irclog2html for bzflag on 2001.10.13

01:24:33velohey all, is server op for ducati here?
03:34:52thwackhello, everyone...
03:58:46Bubbaknock knock
06:52:59ValocheI just unconfirmed you, vogon; it's too bad you can't play
06:53:18Valocheit's too bad you'll be on "the" list ;)
06:53:24vogon_jeltzis away: playing Tribes2
07:01:36Valochehey hellya
07:02:44hellyaincoming GM
07:02:58Valocheturn right and move forward (phew, that was close)
07:03:20hellyai am so tired, it is 4am here
07:03:51ValocheI've just got up, it's 10am in my place :)
07:04:13Valocheyou better go to bed, the tournament is in 10 hours
07:04:30hellyanah who needs sleep i'll still kick butt
07:05:08Valocheif you fall asleep, don't wake up in time, and miss the tourney, you'll be on the "Cowards of the month" list; you don't want that to happen, dontcha ? 8)
07:05:27hellyai kill better with my eyes closed )
07:06:03hellyai might not be able to stay the whole time i have to leave for work around 330 my time so only and hour and a half
07:07:27Valochehmm... I'll ask Chestal to put you in the first group
07:07:42hellyayou know i saw frank is comming but i noticed Oma didn't register, that would be great
07:08:11Valocheyeah I wish he registered, but it's too late, I've just closed the registrations 5 minutes ago
07:09:04hellyai just confirmed about 5 minutes ago )
07:09:27ValocheIt's okay, you had until 10am UTC (it's 8am) to confirm the registration :)
07:10:00hellyaall these times zones make me sick
07:10:12Valocheyep, me too
07:10:28hellyai've been gone from the game to long
07:10:42hellyai only know about half the players regestered
07:11:24Valochehey Chestal
07:12:48hellyai really wish i didn't have to quit for so long but stuff happens
07:13:18ValocheMe hopes "not bad stuff"
07:13:36hellyanah got married quit school, which is where i was playing
07:13:49Valochekinda bad stuff ;)
07:14:18hellyanot really now i can ...... and play too
07:14:42hellyajust not at the same time
07:14:53Valocheyou are killing me ;)))
07:14:58hellyawell depends on the flag
07:15:35hellyaby the way are we playing with flags or not
07:15:45Valochehahahaha if in a game I see you get a stealth flag, and then you don't kill anyone for a "significant amount of time", I'll know what you'll be doing ;)
07:16:03ValocheWe won't play with flags (12 vs. 6 votes)
07:16:26hellyaguess that means i'll have to pay attention
07:16:29ValocheEven if the 4 you just reg'ed this morning have choosen to play with flag, it'llbe without
07:16:42hellyai said no flags hehe
07:16:52ValocheI said flags...
07:17:01ValocheI love steamroller >)
07:17:30hellyai can beat chestal if no flags
07:18:21ValocheThe way Chestal plays makes it difficult to kill him when he's close to you; he's easier to kill with some ricochet magic :)
07:18:46hellyai need practice
07:18:55hellyawanna go around for a few?
07:19:14hellyaand i'm gonna miss jumping
07:19:22ValocheI have no time, sorry, I must go rent some alpine equipment
07:19:28Valocheibot, x fr en alpinisme
07:19:29Valoche: alpinism
07:19:51hellyaa bot cool
07:19:57Valocheyep ;)
07:20:23hellyanone english speeking?
07:20:30Valochelately Chestal, Lupinator and me had a 15 minutes battle with no flags on Ducati... that was very tactical, and very fun :)
07:20:55hellyacool i should be a great turnny
07:20:59Valochewell, I can speak english, but for some words I don't use everyday, I have to use a dictionnary
07:21:00hellyait not i
07:21:03Valoche(or a botà
07:22:25hellyai speak english, spanish, a little french, a little russian, a little japanesse, a very little german, and Klingonesse
07:22:53Valochecool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool and wow, cool ;)
07:23:06ValocheJe dois aller aux toilettes, je reviens dans 5 minutes ;)
07:23:39hellyai think you said you have to go to the bathroom and be back in 5 minutes?
07:25:27Valochethat's right, I'm back now
07:25:40hellyanot bad how close was my translation
07:26:22Valocheibot, x fr en Je dois aller aux toilettes, je reviens dans 5 minutes
07:26:23Valoche: I must go to the toilets, I return in 5 minutes
07:26:36Valocheso your xlation was perfect :)
07:27:39hellyacan the bot go both ways?
07:28:00Valochex en fr I went to the toilets, it took me 5 minutes
07:28:14Valocheibot, x en fr I went to the toilets, it took me 5 minutes
07:28:15Valoche: Je suis allé aux toilettes, il m'ai pris 5 minutes
07:28:30Valochebut it's not very good :)
07:28:34hellyathat must help a lot
07:28:42Valocheoh yes, very useful
07:28:59hellyaspeeking of the restroom, no i have to go
07:29:22ValocheI have to run (rent stuff), I'll be there until 10am UTC anyway
07:29:24Valochecya later
07:29:31hellyaibot, x en fr running for the restroom before i explode
07:29:35hellya: exécution pour le restroom avant que j'éclate
07:29:43Valochebad one
07:29:58Valocheibot, x fr en Il faut que j'ailles aux toilets avant d'exploser
07:29:58hellyahow bad
07:29:59Valoche: It is necessary that I go to the toilets before exploding
07:30:20hellyait does better fr to en than en to fr
07:30:58hellyaibot, x en fr I do not translate perfectly
07:30:59hellya: Je ne traduis pas parfaitement
07:32:08hellyaibot, x en fr Hell Ya is going to kick ass in the tournament and Valoche better look out
07:32:10hellya: L'enfer Ya va donner un coup de pied l'âne dans les tournois et le regard de Valoche mieux hors de
07:33:07hellyaibot, x en fr My mother is a pig
07:33:08hellya: Ma mère est un porc
07:33:16hellyai could get to love this
07:34:07vogon_jeltzis away: watching Late Friday
07:37:33hellyaibot, x en fr see you all i'm off to bed for a few hours
07:37:34hellya: voyez que vous toute je ne suis pas en ligne enfoncer pendant quelques heures
07:49:51Ruudiis back (gone 12:58:42)
08:31:18vogon_jeltzis back (gone 01:37:53)
08:31:32ValocheI am back
08:31:58captain_protonreally needs to go to sleep...
08:32:10vogon_jeltzit's only 3:30 in the morning
08:32:18captain_protoni have to wake up at noon
08:32:21ValocheBlaster can't join the tournament, he has other plans :(
08:32:51vogon_jeltzheh... by the time the tourney actually starts, it'll be like 2 people ;)
08:33:15Valochepffff... ;)
08:33:15Valoche24 players confirmed
08:33:15vogon_jeltzis away: playing some more Tribes2
08:33:24Valocheagain ?!? you never sleep, do ya ?
08:33:44captain_protoni've never seen him sleep
08:37:10Valoche24 players so far
08:38:02Chestalah, I read that we won't have blaster
08:38:10Valocheyep; that's too bad
08:39:37Chestalhmm, 3 new registrations which aren't confirmed yet
08:40:24Chestalif we got one more, we woudl have 5*5 players :-)
08:40:30ValocheI received 4 mails this morning: ___r,  boot to the head, arcon and nuum
08:40:41Chestalah, didn't see arcon
08:40:54Chestalbut arcon already confirmed
08:41:13Valocheyep; I activated the link to your page
08:41:40Chestalwhat _might_ be a problem: they regostered late at ngiht then went to bed and are were sleeping when they received your mail and still are
08:42:46Valocheyep, we should have had 2 weeks to plan everything, then we could have ended the registrations a day or two before D-day...
08:44:33Chestalah well, next time
08:48:05ValocheI plan to put this on the confirmation page: "If you couldn't confirm in time because you received my e-mail too late, drop me a mail and we'll try to do something about it."
08:49:07Chestalhmm, I wonder how we would then best handle the publishing of the groups
08:49:26ChestalIf we would add somebody later we would probably have to remix the groups
08:49:55Valochethe best solution would be to manually add players in groups with 4 people
08:49:59Chestalwith 24 people, we'd have 4 rgoups of 5 and 1 group of 4, we could add _one_ to the small group
08:50:40Chestalif we get two of them we got a problem
08:50:49ValocheJust add a notice on your page that the groups are not definitive and that there may be some minor changes
08:53:16Valochetypo: changed -> changes
08:54:06Valochelooks good
08:54:14Chestal4 mnutes to go
08:54:30Valocheyep:) after that I can go climb a *tiny* mountain :)
08:54:40Chestalhow big is it?
08:55:00Valoche150 meters from bottom to top, 400 meters long (it's an easy via ferrata)
08:55:21Chestallet's see, if we've got 5 groups a 5 players, we have at least 2*5=10 plaery who qualify directly
08:55:29Chestal10 is a nice number, what about 3rd ranks?
08:55:51Chestalibot: x en de easy via ferrata
08:55:52Chestal: einfach über ferrata
08:56:05Valocheibot, x it en via ferrata
08:56:06Valoche: via shod
08:56:17Chestalibot: x en de shod
08:56:18Chestal: beschuht
08:56:24Valocheibot, x en fr shod
08:56:25Valoche: chaussé
08:56:25Chestalon foot?
08:56:54Valochewell, you are secured to a metallic cable, and you climb "monkey bridges", ladders, etc. It's fun
08:57:09ValocheI am closing the registration, now...
08:57:33Chestalhmm, I put a new battery into my clock here but it still doesn't work right :-(
08:58:44Valochewe could take the 2 best 3rd and either have 3 groups of 4 people of 2 groups of 6 people for 2nd round
08:59:17Valocheor maybe, more fun, have the 5 third battle against each-other and pick the 2 real best 3rd; that'd be fairer
08:59:24Valochecall it "barrage round"
08:59:35Chestalhmm, hmm
09:00:05Valochefor timing matters, this one could last only 10 minutes
09:00:49Chestalif we've got 3 groups of 4 people each in round 2, we'd have 2*3=6 qualify for round 3
09:01:10Valocheisn't round 3 the final round ??
09:01:16Chestalgood question
09:01:35ValocheIMO, the more people in the last round, the funnier
09:01:54Valoche(and the laggier...) but 6 is a good number
09:01:58Chestalwell, I would like to play in groups of 5 maximum
09:02:17Chestalthis is how it reads in the FAQ and this way we can put one player into each team
09:02:26Chestalfor >5 people we would have all rogues
09:02:44Valochegood point
09:03:17ChestalI thought about lettign 3 peopel qualify in the first round, that would make 15 peopel for roun d2
09:03:37Valochelooks good
09:03:39Chestalit's difficult to get 5 peopel into the final :-|
09:04:01Chestal3 groups of 5 in round 2, first 2 qualify: 6 people, first 3: 9 people
09:04:05Valoche15 people for round 2 -> 9 people
09:04:15Valoche9 people -> 2 groups (5+4)
09:04:28ValocheLet's say we qualify 3 from the group with 5 players, and 2 from the other
09:04:33Valoche-> 5 people in the final round
09:04:52Chestalok, that would be 5+3+2+1 battles
09:05:55Chestalhehe, the admin page is all black :-)
09:06:00Chestalbut it's ok
09:06:08Valocheoopsa ;)
09:06:16ValocheI totally forgot it ;)
09:06:42Chestalwhen shoud the first battle start?
09:06:45Chestal18:20 ?
09:06:56Valochelooks godo
09:07:03ChestalI'll do 15 minutes +  5 minutes break for round 1
09:07:47ValocheI fixed the admin page:)
09:08:15Valoche5 minutes ? will you have time to update the pages in 5 minutes and inform everyone of their groups for 2nd round ?
09:08:41ValocheI'd say 10 minutes is a minumum
09:09:15Valochewell, 15 + 5 is good for battles, 10 minutes between 2 rounds is good
09:09:47Valocheokay, misunderstanding:) 15 + 5 minutes break for round 1 battles
09:10:06Valochexxx minutes break between round 1 and round 2 :)
09:10:53Chestalyou're right, we'll setup the server to 16,66 minutes anyway, so 25 minutes intervals
09:11:14Chestalmy dialup connection terminated :-(
09:11:31Valocheuh? I can still read you
09:11:37Chestalyep, I am back
09:11:59Valocheah...that's why I am very happy with DSL :)
09:12:07ChestalI'm not sure if 20 minutes are enough
09:12:20Chestalwhen the battle is over, I have to write down the scores and get them on the web page
09:12:27Chestalwould liek to have results there near-realtime
09:13:04Valoche10 minutes would be enough?
09:13:30Valocheso let's say 15 minutes battle + 10 minutes break between battles
09:13:52Chestalwill we do longer battles for round 2 or 3? the final should be longer
09:13:59Valochethis will let more time for you to update the page, and for players to chat on IRC
09:14:44Chestalfirst round will take 5*25 minutes then, that's 125 minutes ~2 hours
09:15:06Chestalif we keep that up for round 2 and 3, we'll have 4 hours + the final
09:15:30Valochelooks fine
09:15:49Valochethe final could long 30 minutes
09:16:13Valochethat'd be 0:30 in Europe, and not too late in USA
09:16:46Valochethe american people can then have dinner just after the tourney
09:17:34Valochewill there be any award? OMA thought about a fancy T-shirt
09:17:49Chestalgood question
09:18:43ValocheI could use some thermal transfer paper, if I know what to put on it
09:19:12Valochelike "I survived the BZFlag Tournament 2001" ;)
09:19:44ChestalI will create the groups now
09:19:59Valocheor "I defeated OMA HERTA real nice in the BZFlag Tournament 2001"
09:20:08Valochehe doesn't play, though
09:20:45ValocheI'll think about it
09:22:27vogon_jeltzis back (gone 00:48:58)
09:25:32ChestalI have run it twice though, because at first OTTOMAN was in roup e and he migh tnot show up
09:25:33Valochelooks nice
09:26:18vogon_jeltzlooks like you guys have this all worked out ;)
09:26:25Chestalhmm, i'm in a group of 4
09:26:42Chestalif we do not fill it up, still 3 best out of 4?
09:26:51Chestalso I only need to defeat GInku :-)
09:27:14Valocheyep, because 15 people for 2nd round is still a good number
09:27:26vogon_jeltzman, T2 is a hell of a fun game
09:27:37vogon_jeltz(yes, there are tanks in it)
09:28:25vogon_jeltzand they can fire projectiles that explode with a nice, big green boom :)
09:29:06ChestalValoche: ok, that's it for now. OI must go shopping
09:29:12vogon_jeltzChestal: bye
09:29:23ChestalValoche: when will you be here again?
09:29:35ValocheI'll be here around 19:00
09:29:40Valocheer... 17:00 UTC
09:29:56ValocheI posted something on ezboard, you should read it ;)
09:29:58Chestalok, I'll try to be here then also
09:30:08Valochecya, good shopping
09:30:14vogon_jeltzheh... is it the list? :)
09:30:35Valochenope; it's the "design the T-shirt" contest ;)
09:30:52Chestalah, ok :-) cu later
10:29:08vogon_jeltzis away: sleep
11:24:56Ruudiin bzflag there should be a thing like wach another at the back of all can choose a gamer and wach how he's doing...would be cool in final mach
12:01:16Chestalhi Soft
12:01:44ChestalDO you plan to be there this evening? YOu haven't confirmed
12:02:11Softwhen is the tornament, in my timesone ??
12:02:30Chestalit will start in 5 hours
12:02:42Chestalpeopel will meet in about 4 hours here, though
12:02:56SoftI see...
12:03:14SoftOk I'll se if I can join..
12:03:17Chestalfirst battle will be at 18:20 UTC or 20:20 MEST
12:03:38ChestalSOft: hmm, can#t you say for sure?
12:03:46Softon wich server.. ??
12:04:05ChestalDeadline was some hours ago actually, but we can still do minor changes
12:04:13Chestalit will be on ducati, but not on the standard port
12:04:18Softany place to train ??
12:04:34ChestalI will restart ducati server now to get rid of the flags
12:04:41Chestalso this would be the best trainign ground
12:05:10Softok I 'll be there.. :-))
12:05:21Soft5 hours from now ..
12:05:25Chestalalright, I will put you in group E then, there's one vacant slot there
12:05:39Chestalcheck out for news
12:06:35Softok tnx, i'll do some training :-))
12:06:47Chestalhmm, there seem to be people on ducati
12:06:50Chestalso I cannot restart righ tnow
12:06:58ChestalI am at home where I cannot play bzflag
12:07:09Chestalcoudl you ask the players to leave the server and come back in 2 minutes? woudl restart server
12:07:26Softok  gimme 1 minute ..
12:09:47Softok  it seems to be offline..
12:10:08SoftHello ??
12:11:09Chestalducati or
12:12:46Chestaldid you have problem swith th irc access?
12:12:56Chestalmight be a better idea to get an irc client (
12:13:09SoftIII use the web , and it is ok..
12:13:38Chestalyou were talking that somethign is offline?
12:13:43SoftIIdid you restart the server ?
12:13:58SoftIInop, it wasent me :-)
12:14:19SoftIIOhhh yes, it was the connect to ducati
12:14:49Chestalduati shoul dbe running fine
12:14:52Chestalducati port 5155
12:15:01Chestalthere are people playing there righ tnow!?
12:15:02SoftIIis the tournament without flags ??
12:15:08Chestalyes, without
12:15:33SoftIIok, yes there are people there now,,,
12:15:38Chestalthat's why I want to restart the server now to get rid of the flags so peopel can train with the correct setting
12:16:23Chestalbut I do not liek to just kill the server while peoel aer playing on it
12:16:28Chestaland I have n bzflag here
12:18:13Chestalhi miranda
12:18:29mirandaOk its me Soft
12:18:47mirandaThe web thing did not work ok
12:18:56Chestalhmm, what happened?
12:19:08ChestalI hope most peopel will use an irc client anyway
12:20:34mirandaI lost the connection to it
12:20:41mirandain the web face
12:21:02Chestalhmm, silly thing. doesn't seem to be that stable
12:21:19Chestalcoudl you please try to connet to ducati and ask peopel to leave because I want to restart the server?
12:22:41mirandaok ill do that
12:22:55mirandai ll tell you when all is gone ..
12:26:04mirandaOk all gone, but one who have pause..
12:26:30mirandaok ??
12:26:43mirandaChestal ??
12:27:10ChestalI go tdisconnected :-(
12:27:13Chestalsilly dialup
12:27:25Chestalhi ruudi
12:27:55mirandaOk all gone, but one who have pause
12:29:07Ruudiwhat do you think - should there be a other player if i want i can see how ott plays like camera on his back or something
12:29:28Chestalok, restarted server
12:29:48ChestalRuudi: yes, would be a good idea, we need some kind of observer support in future version
12:30:11Ruudiin final it would be fun...couse i know i wont be there :)
12:30:40Chestalwell, you can use the curent observer hack
12:30:45Chestalnot that good, but better than nothing
12:30:58Ruudihow can i use this?
12:31:09Chestalit's all in teh FAQ on
12:31:19Chestalbasically, you use a Callsign begining with @
12:31:36Chestalit's a server only hack, the best I could do
12:31:55Ruudiok and then i can drve around ann see all i want ?
12:32:05Ruudiwithout bothering players
12:32:13Chestalyou can drive around the normal way, but noone else will see you
12:32:20Chestalnonly way to interact is to write messages
12:32:24Ruudithats nice
12:32:28Chestalonly downside is, that you can still die by shots
12:32:39Ruudiheh :)
12:32:43Chestalnoone else will notice if you die and the killer won't score
12:32:56Chestalbut as collision detection is in the client I can't do anythign about it
12:33:03Ruudiand his bullet flys on?
12:33:20mirandaHi Chetal, server up now ??
12:33:22Chestalit's only a minor annoyanc for the observer himself
12:33:26Chestalmiranda: yes, it's up
12:33:30Chestalcan't test it myself
12:33:38mirandaok i'll try..
12:33:48Ruudimiranda girl ?
12:33:49ChestalI heard that Tux might join us, but we have no slots left
12:34:04Ruudii just played with him
12:34:09Ruudiwe was same good
12:34:10Chestalonly thing I can offer is that players who didn't register can fill up holes when someone does nt show up thi evening
12:34:24Chestale.g. OTTOMAN might not come
12:34:34mirandacant se ducati in the server list ??
12:35:21ChestalI restarted once more
12:35:39Chestaltry to connect manually 5155
12:35:47Ruudiotto kills a hell
12:36:08ChestalRuudi, miranda: we'll battle in the first round btw.
12:36:15mirandaI'm on windows, dono how to connect manually
12:36:27Chestalmiranda: but I guess it's in the server list now
12:36:42mirandaill trye
12:37:10ChestalI'm still not sure about lengths of each battle and breaks between them
12:37:14mirandayes its there, alot of flags..
12:37:16ChestalI setup a preliminary schedule on the website
12:37:20Chestalwith flags?
12:37:32mirandano flags..
12:37:32Chestalah, gt me :-)
12:37:50Chestalare you Alex?
12:37:50Ruudiis it possible to play in window in linux X so that if i want i can see my xchat in same time?
12:38:02Ruudino flags is good
12:38:22mirandait seems to work prefect
12:38:26ChestalRuudi: you can use 'bzflag -window'
12:38:36Chestalruudi: can't reccommend it for a real fight, though
12:38:58Chestalruudi: do bzfalg -help  for full parameter list
12:39:20Ruudii'm bretty new in this game...
12:39:53Ruudishould barrow a 3d card tonight...mesa does it all but no textures
12:40:05ChestalI'm usin gsoftware rendering as well
12:40:13Chestal800x600 8bit, all features off, have a slooow card
12:40:18Ruudigsoftware what's this?
12:40:30Ruudii got all on but no textures
12:40:31Chestaleh, 'using software' rendering
12:40:39Ruudimesa and 1Gz athlon
12:40:40Chestalmy framerate is still too low sometimes
12:40:56Chestalbut I learnt to live with it
12:41:02Chestalok, I must go, will be here later today
12:41:45Ruudiok but how can i get my mouse out of game window?
13:27:34testits m0nkeyb0y
13:27:52Ruudimonkey see an monkey do
13:28:07testis chestal here?
13:28:17Ruudidon't think so
13:28:22testjust you?
13:31:15monkeyboyhello hello
13:31:30monkeyboyany word on flags vs no flags??????
13:31:43Ruudiwill be no flags i think
13:31:51Ruudiand i hope
13:31:51monkeyboyahh man
13:32:08monkeyboyi want the skinny flag!!!
13:32:35monkeyboyits a tie on votes...i was curious
13:32:38Ruudii'd like afemale flag or black female
13:33:15monkeyboywhere is everyone
13:33:26Ruudidon't know
13:33:35Ruudimaybe in training room
13:33:59monkeyboyi'm on bz for me
13:34:22Ruudihmm i'm on 1 Gz athlon but no opengl
13:34:30Ruudiso no textures
13:34:41Ruudilinux yeah
13:34:52monkeyboymust run opengl drivers
13:34:55Ruudis3 trio3d/2x 8 MB card
13:35:01monkeyboythey perform better
13:35:04monkeyboyhi laz
13:35:16Ruudithere is no drivers for my card i think
13:35:22BZLazarusso its 1 pm central time right?
13:35:35monkeyboyyeah...get that nvidia card it rocks
13:35:44monkeyboyno laz
13:35:50monkeyboyits at 9pm tonite
13:35:59BZLazaruscentral time?
13:35:59Ruudi20:00 by estonian time
13:36:23monkeyboydo they use time in iowa?
13:36:37Ruudiiowa where is that?
13:36:41BZLazarussome times
13:36:48monkeyboyi hear its some new country
13:36:57monkeyboylemme check times laz
13:36:58BZLazaruswe can only count up to 10 though
13:37:14BZLazaruswhere are you at monkey  west coast?
13:37:15Ruudihmm so then you must use that am pm thing
13:37:46monkeyboylaz its all listed in utc
13:37:50Ruudiand md for midday and mn for midnight
13:37:55monkeyboyi'm in new mexico laz
13:38:10BZLazarusim 1 hour ahead of you then
13:38:22Ruudiwhat time is it there?
13:38:31BZLazarus9:40 am
13:38:38monkeyboy8:40 here
13:38:45monkeyboytime for bananas
13:38:52monkeyboylaz we in same group!
13:38:59RuudiSat Oct 13 16:41:13 EET 2001
13:39:07BZLazarusare they listed now?
13:39:16monkeyboyyeah look at schedule link
13:39:28monkeyboyZig and chestal in same group
13:39:35monkeyboyshould be funny
13:40:04BZLazarusso i should take it easy on ya then?  hehe
13:40:35monkeyboyyes :)
13:40:42monkeyboyi thought you were nuum?
13:40:51monkeyboywhat the???
13:41:12monkeyboysomeone thought nuum was you...alias
13:41:13BZLazaruswhats nuum
13:41:19monkeyboya plyer
13:41:29monkeyboyhi ginku
13:41:44Ginkuhi monkey
13:42:19monkeyboyyour in group with chestal Ginku
13:42:25BZLazarushey ginku
13:42:32GinkuI only found bzflag version 1.7e2 on,  do you know, where I can get 1.7e3 ?
13:42:33monkeyboyand Zig
13:42:51monkeyboyi get mine from
13:42:58BZLazaruswhats the link for the tournament details monkey??
13:43:01monkeyboyunder bzflag project
13:43:21monkeyboygo to schedule info
13:43:22BZLazarusok im there
13:43:28monkeyboyhi ginku jr.
13:43:52Ginkucu - I m looking for 1.7e3
13:43:53BZLazarusim not seeing any other links there though
13:44:00monkeyboyi use e3
13:44:29monkeyboyschedule i think
13:44:47BZLazarusok thats better
13:45:04monkeyboyok time for banana smoothie and ape like exorcises
13:45:11BZLazarusoh yeah  i gotonkel franky too!
13:45:30monkeyboythis will be fun
13:45:42monkeyboyseeya laters folks
13:59:08Chestalhmm, who's Zig?
14:12:04Chestalhi thwack
14:12:56thwackwhat's the latest?
14:13:20Chestalfirst round matches are setup with time schedule
14:13:26Chestalyou'll be in the first battle
14:13:43thwackFirst Blood :-)
14:14:00Chestalyou group is tough
14:14:16thwackwho else?
14:14:26thwackis in it, i mean
14:14:46Chestalbest to have a look for yourself:, schedule+results link on the left
14:16:15thwackah yes...interesting
14:19:28thwackwhat time is the official hookup on irc?
14:21:48thwackapprox. 1.5 hours from now is what i was thinking...
14:24:36thwackhey ZEUS...
14:26:41Chestalhi Zeus
14:27:06Chestalthwacj: yep, in 1.5 hours is a good time
14:31:33thwacki'll check in a little later then...
14:35:38ZEUShello all
14:36:45ZEUSsorry for the delayed response
14:39:07Chestalno problem
14:49:25Chestalhi ruudi
14:51:56ruudichestal we like in same group...
14:52:02ruudithat's not good for me :)
14:53:47I_KalamBais it in 2 hours or 3?
14:54:53ChestalKalamba: 2 hours
14:55:02ChestalKalamba: but most wil probably meet earlier
14:57:21I_KalamBaI wasn't sure beacuse of dst
14:59:56ChestalKalamba: where are you from?
15:00:27Chestalkalamba: btw. there is a utc clock on the webpage (schedule and scores)
15:02:06I_KalamBaok I was there but I didn't see. now I seeeeeeeeee
15:20:07ruuditournament is on allready?
15:21:05ruudi2 more hours?
15:21:08Chestalit's 16:24 UTC, will start at 18:00 UTC
15:21:19Chestalbut I guess most people will be here earlier
15:21:38ruudithere is any players on training ground?
15:34:29Chestalhi lupi
15:35:19lupinatorstill no blaster?
15:35:39Chestalblaster cannot come
15:35:47Chestalhe's onducati right now
15:36:17ChestalOTTOMAN won't play either
15:38:00BZLazarusknock knock
15:38:06Chestalcome in
15:38:15BZLazaruslol  how do i get E3
15:38:38ChestalE3 is CVS only, so either you get the source and build it yourself
15:38:50Chestalor take Valoche's patched windows binary
15:38:54Chestalor get the latest release E2
15:39:07BZLazaruscan I use the roaming patch with my existing FX
15:39:25Chestalhmm, good question
15:39:30ChestalI don't know how much has changed
15:39:37BZLazarusok ill try something
15:39:38Chestalyou must have the source of course
15:45:32I_KalamBayou can login with @callsign but can take a look from the sky...
15:51:34Chestalhe Tux, one slot is free now, you can still join :-)
15:58:44Chestalhi Zig
15:59:22TuxHi Chestal, this is too much stress. I'm playing for fun.
15:59:34ZigThis be fun
15:59:37TuxHi folks,
15:59:48Zigwho cares
16:00:00Tuxwill the tourny server run on ducati?
16:00:10Zigi think so
16:00:16ChestalTux: yep, but onport 5156
16:00:25Chestal5155 will be open however for training
16:00:35Chestal5156 will be started just before each battle
16:00:49TuxI've got a problem with the green tanks: They are
16:01:03ChestalTux: oh well, it's no stress,it's fun. You'll need luck anyway
16:01:14ZigI have no expectations for myself
16:01:17TuxThey have nearly the same color as the ground.
16:01:18ZigSo i can't go bad =[
16:01:27Zig<-- green
16:01:28Tuxhey are camouflaged.
16:01:31ChestalTux: the tanks or their shots?
16:01:38ChestalI hate blue tnaks, can't see their shots
16:01:57I_KalamBahey, i'll be blue
16:02:08Chestalyep, I'm blue too
16:02:11TuxI guess the worst problem are the green tanks.
16:02:13Chestalat least 1st round, might change
16:02:37Zigwhy not all rogue?
16:02:52Ruudii should better go to drinkin'
16:03:27Ruudijust played with chestal and otto and blaster and....-20 stabil...
16:03:47Chestalwell, Otto and Blaster luckily won't particiapte
16:04:12Chestalzig: we thought 1 player per team might be better so you coudl immediately see who is who
16:04:18Chestalbetter for spectators, also
16:04:29ZigIs it just me or does otto always have laser
16:04:33Chestalalso I like fighting rogues more, best visibility
16:04:34Zigits annoying as hell
16:04:42Chestalwell, today we'll play withotu flags anyway
16:04:48Zigi know
16:05:03thwackThe cause of justice prevails...
16:05:46Ruudiand all colors will be not only rogues ?
16:06:36Chestalruudi: hmm? we'll play in groups of 5, so red, green, blue, purple and rogue
16:06:45Chestalruudi: you'll be purple
16:06:54Ruudiif all bullets yellow then you never know is it comes or goes
16:06:58Ruudiyes ok
16:07:41ZUESI'm green, finally caught a break :)
16:08:30ChestalZUES: you're in a 4 player group, if Tux doesn't decide to join us
16:09:20Ruudii'd like tux in my group :) then maybe i get some points to
16:09:36ZUESanother break for me
16:10:01ZUEScan i have a 10 point lead as well?
16:10:05ZUESjust to make it fair
16:10:39hellyachestal got a problem, work called i have to go in in about 10 minutes they had two people call off so i have to forfeit
16:11:00Chestalhellya: oh
16:11:06Chestalhellya: that makes this group a 3 tank group, hmm
16:11:23Chestalhi Valoche!
16:11:25ZUESZEUS advances :)
16:11:30Valochephew, Just in time
16:11:34hellyahi Valoche
16:11:35ChestalValoche: some news, Soft joined, so I put him in my group
16:11:45ChestalValoche: OTTOMAN cannot play, I removed him
16:11:54Valoche___r droped me a mail, I confirmed him
16:11:59ChestalValoche: now hellya must cancel, too, making Group D a 3 tank group
16:12:09ChestalValoche: ah, we can put him in group D then
16:12:29hellyawork called Valoche and two people called off i have about ten minutes and then i have to go
16:12:46hellyareally sorry all, let me know when the next one comes around
16:12:58Chestalhellya: we will
16:13:14Valocheokay, hellya
16:13:27Chestal1 hour until 1st battle starts
16:13:34Chestalstill one slot vacant
16:13:38Valocheyep; I updated the database for confirmed/non confirmed
16:13:45hellyacya all later take care and have fun, eat my gm
16:14:00Valochehellya: blew myself up
16:14:08Valochevaloche: wow, GM blows himself up ;)))
16:14:38Ruudiok i know that sucks but i'm off the tournament
16:14:47Ruudijust cot a call
16:14:56Ruudigot a call damn...
16:15:07Ruudisorry nothin to do - not up to me
16:15:16Chestalwell, back to 4 player group for me then
16:15:18Valocheokay... that's too bad :(
16:15:33thwackit's alright Ruudi, I'll kick butt for you :-)
16:15:54Ruudii'm not any butt kicker anyway
16:15:58Ruudibut i so wanted
16:15:58ChestalRuudi:so we have to delete you?
16:16:02Ruudiok now must run
16:16:04Valochealready done
16:16:05ZUEStake the phones off the hook :)
16:16:12I_KalamBadestroyed by unknown
16:16:33Ruudii'm off next time i want to bee there sure...
16:16:43Ruudiand will play again soon
16:16:43Chestalbye Ruudi
16:17:59ValocheChetal: for next tournament, registrations end a week before D-day, that'll let people schedule it
16:18:18ChestalValoche: yep, that would be better
16:18:34Chestalgroups updated...
16:19:33ZUESare there any legends using an alias in the tourney?
16:19:41I_KalamBaoh I hate Internet explorer 6 It stucks always
16:19:50ChestalZUES: well, you never know, at least I don't
16:19:53I_KalamBalucky I also have netscape
16:20:00Chestalthere are severalcallsigns I don't know
16:20:07ValocheZUES: no, only ZEUS will do that I think ;)
16:20:11Chestaltux: 2 slots are waiting for you :-)
16:20:37TuxBTW, is anybody interested in 1.7e3 for Linux?
16:21:16ValocheI'm interested in linking it from my page
16:21:34Chestalhi fant
16:21:45FantaZeenhi guys
16:21:59FantaZeethe bzflag "n"
16:22:03FantaZeei hate it
16:22:15TuxI don't have an external web page, but I could send you the binaries.
16:22:40Valochehi CapN*
16:22:51Ginkuhi all
16:23:01ZUEShey Ginku
16:23:07CapNhi valoche, great job with the website. thanks!
16:23:14FantaZeei#ll hope u all have enough training
16:23:25ChestalFant: do you? :-)
16:23:31ValocheFantaZee: I trained shooting at you ;)
16:23:41FantaZeeyes, really
16:23:49FantaZeeha ha
16:23:53CapNdont get him mad, he'll take it out on me in the 1st round :)
16:24:23ValocheHey Fant, I can shoot you with my eyes closed ;)
16:24:29I_KalamBaVal,was it u said something about t-shirts in the forum
16:24:32FantaZeetry it
16:24:38ValocheIKB: yep
16:24:42ChestalI hope you all like the changes to the rules, i.e. that 3 out of 5 (or 4 ) will qualify in 1st round
16:25:04FantaZeethat's ginkus chance
16:25:09Chestalwe had to change this to get a number of players for round 2 and 3 which we can distribute in a better way
16:25:11I_KalamBacan you do full color screen-shots?
16:25:37ValocheIKB: yep, I use the "PrintScreen" key under Windows XP
16:25:55Chestalhaven't seen Gerbil yert
16:26:00I_KalamBayhea I know how to take a shot...
16:26:22CapNchestal: was playing against him late last night.
16:26:26ZUESChestal: I like the new rules, gives one a chance even with a bad round
16:26:30Ginkuwhat`s the consolation prite ?
16:26:55Valochedunno... maybe Winmine Gold (tm) ;)))
16:27:49Ginkuwhat`s that ? I wanna laugh too
16:27:56I_KalamBaI think about making a view of a tankjust behind saying "where's all the action" and in the back it will show same shot just even more behind him with a gm going to hit him
16:28:12ValocheGinku: Minesweeper ?
16:28:55ValocheIKB: lol
16:29:16TuxHi Valoche,
16:29:28Valocheji Tux
16:29:57ZUESwell time to head home and prepare, cya
16:29:57CapNvaloche: are there more groups than Group E, that were not on your site?
16:30:06CapNcya Zeus
16:30:09TuxI have recompiled 1.7e3 for /usr/local. Is it OK to send you about 3 MByte uuencoded data by EMail?
16:30:44ChestalCapn: huh? there are groups A to E, they're all there
16:31:15ValocheCapN: ask Chestal
16:31:28CapNit looked like there were more players than that.
16:31:31ValocheTux: did you include my anti-crash patch ?
16:31:31I_KalamBaI will not play on the lastest client from u - it crushes when i backspace
16:31:34GinkuChestal: what`s up with Ruudi in our group ?
16:31:50ValocheIKB: I know, that sucks; I'll build a cleaner version soon
16:32:08TuxIt never crashed for me. What do you mean?
16:32:31I_KalamBamaybe I'll use after my turn to observe
16:32:34ChestalGinku: he got a phone call, acn't attend
16:32:38ValocheWell, unknown tank can cause null pointer dereferencing whith score updates
16:32:43Ginkuhi meno
16:33:03Valochehey menotume
16:33:05TuxValoche: Where can I find this patch?
16:33:10Chestalcapn: we had 24 confirmed palyers this morning, some cancelled, others joined, it's 23 of them now
16:33:11ValocheTux: on sourceforge
16:33:31TuxMaybe a little bit more specific?
16:33:49CapNChestal: Ok so people like Shadow, and Ottoman arent playing?
16:33:54TuxI've downloaded 1.7e3 yesterday. The newest file is
16:33:57Valocheokay: on
16:34:20Chestalcapn: right, Shadow cancelled a few days ago, Ottoman is ona birthday tonight, he still hoped he could play, but he cancelled this afternoon
16:34:49Valochehi BeeZee
16:34:52CapNOttoman was a contender! Now you might have a chance :)
16:35:00ChestalCapN: :-)
16:35:04ValocheCapN: I totally agree :)
16:35:08Chestalalso, Blaster will not be here
16:35:09mirandaHi again..
16:35:19ChestalI wonder whether one of the unknown nicks is actually kono
16:35:34CapNi would have to say yes.
16:35:35Chestalmiranda: you're soft, aren't you?
16:35:56CapNchestal: he was playing last night again.
16:36:15CapNHe said he would be there.
16:36:18Chestalaha, maybe velo, we'll see
16:36:21Valoche1st group is almost complete; where is Gerbil? Does anyone has cheese?
16:36:50CapNI'll see if he's signed on to MSN Messenger.
16:36:58mirandaCapN do you remember shadow???
16:36:59menotumei just checked - he isn't
16:37:25Chestalhmm, Zig is playing in duacti right now, he's actualyl quite good. And he is in my group!
16:37:27CapNmiranda: yes
16:37:44Chestalshadow, the king of pausing
16:37:46mirandait is me
16:37:48I_KalamBawhen server for 1st team will open?
16:37:50CapNchestal, could be him
16:37:59TuxValoche: I've added the patch to my sources and recompiled it.
16:38:10Chestalcapn: I don't think so
16:38:19mirandamy name is soft now
16:38:22CapNAre players suppose to sign in under the colors that Valoche has them?
16:38:40ValocheCapN: yes
16:38:44ChestalKalamba: scheduel is to start the first battle at 18:15 (17:41 now)
16:38:52ValocheCapN: Chestal chose the colors
16:39:07Chestalyes, the colors are random and they're mandatory to avoid conflicts
16:39:11CapNthats cool, i was just wondering
16:39:19Valochehey arcon
16:39:31Chestalfirst color is rogue, of course
16:39:50I_KalamBanext tuorne should be with specil client and server with password to confriam player, prevent pause, play of others etc
16:40:00Chestalif Gerbil shows up in time, we might start early if everyone agree
16:40:14ValocheIKB: we totally agree with you; any help welcome
16:40:22thwackI'm ready to get it on...
16:40:22ChestalKalaba: I guess we might have some kind of callsign identification server in the future
16:40:37Chestalbut we'll have to wait for Gerbil
16:41:02thwackhere, Gerbil, Gerbil, Gerbil...
16:41:08CapNthose rodents dont like to show themselves until absolutely necessary.
16:41:09Chestalbtw: 1st round battles will last 15 minutes
16:41:13Valochethwack: get some cheese
16:41:15I_KalamBacall me I KalamBa not kalamba
16:41:22Chestalthe timer will be set to 16 minutes and 40 seconds
16:41:26ValocheI dropped a mail to Gerbil
16:41:34CapNchestal: is there a countdown of the time on the server?
16:41:36I_KalamBahe is still in his hole
16:41:40ChestalI'll start the server jsut before the battle starts, it will be port 5156
16:41:48ValocheCapN: it will be displayed on your HUD
16:41:52Chestalthe time limit is server enforced you will see a countdown
16:42:14Chestalwe will annojnce here when the battleis about to begin, please join then, but do not play until timer reaches 15:00
16:42:25Chestalwe will be there to watch :-)
16:42:38Valocheone shot = -1 point ?
16:42:59ChestalValoche: shooting and driving disallowed?
16:43:13Valocheshooting sure, driving I'm wondering...
16:43:56ValocheChest: remember we didn't agree about driving? :)
16:44:14thwackgotta make sure you're not in someone's line of fire when the timer reaches 15:00
16:44:16mirandaJust to make shure...
16:44:18ChestalValoche: I thoght we finally agreed to allow nothign at all :-)
16:44:36ChestalI think it's best that players don't do anything before 15:00
16:44:44ValocheChestal: I hope we both make to 2nd round and be in same group so I can kick your ass ;)
16:44:48veloHey all, sorry if this has been covered already, but will there be flags in the tournament?
16:44:50I_KalamBanot starting at all
16:44:55Chestalvelo: no flags
16:44:58CapNvaloche, your in a tough group!
16:45:05mirandawhen does it start and ho is fist up
16:45:10Chestalvelo: 5155 is srtup with no flags as training ground, battles will be on 5156
16:45:16Chestali.e. port 5156
16:45:30ValocheCapN: I know... but I can handle m0nkey_b0y and OnkelFrank
16:45:32Chestalmiranad: for schedule take a look at the website
16:45:49Chestalhmm, I don't know jh
16:45:50I_KalamBacan't wait
16:45:58Chestallittle rodent still missing
16:46:06Chestalhe'll probsbly get the times mixed up
16:46:11Zig what time is it
16:46:18I_KalamBa: Not responding
16:46:20Valoche17:50 UTC
16:46:28Zigwhat tourny start at
16:46:38ChestalZig: first battle is scheduled for 18:15
16:46:51ChestalZig: but we might start earlier if Gerbil shows up
16:46:52Zighow observe
16:46:58ValocheChestal: if Gerbil doesn't show up soon, just switch with another player from group B or C
16:47:04ChestalZig: use @Zig as callsign, read the faq on the website
16:47:08ValocheZig: just connect on ducati as @Zig
16:47:12Zigdoes it work with 1.7e2?
16:47:19Chestalah! Gerbil!
16:47:19ValocheZig: it works with every version
16:47:25menotumei smell a rat (errr, a Gerbil)
16:47:27ValocheGerbil! Gerbil!
16:47:30Chestalzig: it does with restrictions, please read the FAQ
16:47:34Gerbili poop on you all!
16:47:50ChestalGerbil: you know you're in the first battle?
16:47:53Gerbilkool web interface
16:47:54CapNhi gerbil
16:47:58ValocheGerbil: thx
16:48:02Gerbilerr--no--but thats good
16:48:05Valochehi Ginku Junior
16:48:15ChestalGerbil: please take a look at the webiste
16:48:17thwackhowdy jr
16:48:26Gerbilwhich one chestal?
16:48:27ChestalGerbil: we might start as soon as you're ready
16:48:32CapNguess who;s in your group Gerbil!!
16:48:41ChestalGerbil: klick schedule and score link
16:48:42Gerbilahh-ok--let me look at site quick then i go
16:48:47Gerbiloh noooo
16:49:03Gerbilwhat is darn url again?
16:49:11Gerbil<capn in my group>
16:49:12ValocheGerbil: 3 players from each group qualify, you still have a (tiny) chance
16:49:23ChestalKalmba: what what?
16:49:29Zigvaloche how do i get roaming?
16:49:33Zigdl something?
16:49:40ValocheZig: which client do you have?
16:50:00Valocheyou can't, it's disabled by default
16:50:06I_KalamBachestal what what what?
16:50:14ChestalI_KalamBa: :-)
16:50:22Valochefor windoze, you can download a roaming-enabled client on
16:50:34mirandai`m playing vs you Chestal
16:50:40Chestalmiranda: I know
16:50:58Chestalmiranda: we're lucky and in a 4 tank group,only one will be eliminated
16:51:01Zigbut when i have @ in front of name they do not see me, i cant do anything, and they can accidentally kill me?
16:51:02Gerbilok--so can we like log on and wait for start signal now?
16:51:10Gerbilif in first group
16:51:16ChestalZig: correct
16:51:16Gerbil<like I am>
16:51:19mirandaho is Ginku??
16:51:23ValocheZig: be awared that the 1.7e3.V10/08 doesn't work properly for some annoying players ;)
16:51:23Gerbilok--i'll be there
16:51:34Zigi will watch battle then
16:51:35ValocheGinku is obviously Ginku Jr's father
16:51:39Chestalso, Capn, Fantazee, thwack, Kalmba and Gerbil: are you ready?
16:51:43mirandais he god?
16:51:57ValocheGerbil: remember: you are not allowed to do anything before the timer reaches 15:00
16:51:59I_KalamBaIS reade
16:52:01Chestalhmm, gerbil is gone, arg
16:52:14Valochemaybe he saw a cat
16:52:16CapNi'm logging out of this too chestal, but im going there
16:52:18ValocheCatN :)
16:52:28I_KalamBamaybe he trys to join
16:52:29CapNlol valoche
16:52:41ValocheCapN: I'll replace that during your round ;)
16:52:45Zigport 5156 and we can observe with "@" ?
16:52:45ChestalI will have to statr the server first
16:52:51ValocheZig: correct
16:53:03Zigi just dont want to screw first round up
16:53:05ChestalI don't know whteher gerbil know where to join, I was just going to say that
16:53:05menotumeIs actual tounry server at port 5156?
16:53:11Zigi think so menotume
16:53:11Chestaltorny serevr is port 5156
16:53:18ChestalI will start it jsut before the battle begins
16:53:20menotumenot up yet?
16:53:26Chestalthat's because the countdown starts when the first player joins
16:53:48thwackare you going to shutdown 5155 first?
16:53:50Chestalhmm, well, wait for Gerbil to return or just start server andhope he joins?
16:53:53CapNwhats the countdown starting at
16:53:57Chestal5155 will be up at all times
16:54:07Chestalcountdown starts at 1000s, that is 16 minutes 40 seconds
16:54:15CapNis gerbil on 5155 right now?
16:54:32ChestalI will annoucne when it's started
16:54:35CapNthat silly rat...
16:54:54I_KalamBaok make it colord with /me annouce...
16:55:01menotumeI'll watch MSN IM for Gerbil
16:55:09Chestalhmm, no sign of him
16:55:11ValocheI hope Gerbil, when he said "okay, I'll be there", does not plan to connect to the server at 18:15...
16:55:23ChestalValoche; good question
16:55:41Chestalif he was trying to connect to 5156 I guess he would have given up yet and returned here
16:56:14CapNhe might be having a hard time connecting here, i know i do.
16:56:46Chestalok, hold on
16:57:09ValocheGerbil! hurra
16:57:15Valochewhat happened?
16:57:21I_KalamBaGerbli came back from the hole
16:57:25Gerbilhey--i seem not to be able to connect to this server--could u confirm addy for me please?
16:57:28Chestalah Gerbul!
16:57:35ChestalGerbil: you left too son
16:57:43I_KalamBait wasn't started yet!
16:57:50ChestalGerbil: I just wanted to tlak about the rules
16:57:53Gerbilu said go
16:58:04Gerbiloh--ther are rules? muwahahaha!
16:58:06ChestalGerbil: coundown will start at 16:40, but do not play until it reaches 15:00, ok?
16:58:11Chestalnand no pausing!
16:58:22Gerbilwhat if I have to scratch?
16:58:23CapNport 5156 too
16:58:26Valocheand don't take too much time to right-click when you are dead
16:58:28Chestalso,  you 5 please join ducati 5156 now
16:58:33menotumeGerbil: you might want to shut down MSN :)
16:58:39CapNok, cya there.
16:58:41TuxI was in (alone!).
16:58:42Zigcan obs with @ join too?
16:58:45Chestalok? port 5156
16:58:46CapNgood luck all
16:58:47ValocheZig: yes
16:58:51Chestalobserevrs can jon too
16:58:54I_KalamBaplz kill port 5155 to reduce lag
16:59:33ValocheIKB: there's no need for that I guess; 2 BZFlag servers won't break a university's network :)
16:59:47Valocheokay, now I go to ducati, laters
17:04:04velokalamba, get in the server
17:04:23ChestalKalamnba: join as blue
17:04:32Chestalport 5156
17:06:38I_KalamBait stuck every second
17:06:43BoSoxanybody out there?
17:07:42blaboohas the tourney started?
17:09:26Chestalyes, first battle is raging
17:10:44menotumeCheck out I Kalmba's lagstats
17:11:22Chestalyep, Kalamba has some problems
17:12:24velohey chesta, I got a question about the observer mode...
17:12:33veloif an observer can get hit by a bullet...
17:12:47velocouldn't that affect the game?
17:13:00Chestalthe killer won't notice it or score
17:13:01veloThey could get in front of a friend and help protect them?
17:13:10monkeyboyhi peoples
17:13:11Chestalshot will not be stopped by observer
17:13:12menotumethere's a good spot to hide between building and wall if you have roaming mode :)
17:13:13velotake a bullet for them?
17:13:21velooh, ok - cool
17:13:29veloback to the game...  ;-)
17:13:30mirandatesting :-))
17:13:31monkeyboywe play with flags or not??????
17:13:31nuumhow do i get into "observer" mode?
17:13:33ChestalIpatched my client, I am invulnerable in obs mode
17:13:37Chestalwithotu flags
17:13:44Chestalnuum: join as @nuum
17:13:44monkeyboyahhh man
17:13:53monkeyboyi need to have my skinny flag
17:14:12nuumany client?  don't you need the new cvs one?
17:15:37monkeyboyanyone watching the battles????????
17:16:03nuumdamn bzvaloche mailed me late and i missed signup :(
17:16:20Chestalnuum: we still have 2 free slots, so youmight join
17:16:25monkeyboyahhh man...we need in there nuum
17:16:33monkeyboyplay nuum play!
17:16:37Chestalnuum: read the FAQ on,there's soemthign about obserevr mode
17:16:51mirandaChestal when does Soft start
17:16:55monkeyboyi don't have that client chestal...regular linux e3
17:17:21nuumi want to play
17:17:25monkeyboyplay dude
17:17:32nuumsign me up
17:17:42menotumesoft's starting time is 19:55 UTC
17:17:43monkeyboysign him up chestal!
17:17:52monkeyboywheres vlaloche?
17:17:58menotumenuum: Too late to sign up
17:18:03Chestalvaloche is watching battle
17:18:12menotumemonkeyboy: Val is in observer mode at tourny
17:18:38monkeyboytell him to signup nuum somone....
17:18:58monkeyboyare we playing on ducati?
17:19:09nuummenotume: this is what the web told me too
17:19:09monkeyboycuz i have no idea where to login
17:19:42nuumjust add @?
17:19:54nuumi'm gonna try o-mode
17:20:06monkeyboyi think you need Valoches client eh?
17:20:16monkeyboyfor observer to work
17:20:25ZigI have 1.7e2
17:20:28monkeyboyyo zig!
17:20:29Zigwith @Zig i am observer
17:20:33ZigYou just cant fly
17:20:38monkeyboycool i check it out then
17:20:42ZigIts over
17:20:46monkeyboyis it
17:20:52falconso whats up
17:20:52Zigfirst round over
17:20:53monkeyboytop 3 are?
17:21:02ValocheCapN, Gerbil, FantaZee
17:21:13nuumwhos out?
17:21:15monkeyboycool deeal
17:21:20monkeyboytop score?
17:21:22ValocheIKB and thwack
17:21:31Zigcapn top
17:21:34Zigand like 12
17:21:42Valochemonkey: be patient, Chestal will update the web page within minutes, now
17:21:47monkeyboyi have a tough group eh zig
17:21:49nuumcongrats capn
17:21:57CapNthx nuum
17:21:59ValocheCapN: you are my god :)
17:22:05I_KalamBaI KalamBa -6 CapN 11 FantaZee 1 Gerbli 2 thwack -12
17:22:07monkeyboygood job cappy
17:22:19CapN:) lol valoche, my palms are sweaty!
17:22:20Gerbilcongrtas capn--curse u
17:22:20Chestalhold on, am updatign web page
17:22:30FantaZeeis it possible that we start before 18:15 ??
17:22:32CapNgerbil, you started out very strong
17:22:35Gerbili kalamba was killing me with the lag
17:22:37ValocheThat was close between IKB and Gerbil, but finally Gerbil made some nice shots ;)
17:22:48monkeyboyno flags at all huh
17:22:56CapNthx gerbil. i know in my heart you did just enough to get to round 2
17:22:56Gerbilnhe could always shoot after I killed him for a sec
17:23:06menotumePerhaps, next time, if player has lag over 1000, they should be kicked?
17:23:21Gerbilis kinda normal with lag anyway
17:23:24monkeyboyyeah zig
17:23:37Gerbilmy strategy was to stay away from i kalamba and capn
17:23:46CapNlol gerbil
17:23:47I_KalamBaon lag kick
17:23:49monkeyboyjust kill em all gerbil
17:23:55falconwhere do you watch the game
17:24:08Zigjoin with @ infront of name
17:24:13Chestalok, webpage updated
17:24:13Zigwhen 2nd round starts
17:24:21falconwhat server
17:24:24monkeyboyi'm nervous
17:24:30monkeyboyi think i should go puke
17:24:33nuumyou up next monkeyboy?
17:24:37monkeyboybeing a monkey and all
17:24:43Gerbilstay out of crossfires monkey and don't chat any
17:24:44CapNnice job fantazee
17:24:45Valochemonkey: it's very stressing, you'll see ;)
17:24:49monkeyboyi'm in round 3
17:25:00monkeyboyok gerbil
17:25:04Gerbili thought fantazee was gonna clobber me
17:25:06CapNwere you guys nervouse out there, it was weird.
17:25:10monkeyboytnx ;)
17:25:14mirandaCapN did you play?
17:25:22CapNmiranda: yes
17:25:26Zighe got 1st
17:25:31Gerbilyeah--felt totally diff--like taking a teest in school
17:25:31Zigplayed extremely well
17:25:31monkeyboygonna try watching
17:25:33I_KalamBano, group 3 -money
17:25:41mirandadid you win?
17:25:45Chestalok, we need  Ginku Jr., lupinator, BeeZee, tankmann and Larry for next round
17:25:48thwackIKB's lag got me
17:25:48CapNi agree gerbil
17:25:51thwackas well
17:26:02Chestalnuum: so you want to join?
17:26:05lupinatori can't reach tankmann at the moment
17:26:11nuumyes, yes i do
17:26:15GerbilFor the record--it was a gerbil that scored first blood
17:26:22nuumlet me put on some pants first
17:26:24ChestalValoche: we'll put nuum in group D then,ok?
17:26:25CapNyes, on me wasnt it gerbil?
17:26:25Gerbilngo rodents!
17:26:41nuumthanks guys
17:26:44Gerbilnwhoknows--i wasnt looking--just shooting at moving stuff
17:26:57Chestalnuum: you're in group D, check the web page
17:26:58CapNhee hee
17:27:04Gerbilcolor does help
17:27:18zeus_bzflagthanks a lot chestal
17:27:18Gerbilso u don't have to look uo who it is after a while
17:27:25Gerbilgood job chestal
17:27:26nuumhahah! red
17:27:47Zigi am purple
17:27:51Chestalwell, next battleis scheduled for 18:40
17:27:54nuumlooks like some decent competitors
17:27:57I_KalamBaI don't know if I will stay & watch
17:28:04Gerbilnwhat time would that be exactly in EST?
17:28:16CapN2:40 est
17:28:16Zigi am Est too
17:28:17Chestalin 10 minutes
17:28:18Gerbilu were scaring crapoutta me I Kalmba
17:28:26Chestalwhere's larry?
17:28:31Gerbili kept thinking--"Go away!"
17:28:34menotumeEST is 6 hours before UTC
17:28:49Chestallarry and tankmann missing
17:29:14CapNchestal , do you know who larry is?
17:29:32GinkuI wouldn´t wonder, Larry came not...
17:29:32Chestalcapn: larry is a palyer who's always saying things like "Ha!" after each kill
17:29:35nuumi'm gonna go have breakfast, when do you think group D will start?
17:29:41Gerbilhey monkey--nother tip--avoid chasing and engaging really lagged tanks--go for the score with nomnlagged ones
17:29:46Chestalnuum: it's all on th web page :-)
17:29:54Gerbillarry wanted to play
17:30:07Chestalnuum: in about 1 hour, maybe less
17:30:10nuumi have an hour then...
17:30:13CapNyeah i remember he was very excited about playing
17:30:34Chestalif both tankmann and larry won't show up, we have a problem
17:30:36CapNi'm looking forward to relaxing and watching
17:30:38Chestal3 out of 3 willqualify then :-)
17:30:39I_KalamBaif player dont show we should wait until last minute 4 him doesnt seem to like me today
17:31:07Valochenuum: it has a problem, to see the groups just use this page:
17:31:09Chestalwe definitely need betetr tournament support in bzflag itself
17:31:21Chestalit's stressfull for me
17:31:24CapNsomeone else could switch as well, monkey and valoche are here from group c
17:31:25BeZeethere´s no problem :-)
17:31:32lupinatorChestal: i'm trying to get tankmann. no luck yet
17:31:38falconhow do you watch the thing my sis is bothering me
17:31:39monkeyboywhat did i do?????
17:31:42ValocheCapN: ahem! why me ? ;)
17:31:52Chestalhmm, I do not liek the idea to switch players between groups
17:32:09CapNcuz i know you can handle it!
17:32:14Valochecya IKB
17:32:20monkeyboybye IKB
17:32:23CapNjust a thought chestal
17:32:25nuumi'll play group B
17:32:32Ginkubye IKB
17:32:42Chestalmenotume might join in
17:32:54thwacksee you IKB
17:32:54Chestalbut we'll have to wait for larry and tankmann first
17:33:05CapNif you switch just 1 player then there would still be 4 in the next group
17:33:14Chestalto remind you: serevr is port 5156
17:33:17FantaZeewe should take one from group c
17:33:37Gerbilu could  goto "stats"on and see whois ther and ask if someone wants to sub?
17:33:37ChestalIwill annojcne as son as server is up, please join then with the correct color
17:33:54falconthen i right @falcon
17:34:05Chestalfalcon: to observe, yes
17:34:14Chestaland do not start playign before countdown reaches 15:00, ok?
17:34:22falconit doesn't work
17:34:31Zigits not open yet
17:34:32Chestalfalcon; not now, server isn't up yet
17:34:36ChestalI will announce when
17:34:47thwackYou might try making the extra countdown time longer...
17:34:50nuumi've got a funny feeling in my tummy
17:34:51CapNfalcon, its on port 5156
17:34:54Chestalso, ginku_jr, lupinator, beezee: are you there?
17:35:01ValocheALL: is down at present moment :( Some problem server-side... Hopefully the scores are hosted at Chestal's
17:35:07GerbilKill me please, last farm boy, bugsy and strouph might all sub if asked and they are playing now
17:35:12Ginkunok for Jr
17:35:24Chestalok, we'll wait another 2 minutes
17:35:37Chestalenotume: get ready to play as blue
17:35:42menotumeOK, will do
17:35:51Chestalnuum: I have you stil lscheduled forgroup d, ok?
17:36:03CapNgood luck you guys, stay calm!!
17:36:33Gerbilpick ur shots
17:36:35nuumChestal: confirmed
17:36:36mirandawhere are you from CapN??
17:36:40Gerbiltay out of group melees
17:36:59Gerbilstay out of group melees and pick ur shots
17:37:03Chestalget ready to join in 30s
17:37:03CapNmiranda: do i know you from another nickname?
17:37:23ValocheALL: don't forget: no right-click until timer reaches 15:00
17:37:23mirandasoft or shadow
17:37:29Chestalok, join now!
17:37:33Chestal*battle starts*
17:39:27Chestallarry and tankman didn't show up
17:41:14ZEUScan i right click and move around with affecting the players
17:41:44ChestalZEUS: yes
17:47:58Chestalhi miranda
17:48:20Chestalmiranda: join and watch th ebattle
17:48:41miranda@ first???
17:49:01Chestalmiranda: yes, port 5156!
17:49:35monkeyboyi wonder how much the lag increases with spectators
17:51:04ZEUSwow, i'm nervous now
17:51:52monkeyboydon't me nervous ZEUS!
17:52:02Chestalmonkey: shouldn;t increase, at least not much
17:52:02monkeyboyi gonna throw up
17:52:29ZEUSmenotume is not doing well and
17:52:43ZEUSi have a hard time against him 1-1
17:54:08monkeyboylupinator tearing it up
17:54:15nuumi'd say
17:54:20monkeyboyyou have a tough group too Zeus
17:54:26monkeyboymine is tough
17:54:50Gerbilsuddenly I like my group
17:54:55nuumyeah i thought meno was pretty good
17:55:05ZEUSyes, i think the player were divided evenly
17:55:10nuumlupinator was in some kinda killing zone
17:55:12Ziggg etc
17:55:12CapNgreat job lupi!! impressive.
17:55:14monkeyboylupi was playing pool eh
17:55:25ZEUShe is good, especially at dancing around shots
17:55:29Gerbilwe must destrot lupnator before he gets to me
17:55:33menotumeLupi is the ultimate dodger.
17:55:44Chestalscores are onthe web page
17:55:47monkeyboyi'm a lover not a tank!
17:55:51Gerbilcapn--u act as bait while I run for help
17:56:07I_KalamBaGinku Jr. -8 menotume -22 BeZee 6 lupinator 20
17:56:08Valochemissing: OnkelFrank, Lazarus and jh :(
17:56:09nuumi can't seem to zoom with the functionkeys (f8, f9, f10) etc in the observer mode...
17:56:16monkeyboyso can we practice?
17:56:16lupinatori'm nearly unable to type
17:56:20Chestalyep, 3 peopel missing, that's bad
17:56:23monkeyboyor wait for server?
17:56:31CapNlaz was here earlier i saw him
17:56:35nuumgood show lupinator
17:56:38monkeyboyhe playing i bet
17:56:41Chestalwell, battle shoudl start in 6 minutes
17:56:41Zigvery nice lupinator
17:56:44monkeyboycongrats lupi
17:56:47ZigLupinator: one question
17:56:55Zigwhat radar mode do you use
17:56:57monkeyboyyo laz
17:56:58ChestalOnkel Frank and jh are missing
17:56:58Gerbilit wasn't nice!  it was SCARY!!  very scary!
17:57:00Zigbiggest, middle, smallest?
17:57:14ZigI saw you get inbetween 2 bullets that came from the side
17:57:16lupinatorZig: mostly 1 and 2
17:57:21Zig1 being?
17:57:24bzlazarusi almost missed it  was thinking it was later
17:57:28nuumi fear a match against lupinator
17:57:36CapNlupi, it makes you nervous doesnt it.
17:57:38monkeyboynervous laz???
17:57:41Chestallaz: you're just in time
17:57:45ZigI was wondering how you got in between two close bullets with just radar =/
17:57:53lupinatorCapN: you can say that
17:57:55monkeyboyi spewed
17:57:59Chestalwell, with 2 peopel missing you're qualified without fighting
17:58:01Gerbilis pretty nerve wracking Laz
17:58:01Zighow can you be nervous
17:58:01monkeyboyinto this cup
17:58:05lupinatorZig: 1 is the closest
17:58:06ZigI will bomb out and get -30
17:58:10Valochehey! I wanna play
17:58:20Chestalsomeone opting to replace one of the missing tanks?
17:58:21monkeyboyZig if you spew
17:58:25Zigif i get -30 i will swear my ass off
17:58:27bzlazarusok so whats the port number Chest
17:58:28monkeyboyspew into my cup ok?
17:58:33Chestalbzlas: 5156
17:58:34nuumhow do i get zoom mode dammit!
17:58:42Valochejolly: wanna play?
17:58:43CapNhey jolly can fill in!!
17:58:44Chestallaz: I will annonce when serevr is ready
17:58:47monkeyboymonkey goes to slient mode
17:58:47bzlazaruscan we go there now
17:58:52Chestallaz: don't start before countdown reaches 15:00
17:58:53CapNcome on Jolly
17:58:54monkeyboytime to reflect
17:58:57nuumgood luck monkey
17:58:59Zigmonkey you can still quit
17:59:00jollyi'll just watch
17:59:02Zigthrow in the towel
17:59:02monkeyboyon evolution and what not
17:59:14Gerbilnyeah--when u connect to server don't right click till timer hits 15 guys
17:59:16ChestalOnkel Frank and jh still missing
17:59:21monkeyboyi need to get bhuddist now
17:59:28Chestalheh, Blaster. You're here?
17:59:30ValocheHey! Blaster!
17:59:37Gerbilnremember monkey--ape must not kill ape
17:59:38ChestalBlaster: you can join in, some people are not showin gup :-)
17:59:40bzlazarusshould we wait till last in hopes they will show?
17:59:44lupinatoris reaching for a couple of pills to calm down
17:59:45monkeyboyape eat ape
17:59:47thwackAbout roaming...
17:59:48Chestallaz: yep, we'll wait 2-3 minutes
18:00:01BlasterHi guys, yes..I got some time to spare
18:00:06monkeyboydeep breathing now
18:00:08thwacki hit F8 followed by F7...
18:00:09lupinatorhi blaster
18:00:12GerbilNcoolIRC page whoever set this up
18:00:14monkeyboyvisializing jimi hendrix
18:00:22ValocheGerbil: that's Lupinator
18:00:25Blasterso how is it going?
18:00:30thwackand i couldn't follow different tanks...
18:00:31monkeyboypurple haze
18:00:38monkeyboyall around...
18:00:44Zigyou are purple
18:00:50nuumpurple forever
18:00:50ChestalI found jh, he was on5155
18:00:52Zigyou have to keep the reputation up
18:00:52monkeyboyyeah brother!
18:00:53Gerbilnanother thing to mention--stay out of lines of fire as observers
18:00:55Valochelaz: you are rogue
18:00:55Zigall the pressure on you
18:00:56nuumwait, i'm red...
18:00:57Zigyou blow it
18:01:01Zigyou will be scared for life
18:01:05Gerbilyou do BLOCK shots when thye hit u and thats not fair
18:01:06bzlazarushold on its messing up on me now!
18:01:19monkeyboyi need to pee
18:01:23monkeyboyhehehe hahahaha
18:01:24ChestalI hope jh will join soon
18:01:29Valochemonkeyboy: you are not allowed to pee
18:01:29ChestalI told him to come here
18:01:32Gerbilrun monkey, run!
18:01:33nuumpee into your little cup
18:01:34CapNgerbil they go thru you
18:01:35Blasteris there a free slot in the next game?
18:01:41monkeyboyi just used this post here
18:01:51ZigAll the pressure monkeyboy
18:01:51Gerbilthey stoppped when they hit me i watched
18:01:51monkeyboyok seeya
18:01:59monkeyboyshuddup zig!!!
18:02:01ChestalGerbil: they don't stop for other tanks
18:02:02CapNuh - huh, just on your radar
18:02:13ValocheBlaster: there might be one if OnkelFrank does not show up
18:02:19Gerbilon my radar they stopped tracking after hitting me
18:02:21Blasterand it
18:02:27Blaster15min game?
18:02:28Gerbilncool then
18:02:30CapNyes, but they dont for the other tanks playing
18:02:31thwacki'm trying to stay out of the way but i lose track of where i am
18:02:38Gerbilnever mind
18:02:48ValocheBlaster: if you fight and win, you'll have to go the 2nd round
18:03:03thwackwe need an observer mode that completely takes the tank OUT
18:03:11Gerbilwould be cool
18:03:27Chestal============= ok, jh has problems getting here, I'm tlakign to him on 5155 righ tnow
18:03:28Blasterhmm, dunno if I time maybe
18:03:36bzlazarusi wont be able to read anything while playing  all the print is in little blocks now
18:03:38Gerbiltotally differnt game too between first and secon matches--nothing in commom
18:03:48Ziglooked the same to me =/
18:03:50Chestallaz, monkey, valoche: are you ready?
18:03:59Valocheis ready
18:04:02GerbilADVICE: ignore messages while playing
18:04:08Gerbilust see clock occasionally
18:04:50menotumejh is on 5155 - can;t go to irc
18:04:52ZigThe clock is your master
18:04:58Chestalmonkey: ??
18:05:04CapNwhere s monkey
18:05:04Valoche is up again
18:05:07ZigMonkey is gone
18:05:08ValocheChestal: monkey went peeing
18:05:11ChestalValoche: hmm
18:05:21Zigpeeing pants is not good
18:05:27Chestalmoneky was on 5155, I'll start server now
18:05:32Chestalplease join
18:05:39bzlazaruscan we go onto it now
18:05:49Gerbilgo now but dont right click
18:07:49captain_protonwhoa i guess the tournament must be going on ;)
18:08:54ChestalOnkel Frank didn't show up
18:11:20Ginku_Jr           dddddd
18:16:51velochestal, I'm here
18:17:04Chestalvelo: ah, ok :-)
18:21:26mirandaare you there
18:22:41lupinatori'm here
18:24:37nuummonkey took it
18:24:50Ziggg etc
18:24:57menotumeI score much better as an observer :)
18:25:02Chestalwe had some strange lag liek problems this time
18:25:07mirandamonkey is god
18:25:18Valocheyep, that was kinda laggy
18:25:29bzlazarusi see the lag was the factor, l;ike i figured
18:25:34CapNit just got jumpy a couple of times
18:25:44I_KalamBa--------jh -19 Valoche -2 m0nkey_b0y 13 Lazarus 2
18:25:46bzlazarusi showed monkey moving too fast twice by the way
18:25:52GerbilI think lag was some problem--but equally distributed
18:25:54velome too
18:25:58Zighow many elimited?
18:26:00Zigjust 1
18:26:01Valocheyep, I had the monkey too fast stuff
18:26:01Chestalmaybe I shoud lower the number of observers
18:26:07ChestalI don't know what caused this trobule
18:26:09ZigMonkey: you came through
18:26:13ValocheChestal: yes, you really should do that
18:26:17monkeyboyi was too fast???
18:26:18Gerbilthey could replay with only one observer?
18:26:20nuumway to go monkeyboy
18:26:23Chestalhold on
18:26:29Gerbilnno--just a lag spike
18:26:29monkeyboytnz nuum!
18:26:29Zigreplay .. pff
18:26:33Valochejust after you exploded, we got the "tank too fast" alert, but it's okay
18:26:34bzlazarusyes  twice  and i couldnt kill you at the end
18:26:38Gerbillaz jumped so did monkey
18:26:45Gerbilonly lasted a half sec
18:26:49monkeyboyeveryone jumped for me too
18:26:53monkeyboyi just played through
18:26:59Valocheonly Laz was jumping for me
18:27:06monkeyboyfigured it was everyone too
18:27:07Gerbilall tanks were laggeed--it wasn't one more than another
18:27:09bzlazarusits my slow connection
18:27:10ChestalI'll limit to 8 observers
18:27:13ZigHow many people are eliminated?
18:27:16Zig2, 1?
18:27:18Gerbil all went "freeze frame"simultaneouisly
18:27:22ValocheZig: 1
18:27:33Chestalzig: 3 qualify
18:27:33BlasterThat looked fun.....I must check if I can join...hate these family dinners ;)
18:27:41Chestalzig: so 1 or 2 are eliminated depnding on grooup size
18:27:42monkeyboylaz i lucked out on that shot thru tele eh
18:27:49ValocheBlaster: there's a slot in groupe E
18:27:51GerbilI have a slight problem...errr..
18:27:59bzlazarusthats the story of my life buddy
18:28:01Zigblaster will ownerize me
18:28:04monkeyboyZig you feeling like $
18:28:08CapNd too isnt ther valoche?
18:28:15Valocheduring the battle, my girlfriend call me on the phone.
18:28:17ZigMonkeyboy: you came through
18:28:19GerbilMy wife's b-day and in 30 minutes I have to leave
18:28:21Zigbut i was expecting better
18:28:24Gerbilcan I pick a sub?
18:28:27mirandai`m playing vs you Zig
18:28:27Blasterok, keep that for me Val
18:28:34Zigyou are?
18:28:38ValocheChestal: recorded ?
18:28:39monkeyboyi lucky zig
18:28:43ChestalValoche: yes, web page updated
18:28:45mirandaim soft
18:28:46ValocheWig: miranda = Soft
18:28:51Chestalso, next battle in 5 minutes
18:29:01captain_protonyou won the round monkey?
18:29:01GerbilChestal--did you hear?
18:29:01bzlazaruswhen will i have to play again
18:29:05ZigWhen i go, i will be eliminated, but i dont care =/
18:29:09monkeyboyyeah proton
18:29:13captain_protonnice job
18:29:16GerbilI have to leave in 30 minuets--can I pick a sub?
18:29:16Chestalwe need: velo, arcon, ZEUS, ___r and nuum
18:29:18monkeyboybeers all around!
18:29:20ValocheThe best looser so far is IKB ;)
18:29:20ChestalGerbil: eh, what?
18:29:30monkeyboywhere was onkelfrank????
18:29:32mirandahow do you change name in IRC??
18:29:33veloibot, is velo here?
18:29:37Chestaloh nooo, not Group E for blaster, that's my group!
18:29:43Valochemonkey: I'll show on the Cowards of the year list
18:29:44Zigkeep him out
18:29:46ZEUSzeus is here
18:29:48Zighe can go with group F
18:29:50I_KalamBano why?
18:29:51captain_protonmiranda: /nick <newnick>
18:29:52Zigi heard they were all the rage
18:29:54monkeyboyhaha valoche
18:30:12ChestalGerbil: hmm, why?
18:30:13nuumGerbil: who would you  pick?
18:30:24Chestalso, who is missing?
18:30:37monkeyboychestal...bzfrank a no-show?
18:30:42Chestalmonkeyboy: no-show
18:30:45GerbilFantazee--he was right next to me in my match and we are close in skill
18:30:46Valocheyep, arcon is missing
18:30:54Chestalwhere's ____r ?
18:30:55velois "____r" here?
18:30:56Valocheand ____r, too
18:30:59miranda\nick Soft
18:31:05CapNfantazee is already in gerbil
18:31:11nuumforward slash
18:31:20CapNits the top 3
18:31:21monkeyboyjolly here?
18:31:25Gerbilcan i designate a replacement?
18:31:28CapNjolly just left
18:31:35Chestalhmm, 2 missing
18:31:41ChestalBlaster: would you care to play now?
18:31:46Chestalwe need at least 4
18:32:00Blasterhave to check...hold on
18:32:05monkeyboyjolly should play
18:32:15Gerbiljolly should hes good
18:32:20Blasterok, I can join
18:32:22Zigthats why not =/
18:32:22monkeyboyi vote jolly in
18:32:27Gerbilstill sweating monkey?
18:32:27monkeyboyhe is a stud
18:32:30Valochevotes Jolly, too
18:32:34Chestalok, ___r and arcon still missing
18:32:39Zighaw haw
18:32:45monkeyboyi am warmer now gerbil :)
18:32:46Zigthat guy is hilarious
18:32:59monkeyboyjolly you the man
18:33:05Chestalblaster; you'll probably play as purple
18:33:07monkeyboyyou are voted in to tourney
18:33:14bzlazaruswhen will we play again????????????????
18:33:15GerbilHey Laz--I was "roaming"in sky and u looked pretty fast down ther
18:33:15Zignot in my group
18:33:19Zigi want to be above -20
18:33:24Gerbilu dominated filed for first 2/3 of game
18:33:33Chestalbzlaz: 2nd roudn groups are not known until 1st roudn is finished
18:33:34monkeyboyi sense nerves in Zig?????
18:33:41ValocheLaz: the 2nd round is around 20:20
18:33:46bzlazarusit was easy  with 3 going from each round there wasnt any pressure
18:33:47ZigI will blow it
18:33:49Zigbut i dont care
18:33:53ZigI'll have fun =/
18:34:04monkeyboypressure Zig
18:34:06Chestalso, velo: rogue, ZEUS: green, blaster: purple, nuum: red
18:34:06captain_protonwow monkey you really rocked that game :)
18:34:08monkeyboyyou da man
18:34:09captain_protontime for me to leave...
18:34:11bzlazaruslag starts and my performance drops quickly gerbil
18:34:12ZigIm purple too
18:34:12ZEUSok, nerves about to go.  time to start?
18:34:17Chestal=== ducati port 5156
18:34:20monkeyboytnx proton
18:34:24Chestaldo not right cick before countdown at 15:00!!!
18:34:28Chestaleveryone ready?
18:34:30monkeyboyyou not playing???
18:34:37nuumhang on, my bzflag crashed
18:34:39jollyare we on the 3rd or 4th round?
18:34:40GerbilI thinkmaybe we had ntoo many observers in that time
18:34:46Chestalis holding on
18:34:48monkeyboy4th jolly
18:34:50Chestalwaiting for nuum
18:34:59ValocheJolly: 4th battle out of 5 in the 1st round
18:35:05bzlazarushow do i use observe mode
18:35:12Ziguse @ in front of name
18:35:22Zig@Zig is obs for me
18:35:26GerbilCould LAz take my place Chestal?
18:35:28Blasteris it time?
18:35:31monkeyboygood luck players!
18:35:32ChestalGerbil: laz is also qualified
18:35:44Gerbilso who?
18:35:47Chestalok, everybody ready now?
18:35:48ZigIf i lose, i will blame it on the Koreans
18:35:50Valochethe best looser?
18:35:51Chestaljoin port 5156 in 30 seconds
18:36:01velogerbil, after I get knocked out I'll take your place   :-)
18:36:05monkeyboyhaha Zig
18:36:07ValocheGerbil: th ebest looser could take your place
18:36:12Chestalserevr started
18:36:12Zigkoreans always blow it
18:36:16monkeyboyshow us your stuff fellas
18:36:17GerbilI dontmind if someone is given my slot
18:36:19Chestal======= players join now
18:36:28Zigobs join too?
18:36:30monkeyboynot your goods
18:36:30Gerbili will have to go--otherwise would stay
18:36:37monkeyboyyour "stuff"
18:36:45monkeyboyleavin gerbil?
18:36:48velosomeone is already logged in as rogue
18:36:53velotell them to log out
18:36:56Gerbili have too--is wife's b-day
18:37:02monkeyboyoh nice
18:37:02Valochevelo: go join!
18:37:07Gerbilnwouldn't look good to not take her out
18:37:11veloI'm in
18:37:14monkeyboyhave fun gerbil.
18:37:24Gerbilthanks--u will have to update me later
18:37:27monkeyboywe send her our love!!!
18:37:36Gerbiloh yeah--she'll be thrilled
18:37:38Gerbil: )
18:37:44monkeyboypeace man
18:37:47Valochegame is full :(
18:37:50ValocheI can't watch
18:38:00ChestalValoche: I'm there
18:38:00Zighaw haw
18:38:02Gerbilncya guys sniff..sniff..I coiulda been a contender
18:38:03Softwhere are you from monkey?
18:38:04monkeyboyi was too busy chattin Val
18:38:17monkeyboyi from the mountains soft
18:38:22ZigWhat mountains
18:38:26monkeyboymountain ape
18:38:26Zigdont be so vague
18:38:30Zigwhat do i pay you for
18:38:32Zigtell me
18:38:34monkeyboysangre de cristos
18:38:39Zigin english
18:38:41monkeyboyfor realz
18:38:44Zigdo i look like a mexican?
18:38:50monkeyboythats their name...part of rockies
18:38:55Zigwhat state/ province
18:38:57monkeyboyi am indian
18:39:04Zigor indian
18:39:15Zigtoo bad
18:39:18monkeyboya skin as they say
18:39:20Zigi have some good Hindu lines
18:39:30Zigwatch game
18:39:31GinkuChestal: who leads ?
18:39:33Zigits started
18:39:38monkeyboyhow bout you soft?
18:39:43Zignuum 4-3
18:39:54monkeyboynuum is pretty good
18:39:56Softi`m from Norway
18:39:56Chestalginku: Blaster
18:39:58ZigZeus 1-4
18:40:07ChestalZEUS got a bad start
18:40:07jollytoo bad it is all filled
18:40:10monkeyboyUK eh Zig?
18:40:12ZigNuum 5-3
18:40:15Zigblaster 4-3
18:40:20Zigim canadian
18:40:23monkeyboymonkey 6-6-6
18:40:23Chestaljolly: yeah, I lowered number of observers casue we got probvlems during last battle
18:40:42ZigNuum 5-5 Blaster 4-3
18:40:44Valocheis eating a sandwich
18:40:54monkeyboymonkey eating banana
18:40:57Zig6-6 5-5 4-4
18:40:58Zigall even
18:41:05Zig3-7 for velo
18:41:22monkeyboyjolly you playing?
18:41:48Zig7-7, 5-5, 4-4
18:41:56jollyno i'm not
18:41:57Zig5-8 for velo
18:42:11monkeyboywhy ??
18:42:24jollyi'm just kinda in and out of the game
18:42:27ZigIts real close
18:42:28monkeyboyyou rick dude...
18:42:28Chestaljolly: don't play. I woudlk have to fight you :-)
18:42:28Valochemonkeyboy, are you playing the monkey game?
18:42:37monkeyboyrock* i meant
18:42:38Ziglisten to chestal
18:42:42Zigi dont want to lose
18:42:50monkeyboyyou know it Val
18:42:58Valocheyou know it Val
18:42:58Zigleaders are at 0, 0, -1
18:43:01jollywho won the first round?
18:43:06mirandaare you god Zig??
18:43:15ZigI am a god
18:43:19Zigone of 500 hindu gods
18:43:28ZigThe god of grass that is between 3 and 4 centimetres tall
18:43:28Valochehe's godZiglla
18:43:35monkeyboyhindus worship da monkey too
18:43:42ZigScores are
18:43:43monkeyboythey have monkey day
18:43:55monkeyboyand a hot tub for me and my crew
18:43:56Zig1, 0, -2, -2
18:44:15Zig1, -2, -2, -2
18:44:29Zig0, 0, -2, -2
18:44:29Valochea hot tub for you and your screw?
18:44:42monkeyboyyeah ;)
18:44:50Zig1, 0, -2, -2
18:45:07Zig2, 0, -2, -2
18:45:10ZigHalf way...
18:45:10jollywho has the lead?
18:45:12monkeyboyVal your strategy was intersting
18:45:13Valochewho is at 2?
18:45:25Valochemonkey: I had no strategy, I was just too nervous to play well
18:45:37ZigNuum 2, Zeus 0, Blaster -2, Velo -5
18:45:41Valocheplus, the phone rang;)
18:45:46Chestalis gettign nervous
18:45:49monkeyboyscrew the phone!!
18:45:51ChestalI haven't trained for some hours, wooah
18:45:51ZigDont blow it chestal
18:45:57ZigI haven't played
18:45:59monkeyboyChestal if you spew
18:46:03I_KalamBadosent care
18:46:04monkeyboyspew in my cup
18:46:05ZigLIke 1 hour this week
18:46:06Chestalall this organizational stress...
18:46:07Zigwho cares
18:46:21monkeyboyyou played all day this week Zig!
18:46:31Softmiranda is my fathers nick
18:46:47monkeyboymiranda sounds like a girls name
18:46:47ValocheYour father is a dog ?!?
18:46:50ZigNuum 3, ZEUS 2, Blaster -1, Velo -10
18:47:05Zigdont blow my cover
18:47:10Zigits called propaganda
18:47:34ValocheSoft: sorry, I messed up with Miranda and Mirza
18:47:36Softi was talking to monkey
18:47:57ZigAt 5 Minute Mark: Zeus 3, Nuum 1, Blaster 1, Velo -9
18:48:01monkeyboydo you snowboard there in norway?
18:48:03Softwhat is Mirza!!??
18:48:11Valochetypical dog's name
18:48:19Zigwhat is dogs name?
18:48:24monkeyboymy dog is Golgo
18:48:29monkeyboyhe rules
18:48:33Softyes very often
18:48:48monkeyboyhalf rot/ half german sheppard
18:48:56monkeyboy100% cute
18:49:06monkeyboydo you snowboard Soft?
18:49:17monkeyboyor anyone...for that matter
18:49:26Softno slalom
18:49:28ValocheI don't, I'll learn this winter
18:49:28I_KalamBahow much time to gamend
18:49:29monkeyboycuz i can't wait for da snow
18:49:30ZigZeus 2, Nuum 0, Blaster -2, Velo -9 : 3 Min
18:49:41jollyclose match
18:49:52monkeyboywow...zeus steppin it up
18:49:53ValocheBlaster? -2? That's impossible
18:49:53Chestalvelo will be outof the tournament
18:50:00ChestalBlaster: isn't doing very good
18:50:01Zig-1 now
18:50:06monkeyboyyou need to step it up Zig
18:50:09ZigI will
18:50:11monkeyboyits almost time
18:50:13ZigI'll give em it all
18:50:20monkeyboyshow me your stuff man
18:50:20Zigthey will bow before m3h m4f sk1ll5
18:51:08Valochebtw, who want a screenshot of Lupinator exploding ? ;)
18:51:16monkeyboyi do!!
18:51:34Zig2 Minutes Left: ZEUS 5, Nuum 0 ,Blaster -3, Velo -11
18:51:37Zig1 minute left
18:51:51Zig6, 0, -4
18:51:59ZigZeus and nuum doing well
18:51:59monkeyboyzeus bringin it home
18:52:00jollythats surprising with Blaster
18:52:16monkeyboyits kinda nerv racking jolly
18:52:24monkeyboya little pressure
18:52:25jollyi bet :)
18:52:30monkeyboyright Zig :)
18:52:41ValocheIt'll be on the site tomorrow. Oh, BTW, he blew himself up ;)
18:52:42I_KalamBayes, i expected more from sound blaster
18:52:46jollywho won the first round?
18:53:00monkeyboy4th group of round 1
18:53:01ZigFinal Scores: Zeus 4, Nuum 3, Blaster -4, Velo -12
18:53:05nuumum 3
18:53:12nuumheres to zeus
18:53:19monkeyboyall scores there jolly
18:53:20bzlazarusalot of lag in that round
18:53:30jollyahh thanks
18:53:32Ziggg all
18:53:36ZEUShave to get a towel to wipe the sweat from desk
18:53:41ValocheBlaster: what happened?
18:53:45monkeyboygood job zeus
18:53:47nuumheh, i was all gittery
18:53:50veloman I need to play more often
18:53:51ValocheZig: moisture
18:53:53monkeyboygood job nuum
18:53:53Chestalvelo: you're out :-(
18:54:04monkeyboysorry velo :(
18:54:04bzlazarusi wont say the tank  but i watched many shots go through him
18:54:11velolaz, which one?
18:54:11Blasterwell, it was laggy.
18:54:16nuumhow does this shape up after all the groups have played?  do we get a break?
18:54:20ZEUSwas it me?
18:54:20veloI was in the game, I'd like to know?
18:54:23ValocheLaz: maybe YOU were laggy... you can't tell
18:54:26Zigi gotta play
18:54:27CapNi didnt see anything strange
18:54:29nuumbzlazarus: who?
18:54:37monkeyboygood luck zig
18:54:41bzlazarusfor only one tank Volache  come on
18:54:43ZEUSI would like to know as well
18:54:47monkeyboyi have a cup ok
18:54:49Chestalweb page updated
18:54:54monkeyboyfor spew
18:55:00ZigI will blow it
18:55:00ValocheLaz: ah okay, I don't know, I wasn't there
18:55:02Chestalwe'll have a longe break after the next battle
18:55:03ZigI always blow it
18:55:05ChestalI will have to setupgroups for round 2
18:55:08nuumout with it!
18:55:11monkeyboystep it up man
18:55:23BlasterWell, I didn't hit a thing that's for sure...cya guys
18:55:27ChestalGinku, Zig, Soft are you here?
18:55:28ZEUSyes, who
18:55:30Zigyou know lyrics to song bootylicious
18:55:32ValocheHey no! Blaster!
18:55:33Zigim here
18:55:34monkeyboygood job blaster
18:55:34Chestalblaster: will you be back?
18:55:36bzlazarushow many are here on a connection faster thyan 500k
18:55:42nuumblasters still in, isn't he?
18:55:43Chestalblaster: you have qualified for round 2
18:55:44ValocheI have one
18:55:51ZigWho knows the lyrics
18:55:52BlasterI have?
18:55:55Zigyou 10 penny people
18:55:56Zigtell me
18:56:00ZEUSif it was me, i will drop out
18:56:02ChestalBlaster: yep, first 3 qualify
18:56:05ZigIts gonna be my catchphrase
18:56:05CapNyeah, they did top 3
18:56:11ChestalBlatser: as you were only 4, only 1 tank is eliminated
18:56:15monkeyboythats wu-tang zig?
18:56:25ZigBootylicious by Destiny's child
18:56:27Zigi need lyrics
18:56:40nuumthat hurts
18:56:41monkeyboy2 girls and bioncee!!!!
18:56:42Blasterohh, nex time less observers please
18:56:50Zigbut what are others names
18:56:54CapNthere were less this time
18:56:59Chestalblaster: I don't think it's the observers, I already lwoered it to 8 max
18:57:04SoftUTC where is that??
18:57:05bzlazarusdo the observers top the bullets
18:57:07Chestalblaster: /lagstats didn't look that bad
18:57:11monkeyboybioncee's cousin
18:57:11ZigVionce or Bionce?
18:57:14CapNno laz
18:57:17bzlazarusstop i mean
18:57:20Chestalblaster: about 80ms up to 230 ms
18:57:21monkeyboyand bioncee's friend
18:57:24Blasternthe game was sluggish
18:57:27Zigno help =[
18:57:29nuumhow can i query lag?
18:57:36Chestalnuum: type /lagstats
18:57:36CapNlaz: on your radar they look like they stop but they dont on the other tanks
18:57:43Ziggo there
18:57:46Chestalok, where's soft / miranda?
18:57:51jollywhat are you trying to figure out?
18:57:56CapNsofts here
18:57:56Zigthe lyrics
18:58:03Blasterwhat lag did nuum had?
18:58:06ZigBioncee, Can you handle this
18:58:07Zigthen the rest
18:58:09nuumtime for a shower
18:58:10ValocheChestal: dunno
18:58:14nuumyeah, what was my lag?
18:58:15Chestalcapn: where?
18:58:19bzlazarushey blaster?
18:58:20ZigStart new round!
18:58:36nuumhow many people here speak english?
18:58:38ZigHurry monkey
18:58:39monkeyboyBeyonce Knowles,
18:58:41ZigI speak english
18:58:41bzlazarusyou know the tank im talking about right?
18:58:43Blasterdamned. not used to
18:58:44CapNwell, i show soft on my list? strange
18:58:45Zigand the rest
18:58:47monkeyboyKelly Rowland
18:58:52Zigits not kelly
18:58:54Zigyou lie
18:58:56monkeyboyMichelle Williams
18:59:05monkeyboythats the fansite
18:59:10Valochesoft ???????? still there ?
18:59:14ZigI will have to go to backup plan
18:59:16Zigkorea talk
18:59:21Zighuk ^.^
18:59:22monkeyboybookmarked :))))
18:59:26Zigkaka -_-++
18:59:53Zigthats it
19:00:03Zigno multi
19:00:03monkeyboyoh yeah
19:00:09nuumkoreaspeek weakallweek seekdamonkey
19:00:09Zig1:1 no lag, no multi, no flyer
19:00:11GinkuChestal: what`s up ?
19:00:18CapNhow about ruudi?
19:00:24ChestalI am waiting for soft
19:00:26Zigthis old school starcraft =/
19:00:29Chestalcapn: ruudi got a phone call
19:00:49Zigis ruudi playing
19:00:52monkeyboynuum were you nervous?
19:01:00monkeyboyyou lead most the way eh?
19:01:03Chestalok, ginku: rogue, zig purple, soft  blue, ok?
19:01:03ValocheZig: no
19:01:06CapNgood luck chestal, i'm expecting a double digit score from you!
19:01:12ChestalCapN: I wil lsuck
19:01:26ValocheChestal: breathe slowly ;)
19:01:27Chestaldo not right-click before counter is down to 15:00
19:01:29monkeyboyi watch this one
19:01:36ZigI can feel the power
19:01:40ZigIf I build it, they will come
19:01:41ChestalI will start server on port 5156  in 30 seconds
19:01:46Chestalany queations?
19:02:05Chestaljoin now!
19:03:28Blasterchestal you there?
19:04:15bzlazarushes playing
19:06:13Blasterok, I'm using the valoche client and it has the placement patch, it placed me far away from the other players all the's usually a good patch...but this time it took to long time to get to the action
19:06:28bzlazarusi noticed
19:06:45bzlazaruspros and cons I guess
19:07:17Blasterhehe, yes...just wanted to complain to Chestal....he made the patch ;)
19:07:22bzlazarusyou still collecting movies
19:07:44bzlazarusor was it games?
19:07:56bzlazaruscant remember
19:07:59BlasterMovies it was, DIV-x
19:08:12bzlazarusah  i can get any ya want
19:08:25bzlazarusgetting Zoolander right now
19:08:35Blasterbut I don't download any, I get them from friend'
19:08:48bzlazarusi can usually get them within 2 days they are in theaters
19:09:15Blasterin what format DVD?
19:09:33Blasteror video?
19:09:33bzlazarusvcd, divx,avi,etc
19:10:02Blasterok, guess you never go to the movies then?
19:10:10bzlazaruslol  nope
19:10:45Blasterhehe, but some are best seen @ the theaters
19:11:09bzlazarusyep  i just started collecting them on my FTP site
19:11:28bzlazarusi can get anything else, i figured why not movies too
19:11:33Blasterohh, hmm....address?
19:11:48nuumwhats the score?
19:12:16nuumbzlazarus: movie site?
19:12:37bzlazarustheres a few movies there  mostly everything else
19:12:56nuumlooks like you have quite a few windoze apps
19:13:34bzlazarusi can usually get about anything now
19:13:49nuumdoes soundforge5 work?
19:13:55Blasterbrb, fixing coffee
19:13:57bzlazarusthey all work
19:14:04I_KalamBazig will win
19:14:14nuumthanks for the site ;)
19:14:29I_KalamBai signdoff, some can signin
19:14:45nuumits a little slow though...
19:14:52bzlazarusits just a look for now  if ya want full time access just email me and ill set ya up with an account
19:15:06nuumwhose 'kate'?
19:15:08bzlazarusslow  im on 1 meg up and down   humm
19:15:19nuumwell 35k/s
19:15:32bzlazarusthats above avg for most FTP's
19:16:01nuumi usually get ~350kB/s from
19:16:02bzlazarusgety on a T1 and youll get 200k  lol
19:16:51bzlazarusi wish i got that on all ftp's ive been on  lol
19:17:13nuumyeah, most are slower than yours
19:17:32nuumcoffee!  thats sounds great
19:17:41nuumyou made the next round?
19:17:50nuumtell me, was it me that was lagging?
19:17:56bzlazarusi like it when people DL big programs from me on dial ups @ 2 k    lol
19:18:19nuumas long as your machine never goes down its not too bad
19:18:32bzlazarusit has resume
19:18:44nuumis this a windows box?
19:18:58bzlazarusits better to use a ftp client though
19:19:03bzlazarusyeah  XP
19:19:16nuumpersonally, i like ncftp
19:19:21Chestaloh my
19:19:22nuumor sftp
19:19:25CapNgood game Chestal, you came on strong in the end. Little nervous there?
19:19:31ChestalCapN: yep :-)
19:19:34nuumthe results?
19:19:40bzlazarusI think FlashFXP is far better  half of the ftps ya cant get onto with cute
19:19:50Zigi was not eliminated
19:19:51ValocheChestal 7 - Zig 5 - Ginku -2 - Soft -12
19:20:03Zignext time
19:20:04ZigI wont type
19:20:07CapNno zig 5
19:20:07ZigI wont laugh
19:20:21jollywho is playing next?
19:20:22Chestalresults are on webpage
19:20:23FantaZeeches ?
19:20:27nuumthe site is?
19:20:36Chestalginku -2? sure?
19:20:39ChestalI wrote -5
19:20:50ZigI was too good
19:20:54ZigI reeked
19:20:54Chestaltype /t
19:20:55Zigso bad
19:20:58ZigDid we all suck?
19:21:05Valochemaybe I made a mistake, not sure
19:21:08Chestalso, what was GInku's score?
19:21:12FantaZeehey ches, can u take me in the first group? it's late for me
19:21:13monkeyboydang..that was fun
19:21:15ValocheGinku: what was your score ? -2 or -5 ?
19:21:30CapNall that and only 6 eliminated!!
19:21:33ChestalFantazee: hmm, it's random
19:21:35GinkuChestal: I could see my opponents only as ghosts (schemes) ????
19:21:36bzlazarusim going to close that down Nuum when ya get soundforge
19:21:41CapNsounds like the NHL
19:21:44ChestalGinku: Capn: yep, because lauts of peopel didn't show up
19:21:51GinkuValoche: -2
19:21:59nuumbzlazarus: thanks, its 10 secs now
19:21:59ValocheChestal: see?
19:22:02Chestalnginku: huh? must be clien terror
19:22:11Chestalok, -2, I stand corrected
19:22:12Zignext round
19:22:16ZigI have to go for an hour
19:22:27ValocheChestal: yep, it's a bug that rarely occurs
19:22:29nuumbzlazarus: thanks
19:22:32monkeyboylets roll on
19:22:36ValocheZig: not okay
19:22:40Chestalok, will prepare round 2 now
19:22:42ZigIt iwll be okay
19:22:47Chestalwill take some minutes
19:22:47Zigyour gonna make it okay
19:22:58ZigI have to mow lawn
19:23:00nuumdo i have time to go to 7eleven?
19:23:01Zigtakes an hour
19:23:07bzlazarusok Chest now what?
19:23:07Zigwhen do i play next
19:23:13ZigEither I play now, or I play last okay?
19:23:16ValocheYou can't leave for one hour. Your lawn won't grow too much ;)
19:23:22monkeyboyi need to get forehead waxed
19:23:23Zigmy dad is pissed
19:23:37Chestalwell, I create the groups randomly
19:23:41Chestalthere will be 3 groups now
19:23:48ZigCan i be first?
19:23:51ZigThen mow lawn
19:23:55ValocheZig: just a sec
19:23:59ChestalI will try
19:24:10monkeyboypatient monkey here
19:24:12Chestalboth GInku's still playing
19:24:13ValocheZig: we'll try to do something
19:24:25Valocheyeah, the Ginku's rule all ;)
19:24:28CapNchestal, all players in the bag for a random draw?
19:24:33Ginkuha ha
19:24:46Zigtell me
19:24:51ChestalCapN: not quite, those who did good in round 1 are more likely to play against those that did not so good
19:25:02ChestalZig: Is group C ok?
19:25:06nuumbagof(N, winner(N), Bag).
19:25:08bzlazarusput me against Cap
19:25:09ZigIs that last?
19:25:14ChestalZig: you won't play for at least 50 minutes then
19:25:16monkeyboycapn wants to hunt monkey's???
19:25:16Chestalthat's last
19:25:18Zig50 minutes?
19:25:21ZigIf im not back
19:25:23Zigin an hour
19:25:24CapNyou sure laz?
19:25:26Zigwait 10 minutes
19:25:29ZigOr avenge my death
19:25:46Chestalwhen shoudl we do the next battle?
19:25:53monkeyboyright away
19:25:54Zigill be back in an hour
19:25:57CapNyou must have somewhere to be laz, and cant stick around for the final :))
19:26:08CapNi vote now
19:26:11monkeyboymy college is playing BYU
19:26:13Chestalok, hol don
19:26:17monkeyboythey must lose
19:26:19I_KalamBaGOOD NIGHT WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:26:25CapNgood night
19:26:26Valochenight-night IKB
19:26:28monkeyboynite IKB!!!!
19:26:33FantaZeebye bye
19:26:38I_KalamBa: signing off
19:27:07monkeyboyzig had to cut lawn :)))
19:27:10Chestalcheck out the web page
19:27:24ValocheLooks good
19:27:28ValocheWhat about Gerbil?
19:27:41Chestalwhat about him?
19:27:42monkeyboyoh sh**!!
19:27:52nuummozilla just crashed my session, hold on
19:27:52bzlazarusoh yeah baby
19:28:09ValocheHe can't play, that's what I understood
19:28:15Valochehis wife's bday
19:28:22Chestaloh, didn't get this
19:28:24monkeyboywifey time
19:28:31Valochemonkey, sit!
19:28:33monkeyboyhe wifen it today
19:28:36bzlazarushis loss i guess  lol
19:28:36Valochegood monkey
19:28:38ChestalI'm kinda stressed here :-)
19:28:52monkeyboydrink some chai chestal
19:28:57CapNcalm down chestal, deep breaths
19:28:58monkeyboydep breathes
19:29:30ChestalBlaster, CapN, nuum, Lazaraus, Fantazee ?
19:29:30CapNlupi, you awake?
19:29:38monkeyboymy chain is too tight Val
19:29:38FantaZeego on
19:29:45monkeyboyi need banana
19:29:45Valochetypo: m0nkey b0y -> m0nkey_b0y
19:29:54Chestalyou 5 will be next, please look at the webpage to get your color
19:30:10bzlazarusim here
19:30:15monkeyboyi request instant win for typo
19:30:25Valochesit! bad dog!
19:30:25Chestalok, everybody seems to be ready. nuum?
19:30:29Valocheer... monkey;)
19:30:34monkeyboy"_" part of my mojo
19:30:45Valocheyou don't have any mojo...
19:30:47nuumhang on
19:30:52monkeyboymust have underscore
19:30:55Chestalis hanging on
19:31:01monkeyboymojo feels fuzzy
19:31:02nuumgreen eh
19:31:14nuumlets do it
19:31:25GinkuChestall: Can I reinstall my old version 1.7fx (had not such probs with fx) ?
19:31:25Chestalok, sever started, log in now!
19:31:31Chestalginku: ok
19:44:47vogon_jeltzis back (gone 09:15:36)
19:48:14nuumdamnit damnit damnit
19:48:24nuum-11 or so
19:48:33nuumit hurts
19:48:34Ginku_Jrlost ?
19:48:36nuumit hurts
19:48:38nuumit hurts
19:48:39FantaZeenice game
19:48:48CapNgood game guys, that was tight.
19:48:51nuumi would now like to announce my retirement from flag
19:48:56nuumgood game capn
19:49:02CapNthx nuum
19:49:03Chestalnuum: you lost :-(
19:49:09nuumwho took it?
19:49:21nuumnot only did i lose, i lost bad
19:49:31Chestalnuum: oh well, you had strong opponents
19:49:35nuumi must be too accustomed to jumping
19:49:40Chestalhmm, laz is out, too
19:49:50FantaZeenuum u want to play for me ??
19:49:53Chestalblaster, capn and fant in semi-finals
19:49:58Valocheyep, it was a forced retirement due to technical problems :(
19:50:05nuumi don't deserve it, and i already announced retirement
19:50:06CapNhe seemed fine on our end
19:50:13Blasterthe only thing i say was bullets going true tanks, it must be laggy...even what the lagstats say
19:50:18CapNi think he ran into video problems
19:50:21monkeyboythis is a good tourney....fatigue is a factor :)
19:50:33ChestalBlaster: well, two people havign lag of 200ms each is noticeable as lag
19:50:34CapNlol monkey
19:50:35nuumits gruelling
19:50:36ValocheBlaster: yep, I think the observers mess things up
19:50:55monkeyboycapn you played aggressive
19:51:10CapNhad too, i was down early
19:51:13monkeyboyi studied your technique
19:51:18nuumFantaZee: let laz play instead
19:51:23monkeyboyits now in monkeynotes
19:51:26CapNi felt your presence monkeyboy
19:51:31vogon_jeltz<monkeyboy> "drive around and shoot people"
19:51:35CapNlike an angel on my shoulder
19:51:45ChestalLaz: you seemed to have severe problems?
19:52:01monkeyboygood thing i not pee
19:52:03BZLazarusim outta the tourny guys  so mad now that it aint funny
19:52:17ChestalLaz: get yourself a new video card
19:52:20monkeyboylaz sorry mate
19:52:20CapNlaz, laz, laz.
19:52:32monkeyboyvideo cards can be a pain
19:52:39vogon_jeltzlaz: why are you out? the stats don't say anything :/
19:52:46nuumthanks for the tourney guys
19:52:50ChestalI erased laz from the first group
19:52:51BZLazarusya pay 1200 for a 1.2 gig athlon and get a stinking 8 mb piece of crap
19:52:59Chestalcause ehe didn't really play
19:53:05monkeyboysee ya on the battlegrounds buddy
19:53:09vogon_jeltzahh, OK :)
19:53:14BlasterCan we skip the observers...and have only 1
19:53:23vogon_jeltzI wanna observe :(
19:53:24nuummonkeyboy: they shipping you to afghanistan too?
19:53:27ChestalI don't think Obserevrs are the problem, but I coudl do that
19:53:33CapNmy video gets messed up all the time, especially switching back and forth between programs
19:53:34BZLazarusi want the winner to look me up though
19:53:47CapNi agree chestal
19:54:02Chestalcapn: eh, i.e. I shuld limit to 1 observers?
19:54:04CapNlaz, just join the next group
19:54:04vogon_jeltzif we were playing TwinTowers (hint, hint) the observers could hide in staircases
19:54:11monkeyboywindoze buffer probs i wonder
19:54:15CapNsure if you want
19:54:19FantaZeelaz can play for meeee
19:54:33Chestallaz: if you want want yu can take gerbil's slot now
19:54:34BZLazarusno  then everyone will accuse me of jumping outta the hard group into a easier one
19:54:36monkeyboycould you seem in in observer mode????
19:54:47monkeyboysee me*
19:54:50BZLazarusill cya later
19:54:55Valochemonkey: no
19:54:57monkeyboyseeya laz
19:54:59CapNlaz, no one cares, its all about having fun. give it another go.
19:55:04Chestalok, then we won't have any observers for the next battle, i.e. we'll have only one
19:55:06monkeyboytnx Val.. i was worried
19:55:23vogon_jeltzthinks we need a BZFlag broadcast IRC bot
19:55:25ZEUShumm, thnx for the compliment :)
19:55:36vogon_jeltzgets to work on it
19:55:47Blasteryea, lets try that Chestal...
19:55:50vogon_jeltzthere's no way in hell that it'll be done today, tho ;)
19:55:54Chestalso, we'll hava a four player battle now
19:56:06monkeyboyseems like number of observers is going down
19:56:06ValocheI guess so
19:56:18monkeyboycan we watch???? :)))))
19:56:28Chestalonly one obserever allowed
19:56:33monkeyboypeople getting worn out already
19:56:36Chestalas kind of referee. Who wants to?
19:56:44Valochea monkeybobserver, uh?
19:56:47ChestalGinku: are you there?
19:57:15ChestalGinku rogue, ZEUS green, Valoche Red, me Purple
19:57:21Valocheis ready
19:57:34ChestalZEUS: ?
19:57:35monkeyboyvaloche feed us details!!!!
19:57:45vogon_jeltzis gerbil wimping out on you guys?
19:57:49Chestalok, server started, join now
19:57:51monkeyboygood lick all
19:57:52CapNare there only 4 in this round
19:57:53Blasterwho is observer?
19:57:59vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: hahaha
19:58:10vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: Freudian slip?
19:58:12lupinatorfreudian spell again?
19:58:20lupinatoroh, slip
19:58:22vogon_jeltzwhoa... crazy :P
19:58:25CapNare there only 4?
19:58:27lupinatorthat was the word
19:58:34monkeyboylike minds think unlikely
19:58:34vogon_jeltzCapN: yes
19:58:49CapNthey should only take the top 2, this could go on for days.
19:58:57monkeyboymy group looks tough
19:59:05lupinatorat least for the 2nd round
19:59:24monkeyboylupi gonna play billards with his shots again
19:59:38vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: I think you're going to finish second in your group :)
19:59:41CapNthat last round was very defensive
19:59:43vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: just my guess
19:59:55monkeyboywe will see
20:00:02BlasterI think 15min is to short, hardly get warmed up
20:00:12monkeyboyi prepare for last place
20:00:22monkeyboyanything else is a bonus
20:00:23CapNblaster: i think the final round is longer.
20:00:25vogon_jeltzwishes someone here played Tribes2
20:00:34Blasteryea, 30min
20:00:45lupinatori was worn out after 5 minutes
20:00:54monkeyboyi tried to find tribes free version
20:01:03monkeyboynone found
20:01:04vogon_jeltzTribes2 is such a fun game... especially the tank parts
20:01:13vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: you have Windows or Linux?
20:01:26vogon_jeltzit's not out yet, then
20:01:40vogon_jeltzthere is a Windows demo, but it's a 120 megabyte download
20:01:44monkeyboylooks like a fun game
20:01:47vogon_jeltzit is
20:01:50lupinatorwe had a test with 15 minutes and itfelt very short. but it felt like ages in the tournament
20:02:10monkeyboyit does lupi
20:02:23vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: it's playable on anything better than a GeForce256 from nVidia, or a Voodoo5 5500 from 3dfx, or a Radeon of some sort from ATI
20:02:40monkeyboyi have the card then
20:02:50monkeyboyneed the software :(
20:02:52vogon_jeltzyeah... what processor speed, tho?
20:02:58monkeyboy1 gig
20:03:06vogon_jeltzooh, now that'll run it nicely ;)
20:03:13monkeyboyoh yeah!
20:03:16vogon_jeltzwhich of those 3 cards do you have? :)
20:03:18monkeyboynvidia gts
20:03:28monkeyboyor gt force 2?
20:03:34vogon_jeltzis a 3dfx supporter
20:03:35monkeyboyyeah force 2 i think
20:03:40Blasteranyone have any info on Franks project?
20:03:44vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: nVidia GeForce2GTS
20:03:53monkeyboythats the one
20:04:01monkeyboyot any info blaster....
20:04:04vogon_jeltzI've got a Voodoo5 5500 :)
20:04:20monkeyboywhat OS vogon?
20:04:29vogon_jeltzkernel 2.4.12 :)
20:04:33monkeyboyme too
20:04:40monkeyboyredhat it sounds?
20:04:55vogon_jeltzcustom-compiled kernel and a bunch of crap tacked onto RedHat 7.1 :)
20:05:16monkeyboy7.2 about to come out
20:05:28monkeyboyusing ext3 i heard
20:05:29vogon_jeltzon 2 HDs, exclusively Linux, spanning 36GB :D
20:05:48monkeyboylinux is too fun
20:05:53vogon_jeltza 16GB Maxtor and a 20GB Seagate
20:06:25monkeyboylotsa room for
20:06:33monkeyboyporn !!!
20:06:40vogon_jeltzno, just sheaves of source code
20:06:43CapNhow much time left anyone know?
20:06:52monkeyboyno info yet capn
20:07:07monkeyboymy team taking on BYU
20:07:39lupinatorCapN: 5 minutes left i think
20:08:02monkeyboythey should let us watch :(
20:08:36monkeyboygerbil has wifey eh
20:08:47vogon_jeltzthinks that he should implement all the crap that never was implemented in BZFlag
20:09:16monkeyboyi like this tank stuff
20:09:16CapNi agree, dont think the observors caused any extra lag
20:09:32monkeyboyalot less people watching now too
20:10:26monkeyboycapn your rolling well today
20:10:28lupinatorobservers sould be harmless
20:10:29vogon_jeltzgrabs his note-jotting pencil and a pad of paper with a list of WIBNIs to be incorporated in BZFlag 1.8 and 2.0
20:10:54monkeyboywe need a monkey flag vogon
20:11:08monkeyboy"poop throwing" flag
20:11:20vogon_jeltzfeel free to implement it yourself, but I'm not wasting my time on it ;)
20:11:25Blastermonkey, climbing walls eh?
20:11:32monkeyboyeveryone runs from the flag holder
20:11:51monkeyboyyeah i want to play
20:12:17Blastermonkey flag = climbing walls
20:12:36monkeyboythat is interesting
20:13:19monkeyboypoor laz
20:13:22monkeyboyhe was pissed
20:13:23CapNyeah, monkey, the last one was too slow, hard to get going.
20:13:38Blasterwell not really, just a hell of a grip..driving up the walls
20:13:54monkeyboyi am ready to play
20:14:06monkeyboyzig is mowing!!! hehehe
20:14:19vogon_jeltzpossibly for great justice
20:14:31Blasterthey should be ready now
20:14:46vogon_jeltzwonders if zig was on his way to destruction
20:14:47monkeyboyi need to go for a bit
20:15:13Valocheoh my god
20:15:20vogon_jeltzwhat happened?
20:15:23ValocheI lost
20:15:25ChestalValoche: you nearly got Ginku, but you're out
20:15:33Valochebut Ginku and me were very very close
20:15:38ChestalGinku plays not that bad when he is sober ;-)
20:15:43Valochemy tactic: try and shoot the tank with the lowest score
20:15:47vogon_jeltzwants to see scores
20:16:10Ginkuthats heavy... u r very much better than me Valoche
20:16:17Chestalscores on web page now
20:16:24ValocheI didn't play the last few days
20:16:29ZEUSalso better than me
20:16:33ChestalValoche: so you shot yourself? :-)
20:16:43vogon_jeltzchestal 0wned :)
20:16:50Valocheyep, the first kill was me, killing me; that's why I lost ;)
20:17:05vogon_jeltzooh, that's gotta suck
20:17:06ValocheChestal's double shot is very difficult to dodge
20:17:14vogon_jeltzhi, Zig
20:17:16ZEUSyes it is
20:17:18Valochehey Zig, done with the lawn ?
20:17:31CapNchestal: you gotta let observors in
20:17:32Zigwhen next round start
20:17:33Zigmy one
20:17:41vogon_jeltzin about 6 minutes
20:17:51ChestalCapN: good questin
20:17:52vogon_jeltzbtw, fitting grammar ;)
20:17:57Chestallag wise the last battle was quite fine
20:18:14Valocheyep, it was fine
20:18:17ChestalI'll let those who battle now vote about observers
20:18:26Zigyou won again
20:18:28Blasterbetter than before?
20:18:29lupinatorlet them in
20:18:37ChestalBlaster: I didn't notice anything bad
20:18:45Chestalblaster: it's hard to judge if you don't play
20:18:45CapNyes zig
20:18:54ChestalI'll limit it to 4 observers, ok?
20:18:54vogon_jeltzcalls observer if observers are allowed
20:19:12vogon_jeltzcan I join now? :)
20:19:18ValocheOnkelFrank is on boogie!!!!
20:19:24ValocheI'll talk to hum
20:19:24vogon_jeltzwill try to hide behind a building
20:19:36lupinatoris getting nervous again
20:19:39CapNthat chicken
20:19:42Chestalok, is everbody here?
20:19:48vogon_jeltzhe left
20:19:49Zigdont win
20:19:54BeZeeok ..
20:19:56vogon_jeltzhi, monkey
20:19:59Zigyou better not lose
20:20:00Chestalmonkey: ah, there you are
20:20:00Ginkunsteht neben mir
20:20:03Zigall the pressure
20:20:09Chestalmonkey: battle will start in few minutes
20:20:09vogon_jeltzmonkeyboy: how's the server doing? :)
20:20:12monkeyboypressure for bathroom
20:20:18Ginku..und geht jetzt an den Arbeitsplatz
20:20:29Chestalmonkey rogue, lupi purple, beezee green, ginkujr, blue, zig red
20:20:33monkeyboywhich one vogon?
20:20:43vogon_jeltzheh... :)
20:20:47monkeyboynew one???
20:20:56monkeyboyretired for now
20:21:00vogon_jeltzahh, OK :)
20:21:06monkeyboytill i make the new space for it
20:21:12vogon_jeltzyeah, there were so many cheaters there ;)
20:21:20ZigWhen it start
20:21:28vogon_jeltzhopes to betatest the new 1.8 server on cell if it's up :)
20:21:29monkeyboyany linux server gets cheaters it seems
20:21:38Zigwhen do we start new round
20:21:40monkeyboyfor sure!!!
20:21:42vogon_jeltzI don't have any code hacked up for 1.8, but...
20:21:44Chestalin about 30 seconds
20:21:45monkeyboylet me know
20:21:52Chestalre jolly
20:21:55Chestalok, everyone ready?
20:21:57monkeyboygame on
20:21:58vogon_jeltzI'll change the version tag and *pow* that's version 1.8
20:22:07Ziglets go
20:22:08Chestaljoin now!!
20:22:12Chestalserver is up
20:23:33vogon_jeltzadded two new WIBNIs to the pile
20:25:26ValocheOnkel Frank thought the tourney was on Sunday
20:25:42Valoche___r too
20:26:12vogon_jeltzplayer[t].type = PlayerType(type); <-- the only line that makes any reference to player type in the server code
20:26:50vogon_jeltzhmm... this code is way borken for observer functionality
20:27:07Valocheif you join as an observer, everyone gets booted
20:27:19vogon_jeltzheh... that's interesting
20:27:28vogon_jeltzsounds like a segfault :)
20:27:46ValocheI know ;) I used that three times on ducati, not on purpose ;)
20:28:12vogon_jeltzJ00 4R3 3\/|1
20:28:26vogon_jeltzheh... overuse of l33t-speak
20:28:41Valocheof what ?
20:28:45Valochedials 911 ;)
20:28:48vogon_jeltzheh... STFW
20:28:55vogon_jeltzsearch the * web
20:28:56Valochefeels stupid
20:29:06vogon_jeltzread the Jargon File if you can find it
20:29:39vogon_jeltztrying to be a code monkey without it is an extremely losing proposition
20:30:41Valocheokay, I found it.
20:32:34Valocheso, what does J00 4R3 3\/|1 mean ? /\oO/\
20:32:43vogon_jeltzyou are evil :)
20:35:50Valochewe definitely need some sort of tournament support in BZFlag...
20:39:29Chestalround 2 finished
20:39:32Chestallet me upadte web page
20:39:36Chestalgood fight lupi
20:39:46Chestalginku_jr: I'll addd your scores -12 + 3
20:39:47BeZeegood game
20:39:58ZigI did so good
20:40:00Zig+10 at once
20:40:02lupinatori really sucked in the beginning
20:40:11CapNgood battle you guys, monkey you squeeked it out.
20:40:11Ginku_Jrund 5 mal hat der zähler nich gefunzt
20:40:16ValocheChestal: OnkelFrank thought it was Sunday (that's what OMA told him)
20:40:19ZigI owned
20:40:20ChestalValoche: argls
20:40:23Zig6/8 against Lupinator
20:40:36ValocheAnd ___r was there, too, he also thought it was on Sunday...
20:40:41Chestalok, round 2 results up on web page
20:41:03Chestalmonkey: your're still in!
20:41:07ValocheWow wow wow, Lupi:)
20:41:08monkeyboythat was hard guys
20:41:20monkeyboylupi hurt my feelings :((((
20:41:29monkeyboyZig not so much hehehehe
20:41:29lupinatorsorry monkey
20:41:35Zigi owned
20:41:43Zig2nd place is good
20:41:45ValocheI'm gonna put some screen-shots on the site
20:41:58Chestalwe will have a 5 player and a 4 palyer group now
20:41:58monkeyboyi have sweaty pits
20:41:59CapNzig, i dont remember you being so "chatty" :)
20:42:16Chestal3 palyers from the big group qualify for final and only 2 from the small group
20:42:23monkeyboyok...i await draws
20:42:26CapNsounds good
20:42:41monkeyboy2 man teams would be fun eh
20:42:43Zigi was looking at page
20:42:46Zigwhat what
20:42:51Chestalok, shoudl we have a break now?
20:42:53CapNi said, i dont remember you being so chatty? :)
20:43:01Chestal3rd roudn battles also 15 minutes?
20:43:03Zigwhat are you talking about
20:43:05ZigI always talk
20:43:05monkeyboyyeah Zig quiet
20:43:13ZigI was playing
20:43:15monkeyboyhe was frowning :)
20:43:17ZigI blew the first round
20:43:24Zigdid good second round
20:43:27ZigLupi got shut down
20:43:32Zig6/8 is fine
20:43:32Chestalyour opinions please, how long do we want toplay in semi fainals?
20:43:41Zig1 minute?
20:43:51ChestalZig; behave :-)
20:43:54Zig15 minutes
20:43:56Blaster20 is ok with me
20:43:58ZEUSno more than 10 minutes
20:43:58lupinatorthe first lupinator that scores wins
20:43:59Zigthought how long we have to wait
20:44:11ChestalZEUS: 10 minutes? we played 15 minutes untilnow
20:44:22Chestalok, we'll stick at 15 minutes
20:44:30lupinator20 minutes is fine
20:44:39ZEUSgives lup less time to recover
20:45:16CapN15 or 20
20:45:20monkeyboyso are we have final 5?
20:45:23vogon_jeltzheh... lupinator 0wned j00 guys out there ;)
20:45:30Zigwhat the hell
20:45:31Zigi think not
20:45:35CapNlupi always owns
20:45:39monkeyboyi owned me
20:45:45ZigCapN vs Lupi be final
20:45:46Chestaltada, semi finals on the web page
20:45:51Zig6/8 and he was 10 pts ahead of me
20:45:52Zignot bad
20:45:54monkeyboyshot myself 4 times
20:46:00ZigShut down
20:46:06CapNthat hurts monkey
20:46:07Chestallook at the web page
20:46:09monkeyboyand shot Zig too
20:46:25ZEUSouch, this will be tough
20:46:26Chestalannounces the semi finals
20:46:28monkeyboythat would put me in 2nd eh
20:46:31lupinatorsweet i'm purple again
20:46:32vogon_jeltzChestal: heh... you got your html-fu on quite fast :)
20:46:36Chestal3 best out of 5 for Group A
20:46:38ZigMe purple too
20:46:42Chestal2 best ou tof 4 for groub b
20:46:45monkeyboyblack for lupi!!!!!
20:46:48Chestalvogon: I wrote some tools...
20:47:06Chestalah, I'm rogue!
20:47:08vogon_jeltzChestal: well, that takes the mystery out of it ;)
20:47:16CapNwhen are we starting
20:47:23monkeyboye type is messing up my mojo
20:47:32Chestalis fantazee stil lwith us?
20:47:35monkeyboythe typo is killin me!!!!!
20:47:49Chestallooks like he's gone
20:47:51lupinatorgood question
20:48:04Chestalhe was talkign about getting a replacement for him some time ago
20:48:08Chestalhemight have quit
20:48:20Chestalif he has, we'll do only 2 out of 4
20:48:28Chestalthat will make it even harder :-)
20:48:45Chestalwe'll start at 21:55, i.e. in about 3 minutes
20:48:49lupinatorthis id going to be hard
20:48:59monkeyboy2 outta 4???
20:49:07vogon_jeltzChestal: my box shows 5 minutes, and it's synched to the atomic clock, so there :P
20:49:08Zigwhen we start
20:49:10Chestalwe'll have 4 tanks in the final then
20:49:15lupinatoraehm, 15 or 20?
20:49:18monkeyboyfrom group b?
20:49:18Zigwho cares
20:49:40lupinatorall right...
20:49:41ChestalI can stil chage it to 20 if you like
20:49:49ZEUSdoesn't matter to me
20:49:53BlasterI vote for 20min
20:49:55monkeyboy15 is short and sweet
20:50:03Chestalok, every one now!
20:50:17Chestalsay 15 or 20
20:50:54ZEUSi would be dehydrated afer 20
20:51:06Zigyou said to join
20:51:13ZigIt has like 6:30 on the clock
20:51:13Chestalme? I din't
20:51:23ChestalI am coleting votes still
20:51:31Chestalcollecting, even
20:51:34ValocheScreenshots on
20:51:37Chestalwhere's monkey?
20:51:42vogon_jeltzwe've got 2 minutes til start-of-match
20:51:51CapNprobably puking again
20:52:05Chestaluh, the serevr was still up, my mistake
20:52:08Chestalsome people joined
20:52:10ZigWhere screen shot
20:52:14Zigwe left
20:52:18lupinatorvaloche you bastard ;)
20:52:29Chestallupi: 15 or 20?
20:52:32Chestalzig: 15 or 20?
20:52:34Zigwere is screenshot
20:52:34ValocheLupinator: I am 3\/|1 ;)))))
20:52:39Chestalginku: 15 or 20?
20:52:46Zigwhat section
20:52:51Zigdamn frames
20:52:53Valochethe Screenshots section;)
20:53:07Chestalok, we'll start at 22:00
20:53:15Chestalfirst semi final at 22:00
20:53:19vogon_jeltzk, that's in 6 minutes
20:53:24ZigIS no screenshot section
20:53:34vogon_jeltz"BZFlag Tournament Screenshots"
20:53:50Chestalhi money
20:53:51CapNwhat was the collecting of votes, 15 or 20
20:53:53Chestaleh, monkey
20:53:57Chestalmb: 15 or 20 minutes?
20:53:57mbwhat happened
20:54:07Chestalmb: the server was up accidentally
20:54:12Valochefor god's sake, try to be smart
20:54:13mbi go with majority
20:54:14Chestalwe'll play 15 minutes, more votes for 15
20:54:17vogon_jeltzmn: someone set up you the bomb
20:54:21vogon_jeltzmb, even
20:54:29vogon_jeltzmove Zig!
20:54:39Chestalmb: we'll play in 3-4 minutes
20:54:40Zigmove zig
20:54:41Zigall your base
20:54:55ValocheChestal: observers allowed or not ? (I'd like to watch)
20:55:00mbi check pics
20:55:05iLLf8dwhered everyone come from
20:55:05ChestalValoche: 4 observers
20:55:13ValocheChestal: k
20:55:16iLLf8dthis place is usually almost empty heh
20:55:28vogon_jeltziLLf8d: tournament
20:55:28Chestalill: we're doing a tournament today
20:55:44iLLf8dwhen too?
20:55:51vogon_jeltz(no, not the tournament)
20:55:52Chestalwe're already in the semi finals
20:55:53Valocheill: go to
20:55:56vogon_jeltzwon the reply war ;)
20:56:12Chestal2 minutes to go
20:56:16vogon_jeltz3 here
20:56:17Chestaleveryone get ready
20:56:25iLLf8dwhy don't I know about these things sheesh
20:56:27vogon_jeltzI'll tell you when my clock ticks over
20:56:30iLLf8dI didn't get the memo
20:56:34Chestalill: well we announced it in several places
20:56:34iLLf8dis outta the loop
20:56:48vogon_jeltz(local time)
20:56:49iLLf8dthats it i'm firing my secretary
20:56:50ChestalI have 21:59:15 now
20:57:01CapNgood luck all
20:57:03vogon_jeltzwell, you don't have NTP-fu on your box, do you?
20:57:04Chestalcapn, lupi, zeus, monkey, get ready
20:57:05ZigTEll me when to join okay
20:57:16Chestalzig you're in second battle
20:57:34vogon_jeltz2:59... now
20:57:46iLLf8dbummer did I miss the reg
20:57:57Chestalill: well,next time
20:57:58lupinatormy church says 24:00
20:58:04Chestalok, server is up you can join now
20:58:16vogon_jeltzlupinator: well, does your church have an atomic clock? :)
20:58:22iLLf8done other thing
20:58:33iLLf8dwhy when a game says 5/6 does it say game is full
20:58:38vogon_jeltz3:00 done
20:58:38Chestalwhere that stupid monkey?
20:58:43vogon_jeltziLLf8d: stats lag
20:59:23iLLf8dis there a tourney list so I can at least make a few bets?
21:00:21iLLf8dhey where did that way cool top down tournament shot come from?
21:02:25iLLf8dI've never even seen that webstie
21:02:53Valocheit's a new one
21:03:04iLLf8dbitch I can't believe I MISSED IT
21:03:15iLLf8di'm only on like more then everyone else
21:03:34iLLf8di've been playing for like the last week straight (about 12+ hours a day)
21:03:45Valochewell, you won't miss the next one (we don't know when it will be)
21:04:06iLLf8dhmm if it goes over well i'd think it'd be real soon
21:04:17iLLf8dassuming it didn't take much to organize
21:05:23Valochein fact, it was hard to organize, because we did everything in only one week. For the next one, we'll be smarter;)
21:05:24iLLf8dactually looks like their tough heats
21:05:34iLLf8dit should be all uhm
21:05:42iLLf8dform submission show up at this time or you lose
21:05:43Blaster12hors a day? geez you need a life ;)
21:05:49iLLf8ddude i'm outta work
21:05:55iLLf8dbzflag is cheap
21:06:11Blasterohh, sad to hear
21:06:20iLLf8duhm well its my job
21:06:32iLLf8dI work for the movie studios between shows (i'm a set painter)
21:07:32iLLf8dok i'm gonna go kill some peoples bbl (i'm tankenstein btw or warmoe)
21:07:48Blasterok, cya
21:10:22BlasterVal you there?
21:11:11BZValocheI'm took several screenshots
21:11:22Blasterthis placement patch kind of messes up the action, it work to well...long way to the action
21:11:56BZValochethat's what I kinda was thinking too
21:12:57Blasteryea, but it's really nice to have otherwise
21:14:16Blasteryou putting up the screenscots?
21:14:32BZValochethey're online, you can have a look
21:14:41Blasterjust did, nice
21:14:55BZValocheI added 2 more 5 mins ago
21:15:03Blasterthis roaming is really nice :)
21:15:33BZValocheyep; I don't know why it's been disabled by default...
21:15:44ZigIts over monkey boy
21:16:06CapNgood job lupi, that was waaaay toooo stressful
21:16:15Zigwhy stressful?
21:16:22ZigI feel no stress
21:16:25ZigIm laughing have the time
21:16:27lupinatori feel
21:16:29CapNi think i was -4 at one time
21:16:35ZigI was +10 once
21:16:37Zigand blew all 10 pts
21:16:38BZValocheCapN, I have a screenshot for you:
21:16:46mbthat sucked
21:16:50CapNcool, i'll go check it out
21:16:58CapNgood battle monkey
21:17:00BZValocheer... without the comment, it's not funny
21:17:04mbyou too
21:17:07CapNyou too zeus
21:17:12Chestalwebpage updated
21:17:15mbwe losers ZEUS
21:17:16BZValocheoh, poor monkey
21:17:25Chestalcapn: you did have a very bad start
21:17:25lupinatorvaloche: i bloew myself up several times. just for you
21:17:28ZEUSthnx, my true skills showed thru
21:17:30Zigmb = monkey boy
21:17:37Blasteronly 4 ppl playing?
21:17:40ZigIts over monkey boy
21:17:43ZigI wanted to say that
21:17:47Zigfrom commercial
21:17:47mbi suckey suckey
21:17:48Zigbeast wars
21:17:53BZValochelupi: I didn't got that... damnit! but I took 2 nice ones
21:18:11mblupi and cap next time ;)
21:18:12CapNcool shot valoche
21:18:15Chestalbalster: yep, 2 out of 4 will be in final
21:18:25BZValocheCapN: you have to see it with the comments
21:18:32CapNmb, i was down -4 at the begining!
21:18:56mbi know!
21:19:02mbti was in lead for a bit
21:19:09mbthen went negative chasing people
21:19:30ZigStart !
21:19:33mbtrash that picture
21:19:45lupinatori wanted to get capn. but mostly it was the other way round
21:19:51BZValochewhich one, mb?
21:19:54mbi don't like it
21:19:57mbthe last
21:19:59ZigShow me it first
21:20:02Chestalwe'll start in a few minutes
21:20:07mbit has me dead 3 X
21:20:12mbnot funny
21:20:15Chestalzig, blaster and ginku get ready
21:20:22mbmake monkey angry
21:20:31Chestal3 minutes to go still
21:20:42BZValochehehe,I didn't notice, thanks, I'll update the comment ;)))))))
21:21:00CapNmy wife wants to know if everyone can wait until after our dinner for the final :))
21:21:03mbmad monkey have heavy wrath
21:21:16mbss she feeds us too
21:21:34CapNsure, got lots to eat
21:21:38Chestalcapn: when would that be?
21:21:47ZigI'll take courier or post
21:21:47CapNchestal, i'm kidding.
21:21:51Chestalcapn: heh :-)
21:21:56lupinatori hope the food is still warm when it arrives here
21:22:01CapNyou know this is my life, to hell with the kids and family
21:22:02Chestalginku: you there?
21:22:17ZigHow old are you people
21:22:29CapNits fish lupi, probably wouldnt arrive real well.
21:22:33BZValocheThe last screenshot now has an updated comment ;)
21:22:39Zig72: i think not
21:22:45Zigim youngest
21:22:48CapNolder than 18, less than 72
21:22:50mbi invented the internet
21:22:55Chestalok, people
21:22:56ZigI am the internet
21:22:56vogon_jeltzno you didn't, I did
21:23:00Chestaljoin now please
21:23:07mbyou made code
21:23:13mbi made wire
21:23:38mbzig is a pup
21:23:57lupinatori made bugs
21:24:05vogon_jeltzI invented bugs
21:24:12mbmade me loose lupi
21:24:12vogon_jeltzI am a bug
21:24:34BZValochesays: bugs are baaad
21:24:54mbalso "target"
21:25:03vogon_jeltzwonders how many of the people in this channel have ever seen a BZFlag hack in progress :)
21:25:15vogon_jeltzthat's the definition of "bugs"
21:25:43vogon_jeltzI had to modify 4 different class interfaces to add a missile lock warning, and it still segfaulted every time it ran
21:27:02vogon_jeltznever figured out why, either... :/
21:28:22CapNthey just had major problems
21:28:34CapNblaster and ginkus connections were all screwy
21:29:09CapNi'm going to grab a quick bite i'll be back in 15-20 mins.
21:30:24vogon_jeltzwonders if anyone's interested in taking over his missile lock warning hack
21:32:21Valochethinks that the GM should be both shooter and target side
21:32:35vogon_jeltzhmm? :/
21:33:16ValocheWhen the shooter right clicks, it could send a MsgLockedOnYou message instead of just modifying position and angle
21:33:37vogon_jeltzheh... I can write my missile lock without doing anything to the protocol ;)
21:33:52vogon_jeltzsee, all of the shots in the world are kept locally on each client
21:33:58vogon_jeltzalong with their targets :)
21:34:17vogon_jeltzwell, the last target of the tank firing them, actually
21:34:58Valocheyep, but your code is a hack, MsgLocked is an extension ;)
21:36:09Valochego have fun with the screenshots, I added something ;)))
21:41:34Chestalmy PC crashed :-(
21:41:35ChestalI'm out
21:41:52vogon_jeltzhe might still win :)
21:42:04vogon_jeltzcount his score... he deserves it
21:42:23vogon_jeltzand it should still be on-screen
21:42:52ValocheVogon: Chestal's doing the score keeping...
21:43:03vogon_jeltzah, I forgot
21:43:14vogon_jeltzstupid brain... I'm gonna stab you with a Q-Tip
21:45:16Zigthat was retarded
21:45:41Valochevogon: don't forget I am french, I have no idea about what a Q-Tip is ;)
21:45:44CapNwhats the deal with that?
21:45:49CapNnice job blaster
21:45:58mbnice blaster
21:46:00vogon_jeltzValoche: it's this swab thing with cotton on the ends... you use it to clean your ears
21:46:02ZigWELL PLAYED
21:46:02mbgood job all
21:46:04ZigHGOOD WORK
21:46:11Chestalwell, that wasn't to my liking
21:46:14ValocheVogon: k
21:46:19ZigSHUT Up
21:46:26CapNso is it zig or chestal
21:46:26GinkuChestal: half of the time was enough for u
21:46:29Chestalwas battling hard for 2nd place, I think I was head to head with zig, then veerything froze
21:46:33Blasterwhat happend Chestal?
21:46:35ChestalI say it's zig
21:46:42Chestalblaster: my PC just crashed
21:46:51Chestalwe cannot count my score
21:46:53vogon_jeltzAND YOUR CAPS LOCK IS ON
21:47:09ZigI was +4
21:47:13Zigand booted in first thing
21:47:16ZigI'd like to thank everyone
21:47:21Zigfrob being gay
21:47:23mbi have +6 beers
21:47:36Ginkunme too :-)
21:47:40CapNhow many has zig had?
21:47:42Ginkuimmer das n...
21:47:45mbcheers ginku
21:47:51ZigZig had what
21:48:01ZigThat was so gay
21:48:03CapNalright. what now
21:48:05Chestalhold on, I am uopdating web page
21:48:05Ginkuschon wieder
21:48:08mbplay for the final
21:48:18CapNlets get it on...
21:48:24mbone tank do not
21:48:31mbLETS GET IT ON!!!!!!
21:48:37Zig5 people in final?
21:48:38Zigbest wins?
21:48:48CapNjust 4 i think
21:48:49mb5 people and beer
21:48:52Chestalmust restart everything here
21:49:04mbchestal has technical probs
21:49:05Ginkulot s of beer
21:49:06Chestalhow long for the final?
21:49:14Chestaldo you want to play longe rthan 15 minutes?
21:49:15CapNits just 4 people right?
21:49:18Ginku120 min
21:49:19Chestal4 people
21:49:19ZigWho is in final
21:49:29Chestalcapn, blaster, lupinator and zig
21:49:38vogon_jeltzwhat about monkey_boy?
21:49:40Ginkuand Chestal
21:49:44Valoche20 minutes?
21:49:45mbi lost vogon
21:49:47ZigChestal too
21:49:50Chestalvogon: monkey boy only scored 3rd
21:49:52mbcame in 3rd
21:49:52Ginkuwhat Zig ?????
21:49:56vogon_jeltzaccording to the site, it's capn, blaster, lupinator, zig, and mb
21:49:57ZigThat match was so gay
21:50:03ZigAll screwed up
21:50:12Zigyou didnt have your mom "YOU LET YOUR SISTER PRINT"
21:50:14GinkuI get the crisis
21:50:15Zigyelling at you
21:50:20Chestalmy mistake
21:50:22Chestalsite updated
21:50:47Chestalmy computer is doing some strange things right now
21:50:59mbits got a virus!
21:51:02Ginkulike mine :-)
21:51:15CapNyeah from gerbils site :)
21:51:29Blasterrodent virus :)
21:51:30mbi must say... listening to Jay-Z i played much better
21:51:43Chestalso, 20 minutes?
21:51:47mblistening to death-metal i sucked both times
21:51:48CapNsounds good
21:52:04mbrap is therefore better tanker music
21:52:07Blasterhmm, it's getting late here
21:52:07Chestalhold on
21:52:11Zigplay now
21:52:21mbget it on!!!!!!!
21:52:31mbbefore zig has to go to bed
21:53:03CapNwhat color
21:53:03Zigwhat the fuck
21:53:06Ziggo now
21:53:10CapNhow about all rogue?
21:53:11mbi pay to have that pic deleted
21:53:18Zigi dont care
21:53:19mbthat pic is not cool
21:53:19Zigjust go
21:53:22Chestalweb page updated
21:53:28Valochemb: I added one so you're not the only one being ridiculous;)
21:53:30Ginkubye Zig
21:53:33Chestallupi rogue, capn purple, blaster green, zig blue
21:53:57mboh great Val
21:54:03Chestalready when you are
21:54:04Ginkuit stinks !
21:54:11lupinatori am
21:54:17CapNready, say when
21:54:33Chestalserver started, join now!
21:54:41BZFlaggood luck
21:54:47Valocheyes, monkey? ;)
21:54:56mbthat stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
21:55:03mbi get you!!!!!
21:55:14Valocheer... so you're not kidding????
21:55:25mbfinal battle time
21:55:33vogon_jeltzBZFlag: hi
21:55:41Valochelet's go watch
22:05:42mbgood game
22:05:51mbzig winning by 1
22:06:40BZFlagvogon_jeltz: hey. just dropping in to catch the end. ;-)
22:06:56bzfranksorry - i missed the date by one day ;)
22:07:16mbmonkey here
22:07:34mbclose game
22:07:35bzfrankhi monkey! how is life in albuquerque? ;)
22:07:37vogon_jeltzBZFlag: heh
22:07:49mbvery well frank, beer is good!
22:07:59vogon_jeltzBZFlag: I have a growing list of WIBNIs for future releases of BZFlag
22:08:01bzfranksend some over! *eg*
22:08:02mbbrb..check scores
22:08:46mb0, -1, -2 -4
22:08:47bzfrankyou did not bad - despite of the beer handicap ;) ;)
22:09:14mbyeah i should have been sober
22:09:24bzfrankclear that lupi did so well - he is a weenie no flag, no jumping player ;)
22:09:40mbhe is the one who killed me the most
22:09:43mbthen capn
22:09:51mbcheck again
22:10:27bzfrankblaster may be lag limited, he is always on such a pain-in-the-*ss line and lags like hell
22:10:50bzfrankjust like mine line now... argl USB ISDN adaptor s*cks big time
22:11:37vogon_jeltzlupi's getting 0wned
22:13:21vogon_jeltzwhoa, lupi's not getting 0wned so badly anymore :)
22:13:26bzfranklupi get better...
22:13:50BZFlagneed a bz->irc bot badly. ;-)
22:14:06vogon_jeltzthat's one of the WIBNIs
22:14:11vogon_jeltzguess the other 11
22:14:23BZFlagmight try execing bzflag with echo set and redirect to here.
22:14:46vogon_jeltzBZFlag: hell... I forgot about that :)
22:14:46bzfranktail -f of the server log ;)
22:14:57vogon_jeltzor just /exec -o bzfs
22:15:18bzfranktail -f is better - you have the log later
22:15:23vogon_jeltzyeah, I guess
22:15:31BZFlagjoystick 'joystick' not supported...
22:15:31BZFlagloading fixedbr...
22:15:32BZFlagloading panel...
22:15:46BZFlagloading helvbi...
22:15:46BZFlagloading helvbr...
22:15:46BZFlagloading timesbr...
22:15:46BZFlagloading fixedmr...
22:15:46BZFlagloading ybolt...
22:15:46BZFlagloading ground...
22:15:49BZFlagloading clouds...
22:15:50BZFlagloading mountain...
22:15:53BZFlagloading explode1...
22:15:54BZFlagloading explode2...
22:15:57BZFlagloading explode3...
22:15:59BZFlagloading explode4...
22:16:01BZFlagloading flage...
22:16:03BZFlagloading wall...
22:16:05BZFlagloading boxwall...
22:16:06BZFlagloading roof...
22:16:09BZFlagloading pyrwall...
22:16:11BZFlagloading caution...
22:16:13BZFlagloading flag...
22:16:15BZFlagloading ybolt...
22:16:17BZFlagloading rbolt...
22:16:19BZFlagloading gbolt...
22:16:20BZFlagloading bbolt...
22:16:23BZFlagloading pbolt...
22:16:25BZFlagloading laser...
22:16:27BZFlagloading missile...
22:16:29BZFlagloading title...
22:16:30BZFlagBZFlag version 1.7e2
22:16:33BZFlagCopyright (c) 1993 - 2001 Tim Riker
22:16:34BZFlagAuthor: Chris Schoeneman <>
22:16:37BZFlagMaintainer: Tim Riker <>
22:16:39BZFlagMesa DRI Rage128 20001215 M3 AGP 2x x86
22:16:44BZFlagok, where is the server?
22:16:56BZFlagnew test chan...
22:17:14vogon_jeltzor is that just normal ducati shiz... :/
22:17:34bzfranknormal - i drop by a few minutes ago
22:17:41vogon_jeltzoh, OK :)
22:17:45bzfranksome other port
22:17:50bzfrankni believe
22:17:56mbless than 2min
22:18:41bzfrankno jumping, no flags is lupis home range - he seldom plays anything else (only if he must...)
22:21:04BZValochethat was amazing
22:21:15BZFlagwhere'e the real server? is the test site.
22:21:15ZigI knew i should of taken my cousins advice
22:21:15Chestalwhat a battle
22:21:19BZFlagahh 5156
22:21:20Blasternthe 2 final shoots did it :)
22:21:22Zig"You have +4, just hide damnit"
22:21:29mbpretty cool guys
22:21:33BZValocheZig: lol
22:21:42lupinatorgood game
22:21:46Zigmy cousin talks to me
22:21:48BZValochethe suspense was killing me
22:21:50Chestaleveryone was in the lead from time to time
22:21:50Zig"who is winning"
22:21:52mbgood game folks
22:21:53Zig"why did you do that"
22:21:55Zig"you suck"
22:21:56Chestalwell, what do we do now?
22:22:04Chestaldo we go by the rules strictly?
22:22:07GinkuLupi, now a cold beer - I ve ordered the Pizza at San Marino
22:22:13CapNgood game guys. i wasnt sure if it was BZFlag or hide and seek, but it was close.
22:22:18mbahhh nice
22:22:18BZValocheChestal: that's what we'd have to do
22:22:22ZigI feel good that I tied with Blaster in pure points
22:22:27mbi toast your direction
22:22:43BZFlagtry #bzflag-log
22:23:06Zigthat was hilarious tho
22:23:13Zigwith 3 minutes left i was -4
22:23:15CapNi havent seen teleporter use like that in .....oh say never :))
22:23:18ZigI just ran at people
22:24:04Ginkuwhen is next tournament ?
22:24:11BlasterChestal, it still felt laggy, it's strange the 5155 server felt much better during the day
22:24:14ZigAnyone wanna play 10 person ducati game?
22:24:23Chestalblaster: hmm, dunno why that would be
22:24:37lupinatorcount me in
22:24:49mbi play last one
22:25:13mbmaybe i should "run"
22:25:21ChestalI do not have any nifty icons, so the ther finalists will get a skull :-)
22:25:31ZigI ran like hell
22:25:35Chestalwhy are all of you below 0? so many suicides?
22:25:35Zigyo monkey
22:25:38Zigor anyone
22:25:47ValocheI'll copy your page to keep it locally, I'll find a fancy icon for Zig :)
22:25:47Ziggo to regular ducati 5155
22:25:51lupinatori think i got mayself at least 2 times
22:25:53Zigjust play there
22:25:55CapNhey chestal, on the site you should probably post the ratios, you know wins/losses, cuz it looks tied.
22:25:56Chestalso, we'll officially decalre that the Winner of the first ducati tournament is... Blaster!
22:25:56Zigi shot myself never
22:26:06ChestalCapN: ok
22:26:24mbgood job tankers
22:26:43mbchestal and Valoche
22:26:50mbthank you for the tourney
22:26:50BlasterI'll post the tshirt on my webpage ;-)
22:26:58mbvery well done
22:27:10ValocheBlaster and Zig: I'll contact you by mail:)
22:27:15Ginkugreat !!
22:27:18mbcongrats BLASTER
22:27:18CapNThanks Chestal, Valoche, and Lupi, and others for organizing this. You all did a great job.
22:27:25Blasternyes, well done chestal and valoche
22:27:28bzfranknsorry i came too late ;)
22:27:33Valochegee, thanks
22:27:37Blasterdamned n's
22:27:43mbfrank fix your clock!!!!
22:27:57bzfranki really thought we play sunday!
22:28:00CapNits just starting frank, your up in 2 minutes
22:28:22Chestalbzfrank: well, several people didn't show up
22:28:29Chestalvaloche: prepare the cowards page :-)
22:28:31Blasterand thx Lupi
22:28:34mbyeah where the heck was OTTO?
22:28:40Valocheoh yeah, you can count on me >)
22:28:50Chestalmb: OTTO is on a birthday party
22:29:04mbparty is very important
22:29:10ChestalI feel we should announce the winenr more prominently on th webpage somehow
22:29:10Ginkunot on such a DAY
22:29:12mbeh frank
22:29:14Chestalbut I am too tired now
22:29:20bzfrankreally - when who was playing just 30 minutes ago...? must have been another otto then...
22:29:22ValocheChest: I did that
22:29:39mbthanks again guys, you all!!
22:29:40bzfrankntoo bad we could not reserve some nicks for the players
22:29:43Chestalbzfrank: well, he said he is at birthday party (i a restaurant) of Akc's wife
22:29:45ValocheI'll find something fancier tomorrow
22:29:51Zigjoin regular ducati Monkey
22:29:52mbi go kill for a bit
22:29:55ChestalValoche: great
22:30:00bzfrankI believe him ;*)
22:30:01mbmust kill zig
22:30:11CapNhey jolly
22:30:20ChestalAnd thank you Valoche for your work. Also lupi for helping us organzie it and all the other's
22:30:41Blasterover and out
22:30:46CapNjolly: how in the world can i kill tanks 32 times and lose :((
22:30:47Valochemy pleasure
22:31:21jollylol, you were close though
22:31:27Chestalbut those who performed best today made it to the final
22:31:37jollyi might be in the next one though
22:31:47jollyso beware :)
22:31:54bzfranknext time please WITH jumping and flags
22:32:13Chestalwell, for next time we have lots of things to discuss
22:32:19Chestalto make it smoother
22:32:36CapNyeah, should we do that on the forum you think or elsewhere
22:32:53Chestalthe forum might be a good place
22:32:57Chestalthis channel is, too
22:33:02bzfrankforum is the place then
22:33:11ChestalI would have blasted you all in the final, btw. ;-)
22:33:31Chestalbut to be fair: Blaster was kicking my butt in the semi final
22:33:38vogon_jeltzTim got the logging working (#bzflag-log)
22:33:59BZFlagware there any more games? or a server you want me to log from?
22:34:22bzfrankwould be nice to have all players in a local network - lets meet half the way on the bermudas (between US and Europe) ;) ;)
22:34:43bzfrankor bahams (Better climate) ;)
22:34:46Chestalbzflag: tournament is over. Are you testing a bzflag -> irc gateway?
22:34:52Chestalbzflag; try ducati 5155
22:35:00BZFlagjust a glorified /exec
22:35:07Chestalbzfrank: good idea :-)
22:35:08vogon_jeltzheh... it works OK
22:35:16BZFlagfull hostname?
22:35:16vogon_jeltzI'd like to hack up an actual bot, tho
22:35:23jollyanybody gonna play at ducati now?
22:35:24Chestalwhich channel?
22:35:50ChestalBZFlag: is it one-way only?
22:36:05BZFlagoh, it's in the list
22:36:10BZFlagok logging to #bzflag-log
22:36:13Valochehaha, Zig's revenge ;))))
22:36:26ValocheI'll go there
22:37:17ChestalI have score graphs of all games btw, will have a look at them and then publish them somewhere
22:38:11Chestalbzflag: did you patch your bzflag clien tor how do you do that?
22:38:19bzfrankhow about a roaming client that creates screenshots and feed a web display...
22:38:31vogon_jeltzChestal: nah, he's just running it from IRC
22:38:44vogon_jeltzChestal: /exec -o bzflag <some options>
22:39:02Chestalvogon_jeltz: yes, ok, but bzflag doesn't do this output, does it?
22:39:13vogon_jeltzyes, it does
22:39:25vogon_jeltzit's just built with -DDEBUG, IIRC
22:39:39Chestalhmm, ok
22:39:50BZFlagwith -echo, yes.
22:39:51Chestalor maybe -echo ? or waht's that?
22:39:59bzfranklater guys
22:40:01vogon_jeltzjust about to say that
22:40:08BZFlagnope, just -echo
22:40:14ChestalI'll take a look at the graphs
22:40:26vogon_jeltznever got that Player network statistics crud
22:40:32ChestalI forgot :-(
22:40:40Chestalmy machien crashed, I got no graph for the final battle :-(
22:40:45Chestaltoo ba
22:41:37BZFlagusing: /exec -o /home/timr/work/bzflag/bin/bzflag -directory /home/timr/work/bzflag/data -echo -window -callsign @bzflag-log -port 5155
22:42:07BZFlagand I changed ControlPanel.cxx fo fflush after every write.
22:42:18vogon_jeltzahh, OK :)
22:43:22BZFlagwell, it's pretty cool, wish I though of it a few days ago. ;-)
22:43:40vogon_jeltzI plan to hack something up in either C or Perl sometime before 1.8
22:43:59Chestalwe need soem changes to bzflag to make it mor suitable for tournaments
22:44:02BZFlagI should add scored to the kill lines. something like:
22:44:43BZFlagjolly(10)Rogue: destroyed by Ginku(-45)
22:44:57vogon_jeltzthat looks OK
22:45:02ChestalTexas is on ducati, he didn't show up, either
22:46:06vogon_jeltzhmm... how about jolly (Rogue, Nth with n): destroyed by Ginku (Blue Team, Nth with n)
22:46:27Valochetoo long
22:46:53vogon_jeltzseeing as how it's only printed on kill lines, I don't think it'd make much of a problem (unless you're running at something like 640x480)
22:46:58BZFlagI thought @folks could not kill or be killed there?
22:47:41ValocheBZFlag: they can be killed
22:47:50ChestalBZFlag: they can be killed, can not do anythign about that withotu client change
22:48:00vogon_jeltzhmm... are they of type JAFOPlayer? :/
22:48:02ChestalBZFlag: but noone will notice except themselve
22:48:12vogon_jeltzoh, OK
22:48:17vogon_jeltzyou mask out all their messages
22:48:22Chestalvogon: nope, they are not
22:48:26Valochevogon: the JAFOPplayer is the type that boots players ;)
22:48:31Chestalright, I simply suppress most of their messages
22:48:40vogon_jeltzbut that's only because it's not implemented, Valoche
22:48:54Chestalso they shouldn't affect lag, as long as it's not the server's lines that are the bottleneck
22:48:59vogon_jeltzthere's a segfault bug deep in the game making that player type not working
22:49:06vogon_jeltznot work, even
22:49:09Chestalit would make more sense for the clients not to send these messages in the first place
22:49:28vogon_jeltzprecisely, and if we can get JAFOPlayer working, we can suppress all messages client-side
22:49:44Chestalvogon: what I saw by looking the code this observer player type is implemented only 5% :-)
22:49:57Valoche5% of the first half ;)
22:50:04vogon_jeltzyeah, and so are the kamikaze, smartbomb, and magnet flags ;)
22:50:09Chestalwe might want to get rid of the obserevrs inthe score list
22:50:24vogon_jeltzbets that BZFlag hasn't even heard of those, or if so, doesn't know much about them :)
22:50:58BZFlagthe flags? I've heard of em.
22:52:37BZFlagahd heatseeker, death, thief, etc.
22:52:56Valocheguys, I have to go to sleep, I get up in less than 5 hours now...
22:53:01vogon_jeltzValoche: nn
22:53:21vogon_jeltzBZFlag: they're all half-implemented include-file stubs :)
22:54:26BZFlagyep. but lastflag is set before them so they don't yet have numbers.
22:55:09BZFlagwell, nobody is watching the logger, so I'm killing him.
22:56:43vogon_jeltztypes up the WIBNI list all pretty-like
22:59:06BZFlagwishes folks would put stuff on the wiki so he could find it.
23:00:08BZFlagmy TuxScreen wiki gets used a lot. The BZFlag wiki is almost unused.
23:03:41vogon_jeltzhmmmmmmmm... I'm looking over the TODO list
23:04:21vogon_jeltz"smarter robots" is on my WIBNI list for 2.0
23:04:45vogon_jeltzI can get the "add type of shot..." stuff written in right now
23:05:01vogon_jeltzmines would work if you just made them blend in to the ground
23:05:21vogon_jeltz(blue, maybe?)
23:13:11vogon_jeltzhi, Gerbie
23:13:23GerbilHi -- so what happened?
23:13:27vogon_jeltzBlaster won
23:13:37GerbilI coulda taken him!
23:13:46vogon_jeltzI doubt it, man
23:13:55GerbilSo he was hot hunh?
23:14:05GerbilWho were the finalround players?
23:14:11vogon_jeltz(me is aka SIGKILL, if you don't know already)
23:14:20Gerbilnow i do
23:14:28vogon_jeltzBlaster, Zig, CapN, and lupinator
23:14:30Gerbilwho elsez?
23:14:34vogon_jeltzthat's it
23:14:39vogon_jeltzdidn't compete
23:14:44GerbilHey--I called 3 of the final 5 yesterday
23:14:59vogon_jeltzwell, it turned out to be the final 4
23:15:02GerbilBlaster Capn and Lup were part of my finalpick
23:15:09Gerbilalso Chestal
23:15:17Gerbild possibly Monkey Boy
23:15:30GerbilSo what was final score like?
23:15:44vogon_jeltzBlaster -1, Zig -1, CapN -2, lupinator -5
23:15:56Gerbilwhooa--tight game
23:16:02Gerbil sweat in that one!
23:16:18vogon_jeltz(Blaster was 26-27, Zig was 25-26)
23:16:26Gerbilnow is time toplay them--adrenaline crash will be stting in
23:16:37Gerbilburning down the house
23:16:54Gerbilwoulda liked to a seen it--swahaaa
23:17:02Gerbiloh well
23:17:12GerbilGreat concept
23:17:23GerbilAre scores and allposted?
23:17:28vogon_jeltzabout 2 minutes after the game ended, BZFlag figured out how to log the stats on IRC :)
23:17:31vogon_jeltzGerbil: yes
23:18:51Gerbilcool--just looked at 'em--good job on Valoche's site
23:18:52Gerbilcool--just looked at 'em--good job on Valoche's site
23:19:19ChestalI'm still wondering who this Zig guy really is
23:20:22Gerbilhe's been on a long time--plays mostly late at night EST especially weekends
23:20:36Chestalwell, he behaved strange today
23:21:31Gerbilhow so?
23:23:24Chestalwell, he sweared a lot and things
23:23:30ChestalI am also wondering about kono

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.