irclog2html for #byumug on 20060112

04:01.12*** join/#byumug drewbono (
05:16.55*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
05:16.55*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
04:01.12*** join/#byumug drewbono (
05:16.55*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
05:16.55*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:34.00*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
15:34.00*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:48.19*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:18.15*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
16:18.15*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
17:16.45feutetejsdwps, did you get your directories deleted?
17:17.31wpsno, but I needed to repartition the HD, so I had to wipe which eliminated the problem
17:17.45feutetejsdhehe....nothing like taking a sledge hammer to it, eh?
17:33.19cboyack[away]the quad lives!  (feut, back to your larting, i guess)
17:33.53feutetejsdglad to hear aman
17:45.10feutetejsdhave either of you heard when Adobe will be making photoshop intel mac compatible?
17:45.39cboyackno.. i've been waiting forever for them to make an indesign spotlight plugin, ugh
18:09.02feutetejsdok, there's a decent chance I'm an idiot, but in iTunes, I have a bottom frame under my main music listing that shows selections from the iTMS that spans the whole width of the main music listing. How do I make that go away?
18:09.41feutetejsdit shows today's top songs, top albmums, new releases....
18:09.53feutetejsdyeah, I'm an idiot
18:10.00feutetejsdI figured out how to make it go away
18:10.06feutetejsdnothing to see here....move along....
18:10.27feutetejsdthere's a handy little button at the bottom right that lets you show or hide the mini-store
18:11.20cboyackyeah, if you've been reading the BYUMUG mailing list there was a lot of discussion about that yesterday
18:11.32feutetejsdyup, one more reason I'm an idiot
18:11.37feutetejsd~lart feutetejsd
04:01.12*** join/#byumug drewbono (
05:16.55*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
05:16.55*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:34.00*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
15:34.00*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:48.19*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
16:18.15*** join/#byumug wps (n=wps@
16:18.15*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
17:16.45feutetejsdwps, did you get your directories deleted?
17:17.31wpsno, but I needed to repartition the HD, so I had to wipe which eliminated the problem
17:17.45feutetejsdhehe....nothing like taking a sledge hammer to it, eh?
17:33.19cboyack[away]the quad lives!  (feut, back to your larting, i guess)
17:33.53feutetejsdglad to hear aman
17:45.10feutetejsdhave either of you heard when Adobe will be making photoshop intel mac compatible?
17:45.39cboyackno.. i've been waiting forever for them to make an indesign spotlight plugin, ugh
18:09.02feutetejsdok, there's a decent chance I'm an idiot, but in iTunes, I have a bottom frame under my main music listing that shows selections from the iTMS that spans the whole width of the main music listing. How do I make that go away?
18:09.41feutetejsdit shows today's top songs, top albmums, new releases....
18:09.53feutetejsdyeah, I'm an idiot
18:10.00feutetejsdI figured out how to make it go away
18:10.06feutetejsdnothing to see here....move along....
18:10.27feutetejsdthere's a handy little button at the bottom right that lets you show or hide the mini-store
18:11.20cboyackyeah, if you've been reading the BYUMUG mailing list there was a lot of discussion about that yesterday
18:11.32feutetejsdyup, one more reason I'm an idiot
18:11.37feutetejsd~lart feutetejsd
19:19.36*** join/#byumug guest_3941 (
20:26.15*** join/#byumug guest_4215 (
20:26.57*** join/#byumug guest_4215 (
23:30.31*** join/#byumug Z23 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.