irclog2html for #byumug on 20060119

00:02.02*** join/#byumug JakeSpur (
00:49.02*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
00:49.02*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
04:07.51*** join/#byumug cboyack (n=cboyack@
08:36.02*** join/#byumug guest_5875 (
16:39.19*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:47.31*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
16:47.31*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
16:55.04*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (n=john@
16:55.25_psychic_I'm having problems sending mail from on campus - anyone figured that out?
16:55.35_psychic_I followed the article on the site.. :/
16:56.38feutetejsdwhat error(s) do you get?
16:57.18cboyackerror #3982:  OIT is retarded.  We apologize for the inconvenience.
16:57.54cboyackjohn, fyi denis and i got our junk done on the wiki last night.  i saw jason's was up too
16:59.10_psychic_"Cannot send message using the server (null)"
16:59.24_psychic_so I switch it to
17:01.48_psychic_cboyack: remember to login before you edit next time
17:02.19cboyacki prefer the comfort that anonymity provides... :)  j/k, i will
17:03.56feutetejsdwow.....from a businessweek article: "It costs Apple $898 to assemble the iMac before loading it with software and packing it in a box"
17:04.03feutetejsdnot much room left for profit
17:04.31_psychic_considering the other option, its quite a bit of profit ;)
17:04.50cboyackreminds me of M$ and the xbox 360.. they lost money on every shipment.. they make their money on games though
17:04.50feutetejsdyou mean PPC or Wintel?
17:05.06feutetejsdah yes....true dat
17:05.23_psychic_How many laptops you see running on a G5? ;)
17:06.26cboyackyou think that was a cost issue?
17:07.23_psychic_no its a it-cant-be-done-yet issue
17:07.44_psychic_stick an intel in there, you've got great speed and low heat
17:07.55_psychic_stick a g5 and you have a melted PB
17:07.59cboyacki wasn't following your logic
17:08.09cboyackwell at least you have a portable way to fry eggs..
17:10.50_psychic_yeah but it costs you $2k ;)
17:11.05_psychic_but hey - its some sexy hardware
17:55.58*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (n=john@
22:22.31wpsanyone have experience editing PDFs (changing the text)?
22:25.20feutetejsda little.....very little
22:25.41wpsI'll ask the list
22:25.51wpsI've done it before but can't get it to work now
22:37.09cboyack[home]wps, you can try
22:37.17cboyack[home]i've never tried it, but it might do the trick
22:37.57wpswell, it'd better work with Acrobat Pro or I am in trouble
22:38.05wpsI just had my employer purchase Acrobat Pro
22:38.13wpsit's not for me though, it's for our secretary
22:38.24wpsso that I can create documents (in InDesign or Illustrator) and then she can edit them
22:39.00wpsthe goal is for her to be able to edit text without being able to edit formating or style (or needing the font on her machine)
22:42.06wps(explains what I want)
22:46.04*** join/#byumug gotfef (n=jbaker@
22:46.37gotfefhey - thanks to everyone who helped me with my font problem yesterday
22:46.53gotfefturns out i had a corrupt version of arial in my user account
22:48.20feutetejsdglad to hear you got it worked out
22:48.27feutetejsdprops to wps for that suggestion
22:48.46gotfefyeah, thanks again - i just got rid of the font from there since it existed in about five other places
22:49.15wpsyes, there is no need for a copy of Arial on your home dir unless you have some special version
22:49.38gotfefgotcha, that makes sense
22:49.49gotfefi'm not sure how it got corrupted in the first place, but you never know
22:51.04feutetejsdso, here's something weird I noticed yesterday.... a lot of the fonts in ~/Library/Fonts on my machine are 0-byte files. only a very few actually contain data. Do you suppose the 0-byte files are just stub files so Office knows what fonts it should have available to it or something fruity like that?
22:51.15wpsfonts corrupt easily
22:51.31wpsdoubt it
22:51.56wpsI would bet that they were copied/written wrong and lost their extended attributes
22:52.16feutetejsdhmmmm....however, I have no problems with fonts in Office

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