irclog2html for #bz-inc on 20060501

01:06.22gn00bieanyone up for a match with BaR?
01:07.00gn00biethe brave people of BZi, anyone awake?
01:07.02*** join/#bz-inc menotume (n=meno@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
01:07.02*** mode/#bz-inc [+o menotume] by ChanServ
01:07.07menotumeMATCH ALERT
01:07.19menotumeorange ?
01:07.27menotumethey let any old color in here
01:07.53orangeI'm not on bzi
01:07.55orangeI'm just lurking
01:07.59orangeanother place to keep an eye on trb
01:08.17gn00bieBZi is like BSDi, permissive license (for lurking at least)
01:56.14*** join/#bz-inc SC-phone (
01:56.14*** mode/#bz-inc [+o SC-phone] by ChanServ
01:57.38*** part/#bz-inc SC-phone (
04:28.57*** join/#bz-inc gn00bie (
04:28.57*** mode/#bz-inc [+o gn00bie] by ChanServ
04:47.11gn00bie~dict egrarious
04:47.28gn00bie~dict egregious
04:48.12SportChick~dict gregarious
08:57.31*** join/#bz-inc Thonolan (
08:57.31*** mode/#bz-inc [+o Thonolan] by ChanServ
08:57.46*** part/#bz-inc Thonolan (
09:41.34*** join/#bz-inc Thonolan (
09:41.34*** mode/#bz-inc [+o Thonolan] by ChanServ
09:48.23*** join/#bz-inc Thonolan (
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09:58.49*** join/#bz-inc Blue_Eyes (
09:58.49*** mode/#bz-inc [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
11:04.16*** join/#bz-inc CBG` (
11:04.16*** mode/#bz-inc [+v CBG`] by ChanServ
11:11.11*** mode/#bz-inc [+o CBG] by ChanServ
11:13.39*** join/#bz-inc Thonolan (
11:13.39*** mode/#bz-inc [+o Thonolan] by ChanServ
12:03.20*** join/#bz-inc TheRedAway (
12:03.21*** mode/#bz-inc [+v TheRedAway] by ChanServ
12:03.33*** mode/#bz-inc [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
12:03.46*** topic/#bz-inc by Thonolan -> Welcome to BZI and EAF :) Home of the Bz Looney bin || valumz is bzi's historian! Cooperate
12:09.48*** join/#bz-inc RoMy (
12:09.48*** mode/#bz-inc [+v RoMy] by ChanServ
12:12.04*** part/#bz-inc RoMy (
12:25.13*** join/#bz-inc mr_show (
12:25.13*** mode/#bz-inc [+o mr_show] by ChanServ
12:28.27*** mode/#bz-inc [+o [dmp]] by TheRedBaron
12:28.36TheRedBarona channel full of ops
12:28.45TheRedBaronwho dares to misbehave now?!? :-D
12:29.53*** mode/#bz-inc [-o TheRedBaron] by [dmp]
12:30.03*** mode/#bz-inc [+o TheRedBaron] by [dmp]
12:50.09*** join/#bz-inc Birdie (
12:50.09*** mode/#bz-inc [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
12:51.11TheRedBaronw00t birdie!
12:51.25Birdiehey trb
12:51.50TheRedBaronis menotume pingable?
12:54.07TheRedBaronorange: morning! how was your weekend?
14:06.40*** part/#bz-inc mr_show (
14:07.14*** join/#bz-inc catay_ (
14:07.14*** mode/#bz-inc [+v catay_] by ChanServ
14:08.05Thonolanorange: ping
14:08.46SportChick~seen orange
14:09.01purlorange is currently on #bzflag (9d 4h 50m 18s) #kierra (9d 4h 50m 18s) #bzleague (9d 4h 50m 18s) #pillbox (9d 4h 50m 18s) #silvercat (9d 4h 50m 18s) #bz-inc (9d 4h 50m 18s) ##stouteriks (9d 4h 50m 18s) ##essy (9d 4h 50m 18s). Has said a total of 231 messages. Is idling for 10h 55m 18s, last ...
14:11.18orangetoo many channels
14:11.25orangeThonolan: pong
14:11.41orangeTheRedBaron: hey, good weekend... you?
14:13.21TheRedBaronexcellent weekend
14:13.53*** join/#bz-inc CBG` (
14:13.53*** mode/#bz-inc [+v CBG`] by ChanServ
14:14.31orangemy only disappointment was I wanted to go to this airshow but decided not to because of lots of weather warnings
14:14.35orangethen it turned out to be OK weather
14:17.05TheRedBaronI beat rb2 in halo, so my weekend was good ;)
14:17.31Thonolan~bonk TheRedBaron
14:17.33purlACTION bonks TheRedBaron over the head
14:21.51TheRedBaronGotta show him whose boss ;)
14:25.16*** mode/#bz-inc [+o catay] by ChanServ
14:33.20*** mode/#bz-inc [+o CBG] by ChanServ
14:51.04Thonolancatay: ping
14:55.49TheRedBaronw00t dragonforce
14:56.53TheRedBaronThonolan: ping!
15:28.43TheRedBarongn00bie: Tarja Turunen has an amazing voice!
15:30.06Thonolannightwish ?
15:30.13Thonolani have all
15:42.36gn00bieTheedBaron: you had never heard of her before?
15:42.42gn00bies/of her/her/
15:44.00[dmp]i wonder how purls regex works.. 232
15:44.21gn00bieall that fancy stuff does not work dmp
15:44.32gn00biefor example, let me say [dmp] is a good boy
15:44.37gn00bies/boy$/or not/
15:45.09TheRedBaron[dmp]: I know who she is
15:45.20TheRedBarongn00bie: I know who she is
15:45.36TheRedBaron(I was reading dmp's lines while replying to gn00bie
15:45.36gn00biefearless leader, but had you heard her sing before?
15:45.44TheRedBaronNightwish - yes :)
15:45.50gn00bie[dmp] can confuse people with those square brackets
15:45.58gn00bieTarja Turunen is very very amazing yes
15:46.32gn00bieI told kierra last week that Tarja could sing my grocery list and make it sound divine, she was thoroughly confused
15:47.48TheRedBaronyes, i read that in the logs
15:47.58TheRedBaronso I'm here affirming your words
15:48.07gn00biebut then, kierra gets confused very easily :P
15:50.01TheRedBaronah, true
15:50.12gn00biebut do not tell her that
15:50.51gn00biefearless leader, how good/bad is American Army?
15:51.38TheRedBaronI like it
15:51.42TheRedBaronand its free, and runs on linux ;)
15:51.56gn00biehumm, since it runs on linux, I might end up installing it :P
15:52.36*** join/#bz-inc Valumz (
15:52.37*** mode/#bz-inc [+o Valumz] by ChanServ
15:54.44gn00bieex-leaderess :P
15:54.58Valumzhowdy :)
15:55.02orangeI thought you never ackowledged her, gn00bie?
15:55.32gn00bieorange: microsoft jumpsuit... what do you think?
15:56.16*** part/#bz-inc Valumz (
15:56.28gn00bieorange: well... I guess you will have to get into one to get those jokes
15:56.52orangegn00bie: not bloody likely :-)
15:57.09gn00bieorange: more power to you, in that case :P
15:57.37TheRedBaronorange: i suspect your intellect is far greater than ours, and does not permit you to be so easily amused ;)
15:58.33orangeTheRedBaron: no, I just don't think I'd fit into one
16:11.13orangethat's old, trb
16:12.14TheRedBaronits heavy too!
16:12.22TheRedBaroni think i have an 8gb drive ;)
16:13.13orangethat'd be huge for that age, I think
16:14.37TheRedBaronits a gateway solo
16:14.45TheRedBaronit has quite a few problems actually
16:14.55TheRedBaronbut the ram problem keeps me from running anything
16:15.09TheRedBaronI call it my "Multi-functional Word-processor"
16:15.39TheRedBaronbecause thats its primary use
16:16.10TheRedBaronthe screen has a problem, that often it mimicks a TV - aka weird dots start dancing all around it
16:16.19TheRedBaronjust readjust the screen and you're good to go
16:16.23TheRedBaronthe touchpad died
16:16.37TheRedBaronhas a great battery though
16:16.52TheRedBaronI use it to steal away to a quiet area, play soft music, and write
16:17.12TheRedBaronusually on melancholy avenue ;)
16:33.21gn00bieok people, the moneymaker calls
17:27.18*** part/#bz-inc TheRedBaron (
17:33.26*** join/#bz-inc TheRedAway (
17:33.26*** mode/#bz-inc [-o TheRedAway] by ChanServ
17:33.26*** mode/#bz-inc [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
17:39.01TheRedBaron[dmp], ping
17:39.37[dmp]TheRedBaron: pong
17:49.42*** join/#bz-inc kierra (
17:49.42*** mode/#bz-inc [+o kierra] by ChanServ
17:49.59*** part/#bz-inc kierra (
18:00.12*** join/#bz-inc valumz (
18:00.12*** mode/#bz-inc [+o valumz] by ChanServ
18:08.17*** join/#bz-inc tokimi (
18:08.17*** mode/#bz-inc [+v tokimi] by ChanServ
18:08.31*** part/#bz-inc tokimi (
18:13.41catay~wake SportChick
18:13.42purlSportChick: GOOD MORNING!!!
18:15.54CBGhey hey catay
18:20.53valumzi think catay is on the game SportChick
18:20.59CBGMy faulty ;P
18:21.05CBGoops, wrong window.
18:23.27[dmp]Depends on who you ask :)
18:24.50CBGEverything is my fault, ask Birdie.
18:25.07SportChickcatay: match soon or I go back to my movie
18:25.25CBGSportChick: he plays, i tuink.
18:25.35SportChickCBG: he speaks :p
18:25.47CBG12 minutes ago...
18:25.59SportChickno, right now, he speaks to me
18:26.02SportChickjust not here :)
18:26.08CBGok :)
18:38.01*** join/#bz-inc [dmp]_ (
18:38.01*** mode/#bz-inc [+v [dmp]_] by ChanServ
19:07.44valumz~seen Thonolan
19:07.49purlthonolan <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bz-inc, 3h 37m 36s ago, saying: 'i have all '.
19:32.45TheRedBaroni don't understand it...
19:34.54TheRedBaronhow people respond
19:35.13valumzwhat do you mean?
19:53.44valumzIf anyone see Thono anywhere, please do tell him to AIM me. Thanks and nice evening to you all :)
20:34.19*** part/#bz-inc TheRedBaron (
21:02.02*** join/#bz-inc valumz (
21:02.02*** mode/#bz-inc [+o valumz] by ChanServ
21:38.58*** join/#bz-inc TheRedAway (
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21:39.32*** mode/#bz-inc [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
21:40.50TheRedBaronodd xchat crashed
21:41.24*** part/#bz-inc TheRedBaron (
21:59.22*** join/#bz-inc Blue_Eyes (
21:59.22*** mode/#bz-inc [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
22:09.16menotumefun match any1 ?
22:09.22menotumewe be at dub:5154
23:22.51*** join/#bz-inc TheRedBaron (
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23:23.06*** mode/#bz-inc [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
23:23.32SportChickTheRedBaron: so am I to presume you've fixed your irc disconnection woes?
23:25.06TheRedBaronon my other computer... yes :)
23:25.11TheRedBaronon this one. no :)
23:43.44*** join/#bz-inc TheRedBaron (
23:43.44*** mode/#bz-inc [+v TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
23:43.52*** mode/#bz-inc [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.