irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.01.22

01:03:08vogon_jeltzis back (gone 08:48:22)
08:48:31captain_protonBZFlag: boxin?
08:59:55BZFlagheh, boxin up tuxscreens.
09:00:20BZFlagponders.... did you get one yet? I can't recall if I sent it in the last order or not.
09:00:30BZFlaggoes to check invoices...
18:22:14Chestalhi cebewee
18:36:50cebeweei'm looking for a way to run bzflag with a voodoo1
18:39:28cebeweeAnyone here who has some expiriences with that?
19:18:51Chestalnot me, sorry
19:18:54vogon_jeltzis away: sl33p, at least for a few ticks
19:19:04Chestalcebewee: doesn't it work at all?
19:21:00cebeweei can start it now using the voodoo, but if the cursor is at the borders of the viewport i cannot fire, if the cursor is at the bottom and i right-click, bzflag exits (win98)
19:40:53Chestalhi abs
19:41:12Chestalcebewee: hmm, strange
19:41:38Chestalcebewee: you;re playing fullscreen I suppose?
19:53:57ChestalI have no idea, sounds as if mouse grabbing woudln't work
19:54:04Chestaland you are hitting window borders or something
19:54:28Chestaltry asking on the sourceforge boards or on ezboard
19:55:22Chestalyou know where?
19:55:40cebeweeyes. i will try it there
19:57:05Chestalgood luck, have to go, cu
20:31:20captain_protonhey BZFlag
20:44:03BZFlagheya, shipped a tux to ya today. priority mail should be there thurs or fri.
20:50:33captain_protonyou didn't do it fri?
20:56:33BZFlagcaptain_proton: nope, it got overlooked. sorry.
20:57:05BZFlagthere are a bunch of leftover rsync processes on your end. don't know why they are not closing. can you "killall -HUP rsyncd" ?
21:50:04captain_protonBZFlag: did you flash unlock it? ;)
21:55:53Chestal was last seen on #bzflag 1 hours, 58 minutes and 48 seconds ago, saying: good luck, have to go, cu [Tue Jan 22 19:57:05 2002]
21:55:53MrApathyCreamibot, seen Chestal?
21:56:14MrApathyCreamHey Chestal, sorry had connection problems yesterday... didn't mean to be silent... :)
22:19:43BZFlagcaptain_proton: nope. but the price is right.
22:53:12captain_protonBZFlag: good point
23:16:50captain_protonBZFlag: around?
23:40:40captain_protonMrApathyCream: !!!
23:42:23captain_protonMrApathyCream: grab the diff and get coding!
23:43:07MrApathyCreamhmmm having trouble patching....
23:43:09MrApathyCreampatching file `include/Flag.h'
23:43:09MrApathyCreampatch: **** malformed patch at line 9: static const float* getColor(FlagId);
23:43:33captain_protonhrm...thats odd
23:43:40MrApathyCreamdiff -u ?
23:44:54MrApathyCreamyou diffed from inside the bzflag directory, no?
23:45:12captain_protonjust apply it by hand =P
23:45:21captain_protonbtw, the parser now uses {}'s
23:45:49MrApathyCreamMight be cool if it supported both begin/end and {} for backwards compatibility
23:46:03MrApathyCreamalthough I suppose, you wouldn't get anyone to switch if youdid
23:46:21MrApathyCreamDid you add support for flag types, good, bad & team?
23:46:36MrApathyCreamwould be nice, at some point
23:46:52MrApathyCreammind trying to run diff from outside of the bzflag directory?
23:46:54captain_protonyeah, though that would require more work on my part ;)
23:47:00MrApathyCreamdiff -u bzflag
23:47:02captain_protoni can try
23:47:33MrApathyCreamthat's what I do, and patch usually works then.... probably a windoze thing
23:51:45MrApathyCreamthanks got it
23:53:56MrApathyCreamwoowoo... patched fine that time... thanks
23:54:49captain_protonit rewrote CONFIG_DATA_DIR but i don't think that will affect you
23:56:20captain_protonBZFlag: how many of those have you downloaded?
23:59:44captain_protonbtw, what is up with the -pr stuff?

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