IRC log for #bzchat on 20080808

00:55.01*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (
01:23.03*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (
01:36.22*** join/#bzchat I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
01:49.09*** join/#bzchat flying_popcorn (
01:56.32flying_popcornis it possible to change a player's team color with a plugin?
02:03.59*** join/#bzchat flying_popcorn (
02:04.55donny_bakerin version 3 yes
02:09.18*** join/#bzchat flying_popcorn (
02:09.28flying_popcornhi again.. is anyone here?
02:10.31short_circuitDefinitely noone here.
02:11.23short_circuitTry adjusting your phase discriminator.. Perhaps an adjacent parallel existance has some occupancy.
02:11.59flying_popcorndoes anyone know if its possible to change a players team color with a plugin
02:12.09short_circuitIf your query is the team color/plugin one then donny baker said yes... in the next release of bzflag
02:12.39flying_popcornoh ok
02:12.53short_circuitand thanks to donny baker :)
02:13.40short_circuitbtw that next release might, hopefully be later this year.. depending how GSoC goes ;)
02:13.55short_circuitBut absolutely, positively no promises.
02:13.55CBG`.... more like 2010
02:14.08short_circuitthus the NO PROMISES ;)
02:14.09flying_popcorni mightve not heard an answer to my question, my internet died for a second after i asked the question :D
02:14.37flying_popcornok bye :)
02:54.05TD-Linuxbzflag 4 is scheduled for late 2100
02:54.48short_circuitHey! That's after Zephrin Cochranes warp flight :)
02:57.24TD-Linuxand also after the deaths of all current bzflag contributors
02:58.55short_circuitHow..... sad.....
03:13.43*** join/#bzchat Ride- (
03:28.24*** join/#bzchat macsforme (
04:00.24*** join/#bzchat _Astroman (
04:01.09_Astromanhey, could someone give me the correct format for "spin"
04:01.28_Astromani think it's (angle) (x) (y) (z)
04:01.33_Astromanis that right?
04:03.40*** part/#bzchat _Astroman (
05:00.15*** join/#bzchat slacknate (
05:00.39*** part/#bzchat slacknate (
05:29.02*** join/#bzchat temp_dist (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
05:44.37*** join/#bzchat AAA_awright (
09:09.39*** join/#bzchat roboter5a (
09:38.01*** join/#bzchat roboter5a2 (
09:40.09*** join/#bzchat bz87 (
09:43.37*** join/#bzchat roboter5a2 (
09:53.34*** join/#bzchat eTangenT (
10:00.24*** join/#bzchat I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
11:10.21*** join/#bzchat roboter5a (
11:28.19*** join/#bzchat Alex135 (n=alex@
12:22.36*** join/#bzchat Wits (
13:58.12*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
14:02.11*** join/#bzchat CBG (
14:03.20*** part/#bzchat TJ13820 (
14:08.50*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
14:31.43*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
15:30.19*** join/#bzchat roboter5a (
16:06.41*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (
16:33.05*** join/#bzchat Warinthestar (
18:33.18*** join/#bzchat Abominable (
18:47.56*** join/#bzchat Erroneous (n=dtremena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
18:47.56*** mode/#bzchat [+o Erroneous] by ChanServ
18:51.26*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (
18:59.58*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (
19:03.23*** join/#bzchat TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
20:04.22*** join/#bzchat JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
20:13.43*** join/#bzchat brad (
20:33.05*** join/#bzchat Abom|work_ (
20:46.09*** join/#bzchat AAA_awright_ (
21:39.07*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (
21:53.27*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
22:16.28*** join/#bzchat I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
22:18.15*** join/#bzchat I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
22:23.00*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
22:25.00*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
22:29.22*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
22:33.57*** join/#bzchat Alex135 (n=alex@
22:42.30*** join/#bzchat Pimpi_ (
22:48.29*** join/#bzchat EdwardsLoveChild (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:56.25*** join/#bzchat ruskie (i=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
23:06.46*** join/#bzchat The (
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23:10.11*** join/#bzchat spldart (
23:12.24*** join/#bzchat blast007 (i=blast@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
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23:20.37*** join/#bzchat blast007 (i=blast@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
23:23.54*** join/#bzchat blast007 (i=blast@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
23:28.43*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
23:29.47*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
23:46.58*** join/#bzchat temp_dist (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
23:47.36*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (
23:51.04*** join/#bzchat TJ13820 (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.