irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030317

00:20.01*** join/#bzflag freelancer (
00:20.29freelanceranyone see illf8d
00:20.42Noodleman~seen illf8d
00:20.48illf8d <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 5h 57m 28s ago, saying: 'night all'.
00:20.53freelanceryes tankenstein
00:25.01*** part/#bzflag zarin (
00:29.09*** join/#bzflag heinola (~353CAPPY@
00:46.45*** join/#bzflag Ruudi (
00:48.13*** part/#bzflag Ruudi (
00:48.53*** join/#bzflag jraitala_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:51.50bzgirldmp you awake still?
00:51.55bzgirlhi Ruudi
00:52.02bzgirlyou use debian?
00:52.18[dmp]me? yes
00:52.24bzgirlyeah you :)
00:52.42bzgirlhave you tried to build 1.7g1 ?
00:52.59bzgirlit built ok?
00:53.27[dmp]but i had to install a library first.. can't remember which packages it was
00:53.28bzgirlit built on my laptop (sid) but not on my desktop also sid
00:53.35*** join/#bzflag heinola (heinola@
00:53.38bzgirlplease remember  :)
00:54.58[dmp]do you have: xlibmesa3 ?
00:55.11bzgirlfatboy:/home/brat# apt-get install glutg3 glutg3-dev gtkglarea5 gtkglarea5-dev gimp
00:55.18bzgirli installed all that
00:55.22[dmp]and xlibs
00:55.28bzgirlwill look
00:56.04bzgirlyes i have that
00:57.05bzgirlmaybe i can make a list of instale stuff on both and compare it, i dunno
00:57.56[dmp]well, you can try, but i would guess you would use alot of time installing stuff you dont need :)
00:58.10bzgirlyeah :(
00:58.13[dmp]what is broken?
00:58.45bzgirli dont know, trying to get the error message..
00:59.53[dmp]what about: xlibmesa-dev, xlibmesa-gl-dev, xlibmesa-glu-dev (dunno if they are installed with xlibmesa)
01:00.15[dmp]xlibs-dev, xlibmesa3-gl, xlibmesa3-glu ?
01:00.43[dmp]I thinkn it was a mesa-related library.
01:01.06[dmp]i've got a notes/bzflag.txt :)
01:01.22bzgirli have all of those
01:01.26[dmp]i installed: xlibmesa3(-dev) and libvorbis-dev
01:02.06bzgirli remeber the libvorbis i had to install on the laptop i think
01:02.10bzgirlwill try that
01:02.26[dmp]Hey, I actually wrote something usefull in my notes directory :)
01:02.48bzgirlbut the errors i recall didnt mention vorbis
01:03.04[dmp]You dont have the error somewhere?
01:03.14bzgirlim compiling now :)
01:03.36bzgirl/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a(glthread.o)(.text+0xa7): In function `_glthread_SetTSD':
01:03.37bzgirl: undefined reference to `pthread_setspecific'
01:03.37bzgirlcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
01:03.37bzgirlmake[3]: *** [../../bin/bzflag] Error 1
01:04.16bzgirllots of those "undefined reference lines
01:06.29[dmp]i didnt write my error message, when i tried. :(
01:07.28[dmp]but well, i only have kde (and whatever it includes) for gui and then i'd install xlibmesa3, xlibmesa3-dev and libvorbis-dev
01:07.40[dmp]only else stated in that file is the cvs command to get the source
01:07.51bzgirli have kde,gnome fluxbox
01:08.12bzgirloh well
01:08.20bzgirlall im after is the big radar :)
01:08.25[dmp]do you have  xlibmesa3-dev (sorry for asking again :))
01:08.34[dmp]yeah its cool :)
01:08.42[dmp]i can compile it for you, if you want.
01:08.44[dmp]or try to
01:08.52[dmp]if you dare :)
01:09.13bzgirlfatboy:/home/brat/bzflag# dpkg -l | grep xlib
01:09.13bzgirlii  xlibmesa-gl-de 4.2.1-6        Mesa 3D graphics library development files [
01:09.13bzgirlii  xlibmesa-glu-d 4.2.1-6        Mesa OpenGL utility library development file
01:09.13bzgirlii  xlibmesa3      4.2.1-6        XFree86 Mesa libraries pseudopackage
01:09.13bzgirlii  xlibmesa3-gl   4.2.1-6        Mesa 3D graphics library [XFree86]
01:09.14bzgirlii  xlibmesa3-glu  4.2.1-6        Mesa OpenGL utility library [XFree86]
01:09.17bzgirlii  xlibs          4.2.1-6        X Window System client libraries
01:09.18bzgirlii  xlibs-dev      4.2.1-6        X Window System client library developmen
01:09.36[dmp]It seems to be missing?
01:10.05bzgirlixlibmesa3-dev isnt available it says
01:10.12bzgirlno such package
01:39.26bzdoug_"Like any talented dog, it can do flips. Like any talented cow, it can do precision bitmap alignment."
01:43.49bzdoug_"Brought to you by: "Al"toids - the curiously weird mint."
03:03.12*** join/#bzflag luca_ (
03:03.22luca_what is the last version?
03:03.42bzdoug_g0 I think
04:07.18*** join/#bzflag gonkey{iBook} (
05:42.23*** join/#bzflag faz___ (
05:52.31*** join/#bzflag captain_pistachi (~jupiter@aden2-23-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
05:52.31*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_pistachi] by ChanServ
05:54.12Noodlemancaptain_proton: how are you and scanline coming along with that evil 99-bottles submission?
05:55.04captain_protonscanline came up with a really really evil method of printing, which he's using in another submission
05:55.21scanlineNoodleman: I have 1.5 submissions so far, but I'd like to spend some more time evilifying them
05:55.38Noodlemani´ve got about 3 doze submissions now
05:55.42scanlinethe first one I'm fairly happy with, but could be better.. I started one in perl, but put it down when it started making my brain hurt
05:56.10Noodlemanmy brain is wired for perl
05:56.23Noodlemani have trouble coding in anything else but php :-)
05:56.26scanlineoh, this perl would probably make anyone's head hurt
05:56.32scanlineit's self-modifying
05:56.41captain_protonand self-readifying
05:56.41scanlinedoesn't even look like it should compile
05:56.48Noodlemanwhat do you mean by that?
05:57.09scanlineNoodleman: imagine a string that eval's itself recursively, modifying itself a little each time
05:57.11Noodlemanis that like a quine?
05:57.32Noodlemanthatś evil :-)
05:57.48captain_protonalmost as evil as the stuff he was doing in C =)
05:57.54scanlinehmm. can I send you my first one, then send a replacement later if I improve it?
05:58.13Noodlemansure, proton did that with his first submission
05:58.25scanlineDCC okay? :)
05:58.39scanlineI have my name and email address in the comments
05:58.48Noodlemani´m behind a fiewall
05:58.59Noodlemandcc won´t worl
05:59.05scanlineok, guess I'll have to actually look up your email address :)
05:59.16scanlinebtw, you seem to have smart quotes or something turned on, sending non-ASCII-stuff
05:59.27captain_protonNoodleman: dcc recieve should work fine - when he sends, you're the one connecting to him
05:59.56scanlineoh yeah-
05:59.58Noodlemanscanline: itś this weird thing with the gnome 2.2 on gentoo, i think
06:00.07scanlinemy first entry produces the beerlyrics.txt file exactly to the byte
06:00.23scanlinebut the second entry actually outputs something different that happens to look just like beerlyrics.txt when viewed on a terminal
06:00.24scanlineis that ok?
06:00.37Noodlemanscanline: i´d probably rather you email it, then i have all the submissions automatically in one place
06:00.44Noodlemanscanline: thatś fine
06:02.06scanlineNoodleman: sent
06:02.11scanlinecan you make sure it runs properly on your machine?
06:07.48Noodlemanscanline: it works :-)
06:07.58scanlinefigured out how yet? :)
06:08.10Noodlemanitś quite obfuscated
06:08.22Noodlemanbesides, i don´t know C
06:08.37scanlineso how do you plan on judging how obfuscated an entry is?
06:08.57Noodlemanbycomparing it to the other entries
06:09.05Noodlemanwhen i get them all it
06:09.11Noodlemanafter the deadline
06:09.28scanlinebut still, you have to be able to understand an entry to appreciate it's obfuscation fully :)
06:10.24scanlineNoodleman; I'd advise stepping through it with something like gdb or SoftICE :)
06:10.38Noodlemanscanline: ok
06:10.48scanlineit's hard with gdb though
06:10.57scanlinemy code confuses gdb, so that the breakpoints don't usually work correctly
06:11.06scanlinedunno if they have SoftICE for linux
06:11.11Noodlemanis softice free?
06:11.58scanlineyou can use gdb.. just remember stepi and disassemble are your friends :)
06:24.52*** join/#bzflag lurgyman (~lurgyman@aden2-123-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
06:42.25*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
08:57.29*** join/#bzflag bomber (
09:01.17*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
09:05.20ak|racaptain_proton or scanline .. there?
09:06.00ak|ra"error" in your nuppelwriter code
09:10.58ak|rascanline: watch at this movie and guess whats wrong ..
09:11.39scanlineI've never seen it do that
09:11.58scanlinecombined with the fact that the RTJpeg code was crashing for you, I'd guess it's an error in your application
09:12.12scanlineRTJpeg has never crashed for me, it just compresses badly
09:13.10ak|rano error in my app :)
09:13.23scanlineso what's the problem?
09:13.32ak|rasolution: you use your *frameBuffer as the output buffer for the lzo-compression
09:13.46ak|rayou can "see" this -> the "noise"
09:13.58ak|rathe noise that comes when the app stands still
09:14.38ak|raok, but its not clever to grab the screen while nothing changed isnt it?
09:14.39scanlinethat's nice...
09:15.04scanlinein jetstream, I can't think of a single instance where the screen doesn't change, so we didn't bother optimizing for that
09:15.17ak|rai grab only in my draw routine and do a simple writeFrame all 1/25 seconds
09:15.27scanlineuh huh
09:15.31scanlineI don't really care :)
09:15.40scanlinesubmit a patch if you want, otherwise I'll fix it when/if it's a problem for me
09:15.48ak|raas you can see in
09:16.49ak|rai will write a mail to the author .. i d like to see lgpled version .. i freed your nuppelwriter code from sdl stuff so its almost standalone
09:17.10ak|rathinking about using some speedroutins (fast_memcpy) from the mplayer src
09:19.52ak|rascanline: i put the code in the mainloop of bzflag .. was not so fast :)
09:20.29scanlinewell, you might have noticed jetstream has extra code to regulate the frame rate and rescale the image before compressing
09:20.52ak|rai do
09:21.31ak|rawhat is your highest resolution you made a video from?
09:21.50scanlineI think the highest I've tried was 1024x769
09:21.52scanlineerr, 768
09:22.07scanlinedon't remember whether I tried 1600x1200 or not
09:22.30ak|rabtw: the nice 8x8 block thing went to nice results if one DONT use factors of 8 :)
09:22.53scanlineyou mean with RTJpeg?
09:23.09scanline8x8 block thing?
09:23.09ak|rathe rtjpeg crashed
09:23.34ak|raif you disable rtjpeg and grab a random screensize
09:23.53scanlinenever had any problems like that
09:23.57ak|rayou have to worry about width and height -> nuppelvideo works on 8x8 blocks
09:24.10ak|rai will see if i find an old demo
09:24.23scanlinebut like I said, I don't really care :)
11:02.33[dmp]wooho. RAM have arrived at the postoffice. Not I need to  wait 8-9 hours to let them bring it a few kilometers :-(.. And no, I cant get it myself until they try to deliver it. They cant handle that.. :\
11:16.50*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
12:12.44*** join/#bzflag faz___ (
13:17.44*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
14:06.26*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
14:22.26*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (
14:55.24mmu_man$fix bzflag-BeOS
14:55.48mmu_man~fix bzflag-BeOS
14:56.52Jormungandrhrm.  logs say cell was cheating on my server.
14:59.17bzdoug_~whowas cell
14:59.27Jormungandryeah... I'll try to compile a log excerpt
15:00.13Jormungandrright now I am going through the logs and looking for specific banning needs.
15:01.49JormungandrI am wondering of spoogebob might be using proxies.
15:02.20*** join/#bzflag ISFry (~Fry@
15:03.54Jormungandrwhy you say that?
15:04.48bzdoug_lots of ports
15:06.16Jormungandrit only assigns one udp port per person.
15:06.27bzdoug_hmm, yea, but it changes
15:06.36Jormungandreach time you join
15:06.42Jormungandrnot contintually during the game.
15:07.02Jormungandrcontinually even
15:07.30bzdoug_but still... I dont know how I would get SSH to forward them if I dont know the ports ahead of time
15:08.00Jormungandra proxy can be set to forward any port.
15:08.03Jormungandrtcp or udp
15:08.12Jormungandreven multiple ports.
15:08.49bzdoug_how would I get bzflag to USE the proxy though?
15:09.08bzdoug_point it to the proxy, then tell the proxy to connect to a particular server?
15:09.57Jormungandrnot sure of specifics, though.
15:10.54Jormungandrcell is still really annoying, despite having cleaned up his act in here a bit.
15:11.06bzdoug_how so?
15:11.17Jormungandrhe is only nice in here because he has to be.
15:11.26Chestalaren't we all? ;-)
15:11.40Jormungandrhis behavior on my server, and apparently using a modified client are really annoying.
15:11.53bzdoug_I have his modifyed client
15:12.24bzdoug_no source, but I have a EXE someplace
15:13.16JormungandrPlayer EsaPro  [3]: he is an admitted cheater
15:13.17JormungandrPlayer Deathguise [0]: lol
15:13.17JormungandrPlayer Deathguise [0]: true
15:13.17JormungandrPlayer Deathguise [0]: tim does let me prance about
15:13.22Jormungandrdeathguise is cell
15:13.47bzdoug_check his IP?
15:15.37Jormungandrhrm. this guy was on from uunet dialup.
15:16.36Jormungandrthat's not typical cell territory
15:16.58Jormungandrpleasantville nj
15:17.14Jormungandrlooks like a ban in the making.
15:19.49Jormungandrrestarted secretplace.
15:20.01bzdoug_what map?
15:20.07Jormungandrit was starting to have flags that show up on the ground but not radar.
15:20.10Jormungandrsame    spirals.
15:20.18JormungandrI need to find a better map for
15:20.24Jormungandrdave's new map is not popular.
15:20.35Jormungandrrunning a zero server on now.
15:20.45Jormungandrso 2 servers there.
15:20.52Jormungandrone on 5155 and one on 5555
15:21.29Jormungandrzero server is limited to 12 players and 2 shots.
15:21.38Jormungandrfor bandwidth reasons.
15:22.00bzdoug_there is... hmm, 2 total players of zero currently
15:22.04Jormungandrhopefully the breaking of protocol will include a multicasting of data.
15:22.23Jormungandrso the server always uses about the same bandwidth.
15:22.41bzdoug_that would be nice
15:22.46Jormungandrthen I will run more servers if that happens.
15:22.55Jormungandrbecause I can predict bandwidth usage better.
15:23.05Jormungandrand it'd be cleaner.
15:24.08JormungandrI suppose I should work on getting bzflag to compile on my mac.
15:25.12JormungandrI tried, but the mac people aren't very articulate with their support.
15:27.43bzdoug_what ports does bzflag use?
15:27.56bzdoug_like lets say I wanted to connect to your server
15:28.05bzdoug_what ports do I need enabled?
15:32.16Jormungandrand 5156
15:32.23Jormungandrit'll also assign another port
15:32.29bzdoug_what would that be?
15:32.31bzdoug_what range?
15:32.34Jormungandrso the proxy needs to know about it.
15:32.35Jormungandrnot sure.
15:33.10Jormungandrwell, that's how it has to be with multiplayer games.
15:33.57Jormungandrwell, maybe not HAS to be.
15:34.01bzdoug_I have 5155-5159 forwarded now..
15:36.07JormungandrI really want admin bot.
15:36.21JormungandrI wish I could code something besides shell scripts.
15:36.36bzdoug_bleh, noodleman seems to have disabled his no-ip thing or something
15:37.17bzdoug_ah, the joys of IP
15:37.29JormungandrI do get people on secretplace using windows proxy.
15:37.44Jormungandrbecause it spits out errors to console when people use it.
15:38.35bzdoug_watch the logs, cuz here I come!
15:39.32bzdoug_anything show up?
15:41.33Jormungandrit should be illegal for companies to make a 20 oz bottle of soda say that it's 2.5 servings.
15:42.39Chestalhow much is 20 oz?
15:42.40Jormungandrthey know darned well noone is going to drink 1/2.5th of it.
15:42.48Jormungandr8 oz is 1 cup.
15:42.56Jormungandr1.25 pints
15:43.00Jormungandr592 ml
15:43.01Chestal~convert 20 oz to litre
15:43.10Chestal~convert 20 oz to ml
15:43.23Jormungandr591 actually.
15:43.26Chestal~convert 20 oz to liter
15:43.39bzdoug_~convert 20 oz to L
15:43.39Jormungandr~convert 20 ounces to liters
15:43.50Jormungandrthat's silly.
15:43.56Chestal~convert 20 oz to cubic meters
15:44.04Jormungandr~convert 1.25 pints to liters
15:44.31Chestalhmm, is ounce a mass unit?
15:44.38Chestal~convert 20 oz to kg
15:45.04Jormungandr~convert 20 fluid ounces to liters
15:45.09luca_shit and stupid american units
15:45.19Chestal~convert apples to bananas
15:46.03luca_they always make things complex
15:46.14Chestalyep, one day they will follow the one true path
15:46.21Jormungandrounces are weight, but we are stupid and calculate ounces as the equivalent of 1 oz of water (by weight) into volume.
15:46.22Chestalmight take >100 years, though
15:47.45Jormungandrso 20 fl oz is the volume equivalent of 20 ounces of water (even when you aren't using water)
15:49.22Chestalwe have one, it's used, though, but you can buy it if you want
15:50.18ChestalI'll put it into a .tar.bz2, will fit into a small envelope then
15:50.24bzdoug_ok doke
15:53.08Jormungandrhrm.  I wonder if the weather module works in blootbot.
15:53.14Jormungandrand how you'd enable it.
15:54.56luca_bzdoug_: there an international metric system
15:55.06luca_but americans still don't know about it
16:05.41*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
16:09.57*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (~jupiter@aden2-23-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
16:09.57*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_proton] by
16:10.14bzgirlanyone have bzflag icons?
16:14.19mmu_mangood question :)
16:53.44*** join/#bzflag Patlabor2211 (~JeffM@
16:54.47Jormungandrwork. :)
16:55.10Jormungandrbeen at work for almost 5 hours already.
16:55.52Patlabor2211I just got in
16:56.08JormungandrI go home at 3:30 (it's about 10 now, here)
16:56.32Jormungandrit's just before the bad rush hour starts.
16:56.36Jormungandrso that is nice.
16:56.48Jormungandrit's still a little crowded on the road, but not as bad as half an hour later.
16:57.19Patlabor2211how far do you have to go?
16:57.23Jormungandrphoenix rush hour is terrible.
16:57.32Jormungandrabout 8 miles.
16:57.39Jormungandrabout half of it is freeway.
16:58.06Jormungandrthe streets are not bad at all.. the freeway is what gets busy.
16:58.26Patlabor2211that's what happens here
16:58.35Patlabor2211tho I don't have to touch freeway to get home
16:58.39Patlabor2211realy just one road
16:58.43Patlabor2211for about 500 feet
16:59.03JormungandrI could take the streets all the way, but not through the best neighborhoods.
16:59.22Jormungandrthe freeway takes about 10-15 minutes off my drive.
16:59.43Jormungandrjust because this is a heavy hispanic area, and they tend to drive the speed limit or slightly under.
17:00.04Jormungandrwhich I don't mind, unless I want to get home after a long day. :)
17:00.13Patlabor2211about 0.75 inches aboce the ground?
17:00.23Jormungandrheh  some of them.
17:00.36Patlabor2211we have that here too
17:00.54Jormungandrthat's not so bad here, because our neighborhoods have speedbumps in the streets.
17:02.04Patlabor2211ok I serioulsy have to figure out how to get a CVS server set up
17:02.25Jormungandrwhat OS?
17:05.46Patlabor2211quen es?
17:11.17Jormungandris a cvs server that uses ssh and chroots the processes.
17:11.29Patlabor2211ok that is way too much info for my brain today
17:11.45Patlabor2211I know all of those are words
17:11.49Patlabor2211english words even
17:12.01Patlabor2211and I think I even know what each word means
17:12.12Patlabor2211but put them all together.......... no clue
17:12.46Patlabor2211ygg today is not turning out to be a good St. pattys day
17:12.46NoodlemanPatlabor2211´s brain has been r00ted
17:13.01Jormungandrhi noodleman.
17:13.14Jormungandrpat, let me find a linux howto for you.
17:13.25Patlabor2211something is wrong today
17:13.38Patlabor2211more likey the fact that I forgot to eat again yesterday
17:20.31Jormungandrthread here is helpful...
17:20.53Jormungandrspecifically regarding rh 8
17:22.36Jormungandrthe second reply is most helpful.
17:32.01Jormungandrhow flexible is phpbb?
17:32.26Jormungandrsome of my Order members want me to install a bulletin board on the Order website.
17:33.48Patlabor2211flexible for what?
17:34.04Jormungandrcan you hide forums for a specific group of people?
17:34.16Jormungandrso only those with certain permissions can even see them?
17:34.29Patlabor2211we do that on bzbb
17:34.34Patlabor2211the cop forums
17:34.38Patlabor2211there are 2 of them :)
17:34.42Jormungandrokay... excellent.
17:34.47Patlabor2211noone but the cops ever see them
17:35.16Jormungandrhopefully I can find a decent theme or make one that matches the site.
17:35.29Patlabor2211it's not that hard to tweak them
17:35.32JormungandrI'll have to break out my Painter program again. :)
17:35.44Patlabor2211I've been tweakign this one
17:40.43Jormungandrlooks nice.
17:42.13JormungandrI always have to laugh at the name Gimmel.  The word "gimel" in hebrew means "camel".
17:42.22Jormungandrit's also a letter of the hebrew alphabet
17:42.42Patlabor2211he's a dorf
17:43.04Patlabor2211He wanted "Gimley" but it was of course taken
17:43.08Jormungandrdwarf even ;)
17:44.10Patlabor2211dorf on golf
17:45.19Patlabor2211hmm perhaps I should not have done the marathon "watching all the .hack// eps" yesteday
17:46.09Jormungandrare you out of whack now?
17:47.15JormungandrI had an extra long meditation session on saturday, and I was out of it until yesterday evening.  that doesn't happen too often when I meditate.  funny that it's food that usually kicks me out of it.
17:47.45Patlabor2211I fogot to eat yesterday too
17:47.59Patlabor2211and did a decent amount of phisical labor
17:48.16Patlabor2211think body is just saying, "well screw you buddy"
17:48.23Jormungandreat something.
17:48.30Patlabor2211ohh I did
17:48.32Patlabor2211first thing this AM
17:48.39Jormungandrwith this new flu going around that kills people, you need to stay "unstressed".
17:49.03Jormungandrespecially if you are around people that travel a lot.
17:51.17Patlabor2211I think it was the dust that got me
17:51.24Patlabor2211had to totaly clean off the portch
17:51.30Patlabor2211cus tehy will be painting
17:51.34Patlabor2211lots of sweeping
17:51.40Patlabor2211lots of cat sand
17:52.04Jormungandrthat'll do it.
17:52.18Jormungandrget a lot of fluids to flush out the bad stuff.
17:52.34Patlabor22113 leeters of gatorade
17:53.05Patlabor2211if nothing else one of my genetic tallents is definaly to process fluids
18:24.09*** join/#bzflag Cell (
18:24.50Celllo, Patlabor2211: whats the 3d format screamers loads?
18:25.09Patlabor2211for what?
18:25.27Patlabor2211it can read OBJ/U3d/MD3/or A3d
18:25.35Patlabor2211current model is obj
18:26.43Celli could load a bzflag world as obj
18:27.04Patlabor2211the map format is not OBJ
18:27.15Patlabor2211OBJ is just used for moving objects
18:27.24Celland for buildings?
18:27.45Patlabor2211currently the only map objects in there are bz type parametrics
18:27.56Patlabor2211so you could convert an existing map
18:27.59Patlabor2211no links tho
18:28.08Patlabor2211well they would jsut be skipped
18:28.17Patlabor2211the map is in the data dir
18:29.07Cellah it uses bzflag style defs for buildings, :-=
18:29.18Patlabor2211well those objects do yes
18:29.33Patlabor2211since they are bz objects
18:29.42Patlabor2211other objects don't have to tho
18:29.48Patlabor2211each object knows how to read it's own data
18:29.54Patlabor2211so you can do what ever you want
18:30.01Cellhow can i include a mesh to the map
18:30.11Patlabor2211there are no mesh ents yet
18:30.18Patlabor2211I have not made a mesh class
18:30.37Patlabor2211but it's set up so it's easy
18:30.54Patlabor2211just need to derive off a CBaseObject and make it load a model
18:31.00Patlabor2211and then register it
18:31.02Cellah, k
18:31.25Patlabor2211for those I just pulled the objects ftom bzedit
18:31.29Patlabor2211to get somethign in there
18:32.01Patlabor2211the idea is to make the map ojbect classes be like plugins
18:32.06Cellcan a bsp be rebalanced after construction
18:32.20Patlabor2211if you have the plugin register classes then you can use them in maps
18:32.20Cellso that it has not to high subtrees
18:32.39Patlabor2211I think it all depends on where you pick your spliting planes
18:33.01Patlabor2211you may be able to look at  a tree and pick a better staring split plane and resplit
18:33.13Patlabor2211and keep doing that till you get a ballance
18:33.16Cellan AVL tree can be rebalanced so that hight diff of subtrees is <=1
18:33.32Patlabor2211but the tree is defined by those splits so you can't just arbitraraly move them
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18:33.43Cellyeah thas the prob
18:34.03[dmp]daisy:/home/dennis# free
18:34.03[dmp]Mem:        646152     191740     454412          0       3684     115032
18:34.09Celland finding the optimal splitting sequence is NP hard
18:34.30Patlabor2211646 megs of ram? how did you get that?
18:34.41Patlabor2211cell, so you do it once.
18:35.06Patlabor2211odd combo :)
18:35.33Cellyes its a battle few splits as possible versus tree depth
18:35.56[dmp]Well, when i bought the mobo i got 128mb as well.  Needed more memory so i bought the 512 stick as well :)
18:36.29Patlabor2211cell this is why bsps are not allways the best thing
18:36.33Cellbut i have some better ideas
18:36.35[dmp]But darn, at first it got really hot.. did boot or anything. Was affraid that it was melted (sure felt like it).. But after a reinstall (..) it worked nicely.
18:36.42Patlabor2211what kinda ram?
18:36.53Patlabor2211p[robably misseated
18:37.18Celloh, nothing can beat a well balanced bsp tree
18:37.32Patlabor2211cell depends on what you are trying to do
18:37.46Cellcollision detection
18:38.07Patlabor2211again depends on what exactly you want
18:38.14Patlabor2211often cylinders are ok
18:38.18Patlabor2211even desirable
18:38.22Celli use only lines
18:38.31[dmp]DDR2100 Tech-Trade. I think it wasnt properly installed. Anyway, i'm happy. Now I can use mod_perl for real :)
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18:38.53Celland offset the bsp tree as mdk 2 did it(described in an article)
18:39.30Patlabor2211cap can I have the code you destupified?
18:39.35Patlabor2211so I don't keep stupifying
18:41.48Cellthe most difficult part is to get the interfaces right, i want that different types of things could be pluged in, like a tank or a heli with different huds
18:42.14Celli was thinking about that for a long time now
18:42.39Patlabor2211so it seems
18:42.52Patlabor2211thanks cap
18:44.58Celli thing that the server is doing the collision detection among moving objects and client checks for static objects
18:45.29Patlabor2211server should check client calcs too
18:45.36Patlabor2211or cheat could go thru statics
18:45.53Patlabor2211dosn't have to send the data
18:46.00Patlabor2211but should check the positions
18:46.12Cellyes but it would be not realistic cause of ping
18:46.33Patlabor2211that's why you don't send the data
18:46.35Patlabor2211you have to check
18:46.48Patlabor2211and keep a 'wierdness level"
18:46.48Cellhmm what
18:46.51Patlabor2211for each user
18:47.01Patlabor2211the server just checks the client data to make sure it makes sense
18:47.08Patlabor2211it dosn't do the calcs for the client
18:47.12Patlabor2211just verifys
18:47.29Patlabor2211and if the client is off by too much sends him an authoritive update.
18:47.30Celland if it does not make sense => cheating ?
18:47.51Patlabor2211well yes we know you love to cheat
18:48.26Cellwhat happens after an authorative update on the client side?
18:48.29Patlabor2211did anyone check CVS to make sure it still builds on linus
18:48.36captain_protonbz cvs?
18:48.37Patlabor2211the client jumps to that pos.
18:49.30Patlabor2211larsl busted windows build, so I fixed it, it shoudl still work on lin but just want to make sure.
18:51.59Jormungandrthat was totally easy.
18:52.10Patlabor2211phpbb you mean then?
18:52.57Patlabor2211yeah it's cake to set up isn't it
18:53.18Patlabor2211my first reaction was "that's it?"
18:53.53Patlabor2211There are some nice mods you can apply too
18:54.03Jormungandrwhat sort of stuff?
18:54.20Patlabor2211one I allways do is to index and forum lists and make the folder icon a link in adition to the text.
18:54.39Jormungandrthat might be cool.
18:54.45Patlabor2211there is also a board message one that lets you put announcements on the first page
18:55.01Patlabor2211tho bzbb dosn't have that one now
18:55.37Patlabor2211me and fiber are looking at making bzbb look like this
18:57.10Jormungandrthat looks a lot like my xoops site.
18:57.28Patlabor2211we also did some stuff to make it so that guests can't see the meberlist and profiles and stuff like that.
18:58.11Patlabor2211man, I'm still amazed at how good the .hack// music is.
19:00.38Patlabor2211cap in "key of the twilight" what are the insturments? An acustinc gutar, bass, some violins, and keys?
19:01.50captain_protonsounds like there's a maracca or something too along with the beat
19:02.01Patlabor2211and maybe a tamberene
19:02.13captain_protonno tambourine
19:02.31Patlabor2211I'm wondering if I can con my firends band into playing it live :)
19:03.14Patlabor2211yeah your right there isn't one, jus sometimes I hear the marackas and the pling of the gutar and it sounds kinda like it.
19:04.07Patlabor2211wonder if there is sheet music for it
19:04.20captain_protondoubt it
19:04.51Patlabor2211I watched all fo them this weekend
19:05.12Patlabor2211I know 2 girls with great voices who would probably do it.
19:22.48Patlabor2211ahhh nothing to get rid of a headake like track 14
19:25.09*** join/#bzflag larsl (
19:25.16larslGood evening.
19:25.29Patlabor2211morning :)
19:28.25captain_protonPatlabor2211: builds find
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19:59.26Noodlemani´ve just gotten a resume from bernard shifman! :-D
20:00.26Noodlemando you remember who bernard shifman is?
20:00.52ak|rahi captain_proton
20:01.01Noodlemani´m sending him back a very tactfully insulting letter :-)
20:01.30Noodlemanhopefully he´ll flame me back :-)
20:01.53Noodlemandoes anyone know any juicy lines from dante´s inferno i can use?
20:05.26ChestalLasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.
20:06.37Chestalthat's the only thing from the divine comedy I know :-)
20:07.19ak|ra"hope you choke"
20:07.25ak|rathats all i know from tool
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20:08.48ak|rahi girl
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20:43.22Jormungandrmac ppl on bzflag.sf automatically assume I am doing something to make the compile fail.
20:43.35Jormungandrand never pretends to be.
20:45.30Patlabor2211hey I couldn't get the thing to build on osx ether
20:47.38Jormungandrsupposedly you have to change the compiler, which I did, but it still tried to use gcc 3.1 libraries.
20:47.59Jormungandrso I am going to biff my entire cvs tree and re download it.
20:48.02[TeA|TrEE]cu all
20:48.02Jormungandrand try from scratch.
20:48.04Patlabor2211didn't someone make a project file thingy for it?
20:48.11Jormungandrthat's what's not working.
20:48.14Jormungandrfor me anyways.
20:48.45JormungandrI'm gunna breath down some necks about the mac version until it works, since I can't use my pc anymore. :(  I really miss playing.
20:48.56*** part/#bzflag [TeA|TrEE] (
20:53.36Patlabor2211what did you do to your PC?
20:56.13Jormungandrmy partner's pc is broken... so I replaced it with mine.
20:56.18Jormungandrand now I have a broken pc
20:56.25Jormungandrat least until I can buy some parts.
20:56.28Patlabor2211what is broken?
20:56.35Jormungandrit's either the motherboard or the RAM
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20:56.47Patlabor2211what kinda CPU is it?
20:57.12Jormungandrnot sure the speed
20:57.25JormungandrI think it's a 1.4
20:57.55Patlabor2211ddr ram or sdram?
20:57.57JormungandrI don't think it's the processor.
20:58.25Patlabor2211I have an Iwill board you can have if you want it
20:58.35Jormungandrit's either the onboard ide controller or the ram
20:58.42Jormungandrlet me do some troubleshooting first.
20:58.49Jormungandrthanks for the offer. :)
20:58.58Patlabor2211alos have PCI ide cards
20:59.34JormungandrI have one, too, but have had issues using 60gb ibm deskstar drives with external ide controller.
20:59.42captain_protonibm deathstar?
20:59.44JormungandrI might try it anyway.
20:59.49JormungandrI have 2
20:59.54Jormungandrthat's 2 left.
20:59.58JormungandrI threw away 2.
21:00.17Jormungandrbut I am using a quantum for troubleshooting.
21:00.40Jormungandrso I don't have to worry about the ibm being the problem.
21:00.51Jormungandrit's always a drive writing issue that the install fails on.
21:01.06Jormungandrand I have tried 3 different drives.
21:01.22Jormungandrwell, 4 really.
21:01.37Jormungandrone was an 80 gig western digital that I stuck in my TiVo ;)
21:01.44Jormungandr35 hours mmmmm.
21:20.45Patlabor2211wtf, g++ errors when I try to make screamers
21:25.10Jormungandrhour-ish left of work.
21:36.49Jormungandrmore crap
21:37.13Jormungandr"I didn't do anything but try to compile with project builder"
21:37.30Jormungandr"did you make your own project file or did  you use the one in the dist"
21:37.40Jormungandras if
21:37.49JormungandrI wouldn't even know how.
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21:41.54Patlabor2211humans are kinda stoopid
21:42.01captain_protonsilly human!
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21:42.29Patlabor2211I thought macs were suposed to be "easy"
21:43.59Jormungandrme, too
21:45.16Patlabor2211why don't they just make a binary and post it?
21:51.38Jormungandrbecause I am having problems with a previously posted binary.
21:51.58Patlabor2211well they shoudl make a new one then
21:52.12Jormungandrmy brightness control is inoperable and the sound is terrible. (a terrible echo)
21:52.37JormungandrI want to see if I can get it to build.  I am not sure I trust binary dists now.
21:52.40Jormungandrat least mac ones.
21:52.41Patlabor2211think it was a build problem? or a CVS problem that's been fixed?
21:52.53Jormungandrthat's why I want to get it working
21:53.05Patlabor2211but yes it sould build out of the box I agree
21:53.09Patlabor2211all other OSs do
21:53.12Jormungandrcuz if I can compile it, then I can urge people to fix specific problems.
21:54.03JormungandrI suspect I might be running into an opengl issue with this vid card and osx.
21:54.20JormungandrI don't know why the brightness control is greyed.
21:54.22Patlabor2211ati or nvidia?
21:54.30Jormungandr8500 mac version
21:54.59Jormungandrcan't get an nvidia card for mac for less then 300.
21:55.08Jormungandrat least not a good one.
21:55.44Jormungandrati sucks in the driver dept lately.
21:55.44Patlabor2211what is a bad one?
21:55.52Patlabor2211big time
21:56.08Jormungandrdunno... but the only cards available at local stores are expensive (nvidia)
21:56.22Patlabor2211they shoudl make 4MXs for it
21:56.24Jormungandrthis one was 199 as it is.
21:56.32Jormungandrthat's the one that was over 300
21:56.43Patlabor2211WTF for a 4MX?
21:56.53Jormungandrmac has a boot rom on the card.
21:56.55Patlabor2211it's a 15$ chip
21:56.58Jormungandrmakes it much more expensive.
21:57.06Jormungandrsupply and demand.
21:57.22Patlabor2211PC 4MXs are like $40
21:57.22Patlabor2211I guess
21:57.52Jormungandrbut, I bought this card, and hope that I can get people to support it out of the kindness of their hearts.
21:58.11JormungandrI was told it should work.
21:58.26Jormungandrthen again, ATI and Jaguar drivers are not wonderful right now.
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22:21.59bzgirlhi paul
22:22.08bzgirlhappy irish day :)
22:22.13paulthank you! :)
22:22.34paulhow are the celebrations over your side of the pond?
22:22.52bzgirlwell not as crazy as yours i guess
22:23.01bzgirlbut tonight might be fun
22:23.02pauli wouldnt know.. :)
22:25.15paulback in a bit
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22:54.35bzgirlhi doug
23:09.55Noodleman_i just had to deal with a performa such-and-so
23:10.02Noodleman_geez, it was slow
23:10.48Jormungandrthis is not a slow machine, just not too confident with how they are building it with project builder.
23:10.52Noodleman_that is a bad excuse for a mac
23:17.01Jormungandrcompile fails on mac with fresh CVS and changing to the compiler setting that they recommend.
23:18.38Patlabor2211hah cap I just added mine :)
23:20.27captain_protonyours is longer than mine
23:20.34Patlabor2211damn strait :)
23:21.15Patlabor2211just hope that dosn't become your random quote on the log page :)
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23:23.32JormungandrI really have to doubt that many people are trying to compile on Jaguar.
23:26.07Jormungandrthis stupid thing is still using gcc 3.1 compiler even after I set it to use 2.95.2
23:27.19captain_protonPatlabor2211: haha
23:39.45larslJormungandr: Don't Apple still have that free C++ compiler? MrC++, or something?
23:40.13Jormungandrlarsl, there is something called projectbuilder which is apple's interface to gcc.
23:40.19Jormungandrsince I don't code
23:40.33JormungandrI have to use what others have already got to work.
23:41.11JormungandrI get errors, because it is trying to use gcc 3.1 libs instead of gcc 2.95.2 libs.
23:41.20larslOK. I haven't used Mac since MacOS 8, back then they had something called Mac Programmers Workbench, a free IDE.
23:41.27Jormungandrthis is free.
23:41.29Jormungandrwith the os
23:41.33larslOh, nice. =)
23:41.40Jormungandryou'd think they'd get it to work with standard make
23:41.42Jormungandrbut, no.
23:41.59larslStandard make = GNU make?
23:42.19Patlabor2211MPW ROXORZ :)
23:42.22Patlabor2211we still use it
23:42.35Jormungandrthe official word is that "they only have it working with project builder"
23:42.44JormungandrI'd argue that.
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23:43.18Patlabor2211well you can't use gnu make on winders
23:43.53Jormungandrmac != windows ;)
23:44.06larslCan't you use GNU make on Windows?
23:44.15Jormungandrnot for bzflag
23:44.52Patlabor2211it's difrent enough where it don't work
23:44.56larslHas anyone tried to build it using Cygwin?
23:44.58Patlabor2211so mac may have the same issues
23:45.05Patlabor2211that's how you get make
23:45.06Patlabor2211don't go
23:45.17larslI don't even have Windows. =)
23:45.29Patlabor2211have to use visual stiudio
23:45.41Patlabor2211tho i may be posible to get it to work with devC++
23:46.05bzdoug_so tehre isnt a way to compile bzflag for free on winders?
23:46.17bzdoug_no cross compiling or somthing?
23:46.37Noodleman_there is
23:46.45Noodleman_it;s called kazaa
23:46.49larslBut wouldn't it be possible to build all the required libs using Cygwin or MinGW32 (including X) and build the *NIX version?
23:46.50Patlabor2211well yes
23:46.59bzdoug_Noodleman_: bleeeh
23:47.11Patlabor2211dono larsl
23:47.22Patlabor2211I think the problem is just with the make scrips
23:47.26larslNot that I'd want to try. =P
23:47.33Patlabor2211I think if you went in and manualy made each lob
23:47.43Patlabor2211then linked them it work would work
23:47.56Patlabor2211it just won't work with the current 'nix centeric makefile
23:48.35larslAnother reason to use automake/autoconf. =)
23:48.47Patlabor2211what does that do?
23:49.16larslIt has a lot of predefined macros to deal with differnces between platforms.
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23:49.49Patlabor2211and why hasn't it been done?
23:50.12larslI don't know. I've only been here for a couple of weeks. =)
23:50.16Patlabor2211are there any drawbacks?
23:50.43larslWith the current number of different Makefiles and config scripts it would probably be a lot of hard work to switch.
23:51.08bzdoug_*cough* lazyness *cough*
23:51.22Patlabor2211yeah doug knows all about that
23:51.23larslDrawbacks... well, you'd need sh to run the configure script. But that's not too bad.
23:51.58Noodleman_all the cows said...
23:52.26Noodleman_come on!
23:52.29Noodleman_moo with me!
23:53.05larslWas that the Python build system?
23:53.46bzdoug_like selfbootable cd :)
23:53.56Noodleman_not hard at all
23:53.57larslPut it on a Knoppix CD. =)
23:54.00bzdoug_could show off leenox too
23:54.36larslMaybe it's even there already.
23:55.24captain_protonlarsl: yeah
23:57.49scanlineNoodleman_: has my obfuscated code revealed its secrets to you yet? :)
23:58.08Noodleman_i haven't really looked into it yet
23:58.31captain_protonit holds onto its secrets like superglue
23:58.35captain_protonfrom the super glue corporation
23:58.42larslIt would be difficult to make a CD work with nVidia cards though, you're probably not allowed to put their drivers on it. =P
23:58.55Noodleman_larsl: yes, you are
23:59.05Patlabor2211seen gentoo do it
23:59.14larslNoodleman_: Oh, nice. Didn't know that.
23:59.37Patlabor2211actualy most of the CDS likt that I see support just nvidia cards
23:59.39Noodleman_the license for the linux drivers is traditional freeware
23:59.54captain_protonscanline: do you have it?
23:59.58Patlabor2211yeah you just don't get the sorce to the core.

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