IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20081114

00:00.20*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (i=l4m3r@
00:48.14*** join/#bzflag-chat fatass (
01:12.59*** join/#bzflag-chat fatass (
01:36.36*** join/#bzflag-chat bz34 (
01:36.49bz34one quick q, does any one use irc on pidgin here
01:38.09JeffMin general IRC in IM clients is weak
01:38.48bz34i know but how do i get on this channel, do i add it as a buddy or what?
01:39.06JeffMhence why it sucks, it's interface
01:39.07F687s_Corollary: Real men have dedicated machines for IRC. ;-)
01:39.39JeffMI belive you add the server and channel
01:39.44*** join/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
01:39.49JeffMbut really there are better siltuions
01:39.52big_daddy2hey guys
01:39.58JeffMxchat is way better
01:41.11big_daddy2im sry, i just figured out how to get this to work, i was bz
01:45.25*** part/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
01:45.26*** join/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
01:45.33*** part/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
01:45.50*** join/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
01:46.18*** join/#bzflag-chat bz80 (
01:46.20*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
01:46.23*** part/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
02:05.11*** join/#bzflag-chat short_circuit (
02:21.40*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart2 (
03:01.13*** join/#bzflag-chat Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
04:26.59*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM2501 (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
04:48.34*** join/#bzflag-chat Admirarch (
06:22.52*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
09:56.20*** join/#bzflag-chat Winny (n=iWinny@bzflag/contributor/Winny) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:56.20*** join/#bzflag-chat TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:56.20*** join/#bzflag-chat macsforme (n=const@bzflag/developer/Constitution) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:15.53*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
11:18.39*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r_ (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
11:50.46*** join/#bzflag-chat MPS_ (
12:42.45*** join/#bzflag-chat MPS_ (
15:14.33*** join/#bzflag-chat spldart (n=short_ci@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
16:21.59*** join/#bzflag-chat Ceas (
16:50.07*** join/#bzflag-chat Constitution (
17:03.21*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
17:36.00*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
18:15.01*** join/#bzflag-chat Erroneous (n=dtremena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
19:43.59*** join/#bzflag-chat Wits (
19:59.34*** join/#bzflag-chat me1 (n=khazhy@bzflag/player/Me1)
20:01.17me1just got his t-shirts
20:01.34JeffMthat was prety fast
20:01.37JeffMwhere are you?
20:02.04me1all the way on the east coast
20:02.21me1Greater Boston area
20:03.04JeffMprety good for them not going into the maill till tuesday night
20:04.24*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
20:04.56JeffML4m3r, did you get yours yet?
20:05.12JeffMcus that would be wierd if boston arived before UCLA
20:06.36spldartLast track I check on on my shirts said they were just outta a distro center in houston. Since Sugar Land is right up against SW Htown I figure I might be coming home to my shirts today as well :)
20:06.44Winnymine still says electronic shipping info recieved :P
20:06.54JeffMwell yeah dude yours went out last night
20:07.02JeffMI have to actualy GO to the post office for you
20:07.06JeffMsilly bushisms
20:09.22JeffModdly enough you were the only international order
20:10.28joevanowell I blame that on the design :P
20:15.15JeffMa lot of people here like the design
20:15.23JeffMspecialy on the lighter shirts
20:16.07JeffMthe black bleeds into the darker items
20:19.04joevanoi was just kidding, seeing as how the only international order was the designer
20:21.14joevanoi like the design but havn't prdered yet because I'm not done downsizing :)
20:21.46joevanoshooting for a L
20:23.36JeffMwell we don't have any tripple XLs this time
20:24.02me1likes his rooomy XL
20:24.02JeffMgot a good pile of Larges tho
20:24.33JeffMI'll probalby be buyuing one of the dust XXLs and just shrink the crap out of it
20:26.22me1how big is xxl? like, in terms of how many L people would fit in it
20:26.59me1measurments don't really do it for me
20:27.28JeffMit's not like twice as large or anything
20:28.10*** join/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
20:28.26me1oh wow, i think this is my second green shirt I've ever had o.O
20:32.50big_daddy2i wonder if in the future objects could more...would be awesome :)
20:33.45me1They can move now, you just can't interact with them. Also, they only go in circles.
20:34.07JeffMa lot has to be done before that happens
20:34.55spldartjust thought it would be cute to have a map that advertises merchandise in the store. objects could be created and textured to display various shirts CD's and mugs. [/end silliness]
20:36.05joevanoI'm down to a comfortable XL now, from a little tight XXL
20:36.35JeffMgood for you
20:37.01JeffMwhy is that funny?
20:37.21big_daddy2it sounded scarcastic
20:37.29JeffMit wasn't
20:37.30joevanoit is good for me :).. although the reason isn't
20:37.37JeffMit is very good for him
20:37.37joevanogot diabetes
20:37.51JeffMwell that's the best thing to manage it
20:38.07joevanoyeah, and it's not like I didn't know it was coming
20:38.17JeffMyou'll be fine
20:38.17joevanoi think of it as motivation
20:38.34JeffMuntill they can get you a cyberpancreas
20:38.40joevanomy dad had 10 brothers and sisters and they all have it
20:38.42JeffMthen you'll be able to fly and lift cars and stuff
20:38.53joevanoim waiting, it is getting close
20:39.04JeffMit IS the freaking future already
20:39.24joevanothey have some experimental stuff that they implant and the metal compartments self regulate
20:39.38JeffMI mean, I can get a telephone that can contact anyone int he world, tell me where I am.
20:39.58JeffMI saw a headline that said, "scientists turn taquilla into diamonds" and I didn't think it was a joke
20:40.06JeffMit's the future allready
20:40.24joevanoyep, quite amazing stuff
20:40.40joevanodid you see the picture of the planet 25 light years away
20:40.43JeffM"robotic exo-suit goes on sale in japan" and the only thing I could think of was "bout time"
20:40.58JeffMwe sent a robot car to mars and it's STILL freaking working
20:41.16joevanoyeah from an indurtial standpoint an exoskeleton will be phenomanal
20:41.30JeffMI'm more impressed that they could market it
20:41.35JeffMthe tech behind it is years old
20:42.05JeffMit's wierd what is happening to humanity with our geometric tech progressions, it's changing the way we think
20:42.28JeffMmany of the advances that we have today would be totaly disbelived by my great grandparants
20:42.36blast007I want a cyber brain so I can just google search my memories
20:42.43JeffMyet there isn't much I can think of that would cause me to disbelive it
20:43.09JeffMyeah I mean if next week someone said "oh yeah we have brain implants" I'd be like "sweet, how do they work"
20:43.16JeffMrather then "that's impossible
20:43.31*** part/#bzflag-chat big_daddy2 (
20:43.31JeffMyou'd have to get to like time travel or paralell dimenstions to "floor" me
20:43.38blast007Breaking News! Robots invade Japan. More at 10. *robot attacks news anchor*
20:43.58JeffMI mean if aliens landed tomorow, what woudl you ?
20:44.08JeffMit'd be a big thing sure but you'd not think your world was ending
20:44.41JeffMthere is a signifigant group of humans that'd simply ask them "hey you guys like pie?"
20:45.26me1I dunno about those guys, but I'd ask them for a ride in their spaceship.
20:45.45JeffMsure, after the pie
20:45.50JeffMyou have to be civil right?
20:46.10JeffMbut the point is you'd not run out and call them deamons
20:46.15JeffMand try to set them on fire
20:46.53me1Well, if I asked them if they liked pie, and they said yes, then I'd have to ask what type, and then we'd get into different alien recipes for pie, and by the time that's over, I'd be stuffed, and wouldn't be in the mood for a ride.
20:47.05JeffMthere is always tomorow
20:57.31me1speaking of this channel, do a few people with time want to join norang's tuxee server (rabbit hunt)?
21:08.40L4m3rJeffM: yeah, got mine yesterday (late sorry)
21:09.14L4m3ralong with a necktie I forgot I ordered :P
21:09.57L4m3rthey've been stuffing envelope packages in my mailbox, instead of leaving them in the mailroom... fortunately my roommate checks the box every day (freshman, heh)
21:14.53*** join/#bzflag-chat Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
22:11.38*** join/#bzflag-chat temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
22:12.10*** join/#bzflag-chat JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
22:14.19me1my mom was looking through the drawers in her room... and out of no where, she pulls out an axe and says "what the...?"
22:14.46me1not everyday you find an axe in your drawers...
22:17.14*** join/#bzflag-chat AAA_awright (
22:20.03blast007yeah, that's normally only Tuesdays!
22:44.24*** join/#bzflag-chat spudly (
22:47.01*** join/#bzflag-chat Astroman_ (
22:56.43*** join/#bzflag-chat spudly (
23:05.38*** join/#bzflag-chat baddog (n=baddog@unaffiliated/baddog144)
23:12.04*** join/#bzflag-chat L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
23:20.22*** part/#bzflag-chat Astroman_ (

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