IRC log for #byumug on 20100901

16:46.07*** join/#byumug wps (~wps@
16:46.07*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
17:05.28*** join/#byumug davedelong_ (~dave@
17:05.48davedelong_i feel like i'm listening to a church statistical report
17:06.06wpsha ha ha
17:06.45davedelong_steve jobs is announcing the building of 3 new temples today...
17:07.07davedelong_and they currently have X thousand employees serving in one of 300 different stores around the world...
17:07.35davedelong_all in favor please manifest it
17:07.38wpswow… 200 apps being downloaded per second
17:07.39wpsthat's crazy
17:07.50davedelong_and we're not going to ask for an opposing vote, because we're apple
17:10.19wpsyes, steve… I can see her legs
17:11.03davedelong_thor just doubled their income
17:11.19wpsapple takes care of anything
17:11.46davedelong_thor is a person
17:12.50wpsdid he say his last name is Mustard?
17:14.00wpsdid it just lock up for you guys?
17:14.55wpscrashed Safari
17:15.20davedelong_no, we're still good
17:15.28davedelong_man, that was actually a non-sucky demo
17:15.45wpsI love it when they pan around and show the audience'
17:16.07wps*not all models
17:16.12davedelong_ooo 4.2
17:16.18wpsI bet 4.1 isn't going to be available for my 3G
17:16.53davedelong_hmmm, HDR photos on the iPad?
17:18.17wpsI've been waiting for airplay for a long, long time
17:18.20wpsI can't wait for the details
17:18.28wpsoh, come on steve, skip the ipad demo
17:19.29davedelong_JIGGLE MODE
17:19.36wpsit still drives me nuts how spaced out the icons are on the iPad
17:19.44wpswhat a waste of space
17:23.57wpsI wish I had voiceover on my iPhone
17:24.32wpsI'd be curious what the profit margin is on the shuffle
17:24.41davedelong_i'd bet pretty high, actually
17:25.04davedelong_lol, he just skipped the 3rd generation of the nano
17:25.45wpsinteresting… touch nano
17:26.06davedelong_ipad shuffle
17:27.24wpsnice… I dig the analog clock
17:27.29davedelong_watch band!
17:27.33davedelong_make it a watch
17:27.37davedelong_just like dick tracy
17:27.42wpsoooo… yeah
17:27.57wpsjust need an iPhone that size so you can make calls
17:28.00wpsor at least FaceTime
17:29.08wpsdidn't the previous nano do video?
17:29.17wpsrecord and play
17:29.51wpsweird… he hasn't mentioned that
17:29.58wpslooks like they are dropping that
17:33.30davedelong_sexy sexy ipod touch
17:33.36davedelong_front facing camera + retina display
17:35.04wpsit's not a phone, steve
17:35.18wpswell… I guess it is with FaceTime
17:35.24wpsdepends on your definition of a phone :)
17:35.50wpsis the classic dead?
17:36.05davedelong_not sure
17:36.07davedelong_maybe next
17:38.50wpsand we're going to rename it to iMedia???
17:39.08davedelong_please be cocoa
17:39.55wpsgood to ditch the CD in the logo, but why not the notes as well
17:39.59wpsit's a media player
17:40.00davedelong_vertical close buttons?
17:40.49wpsoh yeah!
17:40.51wpswhat the?
17:41.51davedelong_hm, looks like they're ripping off
17:42.15wpsmy browser froze again
17:43.28davedelong_hm, the stream is starting to get choppy over here
17:44.21davedelong_"here's how it works" *freeze*
17:44.29wpswhoa… just got kicked out to the bginning
17:47.37wps"really simple," Steve, not "real simple"
17:49.56davedelong_i wonder if he actually thinks ping is a good idea or if he was pressured into doing this
17:50.07wpsgood question
17:50.28davedelong_on my iphone?
17:50.44wpsI can see it being huge with youth though and really driving sales of music
17:50.59wpsI personally don't care in the slightest
17:51.07davedelong_me neither
17:51.14wpsTV… please!
17:52.28wpsHD! yeah!
17:53.48wpsthat's a good/accurate list
17:54.03davedelong_those are all my gripes about my TV
17:54.10wpsholy crap!
17:54.15wpsone-fourth the size
17:54.21wpsthere's no way there's a HDD in there
17:54.41wpsit has to be stream only
17:54.44davedelong_well i don't know
17:54.53wpsno power brick wahoo!
17:55.01wpsinteresting… only HDMI
17:55.02davedelong_you can get 2 TB 2.5" drives these days
17:55.28wpscan't wait to see the interface
17:55.35davedelong_1/4th the size => 1/4th the cost?
17:56.05wpsgood question
17:56.47wpsI'm really excited about the size because I'm going to place it behind my wall-mounted TV
17:56.53davedelong_good call
17:57.05wpsthe only question is if the remote will work
17:58.16wpsthere's the subscription answer: netflix
17:58.22davedelong_ok, not too bad
17:58.40wpsI wonder if it'll still be a hobby
17:58.56wpsinterface looks the same
18:01.54davedelong_choppy video
18:04.36*** join/#byumug ammon (~ammon@
18:04.38wpsrent seems like a funny term for watching digital content
18:08.55wpswhat's the resolution!?!?!?!?
18:09.21davedelong_didn't say on the resolutino
18:10.56wpsthat logo sure isn't a winner
18:13.18davedelong_i'm more excited about coldplay than ping
18:15.16davedelong_well, i'm heading out
18:15.24*** part/#byumug wps (~wps@
18:35.18*** join/#byumug bobthecow (~bobthecow@unaffiliated/bobthecow)
18:45.05*** part/#byumug bobthecow (~bobthecow@unaffiliated/bobthecow)

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