irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.02.27

05:24:10captain_protonibot, x es en ayala
05:24:11captain_proton: ayala
05:24:16captain_protonibot, x sp en ayala
05:44:11captain_protonuptime wars!
05:44:23vogon_jeltz  9:46pm  up 2 days,  4:40,  4 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.02, 1.00
05:44:37captain_proton 10:43pm  up 3 days,  8:29, 10 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
06:27:39BZFlagcrs is counting the hours till cvs commit of the new code.
07:32:09vogon_jeltzis away: TV
08:40:39jacquesMrApathyCream: heh I just got killed by you many many times
09:47:35fontenotI am having a problem with bzflag - anyone awake?
09:47:59fontenotI am unable to increase brightness 1.7e4 and nvidia binary drivers
09:48:32fontenotstrangely, my other machine works fine and has same version and also nvidia binary drivers (tho those may be slightly different version)
14:21:34Bologna_2002_Manyone playing bzflag now?
14:22:03Bologna_2002_Mnick jim2002
15:46:38fontenotBZFlag: this game rocks
15:47:57fontenotive only been playing for a couple of hours and I'm already addicted
15:48:11Chestalthat will only become worse :-)
15:48:26fontenotoh no
15:48:42fontenotthat might not be a good thing
15:49:26Chestaltry different servers at different times of day to see where your lag is best and what style of play you like best
15:49:45fontenotyeah I'm already developing some preferences
15:50:00ChestalI advise playing without jumping to learn how to evade shots, but then I advise to play withotu jumping anyway
15:50:10fontenotbut my main problem is I dont know the maps - assuming the flags are always in the same places?
15:50:22Chestalwell, there are random maps and custom worlds
15:50:23fontenotyeah I dont know how to evade
15:50:34Chestalgenerally I don't play custom worlds
15:50:43fontenotI've only played on a jumping lots of shots lots of flags server
15:50:58Chestalbut flags should be at random positions in custom worlds, too
15:51:13fontenothow do ppl always get the laser and GM then?
15:51:22Chestalonly recentlty there was a patch to allow the server admin to restrict certain flags to certain areas
15:51:39fontenothmm, some ppl seem to find the laser and GM very quickly
15:51:51Chestalwell, when you die, your flag will drop there or vanishes
15:52:02Chestalsome people just remember the place and go for it again
15:52:03fontenotoh I didn't know that either
15:52:37fontenotI think a 1 shot non-jumping no flag map might be more fun
15:52:39Chestalbiggest problem with bzflag IMHO is the lag, it will hopefully be a little better with the next major release
15:52:50ChestalI uses to play 1-shot, no jumping
15:53:09fontenotmy problem is finding a close server with ppl on it
15:53:11Chestalnow I play mostly 2shots, no jumping, ricochet and no flags
15:53:16Chestalthe two ducati servers are mine
15:53:17fontenotthat sounds good too
15:53:26fontenotI dont mind ricochet
15:53:29Chestalserver is in Gerany though, so I don't know about your lag
15:53:33Chestalricohet is a must :-)
15:53:39fontenotright - I am in the bay area US
15:53:53fontenotall the server with ppl have about 150ms ping times
15:53:57Chestalthe 2nd ducati is a CTF server for team play, that's my favourite, at least when there are good people there
15:54:28Chestalyou can try to traceroute to estimate minimum lag
15:54:58fontenotto nearest hop
15:55:02Chestalthat's not optimal, but still ok
15:55:22fontenotwhat is the max ping value you would recommend?
15:55:24Chestalyou know you can check in-game lag with /lagstats?
15:55:33fontenotalso, how do I check fps?
15:55:50Chestalpressing 't' will add a fps display to your HUD
15:55:56fontenotah, thanks
15:55:56Chestaluse 'f' for flag help
15:56:13fontenotyeah I need to start reading the help - I just compiled bzflag and started playing
15:56:14Chestaljust use 'n' as if you would liek to send a message and type '/lagstats'
15:56:23Chestalthis will give you a list of players and lag estimates
15:56:38fontenotI dont even know what a lot of the flags do
15:56:39Chestalbecause it's a hack, the server can only measure ag each time a player kills another tank
15:56:44Chestalthis will get better with the next version
15:57:00fontenotI think the netcode is already pretty good
15:57:10Chestalit's ok, but is has some problems
15:57:12fontenotif it gets better it will be amazing
15:57:22fontenotbut then I have only played for a few hours :-)
15:57:27Chestaldo you have cable or DSL or?
15:57:34fontenotI have dsl
15:57:39Chestalok, me too
15:58:00Chestalsometimes lag can get annoying. At least we need a better measurement of connection quality / lag on the server
15:58:12Chestalso we can restrict the server to players which ave good connectivity to that server
15:58:26Chestalusing 1.7E4 I guess?
15:58:27fontenotright, it can be annoying when ppl are warping
15:58:50fontenotnvidia geforce2 ultra
15:58:51Chestalhardware accelerated
15:59:11fontenotwith nvidia binary drivers 1.0-2313
15:59:12Chestalmy dri just broke when I updated my debain two days ago, textures aren't working anymore
15:59:24Chestalbut mostyla I play at work with software rendering only
15:59:27fontenotwhat hardware are you using? ati? matrox?
15:59:36Chestalat home, Matrox G400
15:59:57fontenotI installed a geforce2mx in my work machine :-)
16:00:09ChestalI got an old ATI at work
16:00:22Chestalbut I am used to it, I setup a 2nd x server with 800x600x8bit
16:00:35fontenotfor speed?
16:00:35Chestaldependign on whats in view I get 10-40 fps, mostly around 20-30
16:00:51fontenotI assume you tirn down the eye candy too?
16:00:52Chestalthis is with all fancy options turned off, of course
16:00:58Chestalyep, only usin glighting
16:01:10fontenotI have everything on - it's very pretty :-)
16:01:14ChestalI am so used to it, I cannot play any other way
16:01:36Chestalit's only bad when I am near buildings, and radar resolution is quite bad with 800x600
16:01:45Chestalyou know, you can switch radar zoom with 1,2,3
16:01:56fontenotoh cool
16:02:06fontenoti dont know anything :-)
16:02:13fontenotexcept move and fire
16:02:16fontenotand jump
16:02:56Chestalyou can send messages with 'n' (to all), 'm' (to team) or ',' (to last one you killed or were killed by)
16:03:10fontenotheh , sounds useful
16:04:24ChestalI do not like most of the servers with many shots and lots of flags, too much random killing there
16:04:41Chestaland there are a lot of peopel camping with powerful flags, e.g. guides missile on buildings
16:04:49fontenoti agree, though they are fast paced
16:04:57Chestalyes, they can be fun sometimes
16:05:02fontenotyes i got killed many times by ppl on buildings with GM
16:05:14fontenotGM are hard to avoid
16:05:27Chestalcheck out 5156 later in the day, IMHO CTF is great fun
16:05:35fontenotthe lock-on warning seems to happen immediately before I get hit
16:05:38Chestalyes, though GMs can be avoided
16:05:58Chestalyou know you can right-click to identify other tanks and their flags?
16:06:00fontenotyes I really like CTF - I have played a lot of it in Unreal Tournament
16:06:08Chestaland 's' shows scoreboard
16:06:08fontenotlots more strategy
16:06:19fontenotdidnt know about s - but I did know about right click
16:06:58Chestalwhat's IMHO most amazign about the game is that it is quite old
16:07:01fontenoti used to play lots of battlezone too (the pc game)
16:07:11fontenotwanna talk about old
16:07:18fontenotI used to be addicted to xtank
16:07:23fontenotever play that?
16:07:42fontenottop-down 2d tank game - multiplayer
16:07:43ChestalI played wumpus, though .-)
16:07:54fontenotbut the problem was that it was not client-server
16:08:06fontenotone process started the displays on all the clients
16:08:19Chestalah, like with xskat
16:08:27fontenotso you needed a really fast network (for the time) and a fast server machine
16:08:48fontenotI always wanted someone to rewrite is as client-server because it was a very fun game
16:08:51Chestalbzflag has a dumb server approach, i.e. the clients are doing al the work
16:08:54fontenotyou built your own tank
16:09:02Chestalserver is merely an enhanced relay
16:09:12fontenotchose body, motivators, weapons turrets
16:09:35Chestalhmm, thre's no xtank debian package in my list
16:09:37fontenotand each part cost money, and when you killed somebody, your score was based on the value of your tank versus the value of theirs
16:10:07fontenotso if you built a really expensive tank and killed  a really cheap tank, you didn't get many points
16:10:31fontenotand there was this weird hockey mode
16:10:53Chestaldid you play this at university?
16:11:21fontenotsearch google for unix xtank game
16:11:29fontenotyou will find lots of links
16:12:17fontenotand apparently there is still
16:16:08fontenotbut it predated the web so there aren't exactly any xtank pages
16:16:55Chestalyep, found no screenshots, only .tgz
16:17:16Chestalis planning his evening
16:17:28Chestaldid you by chance see 'Amores Perros'?
16:17:42fontenotno, what is it?
16:18:05Chestala Mexican Movie, it's pure coincidence that I noticed it it showing here today, and only today
16:18:14Chestalit's got very high rates in the IMDB
16:18:36Chestalor shoudl I've said 'ratings', hmm?
16:19:24fontenotratings is correct
16:19:57fontenotsounds like "love of dogs"
16:20:01Chestalwhat's your bz callsign, btw.?
16:20:21fontenotwhich is my other irc callsign too
16:20:27Chestal: i'm not following you...
16:20:27Chestalibot, x e en amores perros
16:20:32fontenotI am still logged on from work - thus jacques_gone
16:20:33Chestal: huh?
16:20:33Chestalibot, x esp en amores perros
16:21:00Chestalibot, x sp en amores perros
16:21:00Chestal: loves dogs
16:21:27fontenot(08:23:42) linuxjacques: translate amores perros from spanish to english
16:21:27fontenot(08:23:43) SmarterChild: "loves dogs"
16:21:30ChestalI guess your translation is superior
16:21:44fontenotyeah because loved dogs does not make as much sense :-)
16:21:52fontenotloves I mean
16:22:10fontenotmaybe it's about women who love bad men
16:22:32fontenotor maybe it's really about dogs
16:22:58Chestalno, it's a drams about love, loss, hate and all those things
16:23:24fontenotah, ok
16:23:27ChestalI guess part of it is about a person whose beloved dogs die
16:23:59fontenotactually I would probably translate it as "for the love of dogs"
16:24:14Chestalso, you speak some Spanish?
16:24:28fontenothmm, no, maybe "the love of dogs"
16:24:32fontenota little
16:24:47fontenotI spoke it from age 3 to 7  :-)
16:24:49ChestalI do not, although when readings spanish I can sometimes guess the meaning, seems to be an easy language to learn
16:24:59fontenotyes it is relatively easy
16:25:04fontenotmuch easier than english
16:25:23fontenotand it's a romance language so it shares latin roots with lots of other languages
16:25:37fontenotfrench, portuguese, italian
16:25:41Chestallearned Latin in school and forgot all of it since
16:26:24Chestalthe only other language I learned is English, everybody in Germany learns that in school
16:26:48Chestalso most yound and middle aged Germans can at least read English rather well
16:27:02Chestalspeaking and understanding spoken English is a different matter though
16:27:15fontenotthat's interesting
16:27:38fontenoti took two years of high school latin
16:27:41fontenoti really liked it
16:27:52fontenotbut i remember very little now :-\
16:28:35ChestalLatin is very hard to master
16:29:08Chestaltranslatign a single sentence was more like deciphering than reading
16:30:15fontenotwell bzflag kept me up much later than I intended
16:30:19fontenotI should go to sleep now
16:30:23fontenotit was nice talking to you
16:31:03Chestaloh, I thought it was mornign where you are?
16:31:13fontenotyes it is but I work a late shift
16:31:21Chestalanyway, see you on the battlefield these days :-)
16:31:30fontenotyes :-)
16:31:31ChestalI'll have dinner now
16:31:43fontenotok, have a good one
16:31:53Chestalsweet dreams :-)
17:09:42vogon_jeltzis back (gone 09:37:33)
17:41:23vogon_jeltzis away: shower
18:03:52vogon_jeltzis back (gone 00:22:29)
20:58:31BZFlaghey! crs is cvsing!
21:42:49Zdogchestal sorry to bother u again, but a green tanker name paulcen is not responding
21:43:07Zdoghe/she is playing behind a firewall or just a buggy client
21:45:26Zdoghelp, please
21:50:12gerbilHey Chestal
21:50:26gerbiloh Chestal
21:50:38gerbilHello Chestal
21:51:00gerbilFYI--player on ducati flags is playing with firewall and blackhatted
21:51:11gerbilkeeps running flag in and noone can see him
21:51:17gerbilkick him please
21:51:32gerbilhe will not respond
21:51:40gerbilfor God's sake helpus man!!
21:51:50gerbilnthe humanity...oh, the humanity!!
21:52:03gerbilSo is like anyone else here?
21:53:11Zdogchestal?? u here
21:53:18Zdoghey gerbil
21:54:39Zdogplease help, ducati, green tanker: paulcen
21:54:55Zdoghe is black capped, but could get flag
22:30:26crs23hi all!
22:32:01crs23The big news is that i just checked in my big patch into the tree.
22:33:40ChestalI saw it, got lots of mail :-)
22:35:53crs23yeah, i did too.  the messages are a little weird.  why are they broken up like that?
22:36:40ChestalI guess one mail per file that changed in CVS. Tim activated ths some months ago I think
22:37:22crs23oh.  okay.  i guess he's away right now.
22:38:18Chestalhe has been away a lot lately
22:41:00crs23oh?  he's been quick to respond to email.
22:41:32crs23he said he'll start on the network code once i got my files checked in. woo hoo!
22:43:35Chestalsounds great
22:43:51ChestalI would very much like to discuss network code issues with Tim
22:44:12ChestalI hacked some chaages into the current code to see how it perfoms
22:44:21crs23yeah?  what'd you find out?
22:44:37Chestalwell, I tried several things, didn't have as much time as I hoped
22:44:55ChestalI started by doing some network stats in the server
22:45:22Chestalmain result: peopel with high framerates have very high peak packet rates
22:45:35crs23makes sense.  guess we need to throttle that.
22:45:55ChestalI guess in addition to the current dead reckonign code the client can easily throttle that, its only one lien of code
22:46:05ChestalI also added simple server-side throttling
22:46:29crs23i'd like to make a network stats view for debugging on the client.  maybe a strip chart.
22:46:30Chestalwhich limits the max. rate of playerupdate msgs per player which are broadcast by the server
22:47:08crs23ah, nice.  does the code put multiple message into single packets yet?
22:47:09Chestalmy two byfs servers have been using server-side throttlign for some weeks now, with 30 pps max.
22:47:22Chestalno, nothign like that, its 100% compatabile with current clients
22:47:33Chestaljust some incremental and experimental changes
22:47:44crs2330 pps max?  that's 30 packets per second over all users, right?
22:47:49Chestalno, per user
22:47:57crs23oh!  that sounds like a lot.
22:48:00Chestalit helps cuttin gthose high peak rates
22:48:10Chestalthe average is much lowr of course
22:48:32crs23well, lets rip out all the networking and rewrite it.
22:48:42Chestalon my CTF server with throttlign to 30pps and a max. of  playrs the peak number of packets/s sent by the server is now about 800
22:48:58Chestalwithotu throttling it can get much higher
22:49:21ChestalI did an evil server patch where I duplicated each tank, one throttled, one not so you could see the difference
22:49:43Chestalwith 30pps even peopel with very fast connections can see virtually no difference
22:49:52Chestal20-25 should also be ok, but not quite that accurate
22:50:05Chestaland client-side throttling would be better anyway, because now I have to delay some packets
22:50:21crs23should it be based on client frame rate?
22:50:27Chestaland delayed packets are not compensated, which coul dbe done by adjustign the dead reckoning
22:50:31crs23i mean the server throttling
22:51:10ChestalI don't know. SOe kidn of adaptive throttlign would be nice, but I am not sure how one would best approach this
22:51:33Chestalfurthermore I added some extra bytes to MsgPlayerUpdate for sequence numbers
22:51:41Chestalso server can detect if messages are lost or received out of order
22:51:45crs23let me tell you the current plan...
22:52:18Chestalso far, zero packets were lost, I did a test with one German Guy and DSL and one from the US and 56k
22:52:44Chestalthe 56k user has some out of order packets, though. If he throttles his client to 30pps, nearly no out of order packets anymore
22:53:04crs23you and tim definitely need to talk.
22:53:23ChestalI also added explicit UDP ping messages for lag measurement, that's much better than the current hack, though of course needs a client change
22:54:01crs23what i'd like is a solid UDP based communication class and to build on that.
22:54:14Chestaldo you favour droppign TCP?
22:54:17crs23sounds like you and tim should hammer out a design.
22:54:24crs23yes.  TCP begone!
22:54:31Chestalhmm, I am not so sure about this
22:54:53crs23i think we should layer our own reliable communication on UDP
22:54:56ChestalI don't say it's wrong to drop TCP; but I am not sure if it's so easy to use UDP only and whether it has enough advantages
22:55:19crs23we get to control the retry algorithm
22:55:54crs23of course, the same UDP socket will be for unreliable stuff too
22:56:40Chestalchangign only the UDP code would be very easy of course, things like sequence numbers to detect ou tof order and ost msgs are very easy to do
22:57:04ChestalI guess the main point is: what are we trying to achieve? where are the weaknesses of the current code
22:57:36crs23one thing i want is for *all* the platform dependent network code to move into the net directory.  that's one goal.
22:57:43Chestalon eobective is to reduce lag or the effects of lag, of course. But it's not so clear what the la gis caused by and what can be done about it
22:57:59crs23yes, reducing lag is a primary objective.
22:58:39Chestalthigns like throttling will help if one client's connectin is congested by bz packets
22:58:45captain_protoncomes back
22:58:54captain_protonhi crs23
22:58:55Chestalbut the high roudn trip times may also be caused by somethign external in which case we cannot do very much
22:59:02crs23hi captain_proton
22:59:07Chestaldon't know if its possible to detect this
22:59:28crs23true, there's only so much we can control
22:59:48captain_protonchecks out cvs
23:00:05Chestalthere are also some strange issued which I do not yet know the cuase for, e.g. some players with German DSL have quite low lag (about 80ms), but sometimes I see their tank jumping to a different place and back for <<1s
23:00:05crs23but an important start is to centralize the network code so fixes are easier
23:00:24ChestalI agree that the network code must be cleaned up
23:00:44crs23that's weird.  maybe an out of order packet?  though i don't see how that could cause it.
23:01:03Chestalcurrently we have too many peopel with getting it to work. SOme guy came here yesterday and couldn't play with 1.7e4 in his LAN, maybe because multicastign is seriously broken now
23:01:25Chestalcrs23: no, lupinator was running my seqno patch and no packret swere lost and none out of order
23:01:32Chestalit looks quite strange
23:01:33crs23yeah.  like i said:  rip it out and start over.
23:01:49Chestalnext thign I wanted to check was dt between messages
23:02:06Chestalideally dts between sends of PlayerUpdate and dts bewteen receiving the packets should be equal
23:02:09crs23i think we can drop multicast too.  it's not widely supported enough.  perhaps it can be layered back on later
23:02:25captain_protoni agree about that
23:02:27crs23ideally but i doubt that's what happens
23:02:35Chestalyes, I also voter for dropping it. In theory, it's the way to go, but I guess we can add that later
23:02:58ChestalI thought about sending dts within the packets, and each receiver can measure dt and compare
23:03:14Chestalif they deviate, the deadreckonign code coudl try and compensate
23:03:48Chestalsometimes you see people getting netdead and then all their queues UDP packets get received
23:03:57Chestalyou woudl think that those packets woudl have been dropped instead, but no
23:04:13Chestallooks like far less UDP packets get dropped than I initially thought
23:04:22crs23well that's good news.
23:04:51Chestalas I said, so far I haven't found one packet lost
23:05:10Chestalo fcourse that#s only with 3 players using my patched version so far, myself, German DSL and MrAPathyCream with his dialup connetion
23:05:15captain_protonwhoa - its incompatible with old servers
23:05:22captain_protoni like the rotating tank ;)
23:05:32crs23thanks :-)
23:05:50captain_protoncrs23: can it use the old map files?
23:05:57Chestalneeds to get his dri fixed, it stopped working on the last update
23:06:04crs23it's only incompatible because of the ServerVersion in Protocol.h
23:06:11captain_protoncrs23: ahh k
23:06:24crs23Change that back to BZFS107e to use existing servers.
23:06:53crs23i didn't update bzfs much so it still uses the existing map files but...
23:07:17crs23i'd like to start using the XML parser and define a new format
23:07:38crs23v1.8 isn't going to be constrained by earlier versions
23:07:47Chestalis it ok to use more of the C++ standard library in the new version?
23:08:07Chestalwould be nice if we could agree on C++ codign issues
23:08:17crs23yeah, i mention both of those in DEVINFO...
23:08:23Chestalso, what part of the standard library to use, whether we use exceptions etc.
23:08:25captain_protoncrs23: does your xml parser support real xml yet?
23:08:33Chestalah, haven't read it yet, I need to checkout 1.8
23:08:39crs23for C++, boolean is out and bool is in.  use std C++ lib all you like except std::string.
23:08:52Chestalhow do I do it, btw.? I harly know how to use CVS
23:08:56crs23exceptions are okay as are templates
23:08:59captain_protonwhy don't se use std::string?
23:09:19crs23BzfString is still there and i don't want two string types, that's all.
23:09:39crs23they're fairly compatible.  i even renamed some methods to match.
23:09:56crs23Chestal: try cvs up -UdA
23:10:11captain_protonat some point could we go through and change everything to use std::string?
23:10:13crs23captain_proton: no the XML parser is still a bit broken
23:10:18Chestalcrs: hmm, hwo does it knw what code branch I want?
23:10:50captain_protoncrs23: because a friend of mine wrote an stl-style xml parser
23:10:59crs23oops, make that -PdA.
23:11:20crs23i think the -A means get me the latest.
23:11:26Chestalah, ok
23:11:40Chestalwill hav eto be careful with that, so my current source doesn not get overwritten
23:11:58crs23captain_proton: you could see about swapping in your friend's code but mine is pretty close to right.
23:12:26crs23Chestal: cvs should be careful for you but i suggest moving aside your changes
23:12:36Chestalheh, on a side note: I vote for not usgn tabs in the src anymore, those always drive me mad
23:12:49crs23captain_proton: mine is just too lax
23:13:13captain_protoncrs23: gorgeous
23:13:14crs23Chestal: uh oh.  i replaced all indentation with tabs!  at least now it's consistent. :-)
23:13:35Chestalguess, I'll have to tell my editor to not replace tabs with spaces then
23:13:36captain_protonugh...should be 2 spaces =)
23:13:49Chestalyep, 2 spaced identation is the onyl way to go :_)
23:14:08crs23ha! let the indentation flame wars begin.
23:14:16captain_protonwe should also use 1TBS ;)
23:14:28Chestalwhat's that?
23:14:39captain_protonthe 1 true brace style
23:14:49ChestalI think we already do that?
23:14:57Chestalthoguh I personally disliek it
23:14:59captain_protoni'm not sure its consistant
23:15:06crs23no, it's a little different i think.
23:15:10ChestalI always tried to guess how to format code
23:15:17crs23anyway, DEVINFO decribes some formatting rules.
23:15:29Chestale.g. the curernt code seems to put one sace besides most operators
23:15:56crs23hmm, i should add that rule.  also one about spaces around operators.
23:15:57Chestalis ident or some other tool powerful and c++ aware enough to automatically reformat?
23:16:06captain_protoni don't think so
23:16:18captain_protonbut we should be hacking at this enough to reformat it all anyhoo =)
23:16:46captain_protonwhat would you say about me going through and replacing all the BzfStrings with std::strings?
23:16:57Chestalwell, my problem is, when I start hacking new code it tends to be in my personal style first
23:17:00captain_protonif we're gonna go STL, we should go STL
23:17:03Chestalso I have to always reformat it later on
23:17:40crs23captain_proton: knock yourself out.  i hope everybody's std::string uses ref counting.
23:17:42Chestalcapain: try and see what it does to code size, sadly enough g++ seems to produce some code bloat with templates
23:18:09Chestalwe coudl repalce all high-level-arrays with vectors also :-)
23:18:44captain_protonactually i was experimenting with this XML class this guy wrote recently - heavy use of templates, and g++ did wonders
23:18:49crs23yeah, some places still implement their own arrays but AList is gone
23:19:12crs23i didn't touch bzfs too much yet so there's much to do in it.
23:19:42Chestalbtw. what about g++3.0 and other conformant compilers? shoudl we switch to the non-.h includes and add using namespace std for now?
23:19:46captain_protoni think bzfs is gonna be tim's big project
23:19:56captain_protonChestal: not using namespace - std::
23:19:57crs23Chestal: use cvs diff to find you changes then reformat them before submitting a patch.
23:20:10captain_protonChestal: i should have a gcc 3.0 compliance patch for v1_7 soon
23:20:37Chestalnot that I would use g++3 for now
23:20:45crs23Chestal: the new code uses the non-.h headers for std c++ lib stuff.
23:20:47Chestalits lib is not up-to-par, at least last time I checked it wasn't
23:21:18Chestaldoes MrApathyCream use Visual C++? or any of you?
23:21:24Chestalwe shoudl ahve at least one who does
23:21:33captain_protong++3 is nice but its too strict - building a system with it is a pain
23:21:41crs23bzflag uses std:: where necessary but doesn't use using anywhere.
23:21:48Chestaldo we need to code aroudn some vc6.0 bugs? like the infamour for-scope-feature?
23:21:50crs23i have visual C++.  new code compiles cleanly.
23:21:58captain_protoni suggest we avoid using
23:22:28crs23Chestal: yes, you have to work around it.
23:23:13Chestalwhat  about puttng  #define for if (false) ; else  in our winplatform.h ;-)
23:23:26Chestal#define for if (false) ; else for  of course
23:23:49captain_protonChestal: what would that do?
23:24:06Chestalcaptain_proton: that fixes the for scoping problem and has - to my knowedge - no disadvantages whatsoever
23:24:06crs23hmm, i didn't know that one.  does that always work as expected?
23:24:22Chestalit's recommended in the Usenet C*+ FAQs I read
23:24:24captain_protondidn't know there was a for scoping problem
23:24:31Chestalit's ugly but seems to have no problems
23:24:32crs23hey, i'm okay with it.  but it should go into common.h
23:25:11Chestalcaptain: well, with the default vc++ settings the following does compile which it shouldn't:
23:25:26Chestalfor (int i=0;;) {} i=5;
23:26:03crs23that shouldn't be a problem.
23:26:32captain_protonahh hmmm
23:26:39Chestalonly a tiny detail anyway. I guess the other problems of vc++ shouldn't touch us, mostly template related I think
23:26:41captain_protongrrr @ microsoft
23:27:37crs23i used vc++ routinely at work.  it's generally decent, though i generates crappy code.
23:27:48crs23rather it generates, not i generates.
23:28:24Chestalhmm, I thought it would optimize bette ron x86 than gnu does
23:28:47crs23well, it might.  i haven't looked at the g++ generated code.
23:29:04captain_protong++ generates beautiful code
23:29:06crs23and don't get me wrong.  i could go on for hours about problems in vc++. :-)
23:29:06Chestalkai/intel c++ should be best I guess
23:29:14crs23yes, i agree.
23:29:22captain_protonoh well
23:29:24captain_protoni must leave
23:29:34captain_protoni get my new instrument in about 30 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23:29:43captain_protonshouts a bunch
23:30:09captain_protoni play the cello - and i'm getting a new custom made one from one of the top instrument makers in the world
23:30:12captain_protonis very happy
23:30:29captain_protoni bid you all a fond farewell
23:30:36captain_protonand crs23 - you should hang out here more =)
23:30:48crs23see ya! :)
23:31:53crs23when you check out the new code be sure to look at data/view.bzc
23:32:20crs23you can define your own display layouts using it
23:32:35Chestalah, can  finally make my radar fullscreen? :-)
23:33:09crs23yep, piece of cake!
23:33:31crs23you can even switch layouts at runtime using the in-game console.
23:33:56Chestalbtw., do you have any idea why som many GL implementations seem to have problems with bz? Experienced this on windows mainly
23:34:41Chestalsounds nice, I'll really have to give it a try these days
23:34:41crs23no, i don't.  hopefully these changes will help.  i haven't fully centralized all the OpenGL code yet but ...
23:35:13crs23when drawing the scene graph, all the rendering code is in a single file and all primitives are drawn by a single line of code.
23:35:30crs23it should make fixing bugs or working around driver bugs easier.
23:36:23ChestalI'm curious how it will perform with MESA software rendering, but I'll see
23:36:49Chestalwhich reminds me, since updatign my woody, my DRI is broken, tetxures do not work anymore
23:36:59crs23badly, i'm afraid.  i dropped support for turning off rendering options for now.
23:37:19crs23but i'll put that back in!  don't worry.
23:37:23Chestalthis will make it virtually impossible to try it on machie at work
23:37:29crs23sorry to hear your DRI is broken.
23:37:36Chestalit's slow enough with everyhtign switched off
23:37:48Chestalmaybe I'll continue updatign and swtich to sid :-)
23:38:07crs23you could hack a couple of lines and keep textures turned off all the time.
23:43:02crs23well, it's a nice day here so i'm going to go enjoy it.  see ya.
23:44:17Chestalhave fun
23:57:52Chestalhi MAC

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