irclog2html for #byumug on 20060414

01:02.01*** join/#byumug guest_4231 (
02:47.45*** join/#byumug JakeSpur (
03:38.57*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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06:02.26*** join/#byumug guest_4726 (
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13:54.45*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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15:11.18*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
15:30.17wpswelcome, drewbono
15:34.02drewbonohowdy howdy
15:34.30wpspretty quite in here lately
15:34.33wpsno one comes around anymore
15:34.38drewbonoman, a couple of weeks ago I accidentally poofed an app from my dock
15:34.46drewbonojust today I realized that it was colloquy
15:34.51drewbonoWhere's feut?
15:34.58wpshasn't been around for a while
15:35.05wpsI wish that UMUG would get their butt in gear
15:35.06drewbonomaybe he poofed his dock too
15:35.19drewbonoso, did you get a lens yet?
15:35.21drewbonoor a camcorder?
15:35.22wpsI don't understand how they think they can have a user group without an IRC channel or a mailing list
15:35.25wpsespecially a mailing list
15:35.33drewbonowith a baby on the way, you NEED a camcorder. :-)
15:35.36drewbonoNo kiddin
15:35.38drewbonodid you email them?
15:35.45drewbonotell them you wanna be the new president. :-)
15:35.50wpsand they said… "we have forums!"
15:36.01wpstheir forums don't even work (SQL error)
15:36.09wpsnope, but still on the radar though… especially the camcorder
15:36.11wpsIvana is bugging me about it
15:36.21wpsI really don't want to purchase one unless it's HD though
15:36.54drewbonothat's what our wedding was shot on
15:36.56drewbonoit's a sweet cam
15:37.10wpsI can imagine
15:37.13wpstoo $
15:37.21wpsand too big for Ivana
15:37.30wpsI'd LOVE one of those, but she wouldn't
15:37.36drewbonoI think the sony's are pretty small, aren't they?
15:37.57wpswas wondering what you thought of those
15:38.25wpsHDR-HC3 HDV 1080i Handycam® CamcorderHDR-HC3
15:39.10wpsless-nasty URL:
15:40.04drewbonoPoor little girl:
15:40.29drewbonoApple's gay.
15:40.45drewbonoWhat company doesn't solicit advice on how to make their products better?
15:40.49drewbonoDumb Steve.
15:41.26wpswell, Apple has a firm stance on not accepting solicitations… which I am fine with… but why do they even need to respond
15:41.27drewbonoHe's famous for saying that consumers themselves don't even know what they want until they see it so it's pointless to ask them.
15:41.34wpsjust put the letter in the trash
15:42.04wpsand even if they have a regular policy to respond… are they really that stupid that they didn't notice that it was from a third grader and they could address this one differently?
15:42.08wpsthat's rediculous
15:44.09*** join/#byumug guest_3542 (
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21:15.14*** part/#byumug Nielk1 (
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21:55.54*** part/#byumug Nielk1 (
22:16.58*** join/#byumug guest_3699 (
22:17.52*** part/#byumug Nielk1 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.