IRC log for #byumug on 20070905

13:53.27*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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17:04.33*** join/#byumug Fredjikrang (
17:05.19ryoujouin class now.. sigh
17:05.24ryoujoui will just be observing
17:07.37feutetejsdany indication that this will include updates to system sounds on iPhone (i.e. SMS received, new email, calendar alerts)?
17:07.40Fredjikrangfor a buck to make your own
17:08.15feutetejsdit's a bigger deal to me to be able to change system sounds than to make custom ringtones
17:08.22feutetejsdfingers crossed...
17:09.54wpsring tones are stupid
17:10.55feutetejsdagreed...but if we could change system sounds, I would be one happy camper...even if it's just setting to one of the existing ringtones, I don't care...just need to be able to choose different ones...
17:12.28Fredjikranglol, NBC joke.
17:13.29feutetejsdnice...ringtones are actually $2 - $0.99 + cost of the song
17:13.53Fredjikrangtotal ipod refresh!
17:14.51Fredjikrangvideo nano
17:15.33Fredjikrangnew shuffle colors, smaller nano
17:17.32Fredjikrangit's the rumored squat nano
17:19.03Fredjikrang2" screen
17:25.54feutetejsdso, with the ringtones, can you only do ringtones from songs at iTMS, or can you create your own from whatever audio source you have handy?
17:27.12Fredjikrangsounds like only music store purchases
17:27.25feutetejsdnot that I would do custom ringtones anyway, but that's lame
17:29.49Fredjikranghmm, iPod classic? Probably means a new one too!
17:29.53ryoujouthink thats a music industry thing?
17:30.34ryoujouthough under 30 second clips are fair use i thought
17:30.35Fredjikrangprobably. I doubt you are actually making it on your local computer. It is probably done through the store.
17:31.04Fredjikrang160GB iPod Classic!
17:31.27feutetejsdwhat about ringtones from songs I have ripped from my own CDs? kind of silly, I think
17:31.31feutetejsdthat's a big iPod
17:32.29FredjikrangiPod touch! Yay!
17:33.07FredjikrangWell, since he said you can only do it on about a half mil "ready" songs, I assume it is being done through the store.
17:33.58Fredjikrang40 hours of battery life on that 160GB one! Wow!
17:35.12wpsI wonder how sales will go between the Classic and the TOuch
17:35.48Fredjikrangtouch, hard drive or flash?
17:36.27ryoujouflash i bet
17:36.30Fredjikrangooo, the touch is thinner than the iphone
17:37.36ryoujouthinner = flash
17:38.11Fredjikrangno nessasirly. the ipod classic is thinner than the iphone too.
17:38.18Fredjikrangbut probably
17:38.33FredjikrangYay for wifi!
17:38.57FredjikrangPlease ship a browser!
17:40.11Fredjikranghmm, the classics are all metal
17:40.52ryoujouno browser on the screen
17:41.36Fredjikrangone of the sites said "internet abilities to come soon" who knows what that means though.
17:41.53ryoujouwhat is there new solution to wifi?
17:42.22Fredjikrangslashgear says it has Safari.
17:44.50Fredjikrangwonder what the blacked out icon is
17:45.32ryoujouthe circle maybe?
17:46.14feutetejsdintegrated iTMS client on the new ipods?
17:46.30ryoujousafari is ther
17:46.39wpsiPod Touch has iTunes on it?
17:47.10feutetejsdit would only make sense if it's wifi enabled
17:47.54ryoujouno sign on iTS yet that i can see
17:48.13Fredjikrangpretty good battery life
17:50.53Fredjikrang$300 and $400 for 8 and 16GB
17:50.57Fredjikrangso, flash.
17:51.57Fredjikrangthe phone part of the iPhone is pricy
17:52.15FredjikrangWifi store!
17:52.22wpswhy don't they make a 160GB HDD iPhone Touch?
17:52.25FredjikrangBuy music on your iPod
17:52.37Fredjikrangprobably cause it would be a brick
17:52.53Fredjikrangand apple hates bricks
17:53.10wpsthe 160 GB iPod Classic's not that big though
17:54.07feutetejsdare they putting the iTMS functionality on iPhone too, or just iPod touch?
17:55.41FredjikrangYeah, but if the can't say that the touch is "thinner than. . ." it just ruin's Steve's day. ;)
17:55.50Fredjikrangno word on the iphone yet
17:56.15wpstrue, Fredjikrang
17:58.25*** join/#byumug ryoujou (n=ryan@
17:58.32FredjikrangI hope you can sync the touch wirelessly
17:58.43Fredjikrangthat would be nice
17:58.46wpsno kidding
18:00.28Fredjikrangyes on the iPhone store. Later this month. (probably about when the touch ships.)
18:00.44feutetejsdnice Starbucks partnership
18:00.46Fredjikrangstarbucks partnership?
18:02.01Fredjikrangdo you think you will be able to buy songs over EDGE on the iphone?
18:02.39Fredjikranghmm, that starbucks thing is interesting
18:03.06feutetejsdseems like a significant investment for a "just because we can" feature
18:03.10Fredjikrangnot that I have ever even been in a starbucks
18:03.19feutetejsdmaybe starbucks plays REALLY good music or something
18:14.19wpsSteve: "We want to make the iPhone even MORE affordable for even more people.
18:17.53Fredjikrangwoah!$400 for the 8gb!
18:18.36Fredjikrangno 4gB though
18:19.40Fredjikrangso the 8Gb iPhone costs the same as the 16GB touch
18:19.47*** join/#byumug feutetejsd_ (
18:20.43wpsso they dropped the 4 GB and then slashed the 8GB price $200???
18:20.53wpsthat will piss off the people who purchased last month
18:24.41Fredjikrangwell, adios!
18:27.43*** join/#byumug ryoujou (n=ryan@
18:34.57feutetejsd_wow, they dropped the 4GB iphone altogether
18:35.19ryoujouis the store up?
18:37.22wpswebsite is updated
18:37.23wps(home page)
18:37.41wpsI hate the name iPhone
18:37.52wpsit should be called the iPod phone
18:38.46feutetejsd_or, the new iPod touch should be called the iPhone Pod
18:39.37ryoujounow where is that SDK apple???
18:39.51ryoujouthe touch would be a great PDA
18:40.00wpsstore's up
18:40.52ryoujou"service unavailable"
18:42.19ryoujoumillions of geeks hit refresh
18:47.27wpsyou can't browse your calendar and contacts on the iPod touch?
18:47.42ryoujoureally? i thought i saw a cal app
18:47.52wpsoh…  wait… it shows it on the device
18:47.57wpsit's not listed on the features list though
18:48.07ryoujoui still see the store as down.. sigh
18:48.22ryoujoumaybe since that has come basic in ipods
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