IRC log for #byumug on 20071019

03:46.54*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
03:46.54*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
14:52.57*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
14:52.57*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
19:47.58wpsjbot ravish $1 is <action> seizes and carries $1 away by force to rape, violate, and to overwhelm with emotion.
19:47.59jbotwps: okay
19:48.13wps~ravish comcast
19:48.14jbotACTION seizes and carries comcast away by force to rape, violate, and to overwhelm with emotion.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.