irclog2html for #bzflag on 20021204

00:02.02*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (dbrosius@
00:04.50MrApathyCreamChestal: how goes it?
00:07.34Chestalok, except for the resizing stuff
00:08.22Chestalif I cannot makeit work right away, I'll postpone it for now
00:22.54ChestalI give up on it for now, looks funny until you do a resize, i.e. change screen res or temper with the window
00:23.14MrApathyCreamchecked in what you did so far?
00:23.24Chestalnot yet
00:25.52Chestaleach tiem I add somethign to scenerenderer.h I must do make clean because the dependencies are not 100% complete
00:26.26MrApathyCreamOf course on the 'good' platform, the dependencies are correct
00:27.45Chestalwe hould really add #define for if (false) ; else for :-)
00:27.55Chestalwould free us from the scope bug fixes
00:37.07MrApathyCreamso much for 'hangin with MrCooper'
00:51.41Chestalhold on for commit
00:51.43Chestalbut it still needs some work
00:52.01Chestalbut I am about to go to bed
00:52.54MrApathyCream--gotta love babelfish
00:53.49Chestalhm, one day Imust reactivate my parallel make
00:53.58Chestalthis takes forever
00:55.56Chestalok, the resizing and the fonts sizes might need some work
00:56.01Chestalbut I'll commit now
00:58.52Chestalideas for resizing: you could put something in the dismiss() function of GUIOptionsMenu, like MainWindow->callResizeCallbacks() and check whether the MainWindow->SetFullWindow() call in COntrolPanel.cxx should be moved somewhere else
01:09.05*** join/#bzflag CobraA1 (~CobraA1@
01:09.23*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (dbrosius@
01:19.59*** join/#bzflag PatLabor221 (
01:24.46scanlineabstract art: collage-o-uninitialized-memory
01:45.24*** join/#bzflag klj (
01:47.33kljHi, anyone active (awake) in here?
01:57.26*** join/#bzflag SpacemanSpiff (
01:57.44SpacemanSpiffHey all :-)
01:58.21SpacemanSpiffDo any of you have the link to "Frank's Rroject 2501"
02:02.20PatLabor221I think it's on the wiki page
02:02.49*** join/#bzflag klj (
02:04.59SpacemanSpiffOh... by the way... if I come up with textures for BZ Edit.. and I want to make them actual textures in the game.. how would I go about doing that?
02:11.18MrApathyCreamcreate rgb files, and name them the same as the ones in the data directory, and replace those
02:11.56MrApathyCreami have a bunch of sets made up already on my site
02:12.39PatLabor221yeah do that
02:12.58PatLabor221what the hell on windows read/wrties RGB files tho?
02:13.10PatLabor221anyting else?
02:13.17MrApathyCreamnot that i know
02:13.36PatLabor221I should just make a photoshop I/O plugin
02:13.57MrApathyCreamafter e8 we'll change to png  code already written
02:14.05PatLabor221that will be nice
02:14.17MrApathyCreamwas in 1.8
02:14.33PatLabor221I should realy put that PNG stuff into BZE's texture manager too
02:14.46PatLabor221or use SDL for it
02:16.14PatLabor221bze uses TGA or BMP now
02:27.57SpacemanSpiffI have GIMP.. yay :-)
02:28.12SpacemanSpiffI'm going to start converting them.. I have one that is great... all desert
02:28.20SpacemanSpiffBrb in a bit guys
02:28.23SpacemanSpiffC-ya for now
02:46.17*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
04:01.28SpacemanSpiffArrgh... you didn't mention that you can't change the color.. only the texture
04:01.49SpacemanSpiffIs there ANY way to change the actual color of the objects?
04:02.54iluxaibot: ducati?
04:02.55bzfquerylong 5156
04:03.11iluxaibot: bzfquerylong 5156
04:03.11i haven't a clue, iluxa
04:03.20iluxaibot: help
04:21.45*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (~jupiter@aden2-23-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
04:21.45*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_proton] by ChanServ
04:29.27*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (~jupiter@aden2-23-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
04:29.27*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_proton] by ChanServ
04:30.39SpacemanSpiffI just found a new cheat
04:30.44SpacemanSpiffOr a MEAN hacker
04:31.24SpacemanSpiffOn linuxorbit... I'm admin and all there.... a blank player came on with no flag and started SW and GMing people as well as moving WAY too fast
04:31.33SpacemanSpiffAnd he was NOT on the playerlist
04:32.17SpacemanSpiffAnd then... I got a message "You have been banned from this server by [RLF] Spaceman Spiff"
04:32.37SpacemanSpiffBut didn't get kicked or anything
04:38.38*** join/#bzflag iluxa (
04:41.03MrApathyCreamSpacemanSpiff: no you can't change the color (at least of grass and pyramids)
04:41.28SpacemanSpiffBummer :-(
04:44.52MrApathyCreamthis is probably a bug
04:45.14SpacemanSpiffOkie... here's an interesting one.........
04:45.39SpacemanSpiffI pushed . to type a private message to Gerbil... and it said...
04:46.00SpacemanSpiff"Send to: }eltDC?BNR"    What's up with that?
04:46.24MrApathyCreamnot the name of a player i take it?
04:46.43SpacemanSpiffNo player there by that callsign
04:46.45MrApathyCreamhitting right or left arrow did?
04:47.03SpacemanSpiffRight arrow that is
04:47.11*** join/#bzflag sgi (
04:47.35MrApathyCreamwhen you hit right arrow a couple times did you get real players?
04:48.05SpacemanSpiffNope... I had to hit left arrow.. and then, when I'd try to scroll back to that "callsign" it wouldn't come up
04:48.14SpacemanSpiffThis happened a couple of times
04:50.16MrApathyCreamdunno, bug
04:51.10SpacemanSpiffThere was definitely a cheater... and then all of this stuff happened
04:51.10*** join/#bzflag SGI (
04:51.19SpacemanSpiffKind of odd
04:53.39SGItoo late
04:53.47SGIwas up
04:54.19SGIi'm looking for the picture
04:54.50SpacemanSpiffWell, I'm out guys
04:54.58SpacemanSpiffGod bless
04:55.12*** join/#bzflag sgi (
05:06.53*** join/#bzflag sgi (
05:10.28*** join/#bzflag M_A_C (dbrosius@
05:10.41*** join/#bzflag vogon (
05:11.00vogonhey, all.
05:16.14*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (dbrosius@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:16.14*** join/#bzflag CobraA1 (~CobraA1@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:34.42vogondoes XVisual.h even exist in the tree?
05:34.48vogonthe version I pulled lacks it.
05:35.12vogon(latest 1.7-tagged CVS.)
05:35.12captain_protonhow did you pull?
05:35.19captain_proton-r v1_7?
05:35.24vogonno, -r 1.7.
05:35.49vogon(which worked last time I actually did work on BZFlag, which was approximately an eternity and a half ago.)
05:36.04captain_protongrab v1_7
05:36.17vogonhow are things, proton?
05:36.54captain_protonthings are...
05:37.33vogonthat's some l33t vagueness you've got working for you.
05:40.18*** join/#bzflag sgi (
05:41.57vogon*gasp* I'm actually doing productive work!
05:42.08captain_protonvogon: productive work?
05:42.13MrApathyCreamwhat's the point in that?
05:42.46MrApathyCreamBZFlag: What's the reason we spray paint the grass green? Just for PZ?
05:43.08captain_protonMrApathyCream: for if textures are turned off
05:43.18MrApathyCreamno, that is separately handled
05:43.30MrApathyCream(i think)
05:43.51captain_protonvogon: what manner of productive work would this be?
05:44.02MrApathyCreamhow does one invert a bitmap colorwise while drawing, any idea?
05:44.06vogoncaptain_proton: I'm redoing the SDL code that I was working on before.
05:44.21captain_protonvogon: i've beaten you to that
05:44.22vogoncaptain_proton: and I might actually get somewhere on the OpenAL code, too.
05:44.30vogoncaptain_proton: omg?
05:44.40vogondamn you.
05:44.44MrApathyCreamvogon: but the world cache done is all done
05:44.53captain_protoni'm waiting on e8 to come out before i do a giant commit
05:44.55vogonMrApathyCream: yeah, I know.
05:44.57MrApathyCreamheh ... stuff is all done
05:45.20vogonOK, then I'll just skip ahead to OpenAL.
05:45.50vogonif one of you bastards did that, I'm killing you all.
05:46.01MrApathyCreami'm not the bastage
05:46.03vogonkilling you *all*. got that?
05:46.05MrApathyCreamso that leaves, hmmm...
05:46.21captain_protonno, didn't do openal
05:46.24vogonsee, this is why I don't do things.
05:46.26captain_protoni did ogg in 1.8 but thats different
05:46.34vogonthat's fine.
05:46.59vogonOpenAL will involve tearing out much of the audio subsystem.
05:47.13vogonbecause it duplicates the work the subsystem does.
05:47.21vogononly with subtle differences that fuck everything up.
05:48.42captain_protonyou don't really have to worry about me doing things you want to do, right now my focus is on jetstream
05:49.11vogonjetstream being...?
05:49.28captain_protonstarfoxy game i'm writing with scanline
05:50.41MrApathyCreamwhat happened to jeltz?
05:50.46vogonsounds l33t.
05:50.53vogonit went away.
05:51.21captain_protonit truly is
05:51.28captain_protonwe can capture video screenshots :)
05:55.39vogonhm. is dead.
05:56.10captain_protonKILL IT!
05:56.42vogonah, n/m. is dead. isn't.
05:59.36captain_protonvogon: i have a new keyboard :)
06:00.30captain_protonmy system looks so much prettier with a unix keyboard sitting in front of it
06:00.46vogongot pics?
06:01.48*** join/#bzflag blair (
06:02.02blairsay man, before i go into #linux...
06:02.06captain_protonhook me up with some more gorecki
06:02.20blairhow do you rip your cds down to .ogg?
06:02.30captain_protoncdparanoia then oggenc
06:02.34blairi have symphony #3,
06:02.54blairyeah, cdparanoia, oggenc are the two progs that i was man page grepping
06:02.55captain_protoneveryone has symphony no. 3
06:03.05blairany way to get cdparanoia to pipe its output to oggenc?
06:03.16captain_protonnot that i know of
06:03.31captain_protoni usually just cdparanoia -B then a simple shell for file in ... to oggenc & delete the wavs
06:03.51blairyeah, i have enough space, i can do that
06:03.56vogoncaptain_proton: excellent keyboard.
06:04.18blairi have some gorecki redone by william orbit.
06:04.25blairhave you heard that stuff?  interested?
06:04.33captain_protoni think i've heard a little bit
06:05.21blairi know i have some more sitting on an mp3 cd somewhere.
06:05.29blairhow is flag?
06:05.31blairhow is school?
06:07.31captain_protonflag is stagnating, and this semester needs to end
06:07.49blairi'm done, got my modern physics exam tomorrow morning...
06:09.00blairi have kicked the bzflag addiction tho
06:09.47captain_protoncare to play some decks?
06:10.08MrApathyCreamblair: got time for a little game? just a little one, it won't hurt you , come on
06:10.09blairmy machine won't play it for some reason, no kb on startup
06:10.22blaircream, i will become addicted again!  you know that!
06:10.30blairi could probably still wax yer asses tho ;)
06:12.36blairsay proton, do you ever run mozilla fullscreen?
06:13.43vogonass wax.
06:13.53vogonas ass wax, rather.
06:14.13captain_protonit wants pango 1.1
06:14.46blairsup vogo
06:14.59vogonthe sky, among other things.
06:15.21blairnext time someone asks, "whatsup?"
06:15.22blairyou say:
06:15.28blair"everything that should be, my man"
06:16.02blairhow is the U of C?
06:16.14blairvogon, you are prots roommate, aren't you?
06:16.24captain_protonlurgyman is my roommate
06:16.31blairum, scanline?
06:16.32vogonI live up here, in cold and rainy Washington.
06:16.42blairwashington state?
06:17.16vogonyeah, a dozen or so miles north of Seattle.
06:18.00vogondamn you, OpenAL CVS.
06:18.14captain_protonwtf. i comment out the gnome2.1 mask and it still complains at me
06:18.20vogonI don't need 10 megabytes of sounds to develop a fucking piece of software.
06:18.32blairone last q prot, know of any decent voice to text software for linux?
06:19.40captain_protonviavoice worked pretty well as of a couple years ago
06:20.14blairi am gonna try to hack a machine for my car, and let the car drive itself... ;)
06:20.31captain_protonhaha, you haven't heard about the hamsterball
06:20.37blairfirst i'm just gonna get the voice-shell up (vosh)
06:21.04captain_protoni've been cooking up plans to build a vehicle made of large concentric spheres
06:21.15captain_protoninner sphere stays static via weights, outer sphere rolls
06:21.31blairdoes gerb still play tank?
06:21.47blairi haven't destroyed that rodent in months.
06:22.14blairproton: are the spheres made of see-through material?
06:22.19captain_protonblair: yeah
06:22.20MrApathyCreamgerbil constantly bad-mouths you
06:22.25MrApathyCreamsays you aint nothin
06:22.37blairoh man.  nuum is not pleased.
06:22.56blairi feel this funny urge to play tank...
06:23.08MrApathyCreamyou can stop don't worry about it
06:23.17captain_protonblair: thats normal
06:23.27blairproton: but how do you get this ball on track?
06:23.50vogonyay, finally.
06:23.55vogonno more crappy sounds to download.
06:24.05blairi mean, is this thing flintstone?
06:24.11captain_protonblair: the outer sphere is driven by motors/wheels attached to the inner sphere
06:24.57vogonyou could stick two big flywheels on the sides.
06:25.00vogonto keep it from tilting.
06:25.22blairwon't your sphere get dirty?
06:25.39blairand, most importantly, will it have full 3-d sound?
06:25.50captain_protonsphere could get a little dirty
06:25.54vogonit'd come with a guy wielding a squeegee.
06:26.12blairi always wanted a car that sat out in my backyard that i would use solely for smoking bowls and listening to chopin.
06:26.14captain_protonvogon: we were just gonna use the weight of the batteries to keep it level
06:26.40blairproton: your not for real with this thing, are ya?
06:27.39vogoncaptain_proton: that might work. but gyroscopes would be so much cooler.
06:28.38captain_protonblair: working on the design for a little prototype
06:28.52blairyou should figure out a way to make it fly.
06:29.10vogonyou could rig up a giant spoon.
06:29.17vogonand flick them like peas.
06:29.26blairi didn't say catapault...
06:29.35vogonwell, fine then.
06:29.56blairwell, not unless they're rigged with explosives
06:30.13blairand yer shooting them across the border at yankees.
06:31.36blairbut yeah, i gotta keep conserving angular momentum, so later guys
06:32.11vogonU openal/linux/install-sh
07:55.51*** join/#bzflag sussudio (
08:08.42*** join/#bzflag sussudio (
08:10.56*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
08:12.19*** join/#bzflag jpablo (~jpablo@
08:25.37MrApathyCreamanyone got kitten soup?
08:38.54MrApathyCreamgotta get up i9n 4 hrs, better go sleepy
09:00.10captain_protongeez, how did this code get to revision 68
09:03.13scanlinecaptain_proton: does it still segfault for you?
09:04.52captain_protonscanline: you're alive!
09:04.59scanlinea little
09:05.07captain_protonjust wake up?
09:05.53captain_protonscanline: yup, still seggies
09:06.11captain_protonvogon: you should join the jetstream project ;)
09:06.31vogoncaptain_proton: maybe.
09:07.55captain_protonscanline: now its segging in glGenLists instead of texturing
09:10.33scanlinecaptain_proton: bah!
09:10.57scanlinefor me it doesn't segfault until you try to exit :)
09:11.23vogonsounds like heap corruption.
09:11.25vogontried valgrind?
09:11.34scanlineand then that's because the thread that's rotating the menu background doesn't die when it's supposed to and tries to access the camera after it's been destroyed
09:12.06scanlinevogon: valgrind doesn't work on anything linked to Nvidia's libGL, and when I try to LD_PRELOAD the XFree86 libGL it gives no output for some reason
09:12.22vogonoh, yeah. forgot about that.
09:12.28vogonsucks to be you. ;)
09:12.44*** join/#bzflag jneves (
09:14.33captain_protonhmm, appears the gamedev folks haven't scheduled another meeting
09:14.42scanlinelazy bums
09:15.26*** join/#bzflag scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
09:15.34captain_protonscanline: you missed my dance
09:15.46scanlineoh my god, glx killed the X server!
09:16.07scanline(>")> dance! <("<)
09:16.09captain_protoni'm just an nvidia driver, and you're...whatever you are
09:16.46*** topic/#bzflag by captain_proton -> Updated BZEdit Windows || bzedit 2.1! || || || 1.7e6 (Armoured Smashing Fist 2002) || - interview Dec 7th || someone set us up the glx
09:16.54captain_protonok, i'm done now
09:17.22scanlineha. now when I run with glx I get the main menu, but no skybox
09:17.31scanlinemaybe my X server was  just in need of a good swift restarting
09:18.01*** join/#bzflag bomber (
09:18.09scanlinehmm.. this could take several minutes to initialize while running in valgrind
09:18.17scanlinecaptain_proton: intel hardware ;)
09:18.39scanline==21502== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
09:18.39scanline==21502==    at 0x40310B30: gl_bind_texture (gl_util.c:434)
09:19.01scanlinebut nothing serious yet
09:19.08captain_protonscanline: thats in libpgserver?
09:19.09scanlineit's still initializing...
09:19.12scanlinecaptain_proton: yes
09:19.30scanlineI've already picked at the gl_bind_texture code and it looks fine, but feel free to take a look :)
09:20.26scanlinehehe, neat
09:22.19captain_protonscanline: hmm, don't need a glTexImage2D?
09:24.16captain_protonah true
09:27.30captain_protonperhaps tomorrow while i'm *cough* at work, i'll write a quaternion class
09:28.13captain_protonwill be useful for particle emitters to spray within a certain angle from a direction
09:28.39captain_protonplus we can use it if we want to do tricky camera motion :)
09:29.49scanlinewe'll eventually need a camera that can follow a specified object at some distance and angle, while avoiding obstacles
09:32.38captain_protonare we going to be following the object? i think in terms of the engine it makes more sense to move the world instead of the player
09:36.17scanlinemoving the player will make it easier to handle multiple players, in case you have multiple characters you can switch between, or for multiplayer
09:37.26scanlineto represent positions in the world we should have a class that includes a unique sector ID then a position in that sector
09:38.27captain_protoncould be
09:38.42scanlinethen we'd just need ways of subtracting those vectors that would take into account the arrangement of sectors
09:39.08captain_protoni still wanna have it so that the player gets really deep into the character they're playing (somehow)
09:39.25scanlineplot is your thing :)
09:39.51captain_protoni suck at plot right now =}
09:40.05scanlinehow about that writer friend? :)
09:40.11captain_protonhe's musing
09:40.21captain_protoni dunno if he'll actually produce anything or not
09:41.05captain_protoni ought to get to bed
10:47.54*** join/#bzflag akira_ (~akira@
10:49.37*** join/#bzflag prodan (
10:50.00bombermoin a
10:50.03bombermoin p
10:50.12prodanguete morge
10:55.33vogonit's just that the joke is only funny the first 50 billion times.
10:55.42vogonand then it stops being anything but mildly entertaining.
10:56.33vogonI am possibly the greatest HHGTTG pedant in the Universe, however.
10:57.46*** join/#bzflag akira_ (~akira@
10:58.23bombermoin a
10:58.31bomberremoin a
10:58.32prodanresitance is futile?
10:58.40akira_bomber: laeuft der rechner?
10:58.50bomberlauft :o))
10:59.08bomberimmer schneller und schneller :o)
10:59.21akira_und weiter und weiter
10:59.26akira_und hoeher und hoeher
10:59.31bomberja genau
10:59.35akira_und ist olympisch platz 1 YEAH
11:00.26vogonanywho, back to hacking OpenAL.
11:00.47ak|ravogon: send me the current link to openal
11:03.45ak|rai thought this site is down since loki is out
11:04.17vogonsomeone still runs's old servers.
11:04.45vogonwww., anyway.
11:07.47Chestalhmm, what does "G.I." mean exactly?
11:08.29*** part/#bzflag jneves (
11:10.23sussudiogeneral issue
11:14.19ak|raChestal: ?
11:14.37Chestalhmm, I'm talking about the abbreviation used for American soldiers
11:15.45ak|rai for infantry?
11:16.15Chestalanyway, I guess the New York Times ist just not capable of correct English
11:16.24Chestalwriting "G.I.'s"
11:17.13vogonthis sounds like a job for acronymfinder.
11:17.43Chestalah, hi vogon. Where have you been hiding?
11:17.53vogonright here, of course.
11:18.20ak|rachestal ->
11:18.23vogonactually, I've just been off, hacking my own hacks.
11:18.38sussudioyes, it's "General Issue", like i said.
11:18.49sussudioin other words "cannon fodder"
11:18.51vogonI'm back to working on BZFlag, and I'm currently trying to remember wtf the engine gets a tank's heading from.
11:19.26Chestalakira: hmm, they're also usign the apostrophe, but why? It's silly
11:19.29vogonforgot to look at the class BaseLocalPlayer inherits.
11:19.52vogonChestal: because 99% of school students are taught that it's proper grammar to do so.
11:20.06vogonbecause America's a country of morons, in essense.
11:20.34sussudiothe biggest moron gets to be president
11:20.45vogonhe's a mediocre moron.
11:21.11vogonmediocrity is a quality to be valued in a leader.
11:21.37vogonbecause through bland, meaningless leadership, we don't ever actually move forward.
11:21.49vogonand there's no risk of falling back.
11:22.33vogonanyway, back to tearing the BZFlag sound subsystem limb from limb.
11:24.12sussudioman, that's one pissed-off gopher on national geographic channel
11:25.54Chestalnot a Gerbil?
11:26.01sussudiohmm not sure
11:26.08sussudioit's light grey and screams
12:45.47vogonanyone here familiar with the inner workings of sound.cxx?
12:48.52Chestalnot me
12:49.14Chestalhasn't it been rewritten in the 1.8 branch?
12:49.25vogonno clue.
12:49.46scanline1.8 is permanently retired
12:50.29Chestalyes, but whoever did the rewrite then must know about it
12:50.39Chestaland should probably do the rewrite for 1.7, too?
12:50.45Chestalprobably proton
12:51.04vogonChestal: heh. the rewrite I'm doing is the mother of all rewrites.
12:51.26vogonwhich means that the FooMedia classes get that much lighter.
12:52.40Chestalhmm, ok, all I know is that 1.8 was using ogg
12:53.22vogon(which is OK, because my code doesn't touch the loading functions.)
13:27.00*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
13:28.35vogonit compiles.
13:28.41vogonbut it runs without sound.
13:33.30ak|raibot ducati
13:33.31bzfquerylong 5156
13:38.44*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
13:44.08*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (dbrosius@
13:46.36*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
13:46.43vogonseriously, what the hell.
13:47.04vogonaudioLoop() appears to be bombing out between one printf() and another printf().
13:51.44MrApathyCreamnice job chestal!
13:52.14Chestalthanks, I'm now trying to track down the difference in fps I get
13:53.53ak|raChestal: for what?
13:54.30MrApathyCreamon the fly switching
13:54.44Chestaldifference between cvs with opacity=1.0 and e6/patched with old HUD
13:55.00ak|rawhat are the differences?
13:56.03ak|rain fps .. or .. be more specific
13:56.10Chestalok, on an empty map without 3d rendering now less than 1% difference, could well be the time display
13:56.29Chestalbut I disabled some things
13:56.54*** join/#bzflag sgi (
13:57.03Chestalget 106 fps with e6/patch and 105-106fps with cvs code
13:57.09Chestalhi sgi
13:57.21ak|raand with 3dobjects rendered?
13:57.51bzdougwhats new in e6/patch and CVS?
13:58.03*** join/#bzflag sgi (
13:58.29Chestalbzdoug: read the Changelog in CVS
13:58.53ak|raChestal: fps with 3dobjects?
14:00.00Chestalakira: still working on it
14:00.10Chestaltesting on an empty mapanyway
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14:02.43prodanibot ducati
14:02.44bzfquerylong 5156
14:03.13Chestalbtw., I encountered the only-position-lights-are-drawn-for-tanks bug yesterday
14:03.23Chestalafter switching video res severaltimes, thisis with software rendering
14:03.33ChestalsoI assume this bug actually is in the bzflag code
14:04.23ak|raChestal: cant follow
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14:27.52ak|rahello MrApathyCream
14:28.31ak|raMrApathyCream: I AM one of those who need a seperate tranlucency for radar / message panel :)
14:29.05MrApathyCreamby the way does 're' mean in german-eze
14:29.16MrApathyCreamwhat does..
14:30.08vogonI think it's just a shortened version of rehi.
14:30.29MrApathyCreamok, i'll bite, what does rehi mean?
14:30.42ak|ra"hello, i was already here"
14:31.30*** join/#bzflag sussudio (
14:32.15ak|raMrApathyCream: but there is another meaning -> there is a cardgame called "skat"
14:33.40vogonunfortunately, I haven't the foggiest idea where that code is located.
14:33.56scanlinemakes it even harder to find the code's ass
14:34.37ak|rajust follow the smell of uglyness :)
14:35.38vogonOK, let's try compiling it without the sound thread.
14:35.56vogonthreading makes things just that much more of a pain.
14:37.35*** join/#bzflag bja (
14:37.39bjasup? all
14:38.27bjais there a bzflag ftp? (http is firewalled off so I can't check the site)
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14:39.44ak|raMrApathyCream: and in this game there is an "statement"... you say "kontra" if you think the other side is wrong in relation to his winning-abilities and then the opponent could say "re" if he still thinks he could win the game
14:43.20vogonwell, found the first problem.
14:43.24vogon(of many, I think.)
14:46.17vogonwhoo! heap corruption!
14:48.37ak|ravogon is doing evils stuff
14:49.21MrApathyCreamfinally, openal is working woowoo, i added it as a patch to sf, if anyone cares!
14:49.27MrApathyCreamglad thats done
14:49.45vogonMrApathyCream: bastard. don't toy with me.
14:50.05MrApathyCreamyou've become hardened to my pranks
14:52.25vogonanyone care to tell me where in LinuxMedia pipe() is called from?
14:53.14vogonah, openAudio.
14:54.43ak|raMrApathyCream: openal for bzflag?
14:55.29*** join/#bzflag chsh[] (~chsh@
14:59.35vogonnow it's just down to segfaulting.
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15:01.30MrApathyCreamak|ra: yes
15:01.43sgi: /msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY
15:02.12MrApathyCream: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
15:02.33vogon: /msg MrApathyCream u wanna cyber???????
15:04.28ak|raMrApathyCream: completly ?
15:04.34ak|raor just in some places?
15:04.35vogonif at first you don't succeed, keep hammering it until you've nothing left but a mangled piece of metal.
15:04.45vogonak|ra: he was kidding.
15:04.54vogonak|ra: OpenAL in BZFlag is my pet project.
15:05.03vogon(and it's what I'm working on right now.)
15:05.06sussudioibot: a/s/l?
15:05.07I'm a bot. Fscker.
15:05.19vogon(and will have, once I get the bugs out.)
15:12.41MrApathyCreamas happenstance would have vogon has a pattern of others jumping in and stealing his pet projects
15:12.54MrApathyCreami was just continueing the trend
15:14.25vogonit's not a history, really.
15:14.28vogonjust the SDL thing.
15:14.45vogonoh, and the missile lock-on warning.
15:15.04MrApathyCreamcan you test this on *nix for me vogon?
15:15.21vogonMrApathyCream: sure.
15:15.41ChestalI am still not too fond of the team colored border around radar / message area
15:15.53vogonyou suck at the openal.
15:15.57MrApathyCreamhmmm must be *nix, works fine on windows
15:16.00MrApathyCream(the good os)
15:16.24vogonyeah, Linux sucks.
15:16.47MrApathyCreamChestal: a vestage of when Your name in big bold letters was removed from 1.8, and you couldn't tell what team you were on
15:16.51MrApathyCream(in case you couldn't remember)
15:16.52vogonI'm leaving it for Windows as soon as I can figure out how to work this crappy desktop environment.
15:17.32vogonor maybe OS X.
15:17.43MrApathyCreamwheres widget when you need her
15:17.45vogonthe real UNIX that's based on FreeBSD and open-source.
15:18.31MrApathyCreamyou know that you were born to be a .NET developer
15:19.08vogonsystem.out.writeln(".net is l33t.");
15:24.01scanlinewhat's so great about .net?
15:24.57ak|radont know scanline
15:25.07ak|rai only use the c++ compiler from .netstudio
15:26.43vogonthe only compiler that barfs if you throw partial template specialization at it.
15:27.21vogonwelp, it turns out that a write is blocking forever.
15:27.54scanlinec++ is overrated
15:27.59vogonon a pipe to another process.
15:28.14ak|rascanline: c also
15:28.26vogonx86 assembly is where it's at.
15:28.34ak|ralalal :)
15:28.43ak|ra<flame on> :)
15:28.52vogonlidt *$0x0; sti; int3;
15:29.18vogonerr, there should be a nop between sti and int3.
15:30.21vogonand replace *$0x0 with a pointer somewhere off into hyperspace, where you have 6 NUL bytes.
15:30.35vogonnot 5, not 7, but 6.
15:34.18sussudioman... that was the last time i drank a can of gravy......
15:34.32bzdougof gravy?
15:34.39sussudiowell, it was warm
15:34.40bzdougwho makes gravy in a can?
15:34.48sussudioerr zwanenberg
15:35.01sussudioit kinda stuck to my teeth
15:35.06bzdougI see
15:35.08sussudioand probably my intestines
15:35.27vogonare you sure it didn't say "epoxy"?
15:35.42sussudioit was kinda brown
15:36.02vogonwriting 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 3 1c 42 49 87 a7 43 0 0 f0 41 ae 87 18 3f
15:36.06vogonanyone speak sound command?
15:36.33bzdougkazaa sux
15:36.42bzdougirc rules
15:36.49sussudioi thought that was the kind of movie you were looking for
15:37.32*** join/#bzflag [KaMiLLe|TeA] (
15:37.36bzdougvogon: haha
15:38.48bzdoug*** Password Incorrect
15:38.49bzdoug[10:43] *** Closing Link: (Bad Password)
15:38.55bzdougwhats that?
15:39.05[KaMiLLe|TeA]looks like an ip addy
15:39.06[KaMiLLe|TeA]for me
15:43.57bzdougjeeez, over 2000 channels so far
15:45.01Chestalsomeone with smoothing+blending capabilities please try current CVS and check whether radar looks ok
15:45.31bzdougif you would compile it on windows for me, I can take a peek
15:46.00ak|raChestal: ok, lets see :)
15:46.10ak|rav1_7 yes?
15:46.23bzdoug6000 channels!
15:46.30bzdougand its still going
15:47.34ak|rasomeone corrected the win32.dsp?
15:48.10Chestalakira: v1_7, yes
15:48.24ak|raok, building is running
15:48.33bzdougak|ra: I dunno, but I did find a neat utility that all you have ot do is right click and it will convert *nix to windows
15:48.43ak|racould take some time, opensgbuild in vmware is take some proctime :)
15:49.11ak|rabzdoug: the easiest way is to mark the .dsp as binary and thats it
15:49.13ChestalPilotfish: teure Schachtel
15:49.23vogonomg. it doesn't freeze now.
15:50.04vogondoesn't play sound, either, but it's a start.
15:53.56ak|raChestal: works but looks strange
15:54.02ak|raChestal: fonts very big
15:54.06vogonit played a sound!
15:54.10ak|raChestal: and the hud is very very huge
15:54.13vogonthat sounded distorted!
15:54.14Chestalak|ra: big? they're smaller than in e4 for me
15:54.26Chestalak|ira: yes, this might need some work
15:54.42Chestalakira: using big or small fonts?
15:54.50bzdougak|ra: care to share?
15:55.31ak|raChestal: small
15:56.21ak|rabzdoug: what?
15:56.45bzdougyou got an EXE?
15:56.50Chestalakira: which resolution?
15:56.56ak|rabig one :)
15:57.02ak|ra11xx x 1024
15:57.40vogondereferencing a std::list::iterator gives you the item stored at that iterator, right?
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15:58.01vogonor am I mindblowingly wrong?
15:58.12ak|ravogon: right+
15:58.15bzdougyou mindblowingly smart
15:58.31Chestalakira: tested it, but fonts are not big, except maybe for the one used for your callsign etc. at the top
15:58.37vogonak|ra: heh.
15:59.10vogonthen this is interesting.
15:59.26vogonbecause sources.begin() is NULL.
15:59.32vogonand somehow, sources.end() is not.
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16:03.02ak|raChestal: team and statsfonts ...
16:03.44bzdougits snowing
16:03.57bzdougho ho ho
16:04.12[KaMiLLe|TeA]ich finde
16:04.13ak|ravoogon .. which compilier?
16:04.21[KaMiLLe|TeA]wir sollten eine league machen
16:04.38[KaMiLLe|TeA]das man jede 2 woche mindestens 1 match machen muss
16:04.52[KaMiLLe|TeA]sonst wird man disquallifiziert
16:04.55Chestalsonst wird an gebannt, genau :-)
16:05.06vogonak|ra: g++ 2.95.4.
16:05.57ak|ravogon: try gcc3.2 -> better c++ implementation
16:06.04ak|raand much much much faster code :)
16:06.29vogonI don't want to sit through yet another build.
16:06.41vogonthe line that's crashing is this:
16:06.46vogonalGetSourcei(*iter, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &isPlaying);
16:06.50vogonwhere iter is:
16:06.55vogonfor (std::list<uint>::iterator iter = sources.begin(); iter != sources.end(); iter++) {
16:07.30*** join/#bzflag MrAC (
16:08.12ak|rado you ask source.empty() before going in the loop ?
16:08.40vogonak|ra: hmm. I knew I forgot something.
16:08.43Chestalfor an empty list, begin()==end() should be true
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16:09.30vogonor, at least, that's what my (pseudo-limited) experience suggests.
16:09.43ak|ravogon: check it out with empty first
16:10.27Chestaluint is an unisgned int I suppose?
16:10.32vogondidn't work.
16:10.34vogonChestal: yeah.
16:10.36Chestalthen your above code can only crash when you've done nasty things before
16:10.55vogonbut I haven't, to my knowledge, done anything nasty.
16:11.19ak|ravogon: the code above is correct as far as i see
16:12.08vogonit only blows up once I've added a source to sources.
16:13.42vogonoh, well.
16:13.47vogonI'll do something with a deque instead.
16:16.44vogonOK, I have done something nasty.
16:17.00vogonbut, unfortunately, I have an nVidia card, so valgrind can't catch what's nasty.
16:18.04vogonyou know what valgrind is, right?
16:18.14vogonit's a memory access debugger.
16:18.18vogonworks like a charm.
16:18.27vogonunless your program uses MMX or SSE instrucions.
16:18.30vogoninstructions, rather.
16:18.43vogonwhich anything linked to nVidia's does.
16:19.31vogonso, essentially, I have to figure out what's screwing up sources to the point where front() blows up.
16:20.24vogonbut I lack the one tool that'd make it simpler than guess and check.
16:21.34MrApathyCreamthe score board fonts don't change size, just the message area
16:21.46ChestalMAC: it depends
16:22.01ChestalMAC: but the font sizes might need some work anyway
16:24.02*** topic/#bzflag by vogon -> Updated BZEdit Windows || bzedit 2.1! || || || 1.7e6 (Armoured Smashing Fist 2002) || - interview Dec 7th || someone set us up the glx | single white geek seeks person with Linux box lacking nVidia video card. Turnons include a recent
16:24.29*** topic/#bzflag by vogon -> Updated BZEdit Windows || bzedit 2.1! || || || 1.7e6 (Armoured Smashing Fist 2002) || - interview Dec 7th || someone set us up the glx | vogon needs a valgrind box w/o nVidia.
16:30.31bzdougahhh call the insane asilum
16:30.35MrApathyCreamwhen opacity == 1 message is big and score board is small
16:30.45MrApathyCreamwhen opacity < 1 scoreboard is big and messages are small
16:31.22Chestalwith opacity<1, fonts should  be at least as large as with opacity=1
16:31.39Chestalbecause all the functions use the vertical size of the 3D arena AFAIK
16:32.05Chestalsome font sizes look ugly here
16:33.07ChestalMAC: does the radar look ok with and without blending/smoothing?
16:33.16Chestalthere was some straneg code in there which I didn't quite understand
16:33.44Chestalthere have been versions of bzflag where the radar has some kind of motion blur when blending was turned on
16:34.10sussudiois there any way to get the message box like it was before, with normal font size?
16:34.26vogoneww. "Laundry Service" by Shakira.
16:34.31vogonsome people have no taste in music.
16:34.47Chestalsussudio: what's "normal" to you? for me it looks the same at 800x600 as all previous versions
16:34.56MrApathyCreamChestal: ok
16:35.07sussudioChestal : the font is TINY now.
16:35.24sussudioand the left and bottom line of the message box are missing
16:35.35sussudioand it overlaps the message input at the bottom
16:35.43Chestalsussudio: current CVS version?
16:35.48sussudioChestal : uh huh.
16:35.58MrApathyCreamsussudio: adjust your monitor ;)
16:36.07vogonsussudio: I've never heard the new James Bond theme.
16:36.10Chestalhmm, is that a yes or a no
16:37.13sussudioMrApathyCream : ha. ha. yes, adjusting my monitor will make the fonts bigger. yes, that will work.
16:37.29MrApathyCreami meant the clipping
16:37.49MrApathyCreamChestal: uh huh means yes
16:38.13Chestalsussudio: at which resolution?
16:38.14sussudio-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        42482 Dec  4 15:13 HUDRenderer.cxx
16:38.24Chestalit looks more or less fine at all resolutions I can try here
16:38.30Chestalthat's the one I am using
16:38.47Chestalfonts are the same size as e4, at least when using big fonts. When not, the scoreboard is smaller
16:39.11sussudiois your HUDRenderer.cxx the same size?
16:39.53Chestaljust a moment, mine is patched, going back to CVS
16:40.19Chestalyes, same size
16:41.20Chestalare you using opacity<1 or =1?
16:41.39*** join/#bzflag strayer (
16:41.57sussudioi only see panelopacity in .bzflag
16:42.02strayerhi :)
16:42.03sussudiowhat's that?
16:42.27Chestalplay wth the settings in the gui submenu
16:42.34Chestalbut thre should be no clipping problems whatsoever
16:42.38Chestalhi strayer
16:43.08sussudioumm where did that GUI options submenu come from?
16:44.49strayerhi Chestal
16:45.21MrApathyCreamchestal; two pics one with opacity=1 one with < 1, note the font sizes
16:45.32ChestalMAC: hmm, that looks strange
16:45.54Chestallet me try and open a window at the same res here
16:46.41ChestalMAC: with opac=1.0 I have a much nicer looking and smaller font
16:49.39Chestal and b.jpg
16:54.00*** join/#bzflag Cell (
16:54.51ChestalMAC: depending on the font size it chooses different fonts
16:55.04ChestalMAC: obviously, soemthign is wrong. Is this on Windows?
16:55.12Chestalhi Cell
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16:55.43Chestalmac: did you read what I wrote?
16:56.18M_A_Ci got your links, that was last
16:56.55ChestalMAC: depending on the font size it chooses different fonts
16:56.58ChestalMAC: obviously, soemthign is wrong. Is this on Windows?
16:57.25MrApathyCreamit works right with smaller fonts choice always
16:58.26Chestalhmm, ok
16:58.53Chestalthe code for the COntrolPanel uses larger fonts with opacity=1 because it takes the vertical size of the message area to calcfont size
16:59.38Chestalhmm, there is some dead code here and there, disbaled by comments
17:00.15Chestalstill curious why you get other sizes than me
17:00.26Chestalyour screenshots are real pixel sizes?
17:05.15*** join/#bzflag sussudio (
17:06.24MrApathyCreamwell, the pics are 60% of real size
17:06.39MrApathyCreami run at 1152x864
17:07.23MrApathyCreammy point is the size is fine, it's just that the two should match (scoreboard and messages)
17:07.40MrApathyCreamat least be close
17:08.03Chestalah, ok, that explains it
17:08.13Chestalwell, the calculations for the two font sizes are different
17:08.32Chestalthe scoreboard will get bigger with a bigger 3d area (vertical)
17:08.45Chestalwhereas the message font is based on the y size of the controlpanel
17:08.49MrApathyCreamshould switch to horizontal like you said
17:09.20Chestalhmm, wc6.diff is the most recent world cache patch?
17:09.44Chestaldoesn't patch cleanly with current version
17:09.49Chestalbzfs.cxx has issues
17:09.56Chestaland common.dsp
17:10.01MrApathyCreamwill fix
17:10.20Chestalgreat, I want to test it
17:11.17MrApathyCreami only tested windows version, dunno about *nix
17:11.17MrApathyCreamalthough the code is all there
17:11.33ChestalI plan to run server code on ducati
17:11.56ChestalI feel we are quite close to code which can be frozen and hopefully released as e8 for xmax
17:11.58Chestaleh, xmas
17:12.11MrApathyCreamwould be nice
17:13.21Chestallots of patches on sf
17:14.16ak|raund DU bist schuld
17:14.24Chestalheh, evenone from rcam :-)
17:16.34PatLabor221ahhh it's so nice when you have a news posting script instead of having to update HTML by hand.
17:26.25Cellthats true
17:28.13ak|racompile or die
17:33.23bzdouggot nearly an inch in under a few hours
17:34.54bzdouga record here
17:35.07bzdougits rare to have a white x-mas
17:36.55ak|rayou wont have white xmas
17:37.09bzdouguh huh
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17:53.58Cellhi, someone can tell me what messanger service is?
17:54.31Cellits popping up from time to time when im online with annoying messages
17:55.21bzdougits called spam
17:55.34Celland how do i stop it
17:55.53ak|raCell: i know it i know it :)
17:56.02ak|raCell: start -> systemsteuerung
17:56.03bzdougturn off the messing service
17:56.13Cellk, thanks
17:56.19ak|raand then search for messenging
17:56.27ak|raits the evil m$ crap :)
18:00.13CellSends and receives messages transmitted by administrators or by the Alerter service.
18:00.21Cellis it this one
18:01.30bzdougI could send you a message
18:02.16Celli stoped it now
18:02.27bzdougdisable it
18:02.48Cellyes marked it as disabled on startup
18:02.59ak|rabzdoug: you were the bastard who was spamming me werent you? :)
18:03.12bzdougak|ra: hmmmm?
18:03.27ak|rabzdoug: once i sit back in my chair in the university and got spam
18:03.43bzdougI get it everyday
18:04.04bzdougbut I never send spam, I just send strange messages :P
18:04.15ak|raafter that i told the admins to STOP the messenger service on alle machines
18:04.24bzdouggood good!
18:04.24ak|rabzdoug: for me it was the same
18:04.40ak|rabut ONE message would be enough to proove it
18:04.45ak|racouldnt play bzflag anymore
18:05.39Cellcan u write a .bat file that prints out your current ip address
18:05.48bzdougCell: not me
18:06.04bzdougI dont know anything about bat files all bat files are is macros
18:06.08bzdougsorta kinda
18:06.37Cellyou use win2000 or unix?
18:07.18Cellso how do you automate repetitive tasks?
18:07.20bzdougxp, LINUX, 2000, 98, OS X
18:07.43bzdougall bat files are a way to automate commandline things
18:07.51Cellall on one machine?
18:08.01bzdougCell: lol, no
18:09.08Cellhow many?
18:09.20ak|raCell: one
18:09.25bzdoug6 currently running
18:09.26[KaMiLLe|TeA]ibot ducati
18:09.26bzfquerylong 5156
18:09.26ak|ravmware is everythin :)
18:09.36bzdougsome are my dads and moms
18:09.46Cell6, all for you
18:09.55Cellwhat the hell are you doing
18:10.00bzdougnot for me
18:10.11bzdougmy dad has one, my mom has one
18:10.24Celland you have 4?
18:10.36bzdougone is a broken laptop hooked up to the TV as a console/dvd player
18:10.45bzdougone is my mp3 laptop
18:10.50bzdougone is my main PC
18:11.01Cellok, lol, old crap
18:11.14[KaMiLLe|TeA]does ibot work on xp ?
18:19.08Celldbz time in 5 min, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
18:19.19strayer:) ...i know...hehe.....
18:20.01strayerCell: when will they show the GT series?...
18:20.19Celldont know, they cannot afford?
18:20.39Celltoo expensive
18:21.45Cellyou know the new dbz game on playstation2, its amazing
18:22.05strayerno....dont have such a one
18:22.25Celli dont ahve it too, cause the ps2 is too expensive
18:22.33Celli wait for the emulator
18:22.50bzdougit will never be emulated
18:23.04strayerbut i wouldn't have the time to play it
18:23.14Celldo you think?
18:24.24strayerU mean bzdoug...right?
18:24.47ak|raabnd strayer
18:25.05bzdougthe PS2 is too powerfull
18:25.06strayerhallöle ak|ra
18:26.06strayerak|ra: any new milestones with Ur graphical stuff?
18:26.15ak|rastrayer: ?
18:26.19ak|rawhich one?
18:27.50ak|raah, not yet
18:27.56ak|raa lot of other stuff todo :)
18:28.15ak|rabut i think today / tonight there could be progress .. lets see
18:28.30strayeroki... :)
18:30.02strayerak|ra: wanna play a few minutes?....15 or so
18:31.11ak|ra5155 .. gimme some minutes
18:31.22strayerok...tell me when
18:31.42[KaMiLLe|TeA]me tooooo
18:31.45ak|rai will come in some seconds
18:40.00bzdougSince there is no time like the present, I thought it was time to
18:40.00bzdougpresent the present.
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22:09.42*** join/#bzflag Gerbil (
22:14.21*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
22:14.46MrApathyCreamChestal: wc7 is there, sorry for the delay had silly real life distractions
22:15.46*** join/#bzflag xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (
22:22.40BZFlaghmm.. 95% packet loss to sf cvs server.
22:26.22PatLabor221squirt gun in a rainstorm?
22:28.10*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
22:35.57*** join/#bzflag sgi (
22:45.21*** join/#bzflag sgi (
22:45.52*** join/#bzflag pippo (
22:47.07sgiciao pippo
22:47.19sgiwas up
22:47.24pippohi sgi
22:47.34pippoyou still suck
22:47.45sgithank you
22:47.55sgihow are yoiu today
22:48.35pippomy back...pain
22:48.41pippomy head too
22:48.57sgiyou are old man
22:49.56pippothank you...but you still suck
22:50.20sgiva' a diavolo
22:50.29pippoci sei quasi
22:51.10pippoyou play too much..........
22:51.27pippoI gotta go seee you
22:56.34bzdouggstraaaaang people around here
23:12.30bzdouggsilly hub
23:12.45bzdouggonly goes 10 base-t to local devices
23:18.00Chestalbzflag: alive?
23:18.17bzdouggbzflag is on its last legs
23:31.06ak|rabye all
23:33.51Chestal: wish i knew
23:34.18Chestal~bzfquerylong 5156
23:34.18Chestal: I don't know, could you explain it?
23:34.25Chestal~bzfquery 5156
23:39.24bzdougg~shut up
23:39.25bzdougg: bugger all, i dunno
23:39.55bzdougg~shut up is <reply> you shut up, $who
23:39.55bzdougg: okay
23:39.58bzdougg~shut up
23:39.59you shut up, bzdougg

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.