irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.03.30

00:03:30vogon_jeltzis back (gone 11:05:38)
00:18:57Chestalhi MrApathyCream
00:21:26Chestalhi vogon
00:31:02MrApathyCreamhey all
00:41:55Chestalis PNG working?
00:42:01Chestalhaven't bult bz for some days
00:56:08MrApathyCreampng is working, rgb files are removed
00:59:34Chestalhi crs
00:59:45crs23hey chestal
00:59:51new is whatever's not old
00:59:51Chestalcrs23: what's new?
01:00:04Chestal: my pleasure
01:00:04Chestalthank you very much, ibot
01:00:22crs23i just had an unpleasant week getting the collision detection/response working
01:00:41crs23but i now have frictionless boxes working!
01:02:33Chestalactually, I never had a problem with the old collison detection, but I guess the new one is much more flexible?
01:02:41ChestalI never looked at it
01:03:42crs23yep.  it's full analytic physics.  just set the objects moving and they do the right thing.
01:04:30crs23so, for example, tanks will tip over and slide off a roof if they get too close to an edge.
01:05:06crs23however, i've only got a test program working.  the new physics is not integrated yet.
01:05:42crs23hey tim
01:07:46Chestalsounds interesting. I guess all objects in BZ must have a physical model then in addition to the GL stuff? Or can the GL model be used for both?
01:08:35Chestalcrs23: you might have seen that we are makign progress in setting up a 'league'
01:08:57crs23each object that participates will need a collision shape, independent of the GL geometry
01:09:40crs23i've got rectilinear boxes now and i'll add convex polyhedra.  other convex shapes should be pretty easy to add.
01:10:15crs23i have noticed some of the league work
01:20:30BZFlagChestal: think about what we need for player/league ranking in the protocol for 1.8
01:21:13BZFlagcrs23: I assume we will break out boxes, pyramids, teleporters, etc inter separate model files
01:21:29BZFlagand include physical models in the same files.
01:22:02BZFlagso a world would not need physical model info directly, just reference the standard model names.
01:22:11BZFlagis that your plan?
01:22:13Chestalshots, too. WOuld be interstign to have non-destructive shots which would just gie an impulse to the target
01:22:46BZFlagheh, phantom shots. kills OO and phantom tanks, but not normal tanks.
01:22:52BZFlaga bad flag type. ;-)
01:23:06crs23well, it may be possible to embed the collision shape in a model as a special node to keep the visible and collision geometry together
01:23:27crs23and we can certainly make canonical shape models
01:23:37BZFlagyes, I'm for that. embed the info in the same place so it stays with the model.
01:24:11crs23impulse shots would be interesting although not especially useful (at the moment)
01:24:36crs23applying a impulse to a body is trivial (in fact there's an applyImpulse() method)
01:24:43BZFlagthen avatar models will be easier to track, though there needs to be some inforced limits on physical sizes for avatars anyway I suppose.
01:25:24BZFlags/inforced/enforced/ =(
01:26:47crs23avatar models?
01:27:14ChestalI have to go to bed, 2:30 here, good night
01:27:22vogon_jeltzcrs23: skins
01:27:34crs23g'night Chestal
01:28:28crs23skins?  you mean what your tank looks like?
01:29:25BZFlagslightly different tanks per player or team.
01:29:32crs23can your tank look different from other tanks?  that might invite cheating.
01:30:28crs23the server could dictate the collision shape.  the visible geometry would be irrelevant for hit checking.
01:30:58BZFlaghmm screenshot is missing. ah well.
01:32:21crs23do you want skins or just insignia?
01:32:34BZFlagdifferent shapes.
01:32:45BZFlagplus textures, plus insignia.
01:33:00BZFlagwants it all but he can't have it...
01:33:27BZFlagremember in battlezone, how the enemy tanks were all wedge shaped?
01:33:51vogon_jeltzand they had the little spinning satellite dishes, right?
01:34:00BZFlagit would be cool to have red team be wedge tanks, blue team panzers, green team some russian tank etc.
01:34:29BZFlagyeah, rogues can be spinning satellite dishes. ;-)
01:34:30vogon_jeltzthen Colorblindness would be complicated
01:34:30crs23so is that a server side thing or can the clients choose their tank model?
01:34:58BZFlaglikely the client will be able to choose from the list that the server has.
01:35:17vogon_jeltzyou can't typecast tank color for each model
01:35:30crs23sounds cool.  how's the network code coming?
01:35:35vogon_jeltzbecause the smarter players will be able to work around the Colorblindness flag
01:35:50BZFlagheh, you saw the autopilot stuff I did, yes?
01:35:56BZFlagI'm using that for testing now.
01:36:10BZFlagI need to get it to the point of shooting and respawning.
01:36:30BZFlagthen I can get some real (well close to real) performace stats for lots of clients.
01:37:04BZFlagvogon_jeltz: yeah colorblind should revert to all tanks the same model imho.
01:37:04crs23i haven't updated recently (too many local changes).  what low-level network changes have you made?
01:37:20vogon_jeltzBZFlag: either that, or choose a random model for each tank
01:37:59BZFlagcrs23: none that are commited, but I have early patches with msg combining and client throttling.
01:38:12BZFlagvogon_jeltz: that would be cool too!
01:38:22crs23i think when you've got CB all the tanks should look like your tank
01:38:36crs23BZFlag: cool.
01:38:57vogon_jeltzwatches his modem grind through megabyte after megabyte of KDE download
01:39:22BZFlagI need to play with the delay before merging and optimize client packet flushing, so I needed the autopilot code to get there.
01:39:58BZFlagautopilot won;t break anything, so I started committing that stuff.
01:40:42crs23gotcha.  makes sense.
01:40:46BZFlagI'll likely add a keymap ('&'?) and a command line option to start minimized in autopilot mode.
01:41:07crs23is reading yesterday's irc log
01:41:08BZFlagthen we have a bot, not optimal cause it's a opengl bot, but a start
01:41:22BZFlagmore useful for me actually, cause he uses all the same player code.
01:41:38crs23looks like MrApathyCream has some strong opinions about threading the server
01:42:03BZFlagnotes that patches are welcome for the logging perl script to get it to divide by channel...
01:42:16BZFlagheh. yeah.
01:42:23BZFlagwe fought a good fight. ;-)
01:42:39BZFlagyou saw that cvs is now all png images? rgb files are removed.
01:42:57BZFlag1020k dropped to 384k all lossless.
01:43:57crs23i saw the irc messages.  very nice.  i see you guys discovered RGB files are stored bottom to top.
01:44:46BZFlagyeah, MrApathyCream inverted the png loader.
01:45:16MrApathyCream was last seen on #bzflag 49 minutes and 8 seconds ago, saying: png is working, rgb files are removed [Sat Mar 30 00:56:08 2002]
01:45:16BZFlagibot: seen MrApathyCream
01:45:59crs23i'm happy he left the RGB reader in for now.  i think we might just leave it since it can't be very big.
01:47:25BZFlagI think we ought to remove it before release, just so there aren't two copies of images around with different formats.
01:47:58BZFlagbut I have no problem with is staying for now.
01:48:20crs23aww. what's wrong with allowing the client to handle multiple image formats? :)
01:48:25BZFlagI do think the models should include the extension though, not just a name and have it look them up,
01:48:54BZFlagit means that my cache might soon have gm.png as well as gm.rgb. ;-)
01:48:57vogon_jeltzI think we should also have disguise flags that disguise you as a tank from another team until you shoot
01:48:57crs23really.  i left it out on purpose to allow different formats.
01:49:59MrApathyCreama patch for 1.7 exists on sf like that
01:50:21BZFlagI think of image references as html includes. they should be complete cause the client will then ask for that "file" when is asks for the resource.
01:50:37BZFlagthe client should know for certian that it has the one the server wants.
01:51:00BZFlagwhat happens if the server (bad admin, smack!) has both rgb and png versions of an image?
01:51:32crs23vogon_jeltz: a similar flag idea is `chameleon': you have the team color of whoever is looking at you.
01:51:48vogon_jeltzhmm... seems too powerful
01:51:55BZFlagthe model need to be explicit about exactly what "resource" (read file) it wants.
01:52:03crs23BZFlag: i see your point.
01:52:29crs23vogon_jeltz: radar would probably show the true color
01:52:30BZFlagdoes chameleon have a counter flag?
01:52:58crs23it wouldn't need one if the radar has the true color
01:53:23BZFlaghmm. perhaps. many systems don't get a clear color from the radar though.
01:53:43BZFlagI suppose "identify" could be a counter.
01:53:52MrApathyCreampatch has true right click/radar/and bullet colors
01:53:54crs23yeah, well, i think that's because somebody once faded out the radar colors too much
01:54:05BZFlagI wonder who that was? ;-)
01:55:03MrApathyCreamInfrared flag,--> see stealth and cloak like normal
01:55:08BZFlagahh, bullet colors! that's cool. here comes a blue tank, wait! he's firing gree shots! eeek!
01:55:24MrApathyCreamit's sort of like terrorism
01:55:37MrApathyCreamthe enemy is one of us
01:58:46MrApathyCreamare tanks really going to tip over in 1.8?
01:59:11crs23that's the plan.  i just got frictionless collision working reliably.
01:59:42MrApathyCreamwill that make game play harder?
02:00:30crs23generally it should be the same.  but driving too close to a building edge will cause you to fall.  (no more tanks floating halfway off a building)
02:00:43MrApathyCreamwill you land on the ground, on your side?
02:00:45vogon_jeltzIMHO, if a tank lands on its top, it should disappear and warp in from a few feet up
02:01:19crs23i think a tank that comes to rest on anything but its bottom should explode
02:01:46MrApathyCreamor just get stuck, and awaiting certain death by a passer by
02:02:12crs23yeah, but tanks get stuck now and waiting to die sucks
02:02:17MrApathyCreamwill bullets have z velocity then?
02:02:36MrApathyCreamand will z collision detection happen?
02:02:48MrApathyCreamdecks will have massive 'dribbling' effects
02:03:16crs23bullets can already have z and i believe tanks already have z hit detection
02:03:40MrApathyCreamonly off pyramids, right?
02:04:01MrApathyCreambut does the z follow the tank muzzle, if it tips?
02:04:16crs23yes, only off pyramids.  i dunno if we should add auto z aiming.  maybe.
02:04:36MrApathyCreamno i mean, if the tank tips off a building, do the bullets have negative z?
02:04:40crs23presumably, the shot angle would change with tank muzzle angle.
02:05:15crs23shots leave the tank in the direction the muzzle points but probably aren't affected by gravity
02:06:54MrApathyCreamtanks could be equiped with auto destruct for the stuck case, maybe blow up things very close to them too
02:07:21crs23that's a possibility
02:07:29vogon_jeltzor you could have jumps right the tank
02:07:54MrApathyCreamcool, a triple sow-cow.... (ice skating reference)
02:08:07MrApathyCreama victory flip
02:08:09vogon_jeltzit's Salchow ;)
02:08:39MrApathyCreamis scared that vogon_jeltz nows so much about skating
02:09:08vogon_jeltzyeah, I know, it's scary
02:11:08BZFlagwe need a "suicide" key.
02:12:56BZFlagyou know you are stuck, you are going to loose a point for it, but no sense giving that point to a competitor.
02:13:57BZFlagperhaps suicide when paused does not cause a score-- ?
03:59:23Aldebarancheater on bhaskara
04:33:48rlundyChestal: are you doing the bzflag league thing?
04:42:35Aldebarandoes anyone use Bastille firewall?
05:01:51scanlineis away: fun, games, and explosions
07:41:40thanks captain_proton :)
07:41:40captain_protonibot, botsnack
07:45:07captain_protonhi ald
07:46:24scanlineis back (gone 02:44:33)
07:47:50captain_protonstupid emoticons
08:00:22cor_tauriset use_status_window ON
08:00:24captain_protoni see you have yet to join/found a team
08:00:33cor_tauriwho me?
08:00:52cor_taurino, Skipp asked me to join ult
08:01:03cor_tauriI should go to and add the team
08:01:11captain_protonthats what i mean
08:01:15cor_tauribut I'm not incharge of theeam
08:01:30captain_protondoes ult stand for anything?
08:01:35cor_tauriult is not listed there
08:01:54cor_tauriult stands for ultite lagging tanks?
08:02:02cor_tauriirssi isn't working well
08:02:06cor_tauriultimate lagging tanks
08:02:09cor_tauriI think
08:02:11captain_protonheh ok
08:02:19cor_tauriI NEVER see anyother ult players on the servers
08:02:33captain_protoni think you and skipp are the only ones <g>
08:02:47cor_taurioh thats ah ah nice
08:03:01cor_tauriTankenstein suggested I ask onthemark
08:03:04cor_taurito join ult
08:03:22cor_tauriI will if ever I see skipp again
08:03:34cor_tauriI presume proper ettiqute is to let Skipp make
08:03:37captain_protonfreelancer seems to have 'decided' to join meq
08:03:42cor_taurithos decisions
08:03:57cor_taurioh you should be ah what honored, no ah ...
08:04:22cor_tauriI take it he wasn't asked?
08:04:50cor_tauriperhaps it means a lot to him ..
08:05:01cor_taurior perhaps he is having fun with you
08:05:08captain_protoni msged him saying "we'll see"
08:05:24cor_tauriit occured to me once to at {MEG} to my name
08:05:35cor_taurijust to annoy meqs
08:05:40cor_tauribut of course I didn't
08:06:29cor_tauriis there a way I can affect folks like KULUA?
08:06:44captain_protonnot really
08:06:56cor_taurididn't think so, the special chars are invisable to me
08:06:59captain_protoni suppose you could modify apathy's trick to allow kill by player number
08:07:08cor_tauriwouldn't know how to get player number
08:07:14cor_taurihave looked at that already
08:07:30captain_protoni could add a server command that prints player numbers
08:07:36captain_protonbut that doesn't really work on other servers
08:07:39cor_taurithat dosn't help on other servers
08:07:50cor_taurihe is rarely at your server
08:08:00cor_taurihe is alwat
08:08:02captain_protonunless he has a dynamic IP
08:08:08captain_protonhe will never be at my server again
08:08:28cor_tauridid you make it so players can't use
08:08:34cor_taurispecial chars in their names?
08:08:55captain_protoni'm considering it though
08:09:15cor_taurithere are more than one of him, I have seen
08:09:25cor_tauritwo players using that at the same time at
08:09:45captain_protoni don't think that would be too difficult to add
08:10:04captain_protoni ought to clean this up and submit a big security patch to sf
08:10:27cor_tauriwhen will 1.8 be ready?
08:10:42captain_protonReal Soon Now
08:11:24cor_tauriI need to not care about cheaters
08:11:37cor_taurithey are seldom any good anyway
08:12:10captain_protonwhen 1.8 is out you'll have to care enough to karma them down
08:12:53cor_tauriwhat is the bflag version of karma?
08:13:01captain_protonnon-existant at the moment
08:13:23cor_taurihmmm... voting of players to handica other players?
08:13:49captain_protoni suggest you read doc/karma.txt in current CVS
08:13:54captain_protonit has some thoughts on the system
08:14:04cor_tauriI will try to do that now
08:16:17cor_taurifound it am reading
08:17:02cor_tauriregistered callsigns require pgp?
08:17:16captain_protonthey'll have some form of key
08:17:38cor_tauriI don't have pgp installed will have to..
08:17:48captain_protonit'll all be integrated into bz
08:21:06cor_tauriumm.. it's a good idea but...
08:21:19cor_tauriafter about a year it will be scrapped I think
08:21:56cor_tauriok there is a /damn irssi
08:22:03cor_taurithere is a player that I don't like
08:22:09cor_taurihe dosn't cheat that I know of
08:22:18cor_tauriI just don't like him because
08:22:23cor_tauri1 I don't like his name
08:22:28cor_tauri2 he gets GM alot
08:22:33cor_tauri3 he is good with GM
08:22:36cor_tauri4 is is good
08:22:51cor_tauri5 he hides up on top of the towers making it hard to kill him
08:22:59cor_tauriwhat level of karma should I give him
08:23:07cor_taurivs what level of karma will I give him
08:23:35cor_taurihe deserves far better karma than he inspires
08:23:39captain_protonwell - hopefully the people who have the highest influence will be the fairest
08:24:09captain_protonplus there's some discussion about whether or not kill ratios/etc should factor into karma
08:24:16cor_tauriit's an adversarial game
08:24:37captain_protonbut will you get mad enough at a player to change his karma out of irritation?
08:24:50cor_taurino I wouldn't, or at least I hope I wouldn't
08:25:07captain_protonall the really good players are also fairly mature about the game
08:25:29captain_protonand the ones who are impertinant are almost always beginners or seasoned cheaters
08:26:06cor_tauriI don't know
08:26:13cor_tauriit is a good idea if it will work
08:26:23cor_taurithe way it is desired to work
08:26:47cor_tauriit should be tried, if it works, good
08:29:43cor_taurihmm fire wall is putting stuff in console session
08:58:15scanlineis away: ZzZzZz....
15:54:04Chestalhi Cream
16:02:19MrApathyCreamtry the pngs?
16:05:26Chestalnot yet, I'll start cvs update
16:10:32MrApathyCreamwhat's your lag limit on red/green?
16:11:32Chestalheh, 300ms is a lot
16:11:36Chestalstill using your 56k?
16:12:29Chestaloh my, a modem just doesn't cut it, at least with the current network code. But I assume it will still suck with 1.8
16:13:07ChestalI get some warnings:
16:13:09ChestalPNGImageFile.cxx:516: warning: multi-character character constant
16:13:46MrApathyCreamhmm 'IDAT' ?
16:14:07ChestalI'm not too sure about what the standard says about these
16:18:03ChestalI guess PNG is working here, not 100% sure, though, as I play withotu textures anyway
16:18:29ChestalI can try at home later
17:35:12Chestalanyone alive who can help with server firewall issues?
18:05:12BZFlaghit me.
18:05:40BZFlagfirst upgrade to 1.7e5, then use the -pr option, then forward those two ports. ;-)
18:05:57BZFlagrunning 1.8 you only need one port. ;-)
18:12:34Chestalok, that's about what I told him, too. He didn't complain since, maybe it's working :-)
18:15:44BZFlagwith 1.7e4 and earlier you need all ports.
18:16:36Chestalhmm, ducati is port-filtered, but working
18:16:45ChestalI don't know exactly what ports are free,though
18:33:29pplI'm trying to play with one of my friends on the same Internet connection with UDP, but it acts really weird. It's like if we were only one
18:41:20Chestalppl: using NAT?
19:01:06MrApathyCreamHmm, i guess there still is some code that can be optimized now because of ids... ie:
19:01:07MrApathyCreamfor (int i = 0; i < maxPlayers; i++)
19:01:07MrApathyCreamif (player[i] && player[i]->getId() == firingInfo.shot.player) {
19:01:07MrApathyCreamconst float* pos = firingInfo.shot.pos;
19:01:08MrApathyCreamif (human) {
19:01:11MrApathyCreamif (firingInfo.flag == ShockWaveFlag)
19:01:14MrApathyCreamplayWorldSound(SFX_SHOCK, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
19:01:15MrApathyCreamelse if (firingInfo.flag == LaserFlag)
19:01:17MrApathyCreamplayWorldSound(SFX_LASER, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
19:01:19MrApathyCreamelse if (firingInfo.flag == GuidedMissileFlag)
19:01:21MrApathyCreamplayWorldSound(SFX_MISSILE, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
19:01:25MrApathyCreamplayWorldSound(SFX_FIRE, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
19:03:46Chestalplayer[i]->getId() is always i ?
19:04:03MrApathyCreamright can do
19:04:21MrApathyCreamRemotePlayer *shooter = player[firingInfo.shot.player];
19:04:47Chestalmaybe better to use LookupPlayer
19:04:56Chestalthe player _might_ be nonexistant?
19:05:14MrApathyCreamif (shooter) { do stuff }
19:17:11ChestalI'm doing it
19:31:05ChestalI'm coding defensive :-)
19:31:24Chestala lot of checks could be omitted if we trust ids in msgs, but I guess it's better to go safe
19:35:39ChestalI hope I introduced no bugs, not so easy to test without really playing with it
20:15:54vogon_jeltzis away: sl33p
20:19:42Chestala question about the fiel hierarchy: I don't think that putting all the header files that are shared among different directories in src/ all in one global include/ directory is a very good idea
20:19:58Chestalwouldn't it be better if the header files stay with their implementations?
20:20:37Chestalwe would then either have to extend incldue search paths or use #include "gui/sample.h" style, of course
20:37:44BZFlagwe trust ids at the client. we do not on the server.
20:43:19BZFlagagrees, but crs23 is the one to convince.
20:43:41BZFlagthough it is useful to know which headers should not be included elsewhere.
21:14:29br33zyWhats up
21:48:05pplChestal yep
21:50:45pplChestal it will use the same port to communicate?
22:05:21BZFlagppl: it?
22:06:02pplbzflag get confused with natd
22:06:38pplwith UDP support
22:08:57BZFlagversion? server or client?
22:09:31BZFlagversion? talking to what server version?
22:09:33pplone client was 1.7e2 and other windows
22:09:52BZFlag1.7e2 on what? and what version on windows?
22:10:32pplwhere i check for version on windows?
22:10:39ppland the other is FreeBSD
22:10:40BZFlagin the startup messages
22:10:53BZFlagwhat version of the server are you talking to?
22:11:08pplsome random server on the Inet
22:11:25BZFlagsome servers are old and do not have the new port handling code.
22:11:27pplmight be the server who was out of date
22:11:36pplok, soo it should work..
22:11:44BZFlagthey as the client for it's port number and trust that.
22:11:53pplServer: Port: 5156
22:11:59BZFlaga broken assumtion as nat will change the port number
22:12:21BZFlagsheck the server version when you connect.
22:12:25ppli just wanted to show bzflag to a friend and it sorta failed :)
22:12:25BZFlager check
22:12:47pplit's ok, I just wanted to make sure you where aware of it
22:17:04BZFlagyep. reworked in 1.8 so it will get better at some point.
22:59:15MrApathyCreamthanks chestal!
23:58:36scanlineis back (gone 15:00:21)

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