IRC log for #bzchat on 20080712

00:14.08*** join/#bzchat Wits (
01:18.02*** join/#bzchat Winny (n=iWinny@unaffiliated/winny)
01:27.31*** join/#bzchat Winny (n=iWinny@unaffiliated/winny)
02:01.50*** join/#bzchat AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
02:36.13*** join/#bzchat Winny (n=iWinny@unaffiliated/winny)
04:26.19*** join/#bzchat eTangenT` (
08:20.32*** join/#bzchat I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
10:25.27*** join/#bzchat KTL (
10:38.56*** join/#bzchat Zw3rgy (
12:23.20*** join/#bzchat Wits (
15:48.16*** join/#bzchat AHA_ (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
16:31.31*** join/#bzchat ShadowSpectre (
16:49.07*** join/#bzchat TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
17:25.47*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
17:36.31*** join/#bzchat AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
19:19.45*** join/#bzchat bigbadbucko (
19:20.20*** join/#bzchat TD-Linux (
19:29.00*** join/#bzchat AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
19:29.52*** join/#bzchat Pimpi (
20:13.40*** join/#bzchat spldart (
20:19.02*** join/#bzchat TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
20:40.00*** join/#bzchat bz79 (
21:01.41*** join/#bzchat Swigg (
21:11.45*** join/#bzchat eTangenT (
21:16.15*** join/#bzchat SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
21:29.29*** join/#bzchat lol_u (
21:30.56lol_uwhy do I have a problem installing Bzflah
21:31.07lol_uItsays error copying
21:32.13Winnybecause you probably don't have permissions
21:32.51lol_uIm on admin
21:33.00lol_uits my computer i JUST BOUGHT
21:33.06lol_u(sorry for caps)
21:33.13WinnyOS X?
21:34.05lol_uWindows XP SP2
21:34.41Winnycan you elaborate on "Itsays error copying"?
21:35.11lol_uok when I try to install to the C Hard Drive
21:35.28WinnyYou're not installing to Program Files?
21:35.34lol_uyeah I am
21:35.42lol_uhere i'll say exactly what it says
21:35.43lol_uhold on
21:36.24lol_uok it says
21:37.03spldartDid you find your problem?
21:37.13spldartWas your dlownload of bzflag finished?
21:37.17lol_uError Opening file for writing:   C:\program files\BZFLAG2.0.10.bzflag.exe
21:37.28lol_uclick Abort, retry, or ignore
21:37.33lol_uthats what it says
21:38.09Winnyare you sure you're running as admin?
21:38.16Winnysounds like a permissions issue
21:38.17spldartSo the install process created the C:\program files\BZFlag2.0.10 dir?
21:38.32lol_uNo its trying but does not succeed
21:38.46spldartSo it can't even create the directory to put the files in?
21:38.49Winnyso it's a permissions issue
21:39.07spldartCan you MANUALLY create a folder in your program files dir?
21:39.12lol_uI just went to User account and controls and it says I am administrator not Limited account
21:39.17lol_ui can try
21:39.47Winnydid you buy this computer used? I'm wondering if some viruses/spyware are doing something
21:39.56lol_uno brand new
21:39.56spldartGood thought
21:40.10lol_uDell Dimension E521
21:40.23Winnydid you try creating the folder manually?
21:40.31Winnyand did it work?
21:40.40lol_uust tryed as we speak
21:40.41spldartYou don't have admin ability
21:40.53lol_uok i'll try reinstalling XP
21:40.58lol_uits new anyway
21:41.08lol_uI dont have any files
21:41.09WinnyRun a virus scan or something
21:41.19lol_uI JUST opened this computer like 3 hours ago
21:41.23lol_uand Im using AVG FREE
21:41.29lol_ufor virus
21:41.52Winnyupdate it and run a scan
21:42.07Winnyassuming it can even find the problem - if the problem is a virus
21:42.08lol_uit says no updates available.......
21:42.27Winnybut if you're running as admin then you should be able to write to the directory.
21:42.36lol_ui know
21:42.43lol_uand theres only 1 account on this computer
21:42.48lol_uso I know for sure I am admin
21:42.52spldartDo you have a user on this machine that also has admin status?
21:43.00lol_uthis is MY computer
21:43.05lol_ubought it with my money.
21:43.16lol_uall other installations worked
21:43.26spldartHave you tried loggin in as the administrater instead of the user?
21:43.29lol_ulike Firefox and media player
21:43.44lol_ui tried almost any possible way
21:43.48lol_ueven on safe mode
21:44.28lol_ujust to let you know Bzflag works on my other computers
21:44.39lol_uso I think i'll just reinstall it's no problem
21:44.56Winnyyour time
21:44.59Winnyhave fun wasting it
21:45.02spldartIn that case I don't have enough data to provide any further assistance. Sorry. I know XP pretty good and can't think of a reason for this behaviou other than a virus or something
21:45.10lol_uits ok I have time to spare. all my friends are out of town anyway
21:45.32bradso firefox and 'media player' managed to create a directory in program files but bzflag can't?
21:45.33lol_uit's ok guys you tried. You were good helpers thanks!
21:45.55brad22:37:09 < lol_u> Error Opening file for writing:   C:\program files\BZFLAG2.0.10.bzflag.exe
21:46.00bradthat doesn't look right
21:46.09lol_uprobably misspelled
21:46.13bradah :P
21:46.17lol_ubut its exactly what it says
21:46.27bradBZFLAG2.0.10.bzflag.exe - it says that ?
21:46.43lol_uok I just did a quick scan and says no virus
21:46.52lol_uI only have 4 apps on this computer
21:46.58lol_uso it was fast
21:47.05bradshould that not be BZFLAG2.0.10\bzflag.exe instead of BZFLAG2.0.10.bzflag.exe
21:47.12Winnycould be some dell crap
21:47.35Winnydisable AVG and try installing it... AV programs can interfere with stuff
21:47.38Winnybut it's unlikely
21:47.38lol_uI wanted to make a custom made computer again like my old one but didnt want to bother again
21:47.42lol_uright ok
21:47.51lol_uhold on and i'll disable the firewall
21:48.05Winnyfirewall has nothing to do with internal things
21:48.05lol_uBe right back then
21:48.17Winnya firewall protects your computer from malicious internet connections
21:49.08spldartshould be C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.10\bzflag.exe
21:49.41lol_u>should be C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.10\bzflag.exe< Thats what I meant
21:50.01lol_unope still doesnt work
21:50.51lol_uIt's ok guys. Thanks for your time anyway. Good luck with the 3.0 project!
21:51.17lol_uThanks Winny, spldart, and brad.
21:51.58Winnywe're not getting the full story
21:52.00bradbut wait!
21:52.01Winnyguarantee it
21:52.19bradWinny: user error, definately ;P
21:52.28infobotPEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.
21:55.43*** join/#bzchat TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
23:18.19*** join/#bzchat DTRemenak (i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
23:18.19*** mode/#bzchat [+o DTRemenak] by ChanServ
23:41.15*** join/#bzchat Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)

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