irclog2html for #byumug on 20060215

00:00.06wpshe hasn't done much for a long time and is asking for help
00:00.14wpsI couldn't live without it
00:00.45wpshere's another sad one:
00:00.56wps_the_ best desktop manager for Mac OS… bar none
00:01.09feutetejsdoh yeah, I've used that....
00:01.11feutetejsdcool stuff
00:01.11wpsbut 10.4 broke it and the developer hasn't touched it since
01:12.37*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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15:55.13*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:55.44feutetejsdhow goes the g-drive, wps?
15:55.56wpsit rocks
16:21.34wpscool, a photo tour of NewEgg's facitilities
16:22.36wpsNewEgg rocks
16:23.17feutetejsdhowever, anandtech's image server is buried
16:23.24feutetejsdso, none of the images will load :(
16:23.51wpsdang, look at all the accidents in SL
16:27.45wpsI wish that we could get more technical mac-heads to hang out in here
16:29.33feutetejsdfrankly, it would be nice to get more people to hang out here period.
16:29.53wpsI wish that the Utah Mac Users Group had a mailing list
16:30.02wpswhat good is a user group without a list?
16:30.13feutetejsdalthough, I guess being a university MUG, it makes sense....I guess some people actually go to class
16:30.21wpstrue :)
16:30.36feutetejsdalthough I cant imagine why
17:09.52*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
17:47.51wpsman, I am so dang sick of InDesign crashing
17:48.23feutetejsdthat's no good
17:50.53*** join/#byumug drewbono (n=andrew@
17:51.34feutetejsdhey drewbono!!!
17:52.04drewbonofeutetejsd: what's up?
17:52.25feutetejsdnot much....wps and I were just talking this morning about how we wish there were more technical mac-heads in here....
17:52.31feutetejsdand you have arrived!!!
17:55.51drewbonoNaaa...I'm not that technical.
17:55.55drewbonoI don't even know what I do anymore.
17:56.09drewbonoI have too many interests.
17:56.30wpssnowshoeing is my new interest
17:58.09wpsI woke up the other day and realized that I was half way to 27 and decided that I have got to get out and get my adventures in before I'm too crippled to do it if I wanted to
17:58.51feutetejsdhehe....I hear ya
17:59.12feutetejsdI'm nearly 30, and get winded walking up the stairs
17:59.44feutetejsdheck, I get winded just thinking about walking up the stairs
18:00.09drewbonowps: are you making fun of my old age?
18:00.23drewbono~lart wps
18:00.36wpsthat's another reason that I have no interest in going on for my masters
18:00.38feutetejsdtake that, wps
18:00.41drewbonoooooo...that was too mean.
18:00.45drewbonojbot, say sorry
18:00.49wpswe aren't on this planet for long
18:01.01wpsI'd rather be out on a hike then sitting through more classes
18:01.07drewbonotrue that
18:01.24drewbonoBut those of us who aren't blessed with your talent have to have degrees so people will hire us. :-)
18:18.54drewbonoso, here's a final cut studio question
18:19.09drewbonoapple's letting people upgrade to the universal version in March for $50
18:19.16drewbonoor $199 if you own just one of the apps
18:19.38drewbonomy question is: Will Apple do this and then release a new version of Final Cut Studio in April at NAB?
18:20.17drewbonoThereby making its customers pay the $50 universal cross-grade fee as well as the update fee for the newest FC Studio in April?
18:20.35drewbonoor do you think Apple will ship a new version to people in March as a thank you?
18:21.42feutetejsdno idea here....
18:21.43wpshmm… not sure
18:21.56wpsI think that it's absolutely stupid though that they are charging $50 for a UB
18:22.09wpsUB should be free for everyone with just the cose of a DVD and shipping
18:22.45drewbonoAnd for Apple's that's typically $20.
18:22.57drewbonoI wonder how they came up with the $50 fee?
18:23.21drewbonoIf you guys want to buy it though, you can get it really cheap right now.
18:23.29drewbonoBYU is selling Soundtrack Pro for $75
18:23.52drewbonoso you buy that, pay a $199 upgrade fee, and you'll have your own complete version of the entire studio for $274.
18:24.07drewbonoit retails academically for $699
18:24.24drewbonoretail is $1299
18:24.50feutetejsdalso wow
18:25.05drewbono"Apple Computer is holding an invitation-only special event with Steve Jobs and Bono on March 1, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. at the Moscone Center West in San Francisco. The invitation simply reads "Please join Steve and Bono. Together we can fight it!"
18:25.13drewbono-->Red AIDS iPod?
18:25.48wpsisn't there a special event in the twentieth too?
18:25.57feutetejsdor Red ANti-Poverty iPod
18:26.10drewbono20th of this month?
18:26.18wpssome time in the later of Feb
18:26.36drewbonoI think that was a hoax.
18:28.09wpsany recommendations for an HD camcorder?
18:28.13wpsI need to get one soon
18:29.15wpswith as much business as Panasonic does and as big of a company as they are, it is hard to beleive how nasty their website is
18:29.27wpsa lot of big companies are like that
18:29.29wpsI don't understand it
18:29.45drewbonowps: how much you wanna spend?
18:29.49wpsas an example, look at the hideous bevel on the text in this banner image!
18:30.09wpswell, I've been waiting and watching as the prices have been coming down
18:30.14wpshoping to get a good one for $1000
18:30.45drewbonoI think a more important question is, "why is that lady using her skis as a bazooka?"
18:30.51drewbonoShe looks scary.
18:31.12wpsshe's praying to the snow god
18:31.36wpsand WHY CAN'T ANYONE offer me an HD DVR/DVD player!?!?!?
18:32.15drewbonoI think people are waiting for blu-ray/hd-dvd to get figured out.
18:32.27wpsyeah… which makes me so mad
18:32.41drewbonoas far as a cam...I didn't know they were getting that cheap
18:32.46wpsI _hate_ that we have technology but stupid, greedy people keep it from us because they can't agree on a universal format
18:32.59drewbonoMy brother-in-law has been looking at the higher end.
18:33.08drewbonoHe got a nice JVC a while ago that he loves.
18:33.14drewbonobut he wants a Panasonic now.
18:33.20drewbonoBut they're all $6000+
18:35.16drewbonowps: what version of php and mysql are you running?
18:35.53wpson my mac or on my server?
18:36.56drewbonoI'm trying to add an account for myself on mysql and it just won't work.
18:37.00drewbonoI'm getting frustrated.
18:37.09wpsno MySQL on my workstations
18:37.52feutetejsdwhat's happening when you try to add the account on mysqkl?
18:37.55wpsPHP 5.0.4 on my Mac workstations
18:38.23drewbonothe account is there
18:38.38wpsdid you flush priveleges?
18:38.38drewbonobut I can't log in using phpmyadmin or via the terminal
18:38.48drewbonoI can via the MySQL Admin app
18:38.54drewbonoyeah, I did
18:39.24feutetejsdso, mysql -u <username> -p
18:39.46drewbonoI did the old password thing
18:40.05drewbonoNot sure if that matters.
18:40.06drewbonoERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'andrew'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
18:40.22feutetejsdwhat version of the server and client are you using?
18:40.28drewbonoI've deleted the user and re-added it to no avail.
18:40.34drewbonoserver is 4.1.15
18:40.54drewbonoclient is the same
18:41.54drewbonoI added the user via phpmyadmin
18:42.07drewbonothen I changed the password to an old password using the terminal
18:42.23drewbonoset password for 'andrew'@'%' = old_password('pass');
18:42.31drewbonoI think phpmyadmin needs that
18:42.57drewbonoI'm downloading 4.1.18 now
18:44.38drewbonoany ideas?
18:46.19feutetejsdif you add the user manually from command line, does it work? if so, does it work with mysql client only, or phpMyAdmin?
18:50.35drewbonolemme try
18:54.57drewbonoif a mysql user is valid for %, doesn't that mean it can log in anywhere (including from the local machine)
18:55.44feutetejsdI don't think it includes localhost
18:55.52feutetejsdi think you have to have a separate entry for localhost
18:56.23drewbonoSon of a...
18:56.47drewbonoso if I'm using phpmyadmin that's running on the localhost's webserver, does that count as a local connection?
18:57.09feutetejsdI would think so
18:57.40feutetejsdI believe the reason is taht localhost connections use a different UNIX socket to connect to the server
18:57.48feutetejsdalthough I could be imagining that
19:02.18feutetejsdany love from adding another one that's localhost?
19:02.37drewbonoI can log in via the terminal on the localhost now
19:02.41drewbonobut not via phpmyadmin
19:03.20drewbonowell, restarting the server fixed it
19:03.25drewbonoalthough I did flush privileges.
19:03.30drewbonovery very werid
19:03.31feutetejsdthat's really weird
19:03.39feutetejsdso, everyone's happy now?
19:04.22wpsI'm happy
19:04.28drewbonoand another thing I had to do was restart firefox
19:04.33drewbonothanks feutetejsd
19:04.33feutetejsdgood to hear, wps
19:04.36feutetejsdno worries
19:04.38drewbonoand yeah, I'm happy too
19:04.45feutetejsdwow, EVERYONE is happy
19:04.51feutetejsdyou just can't beat that
19:04.52drewbonoalthough I'm still upset at MySQL inside
19:05.02feutetejsdlet it go, drewbono
19:07.22wpsjbot, kiss drewbono
19:07.24jbotACTION smooches drewbono on the cheek
19:07.48drewbonojbot: tell wps drewbono isn't gay
19:08.02drewbono[12:07pm] jbot: No, drewbono, I won't. (target invalid?)
19:08.12drewbonojbot, tell wps I'm not gay!
19:08.38wpsjbot, dance
19:08.39jbot"ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive"
19:15.28drewbonojbot, why don't you listen to me?
19:15.37drewbonojbot, listen!
19:15.50feutetejsdyou tell him!
19:15.59drewbonoYeah, nevermind.  jbot's definitely a woman.  She doesn't listen. :-)
19:16.18drewbonoSo I guess the smooch was ok.
19:16.46drewbonoalthough now that I'm engaged, fiancee might not like that.
19:16.54feutetejsdshe doesn't have to know
19:17.01feutetejsdmum's the word
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