IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20090204

00:09.53*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
00:36.51*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
01:36.11spldartQuick OT question.. Why is the 2.4.x kernel still goin so long after the 2.6.x kernel has been introduced?
01:36.32Winnywhy do people still use windows XP when vista was releasesd 2 years ago
01:36.39spldartThat's easyt
01:36.43spldartvista is terrible.
01:37.01spldartbesides.. that coexistance isn't as old is it?
01:37.40blast007Winny: Well, some hardware might not work in 2.6.x, for one example
01:38.00blast007some drivers are not open source
01:38.10JeffMwhy does windows 2000 as an OS still beat linux in desktop use ;)
01:38.15spldartI've used the 2.6.x kernel up to like .28 on some antiquated hardware.
01:38.52blast007spldart: the 3D chip in my nokia only has a binary blob driver for 2.4
01:38.54JeffMalso uprading the kernel means upgrading a lot of other packages
01:39.07JeffMpeople may have software that dosn't work with the newer packages
01:39.18JeffMmany servers will use the same old kernel with minor patches
01:39.19blast007but they still use 2.6 ;)  so no 3D..
01:39.21JeffMfor stability
01:39.31spldartwin 2k and other old microsoft os's do still have a distro advantage because of age and name.
01:39.33JeffMrather then risk upgrading
01:40.25spldartI understand not changing kernel till your ready to rebuild modules etc. but when you are ready.. why not jump to 2.6. But I guess it may just be hardware related.
01:41.02JeffMspldart: you assume all software has continual development
01:41.08spldartmodules and other built in support for hardware... That's the reason my brother isn't fond of linux
01:41.11JeffMlets say I am using an accounting package
01:41.18JeffMit was made to work on 2.4
01:41.26JeffMthey made a new version, that works on 2.6
01:41.32JeffMbut it has some other changes I don't want
01:41.41JeffMand the old version works FINE for my biz
01:41.52JeffMso I want to keep my systems running 2.4 for as long as I can
01:41.57JeffMcus it just works
01:42.02JeffMI don't need newer stuff
01:42.24spldartAh.. So.. analogy.. I like micro money for 98se.. the new ver is for 2k xp. I don't want that one so stick with 98se and me.
01:42.27JeffMbasicly I'll run 2.4 untill the entire server cluster DIES.
01:42.40JeffMspldart: more like I have a game that only runs under 98
01:42.47spldartduke 3d
01:42.51JeffMand I don't do anything else other then play that game
01:43.06JeffMand if I don't play that game, the space shuttle crashes
01:43.35JeffMyou want to be the new guy to push a kernel update that isn't needed to the air traffic controll net? ;)
01:45.18spldartSo 2.4 may finally end when entropy claims enough of that old hardware?
01:45.50JeffMit'll eventualy phase out sure
01:46.07JeffMbut I mean isn't it part of the last 10 year service version of ubunutu?
01:46.37spldartOh yeah! Wow... I forgot about the duration of some releases of Ubuntu.
01:47.08spldartis mulling down the link blast pasted.
01:47.15JeffMfor server uses, you can see a very long span for an OS/App combo
01:48.21spldartSo hrm... this may take a couple few more years to finally die.
01:48.49spldartAnd even then... some seriously old 2.6.x releases could be floating around for 5 + years.
01:50.52spldartMan.... XP could be a major player for quite a while then... even WELL after the scheduled next release of windows in a year.
01:51.19JeffMXP is a desktop system
01:51.28JeffMyou'll see server 2003 stay around a LOT longer
01:52.01spldartWell... I guess I'm thinking along the lines of XP Pro Corp edition... which is a desktop sure... but a pro desktop for many.
01:53.01spldartis 2k3 still the current server edition?
01:53.16JeffMoh god no
01:53.21JeffM2008 is the last stable
01:53.29spldartI don't follow ms releases closely
01:54.19spldartis 2k8 like vista like XP/2k is to NT ? Not an exact analogy to be sure.
01:56.50JeffM2000 = NT
01:56.55JeffM2003 = XP
01:57.01JeffM2008 = vista sans mass suck
01:57.14JeffMserver 2008 can be made into a REALLY good desktop system
01:57.48spldartsuccinct. Thanks.
01:58.51spldartHrm... I need to see if my broh can give me some seat time behind a 2k8 server edition.
02:02.01spldartTax check should be in in 1 to 2 weeks... Hope to bend some ears on hardware queries at that time. I'll have to build quite nearly to totally from scratch.
02:13.29blast007needs to remember to not eat pizza while using the touch screen..
02:24.49*** join/#bzflag-chat Abominable (
02:50.05*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg_ (n=Default@
02:51.27*** join/#bzflag-chat Default__ (
02:59.11*** join/#bzflag-chat Default__ (
04:37.57*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
13:43.11*** join/#bzflag-chat swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
14:03.23*** join/#bzflag-chat SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
14:31.10*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (n=short_ci@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
15:07.30*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
16:36.33*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_work (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
17:05.28*** join/#bzflag-chat ICUP (
17:06.19*** mode/#bzflag-chat [+o blast007] by ChanServ
17:06.22*** kick/#bzflag-chat [ICUP!i=blast@bzflag/developer/Blast] by blast007 (blast007)
17:06.34*** mode/#bzflag-chat [+b *!*] by blast007
17:07.41*** mode/#bzflag-chat [-o blast007] by blast007
17:11.50*** join/#bzflag-chat JefferyM (n=JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
18:06.22SportChickblast007: try hex ban
18:06.48blast007SportChick: it's probably just some random proxy, so I'd rather ban the whole thing
18:07.00*** mode/#bzflag-chat [+b *!n=7cd9e631@*] by SportChick
18:07.19blast007legitimate users can use our webchat or a real client.
18:07.43SportChickblast007: he started on bzflag's webchat yesterday
18:07.44*** join/#bzflag-chat spaceman (n=400f93ba@
18:08.10spacemanBEING GAY?
18:08.27JefferyMthat's all he could come up with?
18:09.01blast007he's not a real bright fellow
18:11.29blast007SportChick: he's had three different hex values since then (counting the one he used for our webchat)
18:12.00SportChickblast007: yesterday he used several proxies but same hex
18:28.22*** join/#bzflag-chat Erroneous (n=dtremena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
19:01.55*** join/#bzflag-chat me1 (n=khazhy@bzflag/player/Me1)
20:40.01*** join/#bzflag-chat KDE4000 (n=KDE4000@unaffiliated/kde4000)
21:02.33*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg_ (
21:12.19Winnysomeone needs to reply with "why yes we were, want to join in?"
21:16.08*** join/#bzflag-chat SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
21:56.50*** join/#bzflag-chat swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
22:03.20*** join/#bzflag-chat JefferyM (n=JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
23:22.03*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (n=short_ci@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
23:42.04spldartWooHoo.. My 5200 FX is finally dying. Get artifacting in blocks on bzflag around the cursor intermittantly
23:54.36*** join/#bzflag-chat Default__ (

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