irclog2html for #byumug on 20060922

00:09.54dna3e8the open files with .xxx with app xyz
00:09.59wpswell, I am not sure of a specific one that you might be looking for, but there are many
00:09.59wpsI use…
14:08.26*** join/#byumug gildedcage (n=gildedca@
14:08.44*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
14:08.44*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:49.14*** join/#byumug gildedcage (n=gildedca@
15:59.37*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
17:48.01*** join/#byumug JakeSpur (
19:56.08*** part/#byumug JakeSpur (
19:56.13*** join/#byumug gildedcage_ (n=gildedca@
19:56.50*** join/#byumug wps_ (n=wps@
20:23.14*** join/#byumug gildedcage (n=gildedca@
20:24.06*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
20:24.06*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.