irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030121

00:00.02Jormungandrjust wasn't totally working for me (websearch)
00:00.34sussudio~google for sussudio bunnies
00:01.16sussudio~google for doughecka pig
00:01.48*** join/#bzflag tsk (~50c80642@
00:02.49MeanDougtsk tsk
00:05.14Chestalsubmitted radar size patch and wrote some trivia
00:09.25TimRikerChestal: have you ever seen the large font in the msg area? it was not used for 1600x1200 iirc.
00:09.46ChestalTimRiker: I have seen it, woud ahve to check when it arises
00:09.47TimRikerI think it does look good on the scoreboard at 1600x1200
00:10.00Chestalyes, but scoreboard used Helv or Times
00:10.13Chestalbut for the message area, we need a fixed width font
00:10.21Chestaland those do not scale pretty
00:10.35scanlineuse a scalable fixed width font :)
00:10.40Chestalat least the wrapping code would have to be rewritten when using a proportional font
00:10.45scanlineghostscript comes with some free Type1 monospaced fonts
00:10.49TimRikerbetter to fix the wrapping calculations and allow var width fonts. ;-)
00:11.43Chestalwell, IMHO all those fotns do not look very pretty when scaled
00:11.45Chestalat least not for me
00:11.52TimRikerthe scoreboard code was assuming fixed width too, but it looks ok with var width.
00:12.05Chestalwhich sn't that big an issue for the big font used for my Calsgn
00:12.13Chestalbut it would be for the message area
00:12.39TimRikerno fonts look pretty when scaled. but not scaling them means they might be too small or too big which does not look pretty either.
00:12.58scanlinetruetype fonts look good when scaled
00:13.04Chestalwith a real font engine, scaled fonts look good
00:13.08scanlineas do postscript
00:13.10TimRikerok, no bitmap fonts looks good scaled. ;-)
00:13.15Chestalbut these are bitmap fonts we're using
00:13.20Chestalagreed :_)
00:13.46ChestalI think the current font engine forbids scaling with a factor bewteen 1.0 and 2.0
00:13.56Chestalat least for certain font sizes
00:14.56scanlineI've had good experiences with rendering the font to a texture at a couple common sizes, then using OpenGL to scale those if needed
00:15.16scanlineIt's good if text you're going to be reading a lot, like the message area, has very clear and properly hinted fonts
00:15.33TimRikerscanline: patches welcome
00:15.41Chestalthe current font scaling looks somewhat ok for bg fonts and when using textures#
00:15.54Chestalon my software-rendering machien with no textures, it's just ugly
00:15.54scanlineafter I get this 0.44 PicoGUI release out the door I think I'll try ripping some of the font code out of it and stuffing it into bzflag
00:16.50Chestaldo we want to release a g2 with some minor impovements, then go for an incompatible release next?
00:17.05Chestal(wehich wil probably take >=  3 months)
00:17.36TimRikerdoes the opacity menu skip the 2nd from the right when using <- for anyone else?
00:18.03scanlineTimRiker: I can also dream about picoguifying the whole UI :) Patlabor221 said he might be interested in such a thing for bz:zero, but picogui would need a windows port and a c++ client lib first
00:18.30TimRikerChestal: yes.
00:18.49TimRikerI think the server based cheat protects are useful.
00:19.04TimRikeranyone tried jzuan's gui lately?
00:19.22ChestalTimRiker: the newest version of the cheat tests haven't done anything silyl so far
00:19.25*** join/#bzflag jzaun (
00:19.50Chestalbut I can never be sure that a player will be kicked for speedng
00:20.00TimRikertry a cheat client?
00:20.04Chestalbecause I don't know what the maximum speed is that a nn-cheatign client will actualyl send
00:20.26ChestalI increased the tolerance a little after players have been kicked
00:21.35TimRikerclearly it will be possible to make new cheat clients that use slightly faster tanks.
00:21.52Chestalthose might be kicked from time to time, though
00:22.01Patlabor221but won't that put them closer to the edge
00:22.03TimRikerit will be an ongoing issue to refine the cheat protects.
00:22.10ChestalI ddn't really understand what's happening with the speed calculation
00:22.16Chestalmust have soemthign to do with small dts
00:22.34TimRikerz math could be better.
00:22.49TimRikerperhaps it should ignore z and just worry about high speed x*y
00:22.52ChestalI coudl never reproduce the quite signficant overspeed values
00:23.18TimRikerChestal: with a cheat client? or with a normal client?
00:23.26Chestalnormal client
00:23.48Chestalthat's happening because the speed value which is sent in the update message is a derived value
00:23.55Chestalsomethign to do with collisin detection
00:24.20Chestalprobably a result of flaotign point inaccuricies
00:24.29Chestalso my thought of very small dt values
00:26.01TimRikerI' not sure what you are trying to do then. the cheat clients over speed get's detected right? what are you trying to do? test that? or do you know of a new bug?
00:26.55Chestalinnocent palyers have been kicked
00:27.14Chestalwe increased the tolerance a little
00:27.18Chestalbut it's just guessing
00:28.27Chestalbecause the maximum speed which a non-modified client might sent, is unknown
00:28.42Chestalthe other cheat checks are also just guessing
00:29.04Chestalbut it's not that bad when they hit someone innocent because nothing much will happen
00:32.47ChestalMacfiron: hmm, speeding kick uses superkill
00:33.05Chestalshouldn't that be a hard removeplayer? Couldn't a cheating clien tgnore the superkill message?
00:33.13Chestalignore that 'Macfiron' part :-)
00:39.01Patlabor221gahh, bolt is used for shots and GMs :(
00:40.30MrApathyCreamremoveplayer: yes
00:44.29TimRikerwe can patch the client to have the same check if we want.
00:47.00MrApathyCreampat need a brand new class spose
00:48.36Patlabor221no, there is a way to see
00:49.43Patlabor221hmmmmm it's sorta workin
00:58.11MrApathyCreamclasses are cheap now, you can have lots of them, if you're hackin' it in, might as well, have a gm class
00:59.00MeanDougwhy gM?
00:59.30Patlabor221too see if new GM drawing works
00:59.41MrApathyCreamMeanDoug: Patlabor221 is doing something super l33t with gm
00:59.49MeanDouglike what?
00:59.54MrApathyCreamgo to bzbb
01:00.19Patlabor221ohh my this is funny
01:00.26MeanDougPatlabor221: lol, it is
01:00.35Patlabor221no you don't know
01:00.41MeanDougscreen shot?
01:00.46Patlabor221MAC: well it's draing a custom model
01:01.30MrApathyCreamMeanDoug:  see if you can figure it out
01:02.42Patlabor221pluss I need to do something for rotation, shots don't have an angular direction.
01:02.53MeanDougthats cool
01:03.04Patlabor221have to infer it from last pos and this pos I guess.
01:03.38Patlabor221pain actualy
01:03.41MrApathyCreamshot strategy should have the path
01:03.44MrApathyCreami think
01:03.48Patlabor221it does
01:03.52Patlabor221just no angle
01:04.01Patlabor221since billboards don't need em
01:04.29Patlabor221also had to add a globals section to geo to hold the model classes
01:04.35Patlabor221then init them once.
01:04.46MrApathyCreamfactory method to get the models?
01:04.54Patlabor221not yet
01:05.14Patlabor221need to make a model manager
01:05.30Patlabor221don't think there is a need for a factory type thing, since they aren't OS speific.
01:05.37MeanDougPatlabor221: thats the GM or MG?
01:05.54Patlabor221maped onto a cube
01:06.06MeanDougI see
01:06.11MeanDougare you gonna change that?
01:06.21Patlabor221no I think it's fine the way it is
01:06.27MeanDougthat would be perfect for MG
01:06.40Patlabor221then it will look EXACTLY like the picture MAC was telling you to go look at
01:07.01Patlabor221MG does not shoot multiple shots at the same time, are you on crack again?
01:07.13MeanDougPatlabor221: it would be slick looking
01:08.24Patlabor221it would be a BOX
01:08.33Patlabor221textured in circles.
01:08.46Patlabor221it would be the lamest thing on the plannet
01:11.16MrApathyCreamMeanDoug: imagine another texture, what might it be
01:11.29MeanDougMrApathyCream: a large ICBM?
01:11.48MrApathyCreamthere may be hope for him yet
01:11.57MeanDougwhat we need is a way to shoot down bullets and GMs
01:13.00MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: how big is the missile compared to a tank?
01:14.15MrDougbig missle
01:14.23Patlabor221needs a tweakin
01:14.39MrDougI think so too
01:14.44Patlabor221was trying to figure out why the missle wasn't drawing
01:14.50Patlabor221so I switched to the box
01:15.12Patlabor221then I realised that 0,0 on the normal GM texture is 0 alpaha
01:16.26Patlabor221well sure if you want to say this is done
01:16.54MrApathyCreamnono, please finish
01:16.56Patlabor221there are some odd texture states that I get into tho, and I don't know why.
01:17.32MrApathyCreamheh, looks like you're firing bowling pins
01:17.37MrApathyCreambut kul
01:17.38Patlabor221may need help on geting those fixed
01:17.45Patlabor221I'm rotating the model now
01:17.58Patlabor221my editors "Z" is realy Y
01:18.09MrDougthats odd
01:18.26Patlabor221not realy doug if you know anything about open GL.
01:18.28MrApathyCreamnice wall pattern btw
01:18.59Patlabor221ohh I replaced most of the world textures with higher res textures
01:19.18MrApathyCreamsomeone needs to remove the ambient colors from world objects
01:20.46Patlabor221only 2 things have it, ground and pyramid, in normal world
01:20.54Patlabor221PZ would need it's own set of textures
01:21.40MrApathyCreamyes, and when your dead i think
01:21.54Patlabor221there now they fire in the right angle,
01:21.57MrApathyCreamor maybe paused
01:22.00Patlabor221still follow the tanks rot tho
01:23.43Patlabor221hmm if I'm in the cene node, how do I get the shot strat?
01:24.14Patlabor221or should I have the strat set something in the mode to give it a dir vector?
01:25.09MrApathyCream(b) i vote
01:25.28MrApathyCreammake the geom a javelin
01:25.58Patlabor221once I get it set up, it can be replaced by anything
01:26.03Patlabor221even cows
01:27.11MrDougsussudio might like that
01:27.11Patlabor221piche la vash
01:27.26MrApathyCreamsussudio wants to launch bunnies
01:27.33MrDougoh yea
01:27.43MrDougbunnie? have it an easter egg
01:28.05MrApathyCreamaltho the stinger model might actually look better, even if not realistic
01:28.10Patlabor221what ever the hell you want
01:28.23Patlabor221it can fire Uma Thurman heads if you want it to.
01:28.31MrApathyCreamI don't think real tanks could jump if they were carrying javelins
01:28.39MrDougMrApathyCream: hmm
01:28.51Patlabor221I don't think real tanks can jump if they wern't
01:28.51MrDougreal tanks dont jump
01:29.08Patlabor221and about this infinate ammo thing
01:29.11Patlabor221that has to go :)
01:29.17MrDouglike how?
01:29.54Patlabor221I can understand the main shot as a bound plasma ball feed by the tanks main reactor
01:30.06MrDougPatlabor221: yea... but missles...
01:30.10MrDougare missles
01:30.16Patlabor221I say 10 shots and then the GM goes "clic" "click"
01:30.32MrDougand you run out
01:30.35MrDougvery good idea
01:30.49MrDougbut that defeat the whole camping thing
01:31.09MrDougbloody firewall, it has one port open
01:31.22MrApathyCreammaybe you have missile packs scattered around the world, dropped in by heli's-- run over them, collect more missiles
01:31.26MrDougnot even the web config thing is running so i can restart the we system
01:31.38MrDougMrApathyCream: hmm, that would be a few weeks of work
01:32.01MrDoughelp yourslef
01:32.26MrApathyCreamat least with have openmedia textures now of barrels, etc, by hoda
01:32.34MrApathyCreamproblem solved
01:32.56MrDougPatlabor221: heh
01:33.08Patlabor221or so you think :)
01:33.16Patlabor221tho replace isn't the word I used
01:33.50MrDougthis dumb SCP thing is useless
01:34.26MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: updated pic?
01:34.39Patlabor221one sec
01:34.50Patlabor221had to un rotate model
01:35.00Patlabor221since it was rotated due to bilboard stuff
01:36.17MrDougstupid thing
01:36.21MrDoughelp files are wonders
01:36.29MrDougand -? things are usless
01:38.59Patlabor221someone come in and fire GMs all over the place
01:39.03MrApathyCreamwould be nice if you could different beep sounds per xchat user, like with colors
01:39.08Patlabor221it's hard to get a shot of them aone
01:39.17MrApathyCreamwhat's the server again?
01:39.24Patlabor221you can't use the normal client
01:39.50MrDougPatlabor221: bzZ?
01:39.54MrDougI have that
01:39.56MrDouglemme try
01:41.25MrDougwrong version
01:41.29MrDougyou keep changing things
01:41.37Patlabor221what do you have?
01:42.03MrDougof BZ:0
01:42.52Patlabor221crap lighting is disalbed on the the damned thing
01:47.11MrDoughow do I use vi?
01:47.16MrDougI need to save and quit
01:47.19Patlabor221you type
01:47.32MrDougI cant get out of insert mode
01:47.37Patlabor221esc :Q!
01:47.46MrDougthen how do I save?
01:47.51Patlabor221no clue
01:47.58Patlabor221I use emacs
01:48.05Patlabor221and it has a clicky thing
01:48.15MrDougI am afriad this one dont have emacs
01:48.33Patlabor221what is "this"?
01:49.20Patlabor221and why do you need that?
01:49.29Patlabor221or is this your linux atempt for the month?
01:49.39Patlabor221I thought that was around the 25th?
01:49.53MrDougbetter than redhat for a compleat firewall/router/VPN/proxy/etc
01:50.18Patlabor221you never go anywhere, why do you need VPN?
01:50.27Patlabor221and those little routers are good.
01:51.43Patlabor221do all the compilers have atan2?
01:57.29*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
01:58.33MrDougyo Noodleman
01:58.38Noodlemanlo doug
01:58.52MrDougever hear of IPCop?
01:59.22MrDougits pretty cool
01:59.29Noodlemanwhat is it?
01:59.40MrDouga linux OS
01:59.54Noodlemanwhat is it designed for?
01:59.55MrDougonly firewalls and things
02:02.02MrDouggoogle for it
02:02.05MrDougits pretty nice
02:02.10MrDougweb admin and stuff
02:02.50Noodlemani'm going to work for google some day :-)
02:04.00Noodlemanit uses a 2.2 kernel
02:04.04MrDougthat bad?
02:04.09Noodlemanno iproute or iptables
02:04.18Patlabor221well the missles are tracking the right angles now
02:04.23Patlabor221just backwards.
02:05.07Noodlemani'll blame it in EMI
02:08.33Patlabor221MAC you here?
02:11.23cranky_protonscanline and I might be putting together an old battlezone cabinet and run bzflag on it :)
02:13.34scanlinewith no USB!
02:13.44scanlinethough actually, if we used a PIC we could use it to control front panel lighting too
02:13.58scanlineand the coin slots!
02:14.17scanlineit also must have 802.11b
02:15.11jacqueslol I wonder what bzflag would look like in vector-scan wireframe
02:15.17Patlabor221ok now this is cool
02:15.40scanlineI was thinking we could build an FPGA card to interface with the original analog board, and write some software that used GL's feeback mode and rendered to that card
02:15.45Patlabor221got the missles folwing shot path on X and Z rots
02:15.51Patlabor221but slowly spinning in Y
02:17.31scanlinenobody's replied to my obfuscated C on bzbb yet :)
02:17.33scanlineint p[1<<25],i=2,x;main(int n,int*a){for(n=atoi(a[dup2(creat(a[i],-1),1)]);i<n;i++)for(p[x=i]||printf("%d\n",i);x<n;p[x]=1)x+=i;}
02:18.36Patlabor221think it's bad if my missle is like 1/2 the size of the tank?
02:18.50cranky_protona little bad, yeah
02:18.58scanlineyeah, it should be at least 3 times the size of the tank
02:19.07cranky_protonscanline: want a wormdo?
02:19.10Patlabor221actualy I don't have any clue how larget they are
02:19.23Patlabor221since I need somone to get in and start fireing em
02:19.27scanlinecranky_proton: what's a wormdo?!?!??!???
02:19.34cranky_protonit wiggles along the ground like this!
02:19.58Patlabor221wormpedo is proalbly better
02:20.51scanline <-- lens flare
02:21.06MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: i'm here!
02:21.49MrApathyCreamupdate pics?
02:22.07MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: shoot thru a reflect transporter
02:22.38Patlabor221or make you all run it and get on in there :)
02:23.06MrApathyCream2hr 37min
02:23.28MrApathyCreamah, wait, 1hr 12min (straightened the rope)
02:23.54Patlabor221what are you on?
02:23.57cranky_protonscanline: TIME TO GO
02:24.07Patlabor221its only a 3 meg file
02:24.08MrApathyCreamtwo cans and a string
02:24.12scanlinecranky_proton: eh??
02:24.32cranky_protondlc key found
02:25.02Patlabor221hmm the flec dosn't update the dir how od.
02:26.19MrApathyCream#include "stdio.h"
02:26.21MrApathyCreammain(int t,int _,char *a)
02:26.21MrApathyCreammain(-86, 0, a+1 )+a)):1,t<_?main(t+1, _, a ):3,main ( -94, -27+t, a
02:26.21MrApathyCream)&&t == 2 ?_<13 ?main ( 2, _+1, "%s %d %d\n" ):9:16:t<0?t<-72?main(_,
02:26.22MrApathyCream,/+#n+,/#;#q#n+,/+k#;*+,/'r :'d*'3,}{w+K w'K:'+}e#';dq#'l q#'+d'K#!/\
02:26.24Patlabor221hmm I think they are all backwars
02:26.24MrApathyCream+k#;q#'r}eKK#}w'r}eKK{nl]'/#;#q#n'){)#}w'){){nl]'/+#n';d}rw' i;# ){n\
02:26.26MrApathyCreaml]!/n{n#'; r{#w'r nc{nl]'/#{l,+'K {rw' iK{;[{nl]'/w#q#\
02:26.30MrApathyCreamn'wk nw' iwk{KK{nl]!/w{%'l##w#' i; :{nl]'/*{q#'ld;r'}{nlwb!/*de}'c \
02:26.38MrApathyCream#'rdq#w! nr'/ ') }+}{rl#'{n' ')# }'+}##(!!/")
02:26.38MrApathyCream:t<-50?_==*a ?putchar(a[31]):main(-65,_,a+1):main((*a == '/')+t,_,a\
02:26.40MrApathyCream+1 ):0<t?main ( 2, 2 , "%s"):*a=='/'||main(0,main(-61,*a, "!ek;dc \
02:26.40MrApathyCreami@bK'(q)-[w]*%n+r3#l,{}:\nuwloca-O;m .vpbks,fxntdCeghiry"),a+1);}
02:26.52scanlineMrApathyCream: is that one you wrote? I like the recursive main()
02:27.02Noodlemanwhat does that do, MAC?
02:27.09MrApathyCreamtry it
02:27.10scanlineFigured out mine yet? :P
02:27.17MrApathyCreamjust turn off virus checking
02:27.38MrApathyCreamscanline: no, didn't really look
02:27.44scanlineint p[1<<25],i=2,x;main(int n,int*a){for(n=atoi(a[dup2(creat(a[i],-1),1)]);i<n;i++)for(p[x=i]||printf("%d\n",i);x<n;p[x]=1)x+=i;}
02:27.52scanlineoneliner, easy to decode, right?
02:29.10NoodlemanMAC: wow
02:29.11Patlabor221hmmm they need to have a random rot speed and a random start pos
02:29.18Noodlemanthat's good!
02:30.19scanlinecranky_proton: were you serious about going to the DLC?
02:31.22cranky_protonscanline: ya
02:32.51MrApathyCreamwow proggy-chick on bzbb
02:36.56lurgyman_push the melancholy bride out the window
02:37.29*** join/#bzflag M_A_C (
02:37.50MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: ok, got it
02:38.47Patlabor221now run it and log into the server that's there
02:38.52Patlabor221and shoot like the dickens
02:39.45Patlabor221what server you going to?
02:39.59Patlabor221odd, I can connect
02:40.49Patlabor221saw you on for a sec
02:41.11Patlabor221crap they are backwards:(
02:41.17Patlabor221well they still look cool
02:42.08lurgyman_looc kool llits yeht llew
02:43.25cranky_protonit was the usual; cowardice in the face of answer, found dressed as a woman in the ats barracks...
02:44.26lurgyman_they belong to my mother
02:46.42lurgyman_you people are no fun
02:46.50lurgyman_have you no joy in your lives/
02:49.36Patlabor221cap needs to see the missles
02:49.50Patlabor221and farkin huge
02:49.57MrApathyCreamyes too big,
02:50.08lurgyman_many from this contry
02:50.08MrApathyCreamneed thin jobbers, and about 2/3's as long
02:50.17MrApathyCreamor maybe 1/2
02:50.24Patlabor221well you should have seen it when it was fireing 10x10 cubes of wall texture
02:50.27MrApathyCreambut ssssssssssssswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttt
02:50.38MrApathyCreamhow soon for textures?
02:50.40lurgyman_fool! red laundry!
02:51.30cranky_protonthese boot explosions are caused by a weakening in Britain's scradje deposits
02:51.31MrApathyCreamcranky_proton: WAKE UP!!!!
02:51.46MrApathyCreamcranky_proton: you got to go to bakadigital and see the missiles
02:52.00lurgyman_calm down you sound like a drunk french monkey
02:52.07MrApathyCreami wish i were
02:52.25lurgyman_that can be arranged
02:52.54cranky_protonlurgyman is, at the moment, ahnkana
02:52.59cranky_protonfrom #picogui
02:53.07lurgyman_yea for #picogui
02:53.21cranky_protonno, let's not go there... 'tis a silly place
02:53.27lurgyman_but i am actually from the clearance iaisle at target
02:53.32NoodlemanPatlabor221: bz:zero doesn't compile on linux, do you plan on fixing it later?
02:53.38lurgyman_if you think we are silly you don't want to go there
02:53.41lurgyman_we are worse there
02:54.01cranky_protonto prevent these explosions, remove your boots, reverse the buttons on your socks, and walk backwards, holding a gas stove above your head
02:54.19Patlabor221well I need to set the material
02:54.25Patlabor221then shrink the thing
02:54.25cranky_protonarmed with an elephant boot protractor!
02:54.27lurgyman_elephant boot protractor
02:54.29Patlabor221then add the texture
02:54.47cranky_protonright now, they should be nearing the north pole, and certain death!
02:54.57lurgyman_MrApathyCream: i used to be a boxer you know
02:54.59ACTION kills all the morons
02:54.59Patlabor221then see if the shizint works on the secondary dev platfrom.
02:55.08cranky_protonlurgyman_: you're a born leader of dogs
02:55.10lurgyman_the morons strike back
02:55.13lurgyman_we are undead
02:55.20cranky_protonany cases of frozen feet?
02:55.21ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
02:55.25lurgyman_shut up
02:55.27lurgyman_quiet please
02:55.31MrDougspeak to me ibot!
02:55.34Patlabor221cap, does lin have atan2 ?
02:55.36cranky_protonwe didn't order any cases of frozen feet!
02:55.39MrApathyCreammissile might want to be a tad bigger than bzbb
02:55.44MrApathyCreambut not a whole lot
02:55.45MrDoug~throw up
02:55.46ACTION throws up over top of mrdoug
02:55.56Patlabor221ohh MAC, then I have to give it to you for bzification
02:55.57MrDoughmm, ibots alive
02:56.04cranky_proton~fishslap lurgyman_
02:56.06ACTION slaps lurgyman_ up side the head with a wet fish.
02:56.06Patlabor221aka wacking with stick of ugly
02:56.08MrApathyCreamwould be honored
02:56.17lurgyman_jumpstart says ewww
02:56.28cranky_protoni'm not silly any more
02:56.46Patlabor221and I want to put a flame and stuff in it
02:56.53Patlabor221and probably a flare
02:57.08lurgyman_a hole in my shirt
02:57.14MrDougMrApathyCream: oog, flare
02:57.24Patlabor221self loathing?
02:57.30MrDougAuthorization Required
02:57.30MrDougTrespassers will be shot.
02:57.30MrDougSurvivors will be shot again.
02:57.30MrDougHave a Nice Day
02:57.44MrDougI want that on password protected servers
02:57.46Patlabor221awww mr doug missed the missles
02:57.46lurgyman_will i really
02:57.51lurgyman_i have a death wish
02:57.53lurgyman_not really
02:57.53MrDougPatlabor221: ?
02:57.55lurgyman_but i might
02:57.58lurgyman_in my back pocket
02:57.59Patlabor221the missles
02:58.00MrApathyCreamMrDoug: the missiles are sw3333333333333t
02:58.00lurgyman_let me check
02:58.02Patlabor221you missed them
02:58.06lurgyman_nope not therer
02:58.06proton-elsewherewho is acting as cranky_proton?
02:58.25MrApathyCreamproton-elsewhere: is this the real proton?
02:58.36*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (SteveJobs@
02:58.58proton-elsewhereMrApathyCream: indeed
02:58.58MrApathyCreambzdoug check out the missiles
02:59.00bzdoug_you say something?
02:59.02bzdoug_I lost the link now
02:59.04bzdoug_gimme it
02:59.07MrApathyCreamproton-elsewhere: you got to check out the missiles!!!!
02:59.14bzdoug_MrApathyCream: where?
02:59.16bzdoug_MrApathyCream: gimme a link
02:59.21lurgyman_proton-elsewhere is not relaly here
02:59.24MrApathyCreamit's a live server!!!
02:59.29lurgyman_we are in the process of ruining his good name
02:59.33lurgyman_is it working?
02:59.41*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
02:59.45bzdoug_oh no!
02:59.52bzdoug_3 protons
02:59.54*** part/#bzflag captain_proton (
02:59.55MrApathyCreamit si supper sweet
03:00.17bzdoug_MrApathyCream: link!
03:00.30lurgyman_but which proton is which
03:00.35lurgyman_are any of them the right one?
03:00.50proton-elsewheretake that!
03:01.01cranky_protonnow we're both millionaires, thanks to foot-o, the wonder boot exploder!
03:01.10lurgyman_what's his name?
03:01.10proton-elsewhereoh no!
03:01.15lurgyman_i don't know, he didn't say sir
03:01.20MrApathyCreambzdoug_: patlabor sent me a bzzero zip file
03:01.20proton-elsewherethe united states must be running low on scradje
03:01.31lurgyman_im no pyramid
03:01.40lurgyman_the game is up!
03:01.51bzdoug_MrApathyCream: theres a link online
03:01.52proton-elsewhereas i peered down on him from the top of an isoceles triangle...
03:01.59lurgyman_that blank wall was a bouncer
03:02.13lurgyman_great steaming lumps of flak!
03:03.09lurgyman_here's your 409 and your wall damn you!
03:03.22bzdoug_there, found the link
03:03.37proton-elsewhereError 409 Socks required
03:03.57Noodlemanno shirt, no socks, no servers
03:04.06lurgyman_proton-elsewhere: we are ruining your good name!
03:04.20lurgyman_cardboard socks?
03:04.59proton-elsewherelurgyman_: you should bring that laptop over here
03:05.06bzdoug_pretty missles
03:05.10lurgyman_proton-elsewhere: it is sad that you know what we are listening to based on our jaber
03:05.21bzdoug_ok ok
03:05.24bzdoug_this takes the cake
03:05.30bzdoug_proton-elsewhere is talking with lurgyman
03:05.35bzdoug_both in the same room?
03:05.40proton-elsewherebzdoug_: no
03:05.44lurgyman_lurgyman is ahnkana
03:05.47cranky_protonproton-elsewhere: you are in DLC?
03:05.49bzdoug_I thought you lost your mind
03:05.50lurgyman_cranky_proton is lurgyman
03:05.54proton-elsewherecranky_proton: yepyep
03:06.03lurgyman_self to talker
03:06.04cranky_protonlurgyman is you
03:06.13MrDougI am myslef
03:06.16MrDougmy self is me
03:06.17lurgyman_lurgyman is me
03:06.18MrDougme is I
03:06.20MrDougI is me
03:06.21lurgyman_not you
03:06.28lurgyman_i is not you
03:06.30MrDougme is me
03:06.32lurgyman_i is me
03:06.34lurgyman_me is also me
03:06.37lurgyman_so who are you?
03:06.38MrDougyou isnt me
03:06.47MrDougI am me
03:06.47cranky_protonwho are you?
03:06.49proton-elsewherenobody wants to be MrDoug
03:06.53cranky_protoni am me!
03:06.59lurgyman_(methinks this could go on a long time)
03:07.05MrDouglurgyman_: indeed
03:07.24MrDougbut proton-elsewhere is not lurgyman nor me
03:07.27lurgyman_what's dead and dead and dead and dead all over?
03:07.31lurgyman_you are!!
03:07.33cranky_protongive in, doctor fruit loop, do tell!
03:07.37MrDouglurgyman_: you isnt me
03:07.41MrDouglurgyman: so who is you?
03:07.52lurgyman_you is not me, so therefore noone
03:08.00cranky_protonlurgyman was abandoned long ago in favor of rebooting
03:08.07lurgyman_have you decdcied to give up your fancies of seriousness?
03:08.22lurgyman_me si i is not you
03:08.29cranky_protoni'm certainly not me
03:08.45cranky_protonif you're you, but you aren'
03:08.50cranky_protont you, then am i still me?
03:08.57cranky_protonwho's eating this chicken?
03:09.01lurgyman_no i am you at the moment so therefore right now
03:09.01MrDougI am
03:09.04lurgyman_you don't like raisons
03:09.04MrDougno, you are
03:09.16Noodlemanis it a bird? is it a plane? no! it's supeeeerrrmaaaaaaaaaan!
03:09.19MrDougwhos eating chickin?
03:09.21cranky_protongive us some bleedin' pis-TACH-io nuts!
03:09.23lurgyman_you are
03:09.38lurgyman_pis-TACH-io nuts bleed?
03:09.42*** join/#bzflag scan[vizlab] (~micah@aden2-241-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)
03:09.45MrDougI want protons for breakfast
03:09.54cranky_protonproton-elsewhere: you want me to come there, and bring the laptop?
03:09.56MrDougscan[vizlab]: aer you me or is me you?
03:09.59lurgyman_you have protons for breakfast everyday
03:09.59cranky_protonscan[vizlab]: right here
03:10.01proton-elsewherecranky_proton: sure
03:10.04proton-elsewherescan[vizlab]: hi
03:10.05lurgyman_not dan
03:10.07cranky_protonproton-elsewhere: bring dvd too?
03:10.10cranky_protonare people there?
03:10.18scan[vizlab]I could emerge xine and play DVDs on here I think
03:10.23scan[vizlab]or just boot into OS X
03:10.31proton-elsewhereno people here but it will be a while before dvd will play because i need to fix the origin
03:10.31lurgyman_dvds 3d? ooo neato
03:10.39cranky_protonproton-elsewhere: fix! fix! fix!
03:11.12proton-elsewherecranky_proton: i need that laptop to fix fix fix faster
03:11.26lurgyman_alright we leave you now is favor of cooler acticites
03:11.35MrDougdvd 3d?
03:11.39MrDoug3d dvd?
03:11.40proton-elsewherelurgyman_: are you going to be coming here?
03:11.49lurgyman_no, lurgyman/ahnkana does hw
03:11.49cranky_protonproton-elsewhere: i thinks... bathroom first, tho
03:11.53MrDougis the dvd 3d or is I the dvd using 3d or not?
03:11.56lurgyman_cranky_proton goes to dcl
03:11.59*** join/#bzflag scan[ibook] (
03:12.03Noodlemanspam, spam, spam, spam
03:12.08cranky_protonone sec, me goes to bathroom
03:12.09proton-elsewherecranky_proton: how long until you be here?
03:12.15Noodlemanhormell's new miracle meat in a can!
03:12.15MrDougbaked beans, spam spam spam spam
03:12.18cranky_protonerm... 5 minutes?
03:12.22proton-elsewhereMrDoug: shaddup
03:12.26cranky_proton1.21 gigayears!
03:12.28MrDougproton-elsewhere: quack
03:12.29Noodlemansaves time, tastes fine!
03:12.38MrDougNoodleman: yup
03:13.12MrDoughave we ever had a bzflag player from hawii?
03:13.15MrDoug~spell hawii
03:13.20possible spellings for hawii: Hawaii haw ii haw-ii Hewie Howie Haiti Haw haw hawing Hanoi WWII hair Hali hail hawk haws Hewe Howe hawed Halie Halli Hanni Harli Harri Hatti haw's
03:14.00MrDoug~dict Hawaii
03:14.06scan[vizlab]One point twenty-one jiggayears!
03:14.13scan[vizlab]great scot!
03:14.31MrDougscan[vizlab]: captian! the warp drive cant hold up any longer!
03:15.42Noodleman~fishslap mrdoug
03:15.43ACTION slaps mrdoug up side the head with a wet fish.
03:15.47MrDougscan[vizlab]: ow
03:16.35cranky_protonproton-elsewhere: left yet?
03:16.59proton-elsewherecranky_proton: left where?
03:17.06cranky_protonto come let me in... never mind
03:17.10cranky_protont yet
03:17.12Noodleman~fishslap everyone
03:17.14ACTION slaps everyone up side the head with a wet fish.
03:17.16proton-elsewherehow long will it be until you're there?
03:17.33MrDoug~kill Noodleman
03:17.35cranky_protoni wanna finish this bit of musick theery, maybe... 8:40?
03:17.50Noodleman~lart mrdoug
03:17.50MrDoug~lart Noodleman
03:17.59MrDoug~lart ibot
03:18.03Noodlemanlarted you first :-)
03:18.10MrDoug~insult Noodleman
03:18.26proton-elsewherestop the bot noise
03:18.35MrDougoke doke
03:18.45scan[vizlab]~part #bzflag
03:18.46MrDougproton-elsewhere: the ship cant hold up any long
03:18.55MrDougscan[vizlab]: only ops can do that
03:19.03MrDougonly BOT OPs can
03:19.52scan[vizlab]~nickometer \033[01
03:19.52'\033[01' is 93.740% lame, scan[vizlab]
03:20.16MrDoug~nickometer Noodleman
03:20.16'Noodleman' is 0.000% lame, mrdoug
03:20.29MrDoug~spell Noodleman
03:20.30possible spellings for Noodleman: Noodle man Noodle-man Nobleman Middleman Noblemen Noodles Noodle Noodling Needlewoman Norseman Middlemen Noodle's Hotelman Dolmen Coleman Goodman Woodman Noodled Woodsman
03:20.47Noodleman~nickometer mrdoug
03:20.47'mrdoug' is 0.000% lame, noodleman
03:21.01Noodleman~kick mrdoug
03:21.05NorsemanI am a VIKING!
03:21.28NorsemanI'v come to take your land I'v come to take your land and kill all your goats...
03:21.34Noodleman~lart the fake viking
03:23.40Noodlemanwell, bbl
03:24.11Noodleman~lart Norseman
03:24.27proton-elsewhereNO MORE BOT NOISE
03:24.38NorsemanI aint a bot
03:24.48Norsemanam I a bot?
03:24.51Norsemanme isnt a bot
03:25.05Norsemanbut is me I or is myself I?
03:27.13NorsemanI have metamoderated for about 5 times this week
03:27.55scan[vizlab]Back when I still visited slashdot often enough to get moderator access, I'd usually moderate up random useless comments as "underrated"
03:28.44fiberchunksscan[vizlab]: did you script it? ;)
03:32.56*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (SteveJobs@
03:33.17bzdoug_all java crashes me
03:35.28scan[vizlab]yay, now I can get a non-apple :P
03:35.29cranky_protonproton-elsewhere: heading over now...
03:35.50bzdoug_scan[vizlab]: TRAITER!
03:35.59bzdoug_scan[vizlab]: go sit in the CORNER!
03:36.18scan[vizlab]way to spell
03:36.34bzdoug_~spell scanline
03:36.34possible spellings for scanline: scan line scan-line scalene scaling scanning scanting signaling canaling canine saline scallion scansion scandaling Carline scoreline scrawling skyline
03:42.50scan[vizlab]so it looks like a fire-plug
03:51.19*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
03:51.38Jormungandrhello mr. 221 :)
03:51.52Jormungandrhow are ya?
03:53.23JormungandrI had yucky food truck food tonite.
03:53.30Jormungandrtoo greasy.
03:53.52Patlabor221I just finished making da food
03:53.58Jormungandrwhatcha havin?
03:54.06Patlabor221and I ponder between the 2 activitied of the night
03:54.16Patlabor221french bread, steak, and a snaple :)
03:54.20Jormungandrbzflag and what else?
03:55.01Patlabor221work more on missle code, or wathc the 2 dvds that are siting here
03:55.12Jormungandrwhat dvds?
03:55.23Patlabor221crest of the stars part 2 and 3
03:55.39Jormungandrnever heard of them.
03:55.50Jormungandrah, cool.
03:56.26Patlabor221but MAC got ALLLL ecxited about the missles
03:56.35Jormungandrwhat you gunna do with missiles?
03:56.50Patlabor221put them in
03:57.09Jormungandrwhat sort of missiles?
03:57.15Patlabor221the GM "ball o' spikey stuff" isn't a proper missle
03:57.19Patlabor221HUGE missles :)
03:57.23Jormungandrooof! cool.
03:57.30Patlabor221well that's just due to a scaling issue right now :)
03:57.53Patlabor221was firing 10x10x10 cubes of wall material there for a bit :)
03:58.25Patlabor221*you have been crushed by a large chung of guided granite"
03:58.39JormungandrOMG! NOT a CHUNG!
03:58.59Patlabor221much larger and deadlyer then a normal chunk
03:59.08Jormungandrthat's for certain.
04:02.39Jormungandrhm... the example file on sorceforge for blootbot is a little out of date (2000).
04:02.45Jormungandrsourceforge even
04:04.17Patlabor221hmmm the anime may be winning, thanks to CTS
04:05.39scaleneWORK ON MISSLES!
04:05.53scaleneno dvd!
04:05.55scalenedvd bad
04:06.00Patlabor221Cardboard Tube Samurai!!!!
04:06.12Patlabor221TUBE I tell you
04:06.25Patlabor221have you seen CTS?
04:06.50MrDougand I hope I never will
04:06.52Patlabor221nothing can hurt the tube
04:07.01Patlabor221THE TUBE IS CIVILISATION!!!!!
04:07.10Patlabor221not even ninjas
04:07.44MrDouguh huh
04:07.47proton-elsewhereREAL ULTIMATE POWER!
04:07.47Jormungandrif the tube is civilisation, then we sit it in front of the TV and feed it chips and beer, and eventually it'll die of a heart attack.
04:08.04Patlabor221you to can atain REAL ULTIMATE POWER!!
04:08.05MrDougTV = THE TUBE!
04:08.17Patlabor221TV != TUBE
04:08.35MrDougTV = TUBE
04:08.41proton-elsewhereTV != TUBE
04:08.42Patlabor221go read
04:08.47Patlabor221go larn
04:12.52scanlimemy mail server probably has 10x the amount of disk space MrDoug's machine has
04:13.24Patlabor221I think I have more ram then his machine has disk space.
04:14.10Patlabor221didn't 486's have a 500 meg limit?
04:15.16proton-elsewherei had a 1.5gig disk on my 486
04:15.20proton-elsewhereas well as a 300
04:15.28Patlabor221but I think you had a pimp dady 468
04:15.33Patlabor221doug has a costco one
04:15.34scanlimeI had a 486 mail server with a 2GB disk a while back's mail server was a 486sx25 with 16mb RAM in 1995
04:16.28Jormungandrand it cranked out 20K emails/day somehow.
04:16.31Jormungandrthen just died.
04:21.36Patlabor221our old main server used to be a MacSe/30
04:21.53Patlabor221ran all the net services for the company for like 7 years
04:22.11Patlabor221only reason the ditched it was it didn't have any way to put ethernet on it.
04:22.41scanlimeI should find something useful for my LC 520 to serve
04:22.52scanlimeit has ethernet, and a fairly speedy 16mhz 68020 CPU
04:22.59scanlimebut no hard disk.. just a SCSI zip drive
04:23.09Patlabor221I've got a performa 575 here :)
04:23.24Patlabor221need to get one of those bent net cards for it
04:23.29Patlabor221then make it a webserver
04:23.29scanlimeI have an original LC also, but without ethernet.
04:23.39scanlimeerr.. the LC520 was a 68030, so it runs linux and netbsd
04:23.45scanlimethe LC was a 68020, so it only ran macos
04:23.51Patlabor221ooooo it's got the MMU
04:24.04scanlimeI also have a Mac Classic II with a 68030... got it for $5, and it should run linux but I haven't tried installing it
04:25.58JormungandrI had a 575
04:26.01Patlabor221hmmm looks like I'm gonna have to build a linux verson of Zero's server tomorow
04:26.01Jormungandrit was fun.
04:26.06Jormungandrgot ethernet card for it.
04:26.11Jormungandrthen gave it to a friend.
04:26.19Jormungandrwhen I got my dual 500mhz
04:26.44Patlabor221first mac I purchased was a performa 600
04:26.46Jormungandrmy at&t 3B1 unix PC was a 68010.
04:26.54Patlabor22133mhz of 030 power
04:26.58Jormungandrthat was the first box.
04:27.01Jormungandrin 1993.
04:27.10Jormungandr10mb hd.
04:27.22Patlabor22110 meg in 93?
04:27.29Patlabor221seems small for that day
04:27.29Jormungandrthe box was old
04:27.34Jormungandrit was fun, still.
04:27.42Jormungandrit was my first internet server :)
04:27.53Patlabor221blazing the interweb
04:27.58JormungandrI quickly moved it to a PC with sls.
04:28.09Jormungandrsls was original distribution for linux.
04:28.17Jormungandrthen came slackware shortly after.
04:28.30Jormungandrfirst linux kernel I used was 0.96
04:29.30Patlabor221I was too scared to update my kernel last night :(
04:29.53Patlabor221I'm freaked out enough by the fact that I upadted everything else remotely :)
04:32.17*** join/#bzflag lurgyman_ (~lurgyman@aden2-123-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
04:32.19Jormungandrhave fun
04:32.27Patlabor221wonder if I could "amimeize" the GM path
04:32.37Patlabor221so they all don't take the same way to get there
04:32.50Patlabor221may make dodging them a bit easyer
04:33.09Patlabor221hmmm have to send the params to the clients tho
04:33.49Patlabor221hmm must ponder
04:37.35Jormungandr2 hours left at work.
04:41.05*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
04:41.15Jormungandrhi MAC
04:41.28Jormungandrcompiled and installed newest bzfs code.
04:41.33Jormungandrwill test when I get home.
04:41.54Jormungandrneed to get a new map.  basement lost it's popularity.
04:42.14Jormungandrmaybe go back to megadome.
04:42.21Jormungandrmegadome is fun.
04:42.35Jormungandrbasement needs flags on the roof.
04:42.44Jormungandrno one wants to go there.
05:04.41cranky_protoncalm down, you are acting like a drunk french monkey
05:12.23jacquesah cool is SF cvs working again?
05:29.02Jormungandranon cvs worked for me about 2 hours ago.
05:52.12Patlabor221they are textured
05:52.17Patlabor221just very very very badly
05:53.07Patlabor221they have textures
05:53.16Patlabor221it's the roof texture
05:53.31Patlabor221and what it realy needs is good UVs
05:53.35Patlabor221I work on now.
06:00.55Jormungandrack... database server at work has been down all day, and no one posted about it being in hardware.
06:01.06Jormungandrso customers call with stats problems, and I just shrug.
06:01.19Jormungandrnow I find server on cart to rerack, and now it's up.
06:01.28Jormungandrgunna take a few days to catch up on stats.
06:01.44Jormungandrno one announced that they took it down. grrrr.
06:01.53Jormungandrmakes me look stupid. :(
06:02.05Patlabor221time to kick some butt
06:02.31Patlabor221hmmm got an anime here called "the big O", think something may have been lost in translation?
06:02.41Jormungandror not
06:02.54Patlabor221it's about a giant freakin robot
06:02.59Patlabor221realy good one tho
06:03.42Patlabor221tho the temesong is remencent of the 80's flash gordon theme, but they are just singing "BIG O"
06:04.34Jormungandrsounds like a good entry.
06:05.03Patlabor221well the english voice over was done here actualy, and is of some of the best quality I hav heard.
06:05.10Patlabor221it's just the freakin name
06:08.34Patlabor221ok so maybe I should make the missle not be 1.5x the lenght of a tank
06:17.12MrApathyCream.4 maybe
06:17.34Patlabor221I shrunk it by 25%
06:17.42Patlabor221sorry to 25%
06:17.50Patlabor221see how that looks in a bit here
06:18.08Patlabor221making a quicky texture for it
06:18.11JormungandrI'm wanting to go home and play some bzflag.
06:20.56Jormungandr10 more minutes!
06:28.05jacqueswhat are good linux 3d modelling programs ?
06:28.15jacquesOSS programs that is
06:28.21Patlabor221prety much blender
06:28.49scanlimeyeah.. there are a couple others in development I think, but nowhere near blender's level
06:28.56jacquesthanks I was just coming to that conclusion :-)
06:29.08Patlabor221not many lin side
06:29.52jacqueswow blender seems like it does a lot - including animation
06:29.59scanlimeoh yeah
06:30.05Patlabor221it does do a lot
06:30.10Patlabor221just has funky interface
06:30.11scanlimeblender is very powerful... even includes a built in game engine for prototyping
06:30.23Patlabor221yes and all that good scriping for export
06:30.39jacquesis there something just as good at simply creating 3d objects but that doesn't do all the other stuff blender does?
06:30.40Patlabor221funky isn't allways bad :)
06:30.48scanlimeI don't know blender yet, but i've looked at it's interface, and I'm going to be adding support for something very similar in picogui
06:31.20scanlimeI described my vision for the ideal app manager in picogui.. and Yann said it was almost exactly what Blender does :)
06:31.23Patlabor221swivel 3d was the best modeler EVahhhhhhhh
06:32.05Patlabor221jac, there isn't much. lin side. on windows Milkshape is good, and realy cheap. I use lightwave for all my base modeling
06:32.28jacquesPatlabor221: good to know - I may go to the win dark side if I *have* to
06:32.40Patlabor221lot more modlers out there
06:32.44Patlabor221even blender for it
06:33.00jacquessince I want to create models for a windows game after all so it's not like I dont have windows on my game machine
06:33.12Patlabor221what game?
06:33.49jacquesI got into the beta a few days ago and am addicted - I always wanted something like that
06:34.23jacquesit's basically a 3d world made for sicialization, exploration, and goofing around
06:34.29jacquesand users can create objects
06:34.32Patlabor221ohh one of the "live something like your real life, but not real"
06:34.38Patlabor221aka the booring games :)
06:34.51Patlabor221not a game, a realy cool chat room
06:34.59jacqueslol in real life I cant drive a dune buggy around and surf on a hover board
06:35.00Patlabor221what format does it use?
06:35.15jacquesi love their buggies and hover boards
06:35.19Patlabor221nether can you in that game
06:35.26Patlabor221you sit at a computer
06:35.29Patlabor221and hit buttons
06:35.40jacquesthey want submisisons in gmax format
06:35.49Patlabor221ohh then you have to get gmax
06:36.00Patlabor221cus noone else writes that sucker
06:36.06Patlabor221it's free tho
06:36.23jacqueswell i saw hints about it being able to import other formats
06:36.35jacquesso I thuhgt if I found amodeller that ouput in a format it inputs...
06:36.51Patlabor221there are only a couple formats that suport animation
06:36.53jacquesI could do stuff under linux
06:37.15Noodlemanlurgymaaaan! ba ba dah dah dah dah!
06:37.29jacquesah so gmax supports animation?  I wasn't clear on the fact that they allow animated objects to be submitted
06:37.47jacquesbut I guess they might since they are talking about being able to submit new buggy models etc
06:37.48Patlabor221gmax does almost everything that max does
06:37.54Patlabor221except save in a usefull format
06:38.09Patlabor221all the people avatars would have to support anims
06:38.18Patlabor221machines can be part animated
06:38.26Patlabor221it's the organics that are hard.
06:38.30jacquesi used to love screwing around with 3d modelling - but that was in late 80's early 90's
06:38.37jacquesso I am rather far behind the times now
06:39.13jacquesPatlabor221: th people are nicely animated, but so fa one can't submit a new person model  :-\
06:40.03jacquesI really can't wait for them to reloease their API so that ppl can change the code in their objects
06:40.05Patlabor221looks to be a skelial anim suystem
06:40.16Patlabor221just wait till someone makes a gun
06:40.30Patlabor221MAC< you sure the missles were the right way on your system?
06:41.06jacquesPatlabor221: they already have paintball guns, but there are zones where no vehicles, guns are allowed
06:41.39jacquesand there are zones where you can do drive-by painball shootings from the passenger seat of a buggy
06:41.47Patlabor221ohh joy
06:41.51MrApathyCreamhmmm, guess i was mistaken, Betty is a boy
06:42.34Patlabor221play games to have a diversion form reality, have reality for reality :)
06:43.52Patlabor221MAC did you try reflecting them?
06:43.59Patlabor221that map has refec porters?
06:44.15MrApathyCreamdidn't try
06:44.32MrApathyCreamComment By: Sam (bzbetty)
06:44.32MrApathyCreamDate: 2003-01-21 06:40
06:44.32MrApathyCreamLogged In: YES
06:44.32MrApathyCreamApplied to CVS, Thanx!
06:44.54jacqueshmm is I added guns to the buggies and flags...
06:44.57MrApathyCream--nothing applied--
06:45.06proton-elsewhereMrApathyCream: they just set that as the status?
06:46.23MrApathyCreamadded a patch, and then chnaged the status, yes
06:46.51MrApathyCreamhehe, forgot to upload diff file on first try, then accidently
06:46.51MrApathyCreamselected the "applied to cvs" remark, I am a bit dizzy
06:46.51MrApathyCreamsometimes =P
06:47.45Patlabor221it's tiny
06:47.53Patlabor221put the OBJ file in the models folder
06:47.58Patlabor221and the rgb in the data dir
06:48.01Patlabor221replace what is there.
06:49.14Patlabor221I'm thinking about tightening up the smoke tail
06:50.34MrApathyCreamwhy can't he?
06:50.37Patlabor221and they now say "dodge this" on there top
06:50.46Patlabor221I haven't added all the files to the makes
06:50.56Patlabor221nor tried to build on lin yet
06:53.01scanlimeyou could take a screenshot :)
06:53.11scanlimeor... add a video recorder
06:55.56Patlabor221you NEEED to see it in motion
06:58.38MrApathyCreamman that's sweet
06:58.38Patlabor221if I want +f to add more then one flag is it +F GM (20) ?
06:58.45MrApathyCream+f GM{20}
06:59.18MrApathyCreami'd say just slightly bigger maybe just longer would be perfect
06:59.29MrApathyCreamnot much bigger, tho
06:59.44MrApathyCreamthat's the coolest thing since jumping tanks
07:00.16Patlabor221didn't like {}
07:00.24Patlabor221opp my bad
07:00.26jacquesarg Dell is pissing me off
07:00.29Patlabor221nothing called GGM
07:00.43Patlabor221is there a space?
07:00.54MrApathyCreamno space
07:01.53Patlabor221did +f GM{35}
07:02.01Patlabor221take out the 35 and it goes
07:02.23MrApathyCreamyour saying it didn't work?
07:02.31Patlabor221yeah didn't work with {}
07:02.34Patlabor221is it <> ?
07:03.02MrApathyCreamahh, when did you branch zero from?
07:03.12Patlabor221just after G0
07:03.13MrApathyCreamrealtively new
07:04.08Patlabor221ok it's up again, had some other things puked on it, may have beent he problem
07:12.57MrApathyCreamthe fact that the missiles spin is sooo sweet
07:13.08Patlabor221need to make that more random
07:13.19Patlabor221they looked stupid just staying flat
07:13.28MrApathyCreamcranky_proton: it's farking awesome
07:13.36Patlabor221cap you mind fixing the makefiles?
07:13.42cranky_protonfixing how?
07:13.44Patlabor221I haven't added the fiels yet
07:13.51Patlabor221I added 8 new files to BZ
07:13.57Patlabor221and does lin have atan2?
07:14.11Patlabor221actualy I think 10 new files
07:14.31scanlineyes, atan2() is part of POSIX
07:14.52Patlabor221then the stuff "SHOULD" work fine on lin
07:15.02Patlabor221everthing was from LGE
07:15.02MrApathyCreamgot the screenies for them?
07:15.16Patlabor221no, PS crashed :(
07:15.34Patlabor221it's been thur 4 OS updates
07:17.37Patlabor221missle.obj on baka root, is a tad larger.
07:18.34MrApathyCream  ?
07:18.39Patlabor221uping a source project now for der linuxen
07:18.44Patlabor221yeah should be
07:18.58Patlabor221unless I spelled missle wrong :)
07:19.01MrApathyCreamnot found
07:19.16Patlabor221missle :(
07:19.16MrApathyCreamah there you go
07:19.25Patlabor221need to fix that
07:19.27Patlabor221and the path loading
07:19.32Patlabor221it asumes data dir
07:20.47Patlabor221hmmm now if I could make them spin in the direction that they are turning
07:20.53Patlabor221that would be rather cool
07:22.34MrApathyCreamhopefully the gamma is good
07:23.18MrApathyCreamthat would be cool
07:23.29Patlabor221sorta washed out and small
07:23.42Patlabor221and this is just an inital texture map, it's realy bad
07:23.52Patlabor221I just planar maped it
07:23.56scanlineThe flame is neat, hard to see the missle though
07:24.07Patlabor221that's the regular GM flame still
07:24.10scanlinemight be better if the contrast wasn't so wacky
07:24.13Patlabor221I'm thinking about making it small
07:24.15MrApathyCreamok, lemme redoo
07:24.28Patlabor221and shorter
07:25.06Patlabor221pluss it realy needs an alpha blended flare that spins oposet of the missle
07:25.43scanlineflares are overused...
07:26.16scanlineyou need more of a glow, rather than the whole super-huge-spinny-flare that most games like
07:26.34MrApathyCreamok, next one is real dark for me, but my gamma is messed when playing bz, so maybe it's good for you.
07:26.41MrApathyCreamtry again
07:27.09Patlabor221ohh that's gonna suck in a sec
07:27.23scanlinecan't see the missle flame in this one :P
07:27.37MrApathyCreamis the contrast better?
07:27.45Patlabor221yes but its too head on
07:27.49MrApathyCreamok, hold on
07:28.50Patlabor221or I could replace it with a cow
07:28.54MrApathyCreama winner, one sec
07:30.18MrApathyCreamok, grab from same url now
07:30.37jacquesxgamma my old friend...
07:30.37scanlinelemme try some color correction on that
07:31.02Patlabor221THEY ARE backwards when reflected
07:31.05Patlabor221I kew it
07:31.48Patlabor221hmmm anime missles won't realy work for GM tho
07:32.08Patlabor221cus they NEVER fire just one
07:32.36Patlabor221could put a rand compoment into the path and transmit that, so they don't all follow the exact same path
07:32.42Patlabor221like a small deviation
07:33.16Patlabor221maybe vary each ones speed and starting angle and such
07:33.30MrApathyCreami think that naturally happens, no?
07:33.43MrApathyCreamtank is usually moving, so
07:33.53Patlabor221yah but I want a little more
07:34.06MrApathyCreamwhat's in this
07:34.09Patlabor221mabye fire them up from the back deck of the tank
07:34.19Patlabor221the source in case cap wants to see if it'll go
07:34.24MrApathyCreamjust don't shoot yourself
07:34.48Patlabor221I'd make the GM not be able to kill you for like 2 sec after it was fired
07:34.54Patlabor221I dono
07:34.57Patlabor221I'm just thinkin
07:35.20MrApathyCreamoh yeah, the fins are backwards, heh
07:35.34Patlabor221only when reflected
07:36.22Patlabor221I think it needs a smily face on the front
07:36.39MrApathyCreamevil grin
07:37.42Patlabor221opps seems the spin is tied to frame rate too, my bad
07:37.46jacquesshark teeth
07:38.56MrApathyCreamso that last one was increased size-wise?
07:39.06Patlabor221and a tad longer
07:39.12Patlabor2211.1 larger
07:39.23Patlabor2211.2 longer
07:40.27Patlabor221ooooo could replace the missle with large boxking gloves
07:41.01MrApathyCreamgamma any better: (same url?)
07:41.31Patlabor221ooo no
07:41.34Patlabor221wayyyy washed out
07:41.47MrApathyCreamhmm, like i said bzflag play havoc with my gamma
07:41.48scanline :P
07:42.21MrApathyCreamby default the screen is almost completely black
07:42.38Patlabor221it's fine with mine
07:42.41Patlabor221what card you have?
07:43.09Patlabor221same as in this macine
07:49.18jacquesxgamma -gamma 2.0 really helped me
07:49.25jacques3.0 was even better
07:49.41Patlabor221he donj't use leeenox
07:50.06jacquesah sorry
07:50.34Patlabor221*sigh* why won't gimp open a simple PNG file
07:55.52Patlabor221ahh tga to my rescue
07:55.58Patlabor221well I'm off to bed
07:56.10Patlabor221I'll work on the rest tomorow
07:56.32Patlabor221added some more GMs to the server
07:56.37Patlabor221and made it say test server
07:56.39Patlabor221see ya all
07:56.46jacqueslater Patlabor221
08:40.01*** join/#bzflag Pinguin (
09:12.19Secret_Hamstercranky_proton: do you use gentoo?
09:18.41scanlineof course not
09:18.45scanlineapt-get install portage
09:23.15*** join/#bzflag bomber_ (
09:37.34*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
11:09.53*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
11:56.15Secret_Hamsterso scanline emerge is also part of Debian?
11:56.57Secret_HamsterPs morning everyone
12:43.56*** join/#bzflag paul (
12:56.36*** join/#bzflag sussudio (
13:14.42*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
13:15.57*** join/#bzflag sussudio1 (
13:42.58bomber_nteamkiller ermio on ducati..please kick him
14:16.17*** join/#bzflag jzaun (
14:56.38*** join/#bzflag isfry (~Fry@
15:37.18*** part/#bzflag jzaun (
16:19.49*** join/#bzflag [TeA|TrEE] (
16:43.35*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
17:20.31*** join/#bzflag insect_power2 (
17:30.50insect_power2i said  lo
17:57.54Patlabor221there we go, 2 BZ:0 servers up allways now :)
18:06.47Patlabor221Tim: Did MAC show you any screen shots of the Missiles? He's very excited about it.
18:27.32*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
18:28.04*** join/#bzflag isfry (~Fry@
18:34.24*** join/#bzflag rooter ([
18:38.21*** join/#bzflag Piggy (
18:46.05*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
18:48.58*** join/#bzflag insect_power2 (
18:53.27insect_power2sugar babes
18:54.01PiggyDieter Bohlen is a piggy too!
18:54.42insect_power2uh lala la
18:55.02Piggybrother piggy piggy piggy!
18:55.35Piggyyou're my pig, you're my schnitzel!
18:56.06insect_power2piggy piggy lady
18:56.35Piggyyou can eat pig if you want
18:56.56insect_power2piggy's cadillac
18:57.04PiggyJet pigliner
18:57.47Piggyand ofcourse geronimo's baconbits
18:57.49insect_power2Piggy: i new you are a fan of modern talking, you know all the song lyrics
18:58.17Piggylyrics? i thought they were warfare
18:58.45Piggyattack of the tanning salon addicts!
18:58.51insect_power2love me more lets try my hurt like before
18:59.12insect_power2great lyrics fron diedäää
18:59.31Piggydieter sounds similar to diaper
18:59.45Piggyso did hitler
19:00.29Piggywe are the eggdrop, they are they eggdrop... i am the walrus coo coo cachoo
19:00.34insect_power2did you saw the hiler pictures on tv total yesterday
19:03.28insect_power2hitler gets a question: who is not a tele tabby? a) Lala b) Poo c) Major Rommel d) Pinki Winki?
19:05.03Patlabor221doug IS a teletuby
19:05.21insect_power2<insect_power2> great lyrics fron diedäää
19:10.38*** join/#bzflag Piggy (
19:11.06PiggyBot Uptime: (35 seconds) System Uptime: (8 days, 3:27)
19:11.25Patlabor22135 sec?
19:11.38sussudiotypo in eggdrop.conf :-P
19:12.22Patlabor221now if you could get it to do BZF querys on BZL Zero that would be coo:)
19:13.04sussudioi dont think eggdrop handles perl
19:13.04*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
19:13.21Patlabor221well poopy on it then
19:13.38*** join/#bzflag PicoBot (~PicoBot@aden2-241-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)
19:14.03Patlabor221Domo origota Mr.Roboto
19:14.17scanlinePicoBot: jump
19:14.18PicoBotsorry scanline, this is strictly a "no jumping" channel
19:14.41Patlabor221Picobot: who is your dady?
19:14.42PicoBotno idea, patlabor221
19:14.55Patlabor221picobot: lart doug.
19:14.56PicoBotPatlabor221: huh?
19:15.03Patlabor221picobot suxors
19:15.03PicoBotPatlabor221: what?
19:15.04scanlinePicoBot isn't a blootbot
19:15.13Patlabor221what is picobot?
19:15.35Patlabor221any real dif between the 3 types?
19:16.03scanlineeggdrop is pretty completely different than an infobot
19:16.12scanlineblootbot is just a feature-overloaded infobot :)
19:16.27Patlabor221is the egg one used for the same type of stuff as the others?
19:17.12scanlineI think eggdrop is usually used for granting operator access and such stuff... infobot is mainly for storing information, but with some extras. blootbot is like infobot, but with lots of extra features
19:17.41Patlabor221sounds like eggdrop is more for chanell op stuff
19:18.13Patlabor221what is chanserv and nickserv? are they bots or server side component things?
19:18.17scanlineeggdrop is designed for channels that might be full of script kiddies
19:18.34scanlinenickserv and chanserv are bots, as far as I know
19:19.57Patlabor221gawd who put 8 new things of spyware on this thing.
19:20.57*** join/#bzflag michaelh20 (
19:21.32*** join/#bzflag [TeA|TrEE] (
19:22.11michaelh20thank I bot
19:23.38Patlabor221man dekazaafiction takes some CPU
19:25.17michaelh20~where can I find bot
19:25.18methinks bot is ljp
19:25.30michaelh20~how can I kill bot
19:25.45michaelh20~where is bzflag
19:25.45methinks bzflag is or the former CTO of Embedix, Inc. (Lineo) and maintainer of the 3D internet multiplayer multiplatform (linux, irix, win32, etc) opensource opengl Battlezone capture the flag game of the same name that you must try at or a continual development project with periodic gaming
19:25.58Patlabor221~who is your daddy?
19:25.59YOU are, Mr. Sexy Pants
19:26.12Patlabor221see ibots fine
19:26.17michaelh20~who are you
19:26.18somebody said ibot was a blootbot now, no longer an infobot. run by BZFlag on his server. see blootbot also, or a useless piece of sh*t.
19:26.27Bobots are everywhere! Game over man!
19:26.40michaelh20ibot rules
19:26.40michaelh20: i don't know
19:26.49michaelh20ibot eat me
19:26.50michaelh20: I give up, what is it?
19:26.59Patlabor221what is what?
19:27.04Patlabor221what do you want to do ?
19:27.08Patlabor221kill him?
19:27.10michaelh20ibot sexchat
19:27.11michaelh20: i don't know
19:27.14Patlabor221what did he ever do to you?
19:27.26Patlabor221~lart michaelh20
19:30.15*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
19:54.52*** join/#bzflag pnm (
20:16.13insect_power2cool they said zelda looks cartoon but if start play it you are lost
20:20.21insect_power2Shit i have to do my tax return
20:20.32*** join/#bzflag captain_pistachi (~jupiter@aden2-23-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
20:20.32*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_pistachi] by ChanServ
20:20.47insect_power2even though i did not earn a penny last year
20:24.14insect_power2Crytech serches a Technical Director, the right job for me
20:25.17insect_power2Shipped at least 3 Triple AAA Titles on PC or Consoles
20:25.30insect_power2Even though i cannot show that
20:27.48scanlinewould that be AAAAAAAAA?
20:32.02Patlabor221who defines them as AAA?
20:32.42scanlinesome automotive doohickety
20:32.43sussudioPatlabor221: ANSI
20:32.57Patlabor221I thought it was the MPAA
20:33.13sussudiowhat does the movie industry have to do with battery standards?
20:33.36Patlabor221they have there hand in EVERY THING
20:33.57scanlineJust like the goberment!
20:34.08Patlabor221they are the guberment.
20:34.26scanlinewow... and that whole government thing was just a front!
20:34.42Patlabor221scarry isn't it
20:35.07Patlabor221ever see the movie "so I maried an axe murderer"?
20:35.38Patlabor221then you would not know about the "pentaverat"
20:36.33Patlabor221semms odd that a compny who shiped 3 AAA games dosn't show up on a search.
20:41.22*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
20:41.29sn0w_m0nkeymornin all
20:41.34sn0w_m0nkeychestal you here?
20:42.57bzgirlsn0w_m0nkey do a traceroute?
20:43.12*** join/#bzflag calico (
20:43.21calicohi all
20:43.28bzgirlhi calico
20:43.58sn0w_m0nkeyit keeps showing 152 from here
20:44.11sn0w_m0nkeywith occasional 400+ in de
20:44.44bzgirli time out there always
20:45.07calicowow all that sounds pretty high tech :P (  214.366 ms  312.908 ms  284.247 ms (  311.949 ms  482.456 ms
20:45.45sn0w_m0nkeythat one
20:45.47bzgirlcalico i dont know what it means :)
20:45.55calicolol (  352.127 ms  706.326 ms  2884.091 ms
20:46.17sn0w_m0nkeywell i guess its not my fault then
20:46.27sn0w_m0nkeyi was getting mad
20:46.32bzgirlsadly no, we cant blame you
20:46.38sn0w_m0nkeytoo bad
20:46.40sn0w_m0nkeyi was hot
20:46.44scanlinecaptain_proton: 1.5 volts, low current?
20:47.15sn0w_m0nkeysmart comment inserted there
20:47.26bzgirlim holding back :)
20:48.12*** join/#bzflag insect_power2 (
20:48.29captain_protonscanline: hmm
20:48.57scanline1.2v if it's a NiMH game rather than an Alkaline game
20:49.29scanlinenah, map 'again' to uparrow-enter
20:50.01scanlinewell, classforth I venture toward
20:50.19*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
20:51.10*** part/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
21:12.40*** join/#bzflag Secret_Hamster (
21:26.20sussudioahhhh... that was fun
21:48.30*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
21:51.55rooterChestal:  The score is How: 4 ZeeBrothers: 4
21:54.22Secret_HamsterMrDoug: never mentioned whether he wanted me on his team or not
21:54.37Secret_HamsterWhat times can his team do matches?
21:54.49*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
21:54.50sussudioyou could always join PwB
21:55.11sussudioPigs with Blankets
21:55.34rooterfew teams that are active
21:55.39Secret_Hamsterhum, not a pig and I prefer duvets
21:55.49*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
21:55.57stibniteman it always trips me out to see Secret_Hamster
21:56.06stibnitethere's a guy 'Satanic_Hamster' on hashmark
21:56.06Secret_Hamstersussudio: what times do you tend to play matches?
21:56.22stibnitei always think that he has started playing bzflag which would be scary
21:56.30stibnitehe's about the best cs player anyone has ever seen
21:56.33Secret_Hamsterleave me wheelie alone
21:56.48sussudioi play when i'm bored
21:57.11Secret_Hamsterwell I'm crap so only expect me to be making up the numbers
21:58.08Secret_Hamsteryum cheese
21:58.17sussudiostibnite flavoured
21:58.20*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
21:58.41stibniteoh my
21:59.43*** part/#bzflag pnm (
22:00.05Secret_Hamsterthe amount of times I kicked our hamsters in there balls.  One seem to like it.
22:00.17*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
22:01.12sussudio < hot hamster sex0r
22:02.33Secret_Hamsterahh a cute little russian hamster.  we had one of those.  vicious bastard it was
22:02.59sussudionot if you actually feed them
22:03.27Secret_Hamsternah, we fed it lots. everytime you tried to handle it it bit
22:03.48Secret_Hamstereven our German shepherd dog ws terrified of it
22:03.53sussudioi've had about 80 of the little buggers... only 2 or 3 were psychotic
22:04.11Secret_Hamsteryea well the rest have ben fine just that one
22:04.32sussudioyou leave 2 hamsters alone, 3 weeks later there's 7 of them
22:06.12Secret_Hamsterwell, you should keep the sexes seperate.  I have heard the females can be vicious towards the males if you keep them together
22:06.37Secret_Hamsterthe males are only tolerated for mating
22:08.15sussudioonce i had about 70 i put them seperately
22:08.18*** part/#bzflag isfry (~Fry@
22:08.35Secret_Hamsterjeez, life is so exciting we have to talk about hamsters!
22:08.47Secret_Hamstersussudio: you breed hamsters then?
22:08.55sussudiono, they do that fine by themselves
22:13.41Secret_Hamsterps is that one of your hamsters?
22:13.52sussudioit was.... only 1 left
22:14.27Secret_Hamsterso you;ve managed to kill of 69 hamsters?
22:14.45sussudiono, time does that
22:14.52Secret_Hamsteryou bastard, noway am I joining your team.  i'm get murdered
22:19.44Secret_Hamsterhey the pigs team don't exist?
22:20.03Secret_Hamsterwell not according to the league site
22:21.05Secret_Hamsterso how can I join a non-existant team?
22:21.28Secret_HamsterPs why has capt_prolapse only got two people in his team?
22:23.06Patlabor221that's just how bad ass he is
22:23.10Secret_Hamstersussudio: so you trying to start up a team then
22:23.10Patlabor221that and he cheats :)
22:25.03captain_protonmmmmm...such a good song...
22:25.04Secret_Hamsterso anyone got a team that actually plays and I can join?  Looking to play European evenings and weekends
22:25.50Secret_Hamstersuch a good song?  what "That and he cheats"  who's it by?
22:27.31sussudiook i created PwB :-P
22:28.40Secret_Hamsterso you want me to join?
22:29.40Secret_Hamstercan I, can I, can I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
22:29.54sussudioumm whatever
22:33.03Secret_Hamsterwell glorious leader who do we conquer first?
22:33.39Patlabor221or canada, your choice.
22:34.05sussudionobody wants france
22:34.13Patlabor221not even the french
22:34.20Secret_Hamsteryuck, who'd wnat to invade France.  its full of french
22:34.33Patlabor221then canada, least they have beer
22:34.46Secret_Hamsterwell I'm sure that did wonders for intenational relations
22:34.47sussudiolet's kill doug
22:35.25Secret_Hamsteryea challenge Annialation.  apparently noone ever turns up
22:35.54fiberchunksw00t! new laptop is in -- installing linux now
22:36.16Secret_Hamsterno-one likes a show-off
22:36.41Secret_Hamsterwell, I'm off to kill sonmething, preferably French
22:37.27Secret_Hamstercould we just kinda like raise it to the ground instead of actually invading France
22:46.58Patlabor221I could show you where dougs city is
22:47.01Patlabor221I've been there
22:50.42MrDougbetting on horses...
22:51.13MrDoughmm, playing wulfram for 4 hours strait is fun
22:51.30shut up doug
22:51.33Patlabor221yes but your easaly amused.
22:51.40MrDougPiggy: quack
22:51.57MrDougPatlabor221: hmm, possibly, but I dont get most people who watch anime
22:52.07MrDougthats as boring as watching corn crow
22:52.17MrDougwhich sussudio can relate to
22:52.36Patlabor221what animes have you seen?
22:52.56MrDougthats the whole point
22:52.57Patlabor221then how can you say they are booring
22:53.05MrDougcuz they are, so I dont watch them
22:53.11Patlabor221now I can agree with that for DBZ
22:53.43Patlabor221Macros plus would cause you to mess your pants.
22:54.28sussudioyou're the only one playing
22:54.31Patlabor221only player?
22:54.38MrDougabout 20 other players
22:54.44Patlabor221all the other players are babies?
22:54.48Patlabor221or cats?
22:54.48sussudiowulfram -solo 20
22:54.54MrDougsome are trainers
22:54.58MrDougsome are lvl 9
22:55.09MrDougsome are lvl 11, but those are rare
22:55.41MrDougwhats the cone?
22:55.55Patlabor221rare like the short barrel of the yekesha in EverTANK? or like bloody raw?
22:55.58Patlabor221the flare
22:56.04Patlabor221and it's not a cone
22:56.13Patlabor221cones have straight walls
22:56.17Patlabor221get your geo right
22:56.19MrDougPatlabor221: hmm the first... I think
22:56.32MrDougwhats a ice cream CONE?
22:56.52Patlabor221a waffle
22:57.38MrDougthats so waffle!
22:57.45shut up doug
22:57.48Patlabor221that sounds dirty man, I didn't think you swung that way.
22:58.10Patlabor221but no thanks I don't bat for the other team.
22:58.12captain_protonPatlabor221: he's too young to really know
22:58.20Patlabor221that he is
22:58.53MrDoug~lart Patlabor221, captain_proton, Piggy, sussudio, and lurgyman
22:58.56Patlabor221tho he should be geting a clue at some point
22:58.57hardwireat thems swingers club we like to waffle a lot
22:59.35MrDougyou started the whole waffle thing
22:59.40MrDoug~lart Patlabor221, captain_proton, Piggy, sussudio, and lurgyman
22:59.52MrDougcant take his sword
22:59.59scanlinecaptain_proton: wow, what a stylish error
22:59.59Jormungandrwoo. got new work schedule starting next week. :)
23:00.17MrDougJormungandr: eh?
23:00.40Jormungandrright now I work fri-tues 4-11:30pm
23:00.50MrDougJormungandr: "play bzflag all day and get fired and have to go find another job flipping kangeroo burgers" ?
23:01.04MrDougthats early
23:01.21MrDougPiggy: you still have baby teeth
23:01.28Jormungandrnow I'm getting thu fri off and working 3-10:30
23:01.29MrDougPicoBot: yo
23:01.29PicoBotMrDoug: what?
23:01.36Jormungandrthen in less than a month, I go to day shift
23:01.39MrDougJormungandr: hmm
23:01.48MrDougthats alot better...
23:01.52MrDougPicoBot: insult ibot
23:01.52PicoBotibot is nothing but a puking pile of fawning cat hair.
23:01.53PicoBot: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
23:01.54PicoBoti don't know, ibot
23:02.09*** join/#bzflag Squiggly (~picobot@aden2-241-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)
23:02.11MrDougSquiggly: ho
23:02.20Squigglyi don't know, MrDoug
23:02.27MrDougMr. Squiggly aint a bot
23:02.34MrDougSquiggly: insult me
23:02.49MrDoughmm, I see
23:04.20Secret_Hamstertime to go get my arse kicked on someones server
23:04.37*** join/#bzflag Squiggly (~Squiggly@aden2-241-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)
23:04.45MrDougSquiggly: greetings
23:04.45SquigglyMrDoug: excuse me?
23:04.50Patlabor221hmm this editor won't show alpha on textures.
23:04.51MrDougSquiggly: die
23:04.51SquigglyMrDoug: sorry...
23:05.00MrDougSquiggly: lart scanline
23:05.00SquigglyMrDoug: excuse me?
23:05.08MrDougbah, its one of them cheap bots
23:05.12Piggysquiggly: lart doug
23:05.13SquigglyPiggy: huh?
23:05.20Patlabor221or just difrent then you think
23:05.51scanlineSquiggly: die
23:05.52Squigglyscanline: sorry...
23:06.04MrDougdid that kill it?
23:06.31scanlinetoo late, it's dead
23:06.43MrDougwoo, my firewall has kernel paniced
23:07.02shut up doug
23:07.52*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
23:08.16*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
23:10.58Patlabor221doug scares all the girls away
23:12.22Piggyand chickens
23:14.32sussudioeven hamsters
23:26.19*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (~angelina@
23:29.45*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
23:30.04MrDougshut: hi shut
23:30.37MrDougopen and shut case
23:30.39scanlineit will become apparent when doug starts talking too much :P
23:30.39MrDoughes here!
23:30.53MrDougthats pretty cool
23:31.01MrDougI WANT ONE!
23:31.31scanlinemaybe I should increase the probability :P
23:31.46MrDougwhat happens to someone else?
23:31.52scanlineit only works on you
23:31.57MrDougmy own bot
23:32.10scanlinedon't think of it as a bot...
23:32.15scanlinethink of it as a very annoying roommate
23:32.24scanlineand it's out to get you
23:32.26scanlinewhile you're sleeping
23:32.29scanlinewith a pitchfork
23:32.29MrDougoh dear
23:32.35MrDougshut: kill
23:33.21scanlineyeah, it needs to be much more forceful...
23:33.29MrDougmy harddrive needs a fixing
23:33.55*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
23:35.02scanlinemaybe I should make it keyword based... anything involving "slick" should automatically get a "shut up doug"
23:35.11MrDougand kewl
23:35.12MrDougand cool
23:35.15Shut up, Doug.
23:36.47MrDougscanline: can you checkup on what picobot is saying?
23:39.51*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
23:40.11MrDougtheres a bug
23:40.14captain_protoni keep typing 'gmake'
23:40.16scanlineno, I killed it
23:40.19scanlineneeded to fix something
23:40.56*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
23:42.02*** join/#bzflag shut (~shut@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
23:42.07scanlineah, didn't notice that was a list...
23:42.28MrDougthats pretty col
23:58.53*** join/#bzflag scan[ibook] (~micah@ec237-43-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.