IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20141005

03:22.51alpha1-2blast007: can I ask something?
03:37.46alpha1-2I was reading, why you didn't wait until I finished? I am slow, you know, I was searching for a lot of words he used. And I have not read his last sentence still, nor yours ("[00:13] <JeffM> but still, that type of talk is not welcome in this channel, bzflag does not pander to mysogony or sexism, it's discusting." "[00:14] <blast007> good way to get banned").
03:38.06spldart#/iz dead
03:41.37alpha1-2I had not read*
04:02.01*** part/#bzflag-chat alpha1-2 (
14:56.20*** join/#bzflag-chat alezakos (
15:40.14*** join/#bzflag-chat alezakos (~local@unaffiliated/alezakos)
17:21.06*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (~spldart@
22:32.39*** join/#bzflag-chat alezakos (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)
22:47.24*** join/#bzflag-chat kongr45gpen (
22:48.53*** join/#bzflag-chat kongr45gpen (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)

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