IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20120729

00:11.53*** join/#bzflag-chat Flash (~jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
01:09.14*** join/#bzflag-chat Jacko (
01:20.13*** join/#bzflag-chat Jacko_H (
01:42.24*** join/#bzflag-chat Colonel (47c5d023@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:54.16*** join/#bzflag-chat heartnet (
17:32.50*** join/#bzflag-chat short_circuit (
18:34.51*** join/#bzflag-chat heartnet (
20:42.36*** join/#bzflag-chat heartnet (
23:40.21*** join/#bzflag-chat onlinecop (
23:43.17onlinecopI see several map servers able to create their own custom flags. Is it almost moot now to suggest "global flag ideas" as each map seems to be able to customize these now?
23:43.59onlinecopFor example, Masquerade allows me to show up as MY team on radar but THEIR team out of the window. I would want Impersonate to do the opposite: show up as THEIR team on radar, but MY team out of the window.
23:44.16blast007the custom flag stuff is limited in what it can do
23:45.10blast007so, client/server modifications are still necessary for most flag ideas
23:45.19onlinecopSo for maps that let the team flag be Geno, or some shots to shoot backward from the tank, etc...  those are all something the server could generate, but a change to someone's own HUD (like the radar) would have to be a change to the BZflag client itself, not the server?
23:45.54blast007the main thing that the 'custom flag' plugins can do is fire extra shots or control player score (extra points, no points, take points from someone else, etc)
23:47.13onlinecopIs the BZflag client getting much work on it currently, or are the volunteers slacking off? I'd love to write the code that handles this Impersonate flag, but don't know if I first have to go through some vetting process that would let everyone vote on it first before I started coding it up.
23:47.46blast007the flag would have to wait for the next breaking release of BZFlag
23:48.26onlinecopSo how do I submit code? Make the changes, and submit them to someone in the "BZFlag release" dev group?
23:48.41blast007we have a patch tracker on sourceforge for that sort of thing
23:49.08onlinecopOkay; I create the changes; make it into a patch; submit the patch to SourceForge, and someone who reviews the code will implement it or not?
23:49.10blast007you'd grab the code from SVN, edit it, then output the results of 'svn diff' to a patch file and submit that
23:49.29onlinecopIs it a plain 'svn diff', or do I need to do a Unified diff or some other format?
23:49.42blast007'svn diff' already makes it a unified diff
23:49.53onlinecopOkay; so it'll be in the correct format natively?

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