IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20090624

01:34.15*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
03:35.30JeffManyone around for yet another php question?
03:37.21*** join/#bzflag-chat Constitution (n=const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
03:52.44*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
04:38.27blast007JeffM: yes. Or have you figured it out?
04:38.39JeffMI think I did
04:38.50JeffMor at least I worked around it enough
04:39.04JeffMis now onto paypal integration
04:39.38Think_Differentlredoing the store?
04:39.45JeffMmaking a store for my dad
04:39.59JeffMit's his father's day present
04:40.35JeffMzencart is fine for the bzflag store, because it tracks inventory
04:40.50Think_Differentlheh, looks nice
04:42.44JeffMhave to decide if I want to hook up IPN and have the site email out the digital works or let my dad do it by hand :)
04:43.05Think_Differentldepends on the volume of customers
04:43.13JeffMit will be low
04:43.20JeffMbut the less my dad has to do the better
04:43.37JeffMit's going to be hell to explain to him how to use the admin interface
04:44.22Think_Differentlmaybe an automated system is best
04:44.32Think_Differentlalso, are there no more bzflag hoodies?
04:44.36JeffMyaeh, just more work on my part
04:44.45JeffMno, we never made any extra hoodies
04:44.56JeffMwe only made enough for those that prepaid
04:45.20JeffMthey are too expensive to keep in stock
04:45.30Think_Differentli see
04:45.42JeffMthey cost us like 30$ a pop
04:46.25Think_Differentlwell, let me know if you ever decide to make any more
04:50.05JeffMI would not be able to remember that perosnaly
04:50.17JeffMI'll announce on the forum if we do another printing
04:50.27JeffMbut also you can sign up for the store newsletter, and product updates
04:50.37JeffMand I always send a message out using that before a print run
04:50.55JeffMit's an easy way to track interested people
04:54.20Think_Differentljust did that, didn't realize there was a newsletter
06:33.43*** join/#bzflag-chat Will07c5|laptop (
06:39.11*** join/#bzflag-chat TutTankAhmon (n=olivier@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
08:15.05*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
10:35.59*** join/#bzflag-chat CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
12:06.31*** join/#bzflag-chat Wits (
12:30.16*** join/#bzflag-chat I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
12:49.22*** join/#bzflag-chat SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
13:43.54*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
14:12.47*** join/#bzflag-chat me1 (n=ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
14:34.37*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
16:11.40*** join/#bzflag-chat JefferyM (n=JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
16:13.11*** join/#bzflag-chat JefferyM2501 (
16:44.10*** join/#bzflag-chat Will07c5|laptop (
17:25.17*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_work (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
17:33.31*** join/#bzflag-chat swigg_shop_ (
17:40.21*** join/#bzflag-chat Erroneous (n=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
19:21.41*** join/#bzflag-chat bz22 (
20:25.22*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_work (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
21:43.41*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_dist (n=pidgin@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
21:45.34*** join/#bzflag-chat Think_Differentl (n=fatass@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
21:51.19*** join/#bzflag-chat Wits (
22:31.59*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (n=L4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
22:44.44*** join/#bzflag-chat CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
23:09.06*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)

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