irclog2html for #byumug on 20060316

03:06.36*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
03:06.36*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
07:50.01*** join/#byumug JakeSpur (
07:50.19*** part/#byumug JakeSpur (
07:50.28*** join/#byumug JakeSpur (
09:49.59*** join/#byumug guest_0437 (
10:06.24*** join/#byumug vytaciokas-darbe (
12:09.19*** join/#byumug guest_2697 (
12:26.20*** join/#byumug guest_0974 (n=BYUMUG@
13:56.41*** join/#byumug guest_0680 (n=BYUMUG@
15:20.26*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
15:20.26*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
16:16.43*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:16.55feutetejsdhey your email
16:17.01wpswelcome back :)
16:17.10wpsI've been the only one in here for a week
16:17.22feutetejsdit has been nuts at work for the last week....
16:17.59feutetejsdhow was the camping trip?
16:19.39wpsone of the most challenging and adventurous things I've done
16:19.56feutetejsdi'll have to look thru the pics
16:20.59wpsdo you have any experience with rsync's --exclude-from ?
16:24.05feutetejsdnot really, no
16:54.25wpsI have a shell scrip that outputs to the standard output
16:54.30wpsI would like to output a line break
16:54.33wpsdo you know how to do this?
16:58.17feutetejsdecho "\n"
17:18.12feutetejsddid that do it for you?
17:18.40wpssorry, decided I didn't need it
17:18.53wpsI'll have to try it in a jiff anyway for future reference
21:42.15*** join/#byumug feutetej1d (
21:43.33feutetejsdso, I just got a chance to look at the pics from your grand canyon trip...looks pretty cool
21:43.33feutetejsdI can't stand camping, so that part doesn't look quite so fun, but the rest looks like good times
21:44.33*** part/#byumug feutetej1d (
21:44.40*** join/#byumug feutetej1d (
21:47.35wpsit was awesome
21:47.42feutetej1di bet
21:47.47feutetej1dlooked beautiful
21:48.32*** part/#byumug wps (n=wps@
21:48.42*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
21:48.43*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.