irclog2html for #bzflag on 20021201

07:10.53*** join/#bzflag ibot (
07:10.53*** topic/#bzflag is Updated BZEdit Windows || rank: || bzedit 2.1! || || || 1.7e6 (Armoured Smashing Fist 2002) || 1.7 will become HEAD, 1.8 to be retired And It's SILL ALL DOUG'S FAULT :)
07:10.53*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
07:23.21*** join/#bzflag jpablo (
07:39.57otherprotonscanline: mornin'
07:40.08scanlinehiya otherproton
07:41.25otherprotonscanline: i saw your avi exporter - nifty
07:41.34otherprotonand might i add - you're now *completely* insane
07:44.47scanlineI got method calling working
07:44.59scanlineit uses templates :)
07:45.01otherprotonsuccessful lan party i'm assuming?
07:46.00scanlinemostly. I didn't have linux binaries for unreal with me, and I had terrible luck with trying to install windows on yoshi, so I gave up on that and programmed a bit... then played Unreal on my brother's computer when he fell asleep :)
07:46.11scanlineI wrote the ScriptableMethod templates at the lan party :)
07:49.18scanlineit was the first time I've used templates really, so let me know if I did something dumb... I tried to learn templates by reading the STL source :)
07:50.01otherprotonlemme take a look
07:50.14scanlineoh yeah... and I had to use your tmpfs idea with the AVI exporter
07:50.20scanlinemy disk can't handle 30 megabytes/second
07:51.06otherprotonwe need a way to turn it on and off
07:51.12otherprotonbecause the framerate sucks at the beginning
07:51.44scanlineI was planning on making a new main loop class that would have frame rate control, and allow you to register handlers to be run in the main loop
07:51.55scanlinethen there could be an AVI recorder ScriptableObject that would be a handler for that
07:52.03otherprotonsounds reasonable
07:52.13otherprotoni don't see anything horrible in scriptablemethod
07:56.10otherprotonhmm, we should perhaps create an avi buffer that keeps it in memory until program exit
07:56.33scanlineI thought about that too. Maybe even warn them when it's almost full, then pause everything while it flushes
07:57.49otherprotonwe could just force a pause, if they've got an avi-recorder going they won't expect real gameplay
07:58.46scanlineanother option would be using some kind of compression that makes the data rate low enough to record in real time, but doesn't take too much CPU
07:59.23otherprotonwhat we -really- need is a large striped scsi raid system <grin>
08:00.27scanlineeventually we'll need a way to save and load games, and a way to record demos
08:00.58otherprotonrecording demos can be simple enough, we can just record all the property sets and their timing
08:01.07scanlineif the demo recording facility recorded absolutely everything that could be onscreen, we could just have a utility to convert those to movies
08:01.07otherprotonthen let the physics engine replay the demo
08:04.49otherprotonif we save data like that we could have replays pretty easily
08:14.17otherprotonbum bum bum bada bum
08:18.10*** join/#bzflag sussudio (
08:19.15otherprotongah, i'm sick of talking to druggies on irc who can't even spell the name of what they're taking
08:20.07otherprotonthis guy needs a ritalin dart, for sure
08:24.44otherprotonscanline: i've decided lain would have been better if she just turned out to be a screwed up little girl
08:25.12*** join/#bzflag jpablo (
08:26.05otherprotonthe first few episodes were amazing - very dark...then they got into that whole god crap
08:26.31scanlinehow many of them have you watched?
08:26.49otherprotonall the ones you have (thats all of them, right?)
08:29.26scanlineyou mean your parents' windows computer doesn't provide an effective software development platform?
08:29.39otherproton'fraid not
08:29.46otherprotoni dunno, perhaps my head is just screwed up
08:29.51otherprotoni like dark stories
08:30.20scanlineyou should try Evangelion
08:30.54otherprotoni started the first episode but it didn't really grab my interest at the time
08:33.47scanlineStar Control 2 is neat
08:33.56scanlineif only I knew how to play it
08:34.28otherprotonperhaps its that i've been thinking about jetstream too much - my desire to tell a depressing story is bleeding into the rest of my life
08:35.14*** join/#bzflag Wilinckx (
08:38.08scanlinespeaking of jetstream...
08:38.11scanlinehow about portal rendering?
08:38.48scanlinewell, I was thinking we might need to deal with levels that are both inside and outside... for example, flying through caves or buildings
08:39.11scanlineso we could use something resembling a portal rendering engine, where some portals would lead to the terrain engine
08:39.17otherprotonooh thats a good idea...go on
08:39.38scanlinehaven't thought about it in much detail.. but it seems like it would work
08:51.45scanlinewhat kind of levels will jetstream usually have? completely outdoor? something like descent?
08:52.35otherprotonprobably a near-equal mix of indoor, outdoor, spaceside, underwater...
08:58.26otherprotonall depends on how the story comes out a literary friend of mine supposedly cooking something up
08:59.34*** join/#bzflag BlueIndian (
09:00.22BlueIndianwhere is my pies pipe
09:06.41scanlinewith a portal rendering engine supporting portals that lead to things like terrain engines and skyboxes, and a way of paging the portals to disk, you could have pretty much infinitely sized levels in any environment
09:06.55scanlines/portals to disk/sectors to disk/
09:07.53scanlinewould also be good for collision detection
09:08.12scanlinecollisions with terrain would be interesting
09:09.44otherprotonhow does a portal system impact collisions?
09:10.19scanlineif your level dataset is divided into sectors it might make collision detection simpler... dunno
09:13.31otherprotondepends how large the sectors are
09:16.20otherprotonwe can do some big optimization on collision anyways
09:22.39scanlineBSP trees?
09:24.21otherprotonsorta kinda not really
09:24.54otherprotonwe'll only do collision with 'local' geometry (which can be done via bsps/octrees/something similar)
09:25.24otherprotonplus we can run a lot less geometry for collision than we actually draw
09:25.49scanlineok.. another engine question: curved surfaces?
09:27.00otherprotoni've never done curved surfaces before :)
09:27.37scanlineI think a curved surface system with LOD will be necessary for indoor scenes to look good
09:27.53scanlinequake3 has something like that, and it's awesome for archways and round tunnels
09:28.05otherprotonbezier surfaces should be simple enough
09:28.25otherprotonLOD is just a question of interpolating the bezier depending on how far away it is
09:28.39scanlinenow another neat question:
09:28.48scanlinecan we combine the terrain rendering and curved surfaces?
09:29.04otherprotoni'd say not really
09:29.27otherprotonROAM is a very good terrain algorithm, and bezier's are completely different
09:29.43scanlinewell, both could benefit from the dynamic subdivision ROAM does
09:30.42scanlineyou might be able to do some pretty neat stuff by just allowing ROAM surfaces in the 3D engine... irregular floors in building, bumpy curved tunnels...
09:31.04otherprotonwe already have to interpolate the bezier curve, so there's no real reason to try to munge ROAM into it
09:31.36otherprotonbut yeah, we can use ROAM anywhere we have a really bumpy surface
09:32.08scanlinethe editor for this will be rather interesting :)
09:32.41otherproton'scary' is a better word
09:33.52scanlinedepending on how dynamic the levels can be, an in-game editor would be good
09:34.07scanlineyou could have a picogui panel with extra controls and views
09:34.32otherprotonin-game would also be good because we wouldn't have to port the editor
09:34.48scanlinean in-game python IDE would be easy =)
09:34.49otherprotoni've never had a real widget set to work with in-game so it will be much more feasable
09:58.49otherprotonooh thats creepy
09:59.04scanlineisn't it?
10:05.15otherprotonergg, sleep is beckoning
10:05.26scanlinekill it!
10:06.46*** join/#bzflag sussudio (
10:11.10otherprotoni'm gonna give in
10:16.02*** join/#bzflag jpablo (
10:57.08*** join/#bzflag scanline (
11:17.31*** join/#bzflag Terminator (
11:17.35Terminatorhi all
11:52.32*** join/#bzflag [TeA]-_ (
12:01.30*** join/#bzflag lupinator (
12:05.36[TeA]-_good irc?
12:05.41[TeA]-_no xchat
12:33.32*** join/#bzflag Wilinckx (~Wilinckx@
12:50.50*** join/#bzflag MrCooper ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:51.23*** join/#bzflag [TeA]- (
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12:59.04*** join/#bzflag ii (
13:06.32*** part/#bzflag lupinator (
13:17.41*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
14:13.34*** join/#bzflag MrCooper ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:23.58*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
15:03.52*** join/#bzflag M_A_C (dbrosius@
15:10.11ChestalI think we should have some observer slots by default, right now there are none if you do not use -mo option
15:56.21*** join/#bzflag M_A_C (dbrosius@
16:01.53*** join/#bzflag MrAC (dbrosius@
16:10.45*** join/#bzflag MrAC (
16:50.04*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
16:59.11*** join/#bzflag home (
16:59.42homehi tea :)
17:07.09*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
17:18.28*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
17:24.14ak|rahi all
17:36.50*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
17:39.40*** join/#bzflag jzaun (
17:40.06jzauncaptain_proton: you be around?
17:41.14sussudiojzaun: the map launching from world isnt working anymore
17:41.59jzaunsussudio: I'll look into it
17:59.05homeak|ra: awake?
18:07.04*** join/#bzflag WinkyGuy (
18:07.46bzgirlhi ;-)
18:08.05WinkyGuyHey, I figured it out.
18:09.02WinkyGuyIRC won't let me use ;-) as a nickname  :-(
18:09.34*** join/#bzflag strayer (
18:10.11strayerhi :)
18:10.18ChestalWinky: was able to contact one Mole so far
18:10.27WinkyGuyMy laptop is about out of batter, gotta go plug in.
18:10.54WinkyGuyCool.  Not sure I want to get whacked by you guys, but what the heck...
18:14.20bzgirlhello strayer
18:14.36strayerhi bzgirl :)
18:14.48*** join/#bzflag akira_ (
18:15.43strayerakira_: hi...die SQL-abfrage funzt leider nit bei jahresuebertraegen
18:16.17akira_strayer: war ja klar
18:16.39strayerakira_: warum?
18:16.49akira_naja, weil darum
18:17.06akira_versuchs mal mit absolut betraegen
18:17.19strayerdas isses nicht
18:17.23akira_also, irgendwie vorzeichen abhaengig
18:17.43WinkyGuyIch musse meine Deutche Wortebuch suchen
18:17.44strayerdas problem ist, dass BETWEEN immer zuerst den kleinsten, dann erst den grossen wert erwartet
18:19.09akira_strayer -> query
18:19.15WinkyGuyIch spreche nur ein bischen Deutsch.  Kannen sie sprechen English?
18:19.47strayerWinkyGuy: not that good...but...yep :)
18:20.26WinkyGuyDu musst besser dann mir bist!
18:21.25WinkyGuyI really don't want to butcher your language!  ;-)
18:21.47Chestalit's ugly, but starting to do something which makes sense
18:22.24WinkyGuyCool!  We need that.  It should label the flag, too...   ... or maybe not.
18:23.13WinkyGuySo, how many have two machines, one for chatting, one for playing?
18:23.44Chestalonly one machine here, but two X servers
18:24.19WinkyGuyAh, another solution.  I can't really do that, my machine is too slow.
18:24.32WinkyGuyI need all the resources I can get for bzflag
18:25.27WinkyGuySee, I PLAY on my laptop.  (A 600MHz iBook) U really need all U can get for the gane :)
18:26.13akira_Chestal: :))))))
18:26.22akira_Chestal: do you want to do this stuff now?
18:27.27Chestalakira: well, it's kind of workign already, but it's an evil hack. I have absolutely zero knowledge of OpenGL :-)
18:27.56*** join/#bzflag lupinator (
18:28.04akira_Chestal: show me the stuff
18:28.06Chestalah, hi lupi
18:28.18Chestalakira: it's not showable yet
18:28.20akira_Chestal: i told him the fighting news alreads
18:28.28akira_Chestal: show it to me ...
18:28.33sussudiohm aceshigh?
18:28.42Chestalakira: I am drawing the labels in 2D, so they're not hidden behnd buildings
18:28.50akira_so i can get an idea what you want and what you do :)
18:29.39*** join/#bzflag WinkyGuy (
18:29.41Chestalakira: I'm using gluProject to get the screen coordinates of each tank's center
18:29.51akira_evil :)
18:29.57akira_but nice idea
18:30.13akira_Chestal: -> query
18:36.47WinkyGuyOkay, so Procrastination Excess wants a match.  21:00 UTC.  Any takers?
18:37.25WinkyGuyI know that the Moles are working on getting up a team.  Anybody else?  We might be able to field two teams (or have two matches).
18:40.15*** join/#bzflag [TeA]- (
18:40.20akira_hi tea
18:40.50WinkyGuyTea and tea-  ?
18:44.38WinkyGuy[dmp], iluxa, you playing today?
18:53.54*** join/#bzflag WinkyGuy (
18:54.01*** part/#bzflag strayer (
19:05.02*** join/#bzflag WinkyGuy_ (
19:05.36WinkyGuy_Ah, that's better.  I just got ChatZilla to work
19:17.48*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
19:24.13*** join/#bzflag hahahehe (
19:29.06*** join/#bzflag hahahehe (
19:29.57*** join/#bzflag hehehaha (
19:31.50*** join/#bzflag Cell (
19:32.57*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
19:34.13Cellquo vadis Patlabor221?
19:56.36Patlabor221cell I am here.
20:09.09iluxahey all
20:09.23WinkyGuyHey iluxa
20:09.24iluxa[dmp]: arround?
20:09.29iluxahey WinkyGuy
20:09.32WinkyGuyDon't think so.
20:09.49bzgirldo you guys have a match lined up?
20:09.55iluxaI think so
20:10.05WinkyGuycalico sent bzmail saying they've got 3.
20:10.22bzgirlpro xs right?
20:10.30WinkyGuynWe could probably get another match if y'all are ready.
20:10.30iluxaWinkyGuy: what's your call sign?
20:10.40WinkyGuyI'm ';-)'
20:11.19WinkyGuyI just noticed the 'n' on one of my last messages.   ;-)
20:11.57WinkyGuyDid you get that, iluxa, or was it an icon?
20:12.12WinkyGuyMy callsign is a winking smiley
20:12.24iluxaI understood that
20:12.25WinkyGuy; - )
20:12.32iluxaOKOK :)
20:12.41iluxaI just created ml for our team
20:13.00iluxaI think I signed you up, but am not sure
20:13.10iluxaI sent bzmessage to all about that
20:14.01WinkyGuyI didn't get any mail from it yet.  Don't know if you sent a broadcast.
20:14.12WinkyGuyI *did* get the bzmail, though.
20:14.39iluxaWell, try signing up, in worst case it will yell at you that you are already sgned up
20:14.44WinkyGuyLooks like we might have a lot of ProXS show up today.
20:14.54WinkyGuyAre you in?
20:15.41iluxaHey, how about some practice now?
20:15.57iluxaOnthat practice server (to see if it works :)
20:33.25*** join/#bzflag Winkyguy (
20:35.37*** part/#bzflag Cell (
20:36.13*** join/#bzflag lupinator (
20:40.23ak|ramoin lup
20:41.30*** join/#bzflag WinkyGuy (
20:48.19*** part/#bzflag WinkyGuy (
20:58.19Chestal1:0 for the Plague vs. ProcXS
21:01.28ak|radurch wen?
21:04.45Chestalweis snichtmehr
21:04.48Chestal2:0 now
21:04.53Chestalafter 10 minutes
21:10.36*** join/#bzflag knightmare (
21:10.50knightmarehiiya guys
21:11.16Chestalhi knight
21:12.00knightmareany ideas why my server will crash every time it is started about 10 minutes later?
21:12.06knightmareall players go NR
21:12.23knightmaremodem even crash's have to unplug it
21:12.34knightmareusing slackware 8.1
21:12.40Chestalhmm, not really
21:12.46knightmarei dont get it
21:12.47Chestalwhat kind of modem is it?
21:12.50jzaunknightmare: it has happened to me as well
21:13.01jzaunserver don't crash but my client goes all NR
21:13.06knightmarei've seen it happening at poish's server too
21:13.13jzaunits because the modem "hickups"
21:13.18knightmareyeah, everyone goes NR all at once
21:13.42knightmareni do ALOT of downloading, movies etc... it never hiccups once
21:13.47jzaunit seems bzfs can't live without a connection for too long
21:13.55knightmarestart BZ for 10 mins and it pukes
21:14.15jzaunnot sure as to why...
21:14.31jzaunbut its not a server thing :-) that much I can say for sure
21:14.38knightmaremine will do it like clockwork
21:14.52otherprotonknightmare: you're not getting any segmentation faults or anything?
21:14.56knightmareexpect it about 10 mins after players show up
21:15.07knightmarenot that i know of
21:15.15otherprotonwhat version are you using?
21:15.27otherprotonas of when?
21:15.45knightmareusing bzfs ya mean?
21:16.01knightmarebeen trying to get it stable for a few weeks
21:16.13ChestalI have no problems with the server onducati
21:16.18Chestalusually runs for weeks without a restart
21:16.21knightmaretried it in XP win 2000 server and slackware 8.1
21:16.38knightmareeveryone does the same thing.
21:16.46knightmareble guy coming tomorrow ro check lines
21:17.08knightmarebut i dont see how it can be the cable, excelent connections and speed
21:17.19jzaunotherproton: got a sec for a BZE compile issue?
21:17.21knightmareexcept when i start bzfs :(
21:17.29otherprotonjzaun: shoot
21:18.10jzaunIn file included from /usr/include/c++/3.2/i386-redhat-linux/bits/c++locale.h:39,
21:18.19jzaunmake[2]: *** [bzedit.o] Error 1
21:18.45otherprotonthats all it gives you?
21:19.25jzaunthats it
21:20.44otherprotonhmm yeah, i had to hack the header file to get that to funtion =|
21:21.09ak|rawhat did you try?
21:21.12jzaunotherproton: how did you hack it?
21:22.16otherprotonwell i -had- hacked it but i seem to have lost my changes during an upgrade :P
21:22.29otherprotoni'll take a look at it tonight when i'm back at my own system
21:22.51ak|raotherproton: why did you need hacking the header?
21:23.03otherprotonak|ra: because the header had syntax errors
21:23.13jzaunak|ra: cause as far as I can tell its busted
21:23.37ak|raotherproton: could you show me?
21:24.09otherprotonak|ra: look at jzaun's error
21:24.42jzaunline 40 is: extern char *gettext (__const char *__msgid) __THROW;
21:24.56ak|rajzaun: where did it start?
21:25.12ak|rawhat system
21:25.22ak|ragcc3.2 - native system?
21:25.23ChestalProc-XS - The Plague: 1-7
21:25.29ak|raChestal: oha
21:25.34jzaungcc3.2 native RH8.0
21:26.18ak|rais that the same evil red hats that did the ? :)
21:26.38otherprotonak|ra: i had that error on a gentoo box
21:26.53ak|raotherproton: just a joke
21:27.07ak|raand the error comes from just include the stuff?
21:27.55ak|raui .. could you show me these few lines?
21:28.24otherprotonak|ra: it borks on anything with __const - i'm not sure why they have that instead of 'const'
21:29.05otherprotonhmm, looks like woes would end if argp.h was included in libintl.h
21:29.19otherprotonjzaun: try sticking a #include <argp.h> at the top of that file
21:29.21ak|raaeh, the #includes
21:29.26ak|raplease show me that one
21:30.09jzaunheh that fixed the __const errors
21:30.18jzaunbut now I get /usr/include/libintl.h:41: parse error before `const'
21:31.18otherprotonohh i think i know what it is
21:31.24otherproton'gettext' and friends have been defined
21:31.39otherprotoni remember now, i had to delete those function definitions from the header :P
21:33.18jzaunthat did it
21:33.23jzaunI just // them out
21:33.44jzaunstill very strange that one would have to modify a sys header
21:34.03otherprotoni think there's a conflict between things that get included in iostream vs gnome
21:34.25jzaunI wonder is gnome knows about the confict
21:35.43jzaunso 2.1 is the BZE with the new look and feel?
21:36.20otherprotonthe new look and feel one is rotting at the bottom of my heap
21:37.18jzaunwell... I got it compiled...
21:37.32jzaunbut there are not graphics, everything is just white
21:37.45otherprotondid you make install?
21:37.50jzaunmight have to make install :-)
21:38.04otherprotonit needs the data directory to be in the right place
21:38.45jzaunare they the same biled that BZF uses?
21:51.11*** join/#bzflag jzaun (
21:57.40jzaunotherproton: still around?
22:17.11*** join/#bzflag keld (
22:19.39*** join/#bzflag foo (
22:20.30*** join/#bzflag WinkyGuy (
22:20.49WinkyGuyDid we blow, or did we blow?
22:22.10Chestalmaybe we shoudl think of a different rating system
22:22.24Chestalsomehow teams which do not play should get their ratign lowered
22:22.49WinkyGuyI'd go for that  ;-)
22:23.24ak|raWinkyGuy: you blow .)
22:23.32Chestalright now the non-top active teams tend to drop down to the end of the list
22:23.33WinkyGuySomehow teams which blow should get their ratings raised :-)
22:23.44ak|rasorry again for the FAT lagging phase in first minutes
22:24.09Chestalak|ra: there was an interesting article on QoS for DSL users in one of the latets issues of ct
22:24.10WinkyGuyDidn't maatter
22:24.15ChestalI guess I'll try that
22:24.41Chestalwill jsut have to adapt it somehow to boost bzflag packets :-)
22:25.23ak|raChestal: i take fli4l and can handle this .. but never see the need for qos until now
22:26.29Chestala friend of mien tried it, works great, an interactive ssh was very usable while a fullspeed download was running
22:32.32*** join/#bzflag klj (
22:32.52ak|raChestal: ich weiss, ich kenn die jungs von fli4l ein wenig :)
22:37.28Chestalotherproton: I hacked a tank labels for roaming patch today (with help from akira)
22:37.42Chestalseems to have a little bug yet, then I'll put it in sf
22:38.40ak|raand i am almost done with the old e6 + akira/chestal hudstuff + chestals new stuff :)
22:42.43Chestalhmm, the L key defaults to be an alternative for right mouse click?
22:43.11ak|radon know
22:44.17Chestalhmm, and there is a bug in the default 2 list, one item missing
22:44.41otherprotondefault 2 list?
22:44.48ak|raChestal: while patching it by hand i saw something like this
22:45.12Chestalotherproton: yes, defaults for keys, each fucntion can have two key bindings
22:45.16ak|rachestal .. ther is an area   list .. = listNext or someting like that
22:45.19Chestalhmm, why use 'l' for identify?
22:46.52ChestalI don't insist on the 'l' key for the labels. ANy suggestsions? Or I could remap identify to something else instead of 'l'
22:46.59Chestalmaybe 'i'?
22:51.17ak|rai have it now on #
22:51.25ak|rabut in the new version i build no reaktion
22:51.29Chestaldoes everyoen habe glu.h?
22:53.34ak|raChestal: the patch rocks for cvs - v1_7 ...
22:53.45ak|rabut nothin happens in 1.7e6 :(
22:54.27Chestalhmm, try to find whetehr it's just the key
22:54.37Chestalmanually edit the config file and set showlabels to yes
22:55.43Chestalstill not sure which key to use
22:56.56*** join/#bzflag Fanta (
22:57.01ak|rahuhu Fanta
22:57.22Fantawar noch mit ginku am quatschen
22:58.39Fantaleague comes back ?
22:58.41*** join/#bzflag hmm (
22:59.34ChestalFanta: well, at least the new teams are eager to play
22:59.37Chestalhi hmm
22:59.46Chestalok, patch is on sf
22:59.55hmmhey Ches
23:00.30Chestaloh my, already midnight
23:01.26ak|raChestal: oh my .. the raytracer isnt finished yet for beleg :)
23:09.54ak|raotherproton: miss the word
23:10.08ak|ranot exam
23:10.37ak|raotherproton: for one course .. we have to code a raytracer
23:10.58ak|rato get a paper that prooves you did the course we have to code this
23:11.14ak|rathe "getting"stuff consists of 2 stages : stage 1 and stage 2 ..
23:11.30ak|raand tomorrow is presentation of stage1
23:11.45ak|rai just have to implement refraction
23:11.49ak|rathen its done
23:12.40Chestalwell, good night everyone,please try my patch
23:13.05ak|rai do :) for sure
23:13.27*** part/#bzflag Fanta (
23:15.27hmmwhats in this new patch?
23:15.52ak|rayou could see the names of the tanks in roaming mode
23:16.02ak|rapretty cool as an observer
23:16.09hmmah :)
23:19.00fiberchunksak|ra: where can I grab this patch?  that is something I'd _love_ to try
23:19.08fiberchunkssf have it?
23:19.18otherprotonak|ra: are the name labels constant size or dependent on the distance of the tank?
23:19.21ak|rafor latest 1_7 stuff
23:19.28fiberchunksk, thx much
23:19.36ak|raotherproton: at the moment its a dirty hack .. just fixed size
23:19.50ak|rabut looks cool and is better than nothing at the moment
23:23.32otherprotonoh ak|ra, i just remembered
23:23.39otherprotonwhat is the call to set the offset when using vector functions?
23:24.36otherprotonremember when we were discussing particle systems?
23:26.59otherprotonwhat was the call to set the 'offset' within an array of structures?
23:27.05fiberchunkspardon, is patching with a .diff file the same as patching with a patch file (e.g. patch -p1 <patchname>
23:27.13ak|rafiberchunks: p0
23:27.15otherprotonfiberchunks: patch file = diff
23:27.26fiberchunksah, k, thx both of you
23:27.39ak|ragoto top of bzflagdir
23:27.49ak|rathen patch -p0 < tanklabels.diff
23:27.59fiberchunksthx again :)
23:28.14ak|raotherproton: slowly
23:28.24ak|rawhat do we have and what do we want?
23:28.58otherprotonwe have an array of structures, which include vertex, color, and texcoord information (as well as some other values not used for rendering)
23:29.15otherprotonwe want to use the vector function (glVertex3fv, etc) on it
23:29.36ak|rain an vertexarray?
23:29.40ak|raor just pure?
23:30.07otherprotoni'm not sure what you're asking
23:31.01ak|rado you want just a pure (glVertex3fv(bunch[10].coords);) or all the stuff from a vertexarray with just one call
23:31.43otherprotonall the stuff from just one call
23:31.57ak|rawait a sec
23:32.57*** join/#bzflag paul (
23:33.01ak|ravoid glVertexPointer(GLint size,
23:33.01ak|raGLenum type,
23:33.01ak|raconst GLvoid *pointer )
23:33.12ak|rastride is your man
23:34.01otherprotonahh, thanks muchly
23:34.10ak|rawas it that what you want?
23:34.17otherprotonthats exactly what i want
23:34.28ak|rastride indicates the offset between the datachunks
23:34.39ak|raotherproton: some results for now?
23:34.54ak|raotherproton: and whats the way you do this now?
23:35.11ak|raotherproton: is there something i could watch at ? :)
23:35.16otherprotonthe particle is gonna be a struct
23:35.24otherprotonand the system will be an array of those
23:35.34otherprotonusing the 0,0,0 optimization to hide dead particles
23:36.06ak|rabuild a indexarray and hide those with 0.0 etc?
23:36.08otherprotonif all the vertecies of a triangle are 0,0,0 the hardware will optimize it out
23:36.09ak|raor what
23:36.23otherprotoni should have something watchable in a few days
23:36.47fiberchunksahhh, those labels make life much easier :)
23:36.48ak|raisnt it so?
23:36.52ak|rafiberchunks: :)))
23:37.06ak|rafiberchunks: tell it chestal and say "good work, old man" :)
23:37.16fiberchunkswill do :)
23:37.28otherprotonak|ra: lets just say "the pipeline"
23:37.37otherprotonin some its the driver, in some its the hardware
23:37.43otherprotondepends on how much money you spent
23:37.53ak|raak|ra: ok .. lets think of onyx :)
23:38.10ak|raor ..openglvisserver ;:)))))
23:38.16ak|ra10 gb frame buffer .. muhahahrr
23:38.25ak|rawhat a big fat bzflag client that would be
23:38.31fiberchunkshey...while I've got you two here...any reason why running bzflag with the -window option will make it half as bright as fullscreen mode?  However, when I focus the window border, instead of the game, the the brightness is normal (running mdk linux 8.2 with nvidia geforce3 card)
23:39.03fiberchunkss/the the/then the/g
23:39.35jzaunfiberchunks: I know :-)
23:39.42fiberchunksheya jz, why?
23:39.45jzaunwhen the window isn't focuest it does that
23:39.57jzaunto let you know the client isn't in focus
23:40.29fiberchunksbut it is...upon opening the window, the client is in focus
23:40.37fiberchunksoh, you mean the bzflag client
23:40.45jzaunyes and no, that depends on your WM
23:40.49jzaunwhat WM do you use/
23:41.19ak|ragood choice
23:41.23fiberchunksthank you :)
23:41.29otherprotonak|ra: i've been meaning to get cozier with the viz folks here to run bzflag on the stereo screen :)
23:41.30ak|raotherproton: ps for bzflag?
23:41.41otherprotonak|ra: ps for jetstream
23:41.52ak|raotherproton: i could try to run bzflag in a cave :))
23:42.00otherprotonak|ra: they've got a cave at their other location
23:42.09jzaunnever used it, I know sawmill and metacity work though
23:42.20ak|rayep .. i was just smiling because of just the idea :)
23:42.28ak|raotherproton: jetsream?
23:42.40otherprotonak|ra: starfox-ey game i've started
23:42.45jzaunfiberchunks: does Atl-Tab switch window focus in your WM?
23:43.01jzaunfiberchunks: if it does then switch it to BZ and it would be ok
23:44.06fiberchunkswe'll see
23:44.35ak|raotherproton: alone ?
23:44.43ak|raotherproton: or with some other guys?
23:44.44otherprotonak|ra: with scanline
23:44.55ak|raotherproton: for fun? or serios?
23:45.05otherprotonfun mostly
23:45.30ak|rawill be pretty cool if i stay interested
23:45.46fiberchunksjzaun: no...when the app is opened, focus is directed automatically to's as if the bzflag client and the window it's in are 2 different focus entities
23:46.17otherprotonbzflag does not register itself as a managed window
23:46.27scanlineotherproton: I'm using ScriptableMethod in this VideoRecorder class and it seems to be working fine
23:46.39scanlineso you should be good to go for object instantiation from python :)
23:47.00otherprotonscanline: i'm getting undefined refs to gl_frame_setup - need to update pgserver?
23:47.04ak|raotherproton: language? c++ + opengl stuff? stl ?
23:47.16fiberchunksso I have to enter a game, then move mouse quickly up to title bar, click, and brightness is normal -- however, if I use the mouse to move, I'm borked...whenever the mouse moves over the bzflag client area...the brightness reduces again
23:47.16otherprotonak|ra: C++ + opengl + python
23:47.24scanline+ C
23:47.25ak|rapython for script stuff?
23:47.34scanlinepgserver and the Nuppelvideo codec are in C
23:47.37fiberchunkssince I use the keyboard...that part of it is not that big a deal...but it would be nice to know why
23:47.56ak|rastl - usage?
23:47.58otherprotonall the game logic is done via a python thread, UI is done via picogui and cli_python
23:48.14otherprotonwe'll start using the stl some when we need it, so far we haven't done anything that uses it
23:48.25scanlineI've used the STL a little
23:48.31otherprotonscanline: where?
23:48.48scanlineotherproton: Engine class
23:48.56otherprotonahh i see it
23:49.01scanlinestd::list and std::multimap
23:49.05otherprotoni guess SoundManager also uses it for the sample map
23:49.13ak|rascanline: ist easy he? :)
23:49.14otherprotonmultimap isn't ansi stl ;)
23:49.27scanlineI haven't updated the SoundManager or our little sample scene for the new Engine class yet
23:49.33otherprotonmultimap will eventually become ansi, but for now its an sgi extension
23:49.33scanlineotherproton: oops
23:49.41ak|raotherproton: multimap -> stroustrup uses it ...
23:49.44scanlineak|ra: about as fun as C++ can be I guess
23:49.54scanlineak|ra: I still prefer C to C++, but I'm giving C++ a go for jetstream :)
23:50.06otherprotonwe shouldn't be afraid of multimap though, probably the only place that doesn't have it is HP-UX
23:50.33scanlineotherproton: I'm just using it to prioritize mainloop handlers, it would be easy to replace with a list and an insertion sort
23:51.07scanlineI don't like the way C++ handles method calls... had to do some funky template stuff to implement those handlers
23:51.15ak|raotherproton: where do you have the idea multimap-arent-iso from?
23:52.58otherprotonhmm, looks like multimap made it in as of the latest g++ revision
23:53.05otherprotonhash_map and friends still aren't ansi
23:53.21ak|rahash_map could be
23:53.37otherprotonoh i'm sure hash_map will be accepted
23:53.42otherprotonbecause sgi knows what they're doing
23:53.43ak|rabut i use stl from intel c++, msvs6/7, irix and g++ and i always found a multimap
23:54.14ak|rawas just wondering about multimap
23:54.24scanlineotherproton: VideoRecorder can use OpenGL to scale down video before recording it :)
23:54.31ak|rai almost forget our discussion about particle systems
23:54.48otherprotonscanline: hehehe
23:55.44otherprotonbecause then we could have real videos
23:56.47scanlineif this thing can record television on a Pentium 200, hopefully it can do relatively high quality video concurrently with the rest of the game on a more recent system
23:56.58ak|rawasnt openal dead? -> loki died
23:57.12*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
23:57.21ak|rascanline: propably you should try to take a look on mplayer-code
23:57.26scanlineha, that would be like SDL dying because loki contributed to it and loki died
23:57.26otherprotonak|ra: creative is still doing stuff
23:57.42ak|rahave a link for me
23:57.52scanlineak|ra: no... mplayer code is messy, plus it only decodes nuppelvideo not encodes
23:58.05scanlineI'm mucking my way through the nuvrec source just fine
23:58.23scanlinethe format is similar to MPEG, which is a relief after having to deal with AVI

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