irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030122

00:06.49TimRikerxmission seems to be real popular. ;-)
00:07.10captain_protonany word on possible employment?
00:15.51*** join/#bzflag jzaun (
00:18.31TimRikerworking out some contract stuff at the moment.
00:22.14TimRikercpu spin does not seem to be happening lately. go figure. =(
00:39.22scan[ibook]heisenbugs are more interesting on SMP systems
00:47.40*** join/#bzflag paul (
01:08.59fiberchunkswoohoo, bzflag plays nicely on my new laptop (must upgrade to 1.7g0 though, mdk9 comes with 1.7e6)
01:18.51fiberchunkswho is the idiot that invented these damned case labels?!?!?!
01:28.30scanlinemy doug suppression device seems to work
01:30.34*** part/#bzflag jzaun (
01:31.32jraitalaI wonder which version of bind9 I should use, 9.2.1 or 9.2.2rc1
01:32.59MrDougthat slick bot?
01:53.45*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
01:56.49*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
01:57.18*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
02:01.27*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
02:01.45scanlineshut: don't crash this time :P
02:10.09*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (
02:13.46scanlinehi gonkulator
02:13.52gonkulatorhi scanline
02:15.54*** join/#bzflag Jormungandr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:16.13*** join/#bzflag snyke ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:16.14*** join/#bzflag gonkulator ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:16.15*** join/#bzflag paul (~paul@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:20.15*** join/#bzflag Chestal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:20.16*** mode/#bzflag [+o Chestal] by ChanServ
02:36.22Jormungandrwow.. alien hentai tentacle rape spam at work.
02:36.57MrDoughow long would a 3 meg file download over a 33kb modem?
02:37.11scanline1.21 jiggaseconds
02:37.25MrDougin english
02:37.32captain_protonthat was in english
02:37.34captain_protonyou want it in engrish?
02:37.37MrDougstandard universal cordinated time
02:38.27Jormungandrmaybe we need a traffic control bot now.
02:38.44MrDougI was asking a question
02:38.49scanlineMrDoug: I'm sure someone would have run "~sud" anyway, so this saved one line
02:39.00*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks_ (
02:39.02MrDoug~forget sud
02:39.02cannot alter locked factoids, MrDoug
02:39.08MrDougthought so
02:40.04JormungandrI had to use ! instead of ~ for my blootbot, cuz ssh uses ~ as an escape character and you have to hit it twice if it is first character on a new line.
02:40.35Jormungandrgood idea.
02:40.47MrDoughow do I do that?
02:40.58shut up doug
02:41.10fiberchunks_and damn, is it bright!
02:41.13Jormungandrhi fiberchunks :)
02:41.13MrDougok doke, thx
02:41.21captain_protonscanline: happily jetcowizing spline? :}
02:41.33scanlineneed my coffee
02:41.34MrDougfiberchunks_: I shall be recieving a box of laptops rather soon now....
02:41.41MrDougfiberchunks: ;)
02:42.02Jormungandrnot such a bad idea, the ignoring bot part.
02:42.06MrDougfiberchunks_: hope fully they will not share the same fate as the other shipment
02:42.40captain_protonshut: i think he's set you on ignore
02:43.13scanlineerr, bah
02:43.25MrDougshut: you did good work for awhile, but you should retire now, maybe to florida, or the grand heaven of electrons where all bots go and die
02:43.31Jormungandrso many resources to tell doug to shut up and he plugs his ears. :)
02:43.47scanlineshut will come back when doug's least expecting it
02:44.31MrDoughow do I unignore?
02:45.03Jormungandrdepends on client, of course.
02:45.06*** join/#bzflag shut_up (~shut_up@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
02:45.09Jormungandrbut that's how to do it onmy.
02:45.42MrDouglike how to ignore everyhting with shut in it
02:46.04scanlineMrDoug: or you could just leave this channel
02:46.13MrDougscanline: bah, thats for lazy people
02:47.13MrDoughmm, I hope scanline can talk
02:47.20captain_protonscanline: how 'bout them funky jetcowized splines?
02:49.19MrDougPGP requires a serial number now
02:49.43captain_protonPGP has always required a serial number
02:49.57MrDougnot the version I have used
02:50.10MrDougI could allways sign my emails with it
02:50.34scanlinegpg != pgp
02:50.45scanlinewhat a neat idea
02:51.17captain_protoni really need to get multiplay working again
02:51.21MrDouggood privicy pork?
02:51.29shut up doug
02:51.31captain_protonMrDoug: gpg, not gpp
02:51.46scanlineMrDoug: the bot really was more efficient
02:51.51MrDouggood privecy gophers
02:52.02*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
02:52.19MrDougbah! I dont want version 8
02:52.25MrDougit dont do email stuff
02:52.40MrDougthats the site no?
02:52.42shut up doug
02:53.17MrDougis there anyway to ignore all messages from a particular user with a particular word in it?
02:53.48captain_protonscanline: tomorrow i'm meeting with jon to learn about motion tracking, should probably get a key on tomorrow as well
02:53.56scanlinecaptain_proton: neato
02:54.06captain_protonthen friday i'm gonna meet with bill to (hopefully) learn how to add assets to the mediabase server
02:54.44scanlineMrDoug: you haven't figured out when the bot triggers yet, eh?
02:55.02scanlineit's not entirely random
02:55.14MrDougyea, its very kewl, and slick
02:55.19scanlinethat's not all
02:55.34scanlinethere's a sophisticated system for detecting lameness
02:55.46MrDouguh huh
02:56.20*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks_ (
02:57.02MrDougand if I order in the next 5 min, I will recieve not 2 not 3 super duper doug-bots, but 4 bots!, plus a program that can selectivly blow apart peoples IRC clients
02:58.48captain_protonscanline: you read that MS is creating a new *functional* language?
03:00.52scanlinecaptain_proton: haha
03:01.28scanlinepicogui's theme language has some aspects of a functional language
03:01.56captain_protoni'm prepared to argue my point of python as functional too >:)
03:12.18captain_protonscanline: POKE
03:12.38captain_protonscanline: #jetstream
03:28.38*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
03:38.57*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (SteveJobs@
03:39.24bzdoug_woo, I LOVE system restore
03:39.35bzdoug_it forgot my settings
03:40.15*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
03:46.41fiberchunkshey y'all, just got the laptop going, but I'm missing some headers - notably, glu.h - what package is that in?
03:48.43fiberchunksthx, found it
04:27.53*** join/#bzflag gonkey[iBook} (
04:45.10*** join/#bzflag Pig (
04:49.42*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (SteveJobs@
04:57.53scanlineit's a cute spline
05:00.53*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
05:22.02*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
05:26.40*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
05:29.56*** join/#bzflag Jormungandr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:30.09*** join/#bzflag lurgyman (~lurgyman@aden2-123-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:07.09*** join/#bzflag M_A_C (
06:20.46MrApathyCreamPiggy == swine?
06:40.48*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
06:42.08fiberchunkswhere is eveyone tonite?
06:43.29Patlabor221no HALO
06:43.34Patlabor221that's where I was
06:43.39fiberchunksheh, whoops
06:43.47Patlabor221guns, covenant, and cyborgs.
06:45.18Patlabor221how goes it?
06:45.31fiberchunksdecent -- playing with my spiffy new laptop right now
06:45.52Patlabor221ahhh very cool
06:46.00Patlabor221my laptop will run it, just not realy well
06:46.53fiberchunksyah, that was my MKI laptop, this is the MKII -- vastly improved ;)
06:47.36fiberchunksATI rage mobil pro (4 mb vram) vs. NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go (32 m vram) -- not even a comparison really
06:49.28fiberchunksyou get that link I posted yesterday bout apache 2 and php?
06:49.51Patlabor221ohh no
06:50.18fiberchunkslemme post it again: seems to be not the forum software, but apache2 and php issues
06:50.35Patlabor221does noone see how screwed up gameplay would be if they hadded things that could fly? :)
06:50.52fiberchunksnote the second line of that post
06:51.43fiberchunksyah, but you're supporting help-drops of GM packets?
06:52.04fiberchunksor are they virtual helos ;)
06:52.19Patlabor221they freakin want flying tanks
06:52.31Patlabor221that would screw all normal tanks
06:52.43Patlabor221so looks like I need the most latest of the stuff
06:52.48Patlabor221I wonder what I have
06:52.56fiberchunks'all I want is a friggin' tank with friggin' wings on it; come on people throw me a bone here'
06:52.58Patlabor221I updated everything but that kernel form redhat
06:53.37Patlabor221people seem to think what would be "cool" and not think of how it would actualy work together
06:53.41fiberchunksyah -- you have apache 2.something, but I can't remember what -- I don't think you have php on your system
06:53.49Patlabor221it may be updated now
06:53.56fiberchunksbut one minute, and I'll check
06:53.56Patlabor221I ran the latest rehat update
06:54.21Patlabor221ohh we got VNC working on it if you want to use that too
06:54.33Patlabor221like supper special VNC
06:55.12Patlabor221but this has my pimp daddy login screen
06:56.15fiberchunkswell, then for the sake of the pimp daddy login screen, I will VNC after I determine your versions ;)
06:56.42Patlabor221well it's not nornal VNC tho, you have to use ports 50 to 54
06:56.44Patlabor221not 0
06:57.13Patlabor221Jzaun set it up all cool like
06:57.37Patlabor221where each port is a difent res
06:57.53Patlabor221and it takes you allways to GDM so you can login and get your own deskop
06:58.57fiberchunkshrmph, methinks you have not php and mysql installed
06:59.07Patlabor221proalbly not
06:59.08fiberchunksbut apache is version 2.0.40-11
06:59.16Patlabor221is that good?
06:59.31fiberchunksdunno, like I said, I use 1.3.xx series of apache
06:59.43fiberchunksbut subversion requires apache 2.x.xx
06:59.59fiberchunks(hence why you should use cvs, imho)
07:00.03Patlabor221what did they change in 2 that made it break all the stuff
07:00.13Patlabor221I could use CVS
07:00.17fiberchunksdunno if it's apache or php -- not sure
07:01.07fiberchunkswell, subversion is nice, but a dependency on apache 2 is a problem imo (don't know why they couldn't use both, but I'm no code monkey, as we all know)
07:01.37Jormungandrapache2 has a lot of issues with 3rd party modules.
07:01.41Jormungandrit's getting better though.
07:01.44Patlabor221SVN is still not realy "RELEAE" tho
07:01.51Patlabor221sorry release
07:02.09Jormungandrnot cuz apache 2 is getting better, but because people are rewriting their modules :)
07:02.29Patlabor221SVN was nice in that it allowed full browsing of source over the web without an extra module
07:02.54Jormungandrvery cool.
07:02.57Patlabor221what was the big change from 1.x to 2.x?
07:03.14fiberchunksgood question
07:03.15Jormungandrmostly scalability from what I understand.
07:03.44Jormungandrdifferent memory usage structures, which is what broken the modules.
07:04.05JormungandrI just know stuff breaks when you try to upgrade to 2.x on an existing server.
07:04.29Patlabor221we are looking at installing a php message board on a 2.x server
07:04.35fiberchunksalright, how do I use vnc on a particular port
07:05.02Patlabor221that will give you 800x600x16bit
07:05.34fiberchunksvery nice
07:05.52Patlabor22150 = 640
07:05.57Patlabor22151 = 800 at 8 bit
07:06.02Patlabor22152 = 800 16 bit
07:06.07Patlabor22153 = 1024
07:06.12Patlabor22154 = LARGE
07:08.14fiberchunkshehe, surfing my site from your machine takes months ;)
07:09.45Patlabor221odd, shold be not bad, unless the bz server went off the deep end again
07:10.07fiberchunksnah, just rendering pages over the net with vnc takes a long time
07:10.24fiberchunks~1.5 seconds to pop up the redhat menu
07:11.14Patlabor221that it does
07:11.29Patlabor221it's not THAT slow for me
07:11.35Patlabor221like the login ?
07:11.48fiberchunksthat's cause you're not on the east coast ;) and yes, I do like the login, very nice
07:12.02Patlabor221see you should move
07:12.54scanlineit's like remote X, over a rope and two cans!
07:15.06Patlabor221I wonder if you could use an acustic coupler and 4 cans and 2 strings and actualy get a connection
07:15.16scanlineI'm sure you could
07:15.22Patlabor2212 buad
07:15.51Patlabor221maybe 4 with REALY good string
07:15.55scanlinehell, you could get 2 baud making waves in the rope with your hand
07:16.48MrApathyCreamhow goezit Patlabor221
07:16.58fiberchunksscanline: I didn't know you contrib to blinkenlights -- cool
07:17.15fiberchunksyou got case mod pics?
07:17.30Patlabor221it goes mac
07:17.40fiberchunksthought I saw on picogui that you did some blinkenlights projects
07:17.45scanlinethis isn't the same blinkenlights that was on the building, just inspired by it
07:17.59scanlinebut yeah, I did a case mod with 72 computer controlled LEDs
07:19.21scanline <-- that was FUN to solder
07:19.46Patlabor221tho hell@work = not much time to make with the coding or new textureing
07:20.27MrApathyCreamas janey, your ex-girlfriend used to say, "you're such a tease"
07:20.49Patlabor221no jenny never said that
07:21.46Patlabor221ohhh janey
07:21.47fiberchunksgeneral q: how many polygons does it take to make such a thing?
07:21.53Patlabor221no never dated a janey
07:21.58Patlabor221that thin
07:22.05Patlabor221ohh it's gotta be less then 100
07:22.28fiberchunksis that the new gm model?
07:22.31Patlabor221lemme fire up ye olld windws
07:22.35Patlabor221and count
07:22.48Patlabor221tho that is with flare
07:22.59Patlabor221and the flare is not alphaed
07:23.43MrApathyCreamlow res tank about 50? i think
07:23.54MrApathyCreammaybe 100 is ok
07:24.30MrApathyCreamflare will look sweet if you get the right texture
07:24.32fiberchunksdo you have to make 3 models for 3 resolutions (n00b stuff again)
07:24.44MrApathyCreamfiberchunks: the tank has 3 models
07:25.05Patlabor221the tank as 3 for what is called LOD
07:25.13Patlabor221it's the only one that has LOD models
07:25.16fiberchunkswhaz that
07:25.34Patlabor221LOD stands for "LEVEL OF DETAIL"
07:25.52scanlineyay for LOD
07:26.04Patlabor221the basic idea is that relay far away a model of a ball with 1000 polys loosk the same as a ball with 100 polys
07:26.10MrApathyCreamwell all the other geoms are real low vertex count
07:26.29Patlabor221so you use a lower vert/poly count for difrent distances
07:26.33fiberchunksmakes sense
07:26.36MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: actually i don't think bzflag changes geom at different distances
07:26.45MrApathyCreamwhich is prolly a mistake
07:26.55Patlabor221ohh it's based on the "quality" seting isn't it?
07:26.59MrApathyCreamjust based on options quality setting
07:27.06Patlabor221I know it uses the low model for the shadown
07:27.26Patlabor221well the idea is to use lower quality models to increase performance
07:27.33Patlabor221BZ doesn't do a normal LOD then
07:27.42Patlabor221but most others do it on disntance
07:27.52Patlabor221modern stuff does dynamic LOD
07:28.16Patlabor221where you compute some automatic reduced poly reprensentantion of the mesh
07:28.24scanlinethen there's that crazy fad, CLOD
07:28.39Patlabor221ether by doing a progresive mesh, or using a surface def
07:28.47scanlinecontinuous LOD
07:28.48MrApathyCreamhmm, i stand corrected
07:28.52scanlineit's what jetstream does
07:29.01Patlabor221the contiuious?
07:29.08Patlabor221your using surf defs
07:29.14Patlabor221yeah so that's easy for you
07:29.26scanlineCLOD is commonly used for terrain
07:29.27Patlabor221CLODS are more common on terians
07:29.35scanlinejetstream generalizes it to arbitrary surfaces
07:29.35fiberchunkscvs busted?
07:30.58Patlabor221for that missile with out the flare it's 110 triangles, 58 verts
07:31.45MrApathyCreamhow much for the fins
07:31.55fiberchunksare rectangles defined as simply 4 vertices, or 2 triangles (or neither)
07:31.55MrApathyCreamyou could strip them for lowres
07:32.05Patlabor221ohh I think it will be fine
07:32.15MrApathyCreamusually don't use rectangles,,.. not planar
07:32.42Patlabor221fiber depends on how you call them in GL
07:32.53Patlabor221if you call GL_QUADS
07:32.56Patlabor2214 verts
07:33.01scanlineOpenGL has several primitives you can use- triangles, quadrilaterals, convex polygons, points, lines...
07:33.01Patlabor221if you call GL_TRIANGLES
07:33.03Patlabor2212 tirs
07:33.23Patlabor221fins are 12 each
07:33.31scanlinemost of the time you'll use triangles, since they're always planar, and it's what the hardware will need eventually anyway
07:33.39Patlabor221you realy thinnk that this many tris will geek low res
07:33.53MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: I KNOW chestal will biotch
07:33.54Patlabor221and you can allways break any model down into them
07:34.00fiberchunksis there a performance difference, for example, between a quadrilateral, and a triangle?
07:34.10Patlabor221how many flares are on a current GM?
07:34.13MrApathyCreamquads get broken into tris
07:34.26Patlabor221most hardware breaks it into tri fans or strips anyway
07:34.27MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: hmmm?
07:34.50Patlabor221fiber so may as well put it in tris anyway
07:34.57MrApathyCreambesides if you break them down, the missile can blow apart
07:35.12Patlabor221I think that would look wierd
07:35.22fiberchunksgeometry more complex to figure out if you put all constructs as triangles?
07:35.32fiberchunksno, I guess not, nm
07:35.39Patlabor221usualy you don't figure out the geo, you use a modeler
07:35.40Patlabor221and a file
07:35.50Patlabor221hardcoding geo is rather lame
07:35.55MrApathyCreammodelers tesselate (break down complex surface) into tris
07:36.07Patlabor221surfs are realy nice because you can evaluate them how ever you want.
07:36.22Patlabor221and you can break them down into a LOT of tris or a little
07:36.44fiberchunkshow is a surface defined (is that a fan, strip, etc)?
07:36.51MrApathyCreamsurfaces defined with real curves BSplines
07:36.56Patlabor221spline curves
07:37.01MrApathyCreamso models are perfect, tesselations are approximate
07:37.01scanlineusually NURBS.. doesn't have to be though
07:37.03Patlabor221there are a number of difrent surface defs
07:37.19Patlabor221can also do subdivision, brep, ect..
07:37.21scanlineabstractly, a surface would be whatever you're putting into the modeler before it tesselates
07:37.30scanlinethings like extrusions, splines, quadrics..
07:37.33Patlabor221they do take more CPU power tho, since cards can't take surfs yet.
07:37.44MrApathyCreamwhen that happens....
07:37.57Patlabor221then everything will be silly and rounded :)
07:38.13fiberchunkstoo realistic for you ;)
07:38.32Patlabor221not every thing is rounded
07:38.40scanlinemost things are
07:38.45scanlineyou rarely find a perfectly sharp corner
07:38.47Patlabor221but it seems when a new tech comes out, everyone uses it to deth
07:39.02Patlabor221in abaolute realisty yes
07:39.10Patlabor221but there are many corners that are REALY close
07:39.15scanlinewell, how about outdoors?
07:39.24Patlabor221broken rocks
07:39.25MrApathyCreamBZFlag will have beautiful Nurb hills that you can drive up and down smoothly, ... and makes it impossible to shoot anyone
07:39.27scanlineaside from the occasional sharp rock, nothing has a corner
07:39.42scanlineMrApathyCream: NURBS are bad for terrain
07:39.45Patlabor221there are a LOT of rocks in the world
07:40.14Patlabor221winged edges man, surfs are soo 90's, it's all about solids now.... :)
07:40.28Patlabor221everything in the real world is manifold
07:40.33scanlinePatlabor221: a lot of rocks would be an even better reason to use surfaces
07:40.44Patlabor221I kknow, I'm just messin with you.
07:40.52Patlabor221we do surfs all day
07:41.29Patlabor221our software is a full parasolid modeler.
07:41.50fiberchunks~dict parasolid
07:42.01Patlabor221it's a solid modeling kernel
07:42.14Patlabor221like the acis kernel
07:42.29Patlabor221takes surfs and keeps them all in manifold solid stuctures,
07:42.39Patlabor221give you APIs to create and modify them
07:42.44scanlinethis SVN manual is nice, I should use the same DocBook DTD
07:42.45MrApathyCreamscanline: on BZFlag's new font system?
07:42.49Patlabor221and do booleans and stuff on them
07:42.52scanlineMrApathyCream: mm.. yes...
07:42.59Patlabor221even teselate them
07:43.04Patlabor221I sometimes make models in it.
07:43.12Patlabor221makes me look like I'm working :)
07:44.45MrApathyCreamhhmmm, here's a thought...
07:45.13MrApathyCreamprolly would be simple to add a 'bump-map' like functionality to bzflag, so when you drive you get a rough ride
07:45.41Patlabor221again making it imposible to hit anyone?
07:45.51MrApathyCreamnot THAT bumpy
07:46.01Patlabor221the lack of aiming makes any type of terain change affect gameplay
07:46.02MrApathyCreamand only bumpy in the z-parallel axis
07:46.14Patlabor221would be interesting
07:46.19Patlabor221but what would it add?
07:46.23scanlineyou mean the y axis?
07:46.30MrApathyCreamwell bz z is up
07:47.00Patlabor221they went with the easer to use X90 rot CS :)
07:47.05Patlabor221not the GL default one
07:47.28MrApathyCreamso highways could have a constant bump and you go fast, grass would be a lil slower, sand could be really slow
07:47.40Patlabor221182 faces with the flare
07:47.50MrApathyCreamlo res could lose the flair
07:47.53Patlabor221well grass is less bumpy then highways
07:47.58Patlabor221more squisy
07:48.16Patlabor221yes the flare parts will be seperate named meshes in the file so they can be turned off.
07:48.19MrApathyCreami guess would be better to model with materials anyway
07:48.46Patlabor221most games let you set world data stuff on a per regon seting
07:48.53Patlabor221like friction, speeds, and grav
07:49.06Patlabor221speed of sound and dopeler and all that
07:49.14Patlabor221so you could have underwater sound difrent
07:49.27MrApathyCreamheh, everyone knows jumping tanks can't swim
07:49.29fiberchunkswhich module has main() defined? (playing?)
07:49.31MrApathyCream(in real life)
07:49.36Patlabor221throw some projected caustics.
07:49.37MrApathyCreamfiberchunks: bzflag.cxx
07:50.04Patlabor221myMain, on the primary dev platform :)
07:50.17MrApathyCreamnext ver we need world munitions
07:50.29fiberchunksphbbt ;)
07:50.32Patlabor221need a more robust server state for that
07:50.50Patlabor221server must know where everyone is if it is to aim.
07:52.10MrApathyCreamwell, wasn't even gonna aim
07:52.14Patlabor221I could make an option low res model that the software pukes could load in.
07:52.26Patlabor221if your gonna do it do it right
07:52.36Patlabor221otherwise just set up some bots with special tank types
07:52.40MrApathyCreamyeah just a stick that gets shot
07:52.53MrApathyCreambots should be stripped completely
07:53.01MrApathyCreama redo from the ground up
07:53.11Patlabor221I didn't mean current bots
07:53.37Patlabor221nothing says that you could not have server code that "logsin" a couple players.
07:53.52Patlabor221fake players
07:53.58Patlabor221and has them make shots
07:54.20Patlabor221just add a new player type that the client specal cases.
07:54.26Patlabor221and the server will never say they die
07:54.36Patlabor221so the clients will never see them dies
07:54.47Patlabor221like a server side cheat
07:54.57Patlabor221thats ignored by the anit-cheat code
07:55.22Patlabor221if you just want shots to spawn in world
07:55.28Patlabor221just put the tanks under the world
07:55.34MrApathyCreamor fireworks
07:55.42MrApathyCreamlaser light shows
07:55.50Patlabor221or set a new tank type
07:56.01fiberchunkspink floyd does bzflag
07:56.02Patlabor221would you want the munitions to be deadly?
07:56.08MrApathyCreamheh, fire off a few missiles vertically
07:56.27MrApathyCreameither way
07:57.20Patlabor221if you just added players and didn't change the client they would be
07:57.24MrApathyCream~emulate bzdoug
07:57.24Sits in #bzflag all day, spouting nonsense, and *shrug*-ing
07:57.25Patlabor221if you added a new client mode
07:57.41Patlabor221then you would have the client ignore all it's checks and just trust them
07:57.46Patlabor221but not colide with them
07:58.13Patlabor221that would prevent the cheaters from using that mode to get get around the normal checks
07:58.56MrApathyCream~emulate MrApathyCream
07:58.56ACTION makes french fries and recompiles his kernel
07:59.41Patlabor221hmm lowest I could proably get a missle without a flare is 36 tris
07:59.52MrApathyCreamthats fine
08:00.06Patlabor221it will be ugly tho
08:00.22MrApathyCreamso are the red boxes and blue triangles
08:00.36MrApathyCreambut people still play in lo
08:00.42Patlabor221and aditioanl 3 or 6 tris would make it look better
08:00.49MrApathyCreamfor hi?
08:00.54Patlabor221no for low
08:01.01MrApathyCreamthat's prolly ok
08:01.21Patlabor2214 more and I could make a uber crap flare
08:01.33Patlabor221well the nice thing is that the model is external
08:01.35MrApathyCreamthey prolly don't have texturing anyway
08:01.42Patlabor221and we can load them how ever we want
08:01.45MrApathyCreamso the flare wouldn't mean anything
08:01.53Patlabor221inside the new "initGeo" function
08:02.23MrApathyCreamnormal bullets are billboarded, right?
08:02.31MrApathyCreamjust sw, and laser?
08:02.40MrApathyCream(and gm) are geoms
08:02.40Patlabor221I think so
08:02.52Patlabor221GM was a hybrid
08:02.59Patlabor221bilboarded geo
08:03.23Patlabor221it would be easy to replace normal shot now too
08:03.36MrApathyCream1.8 was gonna have flyswatter, 'member?
08:03.52jacques_gonemore ppl need to go vote on happypenguin - some game called "cube" is winning Best Free 3D Action Game
08:04.07Patlabor221well cube is prety cool :)
08:04.38Patlabor221and very impresive for one guys work
08:04.54jacques_gonebzflag is handily winning the Best Free Multiplayer Action Game category thought
08:05.41MrApathyCreamwow nice gerfixs, hoda must have done them
08:06.02MrApathyCream(ask scanline)
08:06.36Patlabor221that boy didn't come back did he?
08:06.54MrApathyCreamcube != free?
08:06.57scanlinehe tried to get us interested in some open source clipart barrels
08:07.19Patlabor221cube != open source in the normal sense
08:07.23Patlabor221but it is free
08:07.34Patlabor221and you can get full source for it
08:07.48scanlineugh, I hate the happypenguin web site
08:07.57Patlabor221its just that he changes the server protocol sligtly before releaseing source
08:07.57scanlinesuch a kooky layout
08:08.14Patlabor221so that people who use it don't affect his "legit" servers
08:08.25Patlabor221and he dosn't have open CVS type checkins
08:08.27MrApathyCreamhuh, clever
08:08.30Patlabor221he's keeping it his project
08:08.40Patlabor221he will look at stuff people do to his code
08:08.49Patlabor221and posbily put i in his code
08:09.01Patlabor221but it's not like this where there are number of people conributing.
08:09.19MrApathyCreamthere's a number of people contributing here?
08:09.34MrApathyCreamah yes, scanline's doing fonts, forgot
08:09.45MrApathyCreamlabors missiles
08:09.58Patlabor221I can see why he wants to do that tho, it gives him better controll over the vision of his project.
08:09.59MrApathyCreamok, i see
08:10.14Patlabor221but still lets everyone benifit from the code
08:10.17MrApathyCreamtheoretically riker has that control
08:10.35MrApathyCreammaybe just takes more deligence on his part, tho
08:10.39Patlabor221so he is very simiar to open source just a little difrent
08:10.53Patlabor221his license lets you use it for what ever you want.
08:10.57Patlabor221BSD like I think.
08:11.18MrApathyCreamibot, seen TimRiker?
08:11.18timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 6h 37m 41s ago, saying: '~bzflist'.
08:11.19Patlabor221he does have a flipin complete FPS game with scriping, and an in game editor
08:11.59Patlabor221MAC did you ever see the models that Hoda wanted to submit?
08:12.10MrApathyCreamYes, pretty
08:12.22Patlabor221they still scare me
08:12.22MrApathyCream;) actually, he wanted to do something more silly
08:12.30Patlabor221like what?
08:12.39fiberchunksare there pictures of these?
08:12.54Patlabor221I may still have them somewhere
08:13.01MrApathyCreamHe wanted to come up with an openmedia gpl for people to add clipart to, for game programmers to share
08:13.11MrApathyCreamI think he would be the maintainer
08:13.41Patlabor221turbo squid has something like that with it's free media
08:14.10MrApathyCreamfiberchunks: looking
08:14.31MrApathyCreamyou would crush his little soul, if you told him that
08:15.07Patlabor221same system that allows comercal assests too
08:15.20Patlabor221just if you want you can submit them to be set as free
08:16.34MrApathyCreamfiberchunks: want me to dcc them to you?
08:16.37scanlineI've seen the engine that cube uses before
08:16.42fiberchunksif you'd like
08:16.43scanlineeven played with it a bit
08:16.48scanlineweird concept it's based on...
08:17.06Patlabor221it's an outdoor engine pretending to be indoor
08:17.13fiberchunkshrm, failed
08:17.18scanlinewell, the whole world is a heightmap
08:17.24MrApathyCreamone sec
08:17.30scanlinewith different angled caps you can put at each grid square
08:17.53Patlabor221how does he go under stuff?
08:17.58scanlineeach 2D grid square can have a floor and ceiling height, or be solid
08:18.06scanlineI don't think you can go under stuff
08:18.17Patlabor221ok so it's like my gridcaster
08:18.21scanlineat least you couldn't last I looked
08:18.24Patlabor221I added Zs to that thing
08:18.41Patlabor221I had a 2.5 d portal engine that did something like that
08:18.44scanlineit's like the raycasters that used grids, before doom
08:18.54scanlinebut with some opengl windowdressing
08:19.02Patlabor2212.5d wolfenstein
08:19.09Patlabor221very simiar to the gridcaster
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08:19.23scanlinethe trees and healthpacks and such are just triangle models stuck on top of the grid
08:19.39Patlabor221in my portal thing you were allways inside a convex polygon
08:19.55Patlabor221with a floor and ceiling height
08:20.10MrApathyCreamgraphics are slightly prettier than wolfy
08:20.30scanlineThe water isn't realistic at all, but looks cool :)
08:20.47scanlinetrees are pretty much the ugliest thing next to hoda's models though
08:20.51Patlabor221well my polys could be N sided
08:20.54fiberchunkswhat game were those for? bzflag?
08:21.12MrApathyCreamfiberchunks: i think just general purpose graphics for ANY game
08:21.16scanlinePatlabor221: sounds just like doom's sectors
08:21.36MrApathyCreamfiberchunks: his point was that game developers can't draw and thus would want them
08:22.00Patlabor221yes, similar, tho I think they kept them in a BSP
08:22.11scanlineand yours weren't?
08:22.13fiberchunksand do they?
08:22.46Patlabor221that was what he did for bz
08:23.11scanlineit's a jet-propelled coffin!
08:23.16MrApathyCreambah, where's the big fan
08:23.23Patlabor221and that was AFTER I told him all the crap he was doing wrong
08:23.43fiberchunksthe drag on the front of that thing would be horrific
08:23.51Patlabor221ohh yes I also have his "conecpt drawing"
08:24.01fiberchunks(if that is the front, that is ;)
08:24.52fiberchunksa mouse with misplaced parts
08:24.56Patlabor221then I showed him
08:24.59Patlabor221and he got upset
08:25.35fiberchunksoooo, I can see why -- that's purty - how many pgons in that thing?
08:25.45Patlabor221ohh I dono
08:25.53Patlabor221under 1k
08:25.58Patlabor221maybe 700 something
08:26.01Patlabor221I don't recall
08:26.14Patlabor221hope I remember where the model is :)
08:26.38fiberchunksthere anyway to reduce that to something that bz can use?
08:26.47Patlabor221there is also
08:27.16fiberchunksthat, Gerbil would love
08:27.20scanlineholy cow
08:27.27Patlabor221ohh here we go
08:27.31fiberchunksstick a little rat out of the top of it
08:27.40Patlabor221found the origonal thing that he wanted to submit
08:28.06Patlabor221gerbil just took that from a game
08:28.17Patlabor221metal slug
08:28.39Patlabor221and the game tank is based on bonapart from Dominion tank poliece
08:29.05fiberchunkslike the small low cannon - pretty nifty lookin
08:29.33Patlabor221I don't even think hoda made that model
08:30.39fiberchunksI wish you hadn't shown me those -- I want a tank upgrade now :\
08:30.48Patlabor221he also REALY wanted me to help him with his supig aame when I showed him this
08:31.22Patlabor221one of my next things is to let the tank be loaded from an obj file as well
08:31.22fiberchunkshow very TRON-ish
08:31.25Patlabor221then you can replace it
08:31.34Patlabor221it wasn't suposed to be tron ish
08:31.45Patlabor221but i guess the offset gun does that to it
08:32.07Patlabor221ton tank had a WAY larger barel tho
08:32.19fiberchunkstrue (man that was a killer movie)
08:33.32fiberchunkswonder how difficult it was to produce those graphics back in what - 1984 or so?
08:33.40Patlabor221it was very
08:33.53Patlabor221I can do what they did there real time on a slow PC now
08:34.03Patlabor221ohh my, I remember this one
08:34.12Patlabor221I was modelin and got sidetracked
08:34.55fiberchunkswhat're them 3 things in the back, elevators?
08:35.09scanlinefins, for swimming
08:35.11Patlabor221I dono
08:35.16Patlabor221I was just mussin round
08:35.32Patlabor221I think I had seen something like it in a book somewhere
08:35.50Patlabor221I was thinking thrust vector flaps thing
08:35.56fiberchunkskinda has a MK III look to it (is that what screamers has, the mark III?)
08:36.03*** join/#bzflag scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
08:36.11Patlabor221it was suposed to be for screamers
08:36.28Patlabor221I think the mk3 was my best texuture yet
08:36.45*** join/#bzflag scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
08:37.08fiberchunksnow a texture is simply a picture wrapped around a mesh (vertices) right?
08:37.26Patlabor221it's maped onto the model with texture corrdinates
08:37.43Patlabor221each vert of each triangle has 2 extra coords
08:37.50fiberchunksoh, so x,y on texture, maps to x,y,z on vertice?
08:37.52Patlabor221basicly where on the texture does this point map to
08:38.20fiberchunkshow do you define that when you create the texture?
08:38.23Patlabor221tho if  multiple triangles share a vert they may have seperate texture coords
08:38.35Patlabor221you define the maping when you make the model
08:39.06Patlabor221then you somehow get a wirefame of the UVs renderd into the texture
08:39.12Patlabor221then use that a guide to paint over
08:39.24Patlabor221let me see if I can show you the unwrap for the mk3
08:41.11Patlabor221the last beer is the lonelyst beer
08:41.20Patlabor221make it join it's brethren
08:42.04fiberchunksit will join it's brethren in the great 'waste treatment center in the sky' shortly ;)
08:42.46Patlabor221 is it with out the wire overlay
08:43.00Patlabor221it started with just the overlay on a blank image
08:43.05fiberchunkshrm -- I don't understand the triangles over the window -- looks strange
08:43.29Patlabor221those are a plit of the models triangles
08:43.38Patlabor221but instead of using there XYZ corrds
08:43.43Patlabor221it's there texture coords
08:43.48Patlabor221sorry plot
08:44.53fiberchunkswell, it would seem to me (and correct me if I'm wrong, of course), that for a symmetrical model, you would have symmetrical mappings, no?
08:45.03Patlabor221you can do it that way
08:45.20Patlabor221but then your texture map HAS to be symetrical
08:45.42Patlabor221I couldn't say put a smudge on just one side
08:45.53fiberchunksoh, ic
08:46.06Patlabor221and the mk.3 isn't truly symetrical
08:46.20Patlabor221there is no centerline across the middle of the model
08:46.27Patlabor221at least not on the top
08:46.35fiberchunksso those 2 lines (from the front bottom and middle), are what
08:46.47fiberchunksto that one vertice over the window
08:47.16Patlabor221on the top or the bottom of the model?
08:47.23Patlabor221you mean the diagonals?
08:47.32fiberchunkssorry - bottom -- the top view
08:47.43Patlabor221the model is made of triangles
08:47.58Patlabor221so the flat square for the rear deck is made of 2 tris
08:48.04Patlabor221those are the 2 tris
08:48.24Patlabor221every triangle there is also a triangle in 3 space
08:48.48fiberchunksoh - so those are 'ridges' so to speak
08:48.57Patlabor221no just tri edges
08:49.07Patlabor221those 2 tris on the back are damn near planar
08:49.13Patlabor221so you don't see the edge
08:49.27Patlabor221but like along the window frame there is about a60 deg edge.
08:49.52Patlabor221with just the UVs there is no refrence to 3 space
08:49.59Patlabor221that's where the model geo comes in
08:50.40fiberchunksdoes every vertice on the model have to correspond to the map (I guess it would, wouldn't it...)
08:50.52Patlabor221it should
08:51.09Patlabor221tho depending on your engine you can have triangles that don't have a texture
08:51.20fiberchunkswhy would you do that?
08:51.32Patlabor221if you wanted to for some reason
08:52.05Patlabor221if you just wanted like some polys to have a solid color
08:52.14Patlabor221that maybe was colored in code, and not the immage
08:52.18Patlabor221like a team color or something
08:52.20fiberchunksoh, ok that makes sense
08:52.30Patlabor221tho if I was gonna do  that I would still use a texture
08:52.40Patlabor221just use code to switch the texuure
08:52.44fiberchunksjust a solid colored one?
08:52.53Patlabor221well like in BZ
08:53.01Patlabor221with the teleporters
08:53.08Patlabor221the borders of the TP are textures
08:53.17Patlabor221but the "Field" part isn't
08:53.26Patlabor221its just a transperant black.
08:53.34Patlabor221well dark gray
08:53.41fiberchunksah, black with an alpha channel right?
08:53.46fiberchunksor grey
08:53.49Patlabor221alpah component
08:53.57fiberchunkswhat's the difference
08:53.57Patlabor221channel usualy refres to a texture
08:54.01fiberchunksoh, thx
08:54.12Patlabor221when you define a poly you also tell it what color it is
08:54.20Patlabor221and alpha can be part of that color.
08:54.40fiberchunksalpha is just a measure of transparency correct
08:54.48Patlabor221opacity yes
08:54.59Patlabor2211 is fully opaque ( aka solid )
08:55.04Patlabor2210 is fully transpernat
08:55.18Patlabor221but like on the pyramids
08:55.25Patlabor221the texure image has no blue in it
08:55.33Patlabor221it's all just a grayscale image
08:55.52Patlabor221GL says "texure that thing" with this texture, and the ojbect is blue
08:56.06Patlabor221and GL will blend or "modulate" the colors per pixel
08:56.11Patlabor221it's a common thing to do
08:56.28Patlabor221that way when you go to the phanom zone, they jus say the color is purple
08:56.33Patlabor221instead of using a difrent texure
08:56.38Patlabor221the grass is the same way.
08:56.54Patlabor221tho it has a tendency to look crapy
08:56.59fiberchunkswould it be better to just do everything with textures (performance wise)?
08:57.09Patlabor221depends on the cars
08:57.26Patlabor221textures take texture RAM
08:57.57Patlabor221and on like a software implementation that would be sytem ram, and system ram can be slow on slow systems
08:58.20Patlabor221but I say "screw em if they don't have a GF1 :)"
08:58.27Patlabor221or hell a TNT
08:58.28fiberchunksgood point
08:58.43fiberchunkseven a gf2 is ~$35 bucks
08:58.53Patlabor221wel MX's are
08:59.09Patlabor221MX != normal GF2
08:59.23Patlabor221get a 4400
08:59.24fiberchunksyah, gpu is slower isn't it?
08:59.30Patlabor221cheaper damn near same speed
08:59.54Patlabor221the GPU is slower, the mem bus is less, and has less blend modes and some other features
09:00.11Patlabor221most 4400s can be overclocked to 4600 speed
09:00.23Patlabor221I must say that ATI drivers suck
09:00.48fiberchunksi don't like noodling with graphics overclocking - system, yes, graphics no (don't ask why, paranoia probably)
09:01.06Patlabor221my 4600 performs about the same as my radeon 9700 with less artifacting.
09:01.19Patlabor221ohh card ocing is easy,
09:01.23fiberchunksdef. artifact in the graphics sense
09:01.29Patlabor221hell the gainward card comes with software to do it
09:01.45Patlabor221artifact = crap that is not suposed to be there
09:01.59Patlabor221I think the nv ref drivers have it
09:02.09fiberchunkshrm? have to look into that
09:02.28Patlabor221like in BZ sometimes it dosn't fully clear the frame buffer
09:02.40Patlabor221or dosn't blend a transperant poly on top of other stuff right
09:02.48Patlabor221and leaves pixels the wrong color
09:02.55Patlabor221or it's off by a pixel around a poly
09:03.22Patlabor221small errors that cen creep in from stuf  like float to int rounding
09:03.26fiberchunkshrm -- don't think I've noticed that -- but I'll have to pay more attention
09:03.31Patlabor221or floating point precision problems
09:03.42Patlabor221the GL drivers from ATI arn't bad
09:03.50Patlabor221my nvidias run just fine
09:04.04Patlabor221sorry the ATI GL drivers arn't that good
09:04.39fiberchunksI get graphics skippage from time to time (and I'm not sure if it's net performance, the fact that I use the keyboard exclusively, or haven't tuned my graphics card as much as I should)
09:05.29fiberchunksI think MAC, or was it you, stated: ATI has 2000 engineers in their hardware division, and 2 gorillas coding with their feet in their driver division LOL
09:05.44Patlabor221not I
09:05.57Patlabor221I know that NVidia seems to take there driver dev seriously
09:06.00fiberchunksI almost fell off my chair
09:06.16Patlabor221they have been very good at keeping up with new GL versions
09:06.23Patlabor221them and 3d labs.
09:06.41fiberchunksI like nvidia's stuff, just wish that they'd do more 'software wise' for us linux folk
09:07.03Patlabor221seemd to me that the drivers have all the featurs that the windows ones do.
09:07.06Patlabor221just in a config
09:07.08fiberchunksand there's a lot of us who use their cards because of their superior market share
09:07.10Patlabor221not a clicky thing.
09:07.29fiberchunkswell, this is the one case that I would *love* a clicky thing
09:07.36Patlabor221even saw all the twin view stuff
09:08.37fiberchunksamongst the other multitudes of projects / learning / work, fiberchunks must remember to get his dualview matrox card (3 years old now) working properly (ugh)
09:09.06Patlabor221or 400
09:09.16Patlabor221they show up as one big ass monitor
09:09.24fiberchunksjust haven't taken the time to fiddle with X enough
09:09.25Patlabor221so it should not be that bad on an issue
09:09.47Patlabor221IIRC you have to have both monitors at the same red
09:10.04Patlabor221common ramdac thing
09:10.26fiberchunksthere are times when I miss the clicky interfaces for all the reading one has to do just to set up a simple thing (like dual mice, for example)
09:10.38fiberchunkswhat a pita that is, esp. if you're a n00b
09:11.23Patlabor221I just plug mice in and they work
09:11.36fiberchunkskeyboard mapping is another item that constantly irks me at how difficult it is to get my damn extraneous keys working right (and it's simply a matter of reading the right stuff and entering the right stuff)
09:11.58fiberchunksyah, I know -- and that's linux's major stumbling block to mass-market acceptance
09:12.13Patlabor221well that and pain in the ass driver installs
09:12.27Patlabor221and no real plug and play networking it seems
09:12.36fiberchunksif everything shared a common format, and info wasn't scattered here there and everywhere, I'd be happy with configuring things solely text mode
09:12.39Patlabor221like for simple file sharing
09:12.40fiberchunkswhich, linux?
09:12.45fiberchunksah, yah
09:13.03Patlabor221and it didn't seem easy to set up PPP for a dialup
09:13.07fiberchunksI just use ssh and scp -- works a treat -- piss on samba, I say (again, documentation reading)
09:13.22fiberchunksno, it isn't -- which has been a LONG standing bitch of mine
09:13.30Patlabor221actualy with redhat I was able to set up samba rather easy
09:13.35Patlabor221at least as a client
09:13.37fiberchunks(I've had grief with ppp for at least 5 years now)
09:13.45fiberchunkswell, that's good to hear
09:14.02Patlabor221linux won't be masivly accepted till my dad can set it up
09:14.15fiberchunksor mine
09:14.23Patlabor221there is something to be said for the power
09:14.44Patlabor221but not everyone needs or wants the responsiblity that comes with the power
09:15.06Patlabor221it needs to be able to boot with out a password
09:15.13fiberchunksit's definitely a double-edged sword...on the one hand, you can touch EVERYTHING...on the other - that's the problem (and a lack of standardization across distributions)
09:15.18fiberchunksit can
09:15.23fiberchunksyou can auto-login
09:15.27Patlabor221it can do anyting
09:15.43Patlabor221there is also the legacy issue
09:15.49fiberchunkssuch as
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09:16.00Patlabor221crap old games for windows
09:16.00fiberchunksmoin moin
09:16.03Patlabor221that won't run under it
09:16.11Patlabor221and stuff like that
09:16.45Patlabor221too many people have too much time invested in win apps that work for them now
09:16.51fiberchunksfunny you mention that -- I've never been much of a gamer til bzflag, and now I find myself sorely lacking Loki's presence
09:16.54Patlabor221they can't afford to swich
09:17.20Patlabor221yeah lin games, are almost as rare as mac games.
09:17.36fiberchunkswell, I just switched my dad, and with the exception of some damned MASSIVE word docs (that even word barfs on sometimes), he's pretty well clean
09:17.52fiberchunksLoki was a company before it's time, imho
09:18.03Patlabor221but he could not set it up himself could he?
09:18.06Patlabor221my dad could not
09:18.16Patlabor221but my dad can install and config XP
09:18.33Patlabor221at least to do what he needs to do.
09:18.33fiberchunksoh, he could've gone through the initial install, but after that, the tweaking would've blown him away, absolutely
09:18.39fiberchunkstotally concur
09:19.05Patlabor221my dad would have seen disk druid and gone , " what just flipin do it"
09:19.09fiberchunkshowever -- that's not to say that I've not seen some nasty issues with any flavor of windows -- driver incompatibilities, etc
09:19.29Patlabor221well with XP, it'll get it's own drivers off the net now
09:19.33fiberchunksmandrake is far more 'first time user' friendly than redhat
09:19.34Patlabor221windows update
09:20.06Patlabor221and it's video drivers support flipin HARDWARE outa the box :)
09:20.11fiberchunksyah -- but that's a little component I'm not overly fond of (the idea is nice, but I don't like not knowing what's going on behind the scenes -- you know what I mean)
09:20.30Patlabor221the nice thing is YOU don't have to use it
09:20.32Patlabor221you know better
09:20.39Patlabor221you know how to get the optimal drivers
09:20.42fiberchunksmandrake's a good distro (some of it's scripts are convoluted), but it's a good distro
09:20.44Patlabor221but for most, it just works.
09:21.13Patlabor221I don't mind the redhat 8 install
09:21.18fiberchunksbut then there's the untold masses who may be submitting their data (whether personal or hardware, doesn't matter), without their knowledge
09:21.40Patlabor221and how does that affect them personaly on a day to day basis?
09:21.59Patlabor221sure there are moral issues but realy what does it do to them?
09:22.19fiberchunkswell, a lot of the people I'm involved with care deeply about what data people collect on them (and these are not your uber *nix user, btw)
09:22.25Patlabor221and it just sends version info not hardware
09:22.32fiberchunkshow do you know
09:22.39Patlabor221the site sends the entire list and the client app reads it
09:22.42Patlabor221I know people at MS
09:23.09fiberchunksif that's all it does, what's the grief with letting people see that that's all it does?
09:23.26Patlabor221people like to bitch about shit
09:23.29Patlabor221that's what they do
09:23.33Patlabor221makes them feel better
09:23.38fiberchunksI mean really, if that algorithm is so key to their business model, then perhaps they should investigate a better business model ;)
09:23.50Patlabor221it's the same thing redhat update does
09:24.05fiberchunksyah, but I can look at what redhat update does --
09:24.30Patlabor221you can look at the logs of the MS one too
09:24.33Patlabor221you just don't have source
09:24.37Patlabor221like I say, you know better
09:24.39fiberchunksright :)
09:24.51Patlabor221but for 85% of thge people out there they don't care
09:25.03Patlabor221they just want there stuff to work so the can write a flipin e-mail
09:25.11fiberchunksthat, I agree with
09:25.12Patlabor221and play everquest
09:25.18Patlabor221or look at porn
09:25.23Patlabor221or what ever
09:25.31fiberchunks^^^^^ that's the most important one - pr0n
09:25.45Patlabor221realy if it sent your flipin exact hardware config to MS, what would it mater.
09:26.00fiberchunkswho knows, but more importantly, why should it?
09:26.28Patlabor221well I think they would perhaps like to know what percentages of people run what CPUS
09:26.42Patlabor221so they could perhaps make those drivers the best
09:26.49Patlabor221and yes perhaps market it
09:26.59Patlabor221but still how does that affect you as a person?
09:27.13Patlabor221you see more adds for stuff you could actulay use because you have the right hardware?
09:27.21fiberchunksI get crap mail that I don't want, didn't sign up for, and don't need ads for
09:27.34fiberchunksif I want new hardware, I go research new hardware
09:27.37Patlabor221well that would be if they sent your mail address and that I don't afreee with
09:27.54fiberchunkswait 'til palladium
09:27.55Patlabor221they don't send anything that ties it to YOU
09:28.02fiberchunkssee above
09:28.04Patlabor221what is that?
09:29.03fiberchunkssorry -- the copyright protection / violation mechanism that MS and it's 'partners' are trying to legislate into effect -- essentially using hardware to monitor the legality of every file on your system
09:29.05Patlabor221I am just talking about sutff like adds on TV
09:29.17Patlabor221your gonna see adds on TV and stuff anyway
09:29.30Patlabor221ohh yes that crap in WMP
09:29.33Patlabor221that is lame as hell
09:29.41Patlabor221I don't use WMP9
09:29.50Patlabor221that I agreee about the bitchers
09:29.56Patlabor221but windows update is not like that
09:29.57fiberchunksthat crap, is only going to get worse, and one day, my friend, you will not have a choice whether you can use it or not
09:30.01Patlabor221just everyone asumes it is
09:30.11fiberchunkswait a couple of years
09:30.12Patlabor221sure I do, don't update
09:30.35fiberchunksand then, when you want to play whizbang X which requires hardware Y, what do you do?
09:30.38Patlabor221yes that stuff is being fought tho
09:30.44fiberchunkstrue enough
09:30.50Patlabor221get a hack that lets me :)
09:31.06Patlabor221we are programers arn't we? we can get around this stuff
09:31.48Patlabor221the DMCA has been thrown outa some cases reacently
09:31.54Patlabor221it's nice to hear that
09:32.04fiberchunksabsolutely -- if it's invented by us, we can break it -- however, we then break some obscure, ridiculous law
09:32.13fiberchunksdidn't know that -- it is nice to hear
09:32.36Patlabor221yeah there are some recent judges that have ruled against it
09:32.55fiberchunksgood for them -- about time someone with power (and a spine) decided to do something about it
09:32.57Patlabor221hell even intel is figting it
09:33.14Patlabor221remember we allways hear the bad, never the good
09:33.16fiberchunkshrm, I'm not so sure about that -- but I haven't kept very up to date about it
09:33.17Patlabor221bad sells more papers
09:33.24fiberchunkstrue enough
09:33.31Patlabor221ohh I know intell is fighting it
09:33.40fiberchunkswhat about AMD?
09:33.42Patlabor221they say that it will hurt new computer sales
09:33.48fiberchunksor Motorola?
09:33.54Patlabor221I think they are on the same bandwagon, just not as adimate
09:34.16Patlabor221it fugs with there researchers too
09:34.19Patlabor221so they don't like it
09:34.21fiberchunksiirc, M$ and the RIAA were the staunchest supports of that shite
09:34.41fiberchunkssry, MPAA too
09:34.53Patlabor221from what I've seen it's a section of the gov, and the mPAA
09:35.18Patlabor221and to me it looks like MS is going along with them to get on the good side of the gov after the lawsuits
09:35.42Patlabor221I don't think they realy care ether way, it won't make them any more or less money if they protect or not
09:35.51Patlabor221they don't sell the media the proctec
09:35.52fiberchunks(think china)
09:36.00Patlabor221an noone pays them
09:36.10Patlabor221MS realy is there to make money
09:36.18fiberchunksoh yeah, absolutely
09:36.21Patlabor221all there other stuff in the past has been to make them money
09:36.34Patlabor221all the browser stongarming
09:36.49Patlabor221this dosn't seem in any way to make them money if they do it
09:36.56fiberchunkssure it does
09:37.17Patlabor221how? unless they get kickbacks from the media companys
09:37.29fiberchunksif you have hardware that requires a valid license or nothing happens, then you MUST buy their software, it absolutely makes them more money
09:37.58fiberchunksI'm not talking strictly media here -- TCPA is the hardware based enforcement of ALL copyrighted material
09:37.59Patlabor221if it's a law that makes that hardware require that, then they can't controll the OS
09:38.08fiberchunkswhy not?
09:38.49Patlabor221the law would never pass if it say "and you MS only has the stuff to do this"
09:39.02Patlabor221it will say "must conform to some spec"
09:39.14Patlabor221and that spec will have to be at least published
09:39.26Patlabor221so that software MFGs can do it
09:39.34Patlabor221and so the hardware MFGs can make it
09:39.45Patlabor221most hardware is made out of this country
09:39.55Patlabor221and not by MS or intel
09:40.01Patlabor221so it will have to be published
09:40.07fiberchunksah, but that's not the point -- the point is that MS will most definitely make money out of TCPA
09:40.10fiberchunksI agree
09:40.23fiberchunkswith the above -- but our original point was MS making money off of it
09:40.43Patlabor221they may in that case
09:41.07Patlabor221but it will not be an easy thing to pass and enforce due to the international nature of hardware
09:41.11Patlabor221but we shalls ee
09:41.13fiberchunksthey will - it will 'almost' effectively end pirating (until someone hacks the pinouts of the processors
09:41.43Patlabor221naw some company will "leak" the info
09:41.55fiberchunksheh, hope so
09:42.01Patlabor221if the major chip mans are against it
09:42.23Patlabor221that's why I say it'll be a bitch to enforce
09:42.41Patlabor221the chip mans will do a piss poor implemenetation
09:43.08fiberchunksby the way, this isn't just processor based enforcement, but also hardware media enforcement (harddrives, opticals, etc)
09:43.11Patlabor221look at how serious the take the other gov standards, for stuff like FCC emisons and stuff :)
09:43.42Patlabor221ohh then it will never come to be, you'll NEVER get all those people to work together
09:43.52fiberchunksEMI, EMI, what the hell is EMI? ;)
09:43.53Patlabor221how long did it take them to finaly standardise on IDE
09:44.29fiberchunksahhhhh, but think of this - the major media companies, Sony Time Warner, Disney, et al -- iirc also have major stakes in media manufacturers
09:45.06fiberchunksincluding overseas ventures -- further - Sony, et al. are also the major players in the MPAA, RIAA, etc
09:45.10Patlabor221your gonna tell some pidly ass company in hong kong that it has to put this new chip in it's $3 flopy drives if the want to sell to the US
09:45.20Patlabor221I'm talking about the little guys
09:45.22fiberchunksthat's the general idea, yes
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09:45.31Patlabor221they will never get it right
09:45.33fiberchunkscept little guys don't make millions
09:45.48Patlabor221sony will do it one way, philips will do it another
09:45.52fiberchunksthey make thousands, and millions are what sells in this country (for the majority)
09:46.10Patlabor221you would be suprised what a little fab can make
09:46.34Patlabor221you think there are good sony cdroms in all those cheap ass e-machines? :)
09:46.40fiberchunksPhilips, much to their credit -- despises what Sony and all have done to the CD format (and has told them to STOP distributing discs with the CD logo on them if they have any sort of copy-protection mechanism)
09:47.00Patlabor221they all have "craptech" drives
09:47.25Patlabor221some of thos "little companys" ship more units then sony or the big guy, cus they are cheaper
09:47.29fiberchunksno, I don't 1) cause my sony DVD player just shit the bed (after only 2 years), and 2) I'll never buy Sony again
09:47.50fiberchunksfor the various stances they've taken on issues such as this one
09:48.01Patlabor221yeah my cheap ass $50 dvd does more then my firends sony
09:48.02fiberchunks(the infamous Celine Dion CD being the most notable)
09:48.07Patlabor221plays MP3s and everything
09:48.09fiberchunkssame with my lite-on
09:48.24fiberchunkssorry, internal Sony DVD-ROM (comp, not standalone)
09:48.40Patlabor221I allways get Craptech
09:48.55Patlabor221it's replaced before it craps out anyway
09:48.58fiberchunkslite-on's a kick-ass little hardware manuf for the money
09:49.16Patlabor221remonds me I need a DVD burner soon
09:49.54fiberchunkswelp, I've gotta get some sleep fore I take the kid to school -- take it easy...thanks for the info yet again :)
09:49.59Patlabor221mee too
09:50.02Patlabor221see ya
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12:39.33[dmp]When i use "Find servers" how does my clients collects the information about servers?
12:43.17[dmp]does it get everything from the listserver ?
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13:14.32Chestaldmp: I think so, yes
13:14.51Chestallist server knows server settings and number of players
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13:15.13[dmp]How does it obtain this list. By asking the servers, one by one?
13:15.29Chestalserver push information to bzfls when anything changes
13:16.39ChestalI see that you have been working on CTF ladder
13:17.01[dmp]the algo is done. need to optimize it
13:17.21[dmp]the result is quite.. surprising :-) but i guess it need more data
13:17.21Chestalwould be nice if you could see the curernt teams with their (accumulated) ratings
13:17.40Chestalunknown players are one problem
13:17.58Chestalwhen you have lots of them, difficult to estimate team strength correctly
13:18.22[dmp]yes. I didnt see all these problems, when initially wrote it prototype.
13:18.36Chestalwell, doint it this way is a hack
13:18.45Chestalbut still more useful then the simple highscoer list on
13:19.01Chestalwe can mayeb think of integratign things liek these better in future bzflag versions
13:19.09Chestalyour script now running right now?
13:19.27ChestalI saw that it gave me a 1209 rating after I joined and my team captured. After that, it didn't change
13:20.01[dmp]well, i need to starte it manually..
13:20.43Chestaldo you see more information? Would be helpful to see team ratings and score changes
13:21.44[dmp]"team ratings" as in the teams playing on ducati, or the registered ctf-teams ?
13:22.12Chestalthe current teams
13:22.41Chestalwhat do you use as a team rating? add up individual ratings?
13:22.55Chestalhmm, it doesn't show root
13:23.07Chestalwe were playing in the same team for >20 minutes I would guess
13:24.01[dmp]yes, i add up each members rating as rembo suggested.
13:25.08Chestalthe number of cals for each player would mayeb be interesting, too
13:25.17Chestalcalcs, even
13:25.26[dmp]i see root at #41 with 1211
13:25.45Chestalhmm, now I do, too
13:25.57[dmp]i want to make history to that list as well, so you better can se who improves there score .. eg. weekwise.
13:26.18Chestalright now I am more concerned whether it works well
13:26.38Chestalso seeing the team ratings and score change would be useful. Maybe you can see this
13:27.17Chestalwhen you notice a capture, you calc the score change for each team? Then distribute it onto the players?
13:29.29Chestalhmm, it says 15 for me
13:29.31[dmp](just added calcs)
13:29.42Chestalshouldn't it be one calc for each flag capture while I was on?
13:30.19Chestal15 seems a lot, but maybe it's correct
13:30.36[dmp]i'll try to check
13:31.05[dmp]It was running yesterday evening as well
13:31.46Chestalcould be, I think I checked 2 hours ago, and wasn't on the list. But maybe it just wasn't updated
13:32.26Chestalif I am not mistaken, Mirella had 1210 / 22
13:32.32Chestalthen I reloaded, now 1161 / 23
13:32.42Chestalif I didn't get the numbers wrong, this looks strange
13:33.31Chestalbut hard to tell
13:33.34[dmp]looking into the log
13:33.41Chestalwhat do you do, if there was more than one capture between checks?
13:34.01[dmp]do then one by one.
13:34.23[dmp]everything is re-calced for each point
13:35.08Chestalok, although you'd have to chose an arbitrary order, but that doesn't make that much of a difference
13:37.17[dmp]you can view the log here ( if you want. if it makes sence, at all
13:39.08[dmp]score-check is the sum of the score-diff since last check. should be zero (as i see it). It only goes 10 mins back in a search the the previous score to calc the score-diff
13:39.09Chestalah, interesting. I think I understand the important parts of it :-)
13:39.25[dmp]great :)
13:40.41Chestalmaybe you'd have to adjust some parameters of the ELO formula, but let's watch it a bit
13:41.10[dmp]this kill-ratio calculation. Im not sure whenever it should use the scores from ctf-servers as well, now that we have a didicated ctf-ladder
13:41.33ChestalI'd just try and see ho wit works out for now
13:41.55Chestalhmm, it just came to my mind: when one team is empty, its score gets reset
13:42.16Chestalthis could be difficult to handle
13:42.30[dmp]ah yeah
13:43.30[dmp]perhaps the script should check if the old entry have some players which still is active in the new entry before calculating anything
13:43.56[dmp]and that these players havn't dropped in won/lost points
13:44.07Chestalyes, something like that
13:44.43Chestalabout the ELO parameters: adding the ratings up might result in team ratings which differ too much
13:44.56Chestalbut I'm not sure
13:45.36Chestalthe team ratings could be divided by 4, so they would be like an average player rating; not sure if this is better, though
13:45.42[dmp]my math skills isnt good enough to really understand that formula
13:46.40ChestalI guess it's like when ratigns differ by 400, than the betetr ranked team has a win probability of 90%
13:47.10Chestalwhen it's >1000, it will be close to 100%, so if the better team scores, it will only get 1 point or so
13:47.24Chestalwhen you divide that onto the players, they might end up getting nothing
13:47.33Chestaldifficult to say, though
13:47.58Chestalthat's why I think it would be nice to see current teams+ratings and possible score change
13:48.37[dmp]i'll work on that :)
13:49.34[dmp]when more data is collected, we could try both (not dividing, and dividing) and compare the list to see how it differs and what seems most correct.
13:50.16Chestalwhen yo ulook at id 491, red team captured, btu its ratign was much higher
13:50.23Chestalso it got 0 points :-)
13:50.32Chestalshould pobably be rounded up to be at lest 1 point in any case
13:50.59[dmp]hehe :)
13:51.14Chestalof course, it was very uneven teams, 3 vs 2
13:52.30[dmp]but again, killing somebody should be better than doing nothing
13:53.41Chestalred team got reset a couple of minutes ago
13:54.09[dmp]i'll recalc
13:55.02[dmp]id=503: incorrect checksum for teamscore. (1)
13:55.12[dmp]so at least it dosnt use it
13:55.27[dmp]but i think i better improve this part.
13:57.41Chestalas I suspected, righ tnow it tends to extremes
13:57.59Chestalthat is, score change is either close to 0 or close to 50
13:59.09[dmp]should i try to divide the skill?
13:59.31Chestalgood question
13:59.42Chestalteam ratings could be divided by 4
13:59.55Chestalor you coudl adjust the 400 in the ELO formula
14:00.15Chestalanother question is whether the change should be applied to each player, or change/#players
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14:02.09[dmp]shoundnt team ratings be divied by the number of players? Or do you mean exactly 4?
14:02.10[dmp]hi bzgirl
14:02.20bzgirlhello :)
14:02.25Chestaldmp: no, not by number of players, that wouldn't make sense
14:02.35Chestaldmp: let's say, 7 players of equel strength are on, 4 red, 3 green
14:02.45Chestalyou'd want to have the red team a higher rating
14:03.38[dmp]so 4 is "the maximum allowed on each team"
14:03.40Chestalor divide it by the maximum number ofplayers in the curernt teams?
14:03.51Chestallet's say it's 3 vs 2 (which usually is very unfiar anyway)
14:04.00Chestalwe could divide both by 3
14:04.20Chestalormayeb we should ignore it unless it's 3 vs 3, 4 vs 3 or 4 vs 4?
14:04.55[dmp]so it would skip the record if uneven teams.
14:05.24Chestalmaybe, not sure
14:05.33Chestalmaybe it's not necessary
14:05.53Chestalas the resultign team ratings should be very different
14:08.25[dmp]ok, the current problem is, that it uses extremes values due to high skills right. So either this skillscore need to be reduced somehow, or the 400 values should be increased.. right?
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14:08.49Chestaldmp: I'd say so
14:09.08Chestaldmp: and maybe the change itself should be lower
14:09.21Chestaldmp: getting an average of 25 points for just one capture seems a bit high
14:22.56[dmp]hmm .. this may be way to complicated. If we calulate a users score, when he laves the game based on the result (if the team gained point or lost points during the time he where active). that would give and avg. of 25 for each game "won" pr player.
14:23.51[dmp]i think its going to be hard to implement it.
14:23.53ChestalI think I prefer the calculation upon each capture
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14:24.18Chestalmaybe it should use floating point and much smaller changes than 50/25
14:24.26[dmp]i guess keeping it simple never huts.
14:24.39Chestalit cannot be really accurate anywau
14:24.45Chestalbut give a nice indication if it works
14:27.27[dmp]like dividing the value with 10 or so?
14:27.32[dmp]the diff value
14:29.18Chestalhard to say which constants are best...
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14:31.45[dmp]the list have been recalc'd. it seems more sane, that people dont differ too much, based on two days of information.
14:33.49Chestalah, so you can recalc based on logged information?
14:34.28[dmp]actually, i remove all info, and recalc everything in the ctf-ladder..
14:34.37[dmp]so there is room for experiments :)
14:35.07bzgirlhello isfry
14:35.51isfryhi there
14:35.57Chestaldmp: that's good
14:37.46[dmp]chestal: perhaps i should use some time, to make it possible to view the data based for calculations. I guess it will be handy both in testing but for others as well.
14:39.18Chestaldmp: yes, I think it would be useful
14:48.35captain_proton"* shut up doug"
14:48.40*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
14:49.07bzdoug_captain_proton: I saw that
14:50.35captain_protonnot here, boy
14:51.32captain_protonstanding at the wrong end of the cheese-stamp line?
14:53.10PiggyBot Uptime: (29 minutes 11 seconds) System Uptime: (8 days, 23:09)
14:53.56bzdoug_useless bots
14:54.00bzdoug_Piggy: die
14:54.05bzdoug_Piggy: kill
14:54.09bzdoug_Piggy: insult me
14:54.20Piggyyou're already ugly
14:54.31bzdoug_wow, such a bot
14:54.36bzdoug_cheap and slow
14:54.45Piggylike your mom
14:55.13bzdoug_YO MOMMA is the cheap and slow one
14:55.26Piggytoo late
14:56.42bzdoug_too late
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15:05.47David_Vhi all
15:05.54bzgirlhello David_V
15:05.58David_Vjust checking in for a little
15:06.00[dmp]hi David_V :)
15:06.04David_Vhey ;)
15:06.58sussudiodavid piiiiiiig
15:07.30David_Vthat is an interesting form of welcoming
15:08.08[dmp]it's because you are swedish, are you smell funny :)
15:47.48bzdoug_do IDE cables HAVE to be with the long part hooked to the motherboard and the short parts to the drives?
15:48.07bzdoug_cant I flip the cable around?
15:48.25David_V_awayyou can bzdoug_
15:48.34David_V_awaythen you can only use it for one drive, theoretically
15:48.41David_V_awayin a normal case
15:48.52David_V_awaywell... i'll try to explain
15:48.58bzdoug_in a normal cse
15:49.04bzdoug_but this aint a normal case
15:49.11David_V_awayif you turn it, then you will have to put the other HDD on a weird location
15:49.16bzdoug_this is a duron mobo crammed into a macintosh centris case
15:49.17David_V_awaybut otherwise there should be no problem
15:49.33David_V_awayduron? never heard of
15:49.40bzdoug_AMD duron
15:49.48David_V_awayok but that's not a mobo
15:49.51David_V_awaythat's the proc
15:49.56bzdoug_below the athlon
15:50.02David_V_awayi know
15:50.04bzdoug_yea, but its a duron motherboard
15:50.15David_V_awayoh ok... doh
15:50.22David_V_awaything is, i've never heard of their mobos before
15:50.37David_V_awaybut fitting that into a mac... oh well, good luck :)
15:50.40bzdoug_hmm, lemme refrais that
15:50.48bzdoug_its a mobo that supports durons
15:51.07David_V_awaysorry, let me take a second for shaking myself
15:51.21David_V_awaythere, now i feel better. Duron is the CPU type, AMD is the company, remember that Dave
15:51.30David_V_awayok, whatever mobo it is
15:51.41David_V_awayi must be reeeaally tired today
15:51.46bzdoug_I dont know who made this mobo
15:51.51bzdoug_it has no part number on it
15:51.59bzdoug_somebody must have pulled the sticker off
15:52.27David_V_awayi've basically dealt with PCs in my life, i have no idea about mac hardware
15:52.46David_V_awaybut anyway as you connect the HDDs to the mobo
15:52.58sussudioit gives an ID on boot you dumbass
15:53.09David_V_awayok gtg as well cya
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16:15.35captain_protonanyone else experiencing freeze on /lagstats ?
16:18.30bzdoug_it locks up when booting
16:18.45captain_protonsurprise surprise!
16:18.50captain_protonbzdoug_ has a broken computer
16:19.03bzdoug_the bios locks up
16:19.05bzdoug_not the OS
16:19.36captain_protonsurprise surprise!
16:19.37captain_protonbzdoug_ has a broken computer
16:20.49*** join/#bzflag [TeA|TrEE] (
16:21.29bzdoug_I suppose you cant flip cables backwads
16:22.01sussudiono you can not with udma cables
16:22.30bzdoug_dumb PCs only 2 IDE channels
16:23.13captain_protonIDE sux0rs
16:23.16captain_protonuse a real bus
16:23.43bzdoug_a) case dont have room for a scsi card
16:23.52bzdoug_b) I would need to get a scsi drive
16:23.58bzdoug_c) they are expensive
16:24.17captain_protonif you're unwilling to pay for real equipment, don't bitch about what you have
16:29.14*** join/#bzflag lurgyman (~lurgyman@aden2-123-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
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16:50.12*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
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17:06.41fiberchunksis there some reason why the #includes in bzflag don't use the std C++ libs (i.e.  cstdlib, cctype, etc?)
17:09.07Patlabor221and other crap compilers
17:09.22Patlabor221hence all the CXX stuff too
17:09.27fiberchunksso that is a necessary evil ten
17:09.36Patlabor221basicly Tim
17:09.57Patlabor221it's a choice to continue suporting that platfrom and build system.
17:10.32Patlabor221abd #defing ALL of them would be ugly.
17:10.46fiberchunksgood afternoon, by the way
17:11.03Patlabor221morning :)
17:11.19fiberchunksheh, good point
17:11.24Patlabor221get the kid off to scholl ok?
17:11.38fiberchunksoh yeah - the lady took care of it while the old man rested ;)
17:12.58fiberchunkswas looking at bzflag.cxx -- is all that cruft for parsing argc and argv still necessary for windows? I notice there's a FIXME in there about it
17:13.28Patlabor221it's how they chose to do it
17:13.39Patlabor221is the fixme the part on how to get the app dir?
17:14.00Patlabor221and the windows one takes args
17:14.14fiberchunksno, that's the 'ridiculously complex' part -- the FIXME is for argc and argv accesses
17:14.46Patlabor221yeah the  'ridiculously complex' can be replaced by a single win32 API call
17:15.14fiberchunksfix that, would you? ;)
17:15.47fiberchunksooo, tea, or beer
17:15.50Patlabor221I could but then I looked and the path isn't even used
17:16.09Jormungandrbeer this early would wreck me :)
17:16.12Secret_Hamstertea is not a beverage, it's a form of oriental torture
17:16.32Patlabor221coming from a brit
17:16.42Jormungandrsometimes we do an english breakfast with mushrooms on toast and earl grey tea.
17:16.43Secret_Hamsterye, well it gives me the runs
17:16.47Jormungandrit's really good.
17:16.55Jormungandrit's not really traditional
17:16.57Jormungandrbut I like it.
17:17.30fiberchunksbut it takes too much time
17:17.30Jormungandrwe got into the habit when we visited glastonbury on weekends, and the place we went to eat always served it.
17:17.33Secret_Hamstertraditional english breakfast hardens your arteries so much you die of a heart attack at the end of it
17:17.37Jormungandrso it brings back good memories.
17:17.49Patlabor221fiber the only reason they do all that is so that they can call mymain with athe argc argv and use the same code to parse the command line.
17:18.09Secret_HamsterJormungandr: you based in the UK?
17:18.23Patlabor221the design is very unix centeric if you haven't noticed :)
17:18.43fiberchunks~pig /me
17:18.48/me is 88% pig!
17:18.48Jormungandrsecret: nope... lived there for about 4 years. met my sweetie there.
17:19.02Secret_Hamsterahh notice the past tense now
17:19.07Patlabor221and the windows port wasn't realy understood that well whenit was done.
17:19.24fiberchunks#1 preferred development platform
17:19.36[TeA]~fish /me
17:19.47JormungandrI would love to go back to England for pretty much any amount of time.
17:19.55Jormungandrjust hasn't been in the budget.
17:20.00Patlabor221when I did the intial DX res swictching code, it was funny crs changed it after I put it in.
17:20.04Patlabor221then it didn't work
17:20.17Patlabor221so he had to put it back to more like the way it was.
17:20.33fiberchunksperhaps *nix ppl should stick to coding *nix, and let the windows gurus do their thing? :\
17:20.36Patlabor221and I'm like "I did it that way cus that's the way it works!"
17:20.47Patlabor221there is nothing wrong with cross plat
17:20.56fiberchunksdidn't say that
17:21.04Patlabor221you just have to come up with a design that works on both.
17:21.08Patlabor221BZ's works
17:21.11Patlabor221its just not prety
17:21.30Patlabor221I prefrer to abstract it and go with something that's not tied to any OS
17:21.35fiberchunksjust meant: if you know windows, code windows, know *nix, code *nix -- leave each to their own (unless you spend some time researching api's and such)
17:22.01Patlabor221depends on the person, nothing says you can't know ALL OSs
17:22.38Secret_HamsterJormungandr: well currently my view of the UK is pretty poor. The sun has stopped shining, and work/tax burden sucks big time
17:22.44Patlabor221I know a goodly amount of Mac, and of course windows.
17:22.52Patlabor221and now a bit o the *nix
17:23.09fiberchunksmmm, I magine since you know mac, you'll be getting more intimate with *nix
17:23.20Patlabor221I mean old school mac
17:23.23Patlabor221not X
17:23.30Patlabor221system 7 :)
17:23.41Patlabor221Handles and such
17:23.44fiberchunksyay! my IIsi ran system 7
17:24.03Patlabor221my mac here still dual boots 9 and X
17:24.27Patlabor221tho moslty I just work with a PC based implementaion of the MacOS Toolbox nowadays
17:24.33JormungandrI finally got rid of my dual boot 9/x and just have jaguar
17:24.50Jormungandroh... isn't new iMovie due out friday?
17:24.52Patlabor221X don't run MPW or resourcer that well
17:25.31JormungandrI get a lot of mileage out of that program
17:26.02Jormungandrvirtix has some great transitions that I bought.
17:26.25fiberchunkscombine the beauty of the mac, the power of linux, and the ease of use (clickity interfaces) of windows, and you have one damn fine machine
17:27.44David_V_awayhehe :)
17:28.25fiberchunkscourse, when that happens, we'll have instantaneous travel, and I'll be 40000 years old (and very,very dead ;) )
17:30.40sussudioMrApathyCream is 40000 years old
17:30.53fiberchunkswell preserved
17:31.02Patlabor221I think he's undead
17:32.52fiberchunksmac_zombie? sounds like a franchise
17:33.57*** part/#bzflag David_V_away (
17:34.52Patlabor221there are other things that are undead the zombies
17:35.00Patlabor221zombies are slow and stupid
17:35.04Patlabor221he could be a lich
17:35.12fiberchunksah what?
17:35.40fiberchunks~dict lich
17:35.43Patlabor221let me find a good definition
17:36.37Patlabor221basicly it's a sorcerer or wisard who uses the necromantic arts to cheat death by making himself undead
17:36.38Jormungandra lich is where a sorceror makes his body immortal, and generally not all that attractive in the process.
17:36.56Patlabor221yes they is ugly
17:37.00Patlabor221but VERY powerfull
17:37.03Patlabor221and moldy
17:37.16[TeA]need somewone who knows redhat well
17:37.31Patlabor221define well
17:37.34Secret_Hamsteractaully I think it's spelt liche
17:37.45Patlabor221or litch
17:37.45Secret_Hamstersoft 'ch'
17:37.50Patlabor221I am looking it up now
17:37.52fiberchunks~spell lich
17:37.53possible spellings for lich: Licha loch lech Mich Rich lice lick rich Lucho litchi lurch lochs lunch Koch
17:38.21Patlabor221online dictionary it uses don't know
17:38.36Patlabor221one sec,have Return to the tomb of horrors here
17:39.23*** join/#bzflag scanlime (~micah@aden2-241-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)
17:40.13fiberchunkspreferably something based on telepathy
17:40.37Patlabor221D&D spells it lich
17:41.15Patlabor221lich and demi-lich
17:41.30fiberchunkshrm -- wonder if ibot could have a <context> thing implemented (e.g. ~spell lich <context> D&D
17:42.06fiberchunkswhoops -- ~define, not ~spell
17:42.14fiberchunksargh, ~dict
17:42.24Secret_Hamsterwell I stand corrected (if I was not actually sitting down)
17:42.48Patlabor221they may have spelled it difrent in british versions , you never know
17:42.59Secret_Hamsterwhat is ibot based on. or is it actually an infobot?
17:43.09fiberchunksmaddog always says: hi fibre
17:43.11scanlimeit's a blootbot
17:43.39Secret_Hamsterwtf is a blootbot?
17:43.42fiberchunks~dict blootbot
17:43.54scanlimeibot tell Secret_Hamster about blootbot
17:44.07Patlabor221is it Xconfigurator in redhat?
17:44.13fiberchunksthink so
17:44.30Secret_Hamsteryep, not a bad tool actually
17:44.33fiberchunksor XFconfig -- something like that
17:45.32Secret_Hamsterit might be XConfigurator
17:45.41Secret_Hamstercapital 'C'
17:45.54scanlimetab key is your friend
17:46.06*** join/#bzflag lupinator (
17:46.22Secret_Hamsterhum well that web-site is just a mine of information. NOT
17:46.37[TeA]lupi: hello
17:46.44Secret_Hamsterwas kinda thinking of creating my own bot
17:47.08Secret_Hamster[TeA]: gee you have such an effect on people
17:47.46*** join/#bzflag loopydoo (
17:47.49hardwire"booger" is in my xchat hilight notification
17:47.54[TeA]loopy: hello
17:48.36fiberchunksbrb, must irrigate my lizard
17:50.39fiberchunkshe's happy now -- 85* and 75 % rel humidity
17:51.31Secret_Hamstershit, I'm in serious trouble.  make is returning errors.  Won't compile anything
17:51.47fiberchunksdon't compile then ;)
17:52.20fiberchunks~emulate fiberchunks <action> mimicks bzdoug at inappropriate times
17:52.29fiberchunks~emulate fiberchunks
17:52.34Secret_Hamsterhum, kinda hard when you need to install a perl module
17:53.00Secret_Hamstershit shit shit
17:53.36fiberchunksPatlabor221: do you (or have you ever), used doxygen?
17:53.38Secret_Hamsterarggh gonna have to spend tonight installing new distros I think
17:53.48fiberchunkstry mandrake
17:54.02Secret_Hamsternever liked mandrake.  bloated
17:54.18fiberchunksif you do decide to try out different distros -- hrm? only as bloated as you want it to be
17:54.52Secret_HamsterI kinda want something that you only really install what you want.  Preferably recompiling
17:55.01fiberchunksslackware -- gentoo
17:55.22fiberchunksgentoo will compile _everything_ from scratch
17:55.26Secret_HamsterI don't like Gnome, I detest KDE.  both RH and MDK are based around them
17:55.47Secret_Hamsteryea, waiting for 1.4rc3 to come out though
17:56.01fiberchunksno, they're not (a popular misconception) -- I don't use gnome or kde, and I run mdk (but yes, I do have the libs installed -- merely for app compatibility)
17:56.45Secret_HamsterI tried slackware 8.1 but it hardly has any packages, so I don't see the point.  It's so far behind on XFree (4.1 I think)
17:56.57fiberchunkswell, lemme clarify -- they are installed by default -- but easy to remove and / or not use
17:57.03Secret_Hamsterfiberchunks: hum might give it a go then
17:57.23Secret_HamsterI've got 9 (the lastest anyway) on a DVD somewhere
17:57.34fiberchunksjust when you install -- chooose the 'expert' option, and do 'manual package selection'
17:57.36Secret_Hamsteri got 30Gbs to play with
17:57.41fiberchunksthen you can do whatever you want
17:57.57fiberchunksI use fluxbox for my WM, and only have the gnome libs installed on this machine
17:58.14Secret_HamsterI get fed-up of deselecting 1001 pkgs they try to install
17:58.22Secret_Hamsterhey, I use openbox
17:58.35Secret_HamsterIt's nice.  Light and responsice
17:58.41fiberchunksyah -- I agree with that -- I do wish they'd have a 'deselect all' option (cept for the base packages of course
17:58.51fiberchunkssame with flux
17:59.14fiberchunksI may one day try windowmaker, as I'm kindof (but not really) missing icons on my desktop
17:59.18Secret_Hamsterheard wonderful things about flux, very little difference with open as far as I've seen
17:59.30fiberchunksnot familiar with openbo
17:59.39Secret_HamsterI use windowmaker too, occasionally.  Really like it
17:59.44fiberchunksbut if it's based on blackbox, then it's similar
18:00.23Secret_Hamsteryea it is.  very very similar to flux.  few minor differences with the bar is all that seems diferrent
18:00.28bzgirlfiberchunks use wm dockapps with fluxbox, as good as icons
18:00.44Secret_Hamsteryea, kinda why I got into openbox
18:01.01fiberchunksbzgirl: lack of good wm apps is why I don't use it (ones that I need anyway)
18:01.03Secret_Hamsteryou can drop wmapps onto the slit
18:01.52bzgirlfiberchunks wmdrawer..can add any app to the drawer
18:02.13fiberchunksooo, didn't know about that one -- perhaps I'll re-check it out
18:03.04bzgirlfiberchunks i have bitchx,gftp,pan,sylpheed,gqview and gimp in one icon
18:03.10Secret_Hamsterwhat do people reckong to Debian?
18:03.56fiberchunksdebian's a great distro -- different, and releases happen very slowly (in the stable tree), but there is a testing branch too (which is usually very stable as well)
18:04.06Secret_Hamsterupto date, efficient.  Not to much messing around searching for libraries all the time
18:04.29Secret_Hamsteri've got 3.0 on disk somewhere too
18:04.55fiberchunksif you want something that is always up to date -- use gentoo -- but it's also very bleeding edge I suppose
18:05.12fiberchunksheh, course, you could always use the LFS
18:05.42bzgirlSecret_Hamster debian unstable seems to fit what your looking for
18:05.58Secret_Hamsteryea, was thinking about that.  But gentoo is more my cup o' java.  Not quite ready for total build of system
18:06.34Secret_HamsterI've got the LFS stuff on disk as well somewhere
18:06.37fiberchunksugh, now the dog must irrigate .. . brb
18:07.28Secret_Hamsterwhat about open/free/netbsd?  I've got that too. (netbsd) has that a decent amount of packages and upto date?
18:07.41fiberchunksnot familiar - so won't comment
18:08.03Secret_HamsterI really should get out more :)  So many distros, so little time and disk space to test
18:08.24fiberchunksman, check out -- every distro under the sun
18:08.37Secret_HamsterHum perhaps my new career should be an IT journalist :)
18:08.51fiberchunkssry .com
18:09.12Secret_Hamsterfiberchunks: regular visitor to linuxiso, but they don't give reviews.  Does distrowatch
18:10.06Secret_Hamsterhost not found!  distro-watch?
18:10.19Secret_Hamsterahh .com.  should carry on reading
18:10.53fiberchunksyes, they do
18:14.41stibniteanybody have the MS java sdk?
18:19.39*** join/#bzflag loopydoo (
18:23.54*** join/#bzflag m1 (~80aef518@
18:24.36m1Chestal: are you there?
18:29.31*** join/#bzflag isfry (~Fry@
18:30.59Patlabor221I can probalby get the MS java SDK
18:34.29Secret_Hamsterhum anyone ever heard of or used Lunar Linux?
18:35.11sussudioloony linux?
18:35.13Patlabor221I have heard of it
18:35.27Patlabor221and cap complaing that it was missing stuff
18:38.43Secret_Hamsterahh, okay. lnong run looks like gentoo then, once they release 1.4rc3
18:39.04Secret_Hamsterso, tonight play with mandrake?
18:40.04Patlabor221was that jsut form last night?
18:40.23Patlabor221fiber got the best quote.
18:40.25sussudio23 hour period
18:40.38Secret_Hamsterjeez, I talk too much
18:40.39Patlabor221I was in explain mode last night.
18:41.42Secret_Hamstermind you surprising to see me off top spot.  normally I speak as everyone else put together
18:41.47Patlabor221you have a limit?
18:41.57sussudiouh huh.
18:42.08Secret_Hamsternice to see my quote makes no sense
18:42.40Secret_Hamstermuch like most of what I say
18:43.16Patlabor221at least mine wasn't my german translation of FROG BLAST THE VENT CORE!
18:43.39sussudiohm 1G/month homepage limit
18:43.59Patlabor221how much you pay for that?
18:44.22sussudioumm included
18:44.33sussudio28 euro at the moment.....
18:44.41Patlabor221a month?
18:44.53Patlabor221how much space
18:45.08sussudioused to be 2mb
18:45.28Patlabor221I get 500megs unmeeterd for 100 US a year
18:45.38Patlabor221and they pay domain reg
18:45.52Patlabor221and my own mail server
18:46.00sussudioit's just my cablemodem isp's homepage
18:46.20Patlabor221got it
18:46.28Patlabor221thought it was just hosting, sorry
18:46.28Secret_HamsterI get 5Mb, but no php/cgi at all
18:46.42Patlabor221I have CGI
18:46.45Patlabor221don't know about php
18:46.59Patlabor221ohh seesm I get php too
18:47.17Patlabor221how large is that?
18:47.25Patlabor221larger then a physics book?
18:47.48Secret_Hamsterthat's for being cheeky you young pup
18:48.10Patlabor221i'm like what 3 or 4 years younger then you?
18:48.27Secret_HamsterI don't know how old are you?
18:48.50Secret_Hamsteryour not younger than me then
18:49.17Patlabor221well maybe, when is your birthday?
18:49.36Secret_Hamster18 days ago
18:49.45Patlabor221ohhyeah then I'm older
18:50.24Patlabor221being born on the day that the first PONG machine was installed in a retail location :)
18:50.24Secret_Hamsterwell that depresses me further
18:51.29Secret_Hamsterhere I am in my rpime looking at driving jobs and factory work.  mean while you live the high life with X amount of Pcs under your desk
18:52.27Secret_Hamsterso whats the verdict of people.  Mandrake or Debian for experimentation tonight
18:52.31Patlabor221well most fo them are crap
18:52.39Patlabor221the PCS
18:52.42Patlabor221not the OSs
18:52.57Secret_Hamsterwell the best I have is a Duron 850
18:53.14Secret_Hamsternot asking for experience just votes
18:53.26Secret_Hamsteri'll giove feed back as to what I think
18:53.57Secret_Hamsteroh shit, my typings gone.  could be something to do with the beer I'm drinking
18:54.14Patlabor221that is faster then some of them under the desk
18:54.21Patlabor221actualy faster then all but 1
18:56.09Patlabor221and you can overclock those suckers prety good
18:56.18Patlabor221I have a 1 gig duron runnin at 1.3
18:57.34Secret_Hamsterweel the other two are P166's and my 486 bit the dust just before christmas
18:58.06*** join/#bzflag Ruudi (
18:58.35Ruudiextreme slow connectin to
18:58.36bzgirlhi Ruudi
18:58.46Ruudiyou here allready
18:58.52Ruudigot enogh form game?
18:59.34Ruudiangelina is a nice name one of you nicks :?
19:00.16bzgirli can irc and play at once :)
19:00.29Ruudialt tab kind of thing?
19:00.45bzgirlno, desktop-game laptop-irc
19:01.01Secret_HamsterI was gonna sy big screen kinda idea
19:01.10Secret_Hamsteranyway bbl
19:01.41Ruudiah laptop...i need that new mac powerbook with 17" as well :)
19:03.12*** join/#bzflag insect_power2 (
19:09.13Ruudiok cu
19:09.35*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
19:10.26*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
19:20.11sussudioyay. crontab works.
19:22.07*** part/#bzflag [TeA] (
19:25.45bzgirlsussudio from that webpage,"" bzgirl has quite a potty mouth. 0.9% words were foul language. ""
19:26.17bzgirlwhat does that mean? i swear alot?!
19:26.27bzgirli never do!
19:26.37bzgirlyou rigged it :(
19:26.41sussudiodid not
19:27.26sussudioyou said bitchx
19:27.36bzgirlah ok
19:27.51bzgirli sohuld go back to xchat
19:29.35insect_power2grunch time
19:31.04*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
19:33.55*** join/#bzflag isfry (~Fry@
19:39.37Chestalhmm, is there any compierl which cannot do  new int[a][2] ?
19:39.46Chestalbzfs has some strange typecast stuff to avoid this
19:51.41TimRikershould work on all the compilers I've used.
19:51.53TimRikerSGI it the most likely broken compiler.
19:51.58TimRikerer is..
19:52.33TimRikersussudio: I've been considering setting that up for ibot so it does all the channels he's on.
19:52.58sussudioapt-get install pisg
19:54.44ChestalTimRiker: I just noticed this strangeness when I was patchign bzfs to use a random number of builings in FFA games, similar to how it does for CTF games already
19:54.47TimRikerE: Couldn't find package pisg
19:55.43sussudiopisg is in testing and unstable
19:55.54TimRikeribot's on a stable server.
20:00.53sussudioperl 5.6 is the only depend
20:02.13Chestalthis 'fuzzy' UDP is causes by NAT usually?
20:17.49TimRikerChestal: yes. the port the app picks can be different from the port the server sees cause of the NATting gateway in the middle.
20:18.35TimRikertypically a NATted port would be 32k+ or 60k there abouts.
20:19.13TimRikerPlayer Looking [3] has joined from on 11
20:19.13TimRikeruread() fuzzy udp up for player 3 actual port 65360
20:19.38TimRikernote that the tcp port is up in the same range.
20:27.27Chestalok, that's what I thought, jsut wanted to be sure I understood it correctly
20:27.44Chestaldoes fuzy udp work when there's more than one client from that IP?
20:28.38Chestalwhatever, must be off for now,maybe later
20:29.13*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
20:30.21*** join/#bzflag calico (
20:30.29TimRikerChestal: as long as another does not join before the handshake is complete on the first one.
20:31.02TimRikerwhen we break the protocol, I'll just start the udp with a "hello, I'm player x" packet. much easier.
21:11.49*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
21:13.30Patlabor221sussudio are the logs from your cleint or a bot?
21:24.41*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
21:30.18Chestalhi dmp
21:35.21Patlabor221I wonder if Cap has the same problem.
21:51.33[dmp]hi Chestal
21:54.38*** join/#bzflag scan[ibook] (~micah@ec237-43-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)
21:55.19gonkulatorhi scan[ibook]
21:57.08*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
22:01.30Chestaldmp: anything new on the ladder?
22:07.42*** join/#bzflag Ruudi (
22:07.53gonkulatoribot: seen bzdoug_
22:07.54gonkulator: i haven't seen 'bzdoug_ '
22:07.58gonkulatoribot: seen bzdoug_
22:07.58bzdoug_ is currently on #bzflag (17h 18m 16s).  Has said a total of 54 messages.  Is idling for 5h 43m 32s
22:08.57Ruudiseen seen
22:09.06Ruudiibot: seen ruudi
22:09.06ruudi is currently on #bzflag (1m 24s).  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 0s
22:09.12Ruudiibot: seen mandy
22:09.12mandy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 22d 14h 41m 55s ago, saying: 'hello hamster :)'.
22:09.31[dmp]Chestal: Not really. Just begun again. Needed to spend some time with my girl. She dosnt care much about ladders :) ..
22:10.14Chestaldmp: teach her to play bzflag :-)
22:10.49Ruudithere is 3 girls in bz i know :)
22:12.17[dmp]Chestal: well did. She only wants to battle me.. And well. She isnt really into gaming. So.. But could be fun.. Have tried to get my bothers to play as well, but their hardware is too slow (no 3d-card)
22:12.51[dmp]but would have been fun to have a MrDMP and MsDMP .-)
22:13.42calicohi dmp
22:14.24[dmp]hi calico
22:14.40calicowheres tlz
22:14.41[dmp]do you wanna be my MsDMP? :-)
22:14.59calicowhat if im a male
22:15.13calicodoes the offer still stand
22:15.14[dmp]A dress and bra would do wonders :)
22:16.32calicowe need to find a match
22:16.58[dmp]what about those bananas guys?
22:17.39[dmp][BiPs]BaDiN wanted a match yesterday.. perhaps he is up for one.
22:18.42calicowhere is he
22:21.30[dmp]he was just buggin' us yesterday for a match
22:26.54calicocan you change the size of the target square on the screen?
22:27.33Chestalcalico: by chanign the sourc, yes
22:27.52Chestalcalico: I'm thinking of adding an option to the meu (slider)
22:28.05calicoahh, ok
22:28.28calicochanging the source sounds too complicated for me so i will deal with it :)
22:30.10calicohas anyone seen big barrel around lately
22:30.21sussudio~seen big_barrel
22:30.22big_barrel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 7d 3h 42m 16s ago, saying: 'chestal???'.
22:30.38calicowow long time ago
22:31.24calicohis wife/girlfriend and child moved back to germany with him
22:31.36calicoso hes probably not allowed to play anymore
22:32.14Chestaldmp: regarding the ladder: from looking at the look, I'd say it would be good to use floating point, at least one decimal digit, and probably divide the team rating by 4 or something similar
22:36.14[dmp]so still do what rembo wrote. sum the individual rating for both team, calc the diff divide it by for and add/sub to each player?
22:37.12[dmp].. the teams from the ctf site, that is
22:37.35Chestaldmp: that's what you do now I suppose? Bu tI think it's still to sensitive to differences in team ratings
22:38.10Chestaltherefore either normalize the team ratings by dividing or use a bigger constant instead of the 400
22:39.27[dmp]i have no idea was is best.
22:39.39Chestalnether have I :-)
22:39.51Chestalits probably best to look at the log to see whether the values look plausible
22:39.54[dmp]but i guess, when i get more data it would be easier to judge what works best.
22:40.18bzdoug_gonkulator: yes?
22:40.24Chestalbut I think going for floatign point or at least one decimal digit is a good idea anyway
22:40.28bzdoug_hmm, whats better? LVM or RAID?
22:40.35Chestalbecause the score changes are now in the range of 0-5
22:42.51bzdoug_captain_proton: you there?
22:42.55bzdoug_scanlime: you there?
22:43.41[dmp]chestal: Agree.. I'll do it right away, and recalc it
22:43.42bzdoug_know anything aout LVM?
22:43.52bzdoug_whats better? LVM or RAID?
22:44.34ChestalI ave to go to bed, god night
22:46.06[dmp]nite, Chestal. and thanks for the help
22:50.57*** join/#bzflag paul (
23:12.13*** join/#bzflag MortimeR (
23:23.58TimRikerwill pisg handle a log file with multiple channels?
23:24.41sussudiodunno, i have logs seperated
23:30.50*** join/#bzflag jzaun (
23:35.31bzdoug_whats this then?
23:36.06bzdoug_TimRiker: thats the same thing, I have been looking at it for the past year or so
23:39.53Patlabor221doug read before you comment
23:40.17Patlabor221I like susudios better, I'm on top
23:40.38bzdoug_you are 2nd on this list
23:41.10sussudiodoug: that thing there hasnt been updated in MONTHS
23:41.21Patlabor221look at the NEW ONE
23:41.27Patlabor221what is the new URL again?
23:42.09Patlabor221how often does it update the quote?
23:42.22sussudioevery hour
23:42.39Patlabor221shut always lets us know what he/she's doing: 23 actions!
23:42.40Patlabor221For example, like this:
23:44.57Patlabor221some of the quotes are funny taken outa context
23:44.58Patlabor2215 Secret_Hamster 124  "so how can I join a non-existant team?"
23:45.45Patlabor221the time is GMT? or your local?
23:46.08Patlabor221you +1 or +2?
23:46.47Piggy logs all you do... Look at
23:47.14Patlabor221better then a pig log
23:47.41Patlabor221piggy: what up G?
23:47.59Piggyhaving a brew, watching tv
23:48.18Patlabor221piggy: where is dokkie?
23:48.47Patlabor221you have to msg him to make him answer?
23:48.59sussudioit's not a blootbot
23:49.22Patlabor221well still it dosn't have any answers like, just "Shut your cake hole"
23:49.39sussudiothere's no reply scripts loaded
23:50.24*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
23:51.42Patlabor221man I realy want to work on the missiles but they are making me do "real" work today.
23:52.06[dmp]hi bzgirl
23:59.04sussudiothat new map on turkey blows
23:59.42fiberchunksfiberchunks just woke up from a HEAVY nap, and is now more tired than before (how _does_ that work)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.