irclog2html for bzflag on 2001.08.03

00:00:57que tal, captain_proton
00:00:57captain_protonibot, hi
00:01:05captain_proton: sorry...
00:01:05captain_protonibot, i'm doing well
00:01:08you know how it is
00:01:08captain_protonibot, how are you?
00:02:55i don't know, captain_proton
00:02:55captain_protonibot, what is your name?
00:03:00wish i knew, captain_proton
00:03:00captain_protonibot, are you sure?
00:03:15OK, captain_proton.
00:03:15captain_protonibot, your name is Billy
00:03:20ibot's name is Billy
00:03:20captain_protonibot, what is your name?
18:54:49bzflag is TimRiker or a 3D internet multiplayer multiplatform (linux, irix, win32, etc) opensource opengl Battlezone capture the flag game at debian arm linux contains a version that will run on the ipaq at like 6 fps
18:54:49vogon_jeltzibot, bzflag
23:06:35rumour has it i am stupid
23:06:35captain_protonibot, ibot?
23:06:38i am stupid.
23:06:38captain_protonibot, ibot?
23:06:39it has been said that i am stupid.
23:06:39captain_protonibot, ibot?
23:06:52hmmm... my name is Billy
23:06:52captain_protonibot, what is your name?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.