irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.07.03

00:01:33BZFlagjacques: the trials you suffer through impress me. ;-)
00:13:38jacqueskoth against 2 ppl was fun last night - i cant imagine what it would be like against five or more
00:16:03captain_protonor when the king selection algorithm works? ;)
00:16:35tad_busyI cant get it 1.8 to run...
00:16:47tad_busyis there is server that works online?
00:17:02tad_busyit crashes when I connect to
00:17:21captain_protonconnect to
00:17:39captain_protonits in the list
00:18:59tad_busystill connecting....
00:19:33tad_busyit freezes
00:19:41captain_protonwhen did you check out the code?
00:19:54jacquesin koth is there any incentive to kill other non-kings (if one is not the king)?
00:19:55captain_protonwhat time?
00:20:06captain_protonjacques: nope
00:20:14tad_busyI dont know
00:20:22captain_protontry grabbing the latest
00:21:16tad_busycommand line again?
00:21:26tad_busyI promise I will save it...
00:21:57tad_busylet me check the log
00:22:18BZFlagtad_busy: I just restarted the servers on [1-2] so try again now.
00:22:29tad_busylet me recompile
00:23:36captain_protoncvs -d -z3 co bzflag
00:25:06tad_busyits hugh
00:52:10tad_busyok, ok
00:52:16tad_busyI give up
00:52:28tad_busyI cant jump up on decks in 1.8
00:52:33dinahthat took you a while
00:52:49tad_busybeen playing for about 5 min
00:53:06dinahbut you compled so long ago...
00:53:45dinahwhat did you do that for?
00:53:52tad_busybut I cant jump up on decka
00:54:23tad_busyseems like I have too much gravity
00:54:30dinahid rather you stoped that
00:54:39tad_busystop what?
00:55:01dinahjust how many ctcp versions do you intend to send
00:55:05tad_busy1477MHz computer eh?
00:55:19tad_busyuntil you tell me to stop
00:55:45tad_busy1.8 works....
00:55:53tad_busybut I cant jump onto decks...
00:56:09tad_busyking of the hill stuck on the ground
00:56:09dinahconcludes, after extensive resurch colonials are wankers
00:56:12tad_busyfun fun
00:56:35tad_busybah at patlabor221
00:56:50patlabor221bah right back then
00:57:18patlabor221no cookies for you at xmas
00:57:21dinahnot ver busy, is he
00:57:46tad_busybah @ the whole world
00:58:10patlabor221no it dosn't look like he is
00:58:24tad_busyis busy
00:58:25patlabor221I have to have 2 jobs and all he does is bah
00:59:12dinahtad_busy: is obvously not too busy to spend all day playing a childrens game and chating on irc...
00:59:31tad_busyI did school all day...
00:59:38patlabor221school? what's that?
01:03:47tad_busy: i'm not following you...
01:03:47tad_busyibot monkey_boy
01:04:00tad_busy: what?
01:04:00tad_busyibot m0nkey_b0y
01:04:19tad_busywierd people here
01:04:20dinahbit of a palendrome eh?
01:04:28m0nkey_b0yweird is good
01:04:45dinahskatalogicly speaking...
01:04:52m0nkey_b0ywho m0nkey_b0y
01:05:18m0nkey_b0ymirc newbie
01:05:36dinahewww mirc
01:06:04m0nkey_b0ywindows at home..and modem
01:06:10OK, tad_busy.
01:06:10tad_busyibot monkey_boy is a bzflag player that lives in the jungle
01:06:15somebody said monkey_boy was a bzflag player that lives in the jungle
01:06:15tad_busyibot monkey_boy?
01:06:25tad_busym0nkey_b0y: ugh
01:06:31tad_busydial up?
01:06:32i heard tad was a nice person from mars
01:06:33dinahibot: tad??
01:06:42tad_busy: I forgot tad
01:06:42tad_busyibot forget tad
01:06:48m0nkey_b0yyes dialup
01:06:54OK, tad_busy.
01:06:54tad_busyibot tad is a person that can fly
01:07:01tad_busym0nkey_b0y ouch
01:07:13m0nkey_b0ythat why i play only from work :)
01:07:28tad_busyis that where server is
01:07:44m0nkey_b0ywas looking at forum...some big scores lately
01:07:52tad_busylike 0-17
01:07:54m0nkey_b0yserver at work..amoung the others
01:08:28m0nkey_b0ywere you on that team playing the froot loops?
01:08:40m0nkey_b0yno kidding?
01:08:44tad_busymy team mates setup the game
01:08:56tad_busyinsulting everyteam on the planet
01:09:01m0nkey_b0ythey are BZ gods you know?
01:09:08m0nkey_b0ythe froot loops
01:09:10tad_busyso we had to play the OoOoO
01:09:51m0nkey_b0yall 5 are very top level.
01:10:00dinahwell if my team beat you playing them must have seemed a bit foolish, yes?
01:10:02m0nkey_b0yi have played them too
01:10:28m0nkey_b0yrumors of who they are is all i know
01:11:20m0nkey_b0yany matches tonight?
01:11:24dinahi suppose you could check playerlists and compare ip's
01:11:35dinahfind out who they really are...
01:11:39tad_busyfind out where they are
01:11:58tad_busyits baloo
01:12:22tad_busywhy is noodle K-lined from here?
01:13:32m0nkey_b0yhi proton how r u?
01:13:47captain_protoni'm good
01:14:03m0nkey_b0yhot here..but wel
01:14:22dinahnice to hear some people are doing well
01:14:24m0nkey_b0ythe latest version of bzedit is now 2.0 still?
01:14:32m0nkey_b0ysorry dinah ;)
01:15:08captain_protonm0nkey_b0y: yeah yeah
01:15:16dinahperhaps tad has contracted mad-cow?
01:15:17captain_protonhaven't worked on it for a long time
01:15:33captain_protonand there are about 6 versions that are all called 2.0 =)
01:15:54tad_busybah @ angelina
01:15:59m0nkey_b0yi have 2.0..
01:16:05captain_protonbut which 2.0? ;)
01:16:07m0nkey_b0yworking on a new world
01:16:12captain_protondoes your version have an element inspector?
01:16:22captain_protonok, thats the latest
01:16:29m0nkey_b0yits really awesome!
01:16:36m0nkey_b0yhi angie
01:16:41angelinahi mb
01:17:24tad_busyhello angelina
01:17:37angelinahello tad_busy
01:17:50patlabor221wow right after he bah'ed you too
01:18:05tad_gone_for_reabah at patlabor221
01:18:05angelinawhats a bah? is it bad?
01:18:15m0nkey_b0ybah like sheep?
01:18:19dinahthinks colonials will never learn the proper use of "bah"
01:18:26patlabor221proalby not
01:18:28rumour has it goofey is goofy
01:18:28goofeyibot: me
01:18:31patlabor221dmened public school system
01:18:34goofeydamn straight
01:18:45tad_gone_for_reathinks dinah needs to pipe down
01:18:54tad_gone_for_reapublic school?
01:19:13patlabor221well I was poor
01:19:14tad_gone_for_reabahx2 @ paulj|home
01:19:33tad_gone_for_reaBAHx2 @ patlabor221
01:19:46dinahdinah | down?
01:19:54patlabor221google bah
01:20:01dinahwell i never
01:20:06tad_gone_for_reaibot google for pat
01:20:07tad_gone_for_rea: Google can't find pat
01:20:15pat is nothing but a tottering mass of malodorous rat-farts.
01:20:15tad_gone_for_reaibot insult pat
01:20:35You are nothing but a tottering mass of hasty-witted guano.
01:20:35m0nkey_b0yibot insult m0nkey_b0y
01:20:36patlabor221how would those stay together in a a mass, they are gas
01:20:50tad_gone_for_reaa balloon?
01:20:52dinahquestions the macturity of tad:
01:21:11patlabor221well he still is in school
01:21:11tad_gone_for_reawants to know the answer...
01:21:25captain_protonbah as in 'bah, humbug'
01:21:28tad_gone_for_reathinks the answer is 42
01:21:33dinahtad_gone_for_rea: is not gone for real
01:21:35rumour has it 42 is the answer
01:21:35tad_gone_for_reaibot 42?
01:21:35m0nkey_b0ybah bah black sheep
01:21:47ACTION shoots up
01:21:47tad_gone_for_reaibot botsmack
01:21:51ACTION shoots up
01:21:51tad_gone_for_reaibot botsmack
01:21:57tad_gone_for_rea: what?
01:21:57tad_gone_for_reaibot botsmack
01:22:01captain_protonleave the poor bot alone damnit!
01:22:08dinahwhat do you get when you multiply six by nine? 42!??
01:22:25tad_gone_for_reahow many roads must a man walk down?
01:22:32dinahits those bloody mice its there fault
01:22:36m0nkey_b0yshopping for a new puter :)
01:22:44tad_gone_for_ream0nkey_b0y: cool
01:22:53dinahwell and those vogon chaps
01:22:54m0nkey_b0yi like the cheap stuff
01:23:08m0nkey_b0yp3 + nvidia
01:23:13m0nkey_b0yyes :)
01:23:15captain_protonthe mice weren't at fault - the vogons went and mucked it up
01:23:17tad_gone_for_readinah: let me read you some poetry
01:23:25patlabor221bahhh at boetry
01:23:28tad_gone_for_ream0nkey_b0y: cool
01:23:28angelinam0nkey_b0y>  get a celron, you'll love it
01:23:39tad_gone_for_ream0nkey_b0y: DONT!!!
01:23:40captain_protonergh not celeron
01:23:46patlabor221AMD XPs are realy cheap these days
01:23:46captain_protonthey're crippled processors
01:23:48captain_protonno cache
01:23:49dinahtad_gone_for_rea: before you jetison me into space?
01:23:51m0nkey_b0ylooking for my home game machine
01:23:59tad_gone_for_ream0nkey_b0y: I HAVE IT AND IT IS THE WORST system you can get
01:24:03m0nkey_b0yso i can terrorize you at night
01:24:06patlabor221the fish in the ear tickles
01:24:19m0nkey_b0yok..celeron go angie ;)
01:24:21captain_protonpatlabor221: you get used to it
01:24:33patlabor221but mine has gas
01:24:35dinahbut it does prove that god exists, so therefore he doesnt
01:24:36m0nkey_b0yp3 1 ghz
01:24:46tad_gone_for_ream0nkey_b0y: Mmmm
01:24:54m0nkey_b0ythey are cheap!
01:25:42tad_gone_for_rea"Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.
01:26:11dinahi think you should buy a milliard gargantu bring m0nkey
01:26:23dinah*brain that is
01:26:30tad_gone_for_rea"all  that  fuss  over  two pounds of Earthling brain."
01:27:10dinahnow if a head weighs about 8 or nine pounds...
01:27:14patlabor221I thoghgt it was more then 2 lbs
01:27:30dinahi belive a brain would weigh more
01:27:38tad_gone_for_reanot yours
01:27:47m0nkey_b0yi was 10#'s at birth
01:27:48patlabor221I heard 8 lbs for the brain at some point
01:27:57tad_gone_for_rea"For instance, the first phase is characterized by  the  question How can we eat? the second by the question Why do we eat? and the third by the question Where all we have lunch?"
01:28:21m0nkey_b0yhow about AMD chips...anyone like?
01:28:23captain_protongives a new meaning to the phrase light-headed
01:28:30captain_protonAMD is ok, i like intel myself
01:28:35m0nkey_b0yme too
01:28:38dinahoh i like them fine
01:28:42m0nkey_b0ynever tried amd
01:28:49tad_gone_for_rea"Simple. I got very bored and depressed, so I  went  and  plugged myself in to its external computer feed. I talked to the computer at great length and explained my view of  the  Universe  to  it," said Marvin.
01:28:53dinahintel is shite, pardon the profane
01:29:02tad_gone_for_rea"And what happened?"
01:29:09tad_gone_for_rea"It committed suicide,"
01:29:11patlabor221I am now an AMD fan
01:29:14captain_protondinah: and why is that?
01:29:20tad_gone_for_reaI am off the bed
01:29:40dinahthey simply are inferior
01:29:43m0nkey_b0ygnight tad
01:29:43patlabor221AMDs used to be flakey but they seem to have goten it to gether
01:30:02dinahreally go to
01:30:06captain_protondinah: that was weak. you gotta do better
01:30:21dinahif i knew more about computers i could do better...
01:30:30tad_bed_gone_busgood read
01:30:38patlabor221do they have kiwi strawbery brains?
01:30:46captain_protondinah: so you claim they're inferior, but you don't know why?
01:30:50m0nkey_b0ysounds yummy
01:31:05dinahthats right
01:31:22m0nkey_b0yi like strawberry brain shakes
01:31:54patlabor221I have had a AMD durron and an athalon XP and they have worked flawlessly
01:32:08patlabor221the durron was a giger and it was like $50
01:32:26patlabor221sorry 1.2 ghz, running it now
01:32:27dinahnow now, proton i have a water cooling system for my AMD... and i like that fine
01:32:52captain_protoni have a fan, and my p4 runs at near-room-temperature
01:33:09dinahmines rather cooler than that id say
01:33:20m0nkey_b0y700 $ for amd duron 1 gig + goodies
01:33:34patlabor221check for XPs too they arn't that much more
01:33:38captain_protonyour cooling system is creating a lot of heat in that case
01:33:43m0nkey_b0yi just need a tank puter :)
01:33:51m0nkey_b0yand cable
01:33:58patlabor221my xp1900 was only 111 for the cpu
01:34:06dinahwhy is that proton/
01:34:15m0nkey_b0yahh... 805$ for xp
01:34:25m0nkey_b0ypatlabor likes?
01:34:29tad_bed_gone_busmy 486 cost 1000
01:34:32captain_protondinah: if it is using anything to cool the water below room temperature, it needs a compressor -> creates heat
01:35:02patlabor221what MB is it?
01:35:15dinahbut if the compressor is this funny box next to me... the heat wont affect the chip right?
01:35:41patlabor221MB: and is it DDR ram?
01:35:58dinahreally needs to learn about computers
01:36:15patlabor221ok PC2100 that's good
01:36:24patlabor221ohh that's better
01:36:30patlabor221how muthc ram is in it?
01:36:48tad_bed_gone_busI have a system here with 786 negs if ram
01:36:59tad_bed_gone_busanbd a 333 MHz chip
01:37:02m0nkey_b0y256..can make it work
01:37:04dinahstill not really gone i see
01:37:27patlabor221that dosn't soundlike a bad price
01:37:27m0nkey_b0yhas geforce II card
01:37:34m0nkey_b0yi like that card
01:37:38patlabor221just got one of those for $55
01:37:39m0nkey_b0yfor opengl
01:37:42captain_protondinah: no, won't affect the chip. but my monitor creates enough heat in my room as it is
01:37:53patlabor221my cat's like warm monitors
01:37:53tad_bed_gone_busI have 5 computers here
01:38:00m0nkey_b0ymust have opengl on my nvidia card
01:38:16tad_bed_gone_buscreates heat....
01:38:19dinahmy flatscreens dont feel that warm ;)
01:38:20captain_protonm0nkey_b0y: every nvidia since gf256 has been fully opengl compliant
01:38:23m0nkey_b0yproton opened my eyes to opengl
01:38:30patlabor221just make sure the MB has a ViaKT288a or KT333 chipset
01:38:50captain_protonwubs gl
01:39:10m0nkey_b0yyes it has kt333
01:39:11patlabor221under windos all the nvidias excpt the NV1 had some GLimplementaion
01:39:18patlabor221ok good, MSI mobo?
01:39:32patlabor221god I have an NV1 somewhere
01:39:37dinahwonders who cares about windos
01:39:39m0nkey_b0ycan i show this link?
01:39:52patlabor221hit me
01:40:00captain_protonyeah - TNT & TNT2 had partial GL but it was buggy
01:40:23patlabor221oh that's a little MX not a full GF2
01:40:23tad_bed_gone_bustries lifting a 21 inch monitor in vain
01:40:39captain_protonany use of the accumulation or stencil buffers would crash the program
01:41:00patlabor221that's why I said "some" GL :)
01:41:08patlabor221what one you looking at?
01:41:18dinaheasily lifts two 21 inchers (flatscreen) :-P
01:41:46m0nkey_b0yamd athlon 1800xp
01:41:53tad_bed_gone_busfinds the monitor was glued down
01:41:58tad_bed_gone_busmy back!
01:42:13patlabor221that one is PC2100
01:42:16m0nkey_b0ywill run linux
01:42:26dinahconcludes that tad is very much "gone"
01:42:44m0nkey_b0yGBT 7VRX+ (KT-333, ATA-133, USB 2.0)
01:42:44patlabor221ohh yeah
01:42:46captain_protonconsiders marketing a rackmount bz-server appliance
01:43:14m0nkey_b0ybz is more than a game
01:43:18m0nkey_b0yits an addiction
01:43:22captain_protonprobably could crank them out for about $350 cost
01:43:49patlabor221with a NEC monitor thats a good deal
01:43:55tad_bed_gone_busprys open the G4
01:43:57m0nkey_b0ysounds fair eh
01:44:13captain_protonok - who wants to buy a 1U bz server? only $400
01:44:18patlabor221the MX will a be a bit slower then a gegular GF2
01:44:32patlabor221but it'll run fine
01:44:48patlabor221dono about linux support for the onboard souhd tho
01:44:48m0nkey_b0ybetter than pIII ?
01:44:56patlabor221tons faster
01:45:14patlabor221are there linux drivers for the via sound stuff?
01:45:39m0nkey_b0ydoubt it :)
01:46:19patlabor221well x has sounds
01:46:35patlabor221something beeps on the thing :)|
01:47:03m0nkey_b0yyeah..honeslty i have never listened through speakers on mine
01:47:08m0nkey_b0yjust head phones
01:47:42captain_protonthis new sound architecture is gonna rock =)
01:47:50m0nkey_b0yok thank you patlabor for advice!
01:48:07m0nkey_b0yhello and good night all
01:48:11tad_bed_gone_bus5.1 sound syste,?
01:48:17tad_bed_gone_buscya monkey
01:48:17m0nkey_b0ysee ya soon :)))
01:48:21captain_proton'night m0nkey_b0y
01:48:31patlabor221see ya
01:48:41patlabor221gotta have speakers with subwoofers :)
01:49:07angelinahi umm
01:49:24patlabor221who is umm?
01:49:29captain_protonhugs his speakers
01:49:32ummsomeone, lol
01:49:40ummand who are you? :)
01:49:44patlabor221that I have no clue
01:49:47captain_protononly THX computer speakers you can buy
01:50:09patlabor221I keep turning around to see who's here, but I allways fall over
01:50:43dinahthose mac speakers were pretty but i guess they sound poor
01:51:33dinahstill not actually gone i see
01:51:44tad_bed_gone_busdrops the power cord behind the deskop and he cannot reach it
01:51:56tad_bed_gone_busdad wants dual monitors on his computer
01:52:19patlabor221I'm think tad has a lying problem
01:52:22dinahlaughs at tad punny one moniter display!
01:52:48patlabor221one moitor, ewww
01:52:59captain_protoni've only got one =(
01:53:03patlabor221I think it's bad here when I only have a 21 and a 19
01:53:10tad_bed_gone_busI am installing the second 21 ince monitor now
01:53:14dinahhahaha 19!
01:53:30patlabor221yeah, job #2 is kinda poor
01:53:39tad_bed_gone_busplugs the scsi drive back in
01:53:55patlabor221we only get salvage hardware here
01:54:04captain_protonis away: getting beat up
01:56:20patlabor221time to swap cases :) got the new "pac man" case
01:56:40patlabor221hope the comp do't catch on fire.
01:57:40tad_bed_gone_busis really in bed now
01:58:53dinahis ordering a new 34"
01:59:22dinahis upset sony only has 34" CRT's
01:59:50dinahresolves only to buy one then
02:01:11Nicole3'lo all
02:01:28angelinahi Nicole3
02:03:04dinahits 3am, i really should go... bye
02:15:25Widgethihihi, capnmb13.
03:17:56ski: what?
03:17:56skiibot: see chestal
03:18:42skichestal you here?
03:19:15skiguess not....
03:19:19skicya all later
03:45:34WidgetHello, Jefferey.
03:45:47patlabor221how goes it
03:45:55WidgetBut I have to run now.
03:45:59WidgetSee you later.
03:46:02patlabor221see ya
03:46:13patlabor221I'll just be here installin linux
05:02:59goofeyis away: Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question.
06:36:36onthemarkhello kiddies
06:36:37captain_protonhi onthemark
06:36:43onthemarkhow are ya cap
06:37:02BZFlageep. I meant rogue != blue. but you guessed that.
06:37:49captain_protonooh BZFlag look at this:
06:38:02captain_protonstatic int              resampleAudio(const float* in, int frames, int rate, AudioSamples* out) {
06:38:09captain_protonif (rate != MPLATFORM->getAudioOutputRate()) {
06:38:09captain_proton        // FIXME -- should resample  -- let it through at wrong sample rate
06:38:09captain_proton        // return 0;
06:38:09captain_proton    }
06:38:21captain_protonis impressed
06:41:19onthemarkyou know cap our team would challenge you guys to a dual   but i can never get hold of anyone
06:41:46onthemarkduel   sorry
06:42:12BZFlagcaptain_proton: you like that small efficient code huh?
06:42:28captain_protonBZFlag: its beautiful
06:46:14captain_protonseems like it might be prudent to rip some code out from sox
06:46:26captain_protonthen the audio files could be whatever rate you wanted
06:48:07BZFlagperhaps, on the other hand they should all be the same for simplicity.
06:48:59captain_protonthey should be, but why not support it?
06:49:14captain_protoni'd like to move to 44.1 khz audio anyway - noticible quality difference
06:50:36BZFlagand my all means you want to hear a quality explosion when you die.
06:51:57captain_protonof course
06:56:35captain_protonmusic is still a possibility, correct?
07:03:04captain_protonooh, commits
07:03:27captain_protonis lagged on the commits list :(
07:03:50akira_captain_proton: thought about pointers on graca ?
07:03:53captain_protonakira_: nope
07:05:10akira_ lol
07:05:25BZFlagmusic, perhaps. though a pass through to xmms or winamp might serve better.
07:05:57akira_BZFlag: you want what ?
07:06:12captain_protonBZFlag: that doesn't work for those of us who can only play 1 stream at a time
07:06:21akira_captain_proton: exacto
07:06:43BZFlagcaptain_proton: hmm... no equiv to esound for you?
07:07:02captain_protonBZFlag: esound doesn't play nice with my card's DMA
07:07:08captain_protongets mucho clicky
07:07:25akira_with bzflag sound i have problems with artsd
07:07:38captain_protonand if i increase the buffering to the point where it doesn't click, its lagged about a second
07:08:09BZFlagok, I'm open to patches then.
07:08:24captain_protonaren't we all... ;)
07:08:38akira_na, a i want no apatche :)
07:09:00BZFlagso I've been thinking....
07:09:22BZFlagwhat if nicks are tied to gpg public keys?
07:09:42BZFlagand login/karma updates are done gpg signed.
07:10:14captain_protonsounds good to me
07:10:30BZFlagthen "trust" matrix can figure into the karma as well.
07:11:03captain_protonthere wouldn't really be a trust matrix would there?
07:11:09akira_you plan to introduce "real" identities ?
07:11:18captain_protonbecause the only person with the public keys is the list server
07:11:35captain_protonakira_: yes. i'm tired of people cheating with my nickname
07:11:37BZFlagserver gets the gpg signed login, and decrypts with the public key. list server can sign a verification on the public key-> nick mapping. or other lookups like karma etc.
07:12:03BZFlagserver admins would know your email address.
07:12:11akira_BZFlag: i visited cryptographic lessons :)
07:12:23BZFlaglist server would require an email reply to register a nick.
07:12:35captain_protoni like that idea about email
07:12:44akira_who owned the list server ?
07:12:46BZFlagnot sure if it needs to be a signed email though, with all the current hassles.
07:12:47captain_protonbut what about the unscrupulous server op who spams players?
07:13:06BZFlagcaptain_proton: hmm.
07:14:09MrApathyCreamHow 'bout we remove flag id's (ints) all together and just use abbrev's as indexes through std::map
07:14:15MrApathyCreamnetwork size is same 2 bytes
07:14:23BZFlagcaptain_proton: any different from searching:
07:15:11BZFlagMrApathyCream: sounds possible to me. always 16 bits.
07:15:22akira_BZFlag: what about the "mobile factor" ?
07:15:32BZFlagakira_: explain?
07:15:47akira_i cant play at home so i have to use university machines
07:15:47captain_protonBZFlag: not really, but its an ease-of-access question
07:16:12akira_so .. i always have to login with my nickname from different machines
07:16:18BZFlagsearching looks pretty dang easy to me.
07:16:39akira_where is my key stored ?
07:16:49BZFlagakira_: either bring your gpg key with you or play unregistered.
07:16:50captain_protonBZFlag: they have to know your name, no?
07:17:04akira_BZFlag: but than its useless
07:17:09captain_protonBZFlag: if someone knows me just as captain_proton, they can't search for my key
07:17:20BZFlagI'm reluctant to enable simple password login cause I can't think of a totally secure way to do it.
07:17:35BZFlagif servers had keys, then....
07:17:57BZFlagperhaps anonymous login could be user/pass and encrypted with the list server key?
07:18:01akira_if only that people get an "guarantied" access under their nicknames which have stationary one ...
07:18:22akira_over ssl bzflag ?
07:18:22BZFlagthen the list server can just reply to the game server with the username.
07:18:41captain_protonBZFlag: ooh, i like that idea even better
07:19:06iLLf8dc:\windows\progra~1\bzfs -i eth0 -j -h -ms 4 -public "marks field" -publicaddr
07:19:07BZFlagakira_: I thought about using client ssl certs too.
07:19:08iLLf8dyo cap
07:19:17iLLf8dthat the right format for a weenos batch file
07:19:20iLLf8die the c:
07:19:24captain_protoniLLf8d: should be
07:19:27BZFlagiLLf8d: eth0 is not an address.
07:19:29akira_BZFlag: just for the authentification ...
07:19:41captain_protonahh yes eth0
07:19:54BZFlag-i perhaps?
07:20:12akira_BZFlag: lets say i will use nick name akira but i wont login or bette i dont identify myself ...
07:20:14iLLf8dand does he need the .exe?
07:20:21iLLf8die bzfs.exe?
07:20:27iLLf8dor is it bzflag.exe in windows?
07:20:29captain_protoniLLf8d: shouldn't, but it can't hurt
07:20:30BZFlagno, .exe is optional.
07:20:41iLLf8dis it bzflag or bzfs?
07:20:49iLLf8dyou have 2 different binaries in there?
07:20:52akira_i think that should be allowed as long as i will be marked as "without authorisation"
07:21:32BZFlagakira_: if we include a libgpgme bindings then we can encrypt the login packet with the list server's public key and the game servers will never see the password.
07:21:59akira_BZFlag: that was not the question
07:21:59BZFlagakira_: the game server will not allow login on any registered nick.
07:22:29BZFlagThough I suppose we could allow it and mark the user as un-authenticated.
07:22:33iLLf8dthen all he needs it what a shortcut to it? or does he have to do start -> run -> batch file name?
07:22:44iLLf8dtrying to help onthemark
07:22:47BZFlaghen we'd have to worry about kicking folks camping on your nick though.
07:22:48akira_but i could imagine that people really get pissed of coz someone got "their" nicknames .. especially newbies
07:23:23akira_perhaps than the list server should give some alternative, free names ... so the search for a free names wouldnt take so long
07:23:33BZFlagiLLf8d: shortcut is fine. I'd change drives and directories in the batch file first just to be safe.
07:24:11BZFlagakira_: good point. perhaps registered names should have a prefix? or unregistered named would have a prefix?
07:24:15akira_BZFlag: if we allow the "double"  thing, and the "authenticated" user came in, the old one should be renamed automaticly ...
07:24:27BZFlagie Tim is registered, but =Tim is always a free name.
07:24:58akira_i would hide the unregistered flag in some way
07:25:13akira_lets say .. the user name is yellow instead of red
07:25:38BZFlagthen team color would not be there.
07:25:44akira_coz it would really suck, if i has to play with @1231_akira  ...doenst look nice
07:25:58BZFlagwhat's 1231?
07:26:07akira_BZFlag: the "unregisterd" mark
07:26:21captain_protonwhy would it look like that?
07:26:23BZFlagjust an "-" or "=" should suffice.
07:26:33captain_protonakira [unauthenticated] ?
07:26:33akira_i think its better to hide it in perhaps "darker" color
07:26:50akira_captain_proton: nope, too long
07:27:03BZFlagI think it's nice to make it obvious to encourage people to register.
07:27:06akira_imagine you would send a message to that freak
07:27:23akira_the message is short, but the "header" is sooooooo long
07:27:27BZFlagakira_: I think captain_proton was joking.
07:27:56captain_protonenjoys typing ;)
07:28:38akira_BZFlag: i think there shouldnt be a "flag" like : the user is unauthenticated but the nickname is still free
07:29:15captain_protonakira_: then someone signs on with my nickname and starts cheating, and my reputation gets hit a little
07:29:37akira_captain_proton: i think you dont understand it ...
07:29:58akira_example:  i will login, not authenticated
07:30:18akira_you got it
07:30:20akira_ok, sorry
07:30:43akira_yeah, thats what could happen if someone quick enough to host as many nicknames as he can :)
07:31:30akira_but what about this idea ... icq-like identification ...
07:31:33captain_proton1 nickname/email address sufficient?
07:31:36BZFlagI plan to put a limit on the number of nicks you can register on one key.
07:32:00captain_proton^^ better idea
07:32:25akira_ahja, the key IS the "icqnumber"
07:32:31BZFlagIt would be low though, perhaps 2 or 3 per email address.
07:32:43captain_protonyes yes
07:32:49captain_protoncould get both proton and pistachio
07:32:57BZFlagleague info would be another field, so no need to register [meq]Tim as well as Tim.
07:33:10captain_protonwho made you a meq? ;)
07:33:35akira_BZFlag: did you do a league game yet ?
07:33:39captain_protonidea->tie it into the current league database
07:33:40BZFlagand I'm thinking nicks are case independant. loops will hate me for that.
07:33:51captain_protonBZFlag: haha
07:34:19BZFlagthough zero != o so perhaps they will be ok.
07:34:45BZFlagcaptain_proton: no keys or auth into in leagues.
07:35:16captain_protonBZFlag: true, but it already provides team control
07:35:19captain_protonmaybe merge the two
07:35:29BZFlagthough perhaps we should allow folks to add it to league and after a small period, then import that info and open registration.
07:35:35captain_protonuse keys for auth in league, team control for bz
07:36:13captain_protonintegrate the league into the bz interface
07:37:18BZFlagI was thinking client ssl keys so that one could do updates on the web.
07:37:39BZFlagperhaps I'll still add that. but ssl is not really the right fit cause of the negotiation aspect.
07:37:49BZFlagone gpg signed msg should suffice
07:39:05BZFlagkarma does a round trip to the list server. league changes would use the same interface.
07:40:28akira_whats karma ?
07:40:36captain_protonhoo boy
07:40:39akira_has bad karma :)
07:40:46BZFlagso if we have a gpg key and a user password, then a ssl site that's just password authenticated would work for league/karma/trust updates.
07:40:57akira_ has neutral karma
07:40:57BZFlagibot karma akira_
07:41:01captain_protonbasically karma will be an attempt to prevent cheating on a social level
07:41:03captain_proton has karma of 7
07:41:03BZFlagibot karma captain_proton
07:41:10BZFlagibot captain_proton++
07:41:13akira_how ?
07:41:16captain_proton has karma of 8
07:41:16BZFlagibot karma captain_proton
07:41:27captain_protonplayers either ++ or -- other players, and if someone's karma drops below a certain level, they'll be prevented from joining servers
07:41:35captain_protonkarma is tied to the key
07:41:57akira_dont like this stuff
07:42:08akira_situation: server full of assholes ...
07:42:35captain_protonthe impact someone else has on your karma is dependent on theirs
07:42:39akira_they "could" decrease my karma in such a fast way i have no time just to leave the server in that second
07:42:40BZFlagread up on for ideas about the karma system.
07:42:41captain_protonif they have low karma, they won't do much damage
07:43:17captain_protonwhereas if someone high up ++'es you, you get a big increase
07:43:42BZFlaglow karma people have low impact on your karma. high karma people have high (but not absolute) impact on your karma.
07:43:50akira_ok, situation
07:43:59akira_a bunch of high karma assholes
07:44:08BZFlagshould never happen
07:44:12captain_protonhigh karma asshole = contradiction
07:44:15akira_the push their karma high in their group
07:44:31captain_protonakira_: look at the advogato page for how that works
07:44:33akira_so asshole1 increases asshole2s karma
07:44:42BZFlagthat presumes that one or more of thier group has high karma to begin with.
07:44:50akira_captain_proton: i dont like searching over a site ..
07:44:59akira_dont strg+f ind a karma section
07:45:24BZFlagcaptain_proton: eh. you won.
07:45:30captain_protonBZFlag: bookmarked
07:45:34akira_BZFlag: one asshole could get his karma whereever he wants
07:46:04akira_there is no tracking of where the karma points are from
07:46:11captain_protonyes there is
07:46:37captain_protonthe way i'm thinking of implementing it, each player would only have one possible karma link to each other
07:46:54captain_protonthe value across that link defines that players opinion of the other
07:47:13captain_protonand the benefit of it depends on the assigning player's karma
07:47:16akira_if i shoot you everytime
07:47:40akira_you would be dissapointed about me and then you could gimme bad karma just because of your "incompetence"
07:47:44captain_protonas a scrupulous, high-karma person, i'd rate you higher
07:48:02akira_why ?
07:48:14captain_protonbecause you were obviously a decent player
07:48:42akira_so thats no reason to prevent you from taking me karma down as a revenche
07:48:48captain_protonnow - if you started mocking newbies because you were better than them, i might give a less favorable ruling
07:49:02captain_protonakira_: no, but the idea is that the most trusted people have the highest karma
07:49:34akira_so lets say these people are assholes
07:49:37captain_protonkarma isn't necessarily permanent - if it doesn't work, we'll call it a failed experiment and scrap it
07:49:41akira_godlike people
07:50:10BZFlagakira_: if captain_proton keep revenging others down, the community will know, and the folks high karmaing him will be small so his karma will drop.
07:50:11akira_no one could control them coz you CANT decrease their karma before you get knocked out by them
07:50:32akira_BZFlag: its the same thing like all political systems ...
07:50:59akira_if you have high karma you have power
07:51:32akira_why should one high karma guy punish another high karma guy ?
07:51:35captain_protonbut its different, because karma is decided by how well you are liked, rather than how much money you have
07:51:44BZFlagakira_: many low karma people voting down a high karma person will bring that high person down. Though these low karma people will need to have some karma points from others into the group.
07:51:53akira_one crow wont hack for the eye of another crow
07:52:14captain_protonakira_: and why not? if a high karma person acts like an asshole, nobody should be afraid of them
07:52:30captain_protonas their karma drops, their impact on yours drops
07:52:37akira_BZFlag: but if the highkarm guy just kick the lowkarma guy out coz he have more power -> and the karma points are power captain_proton
07:52:58BZFlagyou will get karma bonuses for karmaing others. and even more for doing a range of outgoing karma. ie somone that only ever karmas others at +5 will not have a lot of impact on the people he karmas.
07:54:02akira_i think this is similar to the money concept
07:54:10BZFlagakira_: true. ok, what is your opinion of those with high karma (power) in bzflag now?
07:54:47BZFlagchris and I would have artificially high karma, at least to begin with.
07:54:53BZFlagwe would be the "seeds"
07:54:54akira_why ?
07:55:04akira_who gave you the right for this ?
07:55:09BZFlagread the advogoto docs.
07:55:12captain_protonakira_: uhm - they're the project leads ;)
07:55:23akira_yeah, the programmers
07:55:24captain_protonTHEY CONTROL YOUR GAME
07:55:41BZFlagthe community needs a jump start. it is vulnerable until the trust web is established.
07:55:42akira_but i dont think anyone voted for them officially ...
07:55:56captain_protoni vote for them
07:55:56akira_BZFlag: aaah .. the good dictator thing :))
07:56:10BZFlagafter the web is stable it feeds itself and the seeds are not needed.
07:56:31akira_BZFlag: but thats exactly what all dictators said
07:56:48captain_protonakira_: it worked on advogato
07:57:00captain_protonthey've contributed so heavily to the game that they're trustworthy
07:57:02akira_<cite> i will just take the power now from you to establish a stable system for the good of all</cite>
07:57:16BZFlagakira_: if you think that I am here to be a dictator, then there is nothing I can say to convince you otherwise. that is your opinion and you are welcome to it.
07:58:01BZFlagfeel free to establish any other security model you choose. If it works, we might never do karma.
07:58:35akira_BZFlag: its just  ... it all depends on the people .. like in real life ...
07:58:58captain_protonthere's no way to absolutely prevent cheating on a technical level
07:59:07BZFlagakira_: one difference here. it is trivial to leave the web and establish another.
07:59:08captain_protonwe can make it harder (which we plan to), but there will always be something new
07:59:39akira_BZFlag: like i said, everyone is a god here :)
07:59:46BZFlagso folks will only participate if the trust matrix is fair.
08:00:05akira_BZFlag: and that was the reason i was so really disappointed about another channel and their "big" guys
08:00:06BZFlaganyone can be a god over nobody if they like.
08:00:49BZFlagwhat keeps chris and I in line is that we want others to contribute and play the game.
08:01:04BZFlagany security model that gets in the way of that, will be rejected.
08:01:38BZFlagand if we fail to reject it, anyone else is free to fork the code and start another project.
08:02:02captain_proton*cough* 3d tank *cough*
08:02:14BZFlagagain, not something we hope will happen, so we try to be fair.
08:02:21BZFlagcaptain_proton: hehe
08:03:02captain_protoni'm still upset that they felt they needed to rename it and 3d tank was the best they could come up with
08:03:21akira_whats that about 3d tank ?
08:03:26BZFlagheh. I just find it humorous.
08:05:19BZFlag < did not used to say bzflag
08:05:51akira_whats that about 3d tank ?
08:06:27akira_derivate of bzflag ?
08:06:31BZFlagakira_: did you follow the link? Lindows had a game called just "3D Tank" with no mention of bzflag.
08:07:06akira_yeah, but i thought they forked the branche
08:07:07BZFlagit's just bzflag. the link in the lindows menu (ie: icon etc) says 3D Tank though. the game still says BZFlag.
08:07:08akira_yeah, but i thought they forked the branch
08:07:34BZFlagno fork from what I can tell. they are exactly the 1.7e4 that is in Debian Woody.
08:07:41akira_so did you say something "officially" to them?
08:08:05BZFlagyes that's why the (bzflag) was added, though I requested (BZFlag) =(
08:08:30BZFlagand the non-link on here:
08:08:37BZFlagwas supposed to be a live link.
08:08:49BZFlagah well. have to email them again.
08:09:21captain_protoni suggest you also tell them that its spelled "cable" not "cabel"
08:11:09BZFlagheh, yep. looks like the have a long way to go to get to be clueful
08:11:35BZFlag <- heh
08:11:57captain_protondamn i wish i had that domain
08:12:19captain_proton"we'll assist you in finding a clue. only $50/hour"
08:13:47BZFlagcaptain_proton: make me an offer. ;-)
08:13:56captain_protonits yours?!?!
08:16:29captain_protonfears the evil ways of BZ
08:16:43BZFlagNo match for "CLUEFULLCONSULTING.COM"
08:17:02BZFlagif you prefer. I like the one L myself.
08:17:06captain_protoni could never stand for a misspelled domain
08:17:32BZFlagclueful is not a word so who's to say how it's spelled?
08:17:42captain_protonno 'ful' words have 2 l's
08:18:07BZFlagmy point exactly.
08:18:35BZFlagNo match for "CLUEFULCONSULTANTS.COM"
08:25:51captain_protonhearing things about you
08:26:00captain_protoncaused a ruckus about some compiler nonsense?
08:28:32BZFlagyeah? where?
08:28:48captain_protonover in AO
08:30:33captain_proton= evil_e
08:33:13captain_proton<halo> Tim Riker stirred things up this week with an inquiry as to why only gcc was able to compile the kernel <-- true?
08:34:03BZFlagthis week? that's way old news.
08:34:36captain_protonwhen was it?
08:34:37akira_did the intel compiler the kerneljob ?
08:39:55akira_c99 ? whats this? intels ?
08:40:25BZFlagc99 is the latest rev of the ansi C spec.
08:40:30iLLf8dhey all mark has a server started and can't kill it in windows
08:40:35akira_BZFlag: ahja
08:40:40iLLf8danyway to kll off a bat file started progie?
08:40:45iLLf8dctrl -alt del didnt work
08:41:33BZFlagiLLf8d: ctrl-c dies not work?
08:41:44BZFlagc-a-d and kill winoldap ?
08:42:18iLLf8dI just passed it along c-a-d didn't do it tho
08:42:23akira_BZFlag: tell me in a few words the advantages of gcc3.1
08:42:31akira_and if you run it
08:42:33iLLf8dI think its pilot error tho
08:44:46BZFlagakira_: better pipelining for processors that can support it. more complete c++ support.
08:45:20BZFlagTuxScreen uses it. it starts by building a 3.1 cross compiler.
08:46:10captain_protonand it won't compile 1.8
08:47:15akira_what should i do ?
08:47:23captain_protonfix 1.8 ;)
08:47:31BZFlagfix gcc
08:48:25akira_fix both
08:48:51akira_cu all
08:49:24iLLf8dnight all
08:49:47iLLf8dthanks for the info bz and cap ... couldn't kill it but marks gonna restart and goof with it some more =)
08:49:53iLLf8dcya another day
08:50:34captain_protonBZFlag: thanks for helping me embarrass the hell out of halo =D
08:57:10BZFlagcaptain_proton: anytime. ;-)
09:00:46BZFlagcaptain_proton: what are the options you want on a koth server?
09:01:06captain_protoni got one up on
09:01:16captain_protonif you want to set up another, feel free
09:02:38BZFlagmight as well. builds the server on commits, might as well restart onother 1.8 server there.
09:03:18captain_protonmaybe take your existing config, remove -mp, replace -c with -king
09:06:34BZFlagremove -mp ?
09:06:51captain_protonyeah - koth will restrict joining players to rogue
09:08:08captain_protonif the king gets MQ it could be quite the free-for-all
09:09:00captain_protonat least in tight quarters
09:10:42captain_protonwhats the restriction on passing data between the main process and the audio process? none?
09:11:44BZFlagI don't recall.
09:12:32captain_protonit appears to be one-way passing of this:
09:12:37captain_protonstruct SoundCommand {
09:12:37captain_proton    int                 cmd;
09:12:37captain_proton    int                 code;
09:12:37captain_proton    float               data[4];
09:14:08BZFlagsounds about right.
09:14:26captain_protoni'm thinking of making a small protocol
09:14:33captain_protonwhere it can transmit commands and jobs
09:14:43captain_protonboth processes keep track of the jobs
09:15:00BZFlagand we never currently replace a sound, just use named sounds which are loade on demand.
09:15:05captain_protonmaking it more c++-ey
09:15:47BZFlagif you are doing music then the sound process might want to load and decode a file.
09:16:48captain_protoncould be a special kind of job?
09:17:26captain_protoncurrently everything is pre-loaded into memory
09:17:30captain_protonwhich makes sense for small files
09:18:05BZFlaggot an LGPL mpeg in mind?
09:19:12captain_protonogg is better
09:19:19captain_protonmp3 has patents
09:20:03BZFlagmadplay would be nice but I'd prefer LGPL in case we ever do a console version of bzflag.
09:20:21BZFlagogg would be ok with me. ogg is lgpl, no?
09:20:22captain_protoni'm not sure if mpg321 has an associated library
09:21:09yoyoxHi Mmmm. Help me ;-/
09:21:37yoyoxChestal: Alive?
09:22:27captain_protonat least the sample implmentation is. one could create a closed source implementation because the standard doesn't have any patents on it
09:23:35BZFlagsweet. that's a winner. ;-)
09:23:59captain_protonand, as icing on the cake, it sounds a little better
09:24:56captain_protonthe only reason people don't use it more is because nobody wants to spend the time or energy to convert their mp3 collections
09:28:43BZFlagan if you "convert" it won't sound any better. you have to rerip.
09:31:57captain_protonlemme rephrase
09:32:01captain_protonsounds better per byte
09:32:19captain_protonif you convert, the file will be a little smaller
09:33:00captain_protonooh wonderful:
09:33:06captain_protonMPLATFORM->writeSoundCommand(s, sizeof(SoundCommand));
09:33:14captain_protonjust like write() =D
09:33:24captain_protoni can send whatever data i like
09:41:36captain_protoni think i've got this small proto worked out:
09:41:42captain_proton#define SQC_CLEAR       0       // no data
09:41:42captain_proton#define SQC_SET_POS     1       // 4xfloat, x,y,z,t
09:41:42captain_proton#define SQC_JUMP_POS    2       // 4xfloat, x,y,z,t
09:41:42captain_proton#define SQC_SET_VEL     3       // 3xfloat, x,y,z
09:41:42captain_proton#define SQC_SET_VOLUME  4       // 1xint, volume
09:41:43captain_proton#define SQC_LOCAL_SFX   5       // 1xjob
09:41:45captain_proton#define SQC_WORLD_SFX   6       // 3xfloat, 1xjob
09:41:47captain_proton#define SQC_IWORLD_SFX  7       // 3xfloat, 1xjob
09:41:49captain_proton#define SQC_QUIT        8       // no data
09:44:20captain_protonooh wait
09:44:23captain_protonneed a kill job
09:44:57BZFlagand perhaps a loop? or some callback scheme to play the next track?
09:46:04captain_protonloop is a field within the job structure
09:46:11captain_protonstruct AudioJob {
09:46:12captain_proton    std::string     sound;
09:46:12captain_proton    bool            loop;
09:46:45captain_protoneventually i would add another bool for if its an ogg to be decoded -> uses 'sound' as the filename
09:46:54captain_protoncallback is a though
09:47:57captain_protoncallback is also tricky
09:48:35captain_protonunless you have it poll the audio thread every so often for data
09:49:03captain_protonis there any way to set timers in bz?
09:52:55captain_protoni'll sleep on it
09:55:39yoyoxBZFlag: With Which one command to include to switch on server such how
09:55:54yoyoxbzfs -c -b -h 12 -mp 0,3,3,0,0 -ms 2 +r -p 59000 -passwd xxx -public TeSt -requireudp ?
10:05:56BZFlagyoyox: what?
13:38:58dinahLO LO
13:41:48Widgetis sleepy.
13:42:38dinahthen take a nap, or drugs. whichever strikes your fancy
13:43:08Widgetlikes stying up late.
13:44:05WidgetHm.... UK is GMT+1.
13:44:11WidgetWe are GMT+12.
13:44:21WidgetTherefore, you are our time-11.
13:44:32WidgetSo..... it's nearly 3 PM?
13:44:40dinahit is 2:52
15:08:31patlabor221ok so is it ok to just throw the linux system out the window
15:09:25patlabor221it dosn't like me
15:09:28patlabor221it's tauning me
15:09:34patlabor221taunting even
15:09:47dinahits just not working properly. ie you screwed it up
15:09:59patlabor221I reinstalled it yesterday
15:10:08patlabor221got it working fine
15:10:14patlabor221ran the red hat udater thing
15:10:17patlabor221went to bed
15:10:21patlabor221as it downloaded stuff
15:10:40patlabor221in the AM I told it to install all the stuff it had downlaoded
15:10:43patlabor221took a shower
15:11:02patlabor221came back, and it had rebooted, and was constanly rebooting
15:11:16dinahwhat exactly do you mean?
15:11:32patlabor221it boots
15:11:47patlabor221gets into the part where it's mounting drives
15:11:53patlabor221then just rebooots
15:12:04dinahdo you have a windows partition/
15:12:38dinahthen windows has buggered the MBR
15:12:52patlabor221grub comes up just fine
15:12:57patlabor221and windows boots fine
15:13:17patlabor221I put grub in
15:13:26dinahuse lilo
15:13:28patlabor221I was thinking of lilo but I wanted to see what grub was
15:13:59dinahi had problems with grub...
15:14:24patlabor221maybe I can run the install again as an upgrade and replace it
15:14:48patlabor221it's odd tho, it starts to boot.
15:14:48dinahit worked fine before the upgrade, right?
15:15:02Chestaldid the update install a new kernel?
15:15:06patlabor221just did't have the hardware accelerated video drivers
15:15:10patlabor221yes it did
15:15:39dinahlets chestal take over. he knows what hes talking about...
15:15:58Chestaldoes it start the init process before rebooting, you said it erboots when it starts to mount devices?
15:16:22patlabor221yes, it starts loading a bunch of stuff
15:16:59patlabor221dosn't seem to get the net adapter
15:17:50dinahpatlabor221: maybe ask on #redhat
15:18:01patlabor221I guess I'll have to
15:21:14Chestalyou can try and boot with init=/bin/bash (kernel parameter)
15:26:58patlabor221how do I put that in?
15:27:38Chestalhmm, I don't know grub
15:28:00Chestalwith lilo you would just do it like  linux init=/bin/bash
15:28:09Chestalwhen 'linux' is the name of the kernel image
15:33:27ummhello people
15:35:48Chestalhe umm
15:39:52iLLf8dcan't get bzlag to compile in gcc3.1
15:40:04Chestalill: 1.7 or 1.8?
15:40:30iLLf8dnot sure which one I tried last
15:40:38iLLf8dI've tried them both a few times
15:40:42Chestalhmm, ok, 1.7 is bound to give problems, but 1.8 should at least work with 3.0
15:40:55Chestalshouldn't be too hard to adapt it to 3.1
15:41:06iLLf8dwhen you say adapt
15:41:16iLLf8dwhats happening in 3.1 that wouldn't in 3.0
15:41:19Chestalat least with some knowledge of c++ :-)
15:41:30ChestalI don't know, not much
15:41:40iLLf8dI'd have thought that it'd just means that 3.1 had more features
15:42:02iLLf8dcompilers aren't backwards compatible obviously
15:42:03Chestalwell, 1.8 should compile on compliant compilers
15:42:09Chestaland 3.1 should at least be as compliant as 3.0
15:42:20iLLf8dcompliant to what
15:42:25iLLf8dcan you gimme an example?
15:42:26Chestalthere's a C++ standard, but most compilers do not implement 100% of it
15:42:37patlabor221seems odd that a compiler would not work like it used to
15:42:37Chestalg++ >=3.0 should be very close though
15:43:04Chestalfor exampel between 2.9x and 3.0 th namespace issue changed
15:43:15iLLf8dif I get a binary from someone compiled under 2.9 or 3x
15:43:16Chestalso most old code won't compile without changes anymore
15:43:18iLLf8dwill it work here?
15:43:25Chestalhmm, it depends
15:43:39Chestalit will be dynamically linked against a version of libstdc++
15:43:48iLLf8doo thats new here too
15:43:53Chestalif you only have the new libs, it probably won't
15:44:03iLLf8dthat blows
15:44:54akira_for me the most missing stuff from g++ is  the "export" keyword :)
15:45:06Chestalnearly no compiler has this
15:45:27Chestalbut 1.8 should be made to work with 3.1, I haven't tried it yet
15:48:00iLLf8dI gotta tell you guys theres something completely messed with the client compiled in 3.1
15:48:07iLLf8dI have a gentoo bzflag package
15:48:19iLLf8dits like the fields lagged 2000ms all the time
15:48:26iLLf8dtho the lag reads as a normal reading
15:49:32Chestalhmm, 5156 seems to be messed up?
15:50:38strayergood...I thought my prog wants to make me feel worry
16:01:49akira_someone tryed ?
16:02:41Chestalfor Visual C++?
16:03:02akira_for everything
16:03:25Chestalhmm, the STL that ships with g++ 3.anythign should be fine
16:03:32akira_was just a question coz this site says, this is the recommended implementation
16:03:55akira_Chestal: on win32 you got nasty stupid warnings with the visual c++ libs
16:04:35blackhoundhi everyone
16:04:52Chestalhi blackhound
16:04:59blackhoundChestal I think we will play on sunday
16:05:15Chestalblackhound: that's great. Any idea at what time?
16:05:41blackhoundI can play on sunday anytime, my mates will decide
16:05:50akira_Why do I get a zillion warnings (#4786) in Visual C++ when I use the STL?
16:05:50akira_This is caused by very long internal names that are generated by the STL. These warnings are harmless but they make it hard to see real warnings that you should pay attention to.
16:05:50akira_You can turn off Warning #4786 by adding the following line of code to the very front of your main test file:
16:05:50akira_   #pragma warning (disable: 4786)
16:06:33Chestalblackhound: ok, we should try to gather more teams at about the same time, so we can have more than 1 match
16:07:03blackhoundI would like to play against HIS and GULMTY
16:07:22ChestalhIS is a very strong team
16:07:33ChestalI haven't playted agaist guglmty yet, but I think they're also quite strong
16:08:04Chestalhmm, Avengers already lost vs. guglmty once, with 2-5
16:08:20akira_Chestal: dont forget: his run away on last sunday from the mole team
16:08:22akira_dont know why
16:08:44Chestalakira: well, I sent them a mesage, they might play us this week, let's see
16:09:29blackhoundI have played many times with and against HIS members, I know them very well
16:09:35Chestalakira: where can I download your win32 binary?
16:09:56Chestalblackhound: the lag is sometimes strong with them :-)
16:10:09akira_Chestal: -> files -> bzflag
16:10:21blackhoundspecially for arathorn and almogaver
16:10:58blackhoundI am going for lunch bbl
16:11:02blackhoundsee you
16:12:08Chestalhmm, ob ich wohl mal an das GUI-Umschalt-Geraffel gehe?
16:14:50akira_Chestal: noe
16:15:22Chestalwarum net?
16:15:27akira_mach wichtigeres
16:15:34Chestaldas ist elementar
16:15:39akira_naja :)
16:15:53Chestaldamit wir bald ein 1.7e8 rausbrignen koennen und alle brav updaten
16:23:10akira_sind wir schon bei 1.7e7 ?
16:47:43Chestale7 ist halt CVS
16:47:54Chestalaber quasi unveraendert zu e6
16:48:03[TeA|TrEE]chestal ?
16:53:23teA_iiiiiiiim so happpy !!!!!!
16:54:07teA_new pc
16:54:37iLLf8dnew pc?
16:54:40iLLf8dwhat kinda etc...
16:54:50teA_2000 mhz
16:54:54teA_naund :P
16:54:57teA_120 gb
16:55:00strayerwant to have such a new pc too :(
16:55:07teA_Geforce 4
16:55:14akira_mx ?
16:55:37teA_geforce 4 Ti600 with TV-out
16:55:43strayeroh U braggart...
16:56:05teA_Turtle Beach Santa Gruz sound card
16:56:07patlabor221thats the exact machine I have here:) runs good
16:56:18patlabor221for an intell
16:56:20akira_good teA_ .. mx sucks
16:56:38teA_ think mx is as good g23
16:56:39patlabor221no vertex/pixel shaders
16:56:56akira_coz its not really a geforce4 :)
16:56:57patlabor2213 and 4 have them
16:57:03patlabor221it's just a fast 2 mx
16:57:09iLLf8dwhat is?
16:57:12iLLf8dhis card?
16:57:18patlabor221the 4 mx
16:57:21patlabor221no he got a good one
16:57:33akira_its a bit more faster then gf2 mx ...
16:57:36teA_ist doch mx :(
16:57:40teA_nach geschaut hab
16:57:46akira_BOESER BUB
16:57:50iLLf8dyeah I thought gf4 ti was cutting edge
16:57:57patlabor221the TI's are good
16:57:57iLLf8dI've got a gf2mx heh =P
16:57:57teA_64 MB nVidia GeForce4 MX 420 Grafikkarte mit TV Out
16:58:01strayerhaha...a 4 mx...
16:58:03iLLf8dhad it for a while tho
16:58:10patlabor221ohh no TI
16:58:15patlabor221no shaders
16:58:19teA_a triple cd holder hehe
16:58:22patlabor221$100 card
16:58:28teA_cd-rom burner !
16:58:34teA_on 1 cd holder !
16:58:51strayerno DVD-burner?....wimp
16:58:55teA_16x DVD-ROM/ 32x/10x/40x CD-RW EIDE Combo-Laufwerk
16:59:10patlabor221those are ok, I have one in one machine
16:59:22teA_Windows XP Professional - mit Zusatzfunktionen für Netzwerke und Administration
16:59:25akira_mx .. tststs
16:59:35dinahewwww windows
16:59:36strayerhaha...have winXP prof
16:59:47teA_so have i .... look more
17:00:00akira_so you can buy a new one in autm ... new doom3 only will run quite perfect with pixelshaders ..
17:00:06patlabor221you can allways replace the card later
17:00:20patlabor221the 4's will drop when the 5's hit the street
17:00:22teA_Windows XP Professional - - mit Zusatzfunktionen für Netzwerke und Administration
17:00:30akira_but later the current one will be worth a big nothing :))
17:00:42teA_10/100 PCI Ethernet Netzwerkkarte
17:00:47iLLf8deveryone play nice, his new hardware blows mine away =)
17:01:00teA_Servicefreundlicher Designer-Minitower in schwarz/grau  
17:01:00teA_Intel® 845 Chipsatz mit 400 MHz oder 533 MHz Bustakt  
17:01:00teA_6 USB 2.0 Schnittstellen  
17:01:00teA_Audioausgang und 2x USB 2.0 an der Vorderseite  
17:01:01teA_Single Channel DDR-SDRAM mit 266 MHz  
17:01:01teA_4 x AGP  
17:01:01patlabor221hardware is soo cheap these days
17:01:02teA_Ultra ATA-100 Festplattenschnittstelle  
17:01:04teA_3,5" Diskettenlaufwerk  
17:01:06teA_Symantec Norton Antivirus 2002  
17:01:06strayerok...TeA....but I have this OS since months
17:01:08teA_AOL 7.0 Zugangssoftware vorinstalliert  
17:01:13strayerI have 2
17:01:19akira_aol .. brbr
17:01:20teA_shut up ! strayer
17:01:23strayerno AOl of course
17:01:27teA_aol sucks !
17:01:33patlabor221big time
17:01:42teA_3 Jahre Vor-Ort-Service
17:01:45teA_das ist gut !
17:01:58teA_MS Office XP Professional OEM inkl. CD - Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, PowerPoint, Access
17:02:13teA_Intel® Pentium® 4 Prozessor 2A GHz, 400 MHz PSB
17:02:30teA_to the 120 gigs
17:02:32teA_120 GB EIDE Festplatte, 7.200 UpM, mit 8 MB DataBurst Cache
17:02:42teA_thats nice
17:02:55strayerI run a raid system...
17:03:15teA_you are so nice in here
17:03:21strayerbut only 1GHz
17:03:22teA_i get a quite good new pc
17:03:30teA_and you just all complane
17:03:35teA_thats shit and that
17:03:49teA_im realy agree about that
17:03:57teA_oh what erver
17:04:24teA_mybe you are happy with this strayer :
17:04:25patlabor221how mutch ram you geting and is it DDR?
17:04:45patlabor221that should run well
17:04:50teA_512 MB PC2100 Single Channel, DDR-SDRAM, 266 MHz
17:04:58strayerhehe...ok, U'll have a quite good pc....but without
17:05:02patlabor221except for the MX you have a clone of the macine here at work
17:05:10teA_im happy with that pc
17:05:29strayerhow long?...3 years?
17:05:33teA_complane on ... o will not listen any more
17:05:40teA_what how long ?
17:05:58strayerhow long do U will use this pc
17:06:08strayeras main system
17:06:09teA_1 year ... ore so
17:06:15strayerwow...Ur rich?
17:06:25teA_just got mony :)
17:06:26akira_yep .. he s billy boy 2 :)
17:06:29teA_i work a lot
17:06:35teA_hard work
17:06:46teA_c ya guys
17:06:51akira_then you earn money for nothing coz you burn money for nothing
17:06:53strayerbye TeA
17:06:55teA_im having a nice d2
17:07:12teA_akira_ ???
17:07:20teA_dont understand
17:07:48teA_jaja hackt blos alle auf mir rum
17:08:01strayerof course..hehe
17:08:09akira_teA_: du zahlst zuviel fuerne zu kurze zeitspanne
17:09:18strayeraber du kannst das Teil ja noch für teures Geld aufmotzen...
17:15:05iLLf8dnew drwho!
17:17:17dinahbelives that words like "woot" "l33t" etc. do not deserve a response
17:22:22patlabor221how bout words like kufuffle?
17:32:20akira_cu all
17:32:22akira_winke winke
17:43:40dinah is recovering from having 21% of her left lung removed
17:50:57^john: what?
17:51:22a german gent that enjoys croissant with his pet duck, Tag
17:55:03i guess Widget is A very intellifent and discerning person that eats robots
18:14:07dinahgoes to have a bit of tea right now
18:17:48iLLf8dbzflag cracks me up
18:18:00iLLf8dI just popped in a corner with 4 reds and killedem all heh
18:18:11iLLf8dI think they were noobs
18:18:24iLLf8dI shot at all 4 gottem jumping then just layed down fire where they'd land heh
18:26:36[TeA|TrEE]i have problems with trillian so dont think i disconnect from here that im not online ...
18:27:15dinah[TeA|TrEE]: you should get x-chat ;)
19:05:24akira_hello tankmann :)
19:05:28akira_hello captain_proton
19:05:44akira_thought about vertex shader ?
19:07:42captain_protonis busy
19:09:34akira_captain_proton: :))
19:09:48captain_protonyo tim
19:13:14captain_protonBZFlag: you have any suggestions for a callback between processes?
19:15:05akira_moin monk
19:15:10Chestalhi monkey
19:15:17BZFlagcaptain_proton: not at present. still swamped recovering from being out last week.
19:15:23akira_captain_proton: callbacks between what ? :)
19:15:48captain_protonakira_: sending a callback from the audio process to the main process when a job is done
19:16:21m0nkey_b0yhey chestal any patches for e6?
19:16:28akira_a lot :)
19:16:29m0nkey_b0yre: radar
19:16:38m0nkey_b0ynon windows
19:16:45Chestalm0nkey_b0y: well, the patch akira started and which I extended a little yesterday
19:16:53m0nkey_b0yhavn't checked sourceforge at all
19:16:58akira_you find it under bz-akira ...
19:17:03Chestalm0nkey: I'm now trying to implement the big switch
19:17:03akira_some of the last ones ...
19:17:17FantaZeeakira ?
19:17:18m0nkey_b0yok akira..i will look thanx
19:17:19FantaZeeches ?
19:17:29akira_fanta ich komm
19:17:42m0nkey_b0yi would like the superjump bug
19:38:38captain_protonBZFlag: sounds like its time to upgrade gcc\
19:41:55BZFlagcaptain_proton: If I could geat a new toolchain that worked on this mips box, I would.
19:42:45captain_protonhrm @ mips
19:43:43captain_protonwhat v gcc?
19:45:20BZFlagReading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/mipsel-linux/2.7.2/specs
19:45:20BZFlaggcc version 2.7.2
19:45:29BZFlagscary huh?
19:46:54BZFlagthough my other system (debian mips) is almost stable:
19:47:00BZFlagReading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/mipsel-linux/2.95.4/specs
19:47:00BZFlaggcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)
19:47:04captain_protonoh yuck
19:47:07captain_protonthats disgusting
19:47:36captain_protonno wonder it doesn't support C++ ;)
19:48:47BZFlagwhat's wrong with 4 ?
19:49:36BZFlagthat's the debian prerelease. I'm running it on many platforms, my laptop included.
19:51:07captain_protonsomething gleaned off savannah?
19:55:13akira_back from game
19:55:26m0nkey_b0yi should have played
19:55:32FantaZeedas war nicht boese gemeint mit 339
19:55:39FantaZeeoder abwertend
19:55:52FantaZeeder brauch halt noch etwas
19:56:12strayer_gonehabt gut gespielt......TLZ ging meist zu zweit auf Gegner los
19:56:14akira_FantaZee: :)
19:56:28akira_strayer_gone: das ist der plan :)
19:56:48strayerja, aber dann kommen die Moles von hinten
19:56:56FantaZeeajax hat sich ja wohl super gemacht, oder ? mit dem waeren wir deutlich besser gewesen
19:57:12strayergut möglich
19:57:18akira_naja, denk mal .. fanta .. bei uns hat lupi gefehlt
19:57:34strayerstatt deiner akira? lol
19:57:45akira_strayer: ja
19:57:53FantaZeeach lupi :) aber ich glaube das haette auch nicht viel ausgemacht
19:57:55akira_obwohl heute vielleicht tank das opfer gewesen waere
19:58:32strayerwie entscheidet ihr wer spielt?....Form/Ping/Reihe nach?
19:59:22FantaZeeimmer der der gerade da ist. sonst wechsel wir im spiel
19:59:49FantaZeesind ja eh nicht immer alle verfügbar
20:00:00FantaZeemuss ma eben kurz weg
20:01:17strayer...ich mache mich ganz vom acker...sonst geht hier immer soviel zeit drauf...
20:02:09akira_cu strayer
20:02:11akira_ueb mal
20:02:11Chestalbye strayer
20:06:52captain_protonso um BZFlag...if 2.95.4 runs on mips, why aren't you running it on two? ;)
20:08:48BZFlagdifferent kernel, c library, distribution, etc.
20:09:55BZFlagthe new box crashes from time to time. 2.4 kernel not quite stable there.
20:10:07BZFlagthe old one is (gag) 2.0.36 I think.
20:10:29BZFlagbut at least it works.
20:16:09BZFlagdid you just gzip vmlinux after the build? or was there a target to get that to happen?
20:18:43captain_protonfor gzip i think its 'make zImage' - i prefer bzImage though
20:22:37BZFlageep, that was meant for andersee in #TuxScreen. sorry
20:23:30captain_protoni was thinking the whole time 'he should know this'
21:14:03iLL_Afkseems theres a new cheat
21:14:11iLL_AfkI just saw it on a ctf board
21:14:24iLL_Afkour team was about to capture opposing teams flag
21:14:37iLL_Afkso I wheeled around to shoot at their base (I was fairly close to their base)
21:14:41dinahoh bother. what now
21:15:08iLL_Afkeither right before or right after this guy materializes with the red flag running for the corner outside his base
21:15:23iLL_Afkmust be some kinda enter the board displacement kinda cheat
21:15:34arathornheya all
21:15:44dinahperhaps a bad lag is all it was?
21:15:54iLL_AfkI doubt it
21:15:58iLL_Afkhe covered too much ground
21:16:14iLL_Afki'm guessing 5 tank lengths at least outside the base
21:16:15dinahhis nic was...?
21:16:21iLL_Afkand that field has a 300ms limit too
21:16:31iLL_Afkwho the something I think
21:16:38iLL_Afklotsa chars
21:16:43iLL_Afkdoesn't mean thats who it was tho
21:16:56iLL_AfkI'm constantly finding people using my callsign
21:16:58dinahi have seen 400+ms on ducati that dont get kicked so...
21:17:05iLL_Afkthats why i'm worried about this karma thing
21:17:18dinah has karma of 20
21:17:18dinahibot: karma for dinah
21:17:26iLL_Afkkarma for iLLf8d
21:17:32illf8d has neutral karma
21:17:32iLL_Afkibot: karma for iLLf8d
21:17:42iLL_Afkhowdya get yours raised?
21:17:53iLL_Afkthats how you do it heh =P
21:17:56illf8d has karma of 2
21:17:56dinahibot: karma for iLLf8d
21:18:20dinahof course it can go down as well...
21:18:38illf8d has karma of 1
21:18:38iLL_Afkibot: karma for iLLf8d
21:18:49captain_protoniLL_Afk: part of karma is that people won't be able to use your callsign
21:18:57captain_protonregistered nicks
21:19:06iLL_Afkyeah however alot of people hold grudges too
21:19:09iLL_Afkso thats bogus
21:19:18dinahwe can register nicks?
21:19:24captain_protondinah: not yet
21:19:26iLL_Afkwe will be able too
21:19:42dinahhow lovely :)
21:19:50iLL_Afkthey're gonna have to let us register a few
21:20:03iLL_Afkie [meq] tankenstein , tankenstein etc...
21:20:13captain_protonwell, team will be a separate field
21:20:20captain_protonso you only have to register tankenstein
21:20:20iLL_Afkor maybe just the base callsign
21:20:29captain_protonand it will probably allow 2-3 per email address
21:20:34captain_protonso i could do both proton and pistachio
21:21:14iLL_Afkyeah then we can register admiral_proton and general_proton
21:21:44captain_protonyou can, but we'll probably make a way for people to grab the list of nicks associated with a certain key
21:21:57captain_protonso if they look at admiral_proton and see that its not affiliated with me, they know it isn't me
21:22:30dinahthinks that its geting a bit complex
21:22:45iLL_Afkso anything with tank in it will be mine?
21:22:46iLL_Afkheh =P
21:22:54captain_protonhaha no
21:22:59iLL_Afkthat key thing won't work heh
21:23:18captain_protonbut if someone registers a similar nick, it won't be difficult for people to figure out it isn't you
21:23:34captain_protonwhy won't the key thing work?
21:23:39iLL_Afklike tankenstien or tankenstein_
21:23:55dinahperhaps sniper 50 & sniper 51? :-P
21:24:09iLL_Afkfor example what if theres a captain_momo
21:24:50captain_protonkey = cryptographic identity
21:25:15dinahnot like key = "L shift"
21:25:53dinahwonders how people do that
21:26:12captain_proton/nick newnick
21:26:23dinahahh thank you.
21:38:11blackhoundhello fellows
21:38:26arathornhi black
21:38:30blackhoundhi Chestal, arathorn
21:39:06blackhoundarathorn: how does avengers vs HIS this sunday?
21:39:23arathorni think ok black
21:39:47akira_hello arathorn
21:39:54blackhoundarathorn afternoon/evening, not sure when
21:40:43arathornhi akira!!!
21:41:55akira_arathorn: checked out the new stuff ?
21:43:59blackhoundsee you guys
21:44:42arathornyes akiar font size and opacity work EXELENT!!!
21:47:03akira_nice to hear
21:49:18arathornand thx a lot akira for all that help
21:49:28arathorngo try new patch
21:49:41arathornbe back later
22:07:05akira_happy 4th july to all :)
22:07:58arathornheya all
22:08:22arathornakira_:just try new stuff,is nice !!!
22:08:37WidgetQ: Why doesn't the English team have a dog?
22:08:37Widgetakira_: Because it can't hold onto a lead.
22:09:43arathornakira_:but still kick me all time:(((( lag about 305),i was had better lag about 220-250 ms with "old" f5
22:10:09dinahQ: why is widget as ass? A: because hes american.
22:10:31WidgetI am not an AMerican!
22:10:49WidgetIn fact, I shall be living in the UK for the next three years.
22:10:50WidgetSo there.
22:11:12dinahakira_: because he is _______
22:11:17dinahdamn auto nic compleation
22:11:38dinahsticking feathers up your arse does not make yo a chicken
22:11:39WidgetI hold UK citizenship, you know.
22:11:52akira_what do you think about singing for me ?
22:12:12captain_protonwatches dinah scream in terror
22:12:28dinahmust have missed something
22:12:28akira_its the 4th of july ... :))
22:12:37captain_proton<Widget> I hold UK citizenship, you know.
22:12:51akira_sing bzflaggers sing :))
22:13:11WidgetHow come you weren't singing for Canada Day, eh!?!?! This Monday!
22:13:26akira_coz today s my birthday :))
22:13:30dinahcaptain_proton: what i couldnt read that. too busy screaming ;)
22:13:46paulta ta ta taaaaa taaa taaaa ta ta ta ta taaaaaaa taaa..
22:13:49paulhappy birthday
22:13:57akira_thank you very much :)
22:14:13FantaZeebirthday akira ?
22:14:20akira_right now
22:14:31akira_since 18 minutes i am 24 :)
22:14:39FantaZeebest wishes for you :)
22:14:41dinahhey akira_ ill sing just a sec...
22:15:02WidgetAlles Gute zum Geburtstag!
22:15:07WidgetThis calls for a celebration!
22:15:18dinahthere its a birthday song ;)
22:16:31dinahakira_: hope you know japanese ;-P
22:16:44akira_thank you all ... i got my birthday present some hours ago when moles beat zeebrothers just for fun :))
22:17:20FantaZeeextra for you akira ;)
22:18:27akira_dinah: what crappy music :)
22:18:36dinahhehehe i know
22:18:44akira_and besides, nope, i am not able to understand japanese :)
22:18:52Widgetakira_: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
22:18:57Widgetakira_: That isn't Japanese, I hope.
22:19:00akira_Widget: dank dir
22:41:14blairsup proton
22:41:21blairhow you doing?
22:41:37blairtrying to figure out some java package junk
22:41:40blairknow java?
22:43:07blairmaybe i'll look it up :(
22:43:15blairjust a "make" problem
22:45:26blair#java is retarded
22:46:07blairwelly welly well
22:46:10blairi've got it
22:46:12blairthanks proton
22:46:44captain_protonlooks like 1.8 is finally picking up
22:47:37blairhows the particle engine?
22:47:47captain_protonbeautiful =)
22:47:50akira_we got a particle engine ? for what ?
22:47:56akira_and dont say particles
22:48:04captain_protonrain in the night looks stunning
22:48:17akira_how many particles ?
22:48:26captain_protonfor rain? 300 at any one time
22:48:40blairdoes it affect shots?
22:48:47akira_captain_proton: nice
22:48:51captain_protonright now its purely visual
22:48:53blairi wanted weird gravity
22:49:08akira_captain_proton: done in layers ?
22:49:19akira_vertexarrays ?
22:49:22captain_protoni've been meaning to move all the constants into BZDB and make the server tell the client what they should be
22:49:26captain_protonakira_: billboarded quads
22:49:41akira_why billboarded ?
22:49:54[TeA|TrEE]any matches today
22:49:55akira_why not triangles ?
22:50:42captain_protonreoriented to always face the camera
22:50:57captain_protonand not triangles because texturing triangles isn't as much fun
22:51:10akira_captain_proton: ok, for the one point
22:51:17akira_but why isnt it fun ?
22:51:29captain_protontechnically its a triangle strip, but it is shaped like a quad
22:52:27akira_how big is the texture ?
22:52:46captain_proton[jupiter@bhaskara data]$ ls -l droplet.png
22:52:46captain_proton-rw-rw-r--    1 jupiter  jupiter       561 Jun 21 22:55 droplet.png
22:53:29akira_i .. mh ... ok, wrong question .. what dimension does the texture have ?
22:54:15captain_proton7x47 pixels
22:54:24akira_7 ??
22:54:38captain_proton7 wide, 47 high
22:54:41patlabor221that don't sound like power of 2
22:54:42akira_you need power of 2
22:54:46captain_protonno you don't
22:54:50captain_protoneverything is png now
22:54:57patlabor221well see how GL likes that then
22:55:00akira_OpenGL needs it
22:55:05akira_thats a fact
22:55:11patlabor221gonna be slow on some cards if it's not
22:55:20blairlisten mofos, if proton says its that way, it is
22:55:21captain_protonwhen it loads it rescales to power of 2 (i believe)
22:55:31akira_its another thing what the texturemanager of bzflag does with the texture
22:55:46akira_blair: nope it isnt
22:56:01patlabor221eww scaling
22:56:01akira_opengl MUST have power of 2
22:56:07patlabor221blurry rain
22:56:09blairyeah i know
22:56:13blairi have worked with it before
22:56:16blairi do have hacks out there
22:56:25blairi have read the red
22:56:34captain_protonpatlabor221: doesn't really matter - each raindrop is fleeting
22:56:45akira_captain_proton: why dont you do it this way .. put 2 raindrops in one texture
22:56:55patlabor221animated rain :)
22:56:56blairthe ephemeral, the fleeting, the contingent?
22:56:58akira_lets say 8 wide and 32 high
22:57:28blairok kids, back to my research
22:57:31blairlater proton
22:57:35captain_protonakira_: because drops falling in pairs would look awful
22:57:43akira_split in into two triangles and paint one drop this side and the other 180° rotated
22:57:54akira_captain_proton: i am not finished yet
22:58:44akira_then you can have in fact 2 raindrops in the "same" texture space and separate them with texturecoordinates
22:59:21captain_protonit doesn't reload the texture between each raindrop
22:59:25akira_and i dont think its that hard to define the texture coords for triangles if you want access or use "triangle textures" ...
22:59:55akira_captain_proton: thats right
23:00:16akira_both raindrops .. lets say a darker and a brighter one where loaded up ONCE .. BOTH, at the same time ..
23:00:19captain_protonakira_: its not, but when it comes to making billboarded textures, quads are easier to work with
23:00:36captain_protonwhy would there be darker raindrops?
23:00:36blairno good proton
23:00:41akira_not true captain_proton
23:00:46blairSceneNodeParticleSystem.cxx: In method `Particle::Particle()':
23:00:46blairSceneNodeParticleSystem.cxx:45: call of overloaded `set(int, int)' is ambiguous
23:00:47blair../../include/SceneNode.h:182: candidates are: void SceneNodeVectorField<unsigned int>::set(const unsigned int *, unsigned int)
23:00:47blair../../include/SceneNode.h:197:                 void SceneNodeVectorField<unsigned int>::set(unsigned int, const unsigned int &)
23:00:47blairSceneNodeParticleSystem.cxx: In method `void ParticleEmitter::createDirection(Vec3 &)':
23:00:49blairSceneNodeParticleSystem.cxx:316: warning: unused variable `Real newangle'
23:01:05captain_protonblair: what broken-ass compiler are you using?
23:01:14blairthat one that works with everything else
23:01:17akira_a triangle is as easy to rotate correctly to the front as a quad is
23:01:31akira_and its one vertex less then a quad
23:01:40akira_300 * 4 == 1200 bytes
23:01:48captain_protonakira_: you're saying you could make a lens flare thats easily texturable to a tri?
23:02:00taD_gonelens flare eh?
23:02:08taD_gonecant wait for it to come out...
23:02:09akira_a raindrop is no lensflare
23:02:23captain_protonakira_: no, but a lot of particle effects use lens flares
23:02:30taD_gonecould you code a rainbow in it?
23:02:30captain_protonakira_: the system is general, not specific
23:02:51captain_protonif it was just rain, i would have used tris
23:03:06akira_quads need extra calculation about internal triangulation ...
23:03:20captain_protonakira_: i said it was actually a triangle strip
23:03:41akira_you said a lot of other stuff also
23:03:42captain_protonyou just weren't listening
23:03:58akira_i listend very well
23:04:07captain_proton<akira_> quads need extra calculation about internal triangulation ...
23:04:13captain_protonnot an issue
23:04:39taD_gonegoes to the corner and sulks
23:05:02akira_ok, but there are still the 1200 extra bytes ...
23:05:10blairum, proton, any way i can watch this candy?
23:05:20akira_or even more
23:05:43akira_1 vertex more = 3 float = 12 byte = 12 * 300 ...
23:05:50captain_protonquad-shaped polygons make the system much more powerful in terms of the effects you can do
23:05:59BZFlag-c is broken in cvs. -king wants to be on
23:06:20captain_protonit may be a few extra bytes, but people who don't have good video cards aren't going to use particle systems anyway
23:06:40taD_gonepartical systems dont slow mine down much....
23:06:47taD_goneand I have a cheap one
23:07:05akira_ok, back to my first question: vertex arrays ?
23:07:16taD_gonewhats that?
23:07:33akira_nice stuff taD_gone
23:08:35bzfrank was last seen on #bzflag 1 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes and 49 seconds ago, saying: cu [Tue Jul  2 21:49:46 2002]
23:08:35taD_goneibot seen bzfrank
23:08:47taD_gonejust mised him...
23:09:17akira_captain_proton: vertex arrays for particle system or what system ?
23:09:40captain_protonakira_: it uses an individual array for each particle
23:10:03akira_why ?
23:10:16captain_protonbecause thats how the architecture works
23:10:17akira_or better, whats stored in that arrays ?
23:10:22captain_protoneach particle is an individual entity
23:11:17akira_with what attributes ?
23:11:51captain_protonposition, velocity, color, size
23:11:57captain_protontexturing is handled higher up in the scene graph
23:12:19taD_gonebah @ Nicole3
23:12:31taD_gonehey is for horses
23:12:34Nicole3i just got here dood
23:12:40akira_captain_proton: i think about the loss of performance ...
23:12:40Nicole3no, "hay" is for horses
23:12:41taD_goneI saw that
23:13:01akira_how are the particle entities are drawn ?
23:13:06captain_protonakira_: i lose 3 fps at 1600x1200
23:13:08patlabor221Hello Nicole3
23:13:08akira_glBegin() etc ?
23:13:42akira_captain_proton: i could tell you a story about the old way of doing jamming flag noise ...
23:13:46captain_protonakira_: no - pass the pointers, glDrawEntities
23:13:59captain_protonakira_: i know about the old way - i've been here a long time
23:14:20captain_protonBZFlag: particle system fix breaks gccf 2.95
23:14:22akira_captain_proton: then perhaps you could accept my question
23:14:41Nicole3\ ?siht ekil gniklat ew era tahw
23:15:12captain_protonakira_: what questions haven't i answered?
23:15:29taD_goneNicole3: I am going going to eat now, hold that thought
23:15:51Nicole3is holding thought
23:15:57patlabor221is it heavy?
23:16:04akira_the thing was: "i only loose 3 fps on my system" and i remember the way the old jamming flag was implemented and there i lost more then 50 percent of the fps ...
23:16:10Nicole3for my brain
23:16:12akira_thats the point ...
23:16:12taD_goneonly 2 lbs
23:16:25Nicole3gotta go, bye everyone
23:16:27patlabor221ohh a tiny one then
23:16:32captain_protonakira_: ah - 3 fps is approximately 0.02% performance hit
23:16:33Nicole3shut it
23:16:43akira_captain_proton: depends always on the hardware
23:16:58captain_protonakira_: yes, but as i said before, only the people with decent hardware turn on eye candy
23:17:36blairjeezus, when did it start raining inside buildings?
23:17:55akira_captain_proton: but there is no reason not to think about general faster systems ... and vertex arrays are fast on every hardware but softwarerendering :)
23:17:59akira_blair: :))
23:18:24captain_protonakira_: it uses vertex arrays, but keeping all the particles in a single array would introduce a lot more overhead
23:18:59akira_you could put alle the entities in one array ...
23:19:26captain_protonthen the overhead introduced when a particle dies or a new one is created is tremendous
23:19:49blairthis game looks exactly the same as it did months ago
23:19:54akira_there is a max of particles isnt it ?
23:20:24captain_protonakira_: each system has its own quota
23:21:27captain_protonthere's no game-wide quota right now, but it should be done at some point
23:24:36akira_ok, tell me about the drawEntities stuff again ...
23:24:56captain_protoneach particle is a node in the scene graph
23:25:08captain_protonit sets the color & vertex arrays (glVertexPointer, etc)
23:25:29captain_protonthen calls glDrawElements
23:25:43captain_protontexture stuff is done in a higher node
23:26:12akira_each particle is a node in the graph ?
23:26:21akira_and the graph set color and vertex array ?
23:26:33captain_protonwhen that node is visited, it sets the color and vertex arrays
23:27:09akira_each node sets its own glPointer for its 4 vertices ?
23:27:41akira_so you got 300 time glVertexPointer
23:27:47akira_300 time glDrawElements
23:27:51akira_not good
23:28:02akira_will interupt the pipeline ...
23:28:16akira_do you do some animation stuff with the texture ?
23:28:24captain_protonthe overhead introduced by putting them all in a single array takes a LOT more time
23:28:34captain_protonthe old implementation did that, and the framerate drop was on the order of 25%
23:28:46captain_protonno texture animation
23:28:58captain_protonthough the texture could be animated (on a global level, not per-particle)
23:29:24akira_captain_proton: per particle one could use glVertex4f ...
23:29:56captain_protonexcept the visitor class uses vertex arrays
23:30:15captain_protoni simplified a little
23:30:29captain_protonthe main visitor class doesn't draw as it visits - each node adds a 'job'
23:30:31akira_what was the old way doing the particle stuff ?
23:30:37captain_protonthen the visitor sorts blended polygons by depth
23:31:18captain_protonthe old way was similar, but it used 1 vertex array for everything (a pain when a particle dies), didn't do textures, and had 2 controllable effects: begin/end color & size
23:31:39akira_for rain you dont need depthsorting
23:31:58akira_a just readable depthbuffer is enough
23:32:07akira_for the rain itself ..
23:32:30akira_and of coz rendered the rain last ...
23:32:58akira_first another question: the scenegraph sort all stuff back to front ?
23:33:37captain_protoni believe so
23:33:43captain_protoni haven't hacked at that portion so i'm not sure
23:33:49akira_not necassary either ..
23:34:04captain_protonno? blended polygons look like shit if its not sorted
23:34:14akira_one has to build 2 "lists" ...
23:34:25akira_one with transparent objects and one opaque
23:34:31akira_first render opaque
23:35:09akira_depthbuffe will be filled with "good" values ... the order is meaningless ...
23:35:22patlabor221for our test particle sytem we just turned off depth writes for the transparent particles and it looked dencet enought
23:35:57akira_second render transparent object list ... from back to front or with 2 passes without sorting .. read a nice paper on about this technique
23:36:06patlabor221akira: if you want perfect overlaping transpernets then you need to do back to front
23:36:09akira_patlabor221: exacto ...
23:36:20akira_patlabor221: but not for rain :))
23:37:06patlabor221for reain you can proalby get awway wiht just no writes
23:37:07akira_captain_proton: like patlabor said, just use readonly depthbuffer for the rain ... after all other stuff is done
23:37:09captain_protonakira_: sorting is not done for each particle, just for the system as a whole
23:37:27akira_captain_proton: if each particle is a node in the graph ...
23:37:44captain_protonakira_: but it does the sorting based on the highest-level node that provides a bounding box
23:37:45patlabor221that can be a lot of nodes
23:38:13captain_protonhave to traverse it somewhere
23:38:22akira_i wouldn put every particle as a singlenode in the graph ...
23:39:04akira_build a node "particle system" and put that in the graph
23:39:07captain_protonthen change it - i promise you a lot of wrangling with the scene visitor
23:39:42akira_what does the scenevisitor do again ?
23:40:24captain_protondepends on which ;)
23:40:30captain_protontraverses the scene graph
23:40:41akira_what else ?
23:40:46captain_protonthe simple visitor renders as it sees nodes, the real one (in-game) builds the list of jobs and renders then
23:41:56akira_does the visitor minimize statechanges ? ( :) grin )
23:43:10akira_what would be the problem if one would use a node "particlesystem" which handles the particles ?
23:43:28captain_protonwell - one does use a node "particlesystem"
23:43:32captain_protonit just has children ;)
23:44:14akira_so ... its not like each particle is a direct node in the graph ...
23:44:26captain_protonthe system is billboarded as a whole
23:44:39captain_protonthen that transform is passed on to the children
23:44:49akira_you should be clever enough to see the intention in my question :))))
23:45:03akira_how do you billboard the whole system ?
23:45:20captain_protonthe system has a local origin
23:45:28akira_yeah , go on
23:45:33akira_thats clear
23:45:43akira_but every particle ...
23:45:46captain_protonand the billboarding transforms rotation to make the xz plane face the camera
23:46:03captain_protonthen each particle is aligned to that plane
23:46:20akira_how ? rotation matrix ?
23:48:24akira_so you load the matrix once and start then drawing the stuff right ?
23:50:08akira_ok, i will explain you a very raw ideo for "my" particle system ...
23:51:14tad_eatingwhen will bzfrank publish Project 2501?
23:51:24tad_eatingmake it downloadable
23:51:34captain_protontad_eating: soon
23:51:45captain_protonyou would have to ask frank
23:51:51tad_eating: huh?
23:51:51tad_eatingibot explain soon
23:51:58tad_eating: what?
23:51:58tad_eatingibot soon
23:54:19akira_as far i know: Particle p_array[quota]; and lets say Particle{ float pos[3], float color[4], float texc[2], int time, float velo etc } will be stored this way in the memory
23:54:44akira_particle one|particle two|particle 3|etc ...
23:55:16akira_so data should be aligned like x,y,z,r,g,b,a,u,v,t,velo,x,y,z etc
23:55:19akira_ricght ?
23:55:40captain_protontexcoords aren't part of the particle
23:55:46captain_protonand velocity is a 3-vector
23:55:50akira_captain_proton: but they could
23:55:59captain_protonakira_: not with bz's engine
23:56:08akira_why not captain_proton ?
23:57:00captain_protonhrm - i suppose they could be, but the texture stack in maintained through geometry nodes
23:57:21akira_the hole particle system uses the same texture ... so thats no point
23:57:24captain_protonand every particle has the same texture
23:57:37akira_doesnt affect the idea
23:58:27akira_you have all your "abstract" entities and all the very good alligned memory right ?
23:59:32akira_ok, with glVertexPointer, glColorPointer, glTexPointer (if one needs it .. but anyway) ... you are able to define the offsets to jump from one vertex to the next
23:59:40akira_from one color to the next
23:59:50akira_ok ?
23:59:58iLLf8dtheres this one cheater who constantly send me server messages (I'm guessing the field is a cheat field) that says cheaters will be dealt with or something like that

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