irclog2html for bzflag on 2001.12.29

00:45:42newbieAnyone here?
00:46:11mhallanyone here?
00:47:42captain_protonhey mhall
00:48:59mhallCan you give me a hand with the BZFlag server?
00:49:10mhallIt keeps giving me stupidass errors
00:49:30mhallI hate the way the options are on current public servers so I want to make my own
00:49:38mhallIs a DSL capable of taking the load?
00:50:10mhallwonders where captain_proton went.
00:53:06captain_protonDSL is iffy
00:53:12captain_protonwhat errors are you getting?
00:54:36mhallLots of them
00:54:44mhallHere is what I started with
00:55:48mhallpiece of shit won't paste
00:57:23mhallbzfs -r -j -g -m 10 +r -requireudp -synctime -t -time 60 -ttl 128 -passwd abcdefg -i eth1 -public " BZFlag Test" -publicaddr
00:58:44mhalljust wants to play a good round of BZFLag
01:02:13captain_protonsorry - i'm multitasking
01:03:06mhallhow do I get the server working eh?
01:03:08captain_protonwhat is the -m 10 supposed to be?
01:03:18mhallI read it from the help
01:03:25mhallall of those options are from the help
01:03:32mhalland many show up as invalid
01:03:37captain_protonthere is no -m
01:03:52captain_protonthere is -mp, -mps, -ms, and -mts
01:04:06mhallHmm just a sec
01:04:20mhallShould be mp
01:04:43mhallHow do I get it to quit fucking with my head?
01:04:54captain_protonwhat is the error you get?
01:05:05mhallInvalid arguments
01:05:26mhallOnce I remove the ones it complains about it bothers me about not being able to bind to a port iirc
01:05:49captain_protontry replacing eth1 with the IP address eth1 is bound to
01:06:01captain_protonwhich args does it complain about?
01:06:30mhallSeems to have quit complaining about the others.
01:06:38mhallThere were like five complaints before.
01:06:59mhallLet me see if it show up anyplace
01:07:39mhallIt shows up on the server list but I cannot connect to it
01:07:42mhallcan you?
01:08:09captain_protonlet me try
01:08:29mhallLet me make sure my firewall is set right
01:09:10captain_protoni don't see it in the list
01:09:41mhallIt was on the list
01:10:01mhallaccept() from on 8 is what i saw on the list for it
01:10:25mhallmaybe my firewall is botched
01:10:55mhallthe firewall will not allow me to open up UDP port 5155 to the bzflag server
01:10:59mhallI wonder why not?
01:11:43captain_protonfirewalls and bzflag don't mix terribly well
01:12:00mhallI should be able to make it work
01:12:22mhallBut for some reason it won't let me open up a UDP port for the BZFlag server.
01:12:31mhallMaybe I should return my firewall box.
01:13:17mhallit will only let me open up low-numbered UDP ports
01:13:22captain_protonthe UDP stiff isn't just one port - it uses ephemeral ports
01:13:26mhallNot the high-numbered ones
01:13:34mhallcaptain_proton: Going out is no problem
01:13:43mhallI just need the clients to be able to get in on 5155
01:13:56mhallIt won't let me open up 5155
01:13:58mhalljust a sec
01:14:09mhallCan I tell the clients to use some other port number?
01:14:50captain_protonif you set it to use a different port with -p
01:15:34mhallBut I want the server to use 5155 like normal and the clients to use 100
01:15:45captain_protonits all the same thing
01:16:02captain_protonthe remote port is going to be an ephemeral port
01:16:16mhallI told my firewall to route outside server port UDP 100 to inside server port 5155
01:16:26mhallSo you go to 100 from the outside
01:16:34mhallAnd it gets to my BZFlag server
01:16:48captain_protonso do -p 100 and make your firewall route TCP 100 to 5155 too
01:16:59captain_protonthen run your server with -publicaddr addy:100
01:18:01mhallI can't access my own server
01:18:08mhallBut can other people get to it?
01:18:17mhallIf this doesn't work, I'm returning the firewalll
01:19:34mhallThis is pissing me off
01:19:48mhallTime to go back to a direct-connect and no firewall
01:20:01mhallthanks dude
01:40:08mhallSo I murdered the goddamn firewall box
01:40:10mhallnow what?
01:40:35mhallI am working on a shell script to start bzflag
01:41:28mhallI want only good flags, 60 minute time limit
01:41:41mhallAnd 30 flags maximum
01:41:50captain_protoneasy enough
01:42:56mhallAnd why won't it let me connect to my own BZFlag server?
01:43:08mhallI tried even setting the IP to
01:44:25mhallAnd also
01:44:33mhallis time limit minutes or seconds?
01:44:49captain_protonits in seconds
01:46:47mhallWhat about for good flags only
01:47:03captain_protondon't include -f bad
01:47:32mhallI don't get that?
01:47:57mhallI have to do that for all of the bad flags then?
01:48:01captain_protonrtfm goddamnit
01:49:22mhallI am
01:49:40mhallI am just not understanding it too well
01:49:57mhallMy only question now is, how do I connect to my own BZFlag server?
01:52:40captain_protoni don't understand why you can't - apparently some people have had problems, but I never had
01:54:32mhallIt won't let me connect to my own server even though it is on the public list
01:54:43mhallCan you see it on the list?
01:54:48captain_protonlet me check
01:55:44mhalldoes it seem laggy or anything?
01:56:47mhallare there any other IRC nets with a bzflag channel
01:58:31captain_protonhaven't tried connecting
01:58:32captain_protonis away: I'm busy
01:59:43mhallthis is not working
02:04:57vogon_jeltzis away: None of your business () :-)
02:05:03vogon_jeltzis back (gone 00:00:02)
02:05:19vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: to answer your question, yes, I do use DevFS
02:16:25captain_protondo you have an operable cd burner under linux?
02:16:44vogon_jeltzdoesn't have a CD burner at all ;)
07:54:40captain_protonmy javascript isn't working :(
09:24:55captain_protonstill here?
09:39:35captain_protonoh well
09:39:41captain_protonis away: sleeping
09:44:44vogon_jeltzis away: TV
10:40:50vogon_jeltzis back (gone 00:56:05)
19:37:51vogon_jeltzis away: TV then maybe sleep

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