irclog2html for #byumug on 20060620

01:59.14*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
01:59.14*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
02:23.45*** join/#byumug guest_4198 (n=BYUMUG@
02:25.19*** join/#byumug guest_4198 (n=BYUMUG@
02:25.29guest_4198Anyone around?
02:58.12*** join/#byumug guest_3832 (
02:58.33guest_3832hay jbot
02:58.40guest_3832~ say hi
02:58.51guest_3832~what is up
02:58.53jbotguest_3832: what are you talking about?
02:59.13guest_3832~ what was the last mug event
12:31.57*** join/#byumug guest_4681 (
14:11.47*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
14:11.47*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
20:54.31*** join/#byumug dna3e8 (
21:06.12dna3e8just brain storming about the mug...
21:20.23wpsit's nice to see someone else in the channel
21:20.43wpsfeut and drewbono dont'tt even show up anymore
21:21.12dna3e8I stop by semi regularly but you are away
21:21.26wpsin the evenings?
21:21.36dna3e8I hi8nk day time
21:21.55dna3e8i think daytime
21:39.53*** join/#byumug cmkilger (
21:40.02cmkilgerhey there
21:40.20wpslong time no see
21:40.28cmkilgeryeah, I know
21:40.28wpsall of a sudden it's a party in here
21:40.54cmkilgerI have a question that needs answering.
21:42.05cmkilgerDo you know how to check your primary DNS server?
21:42.53wpsthe first one you are behind?
21:43.25wpsyou browsing the net or a server?
21:45.34cmkilgerwell when I hook up to a network using DHCP I can't get to the web so I'm trying to figure out what dns settings it's giving me
21:49.58wpsyou're on campus and can't get to a specific website?
21:50.56cmkilgerno, this is at my office
21:51.08cmkilgerwe have a network inside a network
21:51.46cmkilgerin Windows, ipconfig /all will just tell me, but ifconfig doesn't give me any DNS info that I can see
21:52.16wpstry ifconfig
21:52.45cmkilgerit doesn't show any DNS
21:53.20wpshmm… sorry, I am probably not going to be much more help then
21:54.00cmkilgerthat's ok, thought I'd give it a shot, maybe I'll ask the list
21:54.16cmkilgerthanks anyway
21:54.18dna3e8try #utha
21:54.24dna3e8oops #utah
21:54.56dna3e8that channel dos some of that stuff
21:55.33cmkilgerI'll try them a little later, I have to go now
21:55.35cmkilgerthanks again
22:22.19dna3e8what is up with the MUG board
23:02.13wpsyou mean whey did they suddenly start doing stuff?
23:15.13dna3e8yes and no
23:15.42dna3e8what are they doing, who are they... how does one particapate

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.