irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030618

00:00.37bzgirlthat works :0
00:00.55fiberchunksFIST - gzip or change your extension! ;)
00:00.57Patlabor221cap didn't compress it then?
00:01.06fiberchunksjust tarred it
00:01.17bzgirland named it incorrectly?
00:01.19Patlabor221the fist has faltered
00:01.28Patlabor221what shoudl it be named?
00:01.33Patlabor221I think I can fix it on SF
00:01.38bzgirlwithout the z
00:01.47JBDiGrizThe iron fist needs some geritol today.
00:01.52fiberchunkswell tar czvf foo.tgz is easy to mess up with tar cvf foo.tgz
00:02.04fiberchunksno no, bzflag<whatever>.tar
00:02.11Patlabor221so just bzflag-1.7g2.tar ?
00:02.27JBDiGrizbzgirl: Try taking the z out of your command to see if it works
00:02.42fiberchunksthat's prob also why the d/l manager goofered up the d/l percentages -- thought it was reading a tgz, but was reading a tar
00:02.42bzgirljb it works yes
00:05.43Patlabor221can you test the tar and make sure I did it right?
00:05.44fiberchunkscompiled deliciously here -- gonna light it off tonight sometime
00:06.08Patlabor221before I delete the other one.
00:06.16fiberchunksdid you tgz it?
00:06.24Patlabor221no, I just renamed it tar
00:06.30fiberchunksI see no tar on
00:06.41fiberchunksjust tgz
00:07.22Patlabor221I had to hit the button
00:09.34fiberchunksno, no joy
00:10.04Patlabor221well make me one that is good, and put it in bfoj and I"ll post it
00:10.17fiberchunksjeezus, the one named .tar is a tar.gz
00:10.39Patlabor221or this will work cus I gotta go home when this disk is done
00:11.11Patlabor221~msg for captain_proton The .tgz file is not gzed, it's borked. make it so... all hail the fist.
00:11.12that's too long, Patlabor221
00:11.14fiberchunksI'll make a new tar
00:11.19Patlabor221damn you ibot
00:11.23Patlabor221~msg for captain_proton The .tgz file is not gzed, it's borked
00:11.23Patlabor221: that's too long
00:11.56Patlabor221ibot, haven't I allways been nice to you?
00:11.56Patlabor221: are you using Windows?
00:12.04Patlabor221ibot, yes
00:12.05You dont say!
00:12.14Patlabor221ibot, yeah what of it?
00:12.14Patlabor221: I wish you would RTFM.
00:12.30Patlabor221ibot, I did, and it tells me that you should work.
00:12.31Patlabor221: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
00:12.37fiberchunkswhoo, that's too funny -- you're getting jammed by a bot ;)
00:12.48Patlabor221ibot, do we need to have the reformat talk again?
00:12.49Patlabor221: I wish you would RTFM.
00:12.57Patlabor221ibot, who is your daddy?
00:12.58YOU are, Mr. Sexy Pants
00:13.03Patlabor221damn right
00:13.14learnerAtWorkpoor ibot, leave it's confused little neurons alone..
00:13.32Patlabor221well we've had this talk before, and she should be fine.
00:14.06fiberchunksuploading now, Patlabor221
00:14.26fiberchunksit'll be done in about 6 months, what with my stellar upload capabilities ;)
00:16.58*** join/#bzflag ibot (ibot@
00:16.58*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || (forums) || upgrade bzfs servers to CVS || for a giggle, check for crs' name in the credits for Finding Nemo || g2 released
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00:17.24akcehguodhey, whats that thing about patlabor221?
00:17.30Noodlemancourtesy of the FIST!
00:18.01Patlabor221we are sorry but the fist is unavalalbe at this time, please leave your name, IP, and a breif message and we will get back to you.
00:18.05akcehguodcappy is the FIST, patlabor221 only has the KFJ mojo
00:18.16Patlabor221I am the pinky of the fist
00:18.25fiberchunkspinky and the brain
00:18.40Noodlemanstinky and the spleen
00:20.38fiberchunksPatlabor221> I have a link on my site to the tar.gz download
00:20.52Patlabor221ok let me get home and I will post it
00:21.06Patlabor221it's such a long drive
00:21.57akcehguodyou mean walk
00:22.03Patlabor221I could walk
00:22.07Patlabor221but I drive today
00:22.33Patlabor221had to drive to the mall today at lunch
00:22.43fiberchunkswhat's that 800 meters?
00:23.00Patlabor221the mall, no that's in another town
00:23.03Patlabor221bout 5 miles
00:23.14Patlabor221we gots no real mall
00:23.41Patlabor221remember what my towns name is backwards?
00:23.54learnerAtWorkok, time to go home..
00:23.56fiberchunksno idea -- can't even remember the town you live in
00:24.13Patlabor221it's in the profile, you'll figure it out :)
00:25.19akcehguodwhat is it?
00:25.53fiberchunkspatlabor's town name backwards
00:27.49*** part/#bzflag jzaun (
00:30.42*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
00:30.46akcehguodheya timriker
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00:31.54*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
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00:38.14TimRikerso. bumping the version in cvs huh? ;-)
00:38.49fiberchunksseems that way, yes
00:39.19fiberchunksoh, I think Patlabor221 is fixing this as we speak, but the source tgz on for 7g2 is not a .tgz, it's a tarball
00:39.20Patlabor221cap hasn't moved it to head yeah
00:39.29Patlabor221yeah I'm downloading it
00:39.35Patlabor221and thinking of diner
00:40.12Patlabor221tim do you like tar.gz or tgz as an extension?
00:40.21Patlabor221cap didn't gzip the tar that's up there now
00:41.19TimRikerdid BZVERSION get bumped before releases were made?
00:41.34Patlabor221well they went to g2
00:41.43TimRikerPatlabor221: prefer .tgz as that's what we've done before, but I don't care much.
00:41.58Patlabor221I checked for g2ness before I build windows
00:42.51TimRikerlooks ok, I did "cvs up -r v1_7g2" and got VERSIONNUM=10707002
00:43.52Patlabor221it's right?
00:45.27TimRikerdid anyone try a debian build?
00:45.38TimRikerit's probably still broken.
00:45.57fiberchunksnot sure if bzgirl did or not -- think she's the resident deb user ?
00:46.15bzgirljust built it
00:46.27bzgirli havent made the .deb though
00:46.46bzgirlbut it compiled ok with etc
00:47.06fiberchunksheee -- speak of the devil -- were your ears itching ? ;)
00:48.02bzgirlfiberchunks: xchat beeps at me when my name is spoken
00:49.26akcehguodbzgirl: beep
00:49.33Patlabor221I get mine in colors
00:49.41fiberchunkssame here
00:49.47bzgirlyes its yellow
00:49.56*** join/#bzflag MrCooper ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.41Patlabor221ok there the tarball is fixed
00:56.40captain_protonquick reply is sexy
00:56.49Patlabor221it is, isn't it?
00:57.10fiberchunkshee :)
00:59.28Patlabor221cap you didn't gzip the tarball
01:00.00captain_protonooo google's logo is neat
01:00.34Noodlemanm c escher is kewl
01:00.57captain_proton[jupiter@bhaskara ~/projects]$ file /tmp/bzflag-1.7g2.tar.gz
01:01.01captain_proton/tmp/bzflag-1.7g2.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix
01:02.39fiberchunkswell, if that's the one you put on sf - it wasn't -- twas a .tar
01:02.56TimRikerPatlabor221: netscape and other browsers decompress without renaming.
01:03.17Patlabor221I just go with what the fiber says
01:03.24Patlabor221bzgirl could not get it to work
01:03.56fiberchunksnor could I, until I tar xvf'd it
01:04.38*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
01:06.04TimRikernow there's a .tar and a .tar.gz up on SF where the .tar is smaller than the .tar.gz
01:06.25fiberchunksit's a mess
01:06.44fiberchunksthe .tar is actually a tgz, and the tgz is actually a .tar -- dunno how
01:07.05TimRikerand what's with 1.9.0 ? that's not the dev version and it's not a release version and....
01:07.47Patlabor221I should have removed the tgz
01:08.19TimRikerand then some places say 1.9a0 and some say 1.9.0 ....
01:08.39Patlabor221that would be the capinator
01:21.34CIAcommit by timriker: less wrong version
01:24.48Patlabor221I told him to wait till it was made CVS head
01:26.54Patlabor221what do you want to call the head? 1.8.9 or something?
01:27.07Patlabor221or 1.9.x and release it as 2.0?
01:27.27TimRiker1.7g3 until I change the net code to pass x.x.x as strings
01:28.16captain_protonbah, it was Patlabor221 who kept poking me to bump the version ;-)
01:28.27Patlabor221No I wanted you to bump to head
01:28.40Patlabor221the internal verison is arbitrary,
01:28.50Patlabor221I jus am to lazy to keep using -r :)
01:28.55captain_protonand whats this about a .tar?
01:29.20Patlabor221fiber and BZgirl could not get the tarball to untarball
01:29.45captain_protonbizzare, its worked for me everywheres
01:30.33Patlabor221yes but you are a ninja
01:35.28TimRikermisc/touchdsp needs updating. that's the script I use to change the version info.
01:35.52TimRikerprobably should be touchversion, but it was just for DSPs at one point.
01:38.09Patlabor221dsps don't read the version from internal anymore, they just pull from a config.h that should make it easyer
01:38.19TimRikerdo the vcproj files need VERSION= now?
01:38.28Patlabor221no, nothing should
01:38.37Patlabor221tho I need to test on .net
01:39.48TimRikerthe win32/*.vcproj have VERSION=10900000 and the version.h has VERSION="1.9a0"
01:40.09TimRikerremove the ones in the .vcproj if you can, k?
01:40.38Patlabor221yeah I have not updated them
01:40.42Patlabor221I will redo them
01:42.51Patlabor221well actualy the dsp update may work now, since I changed the dsp's around, so we may not need the vcprojs anymore
01:43.38Patlabor221and .net is slow anyway :)
01:45.54*** join/#bzflag MrCooper ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:51.25*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
01:55.27*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot (
01:57.31Noodlemandoes anyone here use redhat 7.3?
01:59.12Patlabor221I used to, but now I'm up to rh8 on asgard, just took rh9 off of the home machine
02:03.37CIAcommit by timriker: +x
02:05.23TimRikerugh. didn't work anyway...
02:06.19CIAcommit by timriker: move to touchversion
02:08.17*** join/#bzflag learner (
02:08.21captain_protonTimRiker: did you want the version dropped back down to g3?
02:13.05Noodlemanbah, my roto-router's been r00ted
02:13.32TimRikeryes. I'm working on it by updating the script so don't do it yet...
02:13.42captain_protonscript is a good idea
02:13.52captain_protonsince we've got the version number duplicated every-freakin-where
02:14.24JBDiGrizIncluding the Mac Project Builder file
02:14.38captain_protonabout version, you want to stay at g2 -until- you rewrite to use x.x.x? seems like thats another thing holding us back
02:15.55Noodlemandoes anyone have a statically linked copy of netstat?
02:16.02learnerJB, are we released?
02:18.02JBDiGrizlearner: I have a file, and modified the readme, but I wanted to talk to you about the jpg
02:18.13learnerah, ok
02:18.55learnerI'm going to go try a quick screenshot again just to be sure I need to load up linux (unless you have a diff idea)
02:19.38JBDiGrizUnfortunately, no
02:21.16JBDiGrizlearner: I just tried it on my desktop, yeesh!
02:23.00learneryea, no luck -- ok, I'll bring up linux
02:23.06learnergimme a few minutes
02:24.01captain_protonTimRiker: speaking of which, why change the protocol to use strings at all? seems like the current version numbering system works fine for x.x.x
02:24.11learnerjb, if we can't get something in a couple minutes, I'd be kinda cool to just use the screen shot from the decks the other night (even though the screenshot was pretty simple..)
02:24.39captain_protonTimRiker: doesn't scale past 99 for any of major/minor/tiny, but it works
02:24.46captain_proton# version number: aabbccddd, aa=major, bb=minor, cc=revision, ddd=build.
02:24.47captain_proton# increase build number for every potentially released build.
02:24.47captain_proton# must change this in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE and MSDev project too.
02:25.07captain_protonjust does this funny character thing with the revision number
02:25.13JBDiGrizlearner: I'm not sure the discussion there was something I wanted to publish :)
02:25.29learnerjb, hehe, :)
02:28.56TimRikercaptain_proton: current would be x.x.x.x
02:31.47captain_protoni guess its true that our development process doesn't really work with build numbering
02:32.02learnerno kidding, cap
02:37.06TimRikerBZFlag.nsi references BZFlag1_9a0 ugh...
02:38.15TimRikercan that just be BZFlag ?
02:38.57captain_protoni don't -think- bzflag actually uses the registry
02:39.04Patlabor221no it dosn't
02:39.12Patlabor221it can be just bnzflag
02:39.21Patlabor221I can change it
02:39.31captain_protonif it did use the registry i'd have to hurt someone
02:39.33Patlabor221tho it means all versions install over the old
02:39.43fiberchunksPatlabor221 << likes the attach mod ;)
02:39.44Patlabor221cap the installer uses the registry for the uninstall
02:39.51Patlabor221that's it'
02:39.54Patlabor221it has to
02:40.01captain_protonbut thats nsis using the registry, not bzflag
02:40.38Patlabor221now you've got betwenn now and when I find my right shoe  to tell me to change the intaller, or you have to wait till after the food
02:41.50Patlabor221I could try to make the isntaller read from config, but that coudl be "interesting"
02:43.16Patlabor221bbiab (elf needs food badly )
02:50.26TimRikerelf is about to die
02:51.09captain_protonTimRiker: are you referring to Patlabor221 or the execuable format?
02:52.00TimRikerwhy doesn't MacBZFlag-prefix.h define VERSION like everybody else?
02:52.16TimRikercaptain_proton: just gauntlet
02:52.32TimRiker"elf is about to die"
02:52.46TimRiker"elf needs food badly"
02:52.56TimRikerboth from the game gauntlet
02:56.51Patlabor221"don't shoot food"
02:56.54captain_protonregarding HEAD, you were planning to make a branch for 1.8, cvs delete everything and re-import?
02:56.57Patlabor221"save keys to open doors"
02:57.24Patlabor221wo what do you want me to do with the installer?
02:59.27CIAcommit by timriker: take that, you version number you
03:01.02Patlabor221for 1.9 I'll update the script to nsis 2.0 so we can get all the spiffy new features
03:01.21Patlabor221then get bzflag XP logo certified :)
03:01.35TimRikercaptain_proton: something like that. it would be nice to leave any files that have not changed.
03:04.05captain_proton1.8 has a lot of files that 1.7 does not and vice-versa
03:06.37captain_protonhm, speaking of 1.8
03:07.01captain_protonas in pulls from 1.8
03:07.02Patlabor221how rude
03:07.04captain_protonand crams into 1.7!
03:07.12TimRikerdo NOT start 1.7g2/1.9 hacking yet.
03:07.20captain_protonaw :(
03:07.36Patlabor221do it in asgard cvs cap
03:09.09TimRikerfine by me as long as it does not go in. I want to fix HEAD first
03:09.42TimRiker"green warrior needs food badly"
03:15.27TimRikerwhy are there 2 different MacBZFlag-prefix.h files?
03:15.45captain_protonbecause of the automake/project builder juggling
03:15.48TimRikerwhy did they have VERSION as the numeric and not BZVERSION ?
03:16.03captain_protoni -think- the one in MacOSX is current, but you'd have to check with JBDiGriz or learner
03:16.10TimRikerwhy don't they have VERSION as "1.7g3" etc?
03:16.45TimRikerwhy aren't they both called config.h ?
03:17.39CIAcommit by timriker: mac prefix.h ???
03:17.45CIAcommit by timriker: 1.7g3
03:17.51CIAcommit by timriker: a couple that the script does not handle yet
03:18.26TimRiker~spell valkyrie
03:18.31possible spellings for valkyrie: Valkyrie Valkyries Valkyrie's Valarie Valerie
03:18.52TimRiker~google for valkyrie
03:19.10TimRiker~google for valkyrie gauntlet
03:21.53Patlabor221naw I want a real one
03:22.17JBDiGrizOuch, someone's poking me again!
03:23.06JBDiGrizThe files duplicated in the MacOSX directory are being used, and the ones in the src/platform directory are duplicates.
03:23.35JBDiGrizThey were there so we didn't break the build, and when I made the last automake change, they should have become redundant.
03:24.05JBDiGrizHowever at that point, someone was itching to get a release out, so I didn't want to make more changes than absolutely necessary! :)
03:24.53learnerwe can delete those files soon enough..
03:25.14learneractually.. both MacBZFlag-prefix.h files will be removed, too.
03:25.28learnerjb, no luck on the capture
03:25.45learnerthe linux client is too slow without acceleration
03:25.48JBDiGrizNow the trick is to pull version from the files into the project!
03:26.09learnerjb, version is pulled automagically from the config.h target
03:26.15JBDiGrizI'll just create a release without the fancy background, and we'll work on that when we have more time.
03:26.45learnersounds fine, jb
03:27.33JBDiGrizbeg to differ on the version, check the bzflag target in the project.
03:28.17TimRikerand there is a base version in the project as well. ugh
03:29.09learnerah, jb, we're talking about two different versions..
03:29.13JBDiGrizlearner: I stripped the objects in the package as well, no reason to make it larger than necessary
03:29.27learneryes, the app has it's own versioning pulled from the infoplist
03:29.44JBDiGrizlearner: I actually knew that, but I am still looking for a way to make the plist version a bit more automatic!
03:30.05learneryes, that would be good.. (though the plist version isn't really used)
03:30.30JBDiGrizCheck the get info on the package.
03:30.42learneryes, there
03:30.50CIAcommit by timriker: a couple that the script does not handle yet
03:31.02JBDiGrizWould you like to check the package, or should I just upload it?
03:31.30learnergo ahead and upload, I can check it like everyone else.. ;)
03:31.55JBDiGrizThis should be interesting, I've never tried it before!
03:32.15CIAcommit by timriker: typo
03:36.12*** join/#bzflag michaelh (
03:39.02CIAcommit by timriker: stop touching make makes
03:39.31michaelhit seems like we lots o' make file stuff happening :)
03:39.52JBDiGrizI do like the change note and release notes everyone has been putting in, I think I'll just copy and paste them.
03:40.30TimRikershould get deleted on make maintainer-clean but don't
03:41.04learnerwe didn't add those, tim..
03:41.27TimRikerthey get created by automake, but not cleaned by make maintainer-clean
03:41.38*** join/#bzflag csm (
03:41.44michaelhperhaps we should just go .Net :)
03:42.09csma question if someone has amoment
03:42.13michaelhF7 for everyone
03:43.07JBDiGrizlearner: Looks like it's there, I haven't downloaded to verify though
03:43.12csmi am trying to upgrade turkey which is a text based server and has no X installed at all... any tips for how to build from the src.rpm in this environment?
03:43.21JBDiGrizOuch, quit poking me!
03:43.49learnerhey, jb, check out and lemme know what you think..
03:44.13learnerI'll test the download now
03:45.55csmthe sf download works
03:46.30JBDiGrizlearner: I don't like the scores, but it does look pretty good!
03:46.48learnerlol, jb
03:46.54JBDiGrizIt does have that blotch in the middle though.
03:49.14learneri noticed, the blotch.. I actually think that was a tank that didn't render right..
03:49.14csmso nobody has any clue how to make the rpm *NOT* build the client components?
03:49.23michaelhkind of fffffffffffoooooooooogggggggggggggggggggyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
03:49.43bzgirlcsm it has to be srpm?
03:50.44Patlabor221dosn't the new build system let you do make bzfs ?
03:50.45csmyeah but I think I just found it... dunno how I missed it! (and you can call me kp! ;-)
03:51.01bzgirlkp: thought it as you :)
03:51.56csm--disable-client is an option in ./configure and I missed it before... (must be tired or something)
03:52.34csmPatlabor221: it might but I am trying to do it from rpm... if the src.rpm ultimately fails to build for me I will go to source
03:53.07csmbzgirl: if you are ever looking for me I can usually be found hanging out in the #lunar channel
03:53.49bzgirlkp cool, never heard of that one :)
03:56.54bzgirlahh, Turkey, moonbase...all makes sense now
03:57.36csmaside from woring for RH I have owned my own company for years... it's so this is all connected if you see...
03:57.52bzgirlyeah :)
03:58.02csmanyway what OS do you run?
03:58.24bzgirlim a debian user
03:58.38csm <---- you mihgt find this interesting
03:59.57bzgirlkp: this is compiled every package? a la gentoo?
04:00.04learnerkp, the filter didn't make it in this release.. I'll let you know when it's ready
04:00.23TimRikercsm: thats a new option
04:01.55csmbzgirl: gentoo uses Python... Lunar is 100% bash
04:02.14csmand yes... everything is compile "in situ"
04:02.29csmTimRiker: the --disable-client thing?
04:02.42csmlearner: okay
04:02.57csmi have to learn about what *IS* in this release now
04:03.06csmbut it is up and running on turkey now...
04:03.52Patlabor221user registration
04:03.58Patlabor221user based permisions
04:04.04Patlabor221anti-cheat stuff
04:04.20csmbzgirl: if you wanna get a chuckle look at the last row of the Unixbench results table
04:04.48csmah but Patlabor22... I gotta learn how it works... ;-)
04:05.02bzgirl381% faster shell scripts :)
04:05.05Patlabor221yeah cap moved the docs into the man pages
04:05.28*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
04:05.41csmbzgirl: yeah... ain;t that a hoot?!?
04:06.07csmPatlabor221: cool... tomorrow while I'm teaching class I will eyeball that stuff!
04:06.12bzgirlthats very fast, my "hello world" script would be a real screamer
04:06.29Patlabor221basicly if you run a single server, you don't have to use /password anymore
04:07.35bzgirlcsm: youd want lunar on say apache or a file server, do you use it as a desktop also?
04:07.51csmbzgirl: yeah we stomped RH9 on a lot of stuff... their kernel is faster than ours but that is about all
04:08.04csmbzgirl: I have...
04:08.17Patlabor221Rh9 is buggy
04:08.25Patlabor221BZ crashes the compiler :)
04:08.34csmbzgirl: I have a laptop and a firewall running it at home and two BA boxen as servers in a colo
04:09.25csmBA == "big a$$"
04:09.53csmthe machine I am typing on is running RH9 but I have to teach it so I kind of have to keep it around
04:10.05learnercsm: what does lunar do differently to boost the shell scripting like that?
04:10.50Patlabor221it uses squirls rather then gerbils
04:10.54csmevery single piece of it is custom compiled... with optimizations that can be customized on the fly...
04:10.54learnerbash mods?
04:10.58learnerha ha, pat
04:11.39learnerinteresting, csm
04:12.06csmyou should read the mysql section of that report... we blow 'em away so bad there they start breaking down and lunar is still going strong
04:12.29csmwe've got our own channel here on freenode... #lunar
04:12.36csmall the devs hang out in there
04:12.49CIAcommit by timriker: typo
04:13.46csmbzgirl: you're prolly thinking it's time consuming to build a WS with lunar... if it's a slow box it is but newer cpu's don;t take more than a day or so...
04:14.32bzgirlcsm see ya
04:14.37*** part/#bzflag csm (
04:15.09learnerI might just have to try that..interesting distro
04:15.13CIAcommit by timriker: erase
04:16.02captain_protonbah. i get frustrated when it takes more than a month -after- we say "lets get this out ASAP"
04:18.41captain_protonbang on my head if you want, i think even slightly imperfect releases are better than snail's pace development cycles =/
04:20.01learnerah, what a broken family.. *sigh*  :)
04:20.55MrApathyCreamimperfect releases just encourage people to (a) help (b) upgrade
04:20.58MrApathyCreamboth a good thing
04:21.07MrApathyCreamhows that for spin-doctoring
04:22.45MrApathyCreamMr. Labor, you round?
04:23.05captain_protonon the other hand, if you had work to do TimRiker, why didn't you just say "i want you to drop the version back and write a script for it" ? :P
04:23.08MrApathyCreamdid installer.dsp get removed from dsw, or was it never really added
04:23.27Patlabor221I pulled all the things that we don't need anymore
04:23.34Patlabor221stuff that isn't used or would not build
04:23.42Patlabor221so a full batch could be done
04:24.21CIAcommit by timriker: properly ignore mac stuff
04:24.22MrApathyCreamwhy don't we need it, is there a new way to build installer?
04:24.32captain_protonits rude to ignore MAC :)
04:25.18TimRikerperhaps I should have said "ignore the little people"?
04:26.11learnerI heard that.
04:26.50Patlabor221MAC, don't you reemeber the entire NSIS thing
04:26.56Patlabor221we don't make our own installer anymore
04:27.14MrApathyCreamyes, but the installer dsp was to build nsis
04:27.28Patlabor221no it was to build the old installer.exe I think
04:28.24Patlabor221heck you could put the nsis build in a command line, it dosn't need a dsp, it's just one line
04:28.26MrApathyCreamnope, i just fixed it
04:28.28MrApathyCreamchecking in
04:28.48Patlabor221you don't need it to build an insaller
04:29.02Patlabor221a right click builds the installer
04:29.35MrApathyCreamcan build it automagically from vc
04:30.37CIAcommit by dbrosius: Put installer.dsp back in the project, adjusting for new bin dirs
04:30.59CIAcommit by timriker: debian fixes
04:32.08MrApathyCreamwow g3 already :)
04:33.56MrApathyCreammaking a project allows for proper dependencies
04:34.03TimRiker"..\dist\BZFlag_1.7g3.exe" should probably be "..\dist\BZFlag1.7g3.exe" right?
04:37.49learnerflux/blackbox was my favorite wm when linux was my primary
04:39.38learnerobscure tabbed wm, even lighter than bb -- and (more importantly) a wm that also ran on sgi (blackbox has colormap issues)..
04:40.04captain_protonspeaking of the farm
04:40.10captain_protonMrApathyCream: i wanna see pictures of your puppies :)
04:40.12MrApathyCream37k aint fun
04:40.23michaelhdo you have ApathyCows on the farm?
04:41.02MrApathyCreamnot yet
04:41.14captain_protonyou need llamas first
04:41.32MrApathyCreamtoo much spitting
04:41.43captain_protonnot so much
04:41.48michaelhapathetic cow --> moooooo moo? .... pfffffttttt
04:41.58captain_protonbut they're cute
04:43.39Patlabor221so I should not talk about the 165k/s download I just go?
04:45.28michaelhapparently USR has decided that "unknown modem" is o.k. for windows 2000 -- no real Win2000 inf files for my modem......
04:46.50michaelhunknown modem witha 100,000 connect :)
04:51.16MrApathyCreamhow goes the bzflag port to the SMJ320C80 Multimedia Video Processor ?
04:52.39Patlabor221you haven't finished that yet?
04:52.46Patlabor221we asigned it to you last week
04:53.12MrApathyCreamhaven't received one from tim yet
04:54.02michaelhssooooooooooooooooooo what is the MSJ#@0C*) ? :)
04:54.47MrApathyCreamchip for military applications
04:58.08*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221-deb (
04:58.52captain_protonah, what a great show
04:59.03captain_proton"i've got mail order degrees in murderology AND murderonomy"
05:01.18MrApathyCreamssh is your friend
05:01.38Patlabor221yeah it is, but I can't even get to the page to tell me the settings :)
05:01.45Patlabor221hooking up new machine
05:01.51Patlabor221plan b
05:01.56learnerAh... I wasn't sure if it was her in the channel or not..  was going to ask, but then she was gone.
05:02.19Patlabor221to co
05:02.38Patlabor221who her?
05:02.56captain_protonlearner: hehe
05:02.57Patlabor221close but not quite mac, but thats' what I need thanks
05:03.26CIAcommit by timriker: remove _ from .exe
05:03.39bzgirllearner: ha ha ha
05:04.55Patlabor221it's just an XP1900+
05:05.16Patlabor221and only a GF2 ultra
05:05.37*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (
05:05.43captain_protonPatlabor221: you forget that until just last year, MrApathyCream was playing without a monitor :)
05:06.10Patlabor221it's only on a little 17" nanao F217 swiching monitor
05:06.15Patlabor221I mean that's way tiny
05:06.24Patlabor221almost not neve worht hi
05:07.10MrApathyCreamand now we don't play, so it's ok
05:07.10CIAcommit by timriker: debian fixes
05:08.14Patlabor221tho I think I need to install sound stuff
05:08.59MrApathyCream*sigh* rebuild the kernel why you're at it
05:09.20Patlabor221no I didn't have to do that
05:09.38MrApathyCreamit's not about 'having' to, or at least that's what i've heard
05:10.05MrApathyCreami think it's a zen-thing
05:10.07TimRikerMrApathyCream: you should use
05:10.08Patlabor221nope no build here ether, tho at least here the compiler dosn't crash
05:10.19TimRikerwell, Patlabor221 should... ;-)
05:10.42Patlabor221or my actual login name on SF
05:10.43captain_protonexcept Patlabor221's sf name is jeffm2501 :)
05:10.46MrApathyCreamhuh, never tried that
05:10.54MrApathyCreamcuts down on the typing
05:11.04TimRikeroh, yeah. ;-)
05:11.05Patlabor221I jsut use
05:11.30learnerare there stats on the files downloaded from sf?
05:11.57TimRikerWe're Sorry.
05:11.57TimRikerThe Website is currently down for maintenance.
05:11.57TimRikerWe will be back shortly
05:12.15Patlabor221gahhhhh it still crashes the compiler!!! why me !!! why me!!!!
05:12.36MrApathyCreamstick with the bzflag dev platform of choice, and you will find peace
05:13.00Patlabor221I do, I was just tryin to be nice, and test on that other platform to make sure I don't bust stuff
05:13.06Patlabor221but it seems it's allready busted
05:13.15Patlabor221so I don't have to help
05:13.16MrApathyCreamcool, floodgates are open :)
05:13.47Patlabor221well I think this calls for plan C
05:14.13MrApathyCreamwow xmission is dead last in lis
05:16.03MrApathyCreamhmm blew myself up with (SR)
05:16.22captain_protonwe're just pawns in his diabolical game of checkers!
05:16.28Patlabor221drive backwards
05:19.29captain_protonlook at walter koening, after star trek, he became an actor!
05:20.32learnerwhat's up with bzflist? ... isn't that shorter than it's supposed to be?
05:22.09TimRikerit's only servers with people
05:22.35TimRikerthere are 38 servers in the list, but only 6 with people on them.
05:22.59learnerah, didn't know that -- good to know
05:24.23Patlabor221ok cap, splain this
05:25.08captain_protonomg i need that
05:25.13captain_protonscanline: poke
05:25.18Patlabor221WTF IS IT?
05:25.23scanlinecaptain_proton: hm?
05:25.31captain_proton"the largest Star Trek Scenario Paintball Competition ever"
05:25.46Patlabor221but why?
05:26.16Patlabor221they are all wearing red shirts
05:26.30captain_protonits william shatner in a star trek type uniform holding a paintball gun and you're asking why?
05:26.33captain_protonthere is no why
05:27.14Patlabor221back in the day of marrage.
05:27.31captain_protoni've got him in mp3 doing rocketman
05:27.43Patlabor221it had lucy in the sky with diamons
05:27.46Patlabor221and he was WASTED
05:28.28Patlabor221that was one CD I was glad I didn't get outa that house
05:28.43Patlabor221I have the spock sings one round here somewhere tho
05:29.03Patlabor221I got the spock CD, she got the Kirk
05:29.23captain_protonwhen it comes to spock, the only thing worth it is the bilbo baggins music video
05:29.33Patlabor221helllz yeah
05:29.38Patlabor221that made me fall down
05:30.19Patlabor221ohh I added a song to the "wierd" folder you and fiber may engoy
05:32.21fiberchunks'nightmares on wax' ?
05:32.42Patlabor221I haven't listend to that yet
05:32.47Patlabor221BZG sent it up
05:33.04Patlabor221realy listen to that one cap :)
05:33.12Patlabor221it's got a piano :)
05:33.47Patlabor221bzg gets a prety fat pipin into there, she's been doing good
05:34.04fiberchunksimma setup a test bed here at home to diddle with and mod the shite out of it -- when it's functional, I'll ship it up
05:34.24fiberchunksdon't wanna add these mods to a live board -- they're massive
05:34.33fiberchunksyou like the attach mod ?
05:34.43Patlabor221I uped the sizes too
05:34.48fiberchunksto what
05:34.54Patlabor221250 megs total
05:35.04Patlabor221just so I don't have to look at it in a while
05:35.07fiberchunksoh, that -- I thought you meant indiv upload sizes
05:35.18Patlabor221I also turned on the quotas
05:35.31fiberchunkswell, if there's any questions, I posted that user guide on bfoj
05:35.43Patlabor221yeah saw it, prety self explanitory
05:35.50Patlabor221I added some bad extensions too
05:35.53fiberchunksyeah, it's a nicely designed mod, imho
05:36.00fiberchunksoh ghod, please not flash
05:36.01Patlabor221need to ad some more "OK" extensions
05:36.09Patlabor221I added stuff to the "Bad" list
05:36.11Patlabor221like .bat
05:36.14fiberchunksah, ic
05:36.49Patlabor221I just want to add .map,.obj,.3ds, ect.. to the ok file
05:36.49fiberchunksI think we could up the indiv file size to 512 k, but that all depends on the users pipage
05:36.58Patlabor221probalbly .c, cpp aslo
05:37.13fiberchunksyeah, I say, anything that isn't executable is dandy til I learn more about it
05:37.14Patlabor221we'll see how it goes
05:37.52fiberchunksoooooo, we could have a 'textures' forum
05:38.01fiberchunkscategory, i mean
05:38.23fiberchunksand a 'models' category
05:38.28Patlabor221yeah, I want to add those yeah
05:38.33Patlabor221and code and stuff liket hat
05:38.35fiberchunksor a 3d category in general, actually
05:40.53Patlabor221time for some readin
05:40.57Patlabor221see ya all l8r
05:53.29CIAcommit by timriker: restore header
05:53.41CIAcommit by timriker: debian fixes
06:03.20TimRikerhow can I set compiles to use -mcpu=somethingelse?
06:04.02captain_proton--host= :)
06:04.33TimRikerhmm. the spec assumes x86 arch. oops....
06:04.49captain_protonwhatcha building an rpm for?
06:05.02learnersourceforge is back up
06:05.43TimRikerlooked at the spec cause it should build a 486 binary too.
06:06.12TimRikerbut it looks like it will try to build a 386 binary on arm for example.
06:06.40captain_protonbetter than before, where it would build a 486 binary and call it .i386.rpm
06:08.35captain_protontime to go get undirty
06:09.31TimRikershould be --target= or --host= or --build= ?
06:10.37fiberchunksTimRiker> is the only license in use gpl2 for bzflag?
06:12.40captain_proton--build is the current host
06:12.48captain_proton--host is somewhat synonymous with --target
06:13.03captain_protonTimRiker: i thought you'd know this, given that you're an embedded type guy ;-)
06:15.45TimRikerfiberchunks: g2 is under lgpl 2.1 actually. I'm open to alternatives if desired. why?
06:16.24fiberchunksjust wondering about trying to create a gentoo .ebuild for g2
06:16.26fiberchunksis all
06:16.31TimRikercaptain_proton: it's all a hack. I have to rethink it every time. some things use host to mean the build system and some use host to mean the target
06:16.55fiberchunkswanted to make sure I didn't put the wrong license info in there
06:17.24TimRikerfiberchunks: g2 is under lgpl 2.1 with some code (ie md5 etc) license free and one build tool (man2html) under GPL.
06:28.05CIAcommit by timriker: debian to i486
06:30.08captain_protonso if debian arch is i386, it builds an i486 package? :P
06:36.01TimRikeryep. ;-) at least I put a comment in there to that effect. ;-)
06:37.17captain_protonan sf task
06:37.23captain_protonits like we're a proper project or something
06:38.13captain_protonlearner: it might be a good idea to first try to split out reusable code from bzflag - network, world db, etc - into a library
06:41.09CIAcommit by timriker: rpms for non-x86 anyone?
06:41.27captain_protonno! why would anybody want an rpm for a non-x86 platform?
06:43.49captain_protonwhoa learner
06:43.54captain_protonyou're doing alife for bots?
06:47.21learneroops, wasn't paying attention to irc
06:47.26learneryes, cap
06:47.39learnerto both your questions
06:48.02learnerai is right up my alley -- good stuff
06:48.12captain_protonthat'll be nifty if you pull it off :)
06:48.37learnerthere's a bit of work to do...
06:48.54captain_protonare you sure you want the subproject to be "1.8" ?
06:49.01learnerand, like you mentioned, there's a bunch of code that "should" get shuffled in the process
06:52.02learnerthere's enough to do in the meantime, though, regardless
06:52.06captain_protonsubliminal messages in these email subjects
06:52.08captain_proton"CVS: bzflag/debian rules,,"
06:56.37learnernight gents
07:00.52CIAcommit by timriker: debian rules, debian rox, oh.... don't build debug by default
07:02.51TimRikerCIA/ibot should feed off the -dev list and post stuff here including task updates. ;-)
07:03.22captain_protoni had it posting tracker updates off the -dev list but my filter is doing something wonky
07:08.52CIAsussudio changed Bugs 756074 (Radar & Panel Overlaps):  Status->'Deleted'
07:08.59captain_protonso the filter works fine
07:16.45*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
07:28.26*** join/#bzflag cniV (
07:30.13TimRikerwell headed home. I'll put out a debian release tomorrow night.
09:35.44*** part/#bzflag eddienull (
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09:42.14bomberibot moin
09:42.19from memory, moin is North German for everything you would say for salutatory
09:42.29jzaunGive it 20 min. and it will be morning here :-P
09:43.13jzaunoh, mion
10:48.59*** join/#bzflag eddienull (
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11:41.22mmu_manE2LAZY ?
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13:29.38[dmp]hi bzgirl
13:51.07*** join/#bzflag bzgirl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:02.47*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:03.00sussudioducati map very very bad right now
14:03.25learnervery rico-ish?
14:22.51*** join/#bzflag blast (blast@
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14:45.18*** part/#bzflag blast (blast@
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15:28.52*** join/#bzflag Mayhem (
15:32.25captain_protonmore whining on bzbb
15:34.25*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
15:34.26*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
15:35.26MayhemIs there going to be a release announcement?
15:36.16captain_protonannouncement where?
15:36.35Patlabor221you can send an SF anouncment
15:36.35captain_protonthat too
15:39.02[dmp] would also be a good place to put an annoucement ?  (the wiki-page)
15:39.21captain_proton[dmp]: the front page has it now
15:39.27MayhemI'm distressed I found out about g2 from bzbb :(
15:39.44Patlabor221bzbb is the shiznit tho.
15:39.47captain_protonMayhem: you could monitor the file ;-)
15:40.05Patlabor221you can't monitor a file that dosn't exist
15:41.45Patlabor221what could be more important the watching minors argue?
15:46.14Patlabor221what are all the extensions that a map can have?
15:46.23Patlabor221I did map,.bzw, .world
15:46.26*** join/#bzflag breadhat (
15:46.27Patlabor221any others?
15:46.31bzgirlor none
15:46.44Patlabor221the thing dosn't do "none" for some reason
15:46.58bzgirlyou can a world called just map
15:47.08Patlabor221yeah BZ will accept anyting
15:47.38sussudiogod, this is hilarious.
15:47.44*** join/#bzflag learnerAtWork (
15:47.46sussudioi used the nick 'his teammate'.....
15:48.03sussudioand "spanish inquisition" kept calling me a cheater because "i'm a rogue!!! i can't be killed by teammates!"
15:49.42bzgirlthere was a guy on today as "********server warning" he kept saying "your lag is too high (600ms)*******"
15:51.14captain_protonPatlabor221: i mean he could monitor the source release, for instance
15:51.14captain_protonand get an email as soon as the tarball is posted
15:51.20captain_protonwhy can't the sf admins keep the thing up?
15:51.35Patlabor221or the fist could just sent the anouncements :)
15:51.43sussudiocvs-tional disfunction?
15:51.54captain_protonfreakin comcast
15:52.23Patlabor221cap how hard woudl it be to make a script that ran on asgard and got cvs via ssh, and put it in our cvs server
15:52.35Patlabor221we woudln't get hisotry, but still better then nothing
15:52.43Patlabor221and mayhave have it update every hour
15:52.51captain_protonpretty simple
15:53.09Patlabor221do you think we should do that?
15:53.17Patlabor221noone could check in, but it would be a more current anon
15:53.18captain_protoni don't -really- see the point
15:53.30Patlabor221anon is allways down/flakey/late
15:53.40captain_protonseems better to just have it automatically make snapshot tarballs
15:53.51Patlabor221just something
15:54.27captain_protoni could rig up another script in the cvs repos that emails a user on asgard which triggers a snapshot build =)
15:54.43Patlabor221that would be cool
15:55.40Patlabor221hmmmm we could get realy tricky, I could have it also mail rangarok, and it could do a windows build, installer, then post it :)
15:56.55Patlabor221asgard could build an rpm couldn't it?
15:57.13*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
15:57.15captain_protonit -could-
15:57.28Patlabor221should it?
15:57.46captain_protoni don't really like the idea of posting automatic builds that may or may not be severely broken
15:58.11Patlabor221it's the "experimental" version
15:58.29Patlabor221bleeding edge an all that
15:59.05Patlabor221mostly for those who want to use latest, but don't want to/can't build
16:00.34captain_protonthose people are silly
16:00.44Patlabor221perhaps, but the are most of your players
16:01.02sussudioright. i see people still playing e6. most are using g0.
16:01.38*** part/#bzflag [dmp] (
16:01.47Patlabor221g0 tarball had 5264 downloads
16:02.01Patlabor221g0 windows installer....26252 downloads
16:02.30JBDiGrizMost people don't want the bleeding edge, especially if it doesn't work.
16:02.50Patlabor221I'm not talking about puting it on SF or antyi8ng
16:02.59Patlabor221just a page on bakadigital for those that do.
16:03.14captain_protonPatlabor221: seems like its better to just post a working build every once in a while
16:03.24Patlabor221that woudl be good too
16:03.25captain_protonrather than have potential file management builds ;)
16:04.56Patlabor221mmmm time for the nice song.
16:05.46Patlabor221cap you would like this: 317-disc_3_-_17_call_me_call_me-just.mp3
16:06.01sussudiodisney's greatest hits?
16:06.06Patlabor221umm no
16:06.28Patlabor221I can probably get that for ya if you want tho.
16:06.49sussudioor the meowmix commercial
16:06.59Patlabor221your on your own on that one.
16:09.48*** join/#bzflag bzgirl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:11.01captain_protoni think i'll be heading in to work
16:11.14Patlabor221tennis girls again?
16:11.36captain_protonif i'm lucky
16:17.55*** join/#bzflag michaelh (
16:18.17michaelhhey pat -- crucial sent me the right 256 mb dimm -- it's so coolll
16:18.25michaelhit's got 16 chips on it too...
16:18.34Patlabor221yeah low density
16:18.59michaelhI thought it had to be "registered" or something.. I guess not
16:19.22michaelh32M x 64...
16:19.31Patlabor221that just means it was testing in all boards, as long as it hits the specs it's cool.
16:20.34Patlabor221ooooo this looks promicing, we may not need to keep the .net projects in CVS anymore :)
16:20.47michaelhMy experience with the local mom & pop stores had me thinking it was going to be more difficult
16:20.54michaelhwhy is that?
16:20.59Patlabor221what puting ram in?
16:21.04Patlabor221ram is simple
16:21.11michaelhno getting the right stuff
16:21.37michaelhOne place gave me stuff that registered as half of the module size...
16:21.37Patlabor221yeah I had sperate ones cus the update from the dsps didn't work, but now that i've changed the dsps it's working a lot better
16:22.36Patlabor221damn MAC, I told him most systems didn't have a rule to build the installer
16:23.27Patlabor221the installer should be dependent on the apps, not the other way around.
16:23.52michaelhis there some "system info" thing in windows 98?
16:24.03michaelhthat shows memory slots etc...
16:24.11Patlabor221slots no, the OS dosn't know slots
16:24.14Patlabor221the bios knows
16:24.28michaelhI have "the ultimate boot disk" :)
16:24.35michaelhwhich shows that info
16:24.51Patlabor221use that then
16:24.53michaelhknow of any partition table backup software?
16:25.09Patlabor221partition magic
16:25.19michaelhcan it do just the tables?
16:25.24michaelhback them up?
16:25.47michaelhI always PM was what could cause you lose your partition tables :)
16:26.07CIAcommit by jeffm2501: Removed .net soln and vcproj since now the dsp/dsw upgrade works. Easyer to maitain one set.
16:26.19Patlabor221its suposed to do all that
16:26.23Patlabor221or ghost maybe
16:26.39michaelhghost backs up entire partitions, but not just tables
16:26.45Patlabor221then I dono
16:26.51Patlabor221I never mess with that kinda stuff
16:26.58michaelhI'd rather not either......
16:27.05michaelhbut losing entire partitions is not cool
16:27.19Patlabor221I prefer the "one big ass partition" methodology
16:27.28michaelhdoesn't work with 3 os's]
16:27.33Patlabor221sure it does,
16:27.35Patlabor2213 drives
16:27.46michaelhI like my quiet
16:27.54Patlabor221then get quiet drives
16:28.09Patlabor221or get a computer per OS
16:28.19michaelhI suppose
16:28.20Patlabor221and why do you need 3?
16:28.32Patlabor221whyt 98?
16:28.42michaelhStudy for the tupid A+
16:28.56michaelhI just got 2000 actually
16:28.58Patlabor221run it in vmware on linux
16:29.20michaelhI'll have to "migrate" to 2000 :)
16:29.46Patlabor221aka install your stuff
16:30.12michaelhit's really bizarre -- even though linux fdisk and pm4 see the same hd parameters, they don't seem to be able to co-exist on my hd
16:30.38sussudiomichaelpig: apt-get install partimage
16:31.02michaelhpartimage for linux?
16:31.16michaelhor is that a command line?
16:31.24Patlabor221it's OS indepenednt iirc
16:31.31Patlabor221it's it's own boot thingy
16:31.36Patlabor221like system commander
16:34.23michaelhI had installed linux --> certain windows apps said I errors on my partition table, then I ran win98 fdisk to delete a windows partition and my windows errors went away and it wiped out my linux partition :)
16:36.32michaelhdoes windows fdisk just go and delete things it doesn't like?
16:36.53Patlabor22198fdisk dosn't like non windows partions
16:36.58Patlabor221use the disk mananger in 2k
16:37.00Patlabor221much better
16:37.23michaelhyes that one didn't actually delete the linux partition, it just clobbered it so I couldn't recover it or boot from it
16:37.44michaelhbut again it restored it to working order in windows
16:38.41Patlabor221just ditch 98, install 2k, install linux, then put 98 inside a vmware session in linux.
16:39.07michaelhyou mean total reformat I assume :)
16:39.15Patlabor221cleanest way
16:41.50michaelhit's the exclusive or :)
16:42.06michaelhsome guy asked me that as an interview question
16:42.11sussudioso what does that make doug, the vice-mayor
16:42.31sussudioin charge of pigsties
16:42.42Patlabor221if that's your fetish, sure.
16:46.35prot-workno tennis girls :(
16:46.50Patlabor221perhaps you need to get up earlyer
16:47.13prot-worknaw, its kind of cloudy and cold and rainy outside today
16:47.37Chestalsame here
16:47.49Patlabor221trade weather with ya
16:48.08Chestalso, which platforms are still missing now?
16:48.20prot-worki think debian & o32 mips
16:48.32ChestalTim does Debian?
16:48.38prot-workhe was planning to this evening
16:49.08Chestalwhat's the status of CVS? 1.7g3 now or do we already have a 1.9 or whatever?
16:49.18prot-workwe're technically g3 right now
16:49.34prot-worktim is going to overwrite HEAD, then we'll switch to 1.9.0
16:49.36Chestaland g3 is identical to g2 more or less?
16:49.44prot-workyeah, pretty much
16:50.02Chestalbecause this is what I just checked out
16:50.03JBDiGrizHave we renamed the current release to g3?
16:50.15Chestalmight confuse peopel when I run g3 servers :-)
16:50.21prot-workJBDiGriz: huh? ...
16:50.45Patlabor221g3 is just for anythign that gets put in after g2, but before the move to 1.9
16:50.56Patlabor221it has to have SOME version.
16:51.13JBDiGrizThanks Pat, these in between versions always confuse me!
16:51.42Patlabor221also if there was some HUGE bug we could make a g4 if we had to
16:52.15prot-workPatlabor221: we didn't immediately release when superjump snuck into e..4?
16:52.44Patlabor221well was that by design, or by the aplication of deleopemnt apathy
16:52.47JBDiGrizThere was a huge bug in the mac build, but we fixed it last night. I have to commit the changes to the project builder file this morning.
16:53.01prot-worksigh... :p
16:53.21Patlabor221cus G2 is like what 3 months overdue now?
16:53.48Chestalmake that 4 months
16:53.55Patlabor221I was being nice :)
16:53.59Chestalbut of course we now got more in then we would have back then
16:54.00JBDiGrizG2 is out, so it's not overdue anymore!
16:54.10Patlabor221no, it sitll is
16:54.39Patlabor221it's nice that some stuff got put in at the end
16:56.07JBDiGrizLooking forward, we need to get the current release into head, and then create a branch to break protocol.
16:56.21Patlabor221they don't branch
16:56.30Patlabor221masive uses of tags
16:56.39JBDiGrizWhy not? tags are cheap.
16:56.42prot-workJBDiGriz: why branch?
16:56.47prot-workbranches are evil in CVS
16:56.58Patlabor221then don't use CVS :)
16:57.14JBDiGrizIt leaves head as the currently stable development. 1.8 is a good example of why to branch.
16:57.30prot-workthats what we want though
16:57.40Patlabor221we branch and remerge in SS all the time
16:57.44prot-workjust because we're breaking protocol doesn't mean it isn't stable
16:57.50Patlabor221we have dev, stable, ect...
16:58.12prot-workand merging branches in cvs is a huge pain in the ass, especially for big-ish things
16:58.39JBDiGrizAgreed that merging branches are a pain, but you go through that pain in one direction or the other.
16:58.46Patlabor221well it seems doing any bigish thing in BZ is a pain in the ass too. I have yet to see multiple people work on one thing.
16:58.58prot-workPatlabor221: MAC & I did fez
16:59.13prot-workflag-entry zones
16:59.25prot-workwhich then got promptly rejected :)
16:59.26Patlabor221well I didn't see it :)
16:59.32JBDiGrizI've been involved in some massive projects where multiple people from different areas work on different branches from the same code base.
17:00.02prot-workJBDiGriz: the current style of development doesn't -really- lend itself to that
17:00.09prot-worki'd like to see it more
17:00.13Patlabor221I realy think that before everyone goes ripin up after proto break, we need to figure out what is needed, wanted, and how it should be implemented, and then it needs to be assigned.
17:01.14JBDiGrizPat, that's a good reason to branch, people who are less structured can still work on patches for the running system.
17:01.30JBDiGrizWhile the structured people can be working towards the new system.
17:01.35prot-workJBDiGriz: but until there are real tasks to work on, there's no reason to create any branches
17:01.57Patlabor221JBD, they can, they just make it against the marked 17_g2 tag or what ever.
17:02.04JBDiGrizFirst real task, break the protocol to work on the new protocol.
17:02.13prot-workJBDiGriz: what "new" protocol?
17:02.38Patlabor221first task, spec the new protocol
17:02.45prot-workwe'll change the versioning, move to single port
17:02.55JBDiGrizI'll go with a spec first.
17:03.00prot-workreimplement flag negociation
17:03.03Patlabor221this all needs to be writen up
17:03.06prot-workbut other than that, there isn't any specs
17:03.18Patlabor221cus what if you run off with a tennis girl?
17:03.24Patlabor221and we are left here wondering
17:03.54Patlabor221tho I will be shoutin "go cap,,, go cap... it's ya birthday, it's ya birthday!"
17:04.14JBDiGrizPatlabor221: Forcing structure on the less structured work force (e.g. using a particular tag) is part of herding cats. Do you really want to go there?
17:04.25Patlabor221no I don't
17:04.30Patlabor221I like branches
17:04.34Patlabor221but it's up to Tim and Cap
17:04.38Patlabor221well relay Tim
17:05.06JBDiGrizI like branches that are used properly. I have seen them used improperly which really screws a development team!
17:05.39Patlabor221mergeing back is just part of life, there are tools to help you do it, cap just needs to use the computer as a tool :)
17:06.13Chestalmerging can be hell
17:06.16JBDiGrizI think he does, but he might not have seen quite as much of it yet! I think he's trainable!
17:06.21Patlabor221so can marage
17:06.42Chestalright now there is no reason to branch anyway
17:06.49*** join/#bzflag david_v (
17:06.49Patlabor221looking at BZFS.cxx for too long can also be hell
17:07.08prot-workwhere there's no real difference between a module, branch, etc
17:07.11prot-workall just directories :)
17:07.21Patlabor221cap, then move the poject somewhere else, I'll come back next year when you have it done then :)
17:07.32Chestalanyone watched 'Confessions of a Dangerous Mind'?
17:07.37JBDiGrizRight now, there's a reason to decide what we want to do and when.
17:08.46Patlabor221cap if you want a lot of little release then you realy have to plan them out, or they will stall while someone "just puts this change in"
17:09.09Patlabor221we need a roadmap
17:09.29JBDiGrizHere are some notes I'm taking, I can put an outline somewhere on sf if it's helpful
17:09.35JBDiGriz1. Ongoing bug fixes
17:09.43JBDiGriz2. Move current to head
17:09.45Patlabor221that's a given
17:09.50Patlabor221I mean more long term
17:09.59JBDiGriz3. Write a spec
17:10.11Patlabor221like the karma stuff, rendering engine changes, loadable models, all that
17:10.16JBDiGrizAll things should be noted in the roadmap
17:10.56prot-worki think before we can decide exactly what goes when we need some design docs :P
17:11.10Patlabor221that would be my point
17:11.33JBDiGrizThat's what I'm trying to write down now.
17:12.00Patlabor221It should not be done in IRC
17:12.07Patlabor221make a wikki page for it
17:12.13Patlabor221so everyone can add to it
17:12.25JBDiGrizIRC is a starting point for throwing ideas at a wall, and seeing what sticks
17:12.43Patlabor221the wall is prety sticky
17:12.48prot-workJBDiGriz: yeah, but create a wiki page anyway ;)
17:13.37JBDiGrizI'll have to look up wikki pages.
17:13.57Patlabor221SF dosn't have any group managment tools does it?
17:14.14*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
17:14.22Patlabor221like common pages/tasklist/whiteboard?
17:14.28JBDiGrizIt has several, but I haven't been looking at them lately.
17:15.00JBDiGrizThe last time I checked, it took too long to configure to be really useful.
17:15.25Patlabor221well it's a one shot config isn't it? we need something
17:15.30Patlabor221I coudl put something on BZBB
17:17.15JBDiGrizThe problem was that it wasn't a one shot config. Everyone who joined had to go through too much pain.
17:17.29JBDiGrizIt's probably gotten a lot better, so I can check again.
17:17.53JBDiGrizWiki looks a little underdone from the initial search. I'll keep checking.
17:18.38Patlabor221well depends, it gets blown out all the time it seems :)
17:21.40*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
17:24.18prot-workSF doesn't have really useful tools
17:24.32prot-workits got the tasks list, which is somewhat painful to use
17:24.49prot-workas far as a whiteboard is concerned, we've got the wiki
17:25.02*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
17:25.15Patlabor221wiki is not backed up tho
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17:25.51prot-workit keeps a revision history
17:26.28Patlabor221ahh is that new? cus it used to get blown out like all the time, and Tim would have to use google to recover it.
17:27.22prot-workwell we replaced sfwiki with moinmoin
17:28.10prot-workit still has issues every once in a while, but we can just restore an old revision
17:28.34Patlabor221I think I lost the code to BZEdit :)
17:28.36prot-work <-- example :)
17:29.18Patlabor221perhaps a wiki on bakadigital that takes a login just for developers?
17:29.38Patlabor221or just lets devs add
17:29.43Patlabor221or something like that?
17:30.55prot-worki don't really see the point
17:31.02prot-workwe don't have kiddie problems that often
17:31.15prot-workand since it is -so- easy to fix
17:32.21JBDiGrizWiki on bakadigital looks like a good place to store ideas, but the problem will be getting people to go there and write down their ideas.
17:32.33Patlabor221well we have BZBB
17:32.39Patlabor221they could put them in there too
17:32.43*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
17:32.47prot-worki'd rather just use the real wiki
17:32.51prot-workseeing as its all set up already :P
17:33.00Patlabor221ok, then promote it more.
17:33.32JBDiGrizIf it's plugged in, it keeps your toes warm too!
17:33.40sussudioand irradiated
17:34.07prot-workhiya ak|ra
17:34.55prot-worki think the first thing we ought to do is get in the patches that break protocol but don't credate a mess
17:35.10prot-workbasically the ones where the only reason they're not in there now was our obsessive protocol compatibility
17:35.11JBDiGrizBy the real wiki, do you mean
17:35.20Patlabor221fix the collision and speed things
17:35.21prot-workJBDiGriz: no, i mean
17:35.46JBDiGrizSounds good, I'll try creating a sticky wiki page :)
17:35.56Patlabor221sticky wicket
17:37.08prot-workthings like...the flag cleanup, the network cleanup, the new game styles...
17:37.16JBDiGrizPut that firehose down Pat!
17:37.31Patlabor221the wall must be cleaned for new stily
17:37.35prot-workpull in a couple things from 1.8 (like bzdb, which i'm working on)
17:37.43Patlabor221what did bzdb do?
17:38.01prot-workits basically like our existing resourcedatabase but not quite so sucky
17:38.49prot-workyes, world database is a needtodo
17:39.06JBDiGrizI'm copying everything into a note for transfer to the page.
17:39.07Patlabor221and vis
17:39.08sussudiowill it have flying monkeys?
17:39.12Patlabor221vis needs to be redone
17:39.25prot-workvis? you mean culling?
17:39.31Patlabor221sure sussudio, but they can only come out of the rear of the tank
17:39.34Patlabor221yes culling,
17:40.14Patlabor221ooooo I think we shold do the ground riple when you jump like they did in the matrix :)
17:40.36JBDiGrizbut only the flying monkeys.
17:43.52sussudioi'd like a patch to blow up cheaters at will
17:44.08Patlabor221how bout the server just kick them
17:44.22sussudioyes, that would work if everyone upgrades their servers
17:44.31Patlabor221with a proto break they have to :)
17:44.47sussudioor they'll keep running the old ones till about 2009
17:45.12Patlabor2211.9 will not work with 1.7 servers
17:45.57JBDiGrizHow about I just take over the work in progress page, that way Pat can firehose it first!
17:46.23Patlabor221ohh it's cool, i'm over the firehose need
17:46.39JBDiGrizIn that case, I'll just clean it normally! :)
17:47.15prot-workPatlabor221: hopefully right after tim cuts a debian release
17:47.26Patlabor221like I say, I have doubts
17:47.29JBDiGrizCap'n, do you have any problems with me redoing the sticky wipi wiki?
17:47.37prot-workthe what what?
17:47.50JBDiGrizwip = Work in Progress
17:48.09prot-workisn't that page very out of date?
17:48.19Patlabor221just wipe it
17:48.21JBDiGrizIt even claims to be!
17:48.23Patlabor221start over
17:48.29prot-workJBDiGriz: have at it
17:48.38prot-worki think the only wiki page people really care about is FlagList :)
17:48.55Patlabor221is that the one were all the lame flag ideas are submitied?
17:49.10prot-workthere are some good ones
17:49.13prot-worklike the USeless flag
17:49.15Patlabor221some yes
17:49.17prot-workand Vegas Mode
17:49.20prot-workand Theif :)
17:49.29Patlabor221what about the 300 others?
17:49.37Patlabor221like "godzilla"
17:49.46prot-workthe others are there to prevent munchkins from duping
17:49.56Patlabor221and "rainin-pain-huricane"
17:52.34sussudiooooh.... spiffpatch:
17:53.01Patlabor221yeah cap why didn' you CVS that?
17:53.18prot-workit came in late
17:53.21prot-workit'll get in ;)
17:53.34prot-workbasically same reason i didn't cvs the BeOS port
17:54.10prot-workbzflag snuck back onto the most active list :)
17:54.41Patlabor221does the beOS port fully work?
17:55.04prot-worki think at this point it compiles but crashes on server join
17:55.11prot-workbut if its in cvs its easier to bang on
17:57.54JBDiGrizFirst cut at the sticky wipi wiki is done.
18:01.00prot-worki'd forgotten how cool BZDB is:)
18:01.40JBDiGrizsussudio: get cygwin
18:01.52sussudioJBDiGriz: i have the win32 gnu utils
18:01.53prot-workcallbacks for when values are touched, persistance settings per value, access controls on whether or not the user can change a value...
18:02.06Patlabor221are you making a patch? or applying one?
18:02.16Patlabor221then use patch
18:02.20sussudioi want to try the spiff hunting diff
18:02.20Patlabor221not diff
18:02.37prot-workdiff creates a patch, patch applies a diff :)
18:03.31Patlabor221make sure the diff is in windows format, or the tool crashes
18:03.49sussudioit should work
18:04.00Patlabor221I have done it once, and it worked
18:07.56prot-workits so nice to have singleton name:value databases for everything
18:08.38prot-workand not be passing around things or setting and reading members all the time
18:10.18*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:10.18*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:10.18*** join/#bzflag learnerAtWork ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:10.18*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by
18:10.30JBDiGrizabout 3 hours south of you
18:10.31Patlabor221welcome back
18:10.37Patlabor221san diego?
18:10.57JBDiGrizI like it!
18:11.09Patlabor221yeah SD is nice
18:11.15Patlabor221go down there every so often
18:11.40JBDiGrizLet me know when you're in town!
18:11.57Patlabor221thankfully I don't get much of the "LAness" where I live
18:12.29JBDiGrizSimi was expanding into LAness last time I visited those environs.
18:13.01Patlabor221naw, they are just going up to the hills now
18:13.08Patlabor221and I don't live in simi anymore
18:13.26prot-workBYE CIA
18:13.29*** join/#bzflag CIA (
18:13.29JBDiGrizI won't go into the backwards spelling of your town! :)
18:13.50Patlabor221well it is one
18:14.26*** join/#bzflag CIA (
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18:15.07prot-worki hate how their servers lag in the flood kicks
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18:28.35sussudioprot-work: tried the huntin patch?
18:28.54prot-worksussudio: not yet
18:29.00prot-workit looks good though
18:29.14sussudioit flashes your victim (spiff) on radar and adjusts "jaws" theme volume if you come close
18:29.37prot-worki'd like it if it just drew them differently on radar
18:29.57sussudiowell, it's flashes
18:30.11sussudioguess you could make it a square or triangle or something
18:31.22sussudioit just crashed on me while trying to join ducati
18:57.33*** join/#bzflag CIA (
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18:58.10learnerAtWorkso is someone going to merge v1_7 into head or should I?
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18:58.25learnerAtWorkand what's wrong with CIA?
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18:58.59prot-worklearnerAtWork: tim is planning to
18:59.08prot-worklearnerAtWork: at least wait until after tim cuts a debian package
18:59.16*** join/#bzflag CIA (
18:59.46prot-workand merging 1.7 into head is kind of icky
18:59.53prot-workgotta branch, delete everything & then add
19:00.08learnerAtWork?? cap, why?
19:00.16*** join/#bzflag CIA (
19:00.23prot-workbecause 1.8 contains a lot of files that 1.7 doesn't and vice versa
19:00.25learnerAtWorkwhy not do a proper rejoin?
19:00.39learnerAtWorkthat shouldn't matter..
19:00.44*** join/#bzflag CIA (
19:01.00learnerAtWorkthat's why you do bidirectional merging
19:01.07sussudiosussi just typed the ducati password in public
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19:01.26learnerAtWorkyou merge head into v1_7 and resolve all the issues
19:01.31prot-workbecause it seems to me we'll end up either (a) losing a lot of files completely or (b) having a useless history on everything
19:01.32learnerAtWorktag prior and post
19:01.44prot-workcvs can't version a delete
19:01.46learnerAtWorkthen save to v1_7 branch and tag
19:02.01learnerAtWorkthen you do the reverse on the head branch
19:02.05*** join/#bzflag CIA (
19:02.11learnerAtWorkthat captures everything
19:04.09learnerAtWorkI have to do complicated remerges like that all the time at work..  and they're much bigger code sets
19:05.27prot-worki just don't want to have a repository filled with useless files or lose anything
19:05.33prot-workthis would be so much easier if we didn't have cvs
19:05.49prot-workjust move HEAD to v1_8 and rename or copy v1_7 as HEAD
19:09.35learnerAtWorkmakes little difference to me -- it would be nice for HEAD to be the latest stable, though
19:10.47prot-workwell - we surely need to get it so we're using HEAD
19:11.01prot-workhaving dead code as HEAD doesn't make sense
19:11.31*** join/#bzflag jolly (
19:11.33bzgirlhi jolly
19:11.41jollyhello :)
19:16.19ak|rayhi bzgirl
19:16.22ak|rahi jolly
19:16.30jollyhey akira
19:16.32bzgirlhello ak|ra ;-)
19:45.05JBDiGrizlearnerAtWork: Hi, Capn is going to think we're the same person soon!
19:50.52learnerAtWorkJBDiGriz: heh, how so?
19:51.31JBDiGrizI was pinging him earlier about the need to move 1.7 to head, and then branch for the new development.
19:51.49learnerAtWorklol, ah
19:51.49JBDiGrizThen I went to lunch, and you start in on a similar note.
19:52.09JBDiGrizAnd we didn't even plan it, this time! :)
19:52.23learnerAtWorkI sense a distaste (or unfamiliarity) with cvs in here.. :)
19:52.52JBDiGrizHey capn, does that comment look familiar too? :)
19:53.23Patlabor221even if CVS stucks, it will do branches, that is not a reason in itself to not use them
19:54.07Patlabor221just means you have to plan it well
19:54.44learnerAtWorkI like cvs
19:54.59Patlabor221there are things better then CVS, and there are thigns worse then CVS
19:55.02learnerAtWorkregardless of it's "simplicity" and headaches it can cause.. :)
19:55.13Patlabor221it does work
19:55.25Patlabor221now SF on the other hand, I odn't think it works
19:55.26learnerAtWorkwhen used properly
19:55.43JBDiGrizlearnerAtWork: I just updated the WorkInProgress wiki page on We're looking for everyone to add their input.
19:55.47learnerAtWorkthat's why we didn't by their enterprise edition here at work..
19:56.07learnerAtWorkah, ok, jb haven't seen it yet
19:57.18JBDiGrizSF works for the simple things, and it saves us from having to duplicate the effort of setting it up.
19:57.46learnerAtWorkok sssshshhhh... nobody talk about cvs any more
19:57.47Patlabor221yes, if it would stay up for over a day
19:57.54learnerAtWorkcap is back
19:58.02prot-worki used to like cvs
19:58.06prot-workbut then i used subversion
19:58.36learnerAtWorkand you were subverted?
19:59.24JBDiGrizcvs is a hack on top of rcs, it's amazing it's lasted this long, but it does get the job done. I like Clearcase, but it's not simple!
19:59.51Patlabor221ever since I started using tortoise it has made CVS livable
19:59.51prot-worksubversion is simple and not quite so icky
19:59.59prot-workas in, it will do things like version a move
20:00.06learnerAtWorkthe problem I've had with most of the other systems is their dependancy on a windowing system or (worse) with Windows
20:00.07prot-workor do a binary file without crapping
20:02.00Patlabor221svn is very CVS like in it's usage and stuff, so it's not tied to anything OS like. It's like CVS but fixed.
20:02.15JBDiGrizThat's an easy list, it depends on rcs.
20:03.20JBDiGrizBut rcs is a lot better than sccs. And anything written after 1990 should be better than all 3 of them!
20:05.44prot-worksubversion is missing only one cvs feature right now, and thats planned forst post=1.0 :)
20:05.48JBDiGrizBy the way SourceSafe was written after 1990, and completely fails that test!
20:06.40Patlabor221I've actualy set my cvs to use the tools from SS, and it works great
20:07.07prot-worki need one of these remote controls
20:08.09learnerAtWorksourcesafe couldn't handle our codebase, and crashed frequently during our trials.. (in 2001)
20:08.44Patlabor221we've been using fine for mm8 years now
20:09.36Patlabor221tho it is lacking in the internet conectivity
20:09.51Patlabor221so we may be moving a portion to ether svn or cvs
20:10.30JBDiGrizsubversion looks interesting, although they might suffer from the preconceived notion problem.
20:10.48learnerAtWorkwhich is?
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20:11.08Patlabor221they seem to have a function for function replacement for cvs funcs
20:11.18Patlabor221cept blame
20:11.25JBDiGrizIf you ask a bunch of users how to make their jobs easier, they  will suggest replacements for functions they already do.
20:11.46JBDiGrizThey won't look at the entire job, and search for a completely better concept.
20:11.51prot-workwhere svn really shines is in its handling of modules/tags/branches
20:12.22prot-workJBDiGriz: well, things like bitkeeper have some completely new ideas
20:12.30prot-workbut most people don't need all that
20:12.47prot-workcvs' interface is good, it just has some irritations
20:12.48Patlabor221what does it do difrent?
20:12.56JBDiGrizIt's not necessarily a problem, but it's hard to overcome.
20:13.03*** join/#bzflag larsl_56k (
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20:13.42larsl_56kYay, g2 is released and SF is alive.
20:14.46JBDiGrizI hope they're working with the WebDAV people to make it a lot more robust and secure!
20:16.34prot-workhttps+htpasswd is generally pretty secure
20:20.09JBDiGrizIt's the WebDAV module that was a little shaky for a while. I've heard it's gotten better, and I'm going to try installing it on an internal machine soon.
20:21.56prot-work<ibot> webdav is an in-progress protocol for distributed authoring and versioning, implemented as an extension to http
20:22.12prot-work<ibot> see for more information
20:22.57JBDiGrizYou could also add as a useful pointer
20:23.37prot-workibot webdav is an extension to http for versioning or or
20:23.38okay, prot-work
20:24.02*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
20:24.17JBDiGrizI don't think ibot likes me :<
20:24.24well, webdav is an extension to http for versioning or or
20:24.33prot-work~, not -
20:25.19JBDiGrizI'm missing the difference for some reason
20:25.28prot-worktilde verse -
20:25.50stibniteI'm missing the part of my brain that would normally filter out stupid, irrelevant comments like this one.
20:26.10JBDiGrizI'm changing the fonts X-Chat uses, That tilde is absolutely corrupt!
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20:30.06larsl_56kUgh, looks like Sweden is getting a DMCA soon. =(
20:30.40prot-workbecause hardware hackers are terrorists
20:30.57larsl_56kAnd software hackers too, appearently.
20:31.07prot-workwell we already knew that
20:31.54prot-workeveryone please add thoughts to
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20:32.57larsl_56kSDL sounds nice.
20:33.02larsl_56kHow much work would that be?
20:33.07JBDiGrizAh, New York has a tilde that looks like a tilde!
20:33.11prot-worka good bit
20:33.21prot-worki had it working at one point
20:33.30prot-workvogon_jeltz had one working at one point
20:33.33prot-work(remember him?)
20:33.44larsl_56kI haven't been around that long. =)
20:33.52JBDiGrizmmu_man had better add his name to that one, along with an estimate of when it will be done!
20:34.12mmu_manJBDiGriz it IS done
20:34.18mmu_manI posted a patch on SF :P
20:34.21prot-workmmu_man: does it still crash on server join? :)
20:34.47mmu_manprot-work yes, but as long as this patch isn't in cvs it's not easy to work further
20:35.00JBDiGrizmmu_man: Cool! I'll start a section on the next spec which will include things where we actually have someone committed to providing the patch.
20:35.01mmu_manit sometimes connect when I specify the server on the cmdline
20:35.09mmu_manlooks like a race condition or something
20:35.24mmu_manmost of the time it tells "error when downloading world database"
20:35.28prot-workmmu_man: as soon as we get the current code moved to HEAD i'll merge it :P
20:35.51mmu_manoh, HEAD=1.7g2 :)))
20:36.32mmu_manwill be easier for the next soul who want to port it to Amiga or Next or whichever... not checking out the wrong one =)
20:37.00prot-workhaha, bz on next
20:37.55JBDiGrizI don't think the graphics would handle it on the NeXT
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20:40.48larsl_56kWill next release be 1.9a0 or 1.9.0? I remember someone talking about switching to numbers only.
20:43.22mmu_manplatform (SDL?)
20:43.25mmu_manWTF ???
20:43.32Patlabor221SDL rocks
20:43.38mmu_manthe current platform stuff fits me very well :P
20:43.54mmu_manPatlabor221 yeah, but SDL+OGL will be a pain here...
20:44.00mmu_manSDL alone works very well in BeOS
20:44.08mmu_manbut it doesn't have ogl support yet
20:44.19mmu_manguess I'll have to do it myself :^)
20:44.25mmu_manwill be useful elsewhere anyway
20:44.54TuponeI heard about OpenAL! Someone knows if it's usable for bz
20:44.59Patlabor221well then you coudl do it the old way
20:45.14Patlabor221if it was made a platform, then it would be optional
20:45.41Patlabor221and the BeOS SDL imp dosn't have GL bindings? WTF is up whit that?
20:45.42JBDiGrizNow that's a tilde!
20:45.49Patlabor221openAL is cool
20:45.57prot-workmmu_man: we'd probably redo the platform wrapping some so that we had SDL as the main one but obscure platforms could still implement the backend
20:46.17prot-workthe current platform abstraction does some things that it doesn't need to
20:46.26mmu_manprot-work ok
20:46.26prot-worklike wrapping display, visual & window all separately
20:46.42mmu_manprot-work wel it fits very well in BeOS...
20:46.48Patlabor221and sound, and input, and net would be best
20:46.57mmu_manexcept the visual stuff Istill don't understand fully
20:47.00Patlabor221since windows uses a difrent net platform echincqly
20:47.04prot-workmmu_man: yeah, but that doesn't need to be exposed to the rest of everything
20:47.11mmu_manyeah, windoze uses winsuck
20:47.15mmu_maner, winsock :)
20:47.20prot-workmmu_man: all thats really necessary is a 'display' surface with the same properties
20:47.36prot-workso that systems which group things differently (like SDL) would work just as well
20:47.40Patlabor221tho I think we can get everyone to use enet
20:47.46Patlabor221then the world will be happy
20:47.55mmu_manenet ? a library ?
20:48.01Patlabor221enet rocks
20:48.02prot-workmmu_man: i'm trying to download your beos patch but is down
20:48.23mmu_manthe only thing I'd like is a much cleaner separation between gl code and the rest in the control flow
20:48.42mmu_manso I can put a big releaseCurrent() and a makeCurrent() around the gl code for once
20:48.52mmu_maninstead of those ugly yieldCurrent() everywhere
20:48.57mmu_manwhich still don't work
20:49.13Patlabor221bz realy needs a beginDraw()/endDraw() thing in platfrom
20:49.32Patlabor221we could LGE it :)
20:49.36mmu_manPatlabor221 yeah go for it !
20:49.40mmu_manWe're Sorry.  The Website is currently down for maintenance.  We will be back shortly
20:49.42Patlabor221I did
20:49.49mmu_manprot-work they aren't the only one :)
20:50.01Patlabor221we started LGEing it at one point ( well cap did )
20:50.04prot-workmmu_man: can you dcc the patch to captain_proton ?
20:50.37mmu_manI'm firewalled...
20:50.43mmu_manlet's try
20:50.49prot-workif you're firewalled it won't work
20:51.21mmu_manok, let's run httpd
20:51.22Patlabor221you can upload it to bzbb :)
20:53.04prot-workmmu_man: ok, got it
20:53.33larsl_56kWhat do you people think about adding doxygen comments to all new functions/classes (and old, if you're editing them) ? Doxygen can create really nice API docs and source browsers.
20:53.54mmu_manlarsl_56k we'll be using doxy in OpenBeOS
20:54.02mmu_manseems nice, didn't use it much myself
20:54.21prot-worklarsl_56k: might be a good idea
20:54.26prot-worki had created a doxyfile for bz at one point
20:54.59larsl_56kIf you use dot you can get a lot of pretty graphs too. =)
20:55.23Patlabor221awww derv and spif just realised I deleted there posts.
20:55.44prot-workPatlabor221: which posts? :)
20:55.58Patlabor221they were being stupid in the map help thread I made
20:55.58prot-worklarsl_56k: yeah - some of bz is pretty hairy in the dot graphs :)
20:56.16Patlabor221so I just yonked the 2 posts they put in.
20:56.31larsl_56kIt's a nice way to spot stupid circular dependencies.
20:56.38Patlabor221"I need help with the whatchacallit,etc..."
20:58.03prot-workmmu_man: in include/network.h it looks like you commented out the include of <bsd_mem.h> - is that correct?
20:58.03mmu_manprot-work yes
20:58.03prot-workso that elif should be removed?
20:58.03larsl_56k"Steely eyed banana"?
20:58.10mmu_manbecause there seemed to be bcopy() or something used
20:58.20mmu_manand in BeOS it's in this one
20:58.31mmu_manbut actually it breaks the compilation
20:58.33mmu_manand it's useless
20:58.44mmu_manso I just left it... but I guess you can rip that off
20:58.57prot-workin general we try not to leave commented out code lying around :)
21:00.32mmu_manI often do, sorry :P
21:01.00JBDiGrizTimRiker:  You had some merge errors on a checkin recently, didn't you?
21:01.07mmu_manI did lots in the BeOS related files, because I had to test lots of ways to get it working (which I couldn't actually)
21:01.34prot-workmmu_man: well, when its working i expect you to clean up those turds ;-)
21:02.09mmu_manprot-work I expect it too :P
21:02.14mmu_manthat it works =)
21:08.52Tuponeprot-work: I have fix for the locale directory in the air (remember). Can I put that in or current release is still freezing.
21:10.05prot-workTupone: don't check anything in until current becomes HEAD
21:10.54JBDiGrizprot-work: Do you mind if I fix a couple problems in the Mac build? Evidently there were some merge errors that were neglected.
21:11.13prot-workJBDiGriz: thats probably ok
21:11.28prot-worktag tag
21:15.48mmu_manplop ?
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21:28.00Tuponeprot-work: I wrote a note about Joystick 'cause Xi is not currently available on XFree86. And I have a patch on the air from ages
21:28.21Patlabor221any input device should work for any fucntion on any OS :)
21:28.46mmu_manPatlabor221 sweet dreams :)
21:28.58Patlabor221well one has to have something to look forward too
21:29.23Patlabor221sdl would get that for us on most platforms
21:29.27mmu_manif at least datasheets were publically available
21:29.35mmu_manI mean it's part of the user manual anyway
21:30.06Patlabor221what is the issue with SDL and gl on BeOS?
21:30.10Patlabor221why can't it do it?
21:30.24mmu_manPatlabor221 just because the SDL port doesn't have the gl part yet
21:30.35Patlabor221ahhh, are they workin on it?
21:30.48mmu_manbesides as you understood there are thread locking issues with gl...
21:30.59Patlabor221cus I use sdl for my window management too, I thought everyone supported it.
21:31.10mmu_manI don't think anyone works on it yet
21:31.28Patlabor221windows and linux work just fine
21:32.28prot-workTupone: the fact remains that including your patch, there are 3 different ways that the joystick ties in
21:32.43prot-workTupone: indicating that we need to rework the input system to take joysticks into account
21:32.53prot-workas in...create some actual button codes, etc
21:33.03TuponeXi does not work. USB on Linux is available via my patch too.
21:33.06Patlabor221a real input manager
21:33.17prot-workTupone: Xi works on irix...
21:33.35TuponeUSB work on irix?
21:33.46Patlabor221if your not gonna do sdl, I could hook up normal direct input support for windows.
21:33.52prot-worknot sure, i don't have access to a new enough SGI box for that
21:34.10prot-worki'd like to see SDL joystick support at least as an option
21:34.22prot-workwho wants to hear my idea for an input system? :)
21:34.23Patlabor221yeah that would be the best case
21:35.02Patlabor221does it involve pi?
21:35.14prot-worknot so much
21:35.15TuponeThe best thing to do it waiting for SDL. :'( I use to play with joystick, but any new patch I have to remix all
21:35.53Patlabor221what is your idea cap?
21:36.11prot-workbasically the system would have two output types
21:36.17prot-workpointer and buttons
21:36.26prot-workinput devices would provide any combination of those
21:36.42prot-workand filters in between could translate (eg. keyboard translating arrow keys to a pointer)
21:36.47Patlabor221mix/match axes from difrent devices would be cool
21:36.54mmu_manpointers can either be relative or absolute
21:37.27prot-workmmu_man: but thats up to the device implementation - i think as far as the end result is concerned, it will always be absolute
21:37.40Patlabor221yeah, it's a BZPointer
21:37.49Patlabor221abstract the hell outa it
21:38.17prot-workand of course, this would include a core where input devices & filters register callbacks :)
21:38.21Patlabor221that's similar to what I am doing to do for screaners
21:39.20learnerAtWorkthere needs to be ONE central file location of the application version.. grumble
21:39.26Patlabor221each input feature asks for it's "value" and the input mananger lets you map fucntions to ether axes or buttons.
21:39.26prot-workand then bzflag itself can register callbacks for buttons & pointer updates
21:39.58prot-workwhich would later on allow us to peel off input into a thread :)
21:40.13Patlabor221for those OSs that need it
21:40.26prot-workwell - need or have
21:40.41prot-worki'd like to see a fairly heavily threaded system
21:40.44mmu_manyeah ! threads baby !!!!!!!!!!!!
21:40.47prot-workthere's no reason to be blocking everywhere
21:41.00mmu_manbtw, bzflag already has something like 8 threads in BeOS :PPP
21:41.01Patlabor221you can tell direct input to handle the thread itself
21:41.08mmu_manjust because it's how it works
21:41.26prot-workmmu_man: well, those threads are created by the libraries, not by bzflag
21:42.00larsl_56kThe whole thing is LGPL now?
21:42.07prot-worksomeone with access to a machine test ?
21:42.09prot-worklarsl_56k: yeah
21:42.29mmu_manprot-work some are, in the BeOS backend
21:42.58prot-workmmu_man: ah
21:42.59mmu_manas for accessing the GUI I need to create an object of class BApplication, and call the Run() method
21:43.02mmu_manwhich blocks
21:43.07mmu_manuntil the app exits
21:43.13mmu_manso I had to run this in a thread
21:43.25mmu_manto let the main thread return to bzflag
21:43.29prot-workmmu_man: it still doesn't have some of the thread distinctions we'd like, such as peeling off network, etc
21:43.57larsl_56kThose GUI blocks when waiting for sockets are annyoing.
21:44.33prot-workspeaking of gui blocks
21:44.39prot-workthe server list cache is luberly :)
21:44.42Patlabor221enet pops off another thread dosnt it?
21:45.02prot-workPatlabor221: dunno
21:45.07mmu_manlarsl_56k I DO agree
21:45.13mmu_manthat's what makes the BeOS port unstable
21:45.27mmu_manI need to release teh gl context every once in a while
21:45.41mmu_manelse it locks up and the system kills it to stay happy
21:45.49mmu_manok, shower, brb
21:46.10Patlabor221wow that system IS the fist.
21:46.40Patlabor221if you don't release it kills you
21:46.53JBDiGrizAll hail the fist!
21:46.57mmu_manPatlabor221 because else it would lockup the whole gui :)
21:46.57prot-workthere are a lot of nifty things about be
21:47.00Patlabor221Obey the fist
21:47.14Patlabor221is it co-op multi task?
21:47.17mmu_manas the gl stack software renderer uses BDirectWindow...
21:47.28mmu_manwhich accesses the framebuffer
21:47.42mmu_manso it needs the app_server to tell it when it can draw
21:47.55mmu_manif this blocks, everything does, so there is a 3 second timeout
21:48.08Patlabor221sounds wierd
21:48.30mmu_manit's just here to protect fb access
21:48.50mmu_manto synchronize drawing threads
21:48.58mmu_manit does work :)
21:49.03Patlabor221no just the fact that it's not all abstracted thru a driver that can handle release it.
21:49.13Patlabor221that it's up to app code
21:49.50mmu_manwel there is a callback IIRC
21:49.52Patlabor221probalby just a difren way tho
21:50.09mmu_manbut as it's done insude the app team, not app_server there must be a security
21:50.12prot-workanybody test that flag diff?
21:50.19mmu_manok, brb
21:51.16prot-worki feel so bad using a semi-ok monitor as a footrest
21:51.27Patlabor221how big is it?
21:51.39Patlabor221well that is small
21:51.44prot-workniceish viewsonic
21:51.54prot-workat least its not one of the 20" ibms
21:52.04Patlabor221is it a good footrest tho?
21:52.09JBDiGrizUnfortunately it doesn't plug into that ibook.
21:52.19prot-workyeah, its a pretty good footrest
21:52.26Patlabor221sell ya a17 for cheap, mayhem :)
21:53.29JBDiGrizI think the shipping might cost more than the monitor!
21:53.36Patlabor221we got a 17 for 102
21:53.58Patlabor22119 for 151
21:54.33JBDiGrizDon't do it until he quotes shipping!
21:54.48Patlabor221no it's not that bad
21:54.53Patlabor221just don't pick UPS red
21:54.55Mayhemship to the uk?
21:55.08Patlabor221that will be a bit more to the UK tho
21:55.21JBDiGrizWe all knew that! :)
21:56.26Patlabor221I'm showing $17.47 to ship it to me for a 19
21:56.32JBDiGrizAt least you don't have to pay LA, California sales tax! 8.25% !?!?!? :(
21:56.54Patlabor221I don't ether jbd :)
21:56.59Patlabor221I get 1%
21:57.06Patlabor221well 1% off of yours
21:57.16Patlabor221we are 7.25
21:57.30Patlabor221la county sucks to live in
21:57.45JBDiGrizWe're at 7.25 down here as well, but I wasn't sure about Ventura rates.
21:58.22Patlabor221only LA City/county have 8.25 round here
21:58.49Patlabor221tho it's not that there is any difrnce between city and county
21:59.46Patlabor221more of a longbeach/la/santamoica/sanfernando/palmdale metroplex
22:00.44learnerAtWorkhehe, and I complain about 5%.. :)
22:01.01JBDiGrizWe have the USMC defending us from LA
22:01.04Patlabor221well your state is smaller, you don't leak as much money
22:01.11learnerAtWorklol, true
22:01.25Patlabor221we have the airforce.
22:02.14JBDiGrizI don't think the airforce has formed a large perimeter between Ventura and LA county.
22:02.31JBDiGrizAlthough LA is attempting to flank the marines to the east right now! :(
22:02.33Patlabor221we only have one border with them  realy
22:02.49Patlabor221the simi/westlake border
22:03.02JBDiGrizWestlake is part of LA at this point.
22:03.03Patlabor221the agoura people are freaking trators
22:03.23Patlabor221no LA county starts at agoura I thought
22:03.36Patlabor221well the TO poeple are stuck up
22:03.45Patlabor221but they got the mall
22:04.03JBDiGrizLA county starts around Calabasas when I lived there. The separation was at the end of the valley.
22:04.24Patlabor221yeah that's the end of westlake, start of agoiura
22:04.48JBDiGrizThe developoment continues through westlake almost out to Camarillo and Oxnard now!
22:04.51Patlabor221cus I don't think I pay 8.25 when I shop in WL
22:05.38Patlabor221TO is NOT LA county I know that for sure
22:06.15Patlabor221but yes the line does go thru the actual westlake "lake"
22:06.55JBDiGrizThe problem is that there's little real separation anymore. It all looks like LA.
22:07.01Patlabor221yeah true
22:07.21Patlabor221agura,westlake,TO, and newbury park are one big sprawl
22:07.36Patlabor221tho I think we have generaly more trees here
22:07.44Patlabor221we arn't as bad as the valley
22:07.52JBDiGrizThey used to be the place to go bicycle riding.
22:08.08JBDiGrizThe valley wasn't that bad 30 years ago.
22:08.16Patlabor221it's horible now
22:08.28Patlabor221no trees
22:08.34Patlabor221all flat
22:08.39JBDiGrizAgreed! I moved south, and I'm not going back!
22:09.01Patlabor221we have hills and parks at trees at elast
22:09.13JBDiGrizFor now! :P
22:09.15Patlabor221there are like 15 parks in moorpark
22:09.31JBDiGrizJust keep LA out of Ojai!
22:09.35Patlabor221LA seems to be moving more north now
22:09.51Patlabor221they re doing a lot in vallencia/palmdale area
22:09.56Patlabor221lots of pople moving there.
22:10.28JBDiGrizThe sprawl seems to have reached palmdale, and it also seems to be complete out beyond Riverside to the east now!
22:10.38Patlabor221ohh yeah
22:10.46Patlabor221all the way to san bernidino
22:11.17Patlabor221used to drive out there often
22:11.20Patlabor221just one big city
22:11.41JBDiGrizThere are a couple of nice spots still in LA county, Topanga Canyon seems to have been spared.
22:12.11Patlabor221it's prety developed now
22:12.23Patlabor221there are houses and stuff right up next to it now
22:12.28JBDiGrizThat's a shame, did they destroy Kanan Road as well?
22:12.51Patlabor221no, it stops before there
22:13.29JBDiGrizThat was a nice area to wander around.
22:13.56Patlabor221there are lots of hills out here to hiking in, all the stuff north of simi is still fine.
22:14.56JBDiGrizIt's time for the first annual bz field trip!
22:15.07Patlabor221tho the dumb bastards in woodranch built houses in the flood basin
22:15.31Patlabor221and they whine when it fills up with water when it rains
22:15.58JBDiGrizI can't talk about that, one of the largest flood basins is Mission Valley which is now filled up with condos! stupid stupid stupid
22:16.42mmu_manuse what ?
22:16.51JBDiGrizprot-work: Discreet Logic?
22:17.22Patlabor221whe should all meet in vegas and get pissed
22:17.38prot-workdiscreet - the people who make autocad & 3d studio max
22:17.56Patlabor221a division of autodesk
22:18.01Patlabor221they are bastards
22:18.05JBDiGrizThey have cool software, but they're a pain to work with!
22:18.08prot-workedit* is a neato nonlinear editing system
22:18.28Patlabor221part of our software runs inside of autodesk inventor
22:18.37JBDiGrizEvidently Pat and I have similar experiences
22:18.56Patlabor221tho the people at solidworks are more bastards
22:21.17Patlabor221we keep having to hack there file format
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22:35.55larsl_56kIs 'make package' supposed to work?
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22:36.41prot-worklarsl_56k: no
22:38.42mmu_man"good, because it doesn't here" :)
22:38.59larsl_56kExactly. =)
22:39.45mmu_manwho wants more ?
22:41.01larsl_56k~literal d
22:41.02d is  <reply> see bzfquery
22:41.23mmu_manwow, that works :)
22:42.34bzgirlTimRiker your not on ducati are you?
22:45.02prot-workbzgirl: he plays as "Tim"
22:45.30bzgirlgood, i kicked him off ;-)
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22:52.16Patlabor221Mayhem, it seesm we will ship to europe, they are gonna add intertional shiping to the site today.
22:57.14learnerAtWorkaha, you all like "d" for ducati hehehe
22:57.40*** join/#bzflag Woofles (
22:57.46Woofleswhere can I find the change log?
22:58.35Patlabor221in the source tarball "ChangeLog"
22:59.06WooflesCan I find it online
22:59.15Patlabor221not by itsself
22:59.30Patlabor221well you could browse CVS
22:59.40Patlabor221it woudl be there
23:00.33larsl_56kThat probably should be added to the "Changes" entry for the release on SF.
23:01.29larsl_56kSB is much more fun with the new texture. =)
23:02.01prot-worklike...30 DVI-D cables
23:02.07prot-workand 15 VGA cables
23:02.10Patlabor221that's a lot of cables
23:02.10*** join/#bzflag Noodlebot (
23:02.41learnerAtWorkis tim any good playing?
23:02.59prot-worklearnerAtWork: not so much :) mostly he "plays" when testing things
23:03.04prot-workcrs on the other hand is a monster
23:03.24Patlabor221is Tim better or worse then me?
23:03.29CIAcommit by dbw192: Fix the generated frameworks install paths.
23:03.31prot-workPatlabor221: hard to say ;)
23:03.40Patlabor221ooo that bad?
23:07.37*** part/#bzflag david_v (
23:14.51*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
23:22.19prot-workok, i go home now
23:32.52*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
23:39.20learnerAtWorklol, pat
23:39.43Patlabor221ohh your loling :)
23:39.53Patlabor221not 'lo' :)
23:40.11learnerAtWorksup, too
23:40.32creeperzYo, dog homie-G
23:40.48learnerAtWorkwut up wut up
23:41.10I'm coo, howzit?
23:41.16learnerAtWorklol, ibot
23:41.26creeperzibot: Can you breakdance?
23:41.27creeperz: bugger all, i dunno
23:41.36Patlabor221ooo creeper ibot LIKES you.
23:41.52Noodlemanibot, botsmack
23:41.53sure, wanna snort some with me?
23:42.07Patlabor221now now, don't go off oh him again.
23:42.19one too many hits on the botcrack pipe and look at me now!
23:42.42learnerAtWorkibot, you are da bomb!
23:42.43learnerAtWork: I think you lost me on that one
23:42.53learnerAtWorkdoesn't like me..
23:42.56creeperzibot is a little slow
23:42.56creeperz: are you using Windows?
23:43.32Patlabor221but you WANT to use windows, it knows
23:43.56creeperzibot must really be the most intelligent bot around
23:43.57bugger all, i dunno, creeperz
23:44.14creeperzibot has now disproved
23:44.15creeperz: i haven't a clue
23:44.27Patlabor221creeper don't bug it too much
23:45.07Noodlemanhey creeperz, y4 w4nn4 kn0w a r33l7 l337 h4ck?
23:45.28Noodlemando /msg ibot help 5 times
23:45.47learnerAtWorkdo it
23:45.50Noodlemanjust do it, you'll see
23:46.57*** join/#bzflag ibot (ibot@
23:46.57*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || (forums) || upgrade bzfs servers to CVS || for a giggle, check for crs' name in the credits for Finding Nemo || g2 released
23:46.57*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
23:47.07Patlabor221now don't mess with her ok?
23:47.22Noodlemanso, ibot is a her now, eh?
23:47.37Patlabor221allways has been to my knowledge
23:48.12Patlabor221~who is your daddy?
23:48.13YOU are, Mr. Sexy Pants
23:48.13creeperz~whos your daddy
23:48.16Noodlemanmaybe it's a hermaphrodite
23:48.23Patlabor221your sick man
23:48.24creeperz~whos your daddy
23:48.41Patlabor221creeper, leave it be, you flooded the bot
23:48.42Noodlemanok, yes i am in a weird mood right now
23:49.04creeperzHaha, ibot! I'm not wearing any!
23:49.39Patlabor221creeper have your erotic converstions with ibot in a /msg please
23:49.41creeperzWho all here has fallen asleep while playing BZFlag
23:50.32Patlabor221I know people who have while playing Eq
23:50.42creeperzDumbest VW comercial in history
23:53.15creeperzPhone line shocked me
23:53.20creeperzI had a call
23:57.14Patlabor221XP is evil

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.