflag error.. hehehe :)
22:16.41Chikoritai stil have mah BZ :)
22:17.01learnerAtWorkthat's becuase you may not stray from the bz path .. :)
22:17.01Chikoritano BZ neva fails mee , dats good thing bout BZ
22:17.13ChikoritaLoL learner
22:17.20Chikoritayea shame on mee i deserve dat
22:17.21learnerAtWorkonce you install bzflag, it tries to keep you from playing any other games
22:17.29learnerAtWorkor doing anything productive, for that matter :)
22:17.31ChikoritaLoL o i c
22:23.53Chikoritai sowee BZ i was unfaithful ;)
22:23.53Chikoritahmm im hungry ...
22:23.53Chikoritawut to eat..
22:24.05CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/extra_media (2 files): Rendered tank thingies
22:28.06prot-workwhoa, this is creepy
22:28.19prot-worki've been debugging enough stuff with the eyes swapped that my brain can comprehend 3d either way
22:29.06scanlinetried the tank in stereo yet? :)
22:29.13prot-workits not quite as good as the monkey
22:29.28prot-workargh - i can't tell which direction its supposed to be
22:30.02prot-workerr, i guess i can
22:30.09prot-workone is slightly less weird than the other
22:30.12prot-workbut its still creepy
22:31.29learnerAtWorkheheheh, am I the only one that finds the raytraced tank rather sucky? :)
22:31.33CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/extra_media (2 files): Remove the tank's material, we will set that programmatically depending on team
22:31.46scanlinelearnerAtWork: it's not raytraced dammit!
22:32.02learnerAtWorkI thought you raytraced it??
22:32.12david_vlooks more like a crayon painting :)
22:32.13scanlineno, that's blender's renderer, in cartoon mode!
22:32.27david_vso :)
22:32.30Mayhemwhoa, my adsl just dropped out
22:32.55learnerAtWorkscanline: me wants raytraced! :)
22:33.02MayhemI love how tcp resumes after 5mins of no connection :)
22:33.02prot-workso scanline
22:33.09scanlinelearnerAtWork: then go get yourself a raytracer and raytrace it
22:33.10prot-workhow was your salad last night?
22:33.15david_vMayhem: yes that's nice :)
22:33.21learnerAtWorkpoo on you
22:33.25scanlineprot-work: actually, I didn't get to that.. there was pizza here when I got home
22:33.32scanlinethough now that you mention it, I should try that now
22:40.24learnerAtWorkyou're not curious, scanline (or does it look that bad)?
22:41.05*** join/#bzflag eddienull (~kevin@
22:41.24scanlinelearnerAtWork: it's not that I'm not curious, it's that I don't think raytracing is the answer
22:41.31scanlinewould look much better with radiosity
22:41.46learnerAtWorkwell, hell -- I've got no argument with you there
22:42.18scanlineprot-work: this tastes great :)
22:43.03*** join/#bzflag Tupone ([
22:43.07learnerAtWorkjust you have blender sitting there with the file's prepped and all, (poor) raytracing is all I recalled blender being able to do (well)
22:43.21scanlineblender isn't a raytracer
22:43.26learnerAtWorki know
22:44.58learnerAtWorkseeing the bzflag tank in something a little better than cheesy opengl phong/gourad shading is something I've yet to see (and would like to ;)
22:45.30scanlineooh.. radiosity...
22:46.05learnerAtWorkdo you have a radiosity renderer on hand?  a obj->pov would be a quick way to get it
22:46.12scanlineblender does radiosity
22:46.28prot-workthe bzflag tank is not sophisticated for me to want to see it rendered well
22:46.28scanlinedoesn't do it very well, but it should be good enough for a tank
22:46.49learnerAtWorkthat would be coo
22:46.51scanlineprot-work: well, you'd be surprised how good very simple models can look with the right lighting
22:46.56scanlineif only I was good at lighting :)
22:47.36learnerAtWorkthat tank "could" look amazing with the right material properties (and perhaps a few textures) :)
22:47.52patlabor221the tank just needs a new UV map
22:47.54patlabor221and some caps
22:48.03learnerAtWorkand a radiosity or (very good) raytracer/photonmap image
22:48.05patlabor221well and about 100 more faces
22:48.17patlabor221it dosn't NEED that but that would help
22:48.19learnerAtWorkack, but that's cheating :)
22:49.10scanlinehmm, I think this tank is still too good for blender's radiosity
22:49.37learnerAtWorkgood?  how so?
22:49.50learnerAtWorktoo complex? hehe
22:49.53scanlinewell, blender's radiosity solver handles small polygons really badly
22:50.07scanlineit will render the most beautiful cube you've ever seen, but chokes on most real models
22:50.53learnerAtWorkcould the raytracer handle it or did it choke as well?
22:50.57scanlineI'll just let someone more artistically inclined make a pretty rendering while I go back to writing code
22:51.13scanlinefor the last time, blender has no raytracer
22:51.20learnerAtWorkeh?  yes it does
22:51.24scanlineit's a high quality renderer, but it isn't a raytracer
22:51.40learnerAtWork*ahem* Ton would certainly disagree
22:51.50scanlineok, so how do you use it?
22:51.51learnerAtWorkthere is one in there, perhaps not on the default options
22:52.15scanlinelearnerAtWork: I have never seen anything about a raytracer in blender
22:52.28learnerAtWorkit's a big cheesy lame hack
22:52.32scanlineall the blender-related raytracing I've ever seen done involved exporting to POV-ray or something
22:52.34learnerAtWorkbut there's one in there
22:52.47scanlineok, so download blender and fidget with this.. I'm going back to coding
22:53.25david_vtrick question. is there a way to "book" ducati 59999 for an unofficial match?
22:53.34prot-worktime to go home
22:54.11learnerAtWorkcya cap
22:56.06learnerAtWorkscanline, would you post your blender files somewhere?
22:56.11scanlinethey're in CVS
22:56.22learnerAtWorkin the python, ah ok
22:56.40learnerAtWorkthat's the model itself, not just the converter, yes?
23:00.00CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Moving the VRML tank from extra_media to data
23:00.16david_vgood night folks
23:01.41learnerAtWorknight dave
23:05.27*** part/#bzflag Tupone ([
23:06.00CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/data (64 files): Renaming all the caustics
23:06.33CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Fix caustic filename in TeleporterField
23:09.24learnerAtWorkfiberchunks:  :)
23:20.38captain_protonyay i'm here
23:22.37CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI ( This should make it safe to pickle Textures
23:24.54CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( This should make it possible to pickle and copy display lists correctly
23:31.10*** join/#bzflag wm (
23:43.11patlabor221scanline how did you get blender to read an obj?
23:43.26scanlineblender can read videoscape .opj files, not wavefront .obj files
23:43.30scanlineer, .obj
23:43.43scanlineso I wrote a little converter
23:44.01scanlinewell, the formats are completely different.. they just happen to have the same extension
23:44.05patlabor221can it read any other common formats? 3ds? or anything like that?
23:44.24captain_protonblender can export to radiance!
23:44.33scanlinewell, there are a few built in, but for the most part it relies on plugins for import/export
23:44.42patlabor221that's what I hear
23:44.58patlabor221lightwave is entirely plugin based too
23:45.18patlabor22190% of the tools are just default shiped plugins
23:45.31fiberchunksscanline> could I get your converter for wavefront .obj files please?
23:45.36scanlineit's in CVS
23:45.40wmand it turns out the dear departed left the procedes from a number of here works to #bzflag ...
23:45.42fiberchunksah, cool, thanks
23:45.44*** part/#bzflag terryc (
23:46.15wmso is Chestal about?
23:47.59captain_protonwm: hm? explain - in any case, you probably want to talk to TimRiker, not Chestal
23:49.31wmshe bequeathed it to the channel not the project
23:49.47captain_protoni'm not sure what that means
23:49.56patlabor221I haven't seen him on in a while.
23:50.19wmit means the channel would get around 11000 USD
23:50.32patlabor221hwo do you give that to a channel?
23:50.42wmi dont know
23:50.48wmit is why i need Chestal
23:50.59captain_protonwm: still, TimRiker is the head honcho here
23:51.21fiberchunkswell, it would seem that if you donated it to a channel, that is controlled by (and thus herr riker), that it goes to bzflag -- the project
23:51.32wmor freenode?
23:52.41fiberchunkswell, no, if it were bequeathed to #bzflag -- that would not imply bequeathing to the controlling network (i.e. host).
23:53.10fiberchunksit should fall through to (or whatever entity controls bzflag)
23:53.15fiberchunkssame here
23:55.29CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Add a simple memory and disk cache for VRML objects

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.