irclog2html for #byumug on 20060214

04:12.42*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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15:21.21*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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15:41.55*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:54.44wpsgood news about the MacBook
15:54.49wps2.1 GHz surprise
15:55.01feutetejsdoh really?
15:57.17feutetejsdthat's cool!
18:43.53dna3e8How do you install a printer
18:44.28wpsPrinter Setup Utility
18:44.43dna3e8Oh I was in prefrances
18:45.03feutetejsdthere's a button in Print & Fax preference pane labeled Set Up Printers....
18:45.11feutetejsdthat will launch the Printer SEtup Utility
18:45.17wpsyes… you can use that… but I personally wish that it wasn't there
18:45.26wpsit confuses people and makes them used to going to preferences to set up a printer
18:45.30wpswhich doesn't make sense
18:45.42wpssetting up a printer isn't a "preference"
18:46.10dna3e8it is pluged in with usb
18:46.32dna3e8I don't see is any where
18:46.55feutetejsdyeah, although I can see their rationale in putting it's much easier to provide access to setup/preference items all in one location rather than having lots of disparate utilities scattered hither and yon
18:47.15dna3e8more printers dosn't have usb connection
18:47.24wpsand although it doesn't make any sense to me to look for it there… a lot (perhaps most) people do
18:47.38feutetejsdyeah, OK, on to dna3e8's problem....
18:47.57dna3e8I agree with you
18:48.39feutetejsdso, you go to the printer setup utility, and click "Add", is that right?
18:48.54wpsyour printer is on, right?
18:49.07wpsand you don't see it in the default browser?
18:49.21dna3e8I see someone else's Bonjor printer
18:49.49dna3e8it is not in default browser
18:52.55wpsmy g-drive arrived!!!
18:53.00wpsoh man… it's so sexy
18:55.13dna3e8is there any way to use the printer
18:56.00feutetejsdhave you restarted your machine with the printer attached and powered on?
18:56.26dna3e8i don't think so
18:56.50feutetejsdmight be worth a shot....despite USB being all plug-n-play and such, I've seen some times where it's not so much...
18:56.55feutetejsdoh....and also, you left the chat
18:57.27feutetejsdso, wps, you're gonna have to give us a play-by-play of the g-drive
19:00.36wpsplugging it in now :)
19:01.01wpsseriously… this hard ware is beautiful
19:02.06wpsonly one negative so far
19:02.12wpswas supposed to come with three cables: USB 2, FW 400, FW 400
19:02.14wpsonly came with one
19:02.16wpsa FW 800
19:02.19wpson the phone with them
19:04.49wpsturns out the website was wrong
19:04.55wpsthey will send the other two though because that's what it said
19:05.01wpsand will be updating their site quickly :)
19:05.26feutetejsdhehe...nice work
19:05.36feutetejsdi love finding little nuggets like that
19:06.12feutetejsddid you ebd up buying direct from manufacturer?
19:06.20feutetejsder...end up buying....
19:06.31wpsdidn't find it less expensive anywhere else
19:06.41wpsI thought that I had… but they weren't the same HD size
19:08.06*** join/#byumug dna3e8 (n=dna3e8@
19:08.39dna3e8still no printer
19:08.54wpscame pre-formatted
19:09.33feutetejsdcool....dna3e8, does it show up in the System Profiler under Hardware->USB ?
19:09.36wpsnot journaled though
19:09.42wpswhat do you think, feutetejsd
19:09.56feutetejsdit's hfs?
19:09.59wpsnot worth journaling on an external HD?
19:10.33dna3e8Feutejsd: no
19:10.40feutetejsdhmmmmm.....not sure, really....I'm a fan of journaling at most times. you using it for anything really mission-critical?
19:10.48wpsback up
19:10.52feutetejsddna3e8, that's odd...
19:11.22dna3e8the printer light was blinking so there is some comunication
19:11.37wpsI have always used Mac OS Extended (journaled) in the past
19:11.39feutetejsdhmmm... dna3e8, does this printer work on other machines?
19:11.54wpsMac OS Extended == HFS+
19:12.39feutetejsdwps, it might be interesting to play with the drive a bit in journaled vs would be interesting to see time/CPU usage writing some files of varying sizes to it to see how it compares
19:13.03feutetejsddna3e8, what make/model of printer is it?
19:13.29dna3e8hp deskjet 870Cse
19:13.47wpsdo you have HP's drivers installed?
19:15.06dna3e8yes and no, I use HPIJS to print to a windows shared deskjet 670C
19:15.25wpswhat is HPUS?
19:15.39wpsso this printer is not directly connected to the computer?
19:16.12dna3e8this one is (the broken one) my old one is not.
19:16.19wpsone thing that I do do, feutetejsd, for backup drives with 10.4 is to disable indexing for the drives… since there is no need to search them… since they are exact mirrors
19:16.32wpsthe first thing that you need to do is to download and install HPs drivers
19:16.38feutetejsdweird...on HP's site, under software/driver downloads for the deskjet 870cse, it lists all versions of wintendo, plus Mac OS 8&9, but not OSX
19:16.42wpsthen it should appear in the default browser
19:16.52wpsthen it probably isn't supported
19:16.55wpshow old is the printer?
19:17.26feutetejsdwps, that's good to know....I'm speaking from 10.3 experience :)
19:17.34dna3e8HPIJS is an open souce project supporting old priners on OSX
19:17.44wpsit just depends on if you ever want to search it (via spotlight)
19:17.56wpsif you don't, then there is no reason to index it (slows it down)
19:19.21feutetejsdyeah, makes sense...dna3e8, I'm not sure what to tell you, unfortunately. seems to me that unless Google can provide some enlightenment, it may not work with OS X
19:19.42wpsis this computer alone or is it on a network?
19:19.49wpsdo you have another computer that can be the host and share it?
19:20.07feutetejsdthat may be a decent option
19:20.11dna3e8'that is easy'
19:20.17wpsor, another option is to try a USB print server
19:20.29wpsalthough most companies don't "support" this configuration
19:20.32wpsso you're on your own
19:21.41feutetejsdbummer...on HP's site, under system requirements:
19:21.42feutetejsdMac OS v. 7.1 to Mac OS 9.x (no connectivity or software support for Mac OS X)
19:26.03feutetejsdwps, it seems to me that it would be a good idea to go with would be bad to have, say a power outage, that kills your HD in your machine, and to find that your backup also tanked due to the power outage and because it wasn't journaled, you now are the proud owner of not one, but two bricked hard drives
19:26.19wpsI reformatted to journaled
19:27.08feutetejsdwe actually had an interesting experience with journaling on a Linux system recently where it was like the machine was too fast for the journaling to keep up, and it started spewing all kinds of ext3 errors
19:27.13feutetejsdgood times
19:27.32wpsthe next thing that I really need for home is a UPS
19:27.41feutetejsdyeah, it was wild, but we were really beating the disks up
19:27.46wpsI am tired of the power going out… bad for my electronics
19:27.51feutetejsdit has saved my bacon several times
22:52.03*** join/#byumug airsimon (n=BYUMUG@
22:52.32airsimonanyone here?
22:52.56wpsairsimon, feutetejsd, jbot, ChanServ, and wps
22:53.31wpsdid he honestly think that we'd respond within twenty seconds?
22:54.36wpsI hate it when people jump into a channel and say "anyone here?"… "anyone awake?"
22:54.46wpslike we're just sitting here waiting for them to come so that we can help them
22:54.59wpsjust ask your question… if we know the answer and want to respond… we will
23:24.53wps10.4.5 is out
23:27.43wpswow, the cube effect works on dual displays now
23:28.41wpsstill can't fix rsync though :(
23:29.25feutetejsdgood luck
23:36.47*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
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23:37.13wpsyou were worried I wasn't coming back, huh
23:37.26wpslooks like everything is okay, except transparent dock doesn't work
23:37.50wpsI think that that developer is preventing it from working on versions other than those that he has tested it on though opposed to it actually not working dock is transparent....I wonder if I did that with cocktail or something...
23:39.49feutetejsdcan't remember
23:40.06wpsman, it sure is ugly with that background
23:40.21wpscleardock by Unsanity is the most common method
23:40.38feutetejsdummmm...costs $??
23:40.51wpsbut I found out that it is not a good method as it hacks into the kernel in real time
23:41.02wpswell, not the kernel… but processes
23:41.11wpstransparent dock is a much better approach transparent dock a feature in Tiger?
23:41.31wpsit alters the dock binary and then exits… then it is done… a one time thing
23:41.54wpstransparent dock is a little app that just alters the dock
23:41.58feutetejsdso, you're using Unsanity or similar?
23:42.23wpsthe difference though is that it just does it once instead of doing it in real time like Unsanity does
23:42.27wpsno, Unsanity approach == bad
23:42.31feutetejsdoh, I see
23:42.32wpstransparent dock == much better
23:42.57feutetejsdso, the transparent dock to which you are referring is a utility?
23:43.13wpsyes. a little app
23:43.19feutetejsdah, cool
23:43.25feutetejsdwhere did you get it from?
23:46.09wpsdo you use SSHKeyChain?
23:47.53wpsoh, man, you have to get that
23:47.53feutetejsdbut I do use JellyFiSSH.....which I love
23:47.58wpsit is the best ever
23:47.58feutetejsdwhat's SSHKeyChain?
23:48.04wpsit manages your SSH keys
23:48.18feutetejsdcool....from where?
23:48.40feutetejsdhave you ever used JellyFiSSH?
23:48.55wpsI am aware of it but haven't actually used it
23:49.35feutetejsdi love it....use it to bookmark the 40+ servers I SSH to on a regular basis
23:50.02wpsI set aliases for the ones I connect to regularly
23:50.14wpsso I can just type a one word string
23:50.26wpssuch as "home" instead of "ssh" etc
23:51.21feutetejsdah...this gives you a GUI to manage connections, then you right-click its icon in the dock and it lists all of your seelct one and it opens Terminal with an SSH session to it
23:51.28feutetejsdi love it
23:52.01wpsall I use it for is to remember my SSH password
23:52.49wpsso that if I am scp-ing stuff to a server repeatedly (that I have my SSH key on), I only have to enter my password once and it will keep it "open" for a while so that I can just scp-y and scp-y without having to enter my password in each time
23:53.20wpsit can keep it open forever by adding it to your keychain, but I consider that a security risk
23:53.29wps…if someone were to get in front of my computer
23:54.54feutetejsdone cool thing about JellyFiSSH is that you can group your bookmarks into groups like production systems, dev systems, home systems, etc....
23:54.59wpsso I have it set to remove the keys from the agent when I lock the screen
23:55.12wpsthat's cool
23:55.23feutetejsdthe developer actually responded to my email when  suggested that, and said he thought it was a good idea...and it ended up in the next version
23:55.36feutetejsdI'd be dead in the water without it
23:59.08feutetejsdi'ma have to look into sshKeyChain
23:59.59wpsi just hope that the developers hasn't/does not throw in the towel

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