IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20090719

00:17.12*** join/#bzflag-chat Flash (n=jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
06:17.11*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r_Eee (n=L4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
07:03.18*** join/#bzflag-chat Bambino (
07:21.16*** part/#bzflag-chat L4m3r_Eee (n=L4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
11:17.19*** join/#bzflag-chat Wits (
12:58.29*** join/#bzflag-chat blast007 (n=blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast)
13:24.32*** join/#bzflag-chat SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
13:52.39*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
14:43.01*** join/#bzflag-chat me1 (n=ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
15:30.02*** join/#bzflag-chat Will07c5 (
15:45.40*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg_ (n=Default@
16:49.58*** join/#bzflag-chat Flash (n=jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
17:16.24*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
17:32.12*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
17:39.54*** join/#bzflag-chat Flash (n=jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
18:35.03*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
18:38.04*** join/#bzflag-chat Flash (n=jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
18:42.13*** join/#bzflag-chat Allejo (
18:49.20*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
19:35.30JeffMspldart, well I did my thru-hole solder job with out screwing up the components :)
19:38.47JeffMit was kinda fun to make
19:43.07*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_dist (n=pidgin@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
19:47.33*** join/#bzflag-chat Think_Differentl (n=fatass@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
20:14.42*** join/#bzflag-chat Think_Differentl (
20:23.48spldartI can imagine... I love building ish.
20:26.15JeffMis happy that it can drive a servo now :)
20:28.43spldartawww You must log in to see this page
20:29.02spldartgoes to hook the battery charger up to the old plymouth
20:29.11JeffMI thought I set it to "everyone"
20:29.16JeffMyoutubes it
20:33.25BulletCatcherFrom what I have seen, you must register with Facebook to see anything at all there.
20:34.02BulletCatcherSo "everyone" probably just means "all Facebook members."
20:42.05SpazzyMcGeeheh, JeffM. Is that PIC controlled, or similar?
20:42.25JeffMit's an 8 bit amtel micro controller
20:42.42JeffM64k of storage, and a massive 4k of ram
20:43.46JeffMthe code is very c like, with lots of fun libs
20:43.53JeffMthat's the code for that program
20:45.32SpazzyMcGeeCool. Got well into using PICs last year. Built a guitar playing machine, and an alarm clock that pulls of your bed cover to wake you up
20:46.38JeffMPICs use a very simple language don't they?
20:47.21SpazzyMcGeeassembly or BASIC
20:47.36spldartmmMMmm basic
20:47.44JeffMyeah the amtel AVR chips are RISC based so they can use real languages
20:48.05JeffMeven tho it's an 8 bit CPU, I have support for floats and stuff
20:49.26SpazzyMcGeehere's the early stages of the guitar machine
20:49.54SpazzyMcGeeIt did play a tune, just verrrry slowly :p
20:50.03JeffMneeds to order his stepper controllers
20:50.50SpazzyMcGeeWas going to have it receive some MIDI instructions
20:50.52JeffMthose will be the ones that have SMP mouting
20:50.57SpazzyMcGeebut I ran out of time sadly
20:52.54JeffMhow much does a PIC board cost?
20:53.32SpazzyMcGeeDepends on the PIC you use
20:54.01JeffMthis one was 25$
20:54.03SpazzyMcGeeI didn't pay for anything because it was college coursework
20:54.54SpazzyMcGeethe chips themselves are dirt cheap, mostly
20:55.10SpazzyMcGeecouple of £
20:55.56SpazzyMcGeeI manufactured my own PCBs too, so in the end it probably worked out pretty cheap
20:56.12JeffMheh, except for the cancer :)
20:57.34SpazzyMcGeeMore worried about the etch turning your hands into skeletons. That stuff is nasty
21:16.54*** join/#bzflag-chat Bambino (
21:33.09*** join/#bzflag-chat ShadowSpectre_ (
21:41.34*** join/#bzflag-chat CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
22:01.06*** join/#bzflag-chat Flash (n=jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
22:23.28*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
22:36.40*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg_ (n=Default@
23:35.28*** join/#bzflag-chat ShadowSpectre (
23:45.16*** join/#bzflag-chat CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
23:55.33*** join/#bzflag-chat JefferyM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)

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