irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.09.23

00:02:30sussudio-|- (Sneaker_Pimps)_6_Underground.mp3 (3,603,278 bytes 128kbps Joint Stereo 3mins 46secs Genre:Trip-Hop Year:1997 Album:Becoming X
00:37:44jzaunhello all
00:37:48jzaun'm back :-)
01:34:37captain_protonAldebaran: you can only 'jump' with the roof with e6 because of a bug
01:50:37Aldebaranwhat bug?
01:50:46Aldebaranin e6?
01:50:50Aldebaranis that cheating?
01:52:19AldebaranI am able to do it at aster city also, I don't think it is cheating, my client is unmodified rpm
02:33:25Patlabor221wonders if he should even try to install linux on the P80
02:39:33WidgetSchröder won!!!!!
02:40:33Patlabor221is too busy looking for a cdrom drive that dosn't say "double" on the front.
02:45:58captain_protonAldebaran: bug != cheating
02:46:01captain_protonits our fault
02:46:08captain_protonneeds a series II lotus seven
02:46:20Patlabor221bwahahaha I have made a beast machine
02:47:19Patlabor221it boots... it's ALIVE.....
02:47:26Patlabor221cap how much ram does X need?
02:47:53Patlabor221I must see if this runs BZ
02:51:47Patlabor221think a 486 will run with a GF2MX?
03:26:16Aldebaranso I should consider being banned as a mark of poor server managment and just happily play elsewhere
03:27:51AldebaranI need to stop taking what psudononymous strangers think of me so personal. that and get back to work...
06:34:40captain_proton'lo BZFlag
06:35:59ChestalI propose two quick fixes for 1.7e7: 1) rollback the fallthrough fix which causes excessive jumping for fps<10, and 2) fix that switching roaming mode loses trackof selected player (f8)
06:36:22Chestalfor 2) one coudl discuss whether it shoudltake into account if a player is alive or not
06:40:38captain_protoni thought 1 was done, no?
06:40:44captain_protonor was the patch never applied to cvs?
06:43:55Chestalnot applied so far
06:44:33Chestalthat was a close battle yesterday inthe German elections
06:44:49Chestalmy local CVS copy already has 1 and 2 applied
06:45:03Chestaljust wanted to checkwith Tim's policy
06:45:20ChestalI could put them up as patches tosf, but then they probably won;t get applied this year :-)
06:46:08captain_protoni think those are such that tim won't mind
06:46:15captain_protonbe nice to get e8 out the door due to superjump
06:47:16ChestalI also think that akira+mine superguipatch should go in
06:47:28Chestalthat might reduce the number of peopel using e4
06:47:36Chestalthen we cango on and maybe work on 1.8 ;-)
07:28:16bzfquerylong 5156
07:28:16prodanibot ducati
08:35:04bomber was last seen on #bzflag 3 days, 17 hours, 33 minutes and 40 seconds ago, saying: have to go...bye [Thu Sep 19 16:01:24 2002]
08:35:04Pinguinibot seen bomber
08:37:56scanlineis away: sleep(8*60*60);
08:54:38bzfquerylong 5156
08:54:38prodanibot ducati
09:29:43prodanis AWAY at 12:35:58 : ducati
09:52:43bzfquerylong 5156
09:52:43CLQibot ducati
09:52:55CLQwhere is bzbot?
09:53:16CLQbzbot is not here
09:53:19kicked_PinguinClient or Server problem?
09:53:40you are dumb.
09:53:40CLQibot CLQ
09:53:58CLQ: I forgot clq
09:53:58CLQibot forget clq
10:50:26bzfquerylong 5156
10:50:26prodanibot ducati
10:50:27bzbotroot (R): 24 (100-76). straight (R): -6 (4-10). fred (G): -5 (8-13). M i r e l l a (R): 39 (120-81). trubi (G): -1 (26-27).
11:22:37bzfquerylong 5156
11:22:37prodanibot ducati
11:22:37bzbotServer is empty
11:22:51i think CLQ is THE most promising player around
11:22:51CLQibot CLQ
11:23:09CLQ is nothing but a rump-fed pile of malt-wormy pods.
11:23:09prodanibot insult CLQ
11:23:28prodan is nothing but a bawdy plate of lewd-minded buzzard gizzards.
11:23:28CLQibot insult prodan
11:23:44it has been said that prodan is inferior to Terminator
11:23:44CLQibot prodan
11:24:06CLQTerminator wrote that
11:24:19CLQ is, like, nothing but a bawdy plate of lewd-minded buzzard gizzards
11:24:19prodanibot CLQ
11:24:30prodanprodan wrote that
11:26:16prodan: i haven't a clue
11:26:16prodanibot, prodan is somebody who likes the Hausdorff metric
11:26:30OK, prodan.
11:26:30prodanibot, prodan is a Hausdorff metric
11:27:09MrApathyCreamcan't use the word 'who'
11:27:30doughecka: I forgot prodan
11:27:30dougheckaibot forget prodan
11:27:30bugger all, i dunno, doughecka
11:27:30dougheckaibot, prodan is <reply> somebody who likes the Hausdorff metric
11:27:38dougheckastupid thing
11:27:46OK, doughecka.
11:27:46dougheckaibot prodan is a Hausdorff metric
11:28:30MrApathyCream: I forgot prodan
11:28:30MrApathyCreamibot, forget prodan
11:28:38OK, MrApathyCream.
11:28:38MrApathyCreamibot, prodan is <reply> somebody that likes the Hausdorff metric
11:33:11Chestalhi Cream
11:33:38Chestalwhat are your thoughts about a 1.7e8 release?
11:34:04Chestaljumping bug fixed, minor roaming bugfix + HUD options?
11:34:22Chestalprobably some small changes to bzfs, too (/countdown for example should be chnaged)
11:34:31MrApathyCreamfine by me
11:34:39MrApathyCreami like the 1.7 branch :)
11:35:00Chestalany other thoughts for small changes?
11:35:34MrApathyCreami like a self-kill statistic wins/losses/suicides   heh
11:36:13MrApathyCreambut seriously, it's too early in morning to think clearly
11:36:23MrApathyCreambut i'm sure there's a bunch of stuff we could add
11:36:37ChestalI'm only thinking of small changes
11:36:44Chestalbug fixes and minor enhancements
11:37:22Chestalakira wanted to work on enhancing roaming with labels for tanks in 3D view, but I guess he never really started on it
11:37:23MrApathyCreamthats fine
11:37:32Chestalwould be nice to have :-)
11:38:01dougheckathat would be cool lookin
11:38:20MrApathyCreami saw were someone wanted that in normal game play :)
11:38:50ChestalI richt-click myself a lot
11:38:55Chestalright, even
11:38:59Chestalisn't working too well sometimes
11:40:05MrApathyCreami must say i wasn't a big fan of full screen, but now when i go back a and play e4, my head feels scrunched
11:40:31MrApathyCreamlike it's banging on the top of the tank ceiling
11:40:44MrApathyCreambut to each his own... i'm all for options
11:48:08dougheckamy map I just made crashes bzflag
11:48:31dougheckawhen I right click to respawn, I freeze up
11:52:39MrApathyCreamno ground space?
11:52:43MrApathyCreamall buldings?
11:52:48dougheckaI think I fixed it
11:52:56dougheckaits CTF
11:53:03dougheckaand the bases where in a building
11:53:28dougheckayou try it
11:53:38dougheckajoin my server
11:53:49dougheckaand see if it crashes you
11:58:32dougheckafixed it
11:58:42you are nothing but a bawdy plate of lewd-minded buzzard gizzards.
11:58:42CLQibot CLQ
11:58:51dougheckaproblem was that I had a block going through the bases
11:59:05CLQ: I forgot clq
11:59:05CLQibot forget CLQ
12:04:32dougheckamac: you there?
12:41:13swinehundMOOF! MOOF!
12:41:43dougheckaI thought a swinehund would be a woink!
12:48:14prodanbz WISH: i'd like a nonlinear radar. Hi zoom close to tank, low zoom for far away
12:50:47Chestalprodan: hmm, interesting
13:23:47prodanthx, im sort of bored with flipflopping radar zoom
13:48:17Pinguinprodan: shots won't fly straigth any more on your nonlinear radar
13:50:30Pinguinmaybe markers at the edge of the radar to indicate at least the direction to more distant tanks ...
13:51:03Pinguinand size of markers depends on the distance to tank ...
13:52:01Pinguindifferent color for shots ...
13:52:10Pinguinod different marker ...
14:14:59dougheckaheya patlabor221!
14:15:08dougheckagreetings and salutations!
14:20:35patlabor221where the hell am I?
14:20:53prodanthe shots will get arbitrarily straight in an open set around the center?
14:21:18prodanshot straight at me (which worry me the most) will look straight too
14:21:21dougheckapatlabor221: your worst nightmare, muahahahah
14:21:56prodanyer right that far away shots will look like arcs
14:22:03Pinguinmost shots will look straiight at you until they come closer ... then the start to make a "turn" around you ...
14:22:21prodanwhat mapping are you thinking of
14:22:25dougheckaits a round world! why have a square radar?
14:22:49PinguinHm ... i think the radar must stay linear ... but maybe take markes at the edge of the radar ...
14:23:21prodani will concede a continuous mapping
14:23:50Pinguinhow would buildingas look like in such a radar?
14:24:11prodanunusual ;-)
14:24:22Pinguinwhile driving buildings will "bend" around you ...
14:24:29Pinguinthey will move!
14:24:46dougheckayou also have to take into account that the world is round, bullet curve around , meaning if you need to shoot someon on the equator from the north pole, even if the tank is stopped, you still need to shoot ahead of them to counter the rotating planet
14:25:09Pinguinand the wind speed :-)
14:25:14dougheckaknows his science
14:25:20dougheckaand metorology
14:25:25prodanhow about relativity
14:25:37prodanrelative speed
14:25:38Pinguinsun activity
14:25:43dougheckaSUN SPOTS!!!
14:25:51prodanmy spots
14:26:02Pinguinand! if one million chineese jump at the same time :-)
14:26:39prodanhow about having gravitational fields of the buildings influence shots
14:26:58prodanwe could get some nice strange attractors
14:27:05prodanwell have to go now
14:27:06dougheckaand anti grafity fields ontop of buildings
14:27:11Pinguinblack holes on the map ...
14:27:17dougheckaPinguin: oooh
14:27:17patlabor221doug. I've seen my worst nightmare, and you come nowhere close little man.
14:27:25dougheckapatlabor221: oh
14:27:44patlabor221 is nothing but a malt-wormy tongueful of dizzy-eyed dog balls.
14:27:44prodanibot insult patlabor221
14:27:51dougheckaPinguin: watch out for that black *boooooom* hole
14:29:25patlabor221you people are rather odd.
14:29:55Pinguin: sorry...
14:29:55Pinguinibot s en de odd
14:30:00Pinguindamn ...
14:30:03Pinguinibot x en de odd
14:30:05dougheckayou!, my friend, dont have an imagination!
14:30:06Pinguin: ungerade
14:30:38dougheckawhen p2501 comes out
14:30:47dougheckait has things like antigravity and stuff
14:33:57captain_protonfears doughecka's ability to advertise others' work
14:34:16dougheckacaptain_proton: :P
14:35:00dougheckabut you should see bzflag 1.8! it has *gasp* anaglyph viewing
14:36:30patlabor221making maps for P2501 is going to be "intersting"
14:36:47dougheckayea, it will be.
14:36:52patlabor221plus he still has all those colision problems.
14:37:02patlabor221mmmmmmmmm fanta....
15:02:01patlabor221cap: know of any other cross plat windowing things? gtk 2.0 is not very stable.
15:04:35Terminatorhi all
15:04:52Terminator[dmp] sry bout yesterday
15:04:53rumour has it terminator is just dumb
15:04:53CLQibot terminator
15:05:08Terminator: I forgot terminator
15:05:08Terminatoribot forget terminator
15:05:22CLQSomebody changed me like that to
15:05:30you are has a nice face
15:05:30CLQibot CLQ
15:05:33OK, Terminator.
15:05:33Terminatoribot terminator is also the leader of The Elite
15:05:38rumour has it terminator is the leader of The Elite
15:05:38Terminatoribot terminator
15:06:04CLQwonder who did that
15:06:20CLQsomebody did it to me to
15:06:20Terminatorno idea
15:06:27clq is has a nice face
15:06:27Terminatoribot clq
15:06:45CLQI changed it
15:06:58CLQ: I forgot clq
15:06:58CLQibot forget clq
15:07:04CLQ: sorry...
15:07:04CLQibot CLQ has a nice face
15:07:11OK, CLQ.
15:07:11CLQibot CLQ is has a nice face
15:07:38hmmm... clq is has a nice face
15:07:38CLQibot clq
15:07:53CLQ: I forgot clq
15:07:53CLQibot forget clq
15:07:59CLQ: excuse me?
15:07:59CLQibot CLQ has a nice face
15:08:13OK, CLQ.
15:08:13CLQibot CLQ is someone with a nice face
15:08:14Terminator: what?
15:08:14Terminatoribot clq also has a nice face
15:09:30CLQ needs to lay off the bot for a while
15:09:30sussudioibot clq
15:10:00CLQhave you been doing it?
15:10:41sussudiowhat's the range of a SW
15:19:53bzfquerylong 5155
15:19:53Terminatoribot astercity
15:19:56bzbotDummkopf (P): -25 (33-58). Mad_Viper (r): -5 (5-10). Pytajnik (r): 8 (8-0). Fabiator (r): 18 (51-33). Comm@nder (r): 9 (16-7). 69ergibby (r): 102 (251-149). Mars (B): -79 (13-92). Max (G): 5 (10-5). 101 (r): -1 (4-5). Tom (r): -28 (16-44). Killermuschi (P): 0 (7-7). bzu (B): -4 (6-10). Poldy (r): 21 (33-12). HORSEA (R): -25 (4-29). kutacho (R): 14 (36-22). Corin (r): -26 (17-43). F  O  N  Z  O (R): -1 (0-1).
15:20:31bzfquerylong 5155
15:20:31Terminatoribot jzaun
15:20:32bzbotConnection refused
15:20:45bzfquerylong 5155
15:20:45jzaunibot jzaun
15:20:45bzbotServer is empty
15:42:32Terminatorok bye all
15:44:32dougheckastupid bots
15:46:49patlabor221got your ass handed to you agian?
15:51:46captain_protonpatlabor221: nope, just use the win32 api, i know the widget layout sucks, but its the best for win
15:54:41patlabor221cap: that's where I am gravitating too, I just wanted to see if there was someting that would be nice and cross plat.
15:56:13captain_protonpatlabor221: i've got the other major platforms covered ;)
15:56:51captain_protonbz doesn't run on those ;)
15:56:58patlabor221not yet
15:57:14captain_protonand nobody in their right mind would try map editing on a ps2
15:57:36patlabor221yes, but there are lots of people who are not in there right mind
15:57:50patlabor221and they allways seem to hang around me
16:01:00captain_protonso you can keep them in check
16:01:34dougheckanope, the stupid bots wont follow me, they follow me, and then turn back
16:01:35patlabor221well they seem to be build up a resistance to the base ball bat.
16:01:54patlabor221doug tell them what to do
16:02:15dougheckathey are quite dumb bots if they have to manuvere a low grav area
16:02:20dougheckaI did tell them
16:02:39dougheckabut they cant find there way to the flag all they do is sit there
16:03:08dougheckaI keep telling them to go get the flag and stuff, and even cover me, but they still dont do it
16:03:33patlabor221map must have bat pathing
16:03:39patlabor221bad not bat
16:03:40dougheckahow do I fix it?
16:03:52patlabor221the map has to be made to tell the bots how to get there
16:03:55dougheckapathing = bot paths?
16:04:01dougheckahow do I di that?
16:04:06dougheckaheya BZFlag
16:04:10dougheckapatlabor221: hmm
16:04:10patlabor221in the editor
16:04:15patlabor221but I've never done it
16:04:19patlabor221what map is it?
16:04:29dougheckaa 2001 space map
16:04:41patlabor221a user made map?
16:04:45dougheckathey have to travel across space to reach the other map
16:04:47dougheckapatlabor221: yea
16:04:52dougheckaer, base
16:05:04patlabor221yeah that's problay why, the person who made it didn't put in bot path nodes
16:05:15dougheckagoogles for help
16:05:16patlabor221seems a lot of people forget that
16:05:33dougheckait seems like something was missing
16:05:38patlabor221they need to know where it's ok to do
16:05:49dougheckabut how come they wont follow me?
16:05:51patlabor221the map was designed for all human players
16:05:57dougheckathey dont need paths for that
16:06:05patlabor221they sorta do
16:06:06dougheckapatlabor221: yea, but nobosy plays it
16:06:14patlabor221they follow the paths to you
16:06:25patlabor221in case gou lose them
16:06:30dougheckapatlabor221: sorta... the problem is, you have to go in one way, and go out another way
16:06:44dougheckaso can you make one way paths?
16:06:47patlabor221it needs path nodes
16:06:53patlabor221there are many options
16:07:01patlabor221you just tell them where it's ok to go
16:07:09patlabor221they will figgure out the best route.
16:07:17patlabor221you don't need to give them each setp
16:07:22patlabor221just the "roads"
16:07:27dougheckaoooh, theres an auto path builder
16:07:35patlabor221yeah it's not that good tho
16:07:50dougheckabut i could edit it to get it better
16:10:44patlabor221yes pinkey
16:12:48gonkulator{work}is back (gone 90:20:34)
16:14:40gonkulator{work}is away: more work stuff
16:15:08dougheckasheesh, UnrealED is really confusing
16:16:37patlabor221it's about the same as all the others
16:16:47dougheckayea, but still...
16:17:17patlabor221are you using the updated version?
16:17:22patlabor221or the one that came on the CD?
16:17:32dougheckaunreal 2.0?
16:17:38patlabor221that's the updated one
16:17:42dougheckaI downloaded all updates
16:17:44patlabor221it's very powerfull
16:17:57patlabor221I fear that BZedit will become like that
16:18:07patlabor221for 1.8
16:18:17dougheckaits nice and all, but its rather hard to find what buttons do what
16:18:27dougheckastill auto makin paths
16:18:30patlabor221there are tutorials and docs
16:18:34patlabor221it will take a while
16:18:42patlabor221it's looking at all the brushes and portals
16:19:00dougheckanow heres this...
16:19:04dougheckayou have 2 bases
16:19:10dougheckawith space in between
16:19:13patlabor221I could run it on my new pimp daddy suppa fast macchine
16:19:13dougheckanothing there
16:19:39dougheckasoo.... there is somekind of thruster thingy
16:19:43dougheckathat you step on it
16:19:55dougheckaand it blasts you to the other base
16:19:58patlabor221you can give brushes a movement vector
16:20:11dougheckalike a moving sidewalk?
16:20:19patlabor221or that thruster
16:20:24patlabor221or a travel tube
16:20:28dougheckaok, so this must be a really fast one
16:20:28patlabor221or realy anything
16:20:43dougheckabut the bots step on it and jump
16:20:48dougheckaand they hit the roof
16:20:53dougheckaand dont go anywhere
16:21:11dougheckauntil they fall down, then they get blasted over to the base
16:21:21patlabor221put node in front of them out in space.
16:21:21dougheckabut then they turn right around and jump
16:21:42dougheckastill chugging away at the nodes..
16:21:53doughecka333 mhz aint that quick for this stuff
16:22:03dougheckareads the tutorials again
16:22:17patlabor221I could run it on the P80
16:22:37patlabor221used to be a 486
16:22:47dougheckaunreal ran on it?
16:22:56patlabor221I have no clue
16:23:02patlabor221I put a riva 128 in it
16:23:10patlabor221and installed 2k
16:23:13dougheckausing the console command verbose will indicate what it is thinking.
16:23:20dougheckamind reading bots
16:26:46dougheckahow do you get the console in UT?
16:27:14dougheckastill building the nodes
16:27:18doughecka. . .
16:27:40bzfquerylong 5156
16:27:40[TeA]ibot, ducati
16:27:41bzbotIvan (G): 2 (4-2). green ? tank (G): 2 (5-3). anaconda (R): 5 (85-80). g (G): 1 (2-1). M i r e l l a (R): 20 (84-64). Sniper 50 (G): 3 (47-44). Nicson (R): 4 (48-44).
16:27:45dougheckahmm, seems to be stuck in a loop or something
16:28:33dougheckapatlabor221 you at home? or work?
16:28:44patlabor221being that it's after 8
16:28:58patlabor221yet before 5
16:31:18patlabor221no school for you today?
16:31:43patlabor221must be nice
16:33:10dougheckaI guess I will leave unrealED to do tits thing
16:33:19dougheckais away: awya
16:35:10Cell_prog_insectsomeone can tell me the url of a german english translator and vice versa pls?
16:36:10patlabor221babblefish on altaista
16:36:17dougheckavery good one, and fast
16:36:32dougheckaLog: Found potential distant pair FavoritesTeleporter2 (-2361.768311, -167.700745) and PathNode344 (6697.500977, -130.343567)?
16:36:39dougheckawhats that mean?
16:37:01patlabor221good that means it knows that it's too far to jump and it'll try to port if it can
16:37:14dougheckait had a lot of them
16:37:18dougheckalet me test it
16:39:49Cell_prog_insectsomeone is pity enough with me a simple insect to tell me what a hashcode is and how it is genarated?
16:40:30dougheckathe bots still do the same thing
16:40:40patlabor221doug then read.
16:40:48patlabor221cell I don't know, I would just do a search
16:40:57Cell_prog_insecthm, k
16:42:33dougheckado I have to rebuild the map after I make botnodes?
16:43:20dougheckarebuild AI paths
16:43:40dougheckais away: away!
16:46:32dougheckahmm, might as well remake all the path nodes and rebuild the whole map
16:50:03patlabor221never made it as a wize man
16:50:15patlabor221count not cut it as a poor man, sealin'
16:50:32patlabor221is tired of living like a blind man.
16:50:40dougheckanever speelt 'ether
16:51:07patlabor221ohh shut it
16:52:13dougheckapeople make path nodes by hand?
16:52:22dougheckaand it takes the computer this long?
16:52:52patlabor221it took it that long becasue it looked at every surface that something could stand on, and tried to play connect the dots
16:53:08dougheckaI see
16:53:22doughecka(said the, umm...
16:53:44dougheckathis very complicated becuase its a round building
16:53:47patlabor221loads another shell in the shotgun.
16:53:56dougheckaround verticly
16:54:10patlabor221now you see why level designers get paied decently.
16:54:14patlabor221it's not easy
16:54:42dougheckanow is it possible to have something spinning so the people get stuck to the edge?
16:54:56dougheckalike the 2001 space station, it spun for gravity
16:54:57patlabor221it wouldn't need to spin
16:55:18patlabor221you can redo the gravity in volumes I think
16:55:24patlabor221change it's vector.
16:55:30dougheckahte problem on this map is that you cant run around the edget
16:55:48patlabor221the game dosn't have real physics
16:55:56dougheckaso you go up half way, then flip over and climb up
16:56:12patlabor221there are ways to add forces to volumes
16:56:44dougheckabut the players are stuck with the heads up, even if you try running upside down
16:57:00patlabor221thats part of the game
16:57:12patlabor221it wasn never desgined to be any orientation
16:57:27patlabor221it's fully scriptable
16:57:28patlabor221change it
16:57:46patlabor221and I mean FULLLLY
16:57:52dougheckaooh? now that would be really cool!
16:58:18dougheckaso that means you can have a surface that has grafivity?
16:58:28patlabor221not a surface
16:58:32patlabor221a volume
16:58:53patlabor221since you want the grav to be on you not just your feet
16:59:39dougheckaits raytracing this thing
17:00:00patlabor221for lightmap calcs yes
17:01:18dougheckaso it should be possible to have 2 guys, one on the surface, and one hanging down by his feet?
17:01:29patlabor221I think so
17:01:37patlabor221it may require scripting
17:01:45patlabor221in UnrealScript
17:01:53dougheckaugh, ok
17:05:49patlabor221it's very c like
17:08:18dougheckabetter now
17:08:23dougheckanow I need to tweak it
17:08:49dougheckaalso, dont shoot the ripper before blasting to the other base, you run into the back of the,
17:09:05dougheckais away: busy
17:23:15dougheckais the apples the pathnodes?
17:26:07dougheckais away: bah
17:26:17patlabor221you make no sense
17:29:45bzfquerylong 5156
17:29:45[TeA]ibot, ducati
17:29:46bzbotIvan (G): -12 (165-177). anaconda (R): 26 (267-241). -<Vins>- (G): -56 (39-95). straight (R): -50 (28-78).
17:30:58Cell_prog_insecti made now a circular double linked list template in c++, this nice circles in memory are so cute :)
17:33:01Cell_prog_insecti was thinking about selecting a sublist by specifieng a circle sektor like: pi/4-pi/2
17:34:17sussudiohm i've been making this new map for about half an hour and i can already hear the complaints about fps dropping to below sealevel from some people....
17:34:43Cell_prog_insectwhat a cool idea, i just wondering how it arosed out of such a small insect brain like mine composed only of a few(10000) cells
17:36:18patlabor221cell why do you put your self down all the time?
17:36:43Cell_prog_insecti also made a circular list set, its a disjuct set of list from a parent list, quite tasty
17:37:33patlabor221sussudio how many objects are you puting in?
17:38:13sussudiohm lemmesee.....
17:38:22sussudioBoxes       : 94
17:38:22sussudioTeleporters : 8
17:38:24sussudioPyramids    : 16
17:38:26sussudioLinks       : 8 [All OK]
17:38:41patlabor221and they say that it slows them down?
17:38:46patlabor221that dosn't seem like much
17:38:59sussudiomaybe widget needs to get a better vidcard
17:39:05patlabor221that she doe
17:39:11Cell_prog_insectpatlabor221:because only my work that i done shows my status of growth, and solved a few problems right now, but i have a huge bunch of unsolved problems left, they put me down
17:39:53patlabor221cell: so , you don't have to solve all the problems yoursef. that's why there is the internet
17:41:03patlabor221opps time for lunch
17:41:29Cell_prog_insectyes but i have to preapare a communication basis, and this takes the solution of some difficult(for me) problems, then after the basis is created i can go and search for ppl that see the greatness of my goals and are willing to help me achieve them
17:44:29ACTION shakes its groove thang!
17:44:29Terminatoribot dance
17:44:34ACTION does an 80's style breakdance
17:44:34Terminatoribot dance
17:44:39ACTION does an 80's style breakdance
17:44:39Terminatoribot dance
17:44:43ACTION does an 80's style breakdance
17:44:43Terminatoribot dance
17:44:48ACTION shakes its groove thang!
17:44:48Terminatoribot dance
17:45:45[TeA]ibotn groove
17:45:53[TeA]: huh?
17:45:53[TeA]ibot grove
17:46:01ACTION sings loudly or <action> "Night fever, night fever. You know how to do it!"
17:46:01[TeA]ibot sing
17:46:20[TeA]: sorry...
17:46:20[TeA]ibot "Night fever, night fever. You know how to do it!"
17:46:26ACTION sings off key
17:46:26[TeA]ibot sing
17:49:45ACTION "Night fever, night fever. You know how to do it!"
17:49:45BZFlagibot sing
17:50:13"Night fever, night fever. You know how to do it!"
17:50:13BZFlagibot sing
17:50:34BZFlagthinks . o O ( or is it? )
17:52:22Terminatori put in the night fever one
17:52:52Terminatorwondered how often it would come up
17:53:06sussudio: i'm not following you...
17:53:06sussudioibot do the funky chicken
17:53:56OK, Terminator.
17:53:56Terminatoribot the funky chicken is <action> does da funky chicken real good!
17:54:07Terminator: i'm not following you...
17:54:07Terminatoribot funky chiken
17:54:15ACTION does the funky chicken real good!
17:54:15Terminatoribot the funky chicken
17:54:46BZFlagTerminator: I had to redo it. you need to use | not or.
17:54:52...but sing is <action> sings loudly | <reply> "Night fever, night fever. You know how to do it!" | <action> sings off key...
17:54:52BZFlagibot sing is foo
17:57:21captain_protonwonders who mayhem_ is
17:58:06Terminatoris anyone here teamless
17:58:31sussudio: i'm not following you...
17:58:31sussudioibot some people call me the space cowboy
17:58:32TerminatorThe Elite need more ACTIVE players
17:59:22Terminator: what?
17:59:22Terminatoribot s**t
17:59:28shit is like when s**t hits the fan
17:59:28Terminatoribot shit
17:59:44Terminatorwondered who put that in
17:59:46Terminatorwasnt me
17:59:57Terminatori was just seeing if it was in there
18:00:06niihau, Terminator
18:00:06Terminatoribot hello
18:00:24Terminatorcool it knows hello in different languages
18:01:13sussudiowonders if anyone's done an ORAC casemod yet.....
18:01:48sussudiouh huh....
18:02:12sussudioyou know, the aquarium that lights up when it speaks and stuff.
18:09:13m0nkey_b0yoh yeah ORAC...the result of those funny mushrooms. :)
18:10:02m0nkey_b0yor maybe it just me
18:10:47sussudiobitchslaps m0nkey_b0y
18:16:04m0nkey_b0ythat is very cool sussudio
18:27:11captain_protonhmm, haven't gotten to that episode yet
18:33:52[TeA]: what?
18:33:52[TeA]ibot, ducatu
18:33:57bzfquerylong 5156
18:33:57[TeA]ibot ducati
18:33:57bzbotbztarget (R): 39 (76-37). DeadMeat (G): -18 (31-49). root (R): 4 (6-2).
18:34:24sussudiowonders if there's a b7 desktop theme that says "Confirmed" like ORAC
18:35:37scanlineis back (gone 09:57:41)
18:40:57sussudiowill not having any overlapping boxes make the map faster?
18:41:53scanlineis away: classtime
18:42:53captain_protonshouldn't matter
18:43:59sussudiok just checking
18:44:25captain_protonits drawing the same number of polygons no matter what
18:54:59[TeA]nigt all
18:55:09m0nkey_b0ynight tea
18:55:11[TeA]: huh?
18:55:11[TeA]ibot, night
18:59:24PhactorialBZedit? What's that?
18:59:41jzaunIts a world editor
19:00:04Phactorialjzaun: Sorry, I was just being sarcastic with captain_proton :)
19:00:22jzaunoh, then ask about BZEE :-) The Enhanced version :-)
19:00:23m0nkey_b0yi thought it was a text editor?
19:01:08Phactorialm0nkey_b0y: From what I heard, it was an Athena-based bzflag game written by captain_proton
19:01:16Phactorialm0nkey_b0y: *He really digs that library*
19:01:19patlabor221how goes the tree stuf cap?
19:01:47captain_protonxaw owns me :)
19:01:54captain_protonpatlabor221: slowly
19:03:22captain_protonx athena widgets
19:03:27jzaunyay :-) I finally figured out how to draw acurate radar style graphics from a world file all in PHP :-)
19:03:39captain_protonaka the fugliest gui toolkit ever
19:04:04patlabor221fugly API or fugly fugly?
19:04:11captain_protonfugly fugly
19:04:21Phactorialpatlabor221: There are many "prettified" versions of it though...which do improve it's pathetic appearance
19:04:27patlabor221why use it then?
19:04:40Phactorialpatlabor221: xaw3d (3d versions), xaw95 (Windows 95-ish)
19:04:43Phactorialpatlabor221: It is very simple...
19:04:50patlabor221I just realised that fugly fugly is fun to say :)
19:05:08m0nkey_b0yyes...i am going to use this word soon also.
19:05:14m0nkey_b0ywhen i go home.
19:05:47captain_protonpatlabor221: the only reason people used it was because the API was better than motif's
19:06:21patlabor221god, we chose motif for our first "look" on dos.
19:06:25Phactorialpatlabor221: Not better...
19:06:37Phactorialpatlabor221: It is simpler, simpler than any widget libraries out there...
19:06:53Phactorialcaptain_proton: Its simplicity is its death
19:07:15scan[ibook]motif is simple?
19:07:39Phactorialcaptain_proton: Have you ever touched xaw? If so, you will see it will take you an hour maximum to learn it....(and do some interesting things with it)
19:07:45Phactorialscan[ibook]: xaw...
19:07:58captain_protonPhactorial: i touched it a little messing with xawtv
19:08:03scan[ibook]wants to see some xaw example code... scanline uses google
19:08:22scan[ibook]oh, even better.. apt-get source xawtv
19:08:30Phactorialscan[ibook]: Look at xman
19:08:38Phactorialscan[ibook]: or xawtv, up to you :P
19:09:03Phactorialscan[ibook]: Alot of your X toolkit is written with xaw btw
19:09:26scan[ibook]"your X toolkit"?
19:09:30Phactorialscan[ibook]: Yes
19:09:38Phactorialscan[ibook]: Look at xvidtune
19:09:38patlabor221scaline: wxWindows had there own little dialog editor, but I don't know if stored everything in pixel units or logicals
19:09:48scan[ibook]what do you mean by that?
19:09:53scan[ibook]patlabor221: ah.. either way that sucks
19:10:22Phactorialscan[ibook]: A lot of X's "included" tools are written using xaw
19:10:26m0nkey_b0yseeya monkies
19:10:30patlabor221I didn't look too much into tho
19:10:31scan[ibook]Phactorial: k, that makes more sense
19:10:36Phactorialscan[ibook]: xterm, xvidtune, name it
19:10:45Phactorialscan[ibook]: So, instead of downloading, you can just take a look at those
19:10:59scan[ibook]has an X source tree handy
19:12:30captain_protonponders doing some work
19:12:46Phactorialcaptain_proton: What type of work?
19:12:50captain_protonmozilla 1.2a is so slim on memory
19:12:56Phactorialcaptain_proton: Are you up for some kernel development?
19:13:04captain_protonPhactorial: as in 'work i'm paid for'
19:13:07captain_protondepends on the kernel ;)
19:13:17captain_protoni'd like to try doing a hyperthreaded C++ kernel
19:13:23Phactorialcaptain_proton: Linux kernel...
19:13:28captain_protonPhactorial: nope
19:13:29scan[ibook]Phactorial: xaw doesn't look particularly simple.. just about average
19:13:45Phactorialcaptain_proton: C++ sucks if you are talking about system programming...
19:13:51Phactorialcaptain_proton: Fine then
19:14:03scan[ibook]ewwwww... a c++ kernel?
19:14:06scan[ibook]are you mad?
19:14:12Phactorialnods at captain_proton
19:14:51Phactorialcaptain_proton: What do you gain from writing a kernel in C++? Seriously...
19:15:06captain_protonscan[ibook]: yes, quite mad
19:15:36captain_protonscan[ibook]: i'd like to experiment with fun things like inheriting device drivers
19:15:55ChestalPhactorial: it might give you a cleaner design and/or code
19:16:12scan[ibook]you'd also get a huge kernel that would probably also be slower
19:16:27captain_protonbut it'd be fun
19:16:36Chestalthe Linux kernel cannot possibly get any larger, can it? ;-)
19:16:47scan[ibook]Chestal: hehe.. looked at HURD? :)
19:16:49Chestalit does not necessarily mean a larger kernel
19:17:07scan[ibook]installs the Mozilla Kernel 0.0526 on captain_proton's computer
19:17:17Chestalif used carefully, it could cut down code size and imrpvoe clarity
19:17:54scan[ibook]Chestal: I haven't been able to make C++ smaller than C on anything... it's the ABI or the libraries or something that makes it all bigger
19:18:15Chestalscan: yes, most implementatins suck, no good ABI out there
19:18:22Chestalscan: but I am quite sure it could make code reuse easier
19:18:27scan[ibook]g++ is WAY slower than gcc too...
19:18:31PhactorialChestal: True that, cleaner code, but tell me, cleaner when?
19:18:34Chestalthere sure is a lot of copy'n'paste code inthe kernel, especially the drivers
19:18:35captain_protonteehee, STL in the kernel
19:18:41scan[ibook]pukes on captain_proton
19:18:54captain_protongrins widely at scan[ibook]
19:18:59dougheckahas returned!!!
19:19:09PhactorialChestal: Things that you think would be cleaner would be harder to implement thanks to userspace/kernelspace caveat (process handling for one)
19:19:15PhactorialChestal: and other than that, it is much slower
19:19:21PhactorialThat is :)
19:19:33Chestalit's not slower per se
19:19:36captain_protonProcess x(nextpid());
19:19:40PhactorialChestal: It is...
19:19:43Chestalit depends onwehat features you use
19:19:49captain_protonor even...
19:19:50ChestalC++ is roughly a superset of C
19:19:54captain_protonProcess x(Pid::next());
19:20:01Phactorialcaptain_proton: How will userspace deal with these "objects"? What do you gain from using process "objects" over lists even?
19:20:11Chestalnamespaces for exampel come at no cost, it's compile-time only
19:20:15PhactorialChestal: Which is why there is no reason to use it
19:20:23Chestaltemplates also tend to make code faster (and maybe bigger)
19:20:30scan[ibook]maybe bigger?
19:20:42captain_protonfor sure bigger, but its faster
19:20:52PhactorialChestal: You can implement C++ techniques into C, with a winning efficiency
19:20:53Chestalexceptions could be cool,too :-)
19:21:03captain_protonbwahahaha, template metaprograms for optimization
19:21:10captain_protonthrow Panic();
19:21:10ChestalPhactorial: of course you can, but it;s awkward, its hard to maintain and so usualyl it is not done
19:21:14dougheckapatlabor221: you here?
19:21:15PhactorialChestal: I would rather stick to good old lists...objects are just needless at the moment..
19:21:29Chestalthere are structs in the kernel, no?
19:21:35captain_protonChestal: we must do this :)
19:21:36PhactorialChestal: Ofcourse...
19:21:37Chestalso why not enhance those to objects
19:21:39patlabor221doug I am
19:21:45PhactorialChestal: There is no need
19:21:46Chestalno performance degratdtion at all when not made virtual
19:21:52dougheckais there anyway to view the nodepaths?
19:21:57PhactorialChestal: There is no need, waste of space...
19:22:01dougheckalike the lines between them?
19:22:09ChestalPhactorial: no space or tiem wasted at all
19:22:09PhactorialChestal: Lists provide only one thing, information...
19:22:20ChestalPhactorial: only cleaner code, and could use inheritance
19:22:26scan[ibook]memory management would be a pain with a c++ kernel
19:22:42captain_protonscan[ibook]: how so?
19:22:52Chestalscan: not really, you have full control about memory management in C++ when you want
19:23:07scan[ibook]captain_proton: too much is done automatically wiht constructors/destructors and scopes, I'd think it would be easier to make leaks
19:23:08Chestalcustom new operator, placement new
19:23:22captain_protonjust write your own new and delete and it works fine
19:23:22Chestalin fact, destructors should make leaks less common
19:23:38Chestaland make code cleaner in conjunctin with exceptions
19:23:47ChestalI think it really could be done
19:24:01captain_proton-should- be done :)
19:24:05patlabor221doug: I don't know
19:24:08scan[ibook]of course it could be done, I don't think it should
19:24:15scan[ibook]but bleh...
19:24:26dougheckahow do I know what nodes link to where
19:25:36captain_protonscan[ibook]: how much of a heart attack would your OS prof have if you showed him a kernel using the STL?
19:25:45patlabor221doug: as far as I know you don't care, the bots take care of that
19:25:51scan[ibook]captain_proton: not as much as I'd have
19:25:52dougheckaoh, ok
19:26:07patlabor221doug: you don't define a path persay just palces that they go to
19:26:20dougheckaso all I need to do is make sure thay are <700 units apart?
19:26:24patlabor221doug: read up on it, use the brain.
19:26:34patlabor221I don't know I've neve done this
19:26:48patlabor221I'm jsut a good guesser
19:27:25captain_protonmust do this just to control scanline
19:27:27dougheckahow do I ad nodes? I dont see the button...
19:27:50scan[ibook]captain_proton: I'll just keep making you puke with picogui
19:29:40captain_protonscan[ibook]: from the nausea-inducing overlays? :)
19:30:49scan[ibook]captain_proton: that, or the fact that most of it's written in C and you seem to be a C++ only sort of person
19:30:57captain_protonoh, i had a village moment today
19:31:13captain_protoni noticed the "used" stickers on my textbooks say "textbooks from your bookstore"
19:31:39captain_protonscan[ibook]: i have no issues with most C code
19:32:08captain_protonjust grotty C like perl seems to be written in
19:37:14scan[ibook]I only have issues with people that think OOP is only a language feature, not a programmer feature :)
19:39:48captain_protonis setting up his system to look really disgusting to most linux-folk
19:41:50captain_protonsay hello to /usr/opt/gnome/
19:42:45patlabor221how discuting?
19:43:08captain_protonscan[ibook]: whats your opinion of /usr/opt? ;)
19:43:36scan[ibook]it was bad enough to have /opt
19:44:05scan[ibook]throws a filesystem standard at captain_proton
19:44:26captain_protonfilesystem layout standard? whats that?
19:45:44captain_protonseems to me that too many people have forgotten about $PATH
19:46:14captain_protonthey put every concievable thing in /usr or /usr/local
19:46:20captain_proton--prefix is your friend
19:47:01Chestalwhy have directories for system stuff at all?
19:47:19Chestallink them all to /onebigmess and be happy
19:49:12sussudioonebigmess being c:\winnt\system32 ?
19:49:57patlabor221we have both of them
19:50:04patlabor221and there's folders in there now
19:50:36sussudiohmm yes..... folders that make sense like 'ReinstallBackups'
19:50:56patlabor221well I love the fact that it still has 2200 items in it
19:51:10BZFlagwhy not just /bin /lib and /other then? ;-)
19:51:51scan[ibook]you could be like MacOS X and have /Applications, /System, and /Volumes...
19:51:52patlabor221hmm looks like they are geting ready to ditch the old SYSTEM one in XP, it's only got 27 things in it.
19:52:05patlabor221or old school mac, all in system folder
19:52:13patlabor221and the "bless" the folder
19:52:13Chestalmy Debian system here has a stunning 352541 files
19:52:17captain_protonBZFlag: everything should be in the same directory - no /bin, /lib, /include
19:52:32Chestalah, Tim
19:52:44BZFlagthen you have to search libs etc when looking for things on the path. ugh.
19:52:53captain_protonBZFlag: exactly
19:52:58patlabor221cap you would die on a large project if you did that
19:53:12ChestalBZFlag: what about doiing soem small things to 1.7e7 and maybe have an e8 release soon. That shoudl probably be final for 1.7 then :-)
19:53:16captain_protonpatlabor221: yep :)
19:53:45patlabor221I fear for your eventual employer man.
19:53:54BZFlagChestal: I seem to recall you saying that about the last release.
19:54:06ChestalBZFlag: I'd liek to commit fix for high jumo bug (by reverting fallthrough fix) and a fix for the feature that roaming mode forgets about the selected player when switching mode
19:54:25ChestalBZFlag: well, if you remember, I wanted to have some GUI options back then, now I want them for e8
19:54:40ChestalBZFlag: there's just too many requests for these patches
19:54:45BZFlagif we just revert the fallthrough, then it will be back. got a fix that handles both?
19:54:50Chestalnot really
19:54:56Chestalbut the jumping bug is far worse
19:55:07Chestalso we shoudl go back IMHO, coudl then late try a fix
19:55:15ChestalI already tried soem weeks ago,I barely remember
19:55:28Chestalit worked better than the odl and new approaches, but wasn't perfect
19:55:48Chestalit's a bit tough to test
19:56:34captain_protonneeds to dress up like moondog at some point
19:56:42ChestalBZFlag: have you taken a look at the akira-chestal hud patch that is on sf? I'd like that to be in, people want something like that
19:57:08Chestalthe big switch is a bit ugly implemenation-wise, but IMHO it doesn't matter
19:57:36ChestalI msut think about timed games and /countdown one of these days for bzfs, too
19:57:52Chestalmsut be changed a bit to work good for league matches
19:58:10Chestalsadlz, like everyone, I am really busy with other things
19:59:00BZFlagChestal: that's the one that requires a restart to take effect?
19:59:19BZFlagwhat's wrong with countdown?
19:59:33ChestalBZFlag: the patch has several features, one of it is the choice betweeen new and old HUD. The latter requires a restart, right
20:00:05Chestaltwo things: we'd probably want tohave both an automatic countdown and a manual one started by /countdown
20:00:17Chestale6 has only manual countdown, current e7 only has automatic
20:00:42BZFlaghuh? e7 should have both, no?
20:00:56Chestaland /countdown needs admin privileges, that's not very practical, currently I have to give the admin password away for people who want to ref a league game
20:01:07Chestalwell, kinda both
20:01:23BZFlagand if it didn't need admin, then anyone could end the game.
20:01:27Chestalbut with e7 when I configure bzfs for a timed game, the countdown dtarts automatically, when a player logs in AFAIK
20:01:43Chestal/countdown starts the game, it does not end it
20:01:51Chestalthis would be ok for my purposed I think
20:01:52BZFlagand if you do not configure for a timed game, then you have the old funtionality.
20:01:54captain_proton/countdown has been used to 'extend' a game :P
20:02:15Chestalbzflag: no, /countdown has been designed to start the countdwen for a timed game
20:02:18dougheckahow about all the players say /countdown, then it starts the game!
20:02:25Chestalwithout a timed game, there is no game length at all
20:02:32BZFlagdoughecka: possible, but ugh.
20:02:33dougheckaso when everybodys ready, they all say /countdown
20:02:38dougheckaBZFlag: hehe
20:03:02BZFlagChestal: hmm. I thought there was a way to set a timed game in e7 from inside.
20:03:07Chestalin 1.8 we could have several admin levels
20:03:31BZFlaghas 498115 file on his laptop debian partition
20:03:33Chestalwhat I did for e6 was just to remove automatic countdowns and replace them with manual starts with /countdown
20:03:49Chestalbut I see the need for automatic countdowns
20:04:03BZFlagChestal: you sure you looked at what I did afterwards? I hacked on it a bit.
20:04:05ChestalI just do not want to put too much effort in e8
20:04:14Chestalonly put some pragmatic things in
20:04:44ChestalBZFlag: hmm, not 100% sure, will have to reinspect it, I know that I tried it once, but is has been some time
20:05:22Chestalanyway, my main issues right now are the two bug fixes and the HUD options
20:06:01captain_protonwe really need to get e8 out the door and close down the 1.7 tree
20:06:43ChestalI don't know if there any other severe bugs that could easily be fixed
20:07:27captain_protonsuperjump is the biggest thing
20:07:41Chestalalthough I still wonder how anyone canplay with <10fps
20:08:16Chestalthe bug occurs only in this case
20:08:46Chestalsame for the fall-though bug (ok, it depends, but the fix does only fix it for cases where you have <10fps)
20:08:56captain_protonif the immediate frame-time drops below what would be 10fps the bug appears
20:09:07BZFlaghmm. yep /countdown just starts. that's not so great. perhaps it should set both the limit and timeelapsed. and it countdown is 0, then it stops being a timd game.
20:09:53Chestalall I need for league matches is that palyers can join without triggering an automatic countdown. That there must be some means to manually start the countdown
20:10:06Chestallength of countdown can be fixed by command line parameter, that doesn't matter to me
20:10:36Chestaland whether the command requires a password or not is probably not a big issue, too
20:10:57Chestalproblem with req. admin privileges is that this opens all commands like /playerlist
20:11:06BZFlagI think admin is needed till we have some karma stuff in place.
20:11:28BZFlagthe admin does not need to be on a team, it could be an observer.
20:11:35Chestalin practice, after a whiel nearly everyone knows the admin password for a league server
20:11:50Chestalbecause each referee has to know
20:12:11captain_proton2 admin levels perhaps?
20:12:12Chestaland right now, the referees are usually chosen ad-hoc
20:12:27captain_protonone can start games, one can be a real 'admin'?
20:12:34Chestalproton: probably the way to go for 1.8, I just feels it's too much hazzle for 1.7
20:12:36BZFlagI'd like to avoid admin levels till 1.8
20:13:16Chestalwhen we gain more experience with matches, maybe when we get 1-1 started, we'll know what features would be nice
20:13:22BZFlagI'd like to convert all server options to long forms and have the same code process admin commands and command line options.
20:13:24Chestalmaybe somethign like automatic reporting of match results
20:13:28Chestalbut that can wait
20:13:47Chestalright now I just need something that works
20:13:57BZFlagsome options would require a game restart to take effect.
20:14:19Chestalwell, I have to go home, it's late and I am still in the office
20:14:35Chestalmaybe you, Tim, or captain proton can check out the HUD patch some day?
20:15:35Chestalwe really need something like it in e8, or there will always be people staying at e4 or using custom versions
20:15:54captain_protoni was shocked at the number of people still on e2/e3 :(
20:16:45Chestalyes, I wonder what systems these people are on
20:17:10Chestalthat remdinds me, in 1.8 the serevr should know client versions and operatign system
20:17:23Chestalwould be nice to know, if someone is on Windows or Irix
20:29:06jzaunHow long does it take to load up ?
20:29:37patlabor221I think it would be nice to know that just from a usage stand point, to know the precentange of what OSs are being used.
20:30:02patlabor221like 2 sec for the intial page
20:30:10patlabor221then like 5-8 per map
20:30:40jzaunok, gonna have to cache the images in the database then, on the fly generation take to long to use all the time
20:31:06patlabor221wern't you woried about the image size in the first place?
20:31:53jzaunStill am, have to look into all of that.
20:32:03jzaunmight have to lower the quality if I'm gonna store them all
20:32:28patlabor221how large can they be?
20:32:48patlabor221they should go down to 8 bit RLE quite well
20:32:55jzaunnot sure, haven't looked at one yet, just got the generator to work properlly
20:33:07patlabor221Run lenght encoding
20:33:12patlabor221AKA GIF
20:33:17scan[ibook]I know what RLE is, but what format still uses it?
20:33:24patlabor221GIF I think
20:33:24jzaunyah, but I can only to jpeg or png
20:33:29scan[ibook]bleh, GIF...
20:33:33patlabor221isn't it an option in PNG?
20:33:42scan[ibook]png's compression is better than RLE
20:33:48jzaunas is 18K jpegs
20:34:00scan[ibook]solid color images compress much better to png
20:34:06patlabor221still it should compress well in 8bit lossless
20:34:11scan[ibook]jpeg doesn't handle images with high frequency content well
20:34:16patlabor221JPeg is not wel suited
20:34:27jzaunlet me switch to png and try it out
20:35:50jzaun18K jpg, 1K png... guess it does matter
20:36:04jzaunwith 1K I have no problem storeing them
20:36:21patlabor221yeah you are talking aobut a small amount of space
20:36:44patlabor221I should add a Export to BMP to the editor
20:36:57patlabor221that supports transperancys
20:37:06jzaunso does png :-)
20:37:20jzaunbmp are just huge
20:37:29patlabor221I meant BMP as in bitmap
20:37:34patlabor221not nesisarlay the format
20:37:44patlabor221BMPs don't support transpernalcy
20:38:11patlabor221well you can RLE a BMP tho if it's 2 bit.
20:38:14patlabor221sorry 8 bit
20:38:45jzaunHey bzgirl
20:39:04bzgirlhi jzaun
20:39:15jzaunhows it goin?
20:39:21patlabor221but unless you are looking at storing millions of maps, I don't see a size issue with any of those images
20:39:41bzgirljzaun: great thanks :)
20:39:57jzaunpatlabor221: could grow to a million, eventually
20:40:34jzaunyou know... years and years down the road
20:41:28patlabor221se but by then 1.2 terabite drives will be $88
20:41:52jzaunWith the next version of PHP and the GD library, I'll be able to do Alpha blening and the maps will look alot better
20:42:18jzaunWould be nice if they existed and were that cheep today
20:42:45patlabor221I'm geting 80 gigs for like $75
20:43:05jzaunabout the same here
20:43:27patlabor221does seem like there is a $45 minimum price for a hard drive tho
20:44:04patlabor221there is like $1-2 difrence bettween 20 gig and 40 gig drives
20:45:15gonkulator{work}is away: walkin
20:45:45patlabor221ponders bzflag with non rectiliiar map boundrys
20:46:15jzaunpnders BZFlag with ramps, cones, cylindars and spheres
20:46:32patlabor221those are just the ojbects in it
20:46:37patlabor221I am talking about the field
20:46:39jzaunI know
20:46:49jzaunI would love to be able to use them
20:47:44patlabor221as long as you kept the models inside a box or a pyrimid, you should be able to do it in the current code base rather easaly
20:48:02patlabor221and didn't want them to have a glow when a shot passes near them
20:48:21jzaunwould want the glow and to be able to drive up the ramps
20:48:28patlabor2211.8 then
20:48:44jzaunbeen keeping tabs on the CVS code
20:49:03patlabor221hmm that means BZ gets to deal with angular velocity
20:49:20patlabor221and more then just a point source for the physics
20:49:21bzgirlhey patlabor221, do you know what the diff is between uxga and sxga+ is?
20:49:27bzgirlsorryto butt in!
20:49:31patlabor221for laptops?
20:49:34scanlinebzgirl: marketing
20:49:39bzgirlits oon a notebook i am gretting
20:49:44patlabor221that's a laptop
20:49:46bzgirlgetting, yes a dell
20:49:52patlabor221the UX is a nicer screen
20:49:53bzgirli orded sxga
20:49:57scanlinebzgirl: those acronyms usually don't mean much, the viewing angle and resolution matter more
20:50:00patlabor221they are both realy good
20:50:08patlabor221the UX has more res that's all
20:50:11bzgirlok, so its nothing to worry about
20:50:19patlabor221I have a SZ and it's rather nice
20:50:24patlabor221sorry SX
20:50:27bzgirlit says i can do 1600xsomethig
20:50:43patlabor221that will look very good
20:51:00bzgirlyeah and a geforce 2 64mb card
20:51:09bzgirli cna play bz on it :)
20:51:09patlabor221if you use it a lot, monitors have a tendency to look blurry when you look at them
20:51:14dougheckathat WILL look good
20:51:22patlabor221yeah teh GF2 go should be fine
20:51:30bzgirli will use it constantly i think
20:51:35patlabor221what speed cpu?
20:51:36bzgirlok thanks
20:51:45dougheckapatlabor221: yea, for somereason, if I run both my LCD AND CRT, teh CRT gets fuzzy
20:51:51bzgirlintel p4 2.0ghz
20:52:03patlabor221you you'll be fine
20:52:06scanlineis back (gone 02:10:12)
20:52:14patlabor221what is it about $1700 $1800?
20:52:43bzgirlyeah but i have a friend who works for a big pc dealer in canada
20:52:49patlabor221doug: it's becasue teh LCDs are sharper, there is a phisical edge to the pixel, not 3 fuzzy dots.
20:52:56bzgirlso i get tax free and plus her discount!
20:53:00patlabor221very nice
20:53:10dougheckapatlabor221: yea, but when I switch to CRT only, its nice and sharp
20:53:14patlabor221I have an older dell laptop and i am very happy with it
20:53:15dougheckavery odd
20:53:32patlabor221doug: that's just your crap busted laptop
20:53:48patlabor221and it's compaq :)
20:53:50dougheckais gonna get a new screen soon
20:53:54pauldoughecka: ramdac possibly.
20:54:00dougheckawho gives a flying fig if its compaq
20:54:04patlabor221It was SAT ON!!.
20:54:21dougheckait was crushed in shipping
20:54:24patlabor221had butt prints on it
20:54:45patlabor221needs a set of drumsticks at work.
20:54:56dougheckaor turkey?
20:55:19patlabor221pencels just don't cut it for air drumming while pondering
21:03:02gonkulator{work}is back (gone 00:17:48)
21:08:55scanlineis away: standing in the wet room
21:25:38jzaunAnyone in here run a server?
21:28:46dougheckayou have a question?
21:28:50dougheckanot me
21:29:53dougheckaw00t, I got my ram money
21:33:25patlabor221did they all sell?
21:34:10dougheckaanother guy that payed 160 for somethin
21:34:19dougheckapff, dats my moms money
21:35:02patlabor221allways check the auction ID
21:35:35scanlineis back (gone 00:26:40)
21:35:55dougheckaI was lookin in the paypal, all it has was names
21:43:07gonkulator{work}is away: class time
22:54:15scanlineis away: food!
23:06:20paulis away: I'm busy
23:07:44bzgirlis away: I'm busy
23:09:18Eisbarhi everyone
23:10:16paulis back (gone 00:03:55)
23:25:19bzgirlis back (gone 00:17:35)
23:32:13dougheckahey Patlabor221
23:43:53Patlabor221bwaahahahah the evil that is the P80 now has 80 megs of ram
23:44:43Patlabor221bit peppyer now
23:48:07scanlineis back (gone 00:53:52)
23:50:50Patlabor221captain_proton: how much of BZ do you think can be handled just by the vid card?
23:52:02captain_proton1.8 has a higher processor requirement than 1.7
23:52:38Patlabor221well I got a P80 that I'm gonna put a GF2MX in :)
23:52:41Patlabor221think it'll go?
23:53:16Patlabor221actualy it's a 486 with a P80 ODP
23:54:34Patlabor221and it's now on the internet :)
23:56:16captain_protonit'll go
23:56:36captain_protonmight take a while getting there
23:56:43Patlabor221you thin FPS or SPF? :)

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