irclog2html for #byumug on 20060216

00:07.56wpsanyone know how to restart afp from the command line?
00:15.00wpsyou rock
00:17.39*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
00:26.38*** join/#byumug guest_0250 (
00:27.52guest_0250hi, i am brand new mac convert who is trying to get create an account on this site. However, the registration page keeps reseting with i click "register" any thoughts?
00:28.19wpshmm… let me look
00:29.45wpsworked for me
00:30.27wpsyou were trying to register on this page?
00:30.49guest_0250ok, i filled out the 3 lines for username, password and complete name. then there was a register button.
00:30.56guest_0250yes, it was the same page.
00:31.07wpsand then clicked "register now!"
00:31.17wpsand the page just refreshed? emptying the form fields?
00:31.21guest_0250i tried registering at the lawschool computer lab, then at home here on my mac.  
00:31.25guest_0250yes to both
00:31.56wpswhat was the username that you entered?
00:32.37wpswhat's your email address?
00:33.32wpsweird… I just registered with those credentials and it went through fine
00:33.43wpsyour password was emailed to our account
00:33.55wpsonce you log in you can personalize your password and your real name
00:34.12guest_0250so what do i use for a password at the login now?
00:34.35wpsyour password was emailed to you
00:42.31*** join/#byumug guest_5991 (
00:42.46guest_5991i have an ipod question for someone...
00:43.30guest_5991i have my ipod synced to my PC laptop and i would like to transfer the music on my ipod over to my mac without having to reinstall it.
00:43.58guest_5991someone at the mac store told me i could do it like my ipod was a harddrive, but i don't remember what he said, does anyone know?
00:45.31wpswhile your iPod is connected to your PC
00:45.35wpsopen iTunes
00:45.38wpsand then go into the preferences
00:45.43wpsthere is a pane for the iPod
00:45.51wpscheck "enable hard drive use"
00:48.52guest_5991now my itunes isn't showing my ipod is connected
00:50.14wpsis it showing up as connected… as an external drive (in Windows Exploring)?
00:50.58guest_5991no, it doesn't pop up in my itunes at all. it gave me an ipod updater promt and says there is an ipod manager internal error
00:51.28wpsno, not in iTunes… is it showing up in Windows Exploring as an external hard drive?
00:51.55wpsif you received a prompt that the iPod is not up-to-date and that there is a new version of the firmware then I would recommend updating it first
00:53.27guest_5991it won't let me update because of an error.  i tried hoking my ipod up to my mac last night, could that have been the problem? also, my ipod is listed as a g:drive
00:55.52wpsyou just tried updating it now from the PC and that's when you received the error?
00:56.14guest_5991yeah, as soon as i connect it.
00:56.33wpsyou receive the error when the iPod is connected or when you try to run the updator?
00:57.35guest_5991ipod manger internal error
00:58.31wpsWhen are you receiving that error? When you connect the iPod to your PC or when you run the updater?
00:58.52guest_5991when i run the updater
00:59.33wpsI am guessing that you are going to have to reformat your iPod
00:59.38guest_5991when i connect the ipod, it doesn't show up in itunes like it normally does
00:59.45guest_5991ok, how do i do that?
00:59.51wpsyou could disconnect it and try rebooting it, but I doubt that it will help
01:00.12guest_5991will i need to reinstall the original software?
01:00.44wpsnot the original, but yes, wipe the HD clean and reinstall the OS
01:00.52wpsI would recommend installing the latest though and not the original
01:01.08wpsthere should be two options inside the iPod update utility: update and restore
01:01.15wpsyou want "restore"
01:01.37wpsthat will delete everything off of it and install a fresh copy of the latest OS
01:01.42guest_5991wait. i need to wipe ,my entire pc harddrive clean?
01:01.46wpsthen you can reconnect it to your PC and sync everything back onto it
01:01.55wpsno… your iPod's HD
01:02.24guest_5991ok. you may have said it, but how do i wipe my ipod hd clean?
01:02.44wpsthere are two options inside the iPod update utility: update and restore
01:03.22guest_5991what and where is the update utility?
01:03.40wpswhat we've been discussing
01:03.52wpsisn't that what you have been running that has been giving you that error?
01:04.55guest_5991start over.  i got the error when i tried running the updater.
01:05.05guest_5991my computer doesn't show my ipod is connected
01:05.24wpsso you do know what the updater is… because you tried running it
01:06.08wpsso what is it that you are running that is giving you this error?
01:08.01guest_5991what i have told you, an ipod updater. i get a message box when i connect my ipod that i should click onto it so that i get the latest software update. that is when the error message comes up.  
01:08.23guest_5991i cannot get into my ipod from itunes when i connect it because it doesn't show that it is connected
01:08.54wpsalright, it sounds like you are running the updater without knowing exactly what you are doing
01:09.00wpsdownload this to your desktop:
01:09.02wpsand then run it
01:09.09wpsit is the latest iPod updater
01:09.13guest_5991to my mac desktop?
01:09.34wpswhatever computer you want the iPod to have it's relationship with
01:09.45guest_5991yeah, my mac.
01:13.11guest_5991let me ask this question. am i downloading a program to my mac that i just got? my goal is to have my ipod that is configured to my PC changed over to my mac and find a way to dump my music from my ipod onto my mac w/out reinstalling it all
01:13.40guest_5991with this in mind, you still want me to go to the above page and download the software?
01:15.19wpsTo achieve what you want and to make sure everything is clean… what I would do is this.
01:15.35drewbonoguest_5991: Are you mac and pc on the same network?
01:15.58wps1. de-authorize your purchased music in iTunes on the mac
01:16.06wps2. connect the iPod to the mac
01:16.19wps3. reformat it
01:16.31wps4. establish a relationship between the iPod and the copy of iTunes on your Mac
01:16.55wps5. copy your music files from your PC to your Mac (either via ethernet or via your iPod as a HD)
01:17.04wps6. import those songs into iTunes on the Mac
01:17.15wps7. authorize the songs on the mac
01:17.38wpsso, yes, I would recommend downloading the updater
01:18.12guest_5991ok, updater is downloading now
01:18.49guest_5991i'll need to know what you mean by some of the steps. i don;t have purchased music, so can i skip 1?
01:19.02wpshow much music do you have?
01:19.11wpshow many GBs?
01:19.20guest_59913.21 gig
01:19.34wpsdo you have an ethernet cable?
01:19.41wpsor does your PC have firewire?
01:20.11guest_5991ethernet cable
01:20.22wpsthat is how I would recommend transferring the songs to your mac
01:20.37wpsnew macs have smart ethernet ports so you don't need a hub or a cross-over cable
01:20.42wpswhat model is your Mac?
01:21.10guest_5991new imac with the intel processor
01:21.13drewbonowps: if they do it that way, they lose all of the iTunes info though, right?
01:21.24drewbonoSo they've got to bring over the iTunes data if they want that.
01:21.35wpscan you copy over your iTunes data from a PC to a Mac?
01:21.37wpsI've never done that
01:21.48wpsit will work on the new iMac
01:21.54wps(the ethernet cable)
01:22.31guest_5991ok. so i am still following the steps you lined out, or  am i now doing something different with the ethernet cable?
01:22.44wpsthe ethernet cable was one of the steps
01:29.28wpsguess he was done
02:37.55*** join/#byumug JakeSpur (
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15:06.57*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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15:12.47*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
15:31.48*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:37.57wpsa virus!
15:37.59wpsa virus!
15:38.04wpsoh, no… mac is doomed
15:38.07wpsrun for your lives!!!!
15:38.09feutetejsda virus?
15:38.24wpsshut your freakin mouth until you understand what it is
15:38.41wpsthe media really makes me mad some times
15:38.48feutetejsddid I miss something?
15:39.53wps(read my two replies)
15:40.18feutetejsdah I see
15:41.22wpsI just hate the "it was bound to happen…" and the "…now that they switched to intel…" comments
15:41.31wpssure, if it really was a virus… let the comments begin
15:42.32wpsbut sheesh… don't start a mob of uneducated civilians just to get some free press with scare tactics… that is a lame way to increase traffic to your news site
15:42.39feutetejsdsome people
15:43.06wpsjbot, lart lame people
15:48.41drewbonoI'm surprised MacOS doesn't check extensions to make sure that a .jpg doesn't open in the terminal, for example.
15:48.50drewbonoIt should at least give a warning, IMO.
15:50.17wpsoh… the blood and carnage
15:50.46wpshurry, Andrew… come on over before… I'll marry you before the world ends
15:52.16drewbonosome guy sent me this link yesterday
15:52.53wpsthere are some weird rendering issues on that page
15:53.59wpsMoroni with an iPod?
15:55.52drewbonoyeah...little weird, eh?
15:56.03feutetejsdyeah, that makes me feel funny
15:58.11drewbonowps: why is this happening?
15:58.15drewbonoI have a div every 3 movies, but they aren't going to a new line like I want
15:59.18wpsI'd use a table
15:59.39wpsisn't that what you're trying to do?
15:59.44wpstabular data?
15:59.51wpsthree across, many rows down?
15:59.55drewbonoit's not tabular data though
15:59.56wpsevenly spaced?
16:00.07wpsthat's what tables are for
16:00.33drewbonook, I'll change it
16:00.42drewbonobut I'm still curious why the div isn't going to a new line
16:11.47wpsI think that it has to do with the way you are floating all of the elements
16:12.11wpstry giving the div a height or putting a clear inside each div at the bottom
16:34.53*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
17:00.05*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
19:26.14wpsthis the stupidest thing I've ever heard:
19:26.32wpsand I can guarentee that the author of the referred to article knows it
19:26.49wpshe is just publishing that stupid article for the publicity
19:27.21feutetejsdwhat a moron
19:27.54feutetejsdummm, yeah, apple is going to switch to Windows so they can close their doors....they're tired of doing business
19:28.03wpsApple's goal is not to increase their market share (if it happens, they won't complain, but that is not their goal)… their goal is to make the best products. Just like BMW… the goal is quality, not quantity)
19:28.41feutetejsd"it's so much work to run a company" said Steve Jobs as he rebooted after a blue screen of death
19:28.56feutetejsd"so, the only logical step is to concede"
19:29.08feutetejsdyeah, this guy is an itiot
19:29.12feutetejsdalso an idiot
19:29.21wpsyeah, both
19:32.25feutetejsdi'm surprised macnn posted it
19:33.19wpsme too
20:24.11*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
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23:17.53wpsthis will be very handy
23:18.03wpscreate new file contextual menu
23:19.00feutetejsdI'ma have to download that
23:19.57wpsa wired article is calling this trojan "THE FIRST MAC OS X WORM!!!" that i have NuFile installed, where do I go to edit the templates that it installs by default?
23:25.47wpsfirst thing that _I_ would do is to move the plugin in the pref pane from the global Library into your home library
23:26.07wpsthe developer is dumb and installed it global (should be user by default or at least give you a choice)
23:26.11wpsthe templates are in:
23:26.28wps~/Library/Contextual Menu Items/NuFile.plugin/Contents/Resources/
23:26.51feutetejsdah...for some reason I couldn't see the full path in the Pref PAne, nor could I scroll to it...
23:27.04wpsdouble-click it to be able to scroll and see it all
23:27.14feutetejsdtried that
23:28.01wpsthis is awesome that it has templates
23:28.19wpsso for my HTML files I can put my standard HTML skeleton in there!
23:28.20feutetejsdyeah, this is good sauce
23:38.27*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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23:42.19wpsI'm so mean
23:43.05feutetejsdwhy for?
23:44.01wpsmy most recent post to the list :)
23:44.11feutetejsdoh yeah...just read that
23:44.19feutetejsdyou're going to scare away our users!!!!
23:44.34wpsit's funny how people mix-n-match Apple and Macintosh
23:44.52wps"yeah, dude… I just bought an Apple from Macintosh!"
23:52.17*** join/#byumug drewbono (
23:53.58drewbonowps: is that cool?
23:54.18feutetejsdI'll second that
23:55.06drewbonodo you guys use quicksilver or butler?
23:55.11drewbonoI hear ppl rave about them
23:55.21wpsI didn't like quicksilver at all
23:55.29wpswell, I shouldn't say "at all"
23:55.33wpsbut it's not for me
23:55.38wpsI personally don't see why you need it
23:55.44wpsI had a coworker that worshipped it
23:56.06wpseven that discussion on the mailing list about wanting to categorize the apps folder into sub dirs
23:56.12wpsI don't understand what the problem is
23:56.26wpsI don't ever have a hard time finding apps or find it an incovenience to browse for them
23:56.32wpsthe ones I use daily are in my dock
23:56.47wpsthen I have he apps dir and the utility dir in the dock so that I can use it as a menu
23:57.07wpsand then I also cmd + shift + a and cmd + shift + u _a lot_ in Finder
23:57.33wpsany app is never more than a keystroke and perhaps a sling of the scroll wheel on the mouse away
23:59.11wpshave a most excellent night, gents
23:59.19wpsI'm out like a fat chick playing dodgeball

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