IRC log for #byumug on 20080115

00:35.29*** join/#byumug Fredjikrang (
00:35.40Fredjikrangbwahahaha! It lives!
02:53.08*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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14:48.55*** join/#byumug ArchAngelNix (
15:49.35*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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16:11.38*** join/#byumug ArchAngelNix (
16:29.01ArchAngelNixWhat are you most excited for this  morning wps?
16:31.55wpsI am most interested in AppleTV
16:32.01wps(movie rentals and DVR)
16:32.13ArchAngelNixHere, here!
16:32.38ArchAngelNixI don't think they will go DVR though. That would cut into the profits that the AppleTV leans to
16:38.03*** join/#byumug aesplin (
16:44.35ArchAngelNixMorning aesplin
16:44.42ArchAngelNixExcited yet?
16:47.54*** join/#byumug jhmaughan (n=jhmaugha@
16:48.05jhmaughansup :)
16:50.04wpsten minutes
16:53.04jhmaughangood times
16:53.09jhmaughanyou all using Macrumors or what?
16:53.16wpsI am
16:53.23wpssounds like the doors are opening
16:53.38*** join/#byumug nacheen (n=matt@
16:54.43*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:55.05ArchAngelNixI am using Macrumors and Engadget
16:55.30ArchAngelNixThe question is are you using Macrumors site or IRC channel
16:56.30wpsI'm using IRC
16:57.55ArchAngelNixI didn't see it advertised on their site.
16:58.18aesplinmacrumors is the only way to fly
16:58.27jhmaughantwo min :)
16:58.35aesplinusually the guy taking notes does _extremely_ well
16:58.39ArchAngelNixWhat is their IRC channel info?
16:59.15wpschannel: #macrumors
17:00.15wpshere we go!
17:05.36jhmaughanhmm...i can't do two at once it seems
17:05.45jhmaughani was going to try to join that macrumors channel too
17:09.06aesplinthere's not much happening over there
17:09.12jhmaughanoh okay
17:09.15aesplinlots of people joining and leaving
17:09.16wpsyeah… must be taking a long time to get everyone seated
17:09.18aesplinno updates
17:09.23jhmaughani suppose the browser is fast enough anyway
17:09.56aesplinsomebody over there posted a link to a live stream but it's slashdotted already
17:10.31aesplinI pretty much only ever used macrumorslive
17:11.13aesplinI don't usually get to wrapped around the axle about something that its easier for me to read now and download later
17:11.27wpsmust started in the hall
17:11.41*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
17:11.57jhmaughanha, we get better attendance here than at BYUMUG meetings ;0
17:12.28aesplinI actually went to a MUG meeting a little while ago
17:12.34cmkilgersorry, meetings are always at bad times for me
17:12.38wpsme too
17:12.46aesplinwhen is the next one?
17:13.02aesplinis it always a set time or do they just get announced?
17:13.52*** join/#byumug Fredjikrang (n=neil@
17:13.59FredjikrangWhat did I miss?
17:14.04aesplinnothing much
17:14.26aesplinthis is a perfect time for me to be babysitting a backup...
17:14.51wpssteve's on stage
17:14.51Fredjikrangany good live feeds?
17:15.01aesplinall the one's I've checked are slashdotted
17:15.29FredjikrangYeah, macrumors isn't loading for me.
17:15.40wpsa live feed would have to be crappy
17:16.03wpsthere aren't any that are official, so anything anyone is trying to do would have to be through a phone… which means that quality would be awful
17:16.16FredjikrangNot live video, just live updates.
17:16.17wps"four things to talk about today"
17:16.37Fredjikrangjust text updates is fine
17:17.52FredjikrangYay, macrumors loaded!
17:19.44FredjikrangTime Capsule?
17:19.57wpsGrubber was right
17:20.05FredjikrangWhat's that supposed to be?
17:20.08wpsan external hard drive with wireless
17:21.31FredjikrangMan, today could be a big day! Five minutes in and a new product already!
17:21.35aesplinI'd pay $300 for a 500 Gb Airport
17:22.02jhmaughanno kidding, i excpetd more intro
17:22.16FredjikrangI just hope this means that they are officially enabling NAS storage on regular airport's.
17:22.35jhmaughanha, i'm not sure i'd cll Leopard teh most successful, seems pretty buggy to me :)
17:22.50aesplinno java 6
17:22.54FredjikrangI haven't had any real issues with leaopard.
17:23.23FredjikrangOoo. 4 million iPhones already!
17:24.10wpsApple already has 20% of the smartphone market
17:24.13wpsonly second behind RIM
17:24.22jhmaughanwow, that's huge
17:24.24nacheenin the pic of the iphone in steve's power point... the iTunes store is on the left... not the right
17:24.39jhmaughanprobably flipped the image
17:24.55nacheenno... the other icons are where they should be
17:25.19FredjikrangWell, they are supposed to be updating the firmware soon anyway.
17:25.30nacheentoday i hope
17:25.43aesplinlooks like it
17:26.01FredjikrangNew software of some kind.
17:26.53FredjikrangLooks like the rumored update.
17:29.12nacheeni like the maps w/ location
17:29.19nacheeni've been wanting that for a while
17:30.09aesplinI assume this will be for the iPod Touch as well?
17:30.12jhmaughandoes the iPhone have GPS built in?
17:30.20aesplinI dunno
17:30.24aesplindon't have one
17:30.27Fredjikrangno GPS, it uses the cell phone towers to find your location.
17:30.33aesplinmight get a Touch when/if my nano dies
17:30.41nacheenit will triangulate between cell towers and give an about spot
17:31.09jhmaughanthat's pretty good then, close enough?
17:31.18FredjikrangShould be pretty good.
17:31.28FredjikrangWon't work on the touch obviously.
17:33.20FredjikrangOkay. Enough iPhone. Move on.
17:35.46wpsi'm surprised their charging for the software update
17:36.16aesplinthey are?
17:36.35feutetejsdhuh? for the iPhone update? how much?
17:36.38aesplinoh, the ipdate for the Touch
17:36.39jhmaughani suppose enough people won't care
17:36.51jhmaughanoh, so not the phone
17:37.02aesplinthat's what it looks like
17:38.15Fredjikrang$20 for 5 widgets? Ripoff.
17:38.46nacheenrentals.  but how much
17:39.04wpsevery major studio on board
17:39.12jhmaughanha, these rumor mills are getting more accurate all the time
17:39.36FredjikrangWell, I just hope they were accurate about the new laptop.
17:39.41FredjikrangOr understimated it.
17:39.54wpsdaddy wants a new AppleTV
17:40.24wps1000 movies available today… each new available 30 days after DVD release
17:40.42Fredjikrang30 days!?
17:40.53wpsdumb, huh
17:40.58aesplingood thing they had that sponsor thing in there, cuz I couldn't see that big MacHeist banner on the site
17:40.59wpsthe studios are idiots
17:41.02FredjikrangMan, those studios are stingy!
17:41.13wpsI was just thinking the same thing, aesplin
17:41.20wpsI'm so sick of hearing about MacHeist
17:41.30FredjikrangCan watch on your iPhone, iPod though.
17:41.33jhmaughanfunny how we all noticed
17:41.33wpswhat's the difference between renting a DVD in person or online?
17:41.46FredjikrangStudios charge more for online.
17:41.48aesplinwatch anywhere
17:41.48wpsthat price is too high
17:41.50wpsthat's stupid
17:41.51aesplinwatch instantly
17:41.54aesplinblah blah
17:41.57wps$3 normal, $4 new release
17:41.59*** join/#byumug theletterh__ (
17:42.08jhmaughanhow much to buy a movie on iTunes?
17:42.28aesplinI barely pay $4 to watch movies in the theater
17:42.34Fredjikrangno kidding
17:42.41wpsI only dollar theater and redbox
17:42.42nacheentoo much to rent
17:42.51aesplinditto wps
17:42.52jhmaughanthey are a buck cheaper than Comcast, maybe they are pricing for the on-demand market?
17:42.56FredjikrangIf I really want to see it I'll go early matinee
17:43.01theletterh__one month after DVD release? c'mon
17:43.03wpswhey rent for $4 when you can buy previously vied for $8 and own it
17:43.16aesplinor they're pricing for their "creative professional" market and not for students?
17:43.18FredjikrangMy question exactly.
17:43.42wpsthe biggest thing
17:43.45aesplinI wonder how long it will take to crack the DRM on the rentals...
17:44.03wpsis even if it was only a $1 to rend, I'm still not going to do it if I can only watch it on my computer/iPod/iPhone
17:44.09feutetejsdmovie rentals in HD or Standard def?
17:44.16FredjikrangI might pay $3, but four is definitely too much.
17:44.27aesplinHD is what the rumor mills have been saying
17:44.43FredjikrangBut no official word yet.
17:44.46FredjikrangI doubt HD.
17:44.50wpsit's true!
17:45.00wpsand the new AppleTV doen't require a computer
17:45.13wpsstraight from the internet to your computer with DVD or HD quality
17:45.16jhmaughandang it, you all keep spoiling it :)
17:45.18FredjikrangWhere you getting your updates wps?
17:45.26jhmaughani shoudl refresh and get earlier in the update
17:45.30wpsmacrumors IRC channel
17:45.40FredjikrangDVD and HD. So not all HD, or you have an option?
17:45.48FredjikrangWhat server is the IRC on?
17:46.38Fredjikranghmm, not working for me.
17:46.53wpsHD $5
17:47.07wpssorry, it's
17:47.43jhmaughanoh, a ha
17:49.17jhmaughanwhat's $800?
17:49.22jhmaughanthat's a load!
17:49.49wpsTime Capsule (1TB) + AppleTV (assumed price of $300)
17:50.02theletterh__anyone know if Digis throttles bandwidth? I'd like the HD rentals, but I think their "Unlimited internet" isn't unlimited
17:50.29Fredjikrangno idea
17:50.32feutetejsdI'm still not sold on AppleTV, though. if I could download a movie in HD for keeps, maybe, but I think I'll pass on the rentals
17:51.00FredjikrangI'm betting the price goes up.
17:51.08FredjikrangBut I could be wrong.
17:51.15FredjikrangActually, I take that back.
17:51.25FredjikrangI don't know what I'm talking about.
17:52.08FredjikrangAnother message from their sponsor!
17:52.14aesplinsame one
17:52.24aesplinin case we still can't see the banner
17:52.29FredjikrangSame sponsor, but the message is different for me.
17:54.21aesplinwell, if that's all they've got, this has been kind of a bust
17:54.24aesplinfor me anyway
17:54.34wpsthey're not done yet
17:54.38FredjikrangThey started 15 mins late, so you never know.
17:54.45nacheeni already have an (Apple)TV
17:54.49wpshe said there were four things
17:54.52nacheeni don't want to buy another one
17:54.55wpshe's only on the third thing
17:55.16aesplinfor some reason I was thinking this was #4
17:55.19wpsand then there's usually "one more thing" after that
17:55.21FredjikrangMaybe you can pay for an update. (hehe.)
17:57.03FredjikrangNew apple TV interface is interesting.
17:57.11jhmaughanyeah i was noticing that
17:57.28aesplinlike the new Front Row, kind of
17:58.15FredjikrangWo hoo. Now you can have a photo screen saver on your TV! /sarcasm
17:58.31FredjikrangMight be a nice feature every once and a while, but still.
17:58.55aesplinI have to go home in a few minutes
17:59.23FredjikrangI'm sorry. Especially since you are probably going to miss the best part. :)
17:59.55wpscool… you can buy music through the AppleTV!
17:59.59wpsthat's awesome
18:00.00FredjikrangThat is nice.
18:00.17FredjikrangProbably used some of the code from the iPhone update.
18:00.18nacheeni'm hoping for a software update
18:00.40FredjikrangFree or fee?
18:01.30wpsnew AppleTV is a free software update (for those that already have AppleTVs)
18:01.37nacheenFREE!!!! YAHOO!!!!
18:01.40FredjikrangCongrats nacheen!
18:01.43wpsawesome… and the price dropped seventy dollars
18:01.55FredjikrangSame capacity?
18:02.00wpshaven't said yet
18:03.07wpsthis will be a great valentines gift to myself
18:03.25FredjikrangIsn't monday a holiday?
18:03.40aesplinI think so
18:03.45wpsblah… blah… blah
18:03.52wpswho care?
18:03.55wpswho cares?
18:04.02aesplinnot me
18:04.09aesplinI hate the studios
18:04.19wpsme too
18:04.23wpsgreedy pigs
18:04.44FredjikrangHey Wade, why wait? Get yourself a President's day present!
18:04.56wpsI am happy to pay for their product/services, but it boggles my mind that they are so disconnected from what people want
18:05.08FredjikrangEr, Martin Luther King day, I mean.
18:05.21wpsI'll wait two weeks for the new software to be released (so that I can buy one with it already installed)
18:05.33wpsbesides… no fun money until February pay check :(
18:05.45Fredjikrangsad day!
18:06.16aesplinah well
18:06.20aesplingotta run
18:06.28FredjikrangDon't die!
18:06.40aesplinif anything really good happens, post it to the MUG list so I can catch up
18:06.54*** part/#byumug aesplin (
18:07.08nacheenI want that Homer picture for my wallpaper
18:08.10FredjikrangYay for digital copies on DVD's!
18:08.17wpshere comes the fourth thing
18:08.31Fredjikrang*Please be cool*
18:08.44wpsnew ear buds!
18:08.57wpsMacBook Air rumor was true
18:09.03wpsworld's thinnest notebook
18:09.33FredjikrangEveryone who attends the next mug meeting gets one, right?
18:09.58wpsthis is a keynote… not Oprah
18:10.24FredjikrangI could hope. . .
18:11.25FredjikrangI'm soo excited!
18:12.38theletterh__so what's the "One More Thing"?
18:12.44FredjikrangDo you think it is really 3lbs?
18:12.52FredjikrangHe hasn't done a "one more thing" in ages.
18:12.54wpsMacBook Air is 0.16" to 0.76".  The thickest part of the MacBook Air is thinner than the thinnest part of the Sony.  It fits inside a envelope
18:13.06wps13.3" display
18:14.23wpsmulti-touch trackpad
18:14.57FredjikrangMan, the rumor sites nailed this one.
18:15.09wpsit's getting hard for Apple to keep a secret
18:15.33wpsthat's awesome that it supports multi-touch
18:15.41jhmaughanall for just $3,000
18:15.45wpsthat'll be very handy for a laptop when you're away from a desk and don't have a mouse
18:15.55FredjikrangReally J?
18:16.08wps1.8" Hard Drive
18:16.13jhmaughan:) nah, but i don't think it will be cheap :)
18:16.22wpsthis sounds like a sweet laptop
18:16.33wps80 GB hard disk standard, 64 GB SSD as an option.  "they're pricy, but they're fast"
18:17.31wps1.6 GHz Standard, 1.8 GHz Option -- Intel Core 2 Duo
18:17.38FredjikrangI thought that is what they would do for the HD.
18:17.55FredjikrangNot real speedy, but not bad.
18:18.17wpsyea… surprised that it's not at least 2 GHz
18:18.38wpswow, they had to have Intel create a custom (small) processor
18:18.48feutetejsddid they mention the weight of the Air?
18:18.51FredjikrangMost competitor's laptop's maxed out at 2.2 last time I checked. (about a month ago.)
18:18.57Fredjikrangnot yet. I think 3lbs though.
18:20.29FredjikrangThat is a small, small duel core x86 proc.
18:21.16Fredjikrangonly one usb port. ouch
18:21.16jhmaughanthat's off the hook
18:21.27wpsone's enough… just use a hub
18:21.36jhmaughanthat's pretty slick when you have Intel of all companies responding to a request for a different chip
18:21.58Fredjikrangwell, I'm sure they are going to sell it to everyone.
18:22.25FredjikrangMan, I'm late for a meeting, but I can't go yet!
18:22.50jhmaughanno kidding :)
18:23.06FredjikrangHurry faster steve!
18:23.20Fredjikranglol, I should.
18:23.33*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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18:24.35Fredjikranghmm, remote opitcal drive software. nice.
18:24.39jhmaughanooh, slick idea for the optical
18:24.51Fredjikrangsweet battery life too!
18:25.00jhmaughanit's like, reverse firewire target mode?
18:25.00wpswow… 2GB memory standard
18:25.06jhmaughanwow! that's a first!
18:25.18wpsabout time they put a decent amount in a machine standard
18:25.28FredjikrangYeah, this could be pricey.
18:25.41wpsthat's a great price
18:25.41FredjikrangNot too bad!
18:25.42jhmaughanholy crap!
18:25.51jhmaughani was over by about $1200 :)
18:26.04jhmaughantwo words:  Supply problems
18:26.09jhmaughanthey won't be able to make enough :)
18:26.14FredjikrangWell, I'm off. :)
18:31.41jhmaughanjust for fun :)
18:40.17wps64 GB SSD is a $999 addon
18:40.30wpsstore's back up
18:43.44jhmaughanoh wow
18:43.54jhmaughanglad he said "btw, it's expensive" up front
18:44.52jhmaughanwell, good times, i'll be curious to see what the next few days brings
18:46.17wpsI think the price is just right
18:46.32jhmaughanfor SSD?
18:46.57jhmaughani guess i have nthing to compare it with
18:49.37wpssteve meant that the SSD was pricy
18:49.42wpsI thought he was referring to the Air
18:49.49wpsyeah, the SSD is pricy
18:49.57wpsI think the price of the Macbook Air is about right though
18:50.01jhmaughani agree on that
18:50.04jhmaughangood value for the Air
18:51.10jhmaughanyou have a Mac Pro odon't you wade?
18:52.51jhmaughanseems teh air would be a good match for it, just to give portability
18:53.06jhmaughanstill have to figure out a good way to have home directories synced though
18:54.46wpsI have a PowerMac G5
18:55.02wpsyeah, the air would be nice for meetings, travel, and in bed
18:55.19wpsany notice if they said if the iPhone and iPod touch got larger hard drives?
18:57.16jhmaughani see the TV got HDMI, i didn't think it had that before
18:57.31wpsit had that before today
18:57.37jhmaughanoh okay
19:23.48*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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19:57.49feutetejsdiPhone update server is unavailable :(
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