IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20170829

01:05.13spldartWow.. Just in. My brother's bossman just lost a quarter million in the flood.
01:46.40ZehraFor anyone who planned well, stocks did quite well.
01:47.34spldartHoly crap! They are militarizing my entire area
01:48.51ZehraFEMA heads this department, if I remember correctly...
01:49.29ZehraDuring a state of emergency, this department kicks into action.
01:52.40ZehraKind of interesting to view the markets during any state of emergency...
01:52.43spldartThey had better start handing out free MREs and Beer soon cuz everything has been shut down with curfew and I want to go to work and buy beer and pizza.
01:53.14spldartAnd head out at night
01:54.29ZehraHope everything goes well, since insurance prices will go up a bit, and hopefully cover any damages which might occur.
01:55.16ZehraAlmost impossible to have insurance cover anything... I decided to pay out of pocket for some damages which happened a while back...
01:55.23spldarthehe... I'm still in a civil suit against a major national insurance agency. Been goin on for 2 years now. ;)
01:56.01ZehraCourts are slow with process... takes forever to get anything done...
01:56.21ZehraSchedule appointed date to appear, than present case...
01:56.43spldartClaim is many 10's of thousands of dollars. It's not the courts. It's the atty's for the insurance... I now have 3 of my own attorneys on them.
01:57.14spldartGod I wish I could talk about the details... but oh well.
01:57.28ZehraNDA's are a pain in the neck...
01:57.46ZehraSometimes companies will settle, but force an NDA...
01:58.19Zehra(N)on-(D)isclosure (A)greement
01:58.26spldartActually no NDA. At least not yet.
01:58.43spldartMy lawyers have just said 'don't talk about any details'
01:58.51blast007in general people don't discuss an active case
01:59.11spldartI just bitch in a non-descript sort of way
01:59.33ZehraUnless you're a celebrity.... than usually it goes public...
02:00.11ZehraI tend never to confirm or deny anything, but leave it ambiguous...
02:00.38ZehraSort of prevents much issues.
02:01.42ZehraInformation is the key to the legal system...
02:01.44spldartI want to hop on the Suzuki and just go somewhere. Living under military/curfew sux out loud on toast
02:02.55ZehraThankfully this rarely happens, otherwise we'd all be screwed.
02:03.42ZehraI try to look for the positive out of every situation, and not to think of any one as a disadvantage...
02:04.03ZehraAlthough it happens every once in a while, I have to admit.
02:04.49*** join/#bzflag-chat bertman (~bert@unaffiliated/bertman)
02:12.50spldartdiddles with his doodle
02:21.44Zehragoes back to searching through data
02:23.14Foo_man_chooThey are busy talking about how Water is gonna come up 5 or more feet :o Bed soon.
02:25.03blast007building an ark yet?
02:25.45Foo_man_chooNeighbors are.
02:25.58Foo_man_chooI think I've convinced them I'm an animal.
02:26.10Foo_man_choohopefully they can find a female of my specie.
02:26.34Foo_man_chooI swear! Some of the animals are packing heat 8O
02:28.00Foo_man_chooI went to check on my mom. She's a cat lady. As I walked up to her front door 3 of them mugged me! I tell yah. It's getting crazy round here.
02:28.32Foo_man_chooNext  time I'll have to hire some dogs for security.
02:44.57Foo_man_chooWow. There estimating homeowner losses in the billions. Not counting the insurance losses.
03:03.28*** join/#bzflag-chat Leppp (
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19:33.16*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart)

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