irclog2html for #byumug on 20060113

00:58.56*** join/#byumug guest_4780 (
03:33.03*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
03:33.04*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:24.43*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
15:24.43*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:28.31*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:41.30feutetejsdso, here's fruity iTunes behavior of the day.....I have a playlist that i want to burn as an MP3 CD. When I try to burn it, it says there were 9 errors, all of which say "Only files that are already in MP3 format may be burned to an MP3 CD". However, they are already in MP3 format, and in fact, I have successfully burned this exact playlist as an MP3 CD in the past.....any thoughts?
15:42.30wpsshouldn't you be able to burn an MP3 CD from the finder?
15:43.32feutetejsdI dunno.....that would be a fairly manual process, though....i would have to create theplaylist manually....
15:44.29feutetejsdi'm going to ty re-converting the MP3s by right-clicking and "Convert Selectino to MP3"
15:44.50wpsI ran into something with iTunes this morning as well
15:45.22wpsI cannot create a smart playlist with the criteria of  "my rating, or more than 3 stars"
15:45.38wpsit will let me select one, two, four, and five stars, but not three
15:45.46feutetejsdthat's really odd
16:13.20feutetejsdso, it appears that when you convert a file from another format to mp3 in iTunes, it leaves the original file in place, nd in fact appears to keep the original in the playlist, rather than the newly converted mp3 version
16:15.50wpsyes, it's always done that
16:16.17wpsthe function is improperly named
16:16.21wpsit's not convert
16:16.39wpsit should be "create copy from"
16:16.58feutetejsdand also dumb
19:08.42wpsah… so much better
19:08.54cboyackcool program, best of show at macworld this year :
19:09.03wpsI have been working without speakers for a month and a half
19:09.15wpsit's so nice to be able to heard all of the visual cues that apps give off again
19:09.57feutetejsdwow, can hear visual cues? that's pretty cool ;)
19:31.47wpshistory of the command icon:
19:55.38*** join/#byumug guest_1429 (
19:56.00wpswelcome, guest_1429
22:43.26*** join/#byumug rodney_ (n=jbaker@
23:12.23*** join/#byumug guest_3185 (

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