irclog2html for bzflag on 2001.11.26

00:00:50vogon_jeltzyo, capster, you planning to d/l this thing?
00:01:28captain_pistachiohaven't gotten a DCC offer
00:01:49captain_pistachiotry resending
00:01:57vogon_jeltzI am
00:03:20vogon_jeltzmy firewall's down, so it must be a problem on your end
00:03:43captain_pistachiotry again?
00:03:58vogon_jeltzoh, crap...
00:04:17vogon_jeltzgeez... I'm a moron today
00:04:27vogon_jeltzI was sending it to captain_proton
00:04:44captain_pistachioit should have downloaded then...have auto DCC on
00:05:01vogon_jeltzbad move, man
00:05:21vogon_jeltzthinks about sending cap a .bash_profile that opens a r00t shell
00:05:49vogon_jeltz(assuming you d/l DCC stuff to ~)
00:06:50captain_pistachiod/l's to /tmp
00:07:02vogon_jeltzahh... smart ;)
00:07:37vogon_jeltzcompiles with -ggdb
00:08:19captain_pistachiosweet - /op, /deop, and /oplist are completely functional
00:08:28vogon_jeltzwait, I think I commented something out
00:08:35captain_pistachioas well as all admin commands yelling at you if you're not admin
00:08:40captain_pistachiodo you have a working client?
00:08:50vogon_jeltzyeah, but it crashes when someone fires :P
00:09:00captain_pistachiocan you connect to
00:09:05vogon_jeltzI'll try
00:09:18vogon_jeltzhas to clamp gdb on first
00:09:44vogon_jeltzcd ../../..
00:09:53vogon_jeltzlost window focus on my term
00:10:38captain_pistachiooh well - i'll test this out later
00:10:52vogon_jeltzwait a sec
00:11:01captain_pistachioits ok - i'm going to go watch TV
00:12:14vogon_jeltzpiece of crap debugger
00:12:26vogon_jeltzdamn thing doesn't let you work on a running OpenGL program
00:15:25vogon_jeltzall-r00ty... I found the first bug
00:16:11vogon_jeltzhey, and it's in a part of the code I didn't write
00:20:06vogon_jeltz#4  0x0805abff in HUDRenderer::renderStatus (this=0xb7f4811f, renderer=@0x80b5734) at ServerLink.h:133
00:50:39captain_pistachiowonders where his sharpie went
00:59:01captain_pistachiofound it!
01:04:12captain_pistachiocvs diff takes *FOREVER*
01:04:53captain_pistachiohits himself
01:13:38HEMIAhhh...Fresh CD-Rs for a good deal.
01:14:10HEMI50 PNY 16x CD-Rs for $10 from Best Buy after rebate.
01:51:04captain_pistachioshuts down this computer
03:25:23vogon_jeltzis away: a bit of a relax break... bbl
04:36:47HEMIHeh, the topic reminds me of something...
04:37:10HEMI"Before I make fun of a man, I walk a mile in his shoes. That way when I make fun of him, he's a mile away and barefoot.
05:39:30Razexhi all
05:39:41Razexany one here has a game going?
07:20:29BZFlag was last seen on #bzflag 1 days, 38 minutes and 27 seconds ago, saying: [Sun Nov 25 06:42:02 2001]
07:20:29captain_protonibot, seen BZFlag?
08:07:30captain_protonanybody alive?
09:00:01captain_protonChestal: I want the code to your bots :)
09:00:05captain_protonthey were kicking my ass
14:32:04Chestalcaptain: I coudl give it to you if you like, bad they're a baaaad hack
14:47:34captain_protonare Otto & Paul on your server the bots?
14:48:20captain_protonthen please send it - I was very impressed
14:49:21Chestalhmm, the botcode is a patched bzflag client code
14:49:40ChestalI think the changes are limite dto playing.cxx and Localplayer.cxx, but I don't remember :-)
14:50:28Chestalthey're not integrated in a clean way. Basically what I did was to replace mouse input by robot control
14:51:22captain_protonmaybe I can fix that up a bit
14:51:50Chestalnothing much can be doen about it
14:52:01ChestalI disabled the rendering in my version, but it still opens a window and stuff
14:52:43captain_protonperhap's i'll write libbzflag :)
14:52:52Chestalthat's becuase game logic and graphics are interweaved so much
14:53:14Chestalbut I can send you the soruce anyway, if you like
14:53:34Chestalcode base is some older CVS version
14:54:07captain_protonthat's ok - just send me a patch against that version
14:54:57ChestalI will clean it up only a little first, maybe this evening
14:55:01Chestalyour mail?
14:56:13captain_protonwell, i'm off to class
16:17:37ChestalBZFlag: awake?
16:27:40ChestalBZFlag: host  says  for me!?
16:28:00ChestalBZFlag: I would like it to be just liek it is for boogie :-) ==
16:50:13BZFlagChestal: so you want a CNAME?
17:00:25captain_protonhi BZFlag
17:17:27captain_protoni've been hacking at the admin stuff
17:21:27captain_protonhi vogon_jeltz
17:22:19captain_protonis happy about /op :)
17:25:51captain_protonhmmm...have to take out the trash
17:32:40captain_protonheh.../me also likes /gameover
17:46:42captain_protonBZFlag: you there?
17:55:12BZFlagadding recent patches to CVS.
17:55:16captain_protonI see that
17:55:25captain_protonI just submitted a new patch - you might want to take a look
18:00:09BZFlagthe admin stuff?
18:00:18BZFlagnot interested in being able to op others.
18:00:28captain_protonno? I think it could be useful
18:00:29BZFlagthey can have the password if they need  ops
18:00:42BZFlagI do like the inform the ops stuff.
18:01:01BZFlagI'm also not interested in telling folks they need ops.
18:01:17BZFlagif they are not an admin, it's an invalid command for them.
18:01:20captain_protonwell - consider this - the op has a problem with a cheater coming back over and over, but they have to leave
18:01:41BZFlagthen they give the password to someone they trust.
18:01:43captain_protonthere is someone playing who the op trusts but doesn't necessarily want to give them the password
18:01:56captain_protoni've been there before
18:02:14BZFlagI hear ya. either you trust them or you don't.
18:02:25BZFlagadmin will be able to shutdown the server etc. soon.
18:02:35BZFlagadmin means admin.
18:03:00captain_protoni'd still like /op :)
18:03:12captain_protoni'll pull out the yelling code if you insist
18:03:30BZFlagI hear ya. no thanx. will make things more complex as I add more admin stuff.
18:03:43captain_protonthe "Ha!..."
18:03:54BZFlagyeah. don't need that eithere.
18:04:10captain_protonwhat other admin stuff are you planning to do?
18:04:17vogon_jeltzBZFlag: I was thinking about adding a map-cycling thing
18:04:36vogon_jeltzBZFlag: if there's a score or time limit, it'll switch maps randomly at the end of the game
18:05:42captain_protonvogon_jeltz: that breaks protocol :P
18:05:43BZFlagI will be adding the ability to set/reset any command line option too
18:05:52captain_proton:) :)
18:05:53vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: heh... not necessarily
18:05:54BZFlagand then restart the server (well, the game)
18:06:21BZFlagyes, I'd like the server to be able to read maps from !programname
18:06:21vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: you propagate a superkill derivative to everyone, and they reconnect when the map has been switched
18:06:24captain_protonif you care to break protocol you could make it do it inline
18:06:30BZFlagwhich becomes a pipe.
18:06:54BZFlagthen the program can create whatever it wants or just read maps from a directory etc.
18:07:40BZFlagI plan to change the client/server reconnect at some point so that when a game ends the client resets, but does not have to reconnect.
18:07:54captain_protonhow about this: I'll write a kick-vote thing
18:08:14captain_protonwhat do you think: 50%?
18:08:25BZFlagI'd rather moce to a karma scheme first...
18:08:39vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: but make it out of all those voting, not all those in-game
18:08:47BZFlagthe kick/vote would have to happen every time the jerk reconnects.
18:09:00vogon_jeltzBZFlag: not if you implement a temporary ban list
18:09:02BZFlagvogon_jeltz: no!
18:09:09vogon_jeltzBZFlag: *temporary*
18:09:13BZFlagvogon_jeltz: that means any one vote can kick.
18:09:38vogon_jeltzBZFlag: aha... so, you'd rather have people with non-voting-enabled clients be able to vote down a kick on a player? :)
18:09:52BZFlagvogon_jeltz: I'd rather add access lists like in bzrelay as command line options.
18:10:07BZFlagthen the admin stuff will be able to change those too.
18:10:14vogon_jeltzOK :)
18:10:18vogon_jeltzsounds good here
18:11:36BZFlagonce there is a karma scheme, then perhaps I'll consider op levels access etc.
18:11:45BZFlagright now, it's kiss.
18:24:08vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: do you have lm_sensors installed?
18:41:32BZFlagis itching to release 1.7e4
18:46:05captain_protonBZFlag: I'm done with rot/ele bases...
18:46:09vogon_jeltzthe hardware sensor stuff
18:46:19BZFlagI'm testing rot/el now
18:46:23vogon_jeltzBZFlag: you wrote some totally ass code for the PlayerId stuff :P
18:46:39BZFlagvogon_jeltz: is that good or bad?
18:46:43vogon_jeltzBZFlag: bad
18:46:51captain_protonhe said ass, not l33t-ass
18:46:58BZFlagit's needed to get one port tcp
18:46:59vogon_jeltzBZFlag: it segfaults in a freaking one-line function
18:47:30captain_protonwell I have to go to class
18:47:31captain_protonse yas
18:47:52vogon_jeltzBZFlag: my only guess is that the PlayerId member of ServerLink never gets initialized
18:48:31BZFlagI doubt it. It gets used elsewhere, no?
18:48:43vogon_jeltzI don't think so
19:01:00ChestalBZFlag: hmm, guess I want a CNAME then, I don't have much DNS knowledge
19:07:48BZFlagChestal: what do you want to happen when I ping It maps to the address of now
19:09:21BZFlagyou just want to change the server list entry? that's ready now.
19:09:44BZFlagjust add "-publicaddr" to the command line.
19:12:08Chestalyep, that's what I want
19:12:52Chestalso, if the IP of ducati changed on the local nameserver which is responsible for, does entry have tu be adjusted?
19:13:04Chestalnot that this is a very propable scenario
19:14:23Chestalhmm, silly desk drawer is not big enough to hold all my different flavours of tea
19:16:12Chestalwhat's this steamroller change? steamroller can kill while not on the ground now? or something else?
19:16:26Chestalhmm, guess I'll have to update to current CVS with all the new admin commands
19:16:39Chestalwhat do(es) the flag command(s) do?
19:17:06vogon_jeltz/flag up removes all the flags, /flag show shows a list of flags, and /flag reset resets the flags
19:17:56Chestaldoes /flag up remove them only temporarily? or will they be gone till you do /flag reset?
19:18:04vogon_jeltzthe second one
19:18:10BZFlagChestal: not now, the CNAME points to
19:18:28ChestalBZFlag: ok, that sounds just liek the way I would like to have it :-)
19:19:01Chestaltiresome players on my servers prevent immediate restart with new public address, though
19:19:04BZFlagChestal: or until you drop a team flag. then they come back for some reason.
19:19:30BZFlagalso if the server is set with a max number of flags (ie spawning) they will respawn normally.
19:19:32ChestalBZFlag: hmm, will try it as soon as I have upgraded to CVS
19:19:48Chestalwould be nice to be able to prevent respawning
19:19:57BZFlagpatches welcome. ;-)
19:20:12Chestalthis is what I did for ducati, so I can switch from a flag to a noflag setting dynamically
19:20:33BZFlagthat't the patch I asked fo and never got, right? ;-)
19:20:46Chestalehm, I honestly don't remember :-)
19:20:58vogon_jeltztim: here's the crash backtrace thing
19:21:01Chestalwill submit tiny nemesis patch and direct message patch, though
19:21:09vogon_jeltz(gdb) bt
19:21:10vogon_jeltz#0  0x40291f51 in __kill () from /lib/i686/
19:21:10vogon_jeltz#1  0x40291d2a in raise (sig=11) at ../sysdeps/posix/raise.c:27
19:21:10vogon_jeltz#2  0x4039eac5 in pthread_sighandler (signo=11, ctx=
19:21:10vogon_jeltz      {gs = 7, __gsh = 0, fs = 0, __fsh = 0, es = 43, __esh = 0, ds = 43, __dsh = 49168, edi = 1107152700, esi = 140408896, ebp = 1090375484, esp = 3221215200, ebx = 4294967295, edx = 3086254367, ecx = 134960948, eax = 0, trapno = 14, err = 4, eip = 134589439, cs = 35, __csh = 0, eflags = 66434, esp_at_signal = 3221215200, ss = 43, __ssh = 0, fpstate = 0xbfffd560, oldmask = 2147483648, cr2 = 56})
19:21:13vogon_jeltz    at signals.c:97
19:21:15vogon_jeltz#3  <signal handler called>
19:21:17vogon_jeltz#4  0x0805abff in HUDRenderer::renderStatus (this=0xb7f4811f,
19:21:19vogon_jeltz    renderer=@0x80b5734) at ServerLink.h:133
19:23:57vogon_jeltzand look at ServerLink.h:133 :)
19:24:25BZFlagnemesis is in there now, no?
19:24:34vogon_jeltznot in this tree
19:24:40BZFlagwhat tree?
19:24:45vogon_jeltzoh, n/m :)
19:24:56vogon_jeltzBZFlag: you weren't talking to me, were you? :)
19:25:14BZFlagnope, Chestal. ;-)
19:25:22BZFlagvogon_jeltz: what causes that backtrace?
19:25:33vogon_jeltzBZFlag: when I join a game, it segfaults out
19:25:46BZFlagwith what source?
19:25:58vogon_jeltzBZFlag: what do you mean?
19:26:03BZFlagI have CVS + rot/el and it works for me with a robot even.
19:26:11vogon_jeltzBZFlag: oh, this is my GM HUD patch thing
19:26:19BZFlagthough robot scoring is messed up.
19:27:02ChestalBZFlag: yes, but current send-to-nemesis code has a minor irregularity IMHO. nemesis is set when you kill someone, are killed by someone and when you lock onto someone with right mouse button _only if you've got GM_
19:27:15ChestalBZFlag: it should do the latter regardless of whether you have GM or not IMHO
19:27:26BZFlagChestal: agreed. patches welcome
19:27:51BZFlagas to direct msg....
19:28:13ChestalBZFlag: actualyl only one lien has to be addes for this
19:28:15BZFlagif the client wants to send a msg to a client, it should.
19:28:36BZFlagit sould not send a msg to the server so that the server can patch it up for it.
19:28:46BZFlag /msg should NOT be handled on the server.
19:28:53ChestalBZFlag: I would liek to change the way direct msgs are printed onscreen
19:29:07BZFlagagreed. also "patches welcome" ;-)
19:29:18ChestalBZFlag: hmm, probably a good idea, but someone else can optimize this :-)
19:29:43vogon_jeltzneeds to learn his gdb better :/
19:30:04Chestalthe curernt way is kind of silly of course, client sends msg to server, server broadcasts msg to all clients and only addressec clients print it :-)
19:30:09BZFlagI will not add a /msg server processing patch.
19:31:00Chestalclient->client MsgMessages shoudl be optimized, as shoudl MsgGrab client messages, or are they already?
19:31:38BZFlagprobably aren't. patches welcome.
19:31:48vogon_jeltzI think I've found part of the problem
19:32:55vogon_jeltz(gdb) print serverLink
19:33:00vogon_jeltz$1 = (ServerLink *) 0x0
19:33:19vogon_jeltzyou never initialize serverLink, even though it's there :)
19:33:31vogon_jeltznow I have to find out what you *do* initialize ;)
19:33:32Chestalcurrently, an average of  lag * fps  MsgGrab messages are sent whenever a tank drives over a flag
19:34:05Chestalfor people with faaast gfx (say 250 fps) and some lag (say 0.5s) this could be well over 100 messages
19:34:26BZFlagvogon_jeltz: are you trying to use it before the link is up? ;-)
19:34:28vogon_jeltzChestal: ehhhhhnnnnt...
19:34:33vogon_jeltzBZFlag: I don't think so
19:34:41vogon_jeltzChestal: lag slows down gfx :)
19:35:02BZFlagChestal: patches welcome. ;-)
19:35:28ChestalBZFlag: I am not sure how to best fix this. An easy heuristic will probably do withotu affectign gameplay at all
19:35:49Chestaloops, forgot my tea
19:36:01BZFlagChestal: no point in sending more that one or two messages for the same flag.
19:36:34ChestalBZFlag: hmm, we could then just store time and id for the last MsgGrab in the client
19:36:47BZFlagwanna really see a slow game? start a server with tons of flags.
19:36:53Chestaland only send another message if id changed or time difference is greater then same treshold
19:37:11Chestalwhy does this slow things down so much?
19:37:12BZFlagthought that's not nearly as bad now, as we no longer send grabFlag if we have one. ;-)
19:37:59BZFlagjust that more flags are likely to be close enough that multiple grabs will happen at the same time every time you drop a flag and try to grab another.
19:38:44BZFlagChestal: for your fix suggestions.... assume multiple flags at 0x0x0 and you go there,
19:38:56Chestalhmm, multipel flags within reach, hmm
19:39:01BZFlagyou would still be resenging each grab
19:39:16Chestalmaybe client shoudl only try to grab the first flag?
19:39:24BZFlagright. I suspect grabMsgTime needs to be per flag.
19:39:28Chestalit doesn't really make sense to send Grab(1) and Grab(2)
19:39:40BZFlagno, multiple tanks could be there too. ;-)
19:39:43Chestalcause you can only get on of the flags anyway
19:40:22vogon_jeltzdamn... anyone have a 1.7e3 server up?
19:40:55Chestaldo you think it woudl suffice to just not send any MsgGrabs unless time passed since last MsgGrab is > 0.3s
19:41:17Chestalvogon: mine is 1.7e3, but an older version of e3
19:43:23vogon_jeltzChestal: it should be fine
19:43:38Chestalvogon: why do you need e3?
19:43:38vogon_jeltzcare to join me on Chestal's server, guys?
19:43:41BZFlagvogon_jeltz: boogie:5157 or two:6667
19:43:45vogon_jeltzI got the freeze bug fixed :)
19:43:50vogon_jeltzbut I'm not sure if it works yet
19:44:14vogon_jeltzBZFlag: you mind coming with me? I need someone to fire GMs at me
19:44:20BZFlagChestal: no. you should send grabs for multiple flags. to one timeout does not suffice.
19:44:43BZFlagthough I must admit it's better than what happens now. ;-)
19:44:50ChestalBZFLag: I thought of checkign all flags and pissibly send multipel MsgGabs
19:45:02Chestalafter that, wait at least time t before seding new MsgGrabs
19:45:11ChestalBZFlaG: at least, that would be very easy to do
19:45:16BZFlagChestal: ah. that would be better, yeah.
19:45:30vogon_jeltzare you guys coming to boogie? :)
19:45:35ChestalBZFlag: I guess storing a time for each flag woudl be voerkill. Noone would notice the differenc I guess
19:45:48Chestalis boogie at e3 now
19:45:52BZFlagso only check for flags and grab if we have not for 0.3 sec.  sounds good.
19:45:54Chestalso Irix problems have been fixed?
19:45:55vogon_jeltzcome on, guys :)
19:46:03BZFlagChestal: yes.
19:46:08ChestalBZFlag: client also?
19:46:13vogon_jeltzwell, I'll be there if you guys decide to come :P
19:46:22ChestalBZFlag: a few days ago Shadow couldn't play onmy server with his e2 irix client
19:46:31vogon_jeltzhmm... that's odd
19:46:38vogon_jeltzit gives me "Unknown host" when I try to join
19:46:44vogon_jeltzcome to two
19:47:18vogon_jeltzack... wtf???
19:47:22vogon_jeltzit's not working :/
19:47:48BZFlagis happy with rot/el now.. committing.
19:48:08vogon_jeltzChestal: I'm going to please tag along :)
19:48:17BZFlagvogon_jeltz: could be a dns cache issue.
19:48:30BZFlagjust ping and change the port numner.
19:48:33Chestalhmm, what's the new /kick command? I get 'unknown command' when I try /kick on boogie is workign fine for me
19:48:46BZFlagyou need admin access.
19:48:58Chestalwhat's the comamnd for that?
19:49:26BZFlag /password <server password>
19:50:25BZFlagChestal: don't know of a client bug... patches welcome
19:50:37Chestaltwo:6667 isn't working for me
19:51:01Chestalehm, client bug? related to what?
19:52:00ChestalBZFlag: well, someone would have to try the new code first
19:52:31vogon_jeltzI need some help here, people :)
19:52:42ChestalBZFlag: I coudl try to do it on the Irix machines here, woudl have to activate them first and hope they still run :-) These are old machines
19:52:56Chestalvogon: yes?
19:53:19vogon_jeltzI need someone to come to (
19:54:06Chestalah, I get the wrong ip for that host here
20:02:36vogon_jeltzthat was cool
20:02:41vogon_jeltzI like that /gameover thing :)
20:03:00ChestalBZFlag: GMs are allowed on your server?
20:03:11vogon_jeltzBZFlag: restart the server with only GM flags
20:03:18vogon_jeltzBZFlag: just so I can test it
20:03:21vogon_jeltzChestal: yeah, I got one
20:03:26Chestalvogon_jeltz: ah, I remember
20:03:33vogon_jeltzChestal: but I dropped it and it disappeared :/
20:03:33Chestalbut it vanished when you dropped it?
20:03:37vogon_jeltzChestal: yep
20:04:19vogon_jeltzI should prolly hook up gdb, too
20:04:27vogon_jeltznext time, that is :P
20:05:18BZFlagtwo is back with rot/el bases
20:07:12Chestalgame is full or over
20:08:18vogon_jeltzdidn't work
20:08:23vogon_jeltzI've gotta hack on it some more
20:09:49Chestalshoudl the lsit server be working?
20:10:05Chestalisn't for me with
20:10:52Chestalvogon: what isn't working?
20:11:00vogon_jeltzmy GM HUD patch :/
20:11:25vogon_jeltzshould prolly fire up gdb
20:16:03Chestalthe new Radar code is restricted to RadarRenderer.cxx I guess?
20:24:43Chestalhmm, my CVS ssh just hangs there after obviously having done its work
20:29:28captain_protonchecks two
20:30:01captain_protonbuilds a new client first
20:30:37Chestalhmm,  -mp 10 -mp ,2,,,  isn't working as I expected
20:30:54Chestalthe -mp 10  part seems t be ignored
20:33:12captain_protonyo BZFlag: CVS is missing EighthDBaseSceneNode.h
20:33:50BZFlagChestal: yes. only one is used. so -mp ,,, is the one.
20:34:53Chestalbzflag: hmm, man page states I can use both
20:34:58BZFlagadded the pages.
20:35:43BZFlaghmm. you are right. patches welcome. ;-)
20:36:10Chestalwaah, I should be doing *real work* right now, oh well
20:38:37BZFlagheh. me too.
20:51:16vogon_jeltzI need to figure out how to get the line number of a line in vi
20:52:28vogon_jeltzwelp, I found the answer to that one first :)
20:52:32vogon_jeltzuse emacs :P
20:53:07BZFlagtwo:6667 is wild with an old client.
20:53:18BZFlagyou can drop the flags on on the base you can not see. ;-)
20:53:40BZFlagcaptain_proton: added the files to cvs
20:54:49vogon_jeltzBZFlag: you mind dropping by two for a sec?
20:55:09vogon_jeltzhas the patch to a state of not freezing, but he has to breakpoint it in gdb
20:55:33vogon_jeltzbecause it doesn't work yet :P
20:56:59BZFlagsure. two then?
20:57:08vogon_jeltzsure, even
21:00:50vogon_jeltzfreaking moron dropped by... it turns out gdb doesn't cooperate well with resuming the execution of multithreaded programs
21:01:01vogon_jeltzcan someone start a new, private server?
21:06:58vogon_jeltzis anyone here?
21:20:53vogon_jeltzis away: shower
21:29:38sekncaptain_proton here - BZFlag - when is the release coming?
21:30:34BZFlaghmm... my server won't start now...
21:30:45BZFlagsekn: soon, very soon.
21:30:51seknwhat have you been doing?
21:30:59seknwhat is your 'bonehead coding move'?
21:31:12BZFlagpatching. just vogon_jeltz griping.
21:41:21Chestalwonders, why TimeKeeper:getCurrent() is using an incremental scheme
21:44:31vogon_jeltzis back (gone 00:23:39)
21:44:57vogon_jeltzBZFlag: I could really use some help... :)
21:45:51vogon_jeltzsekn: you mind helping me out with this patch?
21:48:05vogon_jeltzuhh... why am I not being offered help? :)
21:50:59Chestalvogon: I was / am busy submitting patches
21:51:15vogon_jeltzjust needs one person to grab a GM flag and shoot at him
21:51:25Chestalok, where?
21:51:51vogon_jeltzcan you start up a private server (not advertised on the server list) and have only GM flags in it? :)
21:51:56vogon_jeltzjust needs to check something
21:53:05Chestalhold on
21:53:11vogon_jeltz'k... thx :)
21:53:47Chestalducati 5156
21:54:54BZFlagheh. /me updated hix
21:55:43vogon_jeltzChestal: was that a locked-on GM?
21:56:01ChestalI just picked it up
21:56:11ChestalI did two non-gm shots
21:56:14vogon_jeltzI need you to fire a GM at me after locking :)
21:56:14Chestalthen I picked up the gm flag
21:56:31vogon_jeltzI'm trying to figure out wtf is wrong with this thing :/
21:58:00Chestalok, fired locked gm
21:58:16vogon_jeltzwell, I was right
21:58:27vogon_jeltzit was a problem with BZFlag's code, but not where I thought
22:00:02vogon_jeltzChestal locked onto me and fired a projectile with lastTarget of s_addr 1149239296, port 0, and number -15496
22:00:27vogon_jeltzbut my address (on this side of the connection) is s_addr 1140981760, port 0, number -16512
22:00:43vogon_jeltzmy guess is that the lastTarget property gets clobbered somewhere on the server
22:01:00BZFlagperhaps. hmmm....
22:01:06BZFlagdot DEBUG turned on?
22:01:15BZFlagstill on the server?
22:01:33BZFlagwhy don't you change s_addr to print a.b.c.d ?
22:01:35vogon_jeltzwait a sec, tho
22:01:41BZFlagand port should never be 0
22:01:53vogon_jeltzBZFlag: I got s_addr, port, and number from gdb
22:02:04BZFlagmuch more likely is that player is 0 and port is 16512 etc.
22:02:31vogon_jeltzhmm... 1149239296 is 0x44800000 in hex
22:03:08vogon_jeltzthat's 68 128 0 0, bytewise
22:03:45vogon_jeltzand 1140981760 is 0x44020000
22:03:57vogon_jeltz68 2 0 0
22:08:23Chestaldoesn't look like your IP. looks like you are reading those values 2 bytes off
22:08:38Chestalwhat is your ip?
22:08:41vogon_jeltzdoubts that gdb would make a mistake
22:15:51|ks|unrelated question for you two: have you noticed lots of rendering anomolies in the current CVS build (welll, couple days ago)... I've started frequently noticing buildings and tanks that should be behind another object showing up in front
22:16:31vogon_jeltzhi, proton
22:17:31vogon_jeltzthis damn thing's not working
22:17:48vogon_jeltzChestal: is 5156 still up?
22:18:03Chestalks: I have not tried current CVS, but did anything in the rendering code change at all?
22:18:05Chestalvogon: yes
22:18:22vogon_jeltzsekn: mind joining me on
22:18:38|ks|I don't know... I first saw it on tim's test server a week ago... was playing on a public server today and noticed it a couple times
22:18:51seknnot at all...
22:19:16|ks|I'll poke around a bit...
22:19:42seknvogon_jeltz: not there?
22:20:25Chestalis the list server working for anyone?
22:20:32seknworks for me
22:20:33Chestalhe just joined
22:20:40Chestalhmm, must be my settngs then
22:20:52ChestalI am using
22:21:35seknsegmentation fault: core dumped
22:22:01vogon_jeltzthat's odd
22:22:16seknnot for me - for you i'm guessing :)
22:22:21vogon_jeltzgdb hit its breakpoint as you were firing :)
22:22:25vogon_jeltzso, no
22:22:31BZFlagcan you telnet to port 5156 on ?
22:22:41seknlet me try
22:23:23ChestalBZFlag:, connection refused
22:23:40vogon_jeltzhmm... is anyone here either or
22:23:49Chestalnot me
22:23:52BZFlagwell use -list   ?
22:24:22vogon_jeltzsekn: did you lock on before you fired?
22:24:39BZFlager "-list bzflist://"
22:24:49vogon_jeltzlooks as if gdb is going crazy :/
22:25:08BZFlagvogon_jeltz: are you compiled without optimizations?
22:25:11BZFlagyou should be
22:25:19Chestalbzflag: works neither. Is it the wrong ip?
22:25:31vogon_jeltzBZFlag: oh, duh... :P
22:26:27seknwhat do optimizations have to do with it?
22:26:53vogon_jeltzstill doubts that it's breaking gdb
22:27:08Chestaldebuggers suck anyway, I never use them :-)
22:27:30seknone only needs a debugger if one writes code with bugs :)
22:27:31vogon_jeltzI never did figure out how to print debugging messages in BZFlag code
22:27:47vogon_jeltzsekn: this code should be bug-free, but I know it isn't
22:28:02Chestalwell, I'm using printf most of the time :-)
22:28:11vogon_jeltzChestal: doesn't seem to work here
22:28:17Chestalin palying.cxx you can easily print to the bzflag console, too
22:28:18seknyeah - printf and run bz in a window
22:28:26vogon_jeltzOK, whatever :P
22:29:20Chestalhas an appointment with his dentist tomorrow :-(
22:29:38Chestaland another one with his superior
22:32:56vogon_jeltzhmm... at any one time, there's only one ServerLink in existence, right?
22:34:33vogon_jeltzargh... n/m
22:36:44Chestalvogon: zero or one
22:37:09Chestalbut why must you be messign with serverlink?
22:37:27vogon_jeltzbecause the local PlayerId is in there, and I think I messed up some scoping issues :P
22:38:04vogon_jeltzHUDRenderer.cxx has no knowledge of the ServerLink declared in playing.cxx, so I moved the declaration into playing.h
22:38:04Chestalwhere is your code? all in hudrenderer?
22:38:11vogon_jeltza good part of it, yeah
22:38:16vogon_jeltzI'll prolly move it for the final patch
22:38:35ChestalIMHO hudrenderer shoudl have no knowledge of serverlink
22:38:46Chestalis it only for debuggign purposes?
22:39:02vogon_jeltzbut there's no other way unless I really screw up some class interfaces
22:39:22ChestalIMHO the check if a GM is aimed at you shouldn't be done within the hud
22:39:40vogon_jeltzChestal: that's why I'm going to move it to somewhere else once I've gotten it to actually work
22:39:40Chestalbetetr to do it in playing.cxx and jsut call some HUD functions I would guess
22:40:18Chestalof course I don't know exactly what you're working on anyway
22:41:00seknChestal: you ever going to send me the bot code?
22:41:42Chestalsekn: who knows :-)
22:41:55BZFlagvogon_jeltz: why are you useing that?
22:42:05Chestalsekn: I haven't found the time to at least clean it up a little so far.
22:42:05BZFlagvogon_jeltz: can't you use the player list?
22:42:23vogon_jeltzBZFlag: hmm... d'oh!
22:42:37BZFlagor perhaps myTank ?
22:42:50vogon_jeltzthat's the way I did it before, and I forgot :P
22:43:04BZFlaganyone for two:6667 ?
22:43:16seknsure bz
22:43:16BZFlagI wanna test the direct msgs
22:43:29vogon_jeltzI'd like to finish this, so I'll be along in a few
22:45:19Chestalsekn: I could send you jsut the source files I changed, theer might be other, non-bot related changes in there.
22:45:50Chestalsekn: it's all a mess and not documented, but if you want it, you'll get it
22:47:25vogon_jeltzplaying.cxx:3220:  myTank = new LocalPlayer(serverLink->getId(), info->callsign, info->email);
22:47:36vogon_jeltzmyTank is also out of scope, Tim
22:49:03seknChestal: send it to captain_proton in a big tarball
22:49:24Chestalvogon: LocalPlayer::getMyTank()
22:49:36vogon_jeltzhmm... :P
22:49:49vogon_jeltzreally needs to brush up on his BZ coding skeelz
22:50:05vogon_jeltzthx :)
22:50:28Chestalactually, I just found it :-)
23:11:19sekntanks for that code Chestal
23:11:28seknhey - do the bots jump?
23:12:22vogon_jeltzw00t! it semi-works :)
23:16:00sekndefine semi
23:16:47vogon_jeltzit works, but it's still kinda weird timing-wise
23:16:52Chestalsekn: no
23:17:17sekni'll have to make them do that
23:17:26sekni'd be cool to have some good bots on the decks
23:19:27seknChestal: where are Otto & Paul?
23:19:53BZFlagthe grab spam bug broke z testing.
23:20:38Chestalsekn: I haven't restartet them after server restart
23:20:40vogon_jeltzmy patch is just about ready
23:20:45vogon_jeltzI'm diffing right now
23:21:00vogon_jeltzwhoo... it feels good to be back in the swing of things :)
23:22:18vogon_jeltzit looks as if someone broke my custom CTF worlds stuff
23:22:40vogon_jeltzeither that, or they optimized something out of it
23:22:52vogon_jeltzit says that 'boolean is_CTF' is unused
23:23:14sekni did that
23:23:21vogon_jeltzahh, OK... it's your fault then
23:23:50sekni changed safety to (0,0,0)
23:24:13seknbecause safety with rot/ele bases the way it was before in custom worlds would be a royal pain in the ass
23:24:16vogon_jeltzanyone want my GM HUD patch?
23:24:44vogon_jeltz[nerdman@fortytwo src]$ ls -l gmhud.patch
23:24:44vogon_jeltz-rw-rw-r--    1 nerdman  nerdman      7000 Nov 26 15:22 gmhud.patch
23:24:48vogon_jeltznow, that's l33t
23:24:55vogon_jeltzprecisely 7,000 bytes
23:24:57sekni'll wait until it's merged :)
23:25:27vogon_jeltzoh, ye of little faith
23:25:42sekni would do it before, but this isn't my computer
23:25:44vogon_jeltzBZFlag: want me to mess with it some more before I submit it?
23:26:13vogon_jeltzuses a method of determining lock-on that Tim isn't too happy with
23:26:28vogon_jeltzbut it works for me
23:26:50seknwhat method is that?
23:27:40vogon_jeltzan iterative loop that steps through each player and shot in the world
23:28:00Chestalwhat exactly does your HUD patch do?
23:28:01BZFlagneed someone on two:6667 to test GM on
23:28:12seknBZFlag: coming...
23:28:14vogon_jeltzChestal: it warns you when someone has locked onto you with a GM
23:31:15BZFlagIndex: src/bzflag/playing.cxx
23:31:15BZFlagRCS file: /cvsroot/bzflag/bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx,v
23:31:15BZFlagretrieving revision 1.54
23:31:16BZFlagdiff -u -r1.54 playing.cxx
23:31:18BZFlag--- src/bzflag/playing.cxx      2001/11/26 23:20:44     1.54
23:31:20BZFlag+++ src/bzflag/playing.cxx      2001/11/26 23:32:15
23:31:22BZFlag@@ -1968,6 +1968,7 @@
23:31:24BZFlag       RemoteShotPath* shotPath =
23:31:26BZFlag                (RemoteShotPath*)remoteTank->getShot(;
23:31:28BZFlag       if (shotPath) shotPath->update(shot, code, msg);
23:31:30BZFlag+      addMessage(tank, "locked");
23:31:32BZFlag       break;
23:31:34BZFlag     }
23:31:36BZFlag   }
23:31:36seknkicks BZFlag (spam)
23:31:38BZFlagthat works.
23:31:57vogon_jeltzdude, you're stealing my happiness :)
23:32:50vogon_jeltzdude... cheap
23:32:57BZFlagit needs to test/set lock info there, but only play sound / show msg on new locks
23:32:57seknsteals all thats left of vogon_jeltz's happiness
23:33:20vogon_jeltzwe'll stick with mine for now, OK? :)
23:33:40BZFlaghmmm... wait it might give msg on any GM. testing anyone? two:6667
23:33:50seknbe there in a sec
23:33:51vogon_jeltzwait a sec
23:37:03Chestalhmm, tanks on ground look bigger with new radar
23:37:15ChestalI don't think I liek that, in fact they're too big already for my 800x600 setup
23:43:09Chestalin RadarRenderer:drawTank()  the s=... lien is superfluos now
23:43:23Chestalok, have to go home now. cu
23:43:43vogon_jeltzya know, for 1.7e6, we'll have to have a major code audit
23:43:46vogon_jeltzor 1.8
23:44:27BZFlagok that's the right place, but targetid needs to be checked.
23:45:02vogon_jeltzsees his fame floating away
23:59:10BZFlagk. need 2 GM testers
23:59:19BZFlagtwo:6667 ;-)
23:59:25vogon_jeltzI'll be there in a sec

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