IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20150222

03:54.31timvisherso what's the 2.4.3 release date looking to be?
03:54.58blast007never.  it would be released as 2.4.4 :)
03:54.59timvisheri'm being hit with launch issues on 10.10 which are fixed in this unofficial build with some wonkiness:
03:55.21timvisherblast007: does bzflag versioning only do even numbers?
03:55.31blast007odd is dev, even is release
03:56.04timvisherah :)
03:56.18blast007also, I don't think that SDL2 stuff was ever put into the official code
03:57.17allejoit wasn't
03:57.42timvisherso is there a bug being tracked regarding this?
03:57.56blast007ditching SDL completely and updating the native mac platform code is probably something to try as well
03:58.04blast007uh, maybe, maybe not :)
03:58.42blast007we're in the process of moving to Github, so there may be a bug in the old tracker or the new temporary tracker on the github bzflag-import-3 repo
04:01.14timvisherok. would it be helpful for me to open an issue anywhere?
04:01.52allejountil we fully move into a finalized git repo,
07:44.15*** join/#bzflag-chat blast007 (~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast)
20:29.31*** join/#bzflag-chat DTRemenak (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)

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