irclog2html for #byumug on 20051127

00:10.16*** join/#byumug dn3e8 (
00:11.59dn3e8still trying to create a guest account
00:31.41wpsdn3e8, you could create an account named something else and then change the account's short username
00:32.50dn3e8I am still a little curious as to why I cant use the name guest
00:33.23wpstry asking the list
00:33.50wpsI have never heard of anyone not being able to use that and since I cannot replicate it, it's hard for me to debug or come up with ideas
00:35.28dn3e8do you know who is the MUGer that works at the genus bar
00:36.01wpsI don't. Sorry. There are a lot of smart people on the list though. I would ask if anyone else has every experienced something similar.
00:36.59dn3e8I bet ther is a bug in the upgrade to tiger version...
00:37.27wpsyou upgraded from 10.3 to 10.4 instead of installing 10.4 fresh?
00:38.04dn3e8my mac mini came 10.3 and an upgrade disk
00:38.30wpsthat's a good guess then… not even that there is a bug per say, but just the upgrading process, something could have not been written correctly
00:38.41wpsI would always recommend reformatting and installing fresh
00:38.47wpsfor major upgrades
00:39.06wpshow long since you set it up? would it be painful to reformat?
00:39.09dn3e8My tiger is an upgrade only
00:39.29wpsupgrade only?
00:39.36dn3e8not too pain full, I do whole clone of my HD every month...
00:40.23wpsI have never heard of Apple releasing an OS disc without the entire OS on it
00:40.39dn3e8the DVD says it ina an upgrade.. and when I tried to just install off of the tiger DVD it said it couldn't...
00:41.10dn3e8Maybe I need to check it again
00:41.24wpsdo you have a normal 10.4 install disc?
00:41.33wps(ie: one that didn't come with the mini)
00:42.24dn3e8I might... it depends on what apple shipped... the recovery DVD is 10.3
00:42.56dn3e8NO I don't have one that didn't come with the mini... I could probably get one though
00:43.02dn3e8(from the MUG)
00:45.44wpsso, why did it come with 10.3 installed and an upgrade-to-10.4 disc? did you purchase it right at the time 10.4 was released?
00:51.55wpsI'd say that you own a license to 10.4 then and would recommend just borrowing a standard 10.4 install disc from a friend, wiping the mini, and installing fresh
05:57.14*** join/#byumug cboyack (n=cboyack@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:08.34*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
06:08.46*** join/#byumug ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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15:52.58*** join/#byumug guest_2112 (
16:43.10*** join/#byumug guest_1498 (n=BYUMUG@

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