irclog2html for #byumug on 20060621

01:07.28wpsthey are new since the old ones (read "one," singular… ie, Andrew) left
01:07.56wpsevery year there are new people that always have the same goals… it's funny
01:08.01wpswe need to do this and this
01:08.20wps… and I have a grand vision to recruit tons of new members and reach out to the masses!
01:08.34wpsoh, and fresh content on the website!!!
01:08.50wpsit'll last for a month or two until they realize that they can't keep up the same pace
01:09.13wpsunless you're someone like Andrew
01:09.24wpsI hate to sound pessimistic but that's how it usually works
01:09.45wpsI also don't want to damper any ambitions either… fresh air is good
01:10.27dna3e8it is good to know that this is a regulre cyle
01:10.47dna3e8so we need to watch that we don't bite more then we can chew
01:11.08wpsand be willing to learn from the past
01:11.13dna3e8(who are you... it hought you  were andrew
01:11.19wpsthere is often a good reason that things were done the way that they were
01:11.50wps…but at the same time… don't just do things because that's the way they were done
01:11.54wpsI'm Wade
01:12.12wpsandrew's nick is "drewbono"
01:12.21wpswps is my initials
01:12.56dna3e8so you are the awesome web admin...
01:13.07wpssure :)
01:13.52dna3e8what is your take on the email list discussion
01:14.01wpswhich topic?
01:14.12dna3e8some of the web page changes...
01:16.01wpsI think that it could be improved a lot.
01:16.08wpsI don't think that people need accounts.
01:16.17wpsI run several user group websites and no one ever logs in.
01:16.46dna3e8i only signed in to give support
01:17.38dna3e8do you need and account to submit..
01:18.51wpshmm… although a pro to accounts is that if you google my name, the fourth listing is my BYU MUG profile
01:19.03wpswhich is good for clients or employers wanting to learn about me
01:19.39dna3e8I feel the the mug has a little too much info outin the open...
01:19.59wpswhat do you mean by that?
01:20.25wpsinformation that shouldn't be public or just overwhelming?
01:20.25dna3e8my name user name and email are open to any one....
01:20.35dna3e8shoudn't be public
01:20.54wpsyou're email address isn't public anywhere on the website
01:20.58wps(only the email archives)
01:22.01wpsand if you don't want your real name public, I'd just use an alias
01:22.19dna3e8... but i didn't knoe that when i joined...
01:22.43wpsI personally want my name used… it's good publicity (not for vanity, but for career accreditation)
01:22.53wpshmm… good point… although that's pretty standard
01:24.15dna3e8it is mostly a matter of prefrance.. not abig deal
01:24.52dna3e8i do give you props for maintaining that site.
01:27.31dna3e8( I am still trying to install geek log...)
01:35.47*** join/#byumug guest_2511 (
01:37.41dna3e8yeah it is installed!!!
01:37.45dna3e8only 4 hours
01:38.44dna3e8do you know the difrances in the new version of geek log
01:38.54wpsbetween it and what?
01:39.46dna3e8(I have horrid spelling please excuse me)
01:40.03dna3e8Geeklog 1.4.0sr3
01:40.20wpsdifference between Geeklog 1.4.0sr3 and what version?
01:40.21dna3e8GeekLog v1.3.9sr1
01:40.33dna3e8the mug site one
01:45.20dna3e8are you considerin upgrading or is it not worht the work
01:45.32dna3e8and what skins is the mug using
01:45.39wpsAndrea has always been sysadmin for the server
01:45.50wpsI designed/write the skin
01:46.10wpsso, it is up to him (or whomever replaces him) to do the upgrade
01:46.20wpsI do not have sufficient access to the server to do it
01:46.31wpsyes, sorry… adnrew
01:52.17dna3e8can you email me the skin....
01:53.00wpsnot until someone fixes my account on the server so that I can log in
01:53.23dna3e8I thought that you be atha case.. don't meen to pester...
02:15.02dna3e8are you using a modified commandoy skin
02:17.14dna3e8or cammando..
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03:47.07guest_2822I am the former Nigerian finance minister and have $1.00 for you.
03:47.14guest_2822Cool, it really does work.
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17:33.01wpswelcome, guest_1033
17:37.50dna3e8hay you 'all
18:08.16*** join/#byumug quinntaylor (
18:09.10wpswelcome, quinntaylor
18:09.13wpsnice to have you
18:09.24quinntaylorIt's true, you are always on here!  :-)
18:09.32quinntaylorIf only Adium also did IRC.
18:09.37quinntaylorIt doesn't, right?
18:12.54wpsjbot, quinntaylor is a saint
18:12.55jbotwps: okay
18:13.00jbothmm... quinntaylor is a saint
18:14.53wpsjbot, do a dance
18:14.54jbotACTION does a dance.
18:17.04quinntaylorwps, do a dance
18:17.21quinntaylorDang, didn't work!
18:19.43wpsjbot, 2+2
18:19.56wpsjbot, what time is it?
18:19.58jbotwps: I think you lost me on that one
18:22.25*** join/#byumug quinntaylor (
19:07.26wpsI don't know if I want Apple's market share to increase
19:07.28wpsI like it small
19:07.35wpsI like "being different"
19:33.21*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
19:33.48feutetejsdhola all
19:34.13wpswelcome, dude
19:34.16wpsit's been ages
19:34.42feutetejsdyeah, no kidding
19:34.53feutetejsdit has been a wild couple of months
19:35.39feutetejsdhow's everything?
19:35.53wpsmost excellent
19:35.54wpswas promoted at work
19:35.59wpsthe baby is a month away
19:36.05wpswas released from scouts!
19:36.07feutetejsdcongrats and congrats
19:36.10wpsand we're buying a house
19:36.12wpsmoving in a week and a half
19:36.22feutetejsdwow....that's a lotta change man
19:36.31feutetejsdwhere are you moving to?
19:36.38wpsacross town
19:36.40wpsstill in lehi
19:37.19wpsnice place… third of an acre\
19:38.18feutetejsdvery nice
19:39.54wpsso… lucky me… I get to spend all of July putting in sprinklers, a yard, and a fence
19:40.22feutetejsdat least you get to work on your tab
19:40.25feutetejsdalso your tan
19:40.37wpsI don't tan
19:40.43wpsburn… peel… white… repeat neither
19:40.53feutetejsdi'm right there with u
19:41.59feutetejsdso, i assume this is new construction?
19:42.26wpsyeah, but without the construction headache!
19:42.34feutetejsdthat's cool
19:42.47wpsI was finished October 2005, so it's brand new and still under warrentee, but already done
19:42.49feutetejsdcongrats, and congrats on the upcoming baby
19:43.07wpsmassive upgrades too
19:43.12wpswe can't believe we found it
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20:11.37wpswelcome, guest_5977
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.