irclog2html for #byumug on 20051117

00:01.30drewbonobye feutetejsd
00:20.56*** join/#byumug _psy_[away] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:20.57*** join/#byumug drewbono ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:20.57*** join/#byumug cboyack[awaaaay] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:41.23*** join/#byumug cboyack[awaaaay] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:05.07*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (n=john@
02:12.16*** join/#byumug crowderb (n=crowderb@
02:13.33*** part/#byumug crowderb (n=crowderb@
02:14.04*** join/#byumug crowderb (n=crowderb@
02:14.48*** part/#byumug crowderb (n=crowderb@
02:16.41*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
02:16.43*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
03:00.05*** join/#byumug dna3e8 (n=davidall@
03:01.05dna3e8hi jbot
03:07.04wpsjbot, say hello
03:12.42dna3e8I take it jbot is a bot, is he the only bot
03:54.18*** join/#byumug dn3e8 (n=dna3e8@
03:59.03dn3e8sorry my IRC client crashed and I ddi not see your responce. if  jbot the only bot
03:59.14wpsyes, jbot is a bot
03:59.20wpshe is the only bot in this channel
03:59.31*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
03:59.52dn3e8(I am new to IRC) what is special about ChanServ and WPS
04:27.51*** join/#byumug rkm (
06:09.16dn3e8dn3e8: (I am new to IRC) what is special about ChanServ and WPS
06:14.17*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
07:52.47*** join/#byumug ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
07:52.47*** mode/#byumug [+o ChanServ] by
11:56.05*** join/#byumug jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
11:56.05*** topic/#byumug is BYU Mac Users Group |
13:33.09*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
13:34.06*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
13:59.43wpsdn3e8, chanserv is the server
13:59.56wpskind of a bot, but not really
14:00.23wpswell, I guess it is a bot
15:03.28*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
15:10.56dn3e8say hi Chanserv
15:11.09dn3e8say hi jbot
15:11.19dn3e8Say hello jbot
15:11.25_psychic_jbot_, welcome dn3e8
15:11.53_psychic_~say boo!
15:12.07_psychic_~piglatin welcome to the mac mug channel!
15:12.53*** join/#byumug wps (n=wade@
15:12.55*** mode/#byumug [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:13.12_psychic_~piglatin welcome to the mac mug channel, wade!
15:13.58dn3e8Mind if I as what  "operator privileges" are?
15:14.05_psychic_I think he also has an interface to wikipedia
15:14.17dn3e8~wiki fish
15:14.19wpsno way!@
15:14.25wpsI didn't know jbot was fluent in pig latin
15:14.43wpsoperators run channels
15:14.57wpsset topics, grant privileges, kick people out, etc
15:15.17*** topic/#byumug by wps -> Apple Store opening at Gateway, Saturday
15:15.32dn3e8yeah I'm thinking of going
15:16.32dn3e8~weather in provo
15:16.44wps~weather 84057
15:17.31wps~weather KPVU
15:18.25wpsjbot, do you have a girlfriend?
15:18.26jbotyes, I have a girlfriend.
15:20.07dn3e8jbot, what is your girlfriend's name?
15:20.10jbotI think you lost me on that one, dn3e8
15:20.36wpsjbot, who is your girlfriend?
15:20.40jbotI think you lost me on that one, wps
15:21.11dn3e8jbot, Does your girlfriend have a name?
15:21.36*** topic/#byumug by dn3e8 ->
15:22.40dn3e8(note to self: don't click that again)
15:24.41dn3e8How do you make text different styles, italic, bold etc?
15:25.17wpsI don't think there is a way. Many people still view IRC in plain text clients.
15:25.29wpsyou can put emphasis on a word like _this_
15:25.51dn3e8I have seen a few elsewhere use Italics...
15:25.57wpshmm… not sure
15:26.32dn3e8Sorry about killing the topic (i was wondering what the 'big red button' would do)
15:26.48dn3e8~apple news
15:26.50*** topic/#byumug by wps -> Apple Store Gateway grand opening Saturday
15:27.05wpsbig, red button?
15:27.24wpsyou shouldn't have sufficient privileges to mess with the topic
15:27.33wpsdn3e8, what client are you using?
15:28.03dn3e8Ok it is really blue but it was taunting me... I am using conversation (the MUG suggested one crashes)
15:28.24dn3e8Conception and Devlopment
15:28.24dn3e8Philippe Robin
15:28.24dn3e8French - Philippe Robin
15:28.24dn3e8Italian - Salvatore Scandurra & Lorenzo Magnini
15:28.24wpsColloquy is crashing for you?
15:28.24dn3e8Spanish - Fidel Martínez & Juän
15:28.26dn3e8Japanese - Koji Fukui
15:28.28dn3e8Traditional Chinese - #osxchat @ IRCNET
15:28.45dn3e8yep wont work for over 10 min
15:28.53wpsit's never crashed for me
15:28.57wpsrun it 24 hours a day
15:29.10wpswhat is all that stuff you pasted in here?
15:29.36dn3e8It was spose to be the about info on conversation....
15:31.25dn3e8I have fink installed... and may have it set up wrong.. I get funny system stuff happening
15:37.35*** join/#byumug feutetejsd (
15:38.37_psychic_~dollar _psychic_
15:38.38jbotIf I had a dollar for every brain _psychic_ didn't have... I'd have ONE dollar *CREEPERZ*
15:42.54_psychic_~quote AAPL
15:53.05_psychic_How do you get the bot in other channels? Is it something running on this server, or is it a local program?
15:53.17wpsit is running on it's own server
15:53.27wpsyou invite it to join a channel
15:53.52wpsjbot, join #test
15:54.00wpsdidn't work
15:54.01wpsI am not sure
15:54.02wpslet me ask
15:54.04wpshold please
16:04.13wpswell, looks like macnewbold isn't into the office yet
16:04.16wpshe knows
16:04.22wpsI will let you know when I hear from him
16:24.58wpsjbot's dad has to send him to your channel
16:25.33_psychic_~who's yo daddy?!
16:26.32wpsjbot, who's your daddy?
16:26.33jbotYOU are, Mr Sexy Pants!
16:26.51wps_psychic_, jbot's father and his "daddy" are different people
16:27.00wpshis creator is Tim Riker
16:58.24*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
17:49.57*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
19:03.23*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
19:29.46*** join/#byumug _psychic_ (
19:32.09_psychic_any XServe admins in the crowd?
19:32.54feutetejsdnot me...although I'd like to get some time on one...
20:11.51*** join/#byumug nately (n=nately@
20:12.17feutetejsdwelcome back, nately
20:12.50natelyThanks.  I've missed you guys.  :'-)
20:13.16natelyWhat's new in here?
20:13.44feutetejsdnot has been a bit quiet, actually
20:13.52feutetejsdI think wps is asleep at work
20:14.07natelyThat's usually what I do at work too.  :-)
20:14.31natelySo, anyone have an idea what to do when the Sound Preference Pane crashes?
20:15.07feutetejsdI don't....
20:15.17feutetejsdI've never experienced that, honestly
20:15.25natelyNor have I, until now.
20:16.15natelyI tried trashing the prefs, but that didn't work.
20:17.01feutetejsdand it just crashes when you try to open it? does it kill the System Preferences entirely?
20:17.34natelyYeah, it closes the SysPref program as soon as you click on it and gives the Reopen... Close... Report ... options.
20:18.32natelyI don't want to delete the Sound Pane because I doubt OS X would regenerate it on a restart.
20:18.49feutetejsdI wonder if /var/log/system.log has anything interesting
20:18.58natelyBut, maybe if I just copy it from an install CD.
20:19.01natelyLet me check.
20:19.27feutetejsdor maybe ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/System Preferences.crash.log
20:20.03natelyHeres' the last few lines:
20:20.03natelyNov 17 13:05:09 Nately kernel[0]: [AppleUSBHCIController][StopIsochPipeRead] - mInt1IsochInPipe = 0 - numReadsPending = 0
20:20.07natelyNov 17 13:08:40 Nately kernel[0]: arp: moved from 00:11:24:8f:27:df to 00:90:96:ab:b8:64 on en1
20:20.11natelyNov 17 13:14:22 Nately : Client application bug: DNSServiceResolver(morse@MorsePB-2._presence._tcp.local.) active for over
20:20.16natelyNov 17 13:14:22 Nately : Client application bug: DNSServiceResolver(jroobraf@Lappy-2._presence._tcp.local.) active for ove
20:20.20natelyr two minutes. This places considerable burden on the network.
20:20.22natelyNov 17 13:19:10 Nately crashdump[448]: System Preferences crashed
20:20.25natelyNov 17 13:19:10 Nately crashdump[448]: crash report written to: /Users/nately/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/System Preference
20:20.31natelyWhat's that DNS thing?
20:21.52feutetejsddo jroobraf@Lappy-2 and morse@Morse-PB-2 mean anything to you?
20:22.22natelyI used to have a Morse code program, let's see if that's still around.
20:22.42feutetejsdhmmm....that's odd. not sure what to make of it.
20:23.02feutetejsdas for the Prefs crash, I'd look in /Users/nately/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/System Preferences.crash.log
20:23.04natelyHmm...  I guess there was a Morse guy on bonjour.
20:23.37feutetejsdah, that could be
20:24.38natelyAh.....  This is it....
20:24.39natelySymbol not found: _BSRemoteControlFeatureAvailable
20:25.05natelyI tried the "public" version of FrontRow which required replacing the BezelServices folder.
20:25.32natelyBut I undid everything, so I don't know what's going on now.
20:25.33cboyackthat's what you get for using software you shouldn't ;)  hehe
20:25.38cboyackbut PhotoBooth is aweeeeesome
20:25.47natelyI know, I know.  That's ....
20:25.50natelyWait a minute....
20:26.00natelyDo you have a new iMac?
20:26.19cboyackmoi?  nope - I'm the lucky son of a gun getting the quad g5
20:26.25cboyackfriend of mine has the imac though.. sleek
20:26.27natelyAh, that's right.
20:26.47natelyWell, at least I know the problem now.
20:26.55natelyNow I get to try to fix it.
20:27.31feutetejsd~lart cboyack
20:37.52natelyMan, you guys are dead today.
20:38.14cboyackSorry.. a guy can only talk about his *new quad g5* so much before he becomes prideful ;)
20:38.37feutetejsd~lart cboyack
20:44.50dn3e8cboyyack: is "accidently l..." in italics?
20:47.37cboyack?  i didn't put it into italics
20:54.39dn3e8just my imagination then....
20:55.56cboyackor your need for glasses?  :)
21:05.27cboyackwasn't there some fatty prize at the SLC store opening other than just shirts?
21:06.20cboyackEnter the Grand Opening Sweepstakes to win a Digital Lifestyle Collection valued at $2350. The winner will receive a 17-inch flat-panel iMac G5 with Superdrive, an iPod nano, a Canon PowerShot SD400 digital camera, a Canon ZR100 digital camcorder, and an Epson CX4200 printer. No purchase necessary. Submit your entry from November 19 through December 19. See official rules and details.
21:06.38feutetejsdoh my
21:07.06cboyackchances are... like one in a bajillion :)
21:07.27feutetejsdsounds good to me
21:08.56cboyack~lart Bill Gates
21:12.29wpsthis is the most traffic we've had in here in months and months
21:12.42cboyackas I mentioned yesterday, we had 8 members for a few minutes
21:12.49cboyackso guess that sets the record thus far
21:12.54wpsI was on a fatty 2 hour lunch
21:13.06wpspaid for by a supplier
21:13.16feutetejsd~lart wps' long lunch
21:13.24feutetejsdthat was weak, jbot
21:14.05cboyack~lart jbot
21:24.54cboyackdo you guys think there are employees at apple whose sole job it is to track the rumor mills and see how people respond to certain things that are leaked, whether intentional or not?
21:26.25cboyackoh my word....
21:28.23wpsdid you hear about iPodLinux getting video to play on the Nano?
21:28.34cboyackserious?  link?
21:28.45natelyThat poddater is hilarious.
21:32.28wpssorry, cboyack

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.