irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.05.01

00:08:23Chestalgood n8!
00:38:43scanlineis away: lab time
00:58:23almogaveribot: x es en osado
00:58:25almogaver: dared
01:49:12jpablosomebody must port bzflag to aalib.
01:52:38vogon_jeltzis away: Away, motherbitches; do you read it?
02:45:52captain_protonjpablo: use vogon_jeltz's SDL stuff - that can do aalib
02:55:07vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: no, it can't.
02:55:12vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: aalib's only available through SDL for 2D apps.
06:19:19onthemarkhi all
06:21:06scanlineis back (gone 05:42:23)
06:53:06scanlineis away: more labs...
08:42:35captain_protonChestal: i found it
09:14:19Chestalcaptain: huh? what?
12:54:15vogon_jeltzis away: sleep, motherbitches; do you take it?
16:54:18Chestalhi Ruudi
17:31:24Chestalhmm, score: 179 (545 wins, 366 losses)
18:58:22scanlineis away: I'm busy
18:58:33scanlineis back (gone 00:00:03)
19:51:05scanlineis away: class
20:30:53captain_protonChestal: still awake?
20:42:27CobraA1I'll have Debian by Friday; hopefully, I'll be able to get CVS of BZFlag and do some development soon after.
20:42:48CobraA1What's the current status, BTW?
20:43:16captain_protoni'm not sure anybody is really doing anything right now
20:43:32CobraA1k.  Any major bugs?
20:43:36captain_protonthough crs is probably off in his cave coding up a storm
20:43:46captain_protonin which branch?
20:44:33captain_protonits missing some things - black hats, waving flags, tank parts when exploding
20:45:15captain_protonand for some reason people other than the firer don't see GM's track
20:45:20CobraA1Would I be right in assuming it's not compatible with 1.7 servers?
20:47:19CobraA1Thanks for the update.
20:53:49scanlineis back (gone 01:02:43)
20:56:35Chestalcaptain_proton: I'm here
22:36:43Chestalhi almo. You're using 56k, right?
22:38:22Chestalalmogaver: ok, I just checked your lagstats on ducati. Actualyl, I couldn't see a big differnce between odl and new lag measurement, oh well
22:38:35Chestalalmogaver: you're using the new f5?
22:38:53almogaveri'm using e5
22:38:56almogaverwith ur radar patch
22:39:03almogaverand yes, i see the same lagstats
22:39:12almogaverbut now i've two different stats
22:39:25Chestalyes, first is the old method, 2nd is the new method
22:39:41almogaverit's almost the same
22:39:48ChestalI hoped that the 2nd would be more accurate. Well, at least it measure in regular intervals
22:39:52almogaveronly a few ms of difference
22:40:03almogaversometimes the 2nd method got worst resulst
22:40:17almogaversometimes the 2nd is the best
22:40:20Chestalthe first method only measures your lag whenever you shoot another tank
22:40:34Chestalthe new method does it every 10s and it works by sending a ping message
22:41:10Chestalwith e5/e6 serevr, you won't see two numbers. Only the new method will be used if available, reverting to the old one for e4 clients
22:41:57almogaveri'll do /lagstats a lot of times next time i play
22:42:04Chestalalmogaver: if you have a high framerate, you might want to also apply the client side throttlign patch
22:42:13almogaverand i'll say you what i get
22:42:38almogaveribot: x en es throttlign
22:43:03almogaverstupid bot
22:43:21Chestalibot: x en es throttling
22:43:29Chestal: huh?
22:43:29Chestalibot: hmm, still nothing :-)
22:43:50Chestalalmogover: if your framerate is >30 fps, the patch migh treduce the numebr of mesasges sent by your client
22:43:56almogaveri think i know the meaning of throttlign
22:43:59Chestalalmogover: this might help with low-bandwidth-connections
22:44:15Chestalalmogover: it will help more if everyone uses it, I guess it will make it in e6
22:44:32almogaveri can see it with "f" key, can't i?
22:45:10almogaveri'll see, one minute
22:46:55almogaveryea, i remember to saw it
22:47:04almogaveri had between 25 and 40 all the time
22:47:15almogaverusually 30-35
22:47:18Chestalhmm, then the patch won't do very much
22:47:37Chestalit restrict the message rate to at max 30 mssg/s, but you probably will never exceed that rate anyway
22:47:50Chestalit might help arathorn more, I guess he has a higher framerate
22:48:23almogaveri've 34 in ducati 5155 with no tanks
22:56:21almogaveri play with all graphics options on
22:56:30almogaverif play with less graphics will help me i'll do
22:57:27Chestalit might increase your framerate, but won't help your lag
22:59:13almogaveri got 45-50 with low quality
22:59:26almogaverand it's look good too
22:59:39almogaverand it looks good too
23:01:21almogaverwill a better framerate help me?
23:03:29Chestalit mgiht help you to aim better :-)
23:03:45Chestalthe higher the framerate the more the throttlign patch might help your lag
23:04:50almogaverok, then the question is: will a better framerate help me if i install that patch?
23:08:15Chestalprobably won't make a big difference
23:08:30Chestalif your framerate is not bothering you
23:10:51almogaverso it's a patch for good graphics cards or for bad ones?
23:10:55almogaveri think i'm not following you
23:13:21almogaveri got a bug with e4
23:13:26almogaverbut it's not tested with e5
23:13:46almogaverwhen you think a message regarding you taked a flag
23:13:49almogaverthat there isn't
23:13:57almogaverthe client crashes
23:14:07almogaverit happens when you're lagging
23:14:27almogaverand you try to take the flag that another tank closed to you has taked one moment ago
23:14:33almogaverbut you don't know it due to lag
23:14:42Chestalthat shouldn't happen
23:14:54Chestalthe serevr tells the client if it grabs the flag
23:15:23almogaveri agree... no bugs should happen ;)
23:15:53almogaverif i try to play i'll be very lagged
23:15:59almogaverwe can try it if you want
23:19:44Chestalit's late, I want to go to bed
23:20:01almogaverok, next day

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