IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20090404

01:40.22*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
01:41.44*** join/#bzflag-chat Will07c5 (n=Will07c5@
03:12.12*** join/#bzflag-chat Jeff__ (
03:19.14*** join/#bzflag-chat Jeff__ (n=Jeff@
05:16.53*** join/#bzflag-chat Will07c5 (n=Will07c5@
05:41.11*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
08:22.05*** join/#bzflag-chat roboter5a (
12:46.45*** join/#bzflag-chat me1 (n=ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
13:30.58*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
15:36.51*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
15:54.24*** join/#bzflag-chat roboter5a (
17:02.35*** join/#bzflag-chat Think_Differentl (n=fatass@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
17:18.03*** join/#bzflag-chat Will07c5 (n=Will07c5@
20:11.37*** join/#bzflag-chat jeffm_ (
20:23.55*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=jeffm@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
20:25.54JeffMwhat did that show up as?
20:26.03Winnythe quit message?
20:26.13Winnyor the mask?
20:26.15JeffMno what I just did before that
20:26.22JeffMso I didn'[t say anything just now?
20:26.51Winnyjoined, changed name, left
20:26.53JeffMxchat gnome SUCK
20:27.28JeffMso I'm trying pidgin for IRC
20:27.32JeffMit sucks less
20:27.49WinnyI wish there was a half decent OS X client
20:28.03Winnycolloquy leaks like a sive
20:28.04JeffMI had no problem with xchat aqua
20:28.13Winnyit's UI is less than awesome
20:28.27JeffMyes, but it at least works ;)
20:28.42Winnythis is true
20:28.53JeffMxchat gnome didn't even show a friggin USER list
20:29.00Winnyoh wow
20:29.10Winnythat's terrible
20:29.17JeffMand by default it just dumps you into the ubuntu chat server and channel
20:29.19JeffMno server list
20:29.21Winnyyou sure it's not just the theme?
20:29.34Winnythat's hiding the use rlist*
20:29.35JeffMno notification that you can do ANYTHING
20:29.42JeffMit was the default
20:29.46JeffMthere is a users button
20:29.51JeffMthat brings up the list of people
20:30.15JeffMthis isn't that bad
20:30.18JeffMI mean sure I don't have all the per user options
20:30.22JeffMbut it looks decent enough
20:30.38JeffMand it puts each channel in a tab
20:30.57JeffMtries something
20:31.11*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (
20:32.07JeffMyep it logs ;)
20:32.20WinnyI've never once used my x chat logs
20:32.21me1what's the difference between xchat and xchat-gnome?
20:32.24Winnywonder how big the dir is
20:32.33JeffMme1: 47 LBS of suck
20:32.50me1why not just use xchat?
20:32.57Winnyoh wow 2gb of logs
20:33.04JeffMthey basicly took a functional interface and make it crap so they could say it was "gnome" like
20:33.18JeffMxchat wasn't an option in the "add software" tab :)
20:33.24WinnyJeffM: isn't that basically the mission statement of Gnome ;)
20:33.40JeffMthe gnome desktop looks functional
20:34.23JeffMthe xchat gnome options dialog also doesn't fit on this screen :(
20:34.44Winnywhat screen?
20:34.55JeffMso small
20:35.14JeffMI'm waiting for ubuntu to install on the main machine
20:35.24JeffMand this had just finished updating packages
20:35.26WinnyI should install OS X on my netbook... it runs fine with vista but.. I don't really enjoy vista :p
20:35.39JeffMwhat one do you have
20:35.54WinnyAcer Aspire, with 1.5gb RAM, 160gb HDD I believe
20:36.17Winnywhat about you?
20:36.22JeffMmsi wind
20:36.30JeffMsuposedly OSX works fine other then sound
20:36.35JeffMcus it's realtech
20:37.22WinnyI remember hearing that it ran perfectly on the wind.. but maybe that was an older model
20:37.41JeffMthey have changed a few things to make it cheaper
20:37.44JeffMlike the touchpad
20:37.55JeffMI just never felt like downloading it
20:38.05Winnythat's one thing that sucks about the aspire - one finger trackpad
20:38.13JeffMit's got XP and jaunty on a wubi install
20:38.54Winnygoes to make more giant pretzels
21:03.49*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
21:25.21*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM2501 (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
22:26.28*** join/#bzflag-chat AAA_awright (

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