irclog2html for #byumug on 20061024

14:09.09*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
14:09.09*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
14:22.04*** join/#byumug gildedcage (n=gildedca@
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16:51.28*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
17:10.16feutetejsdquestion for you, wps...
17:10.42feutetejsdis there some place I can see key combinations for accented characters like the c in Francois, or the e in Andre?
17:11.32wpsGo to the International System Preferences Pane
17:11.51wpsSelect the Input Menu tab
17:12.13wpscheck "Keyboard Viewer" to turn it on
17:13.10wpscheck "Show input menu in menu bar" down at the bottom
17:13.10wpsquit System Prefernces
17:13.11wpsThere should now be a US flag in the apple bar near the clock
17:13.11wpsin the menu, you should find "Show Keyboard Viewer"
17:13.12wpsselecting that will launch it
17:13.13feutetejsdhmmm, I don't have a Keyboard viewer option....I'm on panther
17:13.19feutetejsdk, I'll see what I can get
17:13.51wpswith that up, you can hold done the modifier keys (command/option/control/shift) and see what changes
17:14.15feutetejsdoh wait...there it is
17:14.57feutetejsdso there's no way to just see a list of characters like with the Character Map in Wintendo?
17:15.14wpsI am not familiar with the character map
17:15.30wpsthis isn't listed out in a table, but it does show you all of them
17:15.41wpsfor example, to get a é
17:15.55wpsyou type option + e, to get into accent mode
17:16.01wpsand then any accent character
17:16.17wpsfor example, option + e, then a = á
17:16.55wpsin keyboard viewer, if you type option + e, then the keyboard will change to show you all of the characters that can be "accented"
17:16.56feutetejsdright, I understand and got the character I needed (so, thanks for the help), but it would be nice to have a list of all non-standard characters to choose from rather than having to guess key combinations
17:17.29feutetejsdthere are some that just don't make sense...for example, option-W gets you a Greek sigma, but I would never have guessed that...
17:18.32feutetejsdoh well, I got what I needed
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18:58.48*** join/#byumug gildedcage (n=gildedca@
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20:36.33*** join/#byumug gildedcage (n=gildedca@
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21:22.41wpsI want an Intel Xserve so bad
21:31.06feutetejsdhehe....amen brother
21:54.29*** join/#byumug gildedcage (n=gildedca@
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.