irclog2html for #bz-inc on 20060811

00:02.45*** mode/#bz-inc [+o SportyGal] by ChanServ
00:03.22*** topic/#bz-inc by SportyGal -> ~bz-inc Welcome to BZI || Get out there and MATCH and have fun! || BZi Activity Rating: 2.54 || Practice server is at || 250 wins!! yay! || 60 matches to go!! || Go register now: || Happy Birthday, Birdie
00:36.50SportChick[dmp]: ducati match in about 10 minutes?
00:39.28SportChick[dmp] never mind - one of their mates fell through
00:49.37[dmp]very soon :)
00:50.21SportChickit fell through
00:50.24SportChicksorry :()
00:50.55[dmp]np - i just left hepcat
00:51.10CBGgnight meacan :)
00:56.35[dmp]Good night y'all
01:26.20SportChickgnight [dmp] [dmp] [dmp]
01:26.36CBG30mins late :P
01:44.52*** join/#bz-inc NessyBot (
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03:50.41*** join/#bz-inc plasma_kaz (
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07:18.57*** join/#bz-inc Blue_Eyes (
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08:13.26*** join/#bz-inc flickboy (n=joe@
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08:15.27*** part/#bz-inc flickboy (n=joe@
09:44.55*** join/#bz-inc Blue_Eyes (
09:44.56*** mode/#bz-inc [+v Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
10:31.53*** join/#bz-inc Birdie (
10:31.56*** mode/#bz-inc [+v Birdie] by ChanServ
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14:37.27*** join/#bz-inc tokimi (
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15:36.41[dmp]so SportChick SportChick SportChick .. what was your ideas for the website?
15:37.02SportChickdmp: well
15:37.21SportChickwe could file our match reports there (or a version of them)
15:37.30SportChickhave a blog that any team member can post to
15:37.35SportChickgive a summary of the history of bzi
15:37.44SportChicka little bio on each current player
15:37.48SportChickhave some statistics
15:37.58SportChicklinks to key stuff
15:38.16SportChickthe statistical work that bzb had on theirs was pretty cool
15:38.29[dmp]so funationality would just be "blog" and some static pages we can change (history)
15:38.52SportChickactually [dmp] if you look at my webpage
15:39.16SportChickI built it first as a static page, then I imported the static stuff into a template format in blogger
15:39.31[dmp]blogger is a possibility :)
15:39.33SportChickthe links of course, are mostly static
15:40.02SportChickiirc blogger allows you to provide access to multiple people on a single blog, so that would be good too
15:41.10tokimiSportChick, have enough ideas yet? ;)
15:41.23SportChickI NEVER have ideas
15:41.26SportChickI'm very boring
15:41.35[dmp]the system i use for my blog, also allows multipe authors and you can reduce their privileges so they only can post (not change layout etc)
15:42.56SportChick[dmp] cool
15:43.14SportChickbtw, if anyone sees iwcylabumf online, please tell him he needs to remember to check his bzmails
15:45.36[dmp]but do you think people will use it? I mean, you already got plenty of stuff you're working on - adding a blog might end up on your table too
15:45.51SportChickwell, it COULD be fun
15:46.05SportChickbut it would be up to the team members to actually do something with it, of course
15:46.11SportChickbut if we MAKE it fun, they might
15:46.24SportChickand it's a good way for them to get to know one another AND the community to get to know them
15:47.26tokimidont get burned out you two
15:48.05tokimii like the idea of the blog, but its getting prety busy already
15:48.46[dmp]some of them are bound to fail :)
15:49.08tokimiSportChick: i saw!
15:49.14SportChickand I created a bloglines account - I like it
15:50.55[dmp]tokimi: url!!!!!1111111111oneone :)
15:51.15tokimi[dmp]: SportChick's right?
15:51.21[dmp]tokimi: yours
15:51.27[dmp]tokimi: i got sportchicks
15:51.41tokimihant posted all summer :(
15:52.25[dmp]"Teh Physics Student's Blog" :)
15:56.59tokimithere, posted again :P
17:38.37*** join/#bz-inc mwr25 (
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20:26.09*** join/#bz-inc SC-phone (
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20:56.42*** join/#bz-inc Blue_Eyes (
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20:57.05*** join/#bz-inc SportChick (
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21:13.28*** join/#bz-inc Blue_Eyes (
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22:42.56SportChick~lart Admirarch
22:43.01SportChick~lart [dmp]
22:43.10SportChick~lart gn00bie
22:44.28CBGouch. that was harsh
22:44.30CBGpoor meacan
22:49.05SportChick~hug [dmp]
22:49.06purlACTION hugs [dmp]
22:50.39[dmp]GofFathers uses kiss of death. I'm scared to ask what purl uses
22:51.19SportChick~kiss [dmp]
22:51.20purlACTION forces ChanServ to give [dmp] a big kiss on the cheek
22:51.25SportChick~smooch [dmp]
22:51.27purlACTION forces [dmp] to give tictok a big smooch
22:51.49tokimiwe need [suave] here for dmp ;)
22:54.06*** mode/#bz-inc [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
22:54.13*** mode/#bz-inc [-o SportChick] by SportChick
22:54.19*** join/#bz-inc [suave] (
22:54.19*** mode/#bz-inc [+v [suave]] by ChanServ
22:55.02SportChick~kiss [dmp]
22:55.03purlACTION forces gn00bie to give [dmp] a big kiss on the hand
22:55.09SportChick~smooch [dmp]
22:55.10purlACTION forces [dmp] to give [suave] a big smooch
22:55.16SportChickit worked!
22:55.38[suave]woo :-D
22:56.05[dmp]gn00bie, ChanServ, and tictok isnt my idea of luck :)
22:59.34[dmp]"Highlights: Weather was fine."  
23:00.42tokimi~massage [suave]
23:00.44purlACTION gives [suave] a terribly relaxing full-body massage that puts [suave] to sleep
23:01.19[suave]you just read my mind tokimi :-P
23:01.32tokimilucky for [dmp], purl is a girl
23:02.00purlI'm lesbian
23:02.09tokimihmm, maybe thtas not so good
23:04.59[suave]goodnighty night guys and gals, see you tomorrow:)
23:05.07tokimicu [suave]
23:05.49SportChickgnight [suave]y [suave] [suave] [suave]
23:05.52*** part/#bz-inc [suave] (
23:06.05tokimino!! yours!!!!

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.