irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030702

00:00.03learnerAtWorkNidhoggr: ?? script booting ?
00:00.17learnerAtWorkah.. nvr mind
00:00.20*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
00:00.44learnerAtWorkNidhoggr: I have a patch that will auto-boot bad callsigns just about ready for commit
00:00.47Nidhoggrbzadmin now takes command line arguements for commands, so I can automate stuff.
00:00.53Nidhoggroh, cool.
00:01.25NidhoggrI'm gunna tail -f the log file and pipe through a perl script I am working on.
00:02.18Nidhoggrit's nice to see development moving again.
00:02.49NidhoggrI think my eyes finally adjusted to the callagen plugs.
00:02.55Nidhoggrafter 24 hours.
00:03.09NidhoggrI'm not feeling like plucking my eyes out anymore. :)
00:03.50Nidhoggrwe have a huge spider problem outside our carport door.
00:04.25sussudiothey pissed me off by hiding in my bathrobe :-P
00:04.28Nidhoggrand with my vow of compassion, I'm not allowed to kill them unless they become a plague... so I have to have someone else do it.
00:04.49NidhoggrI might have to break a vow in that instance.
00:05.11sussudioi had a cat that ate spiders
00:05.12Nidhoggrit's funny when vows have an exterminator/infestation clause.  :)
00:05.46Nidhoggrwhen we had gopher problems, I felt so guilty having to deal with them.
00:06.05sussudiodid the gophers dance like in caddyshack?
00:06.17Nidhoggrthat'd probably make me feel even worse.
00:06.37NidhoggrI don't have much sympathy for aphids in my roses, though.
00:06.48sussudioants do
00:06.59NidhoggrI don't have a lot of sympathy for ants, either.
00:07.20NidhoggrI spend a lot of time barefoot in the back yard.
00:07.28Nidhoggrand the ants like how I taste.
00:08.14sussudiotaste like chicken?
00:09.06Patlabor221WorkI think I'm gonna have to ask for caps help on this
00:09.28Patlabor221Workor is he still at work
00:11.30larsl_56kUgh, no.
00:12.50CIAcommit by jeffm2501: added flipZ to pyramids to make proper colliding upside down pyramids, shot strat still needs help with making 'down' shots bounce properly. Temp fix ends all shots that bounce down.
00:13.10Patlabor221Workthere that should be all my world proto breaking changes for a while.
00:13.40larsl_56kWhat have you changed?
00:13.46larsl_56kArbitrarily large worlds?
00:13.55bzdoughmm, so you could make bullets bounce off pyramids and hit the ground, then bounce back and hit the tank?
00:14.08Patlabor221Workwell that I hacked out, that's what I need caps help on
00:14.17Patlabor221Worknow any shot that bounces 'down' just ends
00:14.18larsl_56kbzdoug: Yes, with a 45 degree negative slope on the pyramid.
00:14.25larsl_56kThat would be interesting.
00:14.45bzdoughmm, or better yet, a way to get bullets to bounch all over the place
00:14.50bzdouglike lasers and mirrors...
00:14.53Patlabor221WorkI added shoot thru and drive tru options on boxes, pyrmaids, and porters
00:15.05Patlabor221Workhooked up the world object so you can set the size
00:15.13learnerAtWorkI'd like a flag that makes guided bullets like the old atari combat...
00:15.18larsl_56kDo you have a test world that uses the new stuff?
00:15.26Patlabor221Workand hooked added flipZ to pyramids so you can make them upside down
00:15.29bzdougcan the shots bounch off the bottoms of boxes?
00:15.29Patlabor221Workyeah it's realy crapy tho
00:15.46Patlabor221Workdoug nothing can bounce down now
00:15.51Patlabor221Workbut once it's fixed yes
00:15.56Patlabor221Workwell if we fix it
00:16.30Patlabor221Workthe map parser is also more tolerant, it's case insenstive, and now skips bad objets and fields instead of dying
00:16.56Patlabor221Workbut I had to add data in the worlddatabase so it's not compatable with old clients or servers
00:17.27bzdougaka protocol breaking :P
00:17.40Patlabor221Workalso it forces all scales to be positive
00:17.59bzdougooh, no more wierd stuff
00:18.14Patlabor221Workno more hacks
00:18.18Patlabor221Workjust real features
00:18.37larsl_56kSo no more hacks like setting the z and x or y size negative to get an upside down pyramid. =)
00:18.53Patlabor221Workcus those pyramids didn't collide right
00:18.59Patlabor221Worksince they are collidaebable now
00:18.59Nidhoggrpat.. does the tankpassthrough and shotpassthrough stuff work on objects?
00:19.05Patlabor221Workany object
00:19.10Nidhoggrthat's awesome.
00:19.19Patlabor221Workwell any box, pyrmaid, or teleporter
00:19.36larsl_56kI want a shoot thru tank. =)
00:19.38Patlabor221Workif you want an upside down pyramid put flipZ in the object
00:19.47Patlabor221Worksure get the PZ flag :)
00:20.55bryjenheh.  another foo (Administrator@bar) sighting
00:21.31larsl_56kThere are plenty of ( around. =)
00:21.38Patlabor221WorkI'll probably have to make a tool in bzedit to set the shootthru, drivethru, and flipZ flags for stuff based on the old logic
00:22.02Patlabor221Workdon't make me ban you
00:22.32bryjenlarsl_56k: seen a couple of those too. Seems like more Admins@ tho
00:22.40Patlabor221WorkI threw a TODO in there for the down bounce shot stuff
00:22.54Patlabor221Workhopefully somoene who has more knowledge of shot strat can help there
00:23.16Patlabor221Workright now it just makes them blow up
00:25.28Patlabor221WorkI put up a very very bad sample map on BZBB that shows all the new stuff.
00:26.16Patlabor221Worktho it will give you the warning "unknown field 'SONOFABITCH' - skipping"
00:32.08*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot (
00:45.22bzdoug15 min left
00:45.54*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (
00:45.55*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
00:46.30learnerAtWorkwell, pat went home.. guess I should too..
00:47.05patlabor221I did ! :)
00:49.40*** part/#bzflag DTRemenak (
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00:57.27learnerAtWorkwith 2 minutes to spare I AM OUTTA HERE!
01:05.52*** part/#bzflag sussudio (Suss@
01:11.22patlabor221shot strat, I can't figure out how to get shots to bounce off the ground
01:15.27patlabor221with proper updsidedown pyramids it's easy to get them to bounce down now
01:17.00captain_protonground you say
01:17.32patlabor221I put a test that blows them up now when the go down, cus I coldn't figure out how to tell when they went bellow Z0
01:18.55patlabor221if you get cvs you can see
01:19.00patlabor221I put in a todo
01:22.28*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
01:27.34*** part/#bzflag DTRemenak (
01:29.06*** join/#bzflag larsl_56k (
01:29.39larsl_56kI get the page '<html><body></body></html>' from
01:31.17patlabor221works for me
01:32.44larsl_56kAh, I had switched browsers. I forgot to add bzbb to the "No proxy" list.
01:35.15*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
01:48.26*** join/#bzflag learner (
01:53.02chopsticksMmmm.. I haven't had Chinese food in like 4 or 5 months
02:06.58patlabor221ohhh look at that horibl, horible bug
02:08.14patlabor221or it could just be that I am running with an older server :)
02:08.38bryjenare the boxes upside down too? can you tell?
02:08.51patlabor221only pyramids send the flag :)
02:10.06larsl_56kHow hard would it be to add horizontal or slanted teleporters?
02:11.00bryjenleaning back toward more than one axis for rotation
02:11.01patlabor221to rotate the geo not hard,
02:11.23patlabor221but that would hit the ramp issue
02:11.31bryjenhehe. leaning.
02:11.43patlabor221would tanks tilt when the hit the anlged borders?
02:11.58larsl_56kWhat about only horizontal teleporters? And they could only be linked against other horizontal ones.
02:12.10patlabor221what would be the difrence?
02:12.27fiberchunksdropping someone straight down on an object, I assume
02:12.37fiberchunksor straight up?
02:12.47larsl_56kUp would probably cause problems.
02:12.49patlabor221would be odd
02:12.53bryjenwhy? moving thru the teleporter would be an easy time to reorient
02:13.12larsl_56kUnless you were already moving up through the entrance teleporter (jumping).
02:13.22bryjenyou wouldnt have to draw a smooth transition
02:13.31fiberchunkswould be kind o neat to jump thru a horiz tele to whammo some camper and then disappear into the mist ;)
02:13.41DTRemenakthe teleporter border would prevent driving onto it, so you could only use them on jumping worlds, though
02:14.09bryjenyou can drive on a teleporter top
02:14.20larsl_56kYou can turn the borders off, too.
02:14.32patlabor221and now make them drive thru current teleporters have 3 or 4 borders?
02:14.53bryjeneep. if horizontal, would it need a border around all four sides?
02:15.23patlabor221actyaly I'm thinking of a way to put arbitrary geometry in a map, there may be a way
02:15.34patlabor221and not use models
02:15.59DTRemenakhm.  Elaborate please?
02:16.28larsl_56kDefine polygons in the world file?
02:16.47DTRemenakI can just see all the misshapen worlds out there
02:16.55DTRemenakand the bugs it would introduce
02:17.00patlabor221well people want sphers's and stuff
02:17.18patlabor221and real models
02:17.34DTRemenakyeah, but moving things to triangles would cause the same problem quake mappers had...gaps, leaks...
02:17.38DTRemenakerratic bugs
02:17.50patlabor221well it's not a move to them
02:18.16patlabor221all boxes and pyramids are brokendown into triwalls now
02:18.18DTRemenakan additional object
02:18.36patlabor221an object with the tri data in it
02:19.08DTRemenakI still think we'd have problems with it...I mean, look what happened when we got floating stuff
02:19.21DTRemenakand that was a comparatively minor change, was it not?
02:19.45patlabor221what do you mean "floating stuff" ?
02:19.48DTRemenakYou start to get mappers exploiting "features"
02:20.06DTRemenakwell, like...pyramids not on 0-z
02:20.15DTRemenakand super-thin boxes
02:20.23patlabor221that's allways been there
02:20.49patlabor221ever since map files
02:21.19patlabor221the only thing that changed in 1.9 was collisions in pyramids above z0
02:21.33DTRemenakmap files introduced the problem
02:21.40DTRemenak1.7e0 I believe
02:21.47DTRemenakwow, that was a LONG time ago
02:22.06patlabor221well who ever coded it up, was to blame for that :)
02:22.30bryjeneww. the inverted pyramids are funky
02:22.40DTRemenakah well, we lived with that, we can live with whatever interesting new "features" come along with the next revision
02:23.10patlabor221well they are all now real features :) not ambigous "if you put in this magic # it works"
02:23.49bryjenshot collision works. tank seems to run into something when jumping over think...I don't think anyone anticipated drive-thru pyramids
02:24.14DTRemenakmaybe there will be magic numbers on your triangles, too
02:24.27DTRemenakbut I'm not objecting.  Really, I'm not.
02:24.33patlabor221well that should have been what they thought of
02:24.52patlabor221well like I say it's all broken into triangles now anyway
02:25.01bryjenand the bottom -- err now the top, is drawing weird
02:25.08DTRemenakyes, but the engine decides where to but them, not the mapper
02:25.16patlabor221of what, please use complete sentances :)
02:25.56bryjenI'm looking at some upside down pyramids. tank collision is odd. so is the drawing for the base
02:26.21patlabor221you upate server and client?
02:26.31patlabor221or are you looking at learners server?
02:26.45bryjenjust fetched a snapshot. learners server.
02:26.51patlabor221he has not updated server
02:26.53patlabor221bad data
02:27.13patlabor221the world protocoll changed
02:27.17patlabor221sends more data
02:27.34bryjenstill binary world stuffs?
02:27.40patlabor221was easyer
02:28.06patlabor221I'd like to look at larger canges to the map before sending it text to the client
02:28.31patlabor221but I will add a / command to have the server send the map to the client and have it save it
02:29.30bryjenhmm. latest snapshot 2hrs old?
02:29.42DTRemenak'twould be interesting to see if we could come up with a system to tell the client the map name and checksum, so it wouldn't have to pull the map again
02:29.56patlabor221ummm, that's been in there since g0
02:30.05patlabor221map chaching
02:32.23DTRemenakHm...just wondering...does the current cheat-prevention code treat reverse velocities as different than forward velocities?
02:32.38bryjenPyramid bases still funny running local sever w/random map
02:33.02patlabor221well if done properly, a triangle object could use the manifold shell for collisions then there would not be a "gap" problem
02:33.24patlabor221and quake dosn't let you define triangles, jut manifold brushes.
02:33.34patlabor221BSP is there problem :)
02:33.39DTRemenakum, quake1 here, not quake3
02:33.51DTRemenakno brushes that I remember
02:33.58patlabor221same thing
02:34.08patlabor221all quakes have been BZP
02:34.09DTRemenaktrue abt the BSP tho
02:34.13patlabor221and brushed
02:34.20patlabor221Bsp is brushes
02:34.32DTRemenakreally...I must've just been insulated from it by WorldCraft then
02:34.41DTRemenakah well, probably better for me
02:35.00patlabor221portals are better :)
02:35.04patlabor221protals roxor
02:35.14scanlinepatlabor221: AFAIK BSP doesn't have to be brushes.. that's just how the old editors worked
02:35.35patlabor221the leafy or the other one
02:35.47scanlineBSP in the general sense just works with polygons
02:36.07scanlinethe collision detection comes from being able to quickly test if a point is inside the BSP or not
02:36.12patlabor221quake engines all did the the same thing, just added more stuff
02:36.25DTRemenakthere were some pretty major changes tho
02:36.32patlabor221moslty in lighting
02:36.38patlabor221yeah and the curve thing
02:36.53patlabor221but the base algo is the same
02:37.14patlabor221percomputed viz
02:37.55DTRemenaktrue, but really helped performance for the time
02:38.12DTRemenakwhen the processor was the bottleneck for games like that
02:38.33patlabor221well when q1 was done overdraw was a big problem
02:38.47patlabor221and that's what the bsp got them, no overdraw
02:38.58patlabor221now it just choked the transform pipeline
02:39.16patlabor221too many splits
02:40.04DTRemenakhm, just checked...even the comment says it doesn't check reverse speeds.
02:40.53DTRemenakfor cheat protection
02:41.05DTRemenakso you could mod a client to go as fast in reverse as it does forward
02:41.09patlabor221ohh yeah it don't
02:41.10DTRemenakand no servers would kick you
02:41.43DTRemenaksome servers it wouldn't make a difference, but in 2-shot CTF it would
02:41.48patlabor221well set your z to 0.01 and you can go as fast as you want
02:42.05DTRemenaktrue...arg again?
02:42.25patlabor221it's not perfect
02:42.47DTRemenakby far...but it did seem to help, lots of people were using premanufactured cheats I guess
02:42.49patlabor221we need to send the speed as a real thing
02:42.51patlabor221not fake it
02:42.54captain_protonwhy don't we just check the x+y speed? :P
02:43.05patlabor221cus we don't send the XY speed
02:43.15patlabor221we sent poitions
02:43.20DTRemenakdoes it check for strafing either?
02:43.27bryjenpatlabor221:  about the z, are you sure?  i see checks for current.z = last.z
02:44.11patlabor221it all needs to be redone
02:44.22patlabor221we need to send the real data and just do it right
02:44.34DTRemenakthat's interesting...anyone checked the "knowncheats" wiki page recently?
02:44.51patlabor221it was updated if I recall
02:45.03DTRemenakmore like mostly erased
02:45.19DTRemenakall it says now is "some"
02:45.28DTRemenakyeah...the dangers of wiki, 3 hours ago
02:45.56patlabor221cap says it can be rooled back
02:45.57DTRemenakwe do keep a wiki backup, right?
02:46.05patlabor221it keeps delta state things
02:46.13DTRemenakoh, even cooler
02:46.42bryjeni don't see an exception for if z > 0 .  there is one for current.z != last.z , which would be vertical movement
02:47.09patlabor221maybe the bounce the Z 0.001 and 0.002 or something
02:47.16*** join/#bzflag eddienull (
02:47.36patlabor221perma jump?
02:47.52bryjenmeebee. hehe. then they're skipping at high speed :)
02:48.05bryjensissy boys
02:48.35DTRemenakor z 0 and z 0.001
02:48.50DTRemenakdon't have to float the whole time then
02:49.02bryjeneither way, gotta be hell on the suspension ;)
02:49.08patlabor221none would see 0.001
02:49.25DTRemenakwouldn't it mess up bullet collisions tho, or are bullets 3d?
02:49.34bryjenespecially when they whip by at 100m/s
02:50.06patlabor221they check the full heigh of the tank
02:50.22patlabor221so it would not affect it that much
02:50.43bryjenso you can jump up and shoot someone on a box, fataly wounding them in the toe
02:50.43DTRemenakonly close calls when the shooter is jumping
02:50.46patlabor221tanks are taller then the shots
02:51.09patlabor221nothing that could be proven with the terran eye
02:51.22DTRemenakhm...can you set a tank to -z so it looks like you're driving a turret around?
02:51.40DTRemenakor is that thrown out as out of bounds
02:51.49DTRemenakshould be
02:52.23bryjendoesn't look like OOB checks Z
02:52.46DTRemenaknope, that's what I was just looking at
02:52.47patlabor221then fix it
02:53.38patlabor221there is no shortcut for real work :)
02:53.46DTRemenaknot the work, the code
02:53.47bryjenthere's the check for high jumping a bit above the OOB stuff
02:53.51DTRemenakC is full of shortcuts
02:53.59DTRemenakyeah, but it's only for high, not for low
02:54.17patlabor221computers only do what you tell them
02:54.30patlabor221add the too low to the too high test
02:54.34patlabor221should be simple
02:54.46DTRemenakalright...bryjen, you want to, or shall I
02:55.02DTRemenakhmph, never mind, I don't have dev CVS access
02:55.14bryjenhave to change the message not to say you jumped too high/low
02:55.18DTRemenakI'd be working off an old copy :(
02:55.45patlabor221and you can't commit
02:56.16DTRemenakyeah, I'd have to submit a patch
02:56.45DTRemenakmighty small patch, probably be easier to write the patch file by hand than to run diff on it
02:57.11patlabor221i'll just fix it
02:57.18patlabor221faster then you making a patch :P
02:57.22DTRemenaklol, ok
02:59.58DTRemenakhm...(thinking on the reverse thing)...state.velocity is relative to the world, right, not the tank?
03:00.11patlabor221all things are in the world
03:00.16DTRemenakthought so
03:00.30patlabor221so you need tank facing and all that
03:00.36DTRemenakso how would we tell if a tank was backwards?
03:00.55patlabor221dot product, hope it's not spin jumping :)
03:00.57patlabor221it's tricky
03:01.09patlabor221cus you can go full speed backwards, mid jump
03:01.21DTRemenakdidn't think of that
03:01.52bryjenthe "don't check while jumping" gets you out of that
03:01.54DTRemenakwell, it's already skipped if you're jumping.
03:02.03CIAcommit by jeffm2501: no tanks bellow Z0, bad tank, bad naughty tank
03:02.12patlabor221then again it's easy to fake out
03:02.17captain_protonpatlabor221: but but...what about burrow? :)
03:02.20DTRemenakthe bounce thing
03:02.34patlabor221is burrow implemented?
03:02.41DTRemenakcap: that's one thing I was thinking, maybe we need a minTankHeight
03:03.03DTRemenakxcept not, 'cause it wouldn't be constant
03:03.25patlabor221server needs to tack flags
03:03.28bryjenanother if added to that check when burrow is added
03:05.51DTRemenakdoes the server even know if a player is moving forward or backward?  It must to check for bogus shots...
03:06.00DTRemenakat least have a facing angle
03:06.14patlabor221it knows it's pos and facing
03:06.24patlabor221dosn't know it's input vector, that's the problem
03:06.57DTRemenakyeah...but does it matter?  can't strafe, and it's not checked while jumping
03:07.20DTRemenakhehe...strafing might get you kicked for moving backwards too fast...that'd be funny
03:12.31DTRemenaklol@the side effects of changing "king" to "rabbit" : annointNewRabbit();
03:12.49chopsticksI hate it when you ask for "really really hot and spicy" and then you get it and it's ... just ... "meh"
03:13.03patlabor221well felt it was better then "birthNewRabbit
03:13.14captain_protonlearner: you sound like me :)
03:13.24bryjenyou should've seen it before Ches cleaned up the comments:  networabbit  kicrabbit
03:13.27captain_protonits not a hot & sour soup unless your nose is running for the rest of the meal
03:13.37learnercan hardly get anything "hot" these days
03:13.51learnerlol, cap -- yes!
03:14.01captain_protonlearner: you should come to our curry parties =)
03:14.06DTRemenakbryjen: I did see some of that last time I was perusing the code, but I'm so used to it from bzbb...
03:14.11learnermmmm.. curry
03:15.02fiberchunksheh, I'm in :)
03:15.16bryjendon't drip on the keyboard. ewwwwww
03:15.50DTRemenakis BZFlag ever compiled without TIMELIMIT defined?
03:16.11DTRemenak'cause it's defined, then only used in #ifdefs
03:16.37DTRemenakdoesn't hurt anything, I suppose...compile-time, but still
03:18.12learnermmmm... spicy chicken wings
03:18.21learnersounds like a dinner plan to me!
03:18.28captain_protonthough not always at the same time
03:19.40learnerok, pay up guys
03:19.54captain_protonit doesn't say favorably rewarded
03:19.57captain_protonit says suitably
03:20.03DTRemenakit doesn't say when either
03:20.15bryjen~dict suitably
03:20.27bryjensuitably suited ?
03:21.31learnerok, any apache familiars in here?
03:21.57DTRemenakUh, I've set up one and a half apache can probably find someone more familiar than I
03:22.11DTRemenakdon't ask about the half
03:22.47captain_protonwhat was the half server?
03:22.51learnerWhen I go to to read the log, it takes an inordinate amount of time to load.  Any ideas?
03:23.00learnerIt's just a text file
03:23.05DTRemenakcaptain: I said don't ask
03:23.25learnershould only even be "open" once every 10 minutes (cron job)
03:23.26DTRemenakIt was miserable, is what it was
03:23.32fiberchunkslearner> try enabling mod_gzip for apache - that might speed it up
03:24.24learnerthe server responds lickity split quick on anything else --  just not this particular text file
03:25.26learnerdoes it load quickly for anyone else?  maybe it's just the stupid browser..
03:25.42fiberchunksloaded in about 2 seconds for me
03:25.47DTRemenaknothing loads quickly for me
03:25.55bryjenseems ok here
03:26.04learnerdamn browser
03:26.11fiberchunkshehe, which one
03:26.15DTRemenakwhat browser are you using?
03:26.28learnerperhaps I need to have apache seen back a text mime type or something
03:27.00*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
03:27.04DTRemenaklol, think you're browsers sitting there waiting for a <HTML> that never comes?
03:27.06learnerMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/85 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/85
03:27.22DTRemenakah, safari...that's not supposed to be slow
03:27.28captain_protonkhtml isn't like gecko :P
03:27.30learnerit's apples new khtml based browser, safari
03:27.38captain_protonfor example, gecko is fast
03:28.01JBDiGrizlearner: Have you compiled the new mac client?
03:28.30learneryes, jb
03:28.43JBDiGrizAny problems with the definition of WorldSize?
03:29.12learnernot that I recall, jb -- lemme try again now.. maybe I missed an update since the drive home
03:36.53patlabor221it did change
03:37.00patlabor221it's not const anynore
03:37.30learnerwth is wrong with my cron job?
03:37.42JBDiGrizI'm wondering if it's from cvs update rather than cvs co. I'm grabbing all of the files again and trying once more.
03:39.12learnerjb, I just built fine
03:39.30patlabor221what was the error you get ?
03:39.40JBDiGrizI'm doing a complete checkout, and I'll rebuild. I was doing a cvs update.
03:39.54learnerI did an update only..
03:39.59JBDiGrizThe error was on the link of libCommonNet. _WorldSize not defined
03:40.13learnerah.. jb..
03:40.23learnerpb build does fail.
03:40.28learnermake worked
03:40.45patlabor221it's now an extern
03:40.56patlabor221in global.h
03:41.06JBDiGrizI'll see what I can do about fixing the pb build.
03:41.13patlabor221the real variable is in bzflag.cxx
03:41.21patlabor221well for bz
03:41.28patlabor221bzfs has it's own
03:42.21patlabor221its now sent with the map
03:42.36JBDiGrizand you have a const which depends on WorldSize in global.h
03:43.23JBDiGrizconst float WallPosition =0.5f*WorldSize +// meters
03:43.31JBDiGriz0.75f * TankLength;
03:44.18JBDiGrizThere are others
03:44.19patlabor221ahh I see
03:44.47JBDiGrizI think the link error is correct. It should be resolving those consts when it links the library
03:45.43patlabor221ahhh I see why it dosn't error for me, dosn't seem to be used
03:46.04patlabor221well it's not used
03:46.18patlabor221don't error on my end, you must have a broken compiler :)
03:46.24patlabor221that's what they allways tell me :)
03:46.41JBDiGrizRadarLowRange is used in playing.cxx
03:47.06learnerframeworks must resolve all symbols at link time (unlike .so's or .a's)
03:47.08patlabor221ahhh those are yea
03:47.20learnerwe could hack around it, but the problem is that they are there
03:47.48patlabor221none of those can be precomped, let me fix them
03:47.57patlabor221have to make them mult out at run time now
03:48.01JBDiGrizAnd a const which depends on an extern is bork bork bork.
03:48.27patlabor221well I'm not making .a or .so :)
03:48.33patlabor221so broken compiler :)
03:48.53learner.dll for you sweetie
03:48.57JBDiGrizIt shouldn't accept that link in your compiler.
03:50.15JBDiGrizIt's really a variable constant, which isn't a problem in windows! :{)
03:50.51patlabor221so your saying the mac sucks then right?
03:51.12patlabor221well it wouldn't be right anway
03:51.14JBDiGrizI could start regaling you with old fortran stories about self-modifying code, but I'll hold off.
03:51.18DTRemenakI hate it when my constants vary
03:51.20patlabor221it woldn't use the size from the map
03:51.28learnerframeworks are rather cool and funky all in one
03:51.57DTRemenakwhat WOULD it use?  random values, like windows seems to like?
03:52.05learneroh, I'd like to hear stories about self-modifying code sometime.. (AI fan) :)
03:52.08DTRemenakjust whatever was in that hunk of memory
03:52.46JBDiGrizMost of the self-modifying code stories actually predate me, but I used to listen to them from the older hackers.
03:53.18JBDiGrizI got to use PDP-11's !!! :-)
03:54.04learnerours was decommissioned just about 2 years ago
03:54.20JBDiGrizWhat model?
03:54.31learnergood question
03:54.41learnerI never played with it myself personally
03:54.55learnervax 11/780 sound right?
03:55.15JBDiGrizA VAX, that was the later model!
03:55.51learnerthose machines predate me by quite a bit..
03:56.01learnerthere was a pdp-11, though
03:56.13learnerI'll have to ask one of the guys which model tomorrow
03:56.18JBDiGrizI played on one of the first Vax 11/780's which ran BSD. Actually I still have the email address from that 780.
03:56.24CIAcommit by jeffm2501: make the bad const stop
03:56.32patlabor221try that
03:56.58patlabor221turned the const into just a factor, and did the mult at run time
03:57.11patlabor221that way you can go from server to server with difrent world sizes
03:57.18patlabor221eppp bats running low
03:57.36learnerseems to work fine now
03:58.18JBDiGrizThat email address is now 25 years old!
03:58.24patlabor221const is realyy const
03:58.39learnerthere is no const
03:58.53JBDiGrizconstants aren't, variables won't
03:59.13JBDiGrizbut libCommonNet links! :)
03:59.25learnerwhich is what matters most ;)
03:59.57learnerjb, if you figure out a way to decouple libCommon from libNet, I'm all ears
04:00.14JBDiGrizI think that's part of the plan for July 12
04:00.14learnerthere were simply too many interdependancies and I didn't want to -undefined suppress the whole thing
04:01.45patlabor221you can't remove net from common?
04:02.03learnerwe 'can', but not in a good way
04:02.08JBDiGrizThanks Pat, the pb build worked, now I'll test the build.
04:02.35learnerthey are not independant libraries, though
04:04.07JBDiGrizIt runs on brlcad with just one person.
04:04.22JBDiGrizShooting myself loses the rabbit though.
04:04.48learnerthat server's rebuilding now
04:05.38learnerok, try again now, jb
04:08.25fiberchunksknown cheats page is restored in wiki, btw
04:09.00patlabor221you da man
04:09.18fiberchunksthank you ;)
04:11.49fiberchunkssetting up a wiki for some of my friends on my box -- pretty neat -- however, can't wait until they introduce ACLs...
04:32.18*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot (
04:42.20captain_protonpatlabor221: can you find the soundtrack to spirited away?
04:42.47patlabor221I own it
04:42.54patlabor221it's on darkmoor
04:43.26captain_protonremind me of the url to darkmoor?
04:43.51patlabor221user dell
04:43.57patlabor221sorry user dark
04:44.03patlabor221pass d3ll
04:44.45patlabor221anythign else I can help you with sir? :)
04:45.47captain_protonnot at the moment :)
04:56.45*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
04:57.16JBDiGrizSome interesting bugs on rabbit hunt, like tk when two people shoot each other! :)
04:57.37JBDiGrizand no bunny at other times when both are shot!
04:58.02JBDiGrizlearner and I were just testing out the new clients on brlcad, and noticed some interesting effects.
04:58.09learneryes, and if all playing players pause... :)
04:58.10patlabor221maybe bunny should be disabled if less then 3 player?
04:58.20learnerno, it was still good with 1-1
04:58.26learnerjust slight bugs
04:58.32captain_protonguy kills rabbit, bunny transfers to someone else, then the former rabbit's bullet hits guy
04:58.33captain_protontk =)
04:58.34MrApathyCreamso one on one,
04:58.40JBDiGrizpatlabor221: you definitely have to try with all players paused, quite a good effect!
04:58.52learnerI was never able to tk him, though
04:59.01patlabor221what is the pooint of 1 on 1 bunnY/
04:59.09JBDiGrizmy score suffered terribly! :)
04:59.34JBDiGrizit's no different than 1 v 1 in any variation, try to shoot each other
04:59.37learneronly until I eased up.. :)
04:59.44patlabor221zactly, why need for a bunny?
05:00.07learnermusical effect
05:00.07patlabor221it's just ffa in that case
05:00.36JBDiGrizThe tk can happen even if there's more than 2 though
05:00.43learnerthe jaws-themeish sound of hunt doesn't work real well with a "bunny"
05:00.57captain_protonlearner: hehe
05:01.02captain_protonlearner: depends on the bunny
05:01.15JBDiGrizwe had some nasty bunnies
05:01.16MrApathyCreamare we changing the world format to xml this time around?
05:01.23captain_protonMrApathyCream: patlabor221 doesn't want to
05:01.39MrApathyCreamlemme guess, patlabor221 has his own superior format
05:01.42learnerI'd vote on a dual format db (one ascii/xml, other binary)
05:02.18captain_protonMrApathyCream: yeah, just adding new crap to the existing one
05:02.23learnerthat way you could hand edit if you didn't have an app, or keep it nice and compressed for the big maps
05:02.45learnerspeaking of new crap
05:02.57MrApathyCreamjust because the map format is xml, doesn't mean we can't still use the binary format for in game use.
05:02.59learnerthe upside down triangles are neat, but the render wrong from above
05:03.03MrApathyCreamwe do that now anyway
05:03.47captain_protonMrApathyCream: well...i'd like to have the server just pass the text along to the client...perhaps with some stream compression if necessary
05:04.00captain_protonbecause the binary world messages are silly
05:04.22MrApathyCreami'm fine with xml worlds all around as long as you can start up bzfs like
05:04.34MrApathyCreambzfs -world
05:04.58MrApathyCreami'd rather not have the bzfs server spewing big xml files to the client.
05:05.42learnerstarting up bzfs like that is okay with me, so long as the data is transferred to clients in a binary form
05:05.43captain_protonMrApathyCream: why not? :)
05:06.03JBDiGrizWhat happens if the map changes on bakadigital during the game?
05:06.21MrApathyCreamit better not
05:06.31learneris bakadigital pat's server?
05:06.39learnernice download rate
05:07.28JBDiGrizI suppose you could calculate an md5 for the map and send that to each client, so if the map changes, the game effectively ends
05:07.49MrApathyCreamthat happens now anyway
05:07.59MrApathyCreamwell, not the ending part
05:08.23learnerconsidering how often the server restarts anyways, I wouldn't be too troubled with not being able to do in-flight map reloads.  is it a problem?
05:08.48JBDiGrizOnly in the middle of a game when clients are attached.
05:09.19learnerit would be nice it the league matches didn't have to kick all players to reset the map..
05:09.32learnerthat's probably a very good reason in and of itself
05:11.10JBDiGrizcaptain_proton: With a big map, and a server that's straining to handle clients, it would make game play smoother on a new client join to receive the map from a central repository.
05:11.55MrApathyCreaman interestingly unnoticed bug is that -synctime no longer works with world caching
05:12.08MrApathyCreamas the synctime used to be smudged into the world database
05:12.11captain_protonMrApathyCream: thats because -synctime sucks
05:13.22MrApathyCreamespecially a large xml-bloated map
05:14.08learnerwhich is still also good reason to also support binary format maps
05:14.21learnerI don't want my maps remote, but I don't want to waste my little pipe
05:15.14JBDiGrizSome people would appreciate remote maps, remote admin, etc. easy to start a server for their friends with no hassle.
05:15.25patlabor221why not cache them binary?>
05:15.44MrApathyCreamsent and cached should be binary
05:15.49MrApathyCream(me thinks)
05:15.50learnerI definately agree, it just seems both would be the way to go
05:15.56patlabor221then it should still work
05:16.03patlabor221I didn't change them into text
05:16.05learneror that
05:16.05MrApathyCreamwhats the point of a disk based binary?
05:16.16patlabor221to not download
05:16.24MrApathyCreamnot toaking about cache
05:17.04learneron disk could be ascii binary for all I personally care -- drive space is not an issue for most :)
05:17.31MrApathyCreami don't see why the source isn't xml always. but in memory and cache is binary
05:17.42learnerthat sounds good
05:17.50patlabor221what are you talking about? maps arn't XML?
05:18.11patlabor221you didn't?
05:18.38patlabor221what the hell are you talking about?
05:18.59MrApathyCreami have no idea
05:19.07MrApathyCreamthis seemed like such a simple discussion
05:19.13patlabor221ahh good we are all in the same boat :)
05:19.21patlabor221well it was till you said XML
05:19.36MrApathyCreamI was saying that the source maps should be in xml, but the in memory and cached maps should be binary
05:19.59patlabor221I still don't see what XML gets us
05:20.35MrApathyCreamuse of transformations, xsl, all the nifty tools
05:20.49patlabor221so a parser?
05:20.52patlabor221what transformations?
05:20.55captain_protonxsl is neat :)
05:20.57patlabor221what nifty tools?
05:21.00MrApathyCreamyou could write xsl on maps
05:21.12MrApathyCreamyou could validate maps with xsd
05:21.21patlabor221I could validate maps with bzedit
05:21.42MrApathyCreamyou could use entities to specify groups that are reused later (transform and move stuff)
05:21.43patlabor221xsd knows about basses and teleporters?
05:21.52patlabor221that is a good feature
05:21.58patlabor221but again could be done in our own stuff
05:22.03patlabor221very easaly
05:22.12MrApathyCreamcould be but since everyone knows xml
05:22.30learnerincluding a validating xml parser is another set of baggage we'll have to carry..
05:22.36patlabor221well they know the XML formating, not the BZ stuff that has to be shoved it
05:22.52patlabor221who's gonna redo the editor?
05:22.57MrApathyCreamand if you could serve up maps thru http, xml would be an easy thing
05:23.09learnernot to mention, it's boring code
05:23.16patlabor221the server needs to know about the map
05:23.22patlabor221for it's game state
05:23.29MrApathyCreamvalidating parsers are built into any xml parser around
05:23.43patlabor221so it makes sure you have ends for all begins?
05:23.57MrApathyCreamwell, that's just well formed, any parser does that
05:24.09patlabor221it's not like bzmaps are complex
05:24.15MrApathyCreambut validating means that a box has an entry for size, location, rotation
05:24.24patlabor221but if you made it XMl realy it' makes handmaking a map a lot more typing
05:24.28MrApathyCreamand that size is x y z and that they are ints
05:24.34patlabor221why does it need all that data?
05:24.40patlabor221why not valid defaults?
05:24.52MrApathyCreamyou can have defaults
05:24.57MrApathyCreambut if someone does
05:25.05MrApathyCreamlocation 0 0 10
05:25.14MrApathyCreama validating parser would catch the error
05:25.17MrApathyCreamsposed to be
05:25.20patlabor221is that an error?
05:25.23MrApathyCreamposition 0 0 10
05:25.39patlabor221well bzfs catches those errors now
05:25.52MrApathyCreamnot all of them
05:26.00captain_protonyeah, but the thing you fail to realize is that the bzfs parser is a steaming pile of cruft :)
05:26.00patlabor221I changed it today
05:26.15MrApathyCreami've done this bunches of times
05:26.21MrApathyCreambox 0 0 10
05:26.21learnerso would any decent yylex language parser
05:26.23patlabor221I would acree with that
05:26.25MrApathyCreamsize 0 0 100
05:26.32MrApathyCreamand wondered why i didn't see anything
05:26.33patlabor221code em up in C
05:26.55patlabor221well if you ran that today, you would get a warning inst std out :)
05:27.15MrApathyCreamlearner: why go to the trouble of building a yy parser, when xml you get for free, with all kinds of tools
05:27.52learnerbecause it's not "free"
05:28.15patlabor221well my point is, if we are gonna change the map, how bout maybe look at somethign other then the square with some stuff in it method
05:28.17learneryou still have to spec the dtd/schema (which you also do for the lexer/parser)
05:28.28patlabor221when all you realy need is nesting
05:28.35patlabor221and some simple grouping
05:28.52learnerplus, choosing/implementing the xml parser is debateable
05:29.02MrApathyCreami'd also like to define a group of objects without "imaging" them
05:29.08MrApathyCream--just naming them
05:29.12captain_protonwe could rip out the XMLStream stuff from 1.8 and give everyone an ulcer!
05:29.25patlabor221you could but then I would stop working
05:29.29MrApathyCreampatlabor221: i want to define a group of objects, but not have them show up in the world.
05:29.40MrApathyCreamThey would be used through copied transformation
05:29.45patlabor221you want to say "tree"
05:30.02MrApathyCreamyes define a lamp at 0,0, but put it at 100,100
05:30.06MrApathyCream(don't show it at 0,0
05:30.24patlabor221I'm saying lets move past the "shitload of boxes, make a lamp" idea
05:30.35MrApathyCreamnow your talking crazy :)
05:30.36patlabor221there are more modern ways of doing this
05:31.09MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: i don't know why crs didn't just use xerces
05:32.13MrApathyCreampatlabor221: certainly if you want to go the autodesk format world, then i'll buy not using xml :)
05:32.40MrApathyCreamwhat ever that pile of dung is
05:32.40patlabor221what happend to open formats?
05:32.50MrApathyCreamthe 3d proggy
05:32.51captain_protonMrApathyCream: well...i had hacked a bit with some xml parsing code, then crs took that and perverted it into XMLStream
05:33.32MrApathyCreamthe point of xml->off the shelf components. crs had sunspots that day
05:34.49patlabor221we need a better vis algo
05:34.57MrApathyCreamMaybe we should take a step back and say, when is the fist planning on releasing the next version, and what absolutely must be in it?
05:35.15learnergood question
05:35.22patlabor221zactly why I haven't change it at all
05:35.24MrApathyCreamwe could ship now with the new features and people would be happy
05:36.36MrApathyCreammaybe a new flag or two would be nice
05:36.43MrApathyCreamit's not like we don't have them implemented
05:37.10patlabor221he who implements burrow has to make it work with the neg z check :)
05:37.29MrApathyCreamya, i was thinking more simpler flags :)
05:37.47MrApathyCreamseer, masquerade, types
05:38.02MrApathyCreampatlabor221: does the big map thingy work now?
05:38.23patlabor221put in a world object with a size
05:38.25patlabor221and it'll be sent
05:38.29patlabor221and used even :)
05:38.34patlabor221it's all rather slick
05:38.40fiberchunksfancy ;)
05:38.42MrApathyCreamdoes culling notice really far away things yet?
05:38.48patlabor221fliped pyramids need some help
05:38.59MrApathyCreamor perhaps i should say, does it ignore really far away things
05:39.08patlabor221with downward bouncing shots
05:39.18patlabor221the vis algo is the same
05:39.30patlabor221it needs lots of help
05:39.34patlabor221needs groups
05:39.38MrApathyCreami wouldn't worry about neg pyrs bounces
05:39.47MrApathyCreamhorizontal plats don't bounce either
05:40.27MrApathyCreamhow bout the flagheight option in the world object :)
05:40.35patlabor221well I added flipZ for pyramids, and it makes proper upside down pyramuids
05:40.44patlabor221the ground just dosn't stop them
05:40.58patlabor221it's parsed and used by the server
05:41.14MrApathyCreamits a pretty silly option
05:41.47MrApathyCreamya, except each option has a fanatic that can't live without it
05:42.40MrApathyCreamcan't believe chestal fixed all the sounds after all this time.
05:42.43MrApathyCreamGM is sw33t
05:43.25learnerpat, I just realized something..
05:43.43patlabor221pie IS good?
05:43.44learnerhow'd I get flipped pyramids without downloading a new map??
05:43.57patlabor221you update the server?
05:44.06learnerrebuilt it, yes..
05:44.12patlabor221then it's a bug :)
05:44.31patlabor221I don't think I tested NOT fliped pyramids :)
05:44.43learnerthey worked pretty nice :)
05:44.52learnerexcept they rendered incorrectly from above
05:45.00patlabor221yeah there bottoms are jacked
05:45.17patlabor221well there tops
05:45.24patlabor221I want to put a box top on them
05:45.28captain_protonrendering the tops upside down?
05:45.32captain_protonrewindify! :)
05:45.51captain_protonnow the big question is how flipped pyrs will act with collision detection :)
05:46.00learnermore like the tops are inside out with a triangle misplaced
05:46.15patlabor221I changed all the collison stuff to take into account the flip
05:46.18learnerah, another thing pat-- not sure if it was intentional
05:46.21patlabor221and I ran into them a lot
05:46.25learnerI couldn't jump over them
05:46.45captain_protonpatlabor221: what about jumping on top of one?
05:46.52learnerI slammed into an invisble column
05:47.00patlabor221that's the thing I'm not sure of
05:47.05patlabor221that is what needs to be changed
05:47.26fiberchunksare we still grabbing snapshots, or is anon cvs access a go?
05:47.38learnersnapshots until August
05:48.12patlabor221I will work more on it tomorow
05:49.12learneralso, bullets didn't rico, when they hit the upside down triangle
05:49.20patlabor221that is part of the TODO
05:49.22learnerthey exploded
05:49.33patlabor221read teh BUGS FILE :)
05:49.33learnerwas actually kinda a good thing
05:49.43learnerI liked it ..
05:50.05patlabor221well it should be consisant
05:52.58learneris there a self-distruct?
05:53.41MrApathyCreamdel key
05:54.35MrApathyCreamis this so bad of a problem:
05:54.36MrApathyCream- When a rabbit pauses and no other players are in the game, the server will
05:54.43MrApathyCreamsince you are the only one playing....
05:54.56captain_protonMrApathyCream: it'd be better if it just put the rabbit into limbo...
05:55.05captain_protoninstead of spamming the player with  "You are now the rabbit"
05:56.15patlabor221see I say no rabbit unless you have 3 players
05:58.07MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: serves em right for pausing
05:58.17MrApathyCreamme wonders if cia tracks bugs
05:58.33captain_protonMrApathyCream: sorta :)
05:58.42captain_protonits half-broken, but it'll announce most tracker activity here
05:59.34captain_protonit takes a bit longer because it goes through the mailing list instead of email directly
05:59.36captain_protonand the lists are slow
06:09.16captain_protonMrApathyCream: i think newly opened bugs are broken
06:17.38captain_protonif you wanna look at my crufty little python script that i use to parse the emails, i can send it to ya
06:18.10MrApathyCreamno thanks
06:22.17MrApathyCreamwhat sound does a rabbit make
06:22.21learnerapathy, that bug happens if there are simply no active players as well (e.g. all paused)
06:22.43learnerdogs barking might be neat
06:23.04learnerbarking gets louder as you get closer
06:23.14captain_protonbut but but
06:23.15captain_protonits jaws
06:23.17captain_protonand bunnies
06:24.16MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: no i mean, what sound when you become the rabbit
06:25.30learnerah, yes the electronic beep is informative, but doesn't fit the theme (though neither does jaws.. hrm)
06:26.25MrApathyCreammaybe an, "Uh-oh"
06:27.36learnerheheh.. this is good;
06:27.47learnercept it sounds too much like someone beating off
06:31.08*** join/#bzflag paul ([ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:31.21patlabor221ride the split
06:31.32patlabor221now I am the masta!!!!!! :)
06:32.06learnerthat was the biggest split I've ever seen in here
06:32.19patlabor221now... bannings for EVERYONE!!!! :)
06:33.51*** join/#bzflag Chestal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:34.46learnerif it weren't for legal issues... :)
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06:35.39learnerno kidding sol4k..
06:35.45MrApathyCreamWhat is the ServerPlayer.... logging?
06:37.14MrApathyCreamah, general status messages
06:37.14learneror perhaps just a simple..
06:38.53JBDiGrizStill want to introduce more Bugs into bzflag?
06:40.02JBDiGrizHow about finding Elmer Fudd singing "Kill the wabbit"?
06:40.46JBDiGrizIt might work better than Jaws :)
06:47.27JBDiGrizI'll see if any WB people are hanging around Comic-Con next month. They might find it funny!
06:48.21JBDiGrizThat Sam one is good for when you become the rabbit.
06:48.54JBDiGrizI still like killwab1 for the hunting theme!
06:49.23JBDiGrizI might just use it for myself!
06:49.39learnerlol, it is good indeed
06:50.15learnerwe'll need to put together the "wb" expansion pack resources..
06:51.15learneryou were split when I sent this one, jb
06:51.35learnerer, wrong one..
06:52.18JBDiGrizThat would get people's attention!
07:00.54JBDiGrizTime to head out, g'nite all!
07:02.23CIAcommit by dbrosius: If MsgMessage-ing a single person, no need to do a broadcast, directMessage will do.
08:32.33*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot (
09:29.47*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
09:29.47*** mode/#bzflag [+o ChanServ] by
10:14.23*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
12:53.59*** join/#bzflag niksie (
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13:06.37*** join/#bzflag Jon1987` (
13:13.32*** part/#bzflag Jon1987` (
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13:49.56*** join/#bzflag MrFish_ (
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14:34.13*** part/#bzflag zer0`` (
14:37.20Chestalhmm, sf has issues again
14:45.27*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
14:58.31learnerseems to be working fine for me right at this moment
15:02.46*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
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15:31.43*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
15:55.59[dmp]Get one for me too. I blootbot isnt my friend.
15:56.28Nidhoggrmy blootbot stopped working with google last time I did a CVS update.
15:56.49Nidhoggrget one!
15:56.55Nidhoggrit's on sourceforge. :)
15:57.12NidhoggrI wonder if there is a way to teach it to use bzadmin to boot people, etc.
15:57.28[dmp]Nidhoggr: have you seen any documentation for it?
15:59.04*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221Work (~jeffm@
16:00.15Nidhoggrdmp.. there isn't a lot of documentation.
16:00.26Nidhoggrthere is a lot of poking around to figure stuff out.
16:00.43Nidhoggrthere are some samples on the sf documentation section.
16:02.46[dmp]cant find anything on creating additional modules :-|
16:03.26Nidhoggrwow... google works again!
16:03.36Nidhoggrdmp... tim Riker is one of the developers.
16:04.01Nidhoggryou can probably post a question on the tech support section and someone will write back.
16:04.07*** join/#bzflag Mayhem (
16:04.20learnerlong time no see, Mayhem :)
16:04.21[dmp]<[dmp]> hehe, yeah. I havnt found any bit of documentation yet :)
16:04.21[dmp]<A_Young> keep us in the picture ;)
16:04.33Mayhemgreetings, old pal learner :)
16:04.34[dmp]im not sure about that :)
16:04.44[dmp]hi Mayhem
16:05.02Mayhemhola [dmp]
16:06.30Nidhoggr~dict omphaloskepsis
16:07.07learneranyone have a convenient shell script 1-liner that will output a file's modification time?
16:07.09learneror know how to get awk to dump a space?
16:07.26learnerawk '{print $7 $8 $9}' gives me "Jan030312" etc
16:08.00[dmp]tried quotes around the stuff you print?
16:08.14Nidhoggrdid you try $7" "$8, etc?
16:08.24learnerwill try now
16:08.28captain_protonls -l | cut -c 44-56
16:08.49learnerah.. me likes the cut solution better
16:10.31learnerer.. cept that will be user specifc..
16:11.46*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
16:11.58learnerquoting worked perfect.. tanks!
16:12.00learnerls -l | awk '{print $6" "$7" "$8}'
16:13.12Mayhemdammit, I wish people would stop phoning me!
16:14.13Mayhemhow about "i can't quote"? :)
16:22.05*** join/#bzflag learner (
16:23.29Patlabor221Workwow spiff hit 1000 posts
16:28.10Nidhoggroof   I was a little harsh in the secretplace cheating thread.
16:28.54Nidhoggrit just annoys me to hear about cheating and none of it actually gets reported to me.
16:30.28learnerserver now reports last build time in the server listing
16:30.44learnerserver is auto updated every ten minutes
16:31.24learnerstill haven't figured out a convenient way to shovel an e-mail update over to another account so I can parse commits and only update on commit...
16:32.05*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:32.43learnerthere needs to be a way to "get more info" on the server's listed
16:32.48*** join/#bzflag paul (
16:33.03learnersqueezing in details into that one-liner is really tough
16:36.20Nidhoggrone I get my eyes happy again, I need to work on team PeEpZ logo.
16:36.55learnermake sure you include a cool PEZ dispenser in it
16:37.12Nidhoggrthere's what I got so far.
16:38.18learneryou'll never win a match with a logo like that
16:38.27learner:)  j/k
16:38.48Nidhoggrhey, it took some skill to get that far.
16:38.55Nidhoggrpatlabor made the tank.
16:39.01learnerI can imagine.. :)
16:39.06Nidhoggrand I edited in the peepz
16:40.09learnerare those peeps melting??
16:40.21Nidhoggrthat's what they really look like out of the package.
16:41.23Nidhoggrthe rest of the logo, if I can get it to work, is the actual peeps logo with the "s" made into a "z" with bullet holes.
16:42.48Patlabor221Workohh I didn't make that tank
16:42.53Patlabor221Workthat's the real BZ tank
16:42.58Patlabor221WorkI just exported it
16:43.04prot-workyay i'm here
16:43.58*** mode/#bzflag [+o prot-work] by ChanServ
16:44.05fiberchunkshehehe sugar-coated turret covers ;)
16:44.27learnerfess-up pat -- you made that crappy thing
16:45.06Patlabor221WorkI made a tank for chris a long time ago but it wasn't used
16:45.46learnerthat the futuristic one you showed?
16:46.27Patlabor221WorkI"m looking for the pic that was in CVS till recently
16:47.46Patlabor221WorkI think I have the model around somwhere still
16:48.21learnerah.. that ol' thing
16:48.24learnerthat's the mac bzflag logo
16:49.14Patlabor221Workit is?!?!
16:49.42Patlabor221Workwhy didn't you use the windows icon?
16:49.47Patlabor221WorkI made that too
16:49.47learnerthat's a bad angle shot.. took me a while to realize that was a tank the first time
16:49.55Patlabor221Workyeah it is
16:50.09Patlabor221WorkI think I made that in 96 ot 97
16:50.30Patlabor221WorkI'd like to think I've goten a bit better at modeling :)
16:51.14learnerso you *have* made contributions to the mac port -- good for you, keep it up
16:51.14learnerwhere's the windows logo one?
16:52.21learneror ./package/win32/src/bzfinst/install.ico
16:52.36learnerer, obviously not the latter
16:52.57Patlabor221Workno it's in win32/res
16:53.17Patlabor221Workor not
16:53.31Patlabor221Workyeah it's that one
16:53.34Patlabor221Workin src
16:54.14learnerNid, you could do some photoshop magic and use these peeps...
16:56.11learnerso, pat, the one that has no tank and just says "BZ Flag"
16:57.46learnerI was going to change it to that, but I figured I'd have a chat with the guy who did the initial port to os x
16:57.46learnerwhatever happened to him/her?
17:02.56Patlabor221Workspontanious combustiion
17:04.12Patlabor221Workbut for an icon I would keep it consisnt with the others that have icons aka windows.
17:04.24Patlabor221Workthe red and gray tank thing was never ofical
17:04.56*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
17:05.12Nidhoggrwell, I banned my first person for sexual harassment. :(
17:05.31prot-workwhat'd they say?
17:05.47Nidhoggrthey asked a certain female player how her juicy sex was.
17:06.25Nidhoggrhe's been borderline for a while on the server.  he just stepped way over the line.
17:08.27Patlabor221Workwho was it?
17:10.05Patlabor221Worknever heard of im
17:10.21Nidhoggrhe's a little annoying.
17:10.52NidhoggrI was shocked when I read the logs and saw what he said.
17:11.47learnerpat, sounds good to me -- I'll update it come next release
17:15.27learnerhehehe.. here's an annoying statistic
17:16.20learnerever since I unleashed that IIS firewall block on my logs two nights ago, I've blocked 4080 attempts
17:16.45Patlabor221Workwow the haxorz want you
17:17.03learnerthat's just sickening
17:20.27*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
17:21.42Patlabor221Workit's summer, the kiddies are out of school
17:22.32learnermy logs have been flooded with that crap for months.. just bugged me enough the other night when I counted the unique ip count!
17:23.32learnerlooks like Apple is looking at my memory analysis report again
17:23.46JBDiGrizlearner: Did they get back in touch?
17:24.04learnerI retorted, it's been forwarded back to them
17:25.19*** join/#bzflag [bot] (
17:25.24[dmp]darn :)
17:25.32Nidhoggrcapt proton:  I couldn't live without my screen :)
17:25.35*** join/#bzflag [bot] (
17:25.47prot-workNidhoggr: well until now i've just used one program within screen
17:25.54prot-worknow i've got 10 windows going =)
17:26.08NidhoggrYou can go higher than 10, but it's a pain to reach them.
17:26.25[dmp][bot]: gang BZRebels
17:26.25[bot]BZRebels: greg(
17:26.44[dmp]wooho, bzladder module for ibot is finished :)
17:26.45prot-worknot another bot...
17:26.56JBDiGrizprot-work: I typically have about 10 applications running on this small screen.
17:27.00prot-workat home i just use tabbed terminals
17:27.03Patlabor221Workcan you make a patch for ibot
17:27.17learnerwoot!, dmp!
17:27.32NidhoggrI had an old wyse 85 that I painted purple that I ran screen on from my bedside table. :)
17:27.41[dmp]Patlabor221Work: yes. im just testing it. it seems to work, so the functionality can be added to ibot (hopefully)
17:27.51Nidhoggrit's long dead though. :(  bad flyback transformer.
17:28.04NidhoggrI have another wyse that I wanna paint.
17:28.09Patlabor221Workasuming we can get ahold of the runing ibot code from mr. riker
17:28.56[dmp]Patlabor221Work: its just a blootbot. He only needs to install a perl-module.. and it should work.
17:29.33Patlabor221Workyeah I would agree, it's just the "HE" part :)
17:29.43learner[bot]: man who let the dogs out
17:29.43[bot]learner: I give up, what is it?
17:29.56learner[bot]: man bzseen who let the dogs out
17:29.56[bot]Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, learner
17:30.02learner[bot]: bzseen man who let the dogs out
17:30.03[bot]I havnt seen man who let the dogs out
17:30.09[dmp]just seen :)
17:30.28[dmp](and you can message it directly :))
17:30.28learner[bot]: seen man who let the dogs out
17:30.40learner"*[bot]* unfortunately, seen is disabled in my configuration"
17:31.43[dmp]ah, sorry, i changed it.
17:32.00[dmp]is it best to write Tim, or catch him online here?
17:32.13Nidhoggrprobably easier to email him.
17:32.22Nidhoggrcatching him here is fairly difficult.
17:34.30Patlabor221WorkI know he reads his mail
17:34.32Patlabor221Workwell mostly
17:38.42*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
17:40.48CIAcommit by davidtrowbridge: add FileManager to build
17:42.04prot-workhmm...1.8 used lots of xml tags as namespaces
17:42.14prot-worki never realized that the menus were considered a config file =)
17:42.50prot-workthen people could define custom views in their config file... =)
17:48.34*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
17:49.15*** join/#bzflag Quol (
17:55.40prot-workthough it may be worth it to pull DOM elements using XPath instead of doing it at parse time...
17:56.51*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
17:57.12Quolanyone have experience running BZFS in Linux....yesterday I started asking, but didn't have time to pursue it much....
17:57.30NidhoggrI run it on 2 servers
17:57.48QuolNid: 2 linux servers?
17:58.16bzgirlQuol: i run mine from a laptop running debian
17:58.54QuolNid: do you start them manually or just script and start them in the background from a spawned shell??
17:58.59Nidhoggrbzgirl, I didn't know yours was on your laptop. :)  that's cool.
17:59.26Quolbzg - how do you start them teh background from a new shell??
17:59.32Nidhoggrquol.. I make a sandbox and run them in a chrooted environment as user "nobody"
17:59.49Quolya - I am working on that also....
18:00.17NidhoggrI start with a script, using the -conf option.
18:00.19QuolNid - have any scripts avialable - or should I just start scripting on my own :)
18:00.32Nidhoggrnot much to script...
18:00.37Quolthat's what I am doing now....
18:00.45JBDiGrizAs long as Bagheera isn't using Nidhoggr's sandbox! :)
18:00.56Nidhoggrchroot /usr/games/bzflag /bzfs -conf /conf/ > logs/spirals.`date +%y%j%I%M`.log 2>&1 &
18:01.56Quolyou have an init script or just execute it rc.local or equiv?
18:02.06NidhoggrI hand run it.
18:02.17Nidhoggrit never dies, so it doesn't need much babysitting.
18:02.36Nidhoggryou could use inittab for it, I suppose.
18:02.51Nidhoggrdon't see much use.
18:02.57Nidhoggryou can stick it in rc.local
18:03.38Quolright now I have them running in a "screened" environment that is logged and so that it always has a shell - would be nice if they (the developers) made an option to allow it to run daemonized...
18:03.41Nidhoggrusually, if my machine reboots, I like to see what happened before I start the game server,l so I don't bother.
18:03.55Nidhoggrit runs demonized
18:04.02Nidhoggrin the command line I gave.
18:04.14Quolthe -conf??
18:04.21Quolnit still needs a shell though??
18:04.33Nidhoggryou can exit the shell you run it from.
18:04.35Quolyou can stick it in the background - but it still attaches itself to the shell..
18:04.38Nidhoggror run it from rc.local
18:04.54Nidhoggrthat's what the redirects are for.
18:05.03Nidhoggr? logfile 2>&1
18:05.11Nidhoggrerr >logfile 2>&1
18:05.28*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
18:05.30Quolthat's what I am doing now - except my SSH session was always hanging after I started the games...
18:05.42Quolno biggy as they are OK
18:05.46Quolthey being BZFS
18:05.58QuolI was just wondering if that's how others were doing it,.,
18:06.01Nidhoggrare you running them in the background with &?
18:06.12Nidhoggrmine aren't attached to any terminal.
18:06.22prot-workQuol: perhaps you should disown the process ;)
18:06.25Quol../../../bzfs -conf simple.conf &
18:06.53prot-work'../../../bzfs -conf simple.conf & disown %' should work
18:06.54Nidhoggrquol  make it ../../bzfs -conf simple.conf >logfile 2>&1&
18:06.55Quolthat's why I was doing it through screen
18:07.04Nidhoggrthen tail -f the logfile when you wanna see the output.
18:07.18Quolso I could detach the "screen" and let the whole thing run in the forground for the shell on that screen session....
18:07.21Quola little messy
18:07.38Nidhoggryou're not redirecting the output, which is the problem.
18:07.52prot-workno reason to use screen, since its output-only
18:08.13Quolright - because now it's running within a screen session..
18:08.26Quoli will change it to a redirection and try the chroot way.....
18:09.07Nidhoggrwith chroot, you need to make sure all the libraries it will share are within the sandbox. :)
18:09.21Chestalmy bzfs all run inside a screen, too
18:09.26ChestalI like it that way
18:09.31Nidhoggrhi chestal.
18:09.39Quolhey Chestal...
18:09.48Nidhoggrmy tail -f runs inside a screen :)
18:10.28QuolNid - the many uses for the powerful screen :)
18:10.41QuolI love screen - I use it many times/day...
18:10.44Nidhoggrscreen is invaluable to me.
18:11.02Quolespecially with my oracle work - yuck - I HATE oracle :)
18:11.02prot-workChestal: whats your opinion on xml? :-)
18:12.59Chestalprot: in general? for bzflag? for maps in bzflag?
18:13.08prot-workfor bzflag
18:13.11prot-worknot counting maps
18:13.20Chestalso, that leaves config files only?
18:13.32prot-workconfig files in the sense that 1.8 used config files
18:13.41prot-work1.8 treated all the view stuff as "config files"
18:13.47Chestalhmm, yes
18:14.02Chestalwell, I'm not sure. The 1.8 had some advantages, it was flexible
18:14.07Chestalbut I didn't like editing those files
18:14.40Nidhoggrwhat program lists the shared libraries that a binary uses?
18:15.12Nidhoggrthere ya go, quol.  use ldd on bzfs
18:15.28Quolahhh - thanks
18:15.32Chestalprot: so I guess my opinon is: it depends. I could only judge it if it were clear what exactly it is used for
18:15.55Chestalprot: then it would be possible to jugde whether that feature is worth having, and what would be the alternative to xml for that feature
18:16.26Chestale.g. it would be nonsense to use it for the current config file (at least without having other files in xml format)
18:20.48Nidhoggrwee need an external file for bans, so we don't have to transcribe bans from the logs into the config file.
18:21.22*** join/#bzflag MrFish (
18:22.28Nidhoggrhi mrfish
18:23.18prot-workChestal: well, the current config file would be nice to be xmlized too...
18:23.28Chestalprot: no, it wouldn't
18:23.35Chestalprot: it's a very simpel format right now
18:23.43Chestalprot: easy to edit manually
18:23.58prot-workand it sucks :)
18:24.03Chestalit's even readable
18:27.18prot-workbut with 1.8's format, i could play around and do nifty things with xpath :)
18:29.11Chestalwhat's xpath?
18:30.02prot-workits a syntax for extracting parts of the DOM database-style
18:31.48Chestalah, I think I remember
18:59.33Quolhey Guys, I am trying to get BZFS running in a chroot - i got the libs in there, and BZFS starts up, and I am able to connect to him, but it doesn't register itself with the list server....any ideas?
19:10.02ChestalQuol: looks like it cannot resolve names
19:10.14*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
19:10.18ChestalQuol: resolv.conf or similiar missing in /etc ?
19:11.20QuolCRAP - silly me....thanks chetal...
19:11.40Quolsorry - there I go having problems with your name again :)
19:12.05prot-worktab completion is a wonderful thing...
19:13.27*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
19:14.46learnergame time  hua!
19:20.23Nidhoggrwe are patiently waiting for pizza at work. :(
19:20.27NidhoggrI am starving.
19:25.35QuolChestal: Does BZFS require any other files in the Jail to register itself with the list server?? wget or something along those lines??? still not working for me...
19:27.44Nidhoggrhosts  nsswitch.conf  resolv.conf
19:27.45Quolor Nid - maybe you know - which files to do have in your jail...the bz libraries, and .../etc/resolv.conf - anything else?
19:27.49Nidhoggrthat's what's in my /etc
19:27.52Nidhoggrin my jail
19:27.57Quolahh - beat me to it...
19:28.06Quolntahnks - I will try some of those....
19:30.43MayhemMethinks we need a 'running bzfs in a chroot' howto
19:32.54Quolwell - since I am messing with it right now, I will take notes and then I can post it to whomever.....
19:33.56*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
19:34.11*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
19:34.11*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
19:45.23Quoldoes anyone know how long it takes for the registration to expire on the list server? The man page says "a certain amount of time" - anyone know what that is??
19:46.07Chestalnot me
19:46.15Nidhoggrit never took more than a few moments for me before.
19:46.44prot-workNidhoggr: well the server sends a message to deregister itself
19:46.50Patlabor2214.3 nanofortnights
19:47.24Quolya - that's what the man page says - buy my servers aren't runnning right now, and they are listed on page 6 in the server list
19:47.43*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
19:48.57*** join/#bzflag Quol (
19:49.14Quolhmm - my connection dropped..
19:49.20*** join/#bzflag bzdoug (
19:49.21*** join/#bzflag c (
19:49.33Nidhoggrsomehow people are getting nick collisions.
19:49.42*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
19:49.43*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
19:49.48*** join/#bzflag Mayhem (
19:50.47Quolprot - the man page says: " Game servers (bzfs) will also unregister  themselves  when  they  exit.
19:50.59*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
19:51.07Chestalhi sm
19:51.12sn0w_m0nkeymorning all
19:52.05sn0w_m0nkeyhows everything chestal?
19:53.25Chestalsm: ah well, not worse than usual
19:54.02sn0w_m0nkeyi was hit by a car last week, but i am better than usual today :)
19:55.17Chestalsm: oh, as a pedestrian?
19:55.20*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
19:55.32*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
19:55.32*** join/#bzflag DB7654321 (
19:55.33sn0w_m0nkeyi was on my bicycle
19:55.46Chestalsm: your bike still healthy?
19:55.48learneraw, man -- sry to hear that snow
19:55.50sn0w_m0nkeyi saved my bike with my body
19:56.00Chestalsm: good, it's the most important thing :-)
19:56.04sn0w_m0nkeyno worries learner..its all good
19:56.20sn0w_m0nkeyyes wheels alone costs me 600$
19:56.26CIAcommit by jeffm2501: fixes for pyramids ( it was bad )
19:56.26*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
19:56.27*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
19:56.42learneryikes.. that's a set of rubber you have there
19:56.55sn0w_m0nkeyrolf wheels, good engineering
19:56.57Patlabor221there that should take care of some of the pyramid thingys
19:57.18learnerheheh, pat, you're commits are so .. um .. "informative"?
19:57.33Chestalbtw., we must really change that numeric_limit thingy
19:57.37Patlabor221hey better then caps "fixed thing"
19:57.39Chestalcannot easily compile 1.9 here anymore because of it
19:57.48learnerthat was some massive irc split last night
19:57.48Chestalexceptions, however, would work fine for me :-)
19:58.32prot-workChestal: well...we are assuming ieee fp, so we could theoretically fill the bits ourselves
19:58.56prot-workcreate a uint32, set the value, then reinterpret_cast
20:01.31sn0w_m0nkeythat sucks mayhem...i know the feeling. had a expensive merlin stolen 3 years ago
20:01.39*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
20:01.39sn0w_m0nkeyi still look for it
20:01.49sn0w_m0nkeyso i can lay the smackdown
20:01.56Chestalgrmpf, sf broken again
20:02.15Quolwell - I am off, nice chatting all and thanks for the pointers...
20:02.25sn0w_m0nkeycu quol
20:02.27Chestalprot: well, please discuss it with Tim in case he shows up. Current code does not work on 2.95
20:02.31*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
20:02.33Chestalbye Quol
20:02.44*** part/#bzflag Quol (
20:03.46*** join/#bzflag scc (
20:04.39Chestalk, cu for now
20:05.15sccHello everybody
20:05.17sn0w_m0nkeycu ches
20:05.35sn0w_m0nkeyhi and bye also
20:05.56*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
20:06.04CIAcommit by jeffm2501: Fixed drawing of top of updside down pyrmaids.
20:06.11Patlabor221there that better for you? :)
20:09.35Nidhoggrwhat was wrong with the way they were being drawn?
20:12.00Patlabor221there flat tops were "wacked"
20:12.14Patlabor221one polly was off
20:13.00Patlabor221think I just need one little change here and I can make it so you can drive on top of them
20:17.30speedychonchonI can-t load ctf league website ! And you ?
20:17.39learnerdoes anyone else know that is down?
20:17.49learnerheh, funny
20:18.01Noodlemani guess the database is down
20:18.16*** join/#bzflag larsl_56k (
20:18.56learnerwow, most of is borked because of the mysql db
20:21.51learner!bzseen chikorita
20:21.51[dmp]learner: I saw Chikorita on at Thu May 22 20:11:02 2003
20:22.44Nidhoggr!bzseen Nidhoggr
20:22.45[dmp]Nidhoggr: I saw Nidhoggr on at Thu Mar 20 22:58:06 2003
20:22.53Nidhoggr!bzseen @Nidhoggr
20:22.54[dmp]Nidhoggr: I havnt seen @Nidhoggr
20:22.59Nidhoggrit's old
20:23.16[dmp]Nidhoggr: observers arent registered currently :)
20:23.23Nidhoggrah, cool.
20:24.17CIAcommit by jeffm2501: changed pyrmaid collisions to make tankde able to drive on them when they are upside down.
20:24.38Nidhoggrthat's sounds like fun.
20:24.48Patlabor221it's just like a box
20:24.48Nidhoggrdriving on upside down pyramids. :)
20:25.04Nidhoggryou could make some purdy maps that way.
20:25.17Patlabor221only thing now is the rico of shots off them, right now it's stubed out.
20:25.45Nidhoggrit'd be cool to rico down to the ground
20:26.16Nidhoggrhrm  maybe make it rico off of everything but the ground.  if it hits ground it's endshot
20:26.32larsl_56kWhy not rico off ground?
20:26.44Nidhoggrmaybe make it configurable. :)
20:26.56Patlabor221well it shoudl rico consitantly
20:27.03Patlabor221it's a client thing not a server thing
20:27.18Patlabor221it's the detection of when they are on the ground I have a problem with
20:27.30learnerwaitaminnit -- I was given the "consistency" excuse last night when I liked the exploding bullets.. those suckers better bounce down.. :)
20:27.45Patlabor221they will
20:27.47speedychonchonthe league site is well
20:27.48Patlabor221when I can fix it
20:27.55learner:) lol
20:27.59Patlabor221that's the only open bug with it
20:28.14Patlabor221I just can't seem to figure out when they get to Z 0
20:28.18prot-workyay for almost-osha-compliant ladders
20:28.22larsl_56kAny news on when the dev meeting will be?
20:28.36Patlabor221see that's the man I need to help me, but he's just climbing on ladders
20:28.39learner12th saturday
20:28.44prot-worklarsl_56k: i think july 12 1700 UTC
20:28.47learnerwasn't it 1700 utc?
20:29.08fiberchunksoh, Patlabor221, you know you can drive through the tip of an upside down pyramid?
20:29.10larsl_56k19:00 here... that sounds good.
20:29.28prot-workhrm, i don't want to remember my UTC offset
20:29.34prot-workwhat time will that be for you learner?
20:29.44Patlabor221hmmm, that would make sense, we only test teh bottom of the tank
20:29.46fiberchunkseast coast is UTC -4, iirc
20:29.52Patlabor221and it's equal to the tip
20:30.02Patlabor221well I did just change that code
20:30.04Patlabor221let me see
20:30.54prot-workaha i'm -6
20:30.59prot-work1pm, i can handle that
20:31.08prot-worki hope
20:31.29fiberchunks1700 is 5 pm prot-work, that would mean 11 am, i think
20:31.52prot-workso it would
20:31.55prot-worki can subtract, really
20:32.21CIAcommit by jeffm2501: hack collision with tip nubby of flip pyramid.
20:32.27fiberchunkshas JBDiGriz posted on forum about the meeting time?
20:32.50fiberchunksor anyone else? that should be done -- I've gotta shoot off to go play pool (oh, aren't I punny :\ )
20:33.56larsl_56kNothing in that thread.
20:35.09Patlabor221is the ground of like not realy Z0? is it Y or somethign like that?
20:35.52speedychonchonIs it possible to play with 56Ki conection ?
20:35.58larsl_56kspeedychonchon: It's possible,
20:36.06larsl_56kbut you might lag a bit.
20:36.09speedychonchonYeah !
20:36.20Nidhoggrlovely   and I'm working on sunday.
20:36.36Mayhemspeedychonchon: on busy servers, the amount of data you need to receive exceeds your capacity.
20:37.24larsl_56kMayhem: BZFlag needs more than 56 kbits / second?
20:37.58Mayhemlarsl_56k: I've seen my incoming peak over 8kb/s on ducati with 8 players
20:38.14Mayhemwhen things are really busy...
20:38.45Mayhemhate to think what its like on a hundred-shot server with 20 players...
20:39.30NidhoggrI've considered putting up a 25 shot server for fun a few times a month for a few hours.
20:39.36larsl_56kI'm usually fine on xmission, with 12 players and 5 or 6 shots / player.
20:40.00speedychonchonFor the "official-match" (4 or 6 players) 56Ko are enough ?
20:40.13larsl_56kspeedychonchon: Should be.
20:40.21speedychonchonyeah !
20:40.33Nidhoggra 10 shot server takes up about 1.2 mbps with 20 players.
20:40.41speedychonchonI need just a taem :-D
20:40.52larsl_56kIt's not only the bandwidth, you need reasonable ping times too.
20:42.03speedychonchonlarsl_56k : what is ping time ?
20:42.18*** join/#bzflag sussudio (Suss@
20:42.59larsl_56kspeedychonchon: The time it takes for a signal to travel from your modem, to the server, and back again.
20:43.05larsl_56kOr the other way around.
20:43.11speedychonchonwhat does the ping time depend on ?
20:43.27larsl_56kspeedychonchon: The route from your computer to the server.
20:43.38larsl_56kYour ISPs network etc.
20:44.01speedychonchonI'm in French : ducati server is the best for me
20:44.07sussudionumber of bunnies nibbling on your cables....
20:44.23larsl_56kYou shouldn't have any problems, I'm on modem right now and I'm playing on US servers.
20:44.53speedychonchonbunny = rabbit ? (yeah : I'm french !)
20:45.02learnerlol, sussudio
20:45.10larsl_56k(and I'm in Sweden)
20:45.16sussudioalso, performance with windows is worse than in linux......
20:45.32larsl_56kIt is?
20:45.33sussudioperformance with windows -through- a linux server is better than with windows itself
20:45.34speedychonchoni'm in linux ! Yeah !
20:45.35sussudioyes, it is
20:45.37learneryour ping time increases significantly with the number of Coronas one drinks
20:45.52sussudiolarsl_56k: whatever windows uses to dial up sucks.
20:45.54larsl_56klearner: But that's the brain-to-finger ping.
20:46.31NidhoggrI have lag kicking set at 500ms... most modemers can still stay on unless they are downloading at the same time. :)
20:47.17larsl_56kWhich reminds me - does anyone know of a good "traffic shaping" tool for Linux that can be used to reserve a couple of kilobytes for a certain port?
20:47.32larsl_56kSo I can do mad downloading while playing BZFlag. =)
20:47.42sussudiolarsl_56k: google for it. i think it needs patching of the kernel
20:47.52prot-worknot patching, but it does require reconfiguration
20:48.08prot-workthere are a few different QoS layers you can use
20:48.20larsl_56kAny names to search for?
20:48.36sussudiosearch for "linux traffic shaping"
20:49.02sussudiofirst result you get from google
20:49.49Nidhoggr~google for linux traffic shaping
20:49.54NoodlebotLinux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control HOWTO, Traffic Shaping [Aug. 24, 2000],
20:49.54NoodlebotJason&#39;s Web Thingy: Linux Traffic Shaping with HTB,
20:49.57CIAcommit by jeffm2501: rework of shot strat for flip pyramids ( not right but closer )
20:50.11sussudiothe one :-|
20:50.21Nidhoggrnoodlebot needs a larting
20:50.29sussudionoodlebot needs a kicking.
20:50.31*** kick/#bzflag [Noodlebot!~jupiter@] by prot-work (prot-work)
20:50.32*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot (
20:50.32Noodlebotprot-work: :-P
20:50.38bryjen~lart Noodlebot
20:50.51bryjenheh self-larting
20:51.00JBDiGrizI go for a late lunch, and people start changing times on me. Network reorg meeting will be 1900 UTC.
20:51.01learnerpoor noodlebot -- just doing what people asked him to do..
20:51.19larsl_56k21:00. That's fine too.
20:51.22Patlabor221well noodleman was suposed to turn off the stuff that ibot did
20:51.35Patlabor221or he should at elast change it's controll character
20:51.49learnereeek, 1900 eh?
20:52.02Nidhoggryeah.. I changed my blooty's control character to !
20:52.09learnerswear you said different just last night -- going nuts I guess
20:52.27JBDiGrizCheck the logs, I might be having a senior moment!
20:52.42learneryet I remember 3pm, and 3pm EDT is 1900.. hrm -- yep, I'm nuts
20:52.44*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
20:53.06learnerwait, no it's not
20:53.43JBDiGrizWe'll wait for the voices in learner's head to finish their argument.
20:53.45learnerugh, nvr mind -- it is  3pm != 1300, jeesh
20:53.57sussudiohmm no. 3 pm would be 1500
20:54.35JBDiGrizand EDT is UTC-4, therefore it's equivalent to, do I have any hands from the class?
20:55.20JBDiGrizLegolas may stay late and clean the erasers (the sound of one hand clapping)
20:55.54bryjenwho woulda thought a little addition and subtraction would cause such a mess
20:56.23*** join/#bzflag prot-wor1 (~jupiter@
20:56.25learnerdang "universal" time thingy ... shessh
20:56.33JBDiGrizI was going to propose in the message that if you didn't understand UTC, you might not want to attend the meeting. :{)
20:57.18learnerI'll probably be there at 1700 anyways, so no worries..
20:57.27speedychonchonWhat is UTC ?Is it like GMT ?
20:57.38larsl_56kGMT without daylight saving time.
20:58.01bryjendid GMT have daylight savings ?
20:58.01larsl_56kSo GMT = UTC+1 right now.
20:58.02MayhemGMT and UTC are basically equivalent
20:58.17learnerin most places
20:58.24larsl_56kIt doesn't?
20:58.25MayhemI don't think GMT changes in summer
20:58.32*** part/#bzflag Legolas (
20:58.33JBDiGrizThe european crowd gets it right, just us silly US persons!
20:58.39sussudioGMT is the same as UTC. BST (british standard time) changes
20:58.48Mayhemyes, thats it sussudio
20:58.49speedychonchonok !
20:59.03MayhemI'm in the UK, on BST, which is GMT+1
20:59.47speedychonchonIt's terribely complicated
21:00.04JBDiGrizDoes anybody really know what time it is?
21:00.30MayhemIts now :)
21:01.00MayhemMaybe we should use 'beats'
21:01.12learnernow, now was then
21:01.14larsl_56k1057201201 seconds since the epoch - that's all that matters.
21:01.38Noodlemani've got to figure out a way for it to wait for ibot to say something
21:01.38JBDiGrizI guess this crowd is a little young for Chicago and Usenet references.
21:01.38*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
21:01.39*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot (~noodlebot@
21:03.13learnerI used to use usenet unfortunately until irc took over :)
21:03.24learneror, rather, until spam took over
21:03.56larsl_56kYeah, I only read local USENET groups on my school.
21:04.01larsl_56kThe others are to spammy.
21:04.33larsl_56kAlthough I suppose it's not USENET if it's local.
21:07.15learnerwho maintains shell shock?
21:14.51*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
21:15.28Noodlemanuntested program made gnome crash :-)
21:15.57Noodlemanyou might think i am a mo
21:16.02Nidhoggryou need to disable the google command on noodlebot :)
21:16.10Noodlemanmasochist or something because if that smiliy
21:16.10Nidhoggror change his trigger character.
21:16.46Noodlemanyeah, i am going to figure out how i can make noodlebot wait for ibot before it talks
21:17.37Noodlemanwhile still keeping everything clean and modular, of course
21:17.41sussudioyou were going to make it passive.
21:17.49Noodlemani never said that
21:17.58sussudioyes you did.
21:18.05sussudioyou said "all i want it to do is log raw"
21:18.15sussudiomight as well use an eggdrop for that
21:18.17Noodlemani'm not going to argue about it
21:32.24*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
21:36.12*** join/#bzflag david_v (
21:36.38*** join/#bzflag cr33perz (
21:37.01cr33perzJust testing
21:39.01[dmp]it didnt work :)
21:40.04sussudio~pig creeperz
21:40.07creeperz is 20% pig!
21:41.43larsl_56k~literal pig
21:41.44pig is US Plus!
21:42.10*** join/#bzflag TerryC (
21:42.16sussudio~literal CMD: pig (.*?)
21:49.16sussudio5. Trademark Information. The following trademarks used or which are planned to be used in this site, whether registered or unregistered, are owned by Hormel Foods: SPAM; HORMEL; SPAMBURGER; SPAMTASTIC and any other SPAM-derived terms.
21:49.21speedychonchonYou are all in the CTF league ?
21:49.45Mayhemits spamTASTIC!
21:50.18larsl_56kDo they make burgers?
21:50.23*** join/#bzflag Quol (
21:50.24learnermmmm... burgers
21:50.27sussudioi can see the advertisements right now... "Regular burger not mysterious enough for you? Not clogging your arteries the way you want it? Use SPAM! Die sooner!"
21:50.27larsl_56kspeedychonchon: I'm not.
21:50.31TerryCSpam isn't too bad :-)
21:50.47*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
21:51.05TerryCOnce you drain the 1/3 container of oil and weird meat stuff, it's actually quite delicious :-)
21:51.21*** join/#bzflag bryjen_ (~bryjen@
21:51.22sussudioPatlabor221 only eats the jiggly parts
21:51.39TerryCThjat's the weird meat part ;-)
21:52.25speedychonchonlarls_56k : ok ! ;-)
21:52.36sussudio~dict processed
21:53.13TerryCThat was spontanious
21:54.03Patlabor221mmmm joggly parts
21:54.30TerryCPatlabor221: We're talking about things in CANS! Not shirts.
21:54.44TerryC..."BEAVERS--Dam it all"?
21:55.01*** part/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
21:55.08Patlabor221pffft what's the point then
21:56.53TerryC...In an hour or 3
22:00.29sussudiothat's what you get for basing a browser on Konq
22:01.39learnerit does not like displaying large text files...
22:02.04sussudioso use mozilla or something
22:02.24learnerno, I killed it.. I'll use lynx for reading my log file :)
22:02.31Mayhemyay for lynx
22:03.14larsl_56kWe need an emacs mode for bzfs logs.
22:04.06sussudioemacs. mode.
22:04.33larsl_56kMight be a good excuse to learn some elisp. =)
22:10.16*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
22:10.39sussudio1937 SPAM Boulevard Austin, Minnesota  55912 Call:  1-800-LUV-SPAM (1-800-588-7726)
22:10.48sussudioJust as every Elvis fan longs to visit Graceland, SPAM fans worldwide now have their own pilgrimage to make. In Austin, Minnesota a 16,500 square-foot SPAM Museum opened in September 2001.
22:10.48sussudioMuseum visitors will be welcomed to the world of SPAM Family of Products with a variety of interactive and educational games, fun exhibits and remarkable video presentations.
22:10.52Quolso - I am trying to get bzfs running in a chroot, and am having a miserable time :) - basically, it works but bzfs can't register itself with the list server. I have copied  the libraries over, and resolv.con, hosts from /etc to the jail - does anyone have any other ideas??
22:13.09larsl_56kDo you live in a closet?
22:13.29larsl_56kThrow some of the inessential stuff out.
22:13.34sussudiolarsl_56k: he probably got some of those fallic-replacement speakers
22:13.35larsl_56kBed, desk etc.
22:13.39learnerdon't really need that bed, right?
22:13.40TerryCI have an average sized bedroom, but the speakers are 3 1/2 ft. tall
22:13.48learnerthat's all?!
22:13.54TerryCAnd 2 ft. wide
22:13.58Patlabor221only 3 feet?
22:14.05Patlabor221that's it?
22:14.22TerryCWHAT THA?! There's a big ol' chunk missing out of my speaker!
22:14.24sussudiothese fit in any room
22:15.56sussudioTerryC: 2 words. duck tape.
22:16.20TerryCTasty :-)
22:16.58TerryCOhh* You mean to TAPE the speaker?
22:17.07TerryC...Or the screen of my TV?
22:17.12*** part/#bzflag Legolas (
22:26.25sussudiostereo's don't explode.
22:26.41Nidhoggrack  don't like it when our neteng dept messes up a vlan, so customers can't send email to one of our servers.
22:26.59TerryCI wouldn't say that, sussudio :-)
22:27.04TerryCMy copusin's did
22:27.32sussudiothere isn't anything in there that would explode. at most one of the capacitors could overheat and blow it's top
22:27.59TerryCIt overloaded and blew up
22:28.11dougheckadid pieces go flying?
22:28.23TerryCNot really
22:28.50TerryCBut it did smoke a lot
22:29.02TerryCAnd it was really hot
22:29.18sussudioyeah that was probably some capacitors.
22:29.21Nidhoggrmust be those bad taiwanese capacitors.  can't unload them onto motherboard manufacturers now.
22:30.45Nidhoggrthat whole capacitor thing was because they stole, via industrial espionage, the formula for some company's electrolyte... and it ended up being really crappy.
22:33.56TerryC103% humidity and it's 95 degrees
22:34.46Patlabor221it's only 82 here :)
22:34.49Patlabor221it's a nice day
22:34.58TerryCI would say so :-)
22:35.13*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
22:35.23Patlabor221yeah didn't think you could super saturate air
22:35.30Patlabor221or maybe hes in the pool
22:35.58TerryCLOOK! A SQUIRREL!
22:36.16Patlabor221wait a min, who said you could speak
22:36.33TerryCI couldn't help myself
22:36.38TerryCWant me to silence myself?
22:36.40Patlabor221I mean in general
22:36.48TerryCI just have to change my nick
22:36.57Patlabor221this is why you were silenced in the first place
22:37.00Patlabor221it's called a lesson
22:37.06Patlabor221that seems to have not been learned
22:37.27Patlabor221I just want you to think :)
22:38.03learnerlearner likes lessons
22:38.49Patlabor221nid, it's hot out where you are now isn't it?
22:39.31Patlabor221107 in phoenix
22:39.38larsl_56kNidhoggr: Have you tried the new stuff in bzadmin?
22:44.48*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
22:44.54*** part/#bzflag Legolas (
22:47.37Patlabor221ahh is it time for your shirt shoping again?
22:47.58sussudiospam socks.
22:48.11Patlabor221I would think they would be kinda squisshy
22:48.26sussudioi saw a hot pink shirt with spam logo for doug
22:48.42Patlabor221awww your gonna get him a present, how nice
22:50.10learnerwhat set of characters do you think make good obscene onomatopoeias
22:50.17learnere.g. !@#$%^&*
22:50.38Patlabor221I hate when BZFlag does that
22:50.52Patlabor221^ dosn't seem to fit
22:51.05JBDiGrizlearner: Are you tired of ***terisks?
22:51.06Patlabor221you want the ones that are not normal punctuation and look kinda like letters
22:51.39Patlabor221csu @$$hole is close enought :)
22:51.42learneryes, jb, tired
22:51.57DTRemenakIt wouldn't bother me if it didn't lock the computer up the next time any OGL stuff tried to run
22:52.07learnerI'm using the 1-8 ones right now
22:52.23Patlabor221what card you using?
22:52.38Patlabor221what OS?
22:52.45learner@$$hole would get filtered.. :)
22:52.51DTRemenak'98 right now, VC's not set up in 2k
22:52.59Patlabor221latest nvidias?
22:53.06DTRemenak41.09 drivers, the 43.45's caused problems
22:53.19DTRemenakthere's a newer one out I think
22:53.19Patlabor221under 98 maybe
22:53.24Patlabor22198 is icky
22:53.29DTRemenakat times
22:53.32DTRemenakmost times
22:53.36Patlabor221you have dx9, the later drivers kinda want it
22:53.41JBDiGrizLike daytime and nighttime
22:53.44DTRemenakyes, dx9.0a
22:54.04Patlabor221probalby dying on the flush, I've seen it before
22:54.11Patlabor221not much can be done
22:54.17DTRemenakthat's what I thought
22:54.21DTRemenakthe debugger didn't tell me much
22:54.28Patlabor221don't use crapy OSs :)
22:54.37DTRemenakI should try it on 2K
22:54.55DTRemenakbut I'm scared to start 2K and be online since it's fresh off the CD, no SPs
22:55.29DTRemenakNext time I'm at a LAN I'll download SP4 for it, then I can actually use it
22:56.52DTRemenakDoes building BZFlag with Cygwin work, or not?
22:57.00*** join/#bzflag TerryC (
22:57.49*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221Work (~jeffm@
22:58.03DTRemenakoh, so now there are two of you?
22:58.22JBDiGrizIt's the voices in his head, they're getting worse
22:58.35DTRemenaklol, one voice is at work, one at home?
22:58.51Patlabor221Workno, one discoonect
22:58.55JBDiGrizThey tend to argue about killing everyone else
22:59.12*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
22:59.44Patlabor221ohh no I get allong with the voices, now that they know who's boss.
23:00.12JBDiGrizWe know which voice won, by how tolerant Patlabor221 is of extraneous noise! :{)
23:00.44Patlabor221no I came up with a better plan for world domination then they did, they were impressed.
23:04.06TerryCHe's sorry and though he would...yeah
23:04.32JBDiGriztoo many developers, they tend to do things rather than talk about them.
23:04.48larsl_56kThey do?
23:05.35learnerI just like to go around kicking things and giggling, and pointing, and poking :)
23:08.16NidhoggrEEEEK! Mayhem let the DOGS OUT!
23:08.28JBDiGrizwoof woof woof woof
23:08.38NidhoggrI've been at work too long.
23:08.59MayhemI think we've all been in IRC too long...
23:08.59learnerhave there been no commits today?
23:09.20Patlabor221there have, I did 3
23:09.22sussudiolearner: just doug being carried away by the men in white coats
23:09.24JBDiGrizlearner: look behind you, those men in white suits are about to commit
23:09.54learnerwonder why bzfs says it's last modification date is 3am..
23:10.15learnerthey have to get lost in the dark first
23:10.24larsl_56k~dict grue
23:10.25DTRemenakbut the headlights...
23:10.26Patlabor221I didn't change the server
23:10.30Patlabor221just client stuff
23:10.32Patlabor221for the pyramids
23:11.24DTRemenakgrue n. [from archaic English verb for `shudder', as with fear] The grue was originated in the game Zork.
23:12.01DTRemenak"The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is either adventurers or enchanters, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its horrible fear of light"
23:13.40*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
23:17.46Quolhello bzg..
23:18.19bzgirlhey Quol
23:18.26Quolhow are ya?
23:19.01bzgirlnot bad
23:19.06TerryCNOO!! AOL will get you! It's commin' to get yu! :-)
23:20.00bzgirlQuol: how is your scripts?
23:20.53Quolbzg - ugh ang &*()^!@(*&^!#@^%$$#*(&@^#()&%^%$!*%@$*&!^$%@(*^%@(*^!!!!!!
23:21.12TerryCHmm, someone needs to make a BZFlag history website :-)
23:21.35QuolI am just starting them back up now without the chroot - I will come back to it another day - enough is enough for today :)
23:21.35bzgirlQuol: that dosent look like Bash to me :)
23:22.02Quolbzg: bash - i know why they named it bash
23:22.10larsl_56kIt looks more like Perl.
23:22.12Patlabor221I think Nidhogger got BZ to run in a chroot jail
23:22.23Patlabor221IIRC he had to change a build paramater to get it to link difrently.
23:22.27Quoland I know why they name that little "flashing command prompt thing" a cursor :)
23:22.30larsl_56kSomeone should write a HOWTO.
23:22.44QuolI was talking with him earlier...
23:22.47larsl_56kI just copied bzfs and some libs into the jail.
23:22.55TerryCAn O'Reilly book on BZFlag :-)
23:22.59bzgirlQuol: lemme know how it worked, i was gonna do the chroot stuff but i couldnt figure it out
23:23.00Quolif I get it working, I will write it all down and post it
23:23.02learnersomeone should comment the sourcecode
23:23.23Quolwell - I have it working...
23:23.42Quolthe problem is that the server (bzfs) just doesn't update the list server!!
23:23.55Patlabor221does it send it's message?
23:23.59Quolthat's all - but the bzfs server itself is up and running and you can connect to it etc..
23:24.01Patlabor221and not get it back?
23:24.06larsl_56kOdd... that doesn't sound like a chroot problem.
23:24.07QuolI don't see it
23:24.20Patlabor221you running with -d -d -d -d
23:24.29Patlabor221that will show you when it sends the message
23:24.31TerryCI run with just -d -d
23:24.36TerryCdebug level
23:24.41Quolbzfs you mean....ya
23:24.43Patlabor221it turns on extra info
23:24.51Quolwithout the chroot - all is swell
23:24.55Patlabor221hmmm it never sends then
23:24.59Patlabor221that's odd
23:25.04Patlabor221port open and all that?
23:25.15TerryCCan you run a bzfs with no whitespace?
23:25.26larsl_56kQuol: Did you start it and shut it down a lot? I suspect that the list server has some kind of flood protection (I've had to wait a while for it to register my server when I've restarted a lot).
23:25.27Quolohh yeah
23:25.47Quolohh yeah for the port question
23:25.51larsl_56kTerryC: Whitespace?
23:25.58TerryCs p a c e ss
23:26.06Patlabor221I don't think mr terry know what the hell he's talking about.
23:26.20larsl_56kI know what whitespace means, but what does it have to do with bzfs?
23:26.31Quollarsl: I don't think that's the problem as whenever I restart it non-chrooted, everything works A OK
23:26.43TerryCI was asking if you can remove spaces from the bzfs and it run normally
23:26.53Patlabor221from what?
23:26.54larsl_56kSpaces from where?
23:26.59TerryCthe .bat
23:27.10Patlabor221paramaters are space deliminated
23:27.29Patlabor221use a config file.
23:27.33Patlabor221instead of a bat
23:27.51larsl_56kQuol: Are you linking against exactly the same shared libs inside the jail as outside?
23:28.00TerryCPerfect for ME users :-)
23:28.14Patlabor221you aren't a windows ME user
23:28.21TerryCI know :-)\
23:29.09TerryCyay. Heat index is 107 now
23:29.16Quolya - I have all the libs
23:29.16JBDiGrizIt sounds like a missing config file in /etc
23:29.49QuolI think there is another library/util taht BZ relies on when trying to open the list server and update it...
23:30.02Patlabor221try specifying the list server URL direclty in the command line.
23:30.05TerryCOk, in the new bzfs, can you define half of the things in the .bat and the rest in the .conmf?
23:30.24Patlabor221yes terry, read the man pages
23:30.44TerryCI feel so prettyful :-)
23:30.59QuolI see ti trying to talk to: failed:
23:31.08Quolthat is with the -d
23:31.19Patlabor221try this
23:31.28Quolwhen I run it non-chroot, all is swell
23:31.47TerryCWhat's it do with -d -d?
23:31.47Patlabor221whats in your config?
23:31.50Quolhold on...
23:32.02larsl_56kTerryC: More -d, more debug info.
23:32.03TerryCQuol a 2000 user?
23:32.04Patlabor221terry, as we said output more debug info
23:32.07Quolit says the same thing with -d -d
23:32.09TerryCI know
23:32.29Patlabor221BZFS dosn't work right on windows
23:32.35QuolTerry - I am an everything user, 95, 98, ME, 2K, XP, NT4, Linux, Solaris :)
23:32.42Quolforgot *BSD :)
23:32.58TerryCWhat are you on now?
23:33.29QuolWell - XP SSh'ing to RedHat 8
23:33.30learneryou forgot beos
23:33.39larsl_56k and both works, and give the same IP:port.
23:33.39learnerand sgi
23:33.39QuolI tried that - I hated itr ;)
23:33.45larsl_56kSo that's probably not it.
23:33.53Quolnever tried SGI
23:34.04learnerand qnx
23:34.07Mayhemsgi is good :)
23:34.09learnerand os x
23:34.10JBDiGrizThat would Irix on sgi
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23:34.20TerryCHi, TimRiker
23:34.24Quolhey Tim
23:34.31learnerthe prodigal son returns
23:34.33JBDiGrizNone of the various Unixes are very different, especially from the user point of view
23:34.52Quolthey all have their little quirks though
23:34.55Patlabor221does the chroot have access to the dns?
23:35.03larsl_56kJBDiGriz: True. The difference is in the applications.
23:35.07Quolya - I copied resolv.conf in their
23:35.21TerryCOh, the other day in XMission, the Blue flag was stuck on the red base and it appeared red on radar but it could not be picked up
23:35.25JBDiGrizQuol: Did you also copy hosts, and other files necessary for the network?
23:35.49Quoldoes anyone know if the bzfs relies on an external library to get the list server info - like wget or something??
23:36.03QuolJB - yes - got them also....
23:36.10Patlabor221it shouldn't, cus it works on windows, and all the other OSs
23:36.13Patlabor221it does it's own net stuff
23:36.19larsl_56kI don't have hosts in my chroot jail.
23:36.37Quollarsl - does it work for you in a chroot jail???
23:36.52larsl_56kQuol: Yes, perfectly.
23:37.02larsl_56kI'm not running it now over the modem though. =)
23:37.06Quolwow - OK what's in your Jail...
23:37.24QuolI have a /etc/ /usr/lib /lib
23:37.36QuolI got allthe libraries in /usr/lib and /lib
23:38.09Quoland I have resolv.conf in /etc along with hosts,
23:38.20larsl_56kThat might be the problem - try removing it.
23:38.40QuolI had it removed to begin with - Chestal thought I might need it
23:38.45Quoldoesn't work either way though
23:38.48*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
23:38.56larsl_56kI think that's done by the kernel, which isn't confined to the jail.
23:39.07Quolwhat is - resolv?
23:39.10Quolor ld
23:39.25larsl_56kAnd ld.
23:39.44NidhoggrI got lazy and copied all of /lib and /usr/lib
23:39.50Quolmaybe it needs a shell like bash???
23:39.50Nidhoggrhavne't had a problem.
23:39.59NidhoggrI don't have bash in the jail
23:40.36Quolno external programs like wget or a web something
23:40.51*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
23:40.52Patlabor221bzfs is self contained
23:41.09Quolwell - I will copy all of lib and /usr/lib then and see what happens
23:41.11larsl_56kI have ld-linux, libc, libgcc, libm, libstdc++, libtermcap in /lib.
23:41.29Quolthat seems to be the only difference - maybe there is a library somewhere that ldd is missing?
23:41.37Nidhoggrdo you have nsswitch.conf in there, did you say?
23:41.51Quolyup - putthat in there this afternoon
23:41.51larsl_56kWouldn't it complain if a library was missing?
23:41.59larsl_56kWhat's that?
23:42.08Quolthat's what I think also lars - but it starts up fine
23:42.19Quolnjust fails on thelist srever update !(@^!*)&^@*)!&^@! :)
23:42.20Nidhoggrlarsl, it tells the system what order to check for dns, etc.
23:42.34larsl_56kMore Perl.
23:43.39bryjennsswitch.conf = System Databases and Name Service Switch configuration file
23:43.52bryjenaren't there some libs that go along with that?
23:43.59TerryCSee yu guys later
23:44.00larsl_56kI don't have any dns stuff in the jail.
23:44.02*** part/#bzflag TerryC (
23:44.29Quolcopying over /usr/lib now...
23:44.55NidhoggrI did all of /lib and /usr/lib because I have LOTS of drive space. :)
23:45.21bryjenhmmm  /lib/libnss_(dns|files|nis)
23:45.30larsl_56kDoes links work out of a jail?
23:45.35larsl_56kHard links.
23:46.12bryjenhard links i would think.  soft ones i doubt
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23:53.51Quolwell - finished /usr/lib - ran a test - still fails on the list server
23:53.58Quolcopying over /lib as we speak...
23:54.20Quolsoftlink do not work n a jail...
23:54.27Quoltried that this afternoon also....
23:54.47JBDiGrizSymbolic links follow a path, the path is constrained by the jail
23:54.53bzgirlQuol: what distro is it on?
23:55.07Quolholy crap - it's something in /lin
23:55.17Quolin /lib
23:55.54Quolafter the /lib copy - all is swell....
23:56.07QuolI will go back and see what I can get rid of now.... - thanks guys...
23:56.08larsl_56kThe libnss_* files?
23:56.57Quolyou think it's just those ones??
23:57.04Nidhoggrcould be.
23:57.08Nidhoggrwould make sense.
23:57.56Quolyou think that ldd would pick that up though?
23:58.11Quolor that bzfs would complain about a required library missing??
23:59.16Nidhoggryou can have library requirements on libraries, btw.
23:59.45larsl_56kThey might be loaded using dlopen(). That's probably unlikely though.

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