irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.06.22

00:00:25iLLf8dnow if it was chics soccer
00:00:31iLLf8dI may be more interested
00:07:34iLLf8dWidget: yeah probably 2 americans and 3,999,996 foreign people visiting
00:07:39iLLf8dfor example
00:07:53iLLf8dI've never watched more then 10 min of soccer
00:08:02iLLf8dand only since I moved to this building
00:08:15iLLf8dwe have a ton of russians mexicans persians etc...
00:08:19iLLf8dthe list goes on and on
00:08:37iLLf8dI've never seen anyone express an interest like the foreign people who live here
00:08:51WidgetWell, Americans are just weird.
00:08:51iLLf8dits like when the americans have a superbowl (almost)
00:09:03iLLf8dits the only time  you can tell what they're doing heh
00:09:12WidgetFootball is waaaaaaaaaaay more popular than American football.
00:09:15iLLf8dlike an iran game or something
00:09:26iLLf8doutside the states sure...
00:09:41iLLf8dtheres alot more to football then to soccer
00:09:56iLLf8dthat may be the reason americans like it so much
00:11:15WidgetComplicated != better
00:11:19iLLf8dactually I wouldn't mind it if were more popular
00:11:29iLLf8dhey you can't knock football it rocks
00:11:41iLLf8dbut yeah I agree with your complicated isn't necessarily better
00:12:19iLLf8dactually before switchin on the tube last night to see what the ruccus was about
00:12:34iLLf8dthe only memorable soccer event I've ever been to was when I was 13
00:12:40iLLf8dwent to see the cosmos play
00:12:43iLLf8dor maybe it was 11
00:14:02iLLf8dits funny talking with people who don't totally understand english heh
00:15:30iLLf8d(17:17:11) tinker_ger: Hi, how are you?
00:15:31iLLf8d(17:17:21) l8tr2000: ok how are you =)
00:15:31iLLf8d(17:17:29) l8tr2000: long time no see
00:15:31iLLf8d(17:17:33) tinker_ger: Yes, I am
00:16:56WidgetWhen was this?
00:17:22iLLf8dright now
00:17:33iLLf8dhe speaks english well enough to get the jist
00:18:13WidgetSo why are you making him learn English to speak to you?
00:18:17WidgetYou should learn German!
00:18:34WidgetTell him 'Ich liebe dich'.
00:19:42Condonhey, has someone seen dinah?
00:21:46WidgetChestal: Nope.
00:21:50WidgetCondon: Nope.
00:21:57WidgetCondon: She is probably sad because of England's defeat.
00:22:00WidgetI am too.
00:22:24CondonIt lasts several days since I've seen here last
00:23:26CondonWidget: U've played really good but Brasil is undefeatable....
00:23:40WidgetCondon: We could have won! We could have!
00:23:43WidgetWell, now, Germany will win.
00:24:20CondonI dont think so:-)
00:24:27WidgetI think so.
00:24:34WidgetBrazil needs to work on their defense.
00:24:42WidgetTheir offense and ballplay is magnificent.
00:24:49WidgetBut they have a weak defense, which allowed England to score.
00:24:53WidgetGermany can easily win.
00:25:04WidgetRmemeber, Belgium held them off for 62 minutes.
00:25:42Condonno! it was one mistake of Brasil player (dont rremember name)
00:26:02WidgetBrazil is known  to have a weak defense.
00:26:15WidgetGermany has an excellent defense.
00:26:28WidgetWe shall see. We shall see. :)
00:26:32Condonbut this defense can hold (in 10) the whole England!
00:26:45Condonfor 40 minutes
00:27:04WidgetEngland just played badly.
00:27:21Condonhowever, the match Germany-Brasil will be interesting
00:27:44CondonDont U remember last match Germany-Brasil?
00:28:05Widgetwas 11 last World Cup.
00:28:36Condonbut U can heard 'bout this
00:28:39WidgetCondon: Oh, yes! What does Polish currency look like?
00:29:37Condonpardon? look like other money...???
00:29:48WidgetAll the money in the world does not look alike.
00:29:53WidgetWhat do Zlotych look like?
00:30:31WidgetLike that?
00:30:31CondonI dont know haow to answer; I'll try to find it somewhere, wait....
00:30:44WidgetNarodowy Bank Polski at the top..
00:30:56WidgetAt the side, 200 with the words DWIESCIE ZLOTYCH...
00:31:24WidgetThat is what it looks like?
00:31:28WidgetIs that actual size?
00:31:49Condonthe size depends on my resolution:-)
00:32:29Condonbut in 1280x1024 it's rather good
00:32:38WidgetI have that resolution as well.
00:32:47WidgetWow.... those notes are very big compared to ours.
00:33:08Condonyes - perfectly the same
00:33:43CondonWhat are U up to?
00:33:49WidgetPlaying go.
00:33:52WidgetWorking out go problems.
00:35:46Condongoing sleep now
00:57:29jpablopragma: sucks.
01:19:18pragmajpablo: Te la comes
03:43:35Widgethihihihi, captain_proton.
03:52:12skihi all
03:52:17WidgetHi, Widget.
03:52:21WidgetHi, ski.
03:52:26WidgetGuten morgen.
04:19:25captain_protonheya MrApathyCream
04:19:38captain_protonparticles compile on win?
04:21:32MrApathyCreamhmmm, haven't tried... hold on
04:22:28Widgetcaptain_proton: Need any PNGs?
04:22:44captain_protoni could use a better rain drop that doesn't have any black in it
04:23:39WidgetI have to edit the im,age by hand, then?
04:24:18WidgetBy when do you need it?
04:24:24MrApathyCreamcompiles fine
04:24:32Widgetis typing with one hand.
04:26:30captain_protonWidget: as soon as you can if possible
04:27:26WidgetLet me finish eating.
04:29:23captain_protonMrApathyCream: in game, do `set weather raining
04:29:36Widgetis addicted to Macaroni and Cheese.
04:29:42WidgetOK, where did I save that png?
04:29:50WidgetHere it is.
04:30:11MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: can't doesn't link ;)
04:30:13WidgetBy the black, do you mean the stuff at the bottom?
04:30:19captain_protonMrApathyCream: oooh
04:30:28captain_protonWidget: notice how its kind of dark?
04:30:37captain_protonaround the edges
04:30:37Widgetcaptain_proton: Which part?
04:30:39MrApathyCreamyou didn't ask about that :)
04:31:21Widgetcaptain_proton: Ah, I think I can fix this.
04:32:44Widgetcaptain_proton: It should still be dark at the bottom, yes?
04:32:51captain_protonWidget: no
04:32:54captain_protonWidget: not dark at all
04:33:00Widgetcaptain_proton: What colour at the bottom then?
04:33:03captain_proton(looks bad in daylight)
04:33:05Widgetcaptain_proton: It becomes completely black there.
04:33:22captain_protonWidget: it'd be nice if that could be transformed into transparency instead of black
04:33:34WidgetHm... I'm not sure I know how to do that.
04:33:35WidgetLet's see.
04:33:55captain_protonWidget: make a completely new image =/
04:34:13captain_protonMrApathyCream: you need to add SceneNodeFieldReader.cxx to be compiled
04:34:24MrApathyCreamlol, already did and checked it in
04:34:38captain_protonworks now?
04:34:45MrApathyCreamdunno, 1.8 is doa for me
04:34:47captain_proton(my email is really fux0red)
04:35:18captain_protonthey set up some port filter somewhere thats blocking DNS
04:36:51Widgetcaptain_proton: Weird...
04:36:58Widgetcaptain_proton: When I enter, everything is black.
04:37:06Widgetcaptain_proton: And typing `set weather raining did nothing.
04:37:13captain_protonWidget: you sure you have the latest?
04:37:17WidgetAnd when I typed Escape, to escape from that prompt, I got a segmentation fault.
04:37:21Widgetcaptain_proton: I just got it five minutes ago.
04:37:29captain_protoncvs ups
04:39:19WidgetI should not be using this webspace. :(
04:40:04captain_protonWidget: works for me
04:40:35Widgetcaptain_proton: Why is completely darl?
04:41:13captain_protonWidget: the black is due to a syntax error in one of the xml files
04:41:20captain_protonWidget: try a clean checkout (not cvs up)
04:41:25captain_protonit might have badly merged them
04:42:09WidgetWhat is the CVS checkout command again?
04:42:23captain_protoncvs -d co bzflag
04:42:47captain_protonWidget: that droplet is better, but its still black at the end
04:42:59Widgetcaptain_proton: Hm.... let me try to get rid of that.
04:54:26Widgetcaptain_proton: Is this one OK?
05:00:39Widgetcaptain_proton: Wow, it looks really nice.
05:00:45WidgetSome nitpicky things:
05:01:05captain_protonyeah, i know, the motion
05:01:06WidgetReal rain is always blowin in a certain angle. So if I turn 180 degrees, I should see the rain going a different way.
05:01:16Widgetit doesn't come straight down. It's blown slightly by the wind.
05:01:31WidgetIt looks now sort of like there are pipes on top of your tank that are dripping water
05:02:46captain_protonwell, you can make it tilt by changing the direction field in the emitter
05:02:49captain_protontry '1 0 -5'
05:04:14captain_protonbut it doesn't change direction
05:04:30captain_protononce i have a movement affector, it'll rotate the system opposite to the rotation of the tank
05:04:55WidgetIt should go in a direction independent of which way the tank is facing, though.
05:05:10captain_protonWidget: thats what rotating the system would do
05:05:46Widgetcaptain_proton: Yes, but say I'm facing one way, then turn 180 degrees and stop.
05:06:00WidgetThe rain, from my perspective, should be going at a different angle.
05:07:16captain_protonWidget: thats why it needs a movement affector
05:07:31captain_protonbecause the system is only a localized 8x8x8 box in front of the view
05:09:02captain_protonnew US currency will have color, but not shape
05:16:15WidgetIt should have shape.
05:16:31captain_protonwell - no difference in size between notes
05:17:46jpabloQ. What programming language(s) are you using for your implementation?
05:17:46jpabloMono's de Icaza:
05:17:47jpabloMostly Cobol, especially for the JIT engine.
05:50:40captain_protonso MrApathyCream...
05:50:43captain_protonwhat are your thoughts on rain?
05:58:43jpablocaptain_proton: what would happend when there's a game with rain, everybody will have momentum or what ?
05:58:51jpablothat would be interesting.
06:17:09captain_protonjpablo: it would possibly alter the traction
06:17:18MrApathyCreamit's wet
06:17:22captain_protonright now i'm focusing on the visual/aural effect
06:17:53MrApathyCreamthe ground should leave mud tracks
06:19:28MrApathyCreamhow bout a tornado that comes through and destroys any tanks in it's path
06:20:26MrApathyCreamwhat will roaming look like when it's raining?
06:20:40MrApathyCreamwould be funny to see these little rain volumes following tanks
06:20:55captain_protonit positions the volume in front of the view
06:20:56captain_protonnot the tank
06:21:06MrApathyCreamah, yea, of course
06:21:17captain_protoni considered doing it on the tank position though
06:21:50MrApathyCreamyou could then have a eeyore flag!, pick it up and a little rain cloud follows you around
06:22:34jpablohehe, nice.
06:23:54MrApathyCreamheads off to bed, dreaming of one day seeing rain in bz
06:24:07captain_proton`set weather raining
06:30:37Widgetcaptain_proton: How come there's no sound yet?
06:32:27captain_protonWidget: because right now bzflag doesn't have any support for looping a sound
06:38:22Widgetcaptain_proton: Hm.
06:39:32captain_protoni'm working on it
06:42:29Widgetcaptain_proton: Add keyboard support while you're at it.
06:42:58captain_protoni have no motivation for that
06:43:50WidgetDo it... or I shall tell my PNGs to take over your computer!!!!
06:44:34captain_protoncan't have that happen
06:47:04WidgetHave you seen Minority Report yet?
06:47:18captain_protonnot yet
06:47:19captain_protoni want to
06:47:45WidgetI'm going tomorrow.
06:49:20captain_protoni may have a date when i see it
06:49:48WidgetThe operative word being 'may'.
06:50:03captain_protonhowever, for me, the possibility exists
07:20:29goofey"however, for me, the possibility exists"
07:20:57captain_protonoh that
07:20:57goofeydamn capt, give the guy a break!  :)
07:21:03captain_protoni'm not talking about Widget in general, just this specifically
07:21:24goofeyOh, okay.  :)
07:21:37goofeylet me know if the movie's any good, okay?
07:21:48captain_protonhell - anybody could take a look at my social life and laugh
07:22:02goofeyI wouldn't - trust me
07:27:21goofeybtw, what is a "social life"?
07:30:08BZFlaggoofey: when you work all your life to pay social security.
07:30:26goofeyOh, okay, I have one of those!  :)
07:33:38goofeyis away: Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question.
07:35:55captain_protonBZFlag: any clue how to modify the ambient lighting during the daytime?
07:36:08BZFlagopen the window?
07:36:32BZFlagheh. at least I gave the serious answer first.
07:36:48WidgetTV input cards are wonderful. I'm watching the World Cup on my computer.
07:36:50WidgetThis is so fun.
07:38:24goofeywhy was italy's score not counted?
07:38:28captain_protonhere's what i'm thinking about audio:
07:38:42captain_protoncreate a sound manager class, with associated global SNDMGR
07:39:06captain_protonhave it load sounds into itself on startup, then add jobs
07:39:07Widgetgoofey: Why are you not watching?
07:39:15Widgetgoofey: ESP v. KOR?
07:39:22captain_protonlooping jobs would be specified by an identifier, as to easily remove them
07:40:09goofeyWidget: oops. you're right - spain's goal, not italy
07:40:24goofeyWidget: I didn't see a foul
07:40:45Widgetgoofey: Spain's goal? What minute?
07:41:08goofeyjust 5 minutes ago - off of a free kick - headed in, but imediate whistle
07:41:26Widgetgoofey: Oh, halftime. :)
07:41:35BZFlagcaptain_proton: sounds reasonable.
07:41:42goofeynooo, well, not a big deal - just curious
07:41:56BZFlagnow can it be raining harder one one end of the field? ;-)
07:42:13Widgetgoofey: No, it was because of Lee fouling Joaquin.
07:42:24goofeyWidget: ohh, okay, thanks
07:42:26WidgetHm... Korea seems to be dominating this half.
07:42:30BZFlagyou might want to consider adding engine noise to tanks.
07:42:42BZFlagwith dopler effect of course.
07:42:44Widgetcaptain_proton: And breakdowns as well.
07:42:51BZFlagan perhaps motion noise.
07:42:56goofeyWidget: I have to admit I'm enjoying watching the games - soccer is much more interesting than I thought
07:43:01captain_protonWidget: breakdowns?
07:43:05BZFlagso you can hear when that tank behind you starts moving.
07:43:22goofeyso, how stable is 1.7e6?
07:43:24Widgetcaptain_proton: Yes. Every once in a while, your tank will sputter, belch some smoke, and just not work any more.
07:43:49BZFlaggoofey: seems to be as stable as previous releases.
07:43:52WidgetUnless it's a Japanese tank, of course.
07:44:09BZFlagsome comments on issues, but unable to reproduce them.
07:44:18WidgetGah. Korea is fowling so much.
07:44:26Widgetgoofey: What are you watching it on?
07:44:55goofeyespn - you?
07:45:25goofeyBZFlag: thanks - I'll give it a try - looking forward to the new panel
07:45:36BZFlagor lack of...
07:45:39goofeyWidget: you in Europe?
07:45:49Widgetgoofey: No, New Zealand.
07:45:49goofeyBZFlag: exactly
07:46:15goofeyWidget: Just talking about NZ today with someone who spent a month in Auckland and Christ Church
07:46:36Widgetgoofey: Christchurch? Wow, not many people come to South Island.
07:46:36goofeyWidget: she loved it there - said it's her favorite country so far
07:47:01goofeyWidget: she flew out from there to the US Antartic science base
07:47:09Widgetgoofey: Wow.
07:47:14Widgetgoofey: Amundsen-Scott base?
07:47:14captain_protonBZFlag: did you ever successfully see rain in-game?
07:47:16Widgetgoofey: Or another?
07:47:37goofeyWidget: can;t remember - I'll ask her. Great story
07:47:51goofeyWidget: it took 6 tries to get from CC to te base
07:48:02Widgetgoofey: Oh, why?
07:48:02BZFlagcaptain_proton: nope. have not been able to join a game in 1.8
07:48:11goofeyWidget: the military plane returned *5* times due to mechanical probs
07:48:20Widgetgoofey: Haha.
07:48:24Widgetgoofey: Hm.
07:48:26goofeyover 5 hours of water!!!
07:48:43Widgetgoofey: The passangers must have been pretty peeved by the sixth time.
07:48:52goofeyWidget: I was thinking the same thing
07:49:19goofeyWidget: and this was in summer!  Not like that time they tried to get the american doc off in winter
07:49:44captain_protonBZFlag: =(
07:50:05Widgetgoofey: Well, obviously summer. I should think you can't even fly at all in the winter.
07:50:21Widgetakira_: Did you celebrate your day of sleep on Friday?
07:50:26akira_why ?
07:50:39WidgetI was wondering. Chestal did not.
07:50:45akira_its 10 o clock here right now
07:50:48Widgetakira_: Why aren't you watching ESP v. KOR?
07:50:57akira_and i slept yesterday from 5 to 10
07:51:01akira_the day before
07:51:01akira_the day before
07:51:02akira_the day before
07:51:03akira_the day before
07:51:11goofeyWidget: but they did that one time to get the doc home - but yeah, usually no planes from Feb to Aug
07:51:24akira_the bzclient rocks
07:51:44goofeydamn, thought kor had it that time
07:51:49Widgetgoofey: Yes.
07:51:53Widgetgoofey: At least another corner.
07:52:09WidgetCasillas saved well.
07:52:16akira_Widget: who lost ? korea ?
07:52:27Widgetakira_: It is still 0:0.
07:52:35goofeyWidget: yeah - say, you on the south island?
07:53:00Widgetakira_: It will end at 8:30 our time, which is 5:30 Korean time.
07:53:04Widgetgoofey: Yes, Invercargill.
07:53:15goofeyI've heard it's very pretty
07:53:28goofeywhat's your latitude there?
07:53:29WidgetIt is if you go a bit north of here.
07:53:31WidgetTo the alps.
07:53:38WidgetI have nooooo idea what my latitude is. :)
07:54:02akira_its on the other side of the earth :)
07:54:07goofeyWidget: you play on homelinux, right?
07:54:15Widgetgoofey: Rarely.
07:54:21akira_whats homelinux ?
07:54:21Widgetgoofey: 97% of the time on ducati.
07:54:31Widgetakira_: Tankenstein's server.
07:54:42goofeyWidget: I was just thinking there doesn;t seem to be much lag..
07:54:58Widgetgoofey: Oh, there is.
07:55:03goofeyWidget: are you on the east or west side of the island?
07:55:08Widgetgoofey: Recently, I've been lagging over a second on tankenstein's server.
07:55:09goofeyWidget: bummer
07:55:22Widgetgoofey: Very south. Slightly to the east.
07:55:39goofeyWidget: lots of fog?
07:55:39akira_and widget wants to send me a postcard :)
07:55:41Widgetgoofey: I get lagkicked from ducati a lot. I'm usually around border.
07:55:55Widgetakira_: Your girlfriend has already won.
07:56:06Widgetakira_: She's found the farthest point from Magdeburg.
07:56:16goofeyWidget: big bummer - you must be one of those I can't shoot
07:56:27goofeyshot goes right through you.  :)
07:56:35Widgetgoofey: It's not _that_ bad.
07:56:37captain_protoncurrent sound stuff is almost C
07:57:04goofeyI'm going to bed all - night!
07:57:07akira_so, someone is on ducati right now ?
07:57:13goofeyWidget: nice to talk to you
07:57:13akira_wanne check new client
07:57:22Widgetgoofey: Talk to you later.
07:57:27BZFlagcaptain_proton: you say that like it's a bad thing.
07:57:28WidgetI shall go to ducati.
07:58:08captain_protonBZFlag: in the middle of a bunch of C++, it makes the architecture confusing
08:00:12BZFlagcaptain_proton: I connected now, but can't see a thing.
08:02:05BZFlagcaptain_proton: not bgzview does not work either.
08:02:15BZFlager now
08:02:16captain_protonBZFlag: `set weather raining
08:03:29captain_protonlooks best at nighttime
08:06:21BZFlagcaptain_proton: cool.
08:06:31BZFlagcaptain_proton: finally got it to run.
08:06:48BZFlagthe rain should move from side to side if you turn.
08:06:58captain_protonyeah, the motion needs work
08:07:05captain_protoni think i know how to do it, just a question of doing it
08:07:09BZFlagjust loop the effect so drops going off the left appear on the right.
08:07:57BZFlagand I suppose the drops should get shorter the faster you move forward and back.
08:08:08akira_captain_proton: why did the translucy have no  configurable parameter ?
08:08:11BZFlagand live shorter too.
08:08:29captain_protonBZFlag: its not quite that simple
08:08:30BZFlagakira_: cause if was like that for weeks in cvs and nobody added it.
08:08:42BZFlagcaptain_proton: I didn't say it was easy. ;-)
08:09:04captain_protoni'm thinking of having it move the particles by a certain amount based on how far you've turned/moved
08:09:41captain_protonplus rotate the system around based on your azimuth angle
08:09:45captain_protonfor windblown rain
08:12:25captain_protonits already possible to angle the rain for wind, but the angle remains consistant when you turn
08:13:05captain_protonand i definitely need to add volume fog for when its raining
08:15:07jpablodamn, you know you are an addict when you start using pyramids to hit people who is jumping.
08:16:13captain_protonjpablo: i started that once - knew it was time to take a break
08:17:23jpablooh, men.
08:17:30jpabloshould do something productive.
08:18:02BZFlagjpablo: hack on 1.8 ;-)
08:18:40jpabloi was thinking about hacking in bzflag but i don't really like/know very well c++.
08:19:17BZFlagjpablo: good place to learn. ;-)
08:20:08captain_protonyes yes
08:20:10captain_protonhack on 1.8
08:21:07jpablowell, maybe someday i get motivated :-P is hilarious
08:37:12akira_captain_proton: particle system :) nice idea
08:39:30captain_protonoh joy
08:39:35captain_protongets to recompile everything
08:52:37akira_do i compile bzflag with vc++ ?
08:53:23captain_protonif you're on windows, yes
08:55:05HanSuppose gcc also works on windows?
08:55:32captain_protoni think someone was trying to get it to compile with cygwin
09:09:29akira_captain_proton: please take in a flag/option to disable colored shots on the radar
09:09:39akira_cant see blue and red shots
09:09:44captain_protonakira_: not my decision
09:10:05akira_ok, where i have to search ? radar.cxx `?
09:12:11captain_protonRadarRenderer.cxx probably
09:13:10akira_ok, will take a look at
09:13:21akira_is there a .dsw/.dsp for win32 ?
09:13:44captain_protonread the win32 readme file
09:17:59akira_where is the config file normaly ?
09:18:23captain_protonhmm - often in the my documents folder
09:19:07akira_i meant ... bzflag is starting and reads the config .. ... where ? :)
09:19:54captain_protonprobably bzflag.cxx
09:20:58akira_coz it would be fine if bzflag would check a lot of possible locations
09:21:30akira_for example on this machine right now i have no permission to save any files .. so .. bzflag always search for the config and forget about it right after i restart the pc
09:28:37iLLf8dlo all
09:28:51iLLf8dis there any reason why the ctf bases have a box under them?
09:29:09iLLf8dseems they have a thickness of at least 4
09:29:28captain_protonthickness of 1
09:29:30akira_its the .. _base_ :)
09:29:31captain_protonif elevated
09:30:08iLLf8dis that part of the client code?
09:30:11iLLf8dor what?
09:30:17iLLf8dor is it serverside
09:30:34iLLf8dit'd be nice if it were bugfixed for e7
09:30:41captain_protonits not a bug
09:30:47akira_its always a feature :)
09:30:48iLLf8dwidths of .01 should be allowable
09:31:02captain_protonthere's no height parameter on bases in the protocol
09:31:07iLLf8devery other object accepts a base can be smaller
09:31:27iLLf8dI'd like it to be .01 ie so people will fall thru it
09:31:36captain_protonthen flag captures don't work
09:31:47iLLf8dyeah they will assuming the field is setup properly
09:31:54iLLf8dnot .01 but something really thin
09:32:00akira_captain_proton: why not ?
09:32:05captain_protonif people will fall through it, flag captures fail
09:32:09iLLf8dcause it doesn't sample fast enough
09:32:23iLLf8dtho .01 may be another issue
09:32:38iLLf8dthats why when you jump from height you pass thru 1.0 thickness decks
09:32:41iLLf8dor even thicker
09:32:51iLLf8dcap my plan is
09:33:06iLLf8dkeep the base say a 1.0 thickness
09:33:24iLLf8dhave capturing team drop thru base onto platform directly below base
09:33:30iLLf8dthen jump to land on base
09:34:17captain_protonthe capture code works for when you land on a base - touch down, don't pass through it
09:34:38iLLf8dyeah I realize that
09:34:52iLLf8dwhen you make a deck 4 thick
09:34:59iLLf8dand jump from height you won't pass thru it
09:35:09iLLf8dif you make that same deck thinner some start to pass thru
09:35:20captain_protonthats not always true
09:35:21iLLf8dthe thinner you go eventually all pass thru (from height)
09:35:23captain_protondepends on framerate
09:35:52iLLf8dif you make it thin enough for passthru from height and put something substatial just below it
09:35:53captain_protona massive framerate (like me at 640x480) won't even pass through 0.00001
09:36:00iLLf8dyou land on the substantial thing
09:36:10iLLf8dthen a regular jump (which isn't really high) can landya on the base
09:36:41iLLf8dso my ctf field is gonna have to work on the honor system to a certain extent
09:36:44captain_protonand what about people who don't upgrade to e8 (assuming there even is an e8)
09:36:52iLLf8die people carrying flags off their bases
09:37:12iLLf8dtake a look at my latest creation
09:37:15iLLf8dI'll put it up
09:37:56iLLf8dcheckout tanks climb
09:38:44iLLf8dcheck out that field 5155
09:39:13iLLf8dwrong one
09:49:10iLLf8dyou in still?
09:49:16iLLf8dmy client locks up when I try to join
09:49:19iLLf8dI dunno whats going on
09:49:37captain_protongot kicked
09:50:29iLLf8doh hmm
09:50:33iLLf8dmy machine almost locked up
09:50:38iLLf8di'll add in the pyramids
09:50:43iLLf8das markers for the climb
09:51:05iLLf8dwhatya think of the concept?
09:51:06captain_protonwell, dropped
09:51:27iLLf8donce at the top the teleporter brings you to their bases
09:51:33iLLf8dso you can get a point
09:51:33captain_protonalmost as infurating as trying to scale the scoreboard in ballpark
09:51:46captain_protonhow do you know which teleporter is which?
09:51:51iLLf8dtho i'll have easy and harder boards
09:51:59iLLf8dyou can see the colored base
09:52:07iLLf8dthey're the onces closest to the base
09:52:15iLLf8dI may but an R and G over them
09:53:22captain_protonit'd be cool if you could devise an algorithm to generate a different pillar each time
09:55:06captain_protonhmm - you could make the base even smaller
09:55:16captain_protonthen the honor system is almost perfect
09:55:41iLLf8dwell how small can I make it?
09:55:45iLLf8dits 1x1 now
09:55:52iLLf8dI'll try for .01x.01
09:56:52captain_protonnot quite that small
09:56:55captain_protonmaybe 0.5x0.5
10:00:21captain_protonergh @ this math
10:04:24iLLf8dwoa dude
10:04:31iLLf8dmy gfs bzflag was buggy as piss
10:04:34iLLf8dI even restarted it
10:04:48iLLf8dit had you start ont eh field although the base was in the air
10:04:54iLLf8dthe bottom of the boxes were missing
10:04:59iLLf8dand there were invisible blocks
10:05:17iLLf8dmaybe sims messed it up
10:05:21captain_protonwhat version?
10:05:22iLLf8dshe was playing that earlier
10:05:36iLLf8dits never been bad before
10:05:39iLLf8djust on that field
10:05:48iLLf8dthen again she's never played sims first either
10:06:00captain_protoni gotta go to bed
10:06:02iLLf8dmaybe its doing something to the windows modes libs modes or something
10:06:14iLLf8dnight =)
12:27:59tadwoohoo bzflag is on the top 10 most active on sourceforge....
12:30:52Hanpretty amazing for a 10 year old game
13:11:54tadbah @ mozilla
13:42:46arathornhi all
13:48:31HanHeej it's aragorns dad :)
13:48:51HanThought you have dies long time ago.
13:48:57Hanhad died
14:44:55noyou here?
14:45:42taDif you are... send me the particle system code....
14:48:49taDbah, 1.8 takes a long time to compile.....
14:50:34captain_proton was last seen on #bzflag 4 hours, 44 minutes and 34 seconds ago, saying: i gotta go to bed [Sat Jun 22 11:06:00 2002]
14:50:34taDibot seen captain_proton
14:50:43widget was last seen on #bzflag 6 hours, 53 minutes and 15 seconds ago, saying: I shall go to ducati. [Sat Jun 22 08:57:28 2002]
14:50:43taDibot seen widget
14:54:57chestal was last seen on #bzflag 15 hours, 51 minutes and 47 seconds ago, saying: ok, I'm going to book+bed, cu [Sat Jun 22 00:03:10 2002]
14:54:57taDibot seen chestal
14:55:19illf8d was last seen on #bzflag 4 hours, 49 minutes and 5 seconds ago, saying: night =) [Sat Jun 22 11:06:14 2002]
14:55:19taDibot seen illf8d
14:56:19han was last seen on #bzflag 1 hours, 7 minutes and 22 seconds ago, saying: had died [Sat Jun 22 14:48:57 2002]
14:56:19taDibot seen han
14:56:29bzbot was last seen on #bzflag 16 hours, 1 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: Ginku (Red):-25 (133 wins, 158 losses). binky (Green):-177 (90 wins, 267 losses). M1 (Red):19 (426 wins, 407 losses). Bom Bom (Red):-129 (162 wins, 291 losses). Wingding (Green):23 (64 wins, 41 losses). Brain (Green):-65 (39 wins, 104 losses). Zig (Green):64 (99 wins, 35 losses). Vigadu (Red):-74 (153 wins, 227 losses). @ (Red):0 (0 wins, 0 losses).  [Fri Jun 21 23:55:12 2002]
14:56:29taDibot seen bzbot
14:56:43goofey was last seen on #bzflag 6 hours, 59 minutes and 30 seconds ago, saying: Widget: nice to talk to you [Sat Jun 22 08:57:13 2002]
14:56:43taDibot seen goofey
14:56:54I haven't seen 'chanserv', taD
14:56:54taDibot seen chanserv
14:57:06yoyox was last seen on #bzflag 6 days, 19 hours, 38 minutes and 49 seconds ago, saying: Condon: Alive?:> [Sat Jun 15 20:18:17 2002]
14:57:06taDibot seen yoyox
14:59:19iLLf8dalotta cheaters on tonight many many
14:59:26iLLf8dplaying ctf...
14:59:35iLLf8dbring flag to base opposite team blows up
14:59:39iLLf8dgeno shots from anyone
14:59:44iLLf8dincluding me
14:59:49iLLf8dtho no geno on field
14:59:55iLLf8dfucked up shit
15:00:04iLLf8dmy own server too so they're redirecting it
15:06:10iLLf8dfound a few cheaters on a few fields
15:06:18iLLf8ddunno which is the one to ban tho
15:06:19iLLf8dso ...
15:06:25taDnew code to hack up...
15:06:30iLLf8dnot really
15:06:31taDI guess
15:06:34iLLf8dthey just use their own client
15:06:41iLLf8dthe server is e5 really
15:06:45iLLf8dnot that it matters
15:06:50taD1.8 is taking forever to compile....
15:06:54iLLf8dmost things are handled clientside
15:06:58iLLf8dthats why they can do that shit
15:07:10taDget server 1.8
15:07:15taDno cheating there....
15:07:38taDbut of course, you would have no players......
15:08:18taDcould you try something out?
15:09:38iLLf8dsays tadxdesk
15:09:43iLLf8dand theres a broken image
15:09:58iLLf8doh its java
15:10:05iLLf8ddon't have java setup in galeon
15:11:13taDat least it works.....
15:12:04taDstill compiling......
15:13:10Guardian-hislady was last seen on #bzflag 2 hours, 13 minutes and 54 seconds ago, saying: moo [Sat Jun 22 13:59:16 2002]
15:13:10taDibot seen Guardian-hislady
15:17:20iLLf8dwhy do you keep checking?
15:17:50taDstill compiling.....
15:18:03HanHe has never had the feeling somebody listened to him ;)
15:18:03MortimeR was last seen on #bzflag 5 days, 16 hours, 40 minutes and 18 seconds ago, saying: no, se me bloqueo la consola (la pantalla y el teclado) y tuve que reiniciar [Sun Jun 16 23:37:45 2002]
15:18:03taDibot seen MortimeR
15:18:17taDHan lol
15:20:32iLLf8d was last seen on #bzflag 3 minutes and 12 seconds ago, saying: why do you keep checking? [Sat Jun 22 16:17:20 2002]
15:20:32taDibot seen iLLf8d
15:22:08jp_zZZ was last seen on #bzflag 5 hours, 43 minutes and 14 seconds ago, saying: nights. [Sat Jun 22 10:38:54 2002]
15:22:08taDibot seen jp_zZZ
15:22:24tad was last seen on #bzflag 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot seen tad [Sat Jun 22 16:22:24 2002]
15:22:24taDibot seen tad
15:23:53taDits done
15:26:36tad1.8 crashed
15:29:24tadsecond time it crashed
15:29:27tadoh well.....
17:29:52patlabor221what is the name of the X config thing?
18:15:07patlabor221heya cap
18:20:12jpabloany team here will play today ?
18:28:26Chestaljpablo; I can try all alone ;-)
18:28:45teA_im back .......... :)
18:30:55jpabloChestal: hehe.
18:31:23Chestalhi jolly
18:31:33Chestalwell, maybe we'll find an opponent tomorrow
18:32:00Chestaljpablo: I can try and gather my team on another day for a match against you, maybe next week
18:33:20jpablowe are always ready.
18:33:41Chestalwhat time can you play at? earliest?
18:35:04Chestalibot, x de en Brennessel
18:35:05Chestal: Brennessel
18:35:12Chestalibot: x de en Brennnessel
18:35:13Chestal: Brennnessel
18:35:16ACTION shits itself.
18:35:16Chestalibot: dumb bot
18:35:23jpabloChestal: 12am UTC.
18:35:43Chestaljpablo: uh, that's very late for us, 2am here
18:36:07jpabloon saturday we can play since 10am.
18:36:39Chestalhmm, that would be possible, we can maybe try next week
18:37:44jpablowait i'm wrong.
18:38:15jpabloon saturdays we can play on this time maybe 20 minutes more.
18:38:29jpablothat would be 19 utc i think.
18:39:06iLLf8dhey chestal someones gotta tell onthemark about this stuff
18:39:22iLLf8dI think he wants his team to play tho I don't think he's available till sunday iirc
18:39:36Chestalis onthemark the leader of the 14 player team?
18:39:53jpablowow 14.
18:41:12Chestalall those silent teams...
18:42:00iLLf8ddunno maybe
18:42:08iLLf8di'll take a look
18:42:18jollyhe is
18:42:19Chestalthe "Northern Alliance"
18:42:57iLLf8dyeah thats it
18:43:10iLLf8dyou run icq chestal?
18:43:27Chestalill: kinda, using gaim here
18:43:47iLLf8ddo you ahve the icq thing running
18:43:50iLLf8dthe plugin
18:43:52Chestalutilizing AIM's icq gateway, so I cannot use the whoel functionality
18:44:03iLLf8dthats his icq number
18:45:09Chestalisn't onlien right now, I can only send msgs to ppl who are online
18:45:16teA_chestal ?
18:45:24teA_kennst irgenwelche gute lieder
18:45:31iLLf8dyou sure?
18:45:32Chestaltea: ehm?
18:45:47iLLf8dif its via licq you should be albe to leave him an offline messge
18:45:55ChestalI think you can send msgs to offlien ICQ users, but not with the aim gateway
18:46:00iLLf8ddunno if gaim does it or not I run both never tried
18:46:03teA_...... chestal
18:46:05iLLf8dah hmm
18:46:16Chestalat least I think so
18:46:19teA_tankenstein : know any good songs ?
18:46:48Chestalis listenign to Supertramp - School right now
18:47:11iLLf8duhm what kinda songs
18:47:30iLLf8die what genre of music?
18:47:43iLLf8dand don't say country
18:48:00tAd_hmmm, jedermann hier in Heidelberg?
18:48:07HanSupertramp is symphonical pop music from the 80
18:48:48iLLf8dyou don't know what supertramp is heh
18:48:57iLLf8dthey sing the logical song
18:49:07iLLf8dprobably one of their biggest hits
18:49:31iLLf8dhmm unless i'm tired and getting my bands crosswired
18:53:56captain_protonhmm no tim
18:54:06bzflag was last seen on #bzflag 9 hours, 56 minutes and 48 seconds ago, saying: nite [Sat Jun 22 09:57:18 2002]
18:54:06tAd_ibot seen bzflag
18:54:35tAd_what is a Starch Resource Deployment Facilitator?
18:56:04iLLf8dI bbl all cya
18:58:37Widget was last seen on #bzflag 11 hours, 1 minutes and 9 seconds ago, saying: I shall go to ducati. [Sat Jun 22 08:57:28 2002]
18:58:37goofeyibot seen Widget
18:58:50goofeythanks ibot
18:59:07tAd_ibot botsnack
18:59:46WidgetGuten morgen.
19:00:17tAd_dieselben zu Ihnen
19:00:52tAd_überprüfen Sie dieses heraus
19:01:00WidgetHow could Turkey win?
19:01:05WidgetThose cruel, cruel people.
19:01:14tAd_slaps both of you and yells QUIET!!!!
19:01:26WidgetAt least Turkey won. Woooooooooohooooooooooooooo!
19:01:55tAd_chuckles gleafully as he makes turkey win
19:02:18tAd_cant spell for the life of him
19:02:19WidgetAt least Korea won. Woooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!
19:02:22WidgetThat's what I meant.
19:02:24WidgetNot Turkey.
19:02:28WidgetStupid Turkey.
19:03:37WidgetOne day New Zealand will win the World Cup.
19:03:40tAd_Widget: Was ist eine Stärkehilfsmittelentwicklung Facilitator?
19:04:07tAd_long name
19:04:17WidgettAd_: ???
19:04:25WidgettAd_: Ich spreche nicht deutsch.
19:04:29tAd_What is a Starch Resource Deployment Facilitator?
19:04:43captain_protontAd_: google it
19:04:51tAd_I know what it is
19:04:59captain_protonthen shut up
19:05:00tAd_I am windering if widget oes
19:05:13WidgetIch spreche.
19:05:15WidgetSie sprechen.
19:05:17WidgetEr spricht.
19:05:20WidgetSie spricht.
19:05:23WidgetWir sprechen.
19:05:51tAd_shuts his mouth and pokes captain_proton with a spear
19:06:03WidgetIch laufe.
19:06:05WidgetSie laufen.
19:06:13WidgetEr läuft.
19:06:20WidgetEr läuft.
19:06:25WidgetWir laufen.
19:06:49tAd_I dont run
19:06:51tAd_I walk
19:07:03Widgetloves to conjugate German verbs.
19:07:38WidgetIch gehe.
19:07:40WidgetSie gehen.
19:07:41WidgetEr geht.
19:07:43WidgetSie geht.
19:07:45tAd_hits Widget with a german dictionary
19:07:47WidgetWir gehen.
19:08:02WidgettAd_: Much harder than English. Why can't you simplify things?
19:08:40tAd_me thinks its easy to learn
19:09:09WidgetNow for irregular verbs.
19:09:10tAd_all right
19:09:13tAd_NO NO!!!
19:09:40WidgetIch bin.
19:09:43WidgetSie sind.
19:09:45WidgetEr ist.
19:09:46WidgetSir ist.
19:09:48WidgetWir sind.
19:10:10WidgetPoor fellow.
19:10:33tAd_has to go clean his desk
19:11:09tAd_Widget: join #german_lessons_by_widget
19:11:11WidgetI think Chinese should be the language of the internet.
19:14:26captain_protonmore english speakers are online than chinese speakers
19:19:27captain_protonsees Widget stuttering
19:19:53teA_i can speak german :)
19:22:43tAd_monitor is being raised up by a Physicians' Desk Reference
19:23:14tAd_book about 4 inches thick
19:28:39patlabor221so are the nvidia redhat drivers designe to be a pain to install?
19:29:43captain_protonthey should be pretty easy
19:30:03patlabor221I did what they say, now x won't start
19:30:13patlabor221can't init kernel module
19:30:20captain_protonmodprobe NVdriver
19:30:57patlabor221says it has unresolved symbols
19:31:19captain_protonget the NVIDIA_kernel source tarball
19:31:29patlabor221I did the 2 rpms that they had
19:31:56goofeyis back (gone 11:58:18)
19:32:18goofeyyo Widget, what's the name of the town you live in?
19:32:35teA_...mine is munich
19:32:44goofeyI talked to my frind this monring - whe wanted to know
19:32:45teA_well you know bayern munich ?
19:33:05goofeymunich?  Never been, I heard it's fun
19:33:34goofeyWidget must be afk...
19:33:37Widgetis back.
19:33:39goofeyoh, hey
19:33:40Widgetgoofey: Invercargill.
19:34:04goofeycool, turns out the month she pent in NZ was all on the south island
19:34:12goofeyand the base she was at was ross island
19:34:13WidgetOh, so she didn't visit Auckland?
19:34:17patlabor221cap: how do I make x not try to start every 5 min
19:34:25goofeyjust to switch planes
19:34:31Widgetgoofey: Oh, OK.
19:34:45captain_protonpatlabor221: does it boot into a graphical login screen?
19:34:53patlabor221just flashes
19:34:58goofeyshe said the other us base is closer to chile
19:35:02Widgetpatlabor221: Look in your logs.
19:35:08Widgetgoofey: There are lots of US bases.
19:35:17patlabor221caP: then says that it can't start x for 5 min
19:35:18captain_protonpatlabor221: i mean before you tried to setup the nvidia drivers
19:35:29goofeysout pole, ross island, and another one
19:35:38goofeyplus tons of other countries' bases
19:35:48patlabor221cap: yeah it did
19:35:50tAd_is this redhat?
19:35:52goofey"all you base" and all that
19:36:01patlabor221cap: it was a fresh install of redhat 7.3
19:36:06tAd_goto #redhat or #linux
19:36:16captain_protonpatlabor221: edit /etc/inittab, change initdefault to 3
19:36:19tAd_#redhat should help ya
19:36:19Widgetgoofey: Yes, we have a lot.
19:36:33goofeydid you see the korean goal last night?
19:36:47Widgetgoofey: Yes.
19:36:56WidgetWon on Penalty time. But w00000000h00000000000!!!!!
19:36:58goofeymust have been chaos
19:37:20WidgetKorea must be having a shortage of red and blue materials.
19:37:32goofeyno kidding
19:38:04Widgethas many Korean friends.
19:38:08WidgetHiddink for President!
19:38:20WidgetHiddink for President!
19:38:33goofeypresident of what?
19:38:57WidgetI dunno.
19:38:59WidgetKorea, I  guess.
19:39:18WidgetYou know, he has been given honorary Korean citizenship.
19:39:32WidgetThe first foreigner ever to get that.
19:39:37WidgetBecause he got Korea into the semis. :)
19:40:29goofeyamazing, the first?
19:40:46goofeyisn't he a northern european?
19:40:55WidgetHe's Dutch.
19:41:47WidgetIt's ironic that Spain won against Ireland by penalties.
19:41:54WidgetAnd now they lost to Korea by them.
19:47:06goofeyit's been a crazy world cup
20:00:30jpablomaybe we can do a bzworld cup.
20:01:35captain_protonwhat we should do is have a tournament with a variety of completely new worlds
20:01:48captain_protonto see who is the best all-around player (adaptation & such)
20:02:41jpablojust new worlds or new worlds and different rules ?
20:03:07captain_protonjust new worlds for now
20:03:38jpablowell rigth now the worlds are random generated.
20:03:43jpabloso it's a new world every game.
20:03:47captain_protonno - new custom worlds
20:04:08captain_protonget about 4 people to crank out 10 new worlds
20:04:55jpablothat would be interesting.
20:05:05captain_protonthe idea being to come up with new challenges
20:05:18captain_protonlike tank's climb
20:06:52jpablothere's a problem with the deffinition of who win in:
20:07:08jpablowhat about if a team have 0 and the other -1 ?
20:07:18captain_protonthat can't happen
20:07:32captain_protonno team can have negative flag captures
20:07:59jpablowell it's what the page say:
20:08:06jpabloAfter the match is over, the team with a score >0 is the winner. If both teams have a score of 0, it is a draw.
20:08:24captain_protonoh thats adjusted score
20:08:30jpabloi think if you capture your flag youself you loose a point don't you ?
20:08:48captain_protonpossibly - but the other team gains a point (i believe)
20:09:16jpabloi have seen flags scores like 12 & -11
20:09:18Chestaljpablo: I am not sure, maybe you're right. can be easily fixed by changign it to 'team with the higher score'
20:09:48Chestaljpablo: but that might have been due to all peopel from one team leaving?
20:10:32jpablohumm, dunno.
20:10:55jpabloi will test when someone player arrives here.
20:11:01Chestalwell, I guess the ref should have no problems to deice which team has won
20:11:22Chestaland there hasn't been a draw yet
20:11:27captain_protonressurection is growing
20:11:28jpabloyeah, but some people may complain.
20:11:38jpablowe better avoid that.
20:11:44captain_protonis away: getting beat up
20:12:38Chestalhmm, indeed angela and spike
20:12:41Chestalnever heard of spike
20:13:02jpabloi have seend spike around in ducati.
20:13:06Chestal4 penguins now
20:14:02Chestalwell, I'm off for now
20:14:17jpablosee you.
20:42:25jpablo[TeA|TrEE]: when your team can play ?
21:27:02condon was last seen on #bzflag 21 seconds ago, saying: hi [Sat Jun 22 22:26:41 2002]
21:27:02tAd_ibot seen condon
21:27:21jpabloCondon: is your team around ?
21:27:44Condonjapblo: no - only 2 of us
21:28:03jpablowell, let me know is you get complete.
21:28:13Condonjpablo: OK
21:28:48CondonU know what? This mundial is now a piece of .....
21:29:29CondonIt's not team play, but referee's play
21:30:10Condondamn, I don't like my car already (its hyundai);-)
21:33:32dinah was last seen on #opie 2 days, 19 hours, 5 minutes and 9 seconds ago, saying: <private message> [Thu Jun 20 03:28:23 2002]
21:33:32Condonibot seen dinah
21:34:25Izto was last seen on #bzflag 13 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 5 seconds ago, saying: I've to leave.. thanks all for a great game  :) [Sun Jun  9 20:22:20 2002]
21:34:25Condonibot seen Izto
21:34:34I haven't seen 'percy', Condon
21:34:34Condonibot seen percy
21:35:22MortimeRIt seems we are not going to play today
21:36:01Condonyes - I havent seen dinah so long
21:43:41MortimeRI go
21:58:35goofeybzbot: what do you know?
22:09:58tAd_bzfquery 5156
22:09:59bzbotRed: 4 players, score: 2 |  Green: 4 players, score: 0 |  
22:10:22tAd_bzfquerylong 5156
22:10:23tAd_bzfquerylong 59000
22:10:23bzbotsd (Red):-16 (144 wins, 160 losses). SATAN (Red):2 (7 wins, 5 losses). MIRELLA (Green):5 (40 wins, 35 losses). Jonny (Green):47 (229 wins, 182 losses). nobody (Green):-56 (71 wins, 127 losses). [TLZ] w339 (Red):-19 (107 wins, 126 losses). Satan's Evil Twin (Red):-13 (34 wins, 47 losses). Brain (Green):-23 (11 wins, 34 losses).
22:10:23bzbotServer is empty
22:10:50tAd_bzfquerylong 5156
22:10:50tAd_bzfquerylong 59000
22:10:51tAd_bzfquerylong 59001
22:10:51bzbotsd (Red):-16 (145 wins, 161 losses). SATAN (Red):0 (7 wins, 7 losses). MIRELLA (Green):6 (42 wins, 36 losses). Jonny (Green):47 (231 wins, 184 losses). nobody (Green):-56 (72 wins, 128 losses). [TLZ] w339 (Red):-20 (107 wins, 127 losses). Satan's Evil Twin (Red):-13 (37 wins, 50 losses). Brain (Green):-23 (11 wins, 34 losses).
22:10:51bzbotServer is empty
22:10:51bzbotConnection refused
23:36:45captain_protonhey Skipp
23:36:53captain_protonhow goes the fire?
23:38:34lamerBZFlag: sup man
23:38:38lamerBZFlag: you here?
23:39:21captain_protonneed help with something?
23:39:37lameri'm the package maintainer for gentoo
23:39:49lamerand i'm trying to get bzflag to compile with silly gcc3.1
23:39:57lamernot having much luck :-(
23:40:07captain_protonwhat errors are you getting?
23:41:02lameri'm trying to ascertain which are most important....
23:41:14lamerit looks like _most_ of the stuff builds
23:41:20lamerbut i get no binary
23:41:33captain_protonPM me a log of all the errors?
23:52:30tAd_1.8 will NOT run on my system
23:52:38tAd_will not run
23:52:45captain_protontAd_: explain
23:52:46tAd_it freezes after about 10 sec
23:52:54tAd_have to kill it to get out
23:53:01captain_protonsegfault? what
23:53:12tAd_it just freezes
23:53:24tAd_and then I have to kill bzflag to get back in
23:53:32tAd_must be a bug on my system
23:53:59tAd_dinner time...
23:54:46tAd_is away for dinner, please leave a message after the tone.
23:57:54BZFlaglamer: sux to be you huh? ;-)
23:58:10lamerBZFlag: what's up man?
23:58:24BZFlag1.8 will build fine with 3.1 but then you can't play anyone with 1.7
23:58:40BZFlagheaded to OLS next week. anyone there going?
23:58:50lameri bet okeefe will be
23:58:53lamernot sure though
23:59:01lamermaybe some of the UK guys
23:59:04BZFlagtell him to look me up if he goes.
23:59:08lameri will
23:59:23lamerhe'll prolly try to hire you again ;-)
23:59:56tAd_OLS? what is that>

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.